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S02.E08: Free Will

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Dr. Halstead and Dr. Manning deal with two warring brothers who are brought together when one finds himself in desperate need of a kidney. Dr. Reese's former patient Danny comes to a crossroad. Dr. Rhodes and Dr. Latham treat a 16-year-old girl with a genetic condition in need of surgery, but whose overprotective mother disagrees with that course of action. A convict with unusual intentions puts himself in the hospital and Dr. Charles meddles in his daughter Robyn's personal life, much to her dismay. Meanwhile, Dr. Halstead and April make a discovery that complicates her treatment for TB.

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Can Manning go away now? I think I'm starting to hate her as much as I did Halstead season 1. She's going to make Dr. Nina Shore cry when Halstead breaks up with her or cheats with Manning. Halstead has learned from all of his mistakes from last season, which is making him likable for me. But we all know Manning was just subconsciously putting her feelings about Halstead's new relationship onto the patient.

Splendorkable is such a good boyfriend, even when Sarah is being distant and maybe too distracted by Danny. I am so sad that Danny is dead, though. It's not surprising, but I think it was the only way to end the story without doing a major crossover or without getting Sarah physically hurt. 

April's fiance is also too good. I am going to be so disappointed if either of these couples break up. This season definitely has strong couples going for them. April's brother is a better brother than he is a doctor. April's story this episode was difficult to watch. I had a feeling the TB would be more dramatic than initially presented; I just never thought about a pregnancy. 

I'm super surprised Connor, quite possibly the hottest doctor on the show, didn't get a love interest sooner. I'm glad it's with Robyn, as well. Her standing up to her father was a good scene.

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I don't know what they've done with Dr Charles (senior). Last season he was such a strong, confident, likeable figure, and this season he's coming across more and more as a complete idiot (from his freak-out last episode about the patient's consent and his very questionable behavior with his daughter). Maybe we are supposed to feel sorry for him but at the moment I feel a bit sorry for the people around him. He's on the verge of becoming annoying, and that does not make me happy, he was one of my favorite character last season. Please give us back Dr Charles and not that weird doppleganger.

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I'm holding hope that Dr Charles' strange behavior is somehow connected to an illness that will be revealed soon.

A tumor? A psychic disorder? Unfortunately, most probably just bad writing.

When April realized she is pregnant, I remembered what my doctor told me when I had TB - remember, the birth control won't work. Use condom. So when Halstead said "no one could predict that, April" I rolled my eyes. Duh! You should have predicted that and so should have April, it's a common medical knowledge (unless only my doctor knew that - nah).

Edited by Ariah
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So in love with Reese and Splendorkable. Her reaction to hearing about Danny's death was perfect for a young resident (vs Manning's overwrought me-me-me to her young cancer patient's death a few episodes ago). Remember when Manning was a pediatrician? Now she's treating everyone. And so stupid the jealousy with Dr Halsted's relationship.

Yes to above re Dr Charles's character being diminished. 

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Was the brothers' conflict realistic?  Why would the HIV one risk his brother's dying resentment rather than tell him he was HIV positive?  Surely the disdain of knowing the diagnosis is better than thinking your only brother won't save your life. 

I knew from ER that you can't transplant an HIV positive organ but it seems unfair is that's the only possibility.

6 hours ago, Ariah said:

When April realized she is pregnant, I remembered what my doctor told me when I had TB - remember, the birth control won't work. Use condom. So when Halstead said "no one could predict that, April" I rolled my eyes. Duh! You should have predicted that and so should have April, it's a common medical knowledge (unless only my doctor knew that - nah).

When I was on birth control pills, many years ago, my doctor made sure that I knew that going on antibiotics would diminish the effectiveness of my pills and I should use another means of birth control for that time.

So maybe Halstead and April couldn't have predicted it, but I could.

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April not knowing her mess could interfere with her birth control is one of my tv pet peeves. This shouldn't be a shock because THE PHARMACIST WOULD HAVE TOLD HER! Every time one of our female patients gets any medication that could/would interfere with birth control, we make sure they are aware. That's not to say that our patients always let us finish, especially our healthcare employed patients who interrupt to let us know they already know all about the medication (insert eye roll), but we always make the effort. All this needed was April saying she remembered the pharmacist saying something about it but she wasn't really listening. 

Sorry Danny died but I doubt we're done with that story. 

I really like Halstead 2.0 and Cutie Blondie (don't remember her name), so I'm sure it will get screwed up by Manning's newly discovered crush. 

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Im dissapointed that a strong gust of wind didnt blow April's Idiot Brother off the roof.

