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S05.E07: Vigilante

Tara Ariano

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55 minutes ago, bijoux said:

Speaking of, did the ending actually offer an explanataion of HOW Evelyn has learnt archery since last year?

Nope, unless the show is saying just hanging around Prometheus (and maybe Oliver) lent her archery skills :P

I was thinking she went to the Laurel Lance School of Supposedly Being an Expert on a Weapon You've Never Handled Before.

  • Love 14
3 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

Often this season they've reinforced the present day story, but I wouldn't call them important.  They have been a lot better though.

Of course they've been better, this is actually something we've wanted to know about since season 1.  Unlike last season's flashbacks.

2 hours ago, Starfish35 said:

And secondly, once they killed Sara off they just never seemed to have a place for her anymore, other than her one appearance in season three to tell Lance that the woman in black wasn't Sara.

Cause it's not like Thea needs any friends outside of the vigilante world.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, bijoux said:

If wishes were horses, Sin would be Artemis.

Now there's something I'd actually be interested in. 

7 minutes ago, Jediknight said:

Cause it's not like Thea needs any friends outside of the vigilante world.

Oh I agree.  Completely.  I was all for the Teen Arrow idea (Thea/Roy/Sin).  But they can't even give Felicity a friend outside the vigilante world, much less Thea.  Sadly. 

  • Love 7

Are we going to see Oliver tell Galina that he killed both her son and daughter?  That should be quite a scene.

19 hours ago, Chaser said:

Caught a clip of Reporter and Oliver at the bar. Icky.

She was petting him and fluffing his ego and he was eating it up.

I just don't get it. 

I think we've gone back before season 1 Oliver into douchebag Oliver who would totally have been eating up someone fluffing his ego.

18 hours ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Why wasn't it Oliver or Felicity who worked with Lyla so Diggle could have time with his son? WD is the one who had to come up with that? Really? I feel like I have to make a sacrifice to the TV gods to get a good Felicity/Diggle scene these days.

They are desperate to get us to like Wild Dog for their own reasons, probably merchandising ones.  This show has never been shy about killing characterization for plot.

16 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

When Oliver was talking about all the city's problems all I could think was that she's probably recording the whole conversation to include in her big expose' at the end of the month.  At the very least she'd just gotten off the phone with her Russian contact that is looking into what Oliver was doing his fifth year away.  

Nice catch!  I'd forgotten she was getting the dirt on his time in Russia.  Sneaky to say she was in a twitter war in case he looked at her phone.

I wonder if she was using Google translate.  Most likely the Russian spoke English though.

14 hours ago, bijoux said:

So this episode refused to show Felicity reacting to the news of Oliver meeting Susan in any way, and there was Curtis pointing out the undefined state of Felicity's relationship with Malone. Given the writers' love of gotcha moments, I'm almost serious about speccing that Oliver and Felicity have started hooking up.

I wish!  But given all the concern in s3 about Felicity cheating on Ray with Oliver when the Nanda Parbat teaser was shown, I don't think MG would do that.

7 hours ago, tv echo said:

 Honestly, it strains credibility that Oliver needs to confide in this reporter who he barely knows and shouldn't trust (listen to Thea!), rather than talk to Diggle, Thea or even Felicity. Susan's motives are still suspect, but since she's a comics character, she'll probably turn out to be an ally. (Oh, and there was another reference to Felicity's cop boyfriend in this episode - just to reinforce that fact, so it's totes fine that Oliver is now apparently dating this reporter.)

Diggle is acting all angry and out of control in the field because he missed his son JJ's 2nd birthday. U.S. Marshals are watching his family, so he can't go near Lyla or JJ.  So Wild Dog of all people somehow manages to smuggle in Lyla and JJ to the Arrow Bunker so that Diggle can celebrate JJ's birthday together with his family. I guess we're supposed to believe that Wild Dog acts tough but has a heart of gold.  (Oh, and Wild Dog called Felicity "Blondie" twice in this episode, and no one blinked an eye.)

At the very end of this episode, we see Evelyn on a building rooftop. Prometheus appears. She then tells him: "Don't worry. Nobody followed me. They don't suspect a thing." Dun, dun, dun. (If she had a mustache, I'm sure she would've twirled it at this point.) So I'm wildly guessing that Evelyn and Prometheus are siblings, whose father was killed by Oliver in S1.

