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The After Show: Because You Can't Get Enough

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Ashley is only 20??!!! Wow, not to be mean, but she's not aging well.

I felt really bad when they aired that never before seen footage of Ashley calling Jamie's body disgusting. I thought that was really messed up of her to say that. He looked genuinely hurt.

At least Simone got somewhat vindicated when we saw what Ashley said about Cuz, but it still doesn't mean that she's not the biggest drama starter in the house.

  • Love 3

Reality tv at its worst.  Ambush tv.  Let's show some secret footage!  Jamie looks humiliated.  Nessa: "Jamie - how does this make you feel?"  Jamie answers.  Nessa: "Jamie, thanks for joining us.  Bye!"  Ugh. 

That being said, at the risk of piling on Jamie's appearance, does he have man boobs?  (They took their shirts off for the water challenge).  I'm pointing that out not to snark (well, maybe a little), but because that's a common side effect of steroids, which a lot of the guys competing on the Challenge have been accused of taking.

As much as Ashley is the worst, Simone is no better. I too find it telling that the show was able to find multiple people saying she's always looking for a camera and when she sees one, she does something. I'm not saying this isn't true for all these people minus maybe like three, but for someone who was like that's not true at all, eh. 

  • Love 1

Ashley is definitely the worst one in that whole situation, by far.  So, basically, she hooked up with Jamie because she wanted some attention that night, and he was showing interest.  Then, after, she decided to rip on his body, knowing that there are cameras all the hell over that house, calling it "disgusting."  Really, Ashley?  Was his body "disgusting" when you had sex with him multiple times that night?  Was his body "disgusting" when you were flipping out in jealousy over the idea that he kissed another girl? What a complete and utter bitch.  And then her claim that the show "did me dirty," by showing that?  No, bitch, you did Jamie dirty by using him for attention and camera time and then going all superficial mean girl behind his back.  And she's so unused to being a decent human being that she needed Cory to prod her to do something as basic as saying "I'm sorry"?  

I felt so terrible for Jamie having to see that like that.  It would have been bad enough if they just aired it during a Challenge episode, but to put him up on stage like that, keep pushing him to talk about whatever feelings he had for her, and then blindside him with that?  Heartless and unnecessary.  

And since she decided to bring superficiality to the party, if anything, Jamie's out of her league, not the other way around.  He's a cute guy with a seemingly nice personality.  She's a rapidly aging (20?!?!?), superficial, drama seeking attention whore.  It's not even close.  I hope he realizes that and doesn't let that initial stab of pain from seeing that linger.  Also, I really hope they don't pair them up for a future Exes season.  

  • Love 10

UGH that was so hard to watch. Poor Jamie. There is nothing wrong with that boy. He's adorable.  What bothered me was her reacting to it as if it was some big joke and laughing. I really hate it when people say what I am about to say but still - - I think Ashley might want to consider getting some professional psychological support. I can't even imagine what sort of personality disorder would allow someone to watch themselves behave that way and not be completely mortified. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, KerleyQ said:

Ashley is definitely the worst one in that whole situation, by far.  So, basically, she hooked up with Jamie because she wanted some attention that night, and he was showing interest.  Then, after, she decided to rip on his body, knowing that there are cameras all the hell over that house, calling it "disgusting."  Really, Ashley?  Was his body "disgusting" when you had sex with him multiple times that night?  

According to her, his body doesn't look disgusting when he's laying down. <insert eyeroll>


1 hour ago, KerleyQ said:

And since she decided to bring superficiality to the party, if anything, Jamie's out of her league, not the other way around.  He's a cute guy with a seemingly nice personality.  She's a rapidly aging (20?!?!?), superficial, drama seeking attention whore.

Exactly.  Even when she was acting like a jealous maniac, Jamie was still nice and decent to her.  Also, she just ain't cute, at all.  And during the winners' dinner she was chewing and smacking her food with her mouth wide open. Disgusting.

Edited by luckyroll3
  • Love 6

I don't condone what Ashley said about Jamie, and I think "disgusting" is way too extreme of a word to describe his body, but on the Aftershow I did keep thinking, "do his eyes seem to be coming in closer together gradually and getting smaller or is his head just a lot bigger now somehow?" I think he would actually be more attractive if he wasn't so beefy.... was he that beefy last season? It just looks odd to me. 