Im dissapointed they killed Danny and ended that story on such a whimper instead of really amping up the action by having Reese be targeted by the traffickers and doing a true crossover with PD.

Im dissapointed that Shorr and FireDoc are both apparantly blind and stupid to not see Craig & Manny, er Halstead & Manning, making googly eyes at each other again.  

And Im dissapointed at how unlikeable Dr. Charles has become this season, all apparantly to prop his bratty daughter who is compltely unlikeable.  I would have much rather see that screentime go to him having conflict with Reese who harbored resentment for him not intervening when he could have the first time the trsfrickers forcefully removed Danny from the hospital.   Instead we get him all worried about Rhodes' family issues, which were apparsntly dropped early last seaaon.  

Edited by Tiger
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15 hours ago, tvfanatic13 said:

Midseason finale and its only the 8th episode? What is happening with TV? What ever happened to November sweeps?

Football happened. NBC is clearing the night to show Thursday Night Football for the rest of the season.

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Just curious: Will accepted Nina's offer to move in with her in part to save money on rent. But wouldn't he still have to pay rent on his old place at least for a while? What would he do with his stuff from his apartment? I doubt that any of it would show up at Nina's place.

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Also, would the patient even have time to be diagnosed HIV-positive? From what I understood he may only have been able to survive a few days with his illness, but it takes about 10 to 20 days (up to 3 months sometimes) for the blood markers to react after such a contamination. So the patient still very much could die while waiting for a positive test.

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What are they doing to Dr. Charles this season?  He feels very unlike himself.  It is obvious he has a very bad relationship with his daughter -- sounds like he was an absentee father, very little involvement in her life -- that he is now trying to rectify by being over involved?  But it doesn't look good on him.

I just dislike Manning on so many level.  Just really I don't like her at all.

Halstead, I am tolerating a lot better though. Weird.

Choi gets interesting cases a lot.  I hope we see get some more background about him that isn't jsut about being s PTSD ex-soldier.  Maybe his GF will show up again soon.

The April storyline would feel more realistic if they had just made her say something like "I am so stupid...of course the pill gets letss effective with the TB med....how could I not have thought of that." Or just have the fiance as the audience surrogate "How did this happen. I thought that was why we started using condoms?" and let April be the one to tell him "I know, but nothing is 100%" blah blah blah.  Other than that I did like it as a development.  Also I need to cosign on the fact that her brother was better deployed as supportive brother than inept doctor.

Am I heartless if I don't care about the whole Danny thing?  I don't.  I am not sorry he's dead.

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I'm glad the Danny storyline is over. Didn't care to see Reese getting so involved in something so dangerous. 

Im hoping they reveal what deteriorated the Charles' relationship because Its making little sense as to why he's trying to interfere in a grown woman's relationship choices. 

Poor April! Was the IV she was receiving at the end for the new tb medication? 

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I think April's storyline is actually really great. But I was shocked all her colleagues - aka her family - apparently could care less. Nothing of them supporting her. Halstead was even a bit rude and short with her. Every single one of them were out having drinks, chilling and laughing and no one there checking in on how her and her endangered baby are. I found it a big miss. 

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She had William's Syndrome.  The show did a pretty good representation of it.


It is caused by a deletion of about 26 genes from the long arm of chromosome 7. It occurs in 1 in 7,500 to 1 in 20,000 births.[

The most common symptoms of Williams syndrome are heart defects, and unusual facial features. [snip]

Most individuals with Williams syndrome are highly verbal relative to their IQ, and are overly sociable, having what has been described as a "cocktail party" type personality.  It is in some respects the opposite of autism;[original research?] individuals with WS are more sociable than those with autism, but those with WS have impairment in cognitive function as it relates to visuospatial functioning.[8]

Edited by statsgirl
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On 11/13/2016 at 1:26 PM, DearEvette said:

What are they doing to Dr. Charles this season?  He feels very unlike himself.  It is obvious he has a very bad relationship with his daughter -- sounds like he was an absentee father, very little involvement in her life -- that he is now trying to rectify by being over involved?  But it doesn't look good on him.

I vaguely recall Dr. Charles revealing he had some kind of illness that he needed to take medications for, but he didn't want to take the meds.  I think he was talking to his psychiatrist about it?   So if he's talking to his shrink about meds and choosing not to take his meds, maybe it's something like bi-polar, and maybe he was an absentee dad before his illness was controlled or he went off his meds.

Am I the only one who remembers this?  Maybe I'm mixing it up with another show?