Evelyn said last season that DD killed her parents but who knows, she could be lying.

Trying to give all these new characters a place in the storyline is really screwing up the show.  There's no reason for Oliver to confide in RayPorter because as well as Diggle, Felicity, Thea and Lance, he can talk to Moby Dick quoting Rory now.  That really should be enough.  As Hunterhunted said, it makes more sense for Quentin to be the police liaison if they didn't want to force a storyline with Mayo (note: both Oliver's and Felicity's love interest mess up the show's natural story). And how did Wild Dog get in touch with Lyla?  Did he get some ID on Diggle?  How did Lyla manage to avoid a tail getting to the bunker?  And wasn't Diggle Jr.'s birthday six weeks ago at the start of October.?

5 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

Maybe if that ever happens they will get excited again.  I wonder if they feel misled that back to basics turned out to mean a huge crop of newbies and character regression/stagnation.

I don't know about the actors, but I certainly feel misled.  Although I think EBR is feeling some of that since she said she thought it was too soon for Felicity to have a bf.

4 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

And yes, the show has no clue what to do Quentin and Thea. Instead of being the deputy mayor, Quentin should be the mayor's liaison to the police and district attorney's office. This might still give him access to evidence. It would also make Prometheus framing him more plausible because Quentin with his connections could be figuring out who Prometheus is. Earlier in the season, they paid some lip service about how there is still a bunch of police corruption. The show could have Quentin working with the new DA to uncover police corruption. In the midst of that investigation, Quentin discovers who Prometheus is and winds up in his crosshairs.

I love that idea.  But they won't do it because that means Felicity doesn't need Mayo and they're determined to make Mayo important in some way.

  • Love 4

I don't know what the laws in the States are but in Canada, 16 - 18 is a grey area. It's possible she's living on her own with a lawyer or trust fund handling the finances.

Yes, I don't want to be reminded of Shopgirl.

20 hours ago, Hiveminder said:

So assuming Evelyn is a dirty double crosser and this isn't some kind of double agent thing, how will this impact Oliver's trust issues?

Remember back in season 2 when Oliver got so angry at Felicity for revealing his identity to Barry because he always super vets anyone (like Diggle and Felicity) who he's going to reveal to?  Guess that's gone now too.

  • Love 9

So, I can be generous and say that this episode suffered because of all the cross-filming for the crossover episodes.  I HOPE that is the reason that Felicity's screen time was down.  But realistically, the direction on this episode SUCKED.

In the very first scene, Felicity comes in with an interrupt of Oliver and Rory's conversation, but instead of being at a nearby workstation or entering from the shadows like Oliver and Malcolm like to do, she enters from the elevator AFTER the line she is "interrupting."  How the heck did she hear what they were talking about?  Or does she just know Oliver so well that she knows he was probably brooding?  It was almost as bad as when Vigilante said to call your boss and Oliver... comes out of a closet and clomps across the floor? Like, they actually actually put in sound of him step, step, stepping before he hops up on the counter.  It was so undramatic and anti-climatic!

Others have already commented on the poor fight choreography.  I noticed it especially when Vigilante "knocked out" Curtis.  I really don't think he connected at all.

The character beats also felt odd.  I agree that Lyla, Oliver, or Felicity really should have thought to bring the birthday party to Diggle, but even if we needs must give this beat to Wild Dog... why didn't he invite anyone else?  This would have been a nice moment for the Arrow family.  It would have showed him reaching out to everyone, maybe even earned a nod from Oliver.

Did anyone think Felicity was off in this episode?  She was tense throughout.  Emily has never been off like this in my opinion.  Even though I admit that she's not the best crier in some season three scenes, I could understand what she was going for.  It felt like a scene was cut early on that set her on this trajectory.  The missing reaction (even in a wide shot) of Oliver going out for drinks was LAME.

I don't care too much about the reporter and Oliver.  I don't necessarily think that he's buying her moves.  He honestly didn't seem that interested in the first scene.  But what was up with that "bar" set?  It was so small!  It was so obviously some re-dressed SOMETHING.  And I rarely recognize things like that.

Basically this episode was a big old SIGH.