Anyway, I don't know how you could have sex with someone whose body you think is disgusting (props to Ashley and prostitutes, I guess for having that ability to somehow ignore that they are banging a body that doesn't turn them on?). Like it would seem like punishment to myself to have sex with someone I'm not attracted to... I might get a lady boner from just making out I guess, but it wouldn't last long enough to make sex enjoyable. 

Edited by MattDuffysCat
11 hours ago, MattDuffysCat said:

I don't condone what Ashley said about Jamie, and I think "disgusting" is way too extreme of a word to describe his body, but on the Aftershow I did keep thinking, "do his eyes seem to be coming in closer together gradually and getting smaller or is his head just a lot bigger now somehow?" I think he would actually be more attractive if he wasn't so beefy.... was he that beefy last season? It just looks odd to me. 

I wrote a few posts up that I think he took steroids or PED's before the competition.

On 6/2/2016 at 4:27 PM, LotusFlower said:


That being said, at the risk of piling on Jamie's appearance, does he have man boobs?  (They took their shirts off for the water challenge).  I'm pointing that out not to snark (well, maybe a little), but because that's a common side effect of steroids, which a lot of the guys competing on the Challenge have been accused of taking.

During the soap-humping challenge the guys were only wearing spandex bottoms. I remember thinking Jamie's body was really weird. I wouldn't say disgusting, but maybe "unpleasant to look at." His torso is very thick and looks inflated. And I've always thought his eyes are too close together. I don't consider him attractive at all, but thank goodness beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


God, the more I see of Johnny on these after shows, the more I despise him. He only takes responsibility for sending Tony home. How about apologizing for telling Tony to "tell this bitch to shut it down" and waking him up for your amusement. When Nessa (God, I hate that name) mentioned it, they both laughed it off. I just hate the misogyny that runs rampant on these challenges. I miss it when the challenges were fun and taken a lot less seriously. I guess it all started with the "trim the fat" mentality. Of course, Camilla is partially to blame for her alcohol intake, but Johnny is aware of the situation and takes advantage of her vulnerability by waking up her drunken partner and pushing him to confront her. I can't stand his behavior and how everything that happens is always someone else's fault. Tony says he has no control or awareness of his behavior, but can be absolutely sure that he wouldn't have hit Camilla in that instance. The fact that he could so easily corner her and block her away out, tells me that he's one bad bender away from physically hurting someone, whether it be a woman or a man. I also know that there's a lot of hate for Camilla and I can see the merit there, but I kind of have a soft spot for her. Especially on this season. It was so clearly explained when she mentioned that she felt lonely on the challenge or at least the night of the incident. She's hurt, Vince and Johnny are laughing at her (yes it was an accident, but I don't remember either actually apologizing; just repeating that it was accidental and funny), and the one person she should be able to count on for support, is yelling at her face and being super aggressive. I'm just tired of these types of guys on the show. I'm a big fan of Corey who seems to lay low, not to mention is easy on the eyes.

I've never seen Madison and Tony's RW season so I have no opinion of her whatsoever. I'm glad she didn't make any excuses for him and told it to him straight. Tony's thoughts on his drinking are confusing. He's aware he has a drinking problem, but he thinks it has to do with personality. I suppose some of it does, but that still doesn't excuse him from drinking so much that he blacks out and doesn't remember the events of what happened. People on this show get drunk, but the amount of alcohol intake should be a big red flag. Somehow I don't think he's learned his lesson at all. I definitely see Tony impregnating a few more girls. He's going to have a lot of kids by a lot of different women.

I was not expecting CT to look like that. Part of me liked it, but I think I prefer him clean shaven like on the Rivals season with Adam. I love him, but I don't want him coming back to do another challenge. He's older, appears to have matured beyond belief, and the last thing I want to see is him regress by hanging out with people almost half his age.

Edited by SophiaPehawkins
  • Love 7

That was intense.  Tony's life is so crazy that at one point, I think I caught a look in Bananas eye that seemed to say, "Maybe I am too old for this shit!"  I feel for Madison.  I never considered the fact that Harper would feel "less than" her brother because of her dad's inability to put a condom on.  If it makes Madison feel better though, I doubt Tony and Alyssa will last either.  That guy is incapable of having a mature, loving, supporting relationship.

ETA:  Whaaa?  CT is a Dad?!?  When did this happen?