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I really hope there is a biological reason to Dr Charles' behavior this season, but I think if that was the case the writers would not have been so subtle about it and we would have been given hints this season. But maybe you are right Izabella, I seem to recall something like this also, so let's hope the poor guy is indeed sick (thank god these are fictional characters, because this is pretty nasty wishful thinking on my part).

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5 hours ago, izabella said:

I vaguely recall Dr. Charles revealing he had some kind of illness that he needed to take medications for, but he didn't want to take the meds.  I think he was talking to his psychiatrist about it?   So if he's talking to his shrink about meds and choosing not to take his meds, maybe it's something like bi-polar, and maybe he was an absentee dad before his illness was controlled or he went off his meds.

Am I the only one who remembers this?  Maybe I'm mixing it up with another show?

So, I just looked up Daniel Charles on google to find maybe the wikia page to tell me about that particular episode because I remember it too. And according to the wikia, he actually has depression that he takes meds for. So no bipolar disorder that we know of. But I'd really like to know why Dr. Charles was a piece of shit dad and why he's not so great this season. 

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I would like Dr Charles to not even have a daughter who works in his own hospital and who is dating someone in his own hospital and who he continues to be a shit dad to, in his own hospital. Why would she not work in another hospital? So glad S'Epatha's divorce and ex husband were not part of her own hospital. Dr Charles is giving me a major headache and his storyline has become so tiring. I can't even understand why a psychiatrist would be such a major part of this cast and this isn't helping.

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I don't mind the Dr. Charles bad father storyline.  It could be interesting. 

What I don't like is whatever is going on with him and Connor and how that seems to be latched onto his bad father storyline.  The weird confrontation about the patient consent seemed out of character and now this "don't date that guy!!" .  Is there some bad blood between his and Connor's family?  But then why would that translate to the patient of last week  That is why this feels weird and off. 

I would much rather we just see the coolness between him and Robin and let that be somewhat self contained as part of their story.

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The scene of Dr. Charles (Epi) and Connor where she asked him out was nicely done. She was very openly vulnerable and hopeful about a nice date with Connor and was visibly disappointed when he turned her down only to get that fiery steel when she learned her father talked to him and then walk away. And Rhode's face was just an unexpected punch of immense regret as he watched her walk away before he had to compose himself to go talk to his patient's mother. Loved that Connor chose to be brave and accept the drinks. It's interesting that S1 he was all swagger with the ladies but S2 he seemed very hesitant about dating.

Gah, Halstead and Nina are soooo cute. Thing is since April is pregnant, Nina and Halstead definitely aren't gonna have their cute little baby this season. Not that they should since he's still hung up on Manning. I hope they swerve and don't have them obviously implode.

And NG can sang! I do find it hilarious that PM (Nina) and CD (Rhodes) still share little to no scenes together and both are musical theater vets. It would've been hilarious if Rhodes had been in attendance and busted out pipes after Halstead's song to do an awesome duet with Nina for Halstead to be 'Da Hell? What can't this guy do?'

The look of 'Whaaaaaaat?' Halstead and Manning exchanged when the brothers said they'd do the organ donation was hilarious.

April's brother is a crap doctor but he's been shown to be a pretty good little brother once she laid into his butt last season. I did find it funny that he ran to 'big bro' Halstead for him to convince April.

Love Goodwin dropping her walk-by knowledge on Choi about wrestling with pigs.

And props to this show, the women of color haven't been shoved to the background and given some meaty stories. Aprils' been given a series long arc about her TB and relationship and now pregnancy and she's being active in it rather than passive, Goodwin was launched into her divorce and had the first love episode, and Maggie had the episode about her sister. Glad they're spreading the storylines around pretty evenly with the group although Choi and Connor were a little shortchanged in the beginning of the season so hopefully they'll ramp up a bit when they return from their break. It also feels like with all the Halstead 2.0 that they've really moved him into THE male lead of the show like they wanted in S1 but were having issues with because Rhodes was playing better and was coming off as a more likable lead. In S2 Rhodes and Choi have been firmly supporting while Halstead is most def your lead guy.

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On 11/16/2016 at 7:53 PM, TobinAlbers said:

It also feels like with all the Halstead 2.0 that they've really moved him into THE male lead of the show like they wanted in S1 but were having issues with because Rhodes was playing better and was coming off as a more likable lead. In S2 Rhodes and Choi have been firmly supporting while Halstead is most def your lead guy.