  • Love 8
On 11/16/2016 at 6:55 PM, ottoDbusdriver said:

Was there a pool on how many times the phrase "five point five six millimeter" was going to be said in this episode ?  Was the commercial sponsor of this episode a weapons manufacturer ?  This very special episode of 'Arrow' brought to you tonight by Smith and Wesson.

That was funny. I had Back to the Future deja vu for a minute.

They've never said that Wild Dog shoots mercy bullets or anything, have they? Or that he kneecaps the baddies like Reese? Because if not, what's the difference between his brand of vigilante justice with the guns and Vigilante's, other than that he has miraculously not killed anyone yet?

  • Love 1

 don't care too much about the reporter and Oliver.  I don't necessarily think that he's buying her moves.  He honestly didn't seem that interested in the first scene.  But what was up with that "bar" set?  It was so small!  It was so obviously some re-dressed SOMETHING.  And I rarely recognize things like that.

Pretty sure they redressed the alien bar from Supergirl.

6 hours ago, Chyromaniac said:

Can we pick a different portmanteau?  "Ray Porter" is Steve Martin's character from Shopgirl.

But it works so well!  Plus I'm hopeful she won't be around for long to bug any of us anymore.  

  • Love 1

I'm continuing to hate everything about the New Kids on the Block, especially Wild Dog.  Hate his voice.   And Curtis is useless.  "Mr. Terrific" is such a ridiculous code name for Curtis.  There's nothing about him in the field that is terrific.  I know they say he was an Olympic athlete, but it's just so unbelievable.  He looks overweight and out of shape.  Artemis is a non-entity, and I can't bring myself to care that she's in cahoots with Prometheus, because it's all so predicable.

I also couldn't care less about Oliver and the Reporter Lady.  Especially his soul searching "someone else is doing this better than I am" allusion speech to her.  What is the point of this character?  Did his "detail" thoroughly vet her, because I would imagine that she turns out to be evil.  

It's obvious that Adrian Chase is Vigilante, right?  No other reason why Chase has been featured so prominently.  Kind of ironic that the District Attorney (or Asst DA, not sure which) is taking the law into his own hands.  I have to wonder how Chase doesn't know that Oliver is the Green Arrow.  That cowl doesn't disguise any of his facial features, especially that very obvious and distinctive goatee.  Wouldn't Chase be all... hmmm... Mr. Mayor has the EXACT SAME GOATEE.  It's the same hair colour and the same styling and length!

Despite the fact that this show still has lots of action sequences, I am finding it a chore this season.  It's boring.

  • Love 5
14 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Maybe John Reese from "Person of Interest"? Only Reese I know that kneecaps foes.

Yes- sorry, I should have clarified.

Caviezel as Prometheus would be awesome. "Green Arrow, you have failed this city" stated in his gravelly voice would kick all kinds of butt.

EDIT: And I'm tired of seeing Diggle without a shirt. Because it just reminds me how out of shape I've been getting. :(

(Seriously, though, that guy looks bigger everytime he's on screen. Has he grown since season 1?)

Edited by Cthulhudrew
  • Love 1
1 hour ago, blackwing said:

I have to wonder how Chase doesn't know that Oliver is the Green Arrow.  That cowl doesn't disguise any of his facial features, especially that very obvious and distinctive goatee.  Wouldn't Chase be all... hmmm... Mr. Mayor has the EXACT SAME GOATEE.  It's the same hair colour and the same styling and length!

This has always bothered me. I know he has to wear the dumb eye mask because comics and because they want the viewers to be able to see his facial features when he's in costume, but it's so dumb. I mean, if I run into someone I see every day while they're wearing a hoodie and a pair of sunglasses I can totally tell it's them. Because I can see when this person has the exact same nose, and facial hair, and jawline as this other person. You can even see his freaking forehead. 

Truthfully, the worst part about the LOA storyline is that I now know for a fact that there are ways for Oliver to conceal his face and still aim his bow, but he chooses not to use it. I know, there's probably some dumb symbolism bull hockey about covering his face. Whatever. 

  • Love 1

If Chase is the Vigilante, then he doesn't know that Oliver is the Green Arrow. If he did know, then he'd wouldn't have said the following to Oliver...