Edited by ghertigirl
add addt'l commentary
  • Love 5
2 hours ago, SophiaPehawkins said:

God, the more I see of Johnny on these after shows, the more I despise him. He only takes responsibility for sending Tony home. How about apologizing for telling Tony to "tell this bitch to shut it down" and waking him up for your amusement. When Nessa (God, I hate that name) mentioned it, they both laughed it off. I just hate the misogyny that runs rampant on these challenges. I miss it when the challenges were fun and taken a lot less seriously. I guess it all started with the "trim the fat" mentality. Of course, Camilla is partially to blame for her alcohol intake, but Johnny is aware of the situation and takes advantage of her vulnerability by waking up her drunken partner and pushing him to confront her. I can't stand his behavior and how everything that happens is always someone else's fault. Tony says he has no control or awareness of his behavior, but can be absolutely sure that he wouldn't have hit Camilla in that instance. The fact that he could so easily corner her and block her away out, tells me that he's one bad bender away from physically hurting someone, whether it be a woman or a man. I also know that there's a lot of hate for Camilla and I can see the merit there, but I kind of have a soft spot for her. Especially on this season. It was so clearly explained when she mentioned that she felt lonely on the challenge or at least the night of the incident. She's hurt, Vince and Johnny are laughing at her (yes it was an accident, but I don't remember either actually apologizing; just repeating that it was accidental and funny), and the one person she should be able to count on for support, is yelling at her face and being super aggressive. I'm just tired of these types of guys on the show. I'm a big fan of Corey who seems to lay low, not to mention is easy on the eyes.

I've never seen Madison and Tony's RW season so I have no opinion of her whatsoever. I'm glad she didn't make any excuses for him and told it to him straight. Tony's thoughts on his drinking are confusing. He's aware he has a drinking problem, but he thinks it has to do with personality. I suppose some of it does, but that still doesn't excuse him from drinking so much that he blacks out and doesn't remember the events of what happened. People on this show get drunk, but the amount of alcohol intake should be a big red flag. Somehow I don't think he's learned his lesson at all. I definitely see Tony impregnating a few more girls. He's going to have a lot of kids by a lot of different women.

I was not expecting CT to look like that. Part of me liked it, but I think I prefer him clean shaven like on the Rivals season with Adam. I love him, but I don't want him coming back to do another challenge. He's older, appears to have matured beyond belief, and the last thing I want to see is him regress by hanging out with people almost half his age.

Eh. She saw Tony do his drunk bullshit on the show and still dated him. She also saw him playing with two different girls emotions while trying to kick it to her and still dated him. And had a baby by him. A lot of dumb to go around.

  • Love 4

CT made a reference on the aftershow about getting kicked off the challenge and how the money would have been great, but he was referring to Tony and his kids.

I never thought I'd see the day (and I love CT) where he would be the voice of calm and wisdom around the challenge. I miss seeing him on the show but it seems like he's found some peace so good for him.

Bananas..ugh. Tony...ugh. I'm not a Camilla fan but she seemed fairly self aware on the show and took the high road. I felt for her.

Edited by CrazyDog
  • Love 2

I didn't care about anything else but seeing CT on my tv.  

I read an article a while back that he is actually working with the Challenge productions now.  Which probably means sooner or later he'll be back on the Challenge and not in a guest spot role like he has been the last couple of years.  

I kinda hated that they made CT watch some of his worst highlights in a clip.  That's not necessary.  I think he can talk about growing up and moving on...without seeing him almost kill Adam.  

I can't stand Tony.  And to think he is going to be a father to two children.  Horrible.  I am glad it seems like Madison moved on from him since he always seemed to treat her like garbage.  

  • Love 5
8 hours ago, SophiaPehawkins said:

I also know that there's a lot of hate for Camilla and I can see the merit there, but I kind of have a soft spot for her. Especially on this season. It was so clearly explained when she mentioned that she felt lonely on the challenge or at least the night of the incident. She's hurt, Vince and Johnny are laughing at her (yes it was an accident, but I don't remember either actually apologizing; just repeating that it was accidental and funny), and the one person she should be able to count on for support, is yelling at her face and being super aggressive. I'm just tired of these types of guys on the show. I'm a big fan of Corey who seems to lay low, not to mention is easy on the eyes.