That's the thing that's been bothering me... I preferred S1 set-up, with Rhodes getting more screen time. I don't care much for Halstead, his longing looks after Manning and money drama. I appreciate he learned from previous mistakes and acts more reasonably now. But I still don't like him - I tolerate him. He's like a work colleague you had to have good relations with, but would not like to go for drinks afterwards. Rhodes, on the other hand...

It's funny, because it seems to me the writers are trying to insert flaws into Connor's character: he's getting more sloppy in diagnosis, he butts heads with Dr Charles. Yet, I still like him. I really wish we'd get more of him in the episodes.

(Him, Choi and Reese are the characters I come back for)

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It's cool how everyone has different opinions. Halsted is my favorite character and I don't like Rhodes. To each their own I suppose. 


In any case, I liked this episode. It was interesting. :) I do have to question some of the TB stuff ( I had latent TB several years ago -the same type that April started out with)  but oh well. I try not to focus on thst sort of stuff in a show or it would drive me batty between the TB I was treated for and the RA I have (which apparently they used in another episode)now. Someone brought up the fact about the doctors  (Halstead, et el ) should have known about the birth control complications with it. I don't know this for certain but is it possible that she was on a medicine that typically didn't have those complications? I know what I was on, they never warned about that. So that's just a legitimate question. 

Edited by autumnmountains
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It's funny -- I think Med out of all the Chicago trilogy has the fewest characters who annoy me, when there was the greatest potential to have only annoying characters.* I don't mind Manning, and Red Halstead has steadily improved; having him cease alternating between moping and longing for Manning and being a pissy, unsupportive "friend" is certainly a step in the right direction. I don't like Rhodes' new "mentor" or attending or whatever Latham's supposed to be. He seems more damaged than arrogant to me. I hope the show explores the friendship (and rivalry) between Rhodes and Red Halstead; I think it does good things for the characterization of both.

Dr. Charles's behaviour is not completely out of character for him; in the first season we learned of his depression when he took himself off his meds. I'm willing to see where this story goes, especially if it brings in Norah Dunn again as his psychiatrist. Oliver Platt is easily the best actor on the show, so I feel like I can have at least a little patience for this storyline. I don't like his (elder) daughter -- granted he's being needy and weird around her, but her responses seem pretty adolescent for someone of her age and accomplishment. (I do think it feels like a retcon to learn that Daniel Charles was such a monumentally selfish and awful parent that his nominally adult daughter essentially refuses to speak to him, and can barely bring herself to be civil when circumstances force their interaction.) My favourite partnership on the show is still that between Reese and Dr. Charles. I might be in a tiny minority where Dr. Splendorkable is concerned; I feel like he's not all that well matched with Reese, and, I'm sorry, he just seems to me like he's going to snap at any moment, and go full-on Lecter/Zombie Apocalypse on her face.

*Noah will forever annoy me. I don't think there's anything the show could do to redeem the character at this point. I don't care if he invents a free app that cures the common cold. I'm assuming the entitled little dingbat gets himself sued into nonexistence the same minute he's licensed to practice.

Edited by Sandman
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So, a 20mm explosive round.  What exactly did the bad guys bring to the party, a Warthog?!??

No, wait, the Warthog's Avenger is 30mm.  So, what were they packing?  

Edited by Netfoot
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3 minutes ago, Netfoot said:

So, a 20mm explosive round.  What exactly did the bad guys bring to the party, a Warthog?!??

No, wait, the Warthog's Avenger is 30mm.  So, what were they packing?  

I think this was in Code Black yesterday, not Chicago Med!

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On 2016-12-01 at 0:29 PM, Sandman said:

I don't like Rhodes' new "mentor" or attending or whatever Latham's supposed to be. He seems more damaged than arrogant to me.

He has Autism Spectrum Disorder and I think the show is doing a good job of realistically portraying it unlike Sheldon on the The Big Bang Theory where it's (very successfully) played for laughs.

It makes sense to me that Dr. Charles has a bad relationship with his own daughter but a good one with Reese.  With Reese, there isn't the baggage of past history much less of future expectations and how her behaviour will reflect on him.  Charles is kind of creepy in the way he pushes his daughter.

I haven't trusted Charles since I heard he was still bff with Sharon's ex.  If the split is amicable and fair, yes, the couple's friends should stay friends with both.  But Sharon's ex husband did a low blow and without any warning too so I would prefer Charles to pick her side here.

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An interview with Ato Essandoh talking about Latham's  Autism Spectrum Disorder and his Orthodox Judaism.

(I know that the American Psychiatric Associations are supposed to be the experts but I think it was a mistake removing Asperger's Syndrome from the DSM-V and leaving only the Asperger's Spectrum.)

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