Vigilante: "Shut up! You're not getting the job done because you don't take it seriously enough. Maybe because you haven't lost anyone. You don't have a full understanding of what's out there."
Green Arrow (Oliver): "Oh, I've lost people. Almost more than I can bear."
Vigilante: "Then it hasn't been more than you can bear. Maybe you need a push!"

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 3
9 hours ago, tv echo said:

If Chase is the Vigilante, then he doesn't know that Oliver is the Green Arrow. If he did know, then he'd wouldn't have said the following to Oliver...

Vigilante: "Shut up! You're not getting the job done because you don't take it seriously enough. Maybe because you haven't lost anyone. You don't have a full understanding of what's out there."
Green Arrow (Oliver): "Oh, I've lost people. Almost more than I can bear."
Vigilante: "Then it hasn't been more than you can bear. Maybe you need a push!"

It was an interesting line to cross.  Before, there could have been some argument made in favor of the Vigilante's methods but if he's going to kill people that are also trying to help just to add to someone's level of pain, well, that cleared any questions up.

One question I still have is why this one guy doesn't get a better nick name than the Vigilante.  Even Oliver got Hood Guy.  How about Ninja wanna be?  

I have questions: When will WD finally get whacked with a computer screen for being a complete ass towards Felicity? When will Curtis be funny again? Will we ever get Speedy back? When will this stupid baby-Arrows storyline be over?

I tried with this season but it gets harder and harder - the flashbacks are the only thing that keeps me watching since I always wanted to know how Oliver was tied to the Bratva.

  • Love 8
4 hours ago, MissLucas said:

I tried with this season but it gets harder and harder - the flashbacks are the only thing that keeps me watching since I always wanted to know how Oliver was tied to the Bratva.

I agree, This season was a big turnaround where the flashback story became more interesting then the real one LOL! I was excited action was better again. But they are starting to drop the ball episode by episode. Getting sick of the 1v1's, wanna see Oliver take down multiple goons like he used to. But i guess that's what the team is for? Which sucks IMO

Again, just like Curch this Vigilante guy shouldn't be able to survive one episode against GA... Bet he's gonna pop up throughout the season. Just like Anarky did... he could beat TA in 3v1 but in S5 pilot Oliver took him down with ease, ok?

  • Love 3

I don't mind Vigilante so much, since it seems like everyone in Star City who isn't already a criminal (and some who are) puts on a frigging mask at some point,  but I would at least question his creativity.

"I want to be a vigilante." "Okay, what are you going to call yourself?" "Vigilante." "Go home."

Edited by KirkB
  • Love 13

As a comics nerd, I do like the Terra/Deathstroke parallels that they seem to be alluding to w/Evelyn and Prometheus and I hope that they really play that up.

Thank you! I thought that as well, but then I'm an old comics nerd. *g*


While it's fun to have Dolph Lungren on one of my favorite shows, the OOC is starting to grate on my nerves, yeah.  Just because everyone tells you to date someone, doesn't mean you have to, Oliver. And, please tell me that- as another poster noted- that you figured out the security officer who passed along your movements to a reporter known for mocking you and your administration and fired their ass.  I am tired beyond the telling of TPTB and their Dumb!Ollie happy times.  Please let me have Scary and Smart Oliver like we had in Season 1.

Edited by Actionmage
  • Love 8

507 (Vigilante) - Oliver Queen’s voiceover intro:
Oliver (voiceover): "My name is Oliver Queen. After five years in hell, I returned home with only one goal - to save my city. Today I fight that war on two fronts: By day, I lead Star City as its mayor. But by night, I am someone else. I am something else. I am the Green Arrow."