I can't stand Camila. Absolutely do not like her. But I did feel a little bad for her at first. I had to rewind twice to catch what happened- I originally assumed she just drunkenly fell over and people laughed. But it looks like she was minding her own business, upright, and then Vince accidentally plows into her, sending her sprawling pretty hard, and Bananas laughs hysterically. So, Bananas is a dick. Nothing new. However, I don't think Vince was, at least not at first. He tried to help her up, he yelled at Bananas to shut up (well, he yelled at someone, assume it was Bananas the way the camera kept panning back and forth), and tried to help Camila clean up the scrape, and asked for iodine (which may not have been necessary, but I give him points for even knowing anything about first aid). Camila, embarrassed by falling, indignant at Johnny for laughing, and drunk, starts screeching at Vince and refusing his help. I don't think Vince started mocking her until she was a complete bitch to him.


Tony...I just can't. He was sleeping, and when Bananas woke him up, he actually went out to confront Camila instead of just telling Bananas to fuck off? Camila is right, he is desperate to impress Johnny.


I guess I should be impressed by Devin calmly explaining that Tony was wrong to corner Camila, but it just rubbed me the wrong way. These guys treat these girls like they have two purposes in life- provide sexual favors, or provide drunken entertainment at their own expense, and yet when an incident gets out of hand they want to swoop in and play the gentlemen card. It reminded me a lot of when Kenny and Evan would relentlessly bully Tonya, often reducing her to tears, and yet when Veronica says something they consider inappropriate, all the sudden they're benevolent protectors of the mentally ill and are scolding Veronica for being insensitive.

  • Love 7
5 hours ago, Tatum said:

I can't stand Camila. Absolutely do not like her. But I did feel a little bad for her at first. I had to rewind twice to catch what happened- I originally assumed she just drunkenly fell over and people laughed. But it looks like she was minding her own business, upright, and then Vince accidentally plows into her, sending her sprawling pretty hard, and Bananas laughs hysterically. So, Bananas is a dick. Nothing new. However, I don't think Vince was, at least not at first. He tried to help her up, he yelled at Bananas to shut up (well, he yelled at someone, assume it was Bananas the way the camera kept panning back and forth), and tried to help Camila clean up the scrape, and asked for iodine (which may not have been necessary, but I give him points for even knowing anything about first aid). Camila, embarrassed by falling, indignant at Johnny for laughing, and drunk, starts screeching at Vince and refusing his help. I don't think Vince started mocking her until she was a complete bitch to him.


Tony...I just can't. He was sleeping, and when Bananas woke him up, he actually went out to confront Camila instead of just telling Bananas to fuck off? Camila is right, he is desperate to impress Johnny.


I guess I should be impressed by Devin calmly explaining that Tony was wrong to corner Camila, but it just rubbed me the wrong way. These guys treat these girls like they have two purposes in life- provide sexual favors, or provide drunken entertainment at their own expense, and yet when an incident gets out of hand they want to swoop in and play the gentlemen card. It reminded me a lot of when Kenny and Evan would relentlessly bully Tonya, often reducing her to tears, and yet when Veronica says something they consider inappropriate, all the sudden they're benevolent protectors of the mentally ill and are scolding Veronica for being insensitive.

Yes the men are awful on this challenge and pretty much everyone on the ruins was rude to Tonya except for some of the girls and Cuthutta, Wes, and Derrick. But no women mean nothing on these shows. In the early years when the voting someone off challenge started, before they had gender voting days, the men on both teams would try to rig the votes so that could send in a female team member. Now they can't do that but the women are seemed as weaker still, 

13 hours ago, Racj82 said:

Eh. She saw Tony do his drunk bullshit on the show and still dated him. She also saw him playing with two different girls emotions while trying to kick it to her and still dated him. And had a baby by him. A lot of dumb to go around.

Like I said, I've never seen their season of the RW and of course there's some judgement there for dating him in the first place. I guess I'm always surprised when someone shows up on these shows and can simply explain themselves. She was direct and made her points. The bar is set low, but for whatever it's worth, she came off really well on the after show.

Tatum, I'll give you that. It did seem like Vince was trying to be helpful, and I think being Johnny's cousin, he gets lumped in with Johnny's bad behavior. Still, I think after seeing that Camilla was upset and hurt, the right thing to do would have been to apologize. He kept saying it was an accident and that it was kind of funny. Honestly though, all things considered, yeah he wasn't that bad. He can have his moments, thinking of his fight with the twin comes to mind,  but he seems to be relatively harmless. He doesn't rate very high on the Johnny scale of asshole behavior.