507 (Vigilante) – Felicity tells the team about the new vigilante in town, who marks his dead criminals with a "V" on their faces:
Rory: "'All that most maddens and torments. All that cracks the sinews and cakes the brain.'" 
Oliver: "Rory, is that from the Torah?"
Rory: "Moby Dick.
Oliver: "Oh. Does that make me Ahab?"
Rory: "Well, if the obsessive and really intense look fits."
Oliver: "Prometheus has stopped killing randoms."
Rory: "You'd have to be as crazy as he is to think he's stopped."
Oliver: "This guy's deliberate. I mean, he has a very specific plan, and we need to find him before he executes the next phase of it."
Felicity (entering): "But for now, we have a new problem, or should I say another new problem? Nathan Sierra and Pablo Estevez - but I prefer Douchebags 1 and 2 just showed up at S.C.P.D."
Rene: "Doing what?"
Felicity: "I don't know. Just hanging around." (Shows them pic on monitor of dead criminals strung up.)
Rene: "Damn."
Rory: "What is it with this city and serial killers lately?"
Evelyn: "Who says it's a new one?"
Diggle: "Yeah. Look at the 'V' on their faces. That's not Prometheus' M.O."
Felicity: "The victimology doesn't fit either. Sierra and Estevez both have rap sheets for human trafficking. S.C.P.D. thinks that these murders might be the works of a different vigilante."
Evelyn: "How do you already know that?"
Felicity: "I have an inside man with S.C.P.D."
Curtis: "You mean your boyfriend - or whatever he is. Who needs labels?"
Oliver: "So either we're dealing with Prometheus or another multiple murderer."
Diggle: "Either way, he has to be stopped."
Felicity: "Uh, does he, though?"
Rene: "Blondie's got a point. Two less scum bags on the street. What's the downside?"
Oliver: "The downside is that we already have one psycho loose in this city. Can't afford to have another."
Evelyn: "Who gets to decide who's a psycho and who's a vigilante?"

507 (Vigilante) – Susan Williams invites Oliver to meet her for drinks at a local bar:
Oliver: "Sorry for the wait."
Susan: "No worries. Gives me time for this Twitter war I'm having with an investigative journalist from Russia."
Oliver: "What can I help you with?"
Susan: "So formal. That's not fun."
Oliver: "Susan, I've got a million things to do today."
Susan: "Including with whoever dropped two bodies on the S.C.P.D.'s doorstep?"
Oliver: "How do you know about that?"
Susan: "I believe it's called being good at my job."
Oliver: "Susan, the city is still reeling from the throwing star killings last week."
Susan: "I'm not looking to rile people up, if that's what you're implying."
Oliver: "I'm not implying anything. I'm gonna ask you nicely... to please leave this alone for the time being."
Susan: "Okay. Fair enough."
Oliver: "Thank you. Okay."
Susan: "I know being mayor's a hard job, but you look more in need of a drink than anyone I've ever met."
Oliver (laughs): "Are you really surprised? The - the police force is filled with these corrupt officers, the city has not gotten over the serial murders last week, and now there is another psychotic in town."
Susan: "Yeah, that does sound like a whole lot of suck."
Oliver: "It just makes me wonder if what I'm doing is having any positive effect."
Susan: "Tonight, McGuire's, 9 p.m. I'm gonna buy you that drink you so desperately need."
Oliver: "I appreciate that, but I don't... need a date."
Susan: "No, but you need a friend, maybe even more than you need that drink. See you tonight."

507 (Vigilante) – Team Arrow investigates Eric Dunn's bank robbing crew and the Vigilante:
Felicity: "Guys, we have incoming! Guys! Hello! Star City National Bank robbery in progress. We haven't had one of those in a while."
Diggle: "Suit up."
*  *  *
Diggle (over comms): "Tango spotted. Cover me."
Evelyn (over comms): "Clear."
Rene (over comms): "Clear."
Rory (over comms): "Clear."
Diggle (over comms): "Overwatch, robbery's over. Suspect down. We need immediate medical attention."
Injured Bank Robber (weakly): "Vigilante."
Rene: "Yeah, genius. That's what we are."
Injured Bank Robber: "The Vigilante... did this." (Dies)
*  *  *
Curtis: "These guys are definitely my favorite crooks, not that I'm condoning their actions, just their choice in disguise."
Evelyn: "Really?"
Curtis: "Yeah, I could totally see Paul and I's next Halloween costumes."
Evelyn: "That's almost a year from now."
Felicity: "Okay. Back to things that actually matter. The Spooky Crew's been on a bit of a spree."
Diggle: "Yeah, more than a bit. They've hit up seven banks in three states over the past two weeks."
Rory: "Who's running point?"
Felicity: "Eric Dunn. It's not the first time he's tried these scare tactics. S.C.P.D. collared him in 2011 for multiple armed robberies. He should be in Iron Heights for another eight years, trading cigarettes."
Rory: "So how'd he get out?"
Felicity: "Parole."
Rene: "Our justice system at work."
Felicity: "Dunn must have formed a new crew."
Oliver: "So Dunn and this new crew hit the bank, but Vigilante got there before you did."
Diggle: "Yeah. Looks like he and his crew booked. The guy they left in the bank, however, did not make it."
Felicity: "The bank's CCTV coverage got a glimpse at our new friend."
Oliver: "Okay. We are fighting a war on two fronts."
Evelyn: "At least. So we're stopping other vigilantes now?"
Rory: "I think what Evelyn's suggesting is, we're on the same side as this Vigilante fella."
Oliver: "Really? Because last week, all of you were pissed when you found out that the Hood use to play judge, jury, and executioner. We can't have this both ways. We're gonna find Dunn, we're gonna find Vigilante before any more banks get knocked over or people get killed."