This show, though. They get on their high horse about drunken, violent behavior, but continue to pump them all with alcohol, forcing them to go to nightclubs. They also keep inviting the same people back.

Whoever mentioned it, I think it's awful that they had CT watch a reel of his lowlights. I'm sure that memory is burned into his brain. He didn't need the visual.

  • Love 2
45 minutes ago, SophiaPehawkins said:

Like I said, I've never seen their season of the RW and of course there's some judgement there for dating him in the first place. I guess I'm always surprised when someone shows up on these shows and can simply explain themselves. She was direct and made her points. The bar is set low, but for whatever it's worth, she came off really well on the after show.

Tatum, I'll give you that. It did seem like Vince was trying to be helpful, and I think being Johnny's cousin, he gets lumped in with Johnny's bad behavior. Still, I think after seeing that Camilla was upset and hurt, the right thing to do would have been to apologize. He kept saying it was an accident and that it was kind of funny. Honestly though, all things considered, yeah he wasn't that bad. He can have his moments, thinking of his fight with the twin comes to mind,  but he seems to be relatively harmless. He doesn't rate very high on the Johnny scale of asshole behavior.

This show, though. They get on their high horse about drunken, violent behavior, but continue to pump them all with alcohol, forcing them to go to nightclubs. They also keep inviting the same people back.

Whoever mentioned it, I think it's awful that they had CT watch a reel of his lowlights. I'm sure that memory is burned into his brain. He didn't need the visual.

No, I wasn't judging you for your thoughts and sadly, these people remind me of the Chris Rock bit where he talks about how much he hates people giving props to dad's for just being there. Like yeah they should be. I'm not giving them props for that. But, with these idiots, you are just glad anyone shows common sense. 

But, I saw the whole season so for me personally, I can only give her so much props. She waited until she brought a child into this world with someone who is currently a often drunkin/cheating fool and then wised up. Better late than never I suppose. 

On the season they were on, it was about skeletons in your closet. Tony's was that he cheated on his first love and long standing girlfriend with another woman. He basically put the second woman on the back burner for the time being so he could bang who he wanted on the show. Meanwhile, he was still messing with the first woman as well. They both came and stayed in the house. He even slept with the second one. All of this while he was pursuing Madison. And she still dated him. You can't even play it off like you didn't know what type of dude he is. He showed you who he is to your face. So...needless to say, Madison bugs me too. Glad she seems to have matured over time though. Nice of Tony to say he needs to do this with two children with two different women out there.

Edited by Racj82
  • Love 4

Tony and his list of things he's "never even" done to women: choked, slapped, hit...when you have to list specific things that you have not done, buddy, I'm pretty sure you've destroyed some belongings, hemmed them up on the wall (was close to it with Camilla), and any other number of threatening behaviors. He is absolute garbage. 100%. Johnny is as well for instigating and defending the shit. It didn't even seem to get through to Tony when Madison was saying he wouldn't like it if someone did that to little Harper. All he could focus on was how different personalities react to binge drinking. 

Glad to see CT but he looked like an old man with that overgrown beard. Can we end that phase now? I hated seeing him cringe at the clips of him fighting, especially knowing it was Diem screaming in the background of the Adam clip. There were other ragey moments (Paris street fight, bucking up at Frank, etc) that could've conveyed the point without hitting so deep. I'd love to see him again, but then I don't want to watch him engage with these young stupids, and I think he wouldn't be much good tv, because I think he's beyond that anyway.

  • Love 2

CT should be proud of himself for how far he's come. While I can't really give MTV (or Bunim, etc. as the case may be) a pass for showing those old CT fight scenes, I hope that what CT got out of seeing them is how well he's done for himself and how much he has grown since those incidents. I've liked CT since his Paris season in spite of his horrible behavoir on that season and the following challenges. (I really can't resist a Boston accent.) Not that I ever condoned it, but I've just simply liked him and am so happy for him that he seems to have matured. If he's working for MTV good for him. I'd like to see him continue to do well. I'd love to see him back on a Challenge, but I don't know that it would add anything valuable to his life, so maybe not.

He did looked pretty horrible though. That beard is not his friend, or those Cesaresque bangs. The glasses can stay. :) And I liked his demeanor. The man seems to have acquired some peace.