507 (Vigilante) – Oliver wonders if what he's been doing as a vigilante has been working:
Oliver: "Ahem. Where are we?"
Felicity: "I got two bags of bones in ACU custody."
Oliver: "And Dunn?"
Diggle: "In the wind."
Felicity: "The recruits are still out looking for him."
Oliver: "Send them home. It's been a long night."
Diggle: "If we don't find Dunn before Vigilante does, he's a dead man."
Oliver: "You know, you said that I inspired this new wave of vigilantes, but I don't think that's true. I think that Vigilante is out there right now because we haven't been getting the job done. It's been four years, and things have only gotten worse."
Diggle: "Oliver, you saved this city 10 times over."
Felicity: "At least."
Oliver: "And I've been trying to be a legitimate hero, which means that I lean on the courts and the justice system. The fact that someone like Eric Dunn is out there right now should tell us something."
Felicity: "Like what?"
Oliver: "Maybe none of it's working."

507 (Vigilante) – Oliver tells the team that he's meeting Susan at a bar for “mayor’s office stuff”:
Oliver: "Anyone still think that Vigilante doesn't need to be stopped?"
Felicity: "To be fair, the story Dunn laid out is legit. His conviction in '07 could be the basis for Making a Murder, Season 2."
Oliver: "Eric Dunn might not be a choir boy, but he doesn't deserve a death sentence."
Rene: "Point made. The question being, how do we stop Vigilante? Better yet, how do we find him?"
Felicity: "Well, we have Dunn in protective custody downstairs. I guess we can't just lave him hog-tied on Main Street and then wait for Ski Goggles to show up."
Diggle: "Let's assume that's not Plan 'A.'"
Oliver: "We work the problem. All right. I have to go see someone."
Rene: "At this time of night? Who are you meeting? Because we're all here."
Oliver: "Uh, I'm meeting Susan Williams at a bar for... uh, mayor's office stuff."
Rene: "'Mayor's office'? Sounds like a date."
Oliver: "If you get anything new, please call me." (Leaves)
Rene: "He's totally going on a date."
Curtis: "Yep."

507 (Vigilante) – Oliver and Susan have their first "date" and she gives him some advice:
(Oliver enters the bar and sees Susan playing pool.)
Susan: "That's what you get for leaving the corner pocket open, pal. Thanks."
Oliver: "Hi."
Susan: "Ah, you are here."
Oliver: "You play pool?"
Susan: "Well, if by 'play' you mean 'win,' then yeah. One drink as promised."
Oliver: "Ah. Cheers."
Susan: "Cheers."
Oliver: "Ohh. Okay. The friend part."
Susan: "Try me."
Oliver: "I'd say that this is off the record, but I'm pretty sure it's public knowledge. Um, this job... this job has proven to be a little bit more difficult than I expected."
Susan: "What's occasioning the dark night of the soul?"
Oliver: "It's tough to explain. Let's say that there was someone else in my position, but they were more extreme than I am."
Susan: "And you don't want to go there."
Oliver: "I don't want to go there."
Susan: "Okay."
Oliver: "But they've gone there, which makes me question if what I'm doing is actually effective. I'm trying to come at things differently. I'm trying to be more... optimistic for me. Nah, but it just feels like--"
Susan: "It's one step forward, two steps back."
Oliver: "That's it."
Susan: "I think that's what's called being in charge."
Oliver: "Heh."
Susan: "Look. The truth is, you're all this city has, so... however you go about your business, just keep doing it the right way. Even if it takes longer to get the job done, you'll know, and so will the city."
Oliver: "Will they?"
Susan: "Really. So stop being so hard on yourself."
Oliver: "Technically, that is your job."
Susan: "Damn right. (His cell phone beeps) You work very late hours, Mr. Queen."
Oliver: "You have no idea. And Susan... call me Oliver."