The way the Camilla and Tony debacle was presented I found hard to follow. I didn't really get much out of it. Although frankly I hate these parts of the show & usually am not paying much attention, just waiting for it to be over and move on to the actual challenge. And Teej (who's really become a major draw for me since the challengers have degenerated into these folks). They showed Camilla tripping and then moved on to her and Tony and then seemed to back track to Johnny and someone else (?) waking Tony up. It was hard to follow.

Camilla doesn't bother me. Yeah, she's a nasty drunk & needs to work on that (like many of these idiots). But it takes a lot for any of these chumps to really bother me. But Tony, who is incredibly goodlooking, gives me pause. He's rather dumb and seemingly incredibly (sp?) irresponsible - a baby and one on the way? And probably more to come. He should not be out there procreating. How old is this guy? I'm sure he gets away with a lot of shady behavior because of his looks. Which is sad for him. And any children he brings into the world.

I had to chuckle when the producers seemingly showed some conscience by tossing Camilla and Tony out and then punishing the others with that all night challenge (which was really good and entertaining, making this the best ep of this season so far). I've seen a lot worse happen on these challenges and the producers have rarely stepped in. Maybe after the Tonya, Evan & Kenny incident they're keeping a closer watch on things. Maybe. These are still the folks who gloried in Cara and Abe's heartbreaking antics last year & did everything they could to make them worse.

Wes continues to amuse. And the tiny blonde haired girl who is partnered with Nate, another mential giant, is really growing on me. Those 2 are kind of sweet. It's nice to see some kids who don't appear to be posturing bullies and slutty lowlifes.

  • Love 1

I love CT with the mountain man beard.  I wouldn't kick it out of bed.  At all.  

I also think watching the Adam fight is probably even more difficult for CT because he openly admits that he totally went crazy there because he was nutso with grief because his brother was just shot and killed before he went on the challenge.  Diem then didn't go to the funeral like she said she was gonna.  He was an open gaping wound then and Adam stood right in the way and he put all that garbage there.  

As for Madison.  I feel bad for her.  She showed up on her season as a girl who was a former heroin addict whose last boyfriend not only used with her...encouraged her to steal from family to feed their addiction (not at all saying Madison is not responsible for her own behavior) and then also heavily abused her.  She had no self esteem....so as long as Tony was giving her any attention....she was sitting right there waiting for it.  I saw a much stronger and healthier girl on the couch last night.  So, I have high hopes for her.  

  • Love 5

Tony and his list of things he's "never even" done to women: choked, slapped, hit...when you have to list specific things that you have not done, buddy, I'm pretty sure you've destroyed some belongings, hemmed them up on the wall (was close to it with Camilla), and any other number of threatening behaviors.

And the way he worded it "I've never even choked a girl."  Like that's like a normal thing that guys do, and he should get some kind of brownie points for managing to exist this many years on Earth without choking a girl.  That little spiel made my skin crawl.  

  • Love 10
4 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

And the way he worded it "I've never even choked a girl."  Like that's like a normal thing that guys do, and he should get some kind of brownie points for managing to exist this many years on Earth without choking a girl.  That little spiel made my skin crawl.  

Tony also realized he fucked up. People have been asking why he listed all those things. He started out being super specific about what he hadn't done towards women and the audience/Nessa gasped. So, he tried to compensate by covering every other physical altercation he could have had with a women and came off like a even bigger weirdo in the process. 

Also, remember that this is the dude that choked his own brother against a wall on camera during his first go around. The dude has serious issues. If he could do that in a drunken rage to his own flesh and blood that he claims to love above all else, who knows how far he will go until he gets this shit checked.

  • Love 2

Honestly I was really impressed with Madison on the after show. She looked great and was very composed and explained herself well.


She frequently bugged me on her season but by the end of it I grew to like her the most because I thought of all the housemates, she showed the most growth. I mean, she still dated Tony which was a terrible decision but I think that's because she wanted any attention from a man after being abused by her last BF. So I'm happy that she appears to be doing well. And her tearing up kind of broke my heart a little bit.

Camilla and Tony are both nutjobs. Camila might be the least self aware person on these shows. This was a rough season for her.

  • Love 2
On 6/25/2016 at 11:23 AM, Craphole Island said:

Camila might be the least self aware person on these shows. This was a rough season for her.