507 (Vigilante) – Team Arrow sets a trap to capture the Vigilante:
Diggle (over phone): "Hey. We can't find Vigilante, but I think we figured out a way to draw him out."
Oliver (over phone): "Talk to me."
Diggle (over phone): "How do you feel about us robbing a bank?"
*  *  *
Felicity: "God, it's hot in that mask!"
Rene: "I'm used to it."
Diggle: "Security cameras."
Felicity: "I'm on it."
Rory: "Maybe I wasn't paying attention during the briefing, but isn't the point to get caught?"
Diggle: "Yeah, not by the cops."
Felicity: "That's why I'm only cutting lines to S.C.P.D."
Diggle: "You two take the safe upstairs. I'll cover Felicity."
Rory: "Isn't that taking the method acting a little far?"
Diggle: "We have to make this look legit."
Rory: "Ah, I can't wait to explain that at my arraignment."
Diggle (over comms): "Terrific, Artemis, we're on the move. Anything going on outside?"
Curtis (over comms): "Negative. All quiet out here."
Rene: "This was easy. Maybe we're in the wrong line of work."
(Vigilante enters, holding a gun to Curtis' head.)
Rory: "You had to say it was easy."
Vigilante: "Call your boss. We need to have a chat."
Curtis: "Don't listen to him!"
Vigilante: "Shut up! Call him. Do it now."
Oliver (appearing): "They don't have to. I'm right here."
Vigilante: "Tell your friends to beat it. This is between us. Do it, or I'll waste him and then you."
Oliver: "Go. I've got this. There was a girl outside."
Vigilante: "She's still breathing. She'll wake up with a headache, though."
Oliver: "What do you want?"
Vigilante: "To operate without interference."
Oliver: "So you can keep killing people?"
Vigilante: "Criminals."
Oliver: "Like the people at the motel?"
Vigilante: "Collateral damage. You don't seem to know that this is a war. Maybe that's why you're losing."
*  *  *
Diggle: "We have to move!"
Felicty: "We can't just leave him there with that nut job!"
Rene: "The guy's got a gun right to Curtis' head, Blondie."
Rory: "There's no way we can be faster than a bullet."
Felicity: "What is he doing just standing there?"
Diggle: "Don't worry. He's got this."
Rene: "You got a lot of faith, man."
*  *  *
Curtis: "Green Arrow -"
Vigilante: "Shut up! You're not getting the job done because you don't take it seriously enough. Maybe because you haven't lost anyone. You don't have a full understanding of what's out there."
Oliver: "Oh, I've lost people. Almost more than I can bear."
Vigilante: "Then it hasn't been more than you can bear. Maybe you need a push!"
(Oliver shoots arrows at Vigilante and then they fight. Oliver captures him with a trick rope arrow.)
Oliver: "You're right. This is a war, but I'm gonna fight it the right way because I am all this city has."
(When Oliver tries to remove the visor from the Vigilante, something explodes and knocks him back, and the Vigilante escapes.)
Oliver: "Curtis! Come on."
Curtis: "Ohh. Ohh. In the field, I - I prefer Mr. Terrific, if you don't mind. Where's Ski Goggles?"
Oliver: "Gone."

507 (Vigilante) – Oliver and Susan go on their second "date":
(When Oliver leaves his mayoral office, he finds Susan waiting for him.)
Oliver (to his security detail): "Fellas, can you give us a minute, please? I was just headed out for the night."
Susan: "I know. I, uh, may or may not have had one of the guys on your detail text me when you were headed out."
Oliver: "Wow. Heh. Thank you for the other night. That was, um - that was some good advice and a good drink."
Susan: "Well, now you owe me the drink."
Oliver (whispering): "Should we go now?"
Susan: "Really?"
Oliver: "Let's go."

Edited by tv echo

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