I feel like towards the end of the pre-Madison segment she was skirting around saying "I'm an alcoholic/someone who shouldn't drink" (and implying Tony was too) when she was saying it was really hard to be around all the others who could drink and not seem to have it affect them.  It's a hard thing to realize and start to grasp what you have to about it, especially if someone is,as you say, not very self-aware.  I hope for her sake she's inching toward making the decision to do what keeps her and others around her safe from drink-fueled angry episodes.  She could go through a plate glass door or something sometime.  I'm not fond of her, but I wouldn't wish lasting physical harm on any of them.  Even Bananas, sigh.

  • Love 2

This show reminded me of several challengers I'm glad we haven't seen in awhile, such as Nia, Jasmine and Jonna.

Susie looked really different, like she was doing her Jenny McCarthy impersonation. Cara Maria looked great. I hope she's doing as well as she looks.

This show was really entertaining. I was surprised. Nice to see Mark and CT, too.

Jemmye looked scary. Jasmine looked kind of bloated. Glad to hear that she's apparently stopped drinking. Good for her. She looks happy.

Did Devin ditch her hair pieces? She looks good too. And thinner.

Edited by kat165
  • Love 3

Yes, Jasmine and Jonna's looks stood out to me, so a quick google revealed that Jasmine and Theresa (fresh meat) both had little girls in December and I believe Jonna is due in a couple of months. It was cute to see the CT and Diem bits. Overall, I liked this show. A good behind the scenes bit. Nice to see people whose names I know, unlike the AYTO masses. 

  • Love 2

Kinda wished we could have gotten more behind-the-scenes stuff from the older seasons, aside from having Susie and Marky Mark interviewed. I know Susie is probably shysty as hell, but I liked the story about how she met her husband. The Challenge really does bring people together!

Crossword puzzles aren't forbidden? Nice. All I can remember are fucking Rachel and Veronica shitting on Sarah's clandestine relationship with Theo with "crossword puzzles" as code. Great, now I'm remembering them taking turnings hitting Abram's skin bong. I still hate those two.

I still vote "no" on CT's beard. I'm amused that he'll deny the hookup with Shavoun. In his defense, he was on a break from Diem. On the other hand, it was fucking Shavoun. Save for Parisa, the Sydney girls were a hot mess.

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I enjoy how they all have this constant refrain of "millions of people would love to be on The Challenge! It's such an honor!" I can practically hear a producer screaming that as contestants are shooed back into the 1/8 of a third world McMansion with no working toilets in which they actually get to step foot for 5 weeks.


Have these losers checked the ratings? Millions of people don't even watch this show, and the Tony/Nany futureless types who do and think this is a great path are few and sad, I'd estimate. I actually don't understand why anyone would apply to be on RW nowadays when there are higher profile shows in which you can actually win real money, but that's me.

Mark looked like a suitcase that's been left in the elements for three weeks. Moisturize, people!

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It is kind of sad- Laguna Beach, The Hills, Jersey Shore, Teen Mom- all these people went on to enjoy some level of notoriety, and a pretty significant paycheck. Yet despite being the oldest  and longest running show, no one ever gives a shit about Real World alumni, even the ones who make it a habit to come on these challenges.

Susie, bleach is not your friend.

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Heads up: no After Show this coming week, but there will be a "best of" special following the next episode. As usual, it'll probably be about the most recent seasons, so it'll suck. I'd like to see the likes of Coral and Sarah Grayson for old time's sake, especially since the latter has been on Sarah Rice and Susie's podcast. Also: CT talking heads with the beard I can't get behind. It's not Rupert bad, but it's like Adam Larson's facial hair from The Gauntlet, where it does him little favor.

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The lighting of the THs was horrible. Everyone looked either washed out or flat. I don't understand Susie. Happily married with a child, PhD in religious studies yet she still wants to be involved with MTV and the Challenges, and this is two years after she wrote her revealing essay on producer manipulations and how the challenges really are. If she's willing I don't see why they don't let her do another challenge, she's probably still a better competitor than some of the people 10-12 years younger that are coming on now. I wonder if she ever auditioned for The View or The Talk, she seems attached to that "TV personality" moniker.

One thing that annoys me about the show and these people is when they first arrive at the house. All I can do is just smh at a group of adults jostling each other as they sprint to mark their territory in the best bedroom.

Here's another one for the baby list, Laura from St Thomas RW (I think BOTS was her only challenge) had a baby girl in February.

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