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Vicki Gunvalson: Her Love Tank Runneth Over

Message added by PrincessPurrsALot,

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Although Heather seems to be leaning towards cancer is iffy, Terry is smart enough to know that you don't screw with another doctor's diagnosis and especially one way outside your field.


What is frustrating me is the way Vicki treats Shannon.  She is far kinder to Tamra than she is to Shannon and Shannon was the one she originally called after the diagnosis.  I do believe that Vicki probably didn't ASK Shannon for help but allowed her to volunteer to help.  I feel like Vicki and Tamra get together to figure how to work each and every little nuance into a storyline for themselves, right down to the creepy psychic meeting.

  • Love 5

Although Heather seems to be leaning towards cancer is iffy, Terry is smart enough to know that you don't screw with another doctor's diagnosis and especially one way outside your field.


What is frustrating me is the way Vicki treats Shannon.  She is far kinder to Tamra than she is to Shannon and Shannon was the one she originally called after the diagnosis.  I do believe that Vicki probably didn't ASK Shannon for help but allowed her to volunteer to help.  I feel like Vicki and Tamra get together to figure how to work each and every little nuance into a storyline for themselves, right down to the creepy psychic meeting.

I do believe that Vicki asked Shannon for help but then got upset because Shannon had the audacity to ask why Brooks never followed through with the DR. that she recommended ON camera to both of them! IMO, I think Vicki saw that as casting more doubt on Brooks/cancer than anything else because Shannon was coming from a place of "help" and not a place of "hurt" like Meghan/Tamra.

Edited by WireWrap
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Yea. I think Heather and Terry very likely have doubts like the others do, but they're a lot more savvy about how they come off on TV. They know there is a very fine line there, and do not want to cross it. They'll sit back and let the others do it for them. 

I think they all knew that something was up, but that they were kind of "OK" with it all. My belief is that he had some type of relapse, which they reported in October, had the chemo and was done with it all when the season began in January. Because Andy said Vicki had to film with him, they decided to make it sound different than it was. Make it look like he was evaluating options and still looking into treatments, when really he wasn't. I think they all knew this on some level, but were willing to let Vicki do what she needed to do for a storyline. Just like they all knew that Tamra wasn't really considering having a baby last season. They kind of let her have it, pointed out the obvious silliness of it all (at least Heather did), but they let her play it all out and reach the obvious conclusion.  It reminds me also of the season before that when Heather and Terry were supposedly having marital issues. They kind of played it all up, the others played along, then in 5 or 6 episodes it was all over. 


The thing with the Brooks deal is that while the others were willing to play along, Meghan wasn't. I think she might have heard others speculating and she just decided to run with it.  Now the others are kind of stuck because it has become this big thing and it is hard to stay out of it. They all want/need camera time and if this is all anyone is talking about, at some point you get sucked into at least giving your opinion. 


Of all the clues that something is up, Brooks said at his birthday deal at Cut Fitness that "as of today, I'm off Chemo".  His birthday is at the end of March. He is saying now that he stopped chemo in January. That means when he made the statement in March, saying he was going off chemo, he had actually stopped 2 months before. I think the January part is true and that he did stop before filming began but went on pretending he was still doing it and everyone knows it. 

  • Love 8

Although Heather seems to be leaning towards cancer is iffy, Terry is smart enough to know that you don't screw with another doctor's diagnosis and especially one way outside your field.


What is frustrating me is the way Vicki treats Shannon.  She is far kinder to Tamra than she is to Shannon and Shannon was the one she originally called after the diagnosis.  I do believe that Vicki probably didn't ASK Shannon for help but allowed her to volunteer to help.  I feel like Vicki and Tamra get together to figure how to work each and every little nuance into a storyline for themselves, right down to the creepy psychic meeting.

Vicki and Tamra are almost the same person. This is why they will always gravitate back to each other. That is why I was so surprised to see Shannon get so close to Vicki. It never made any sense to me. I think Shannon is bat-shit crazy, maybe crazier than any other HW ever (save for Kelly) but I don't think she is evil or mean-spirited at all. I think that she has a good heart and feels things very deeply. 


How interesting is it that Meghan would contact an ex-girlfriend? Visions of Tamra doing the same thing with Slade back in the day. Anything to prove Gretchen to be a liar. Even more interesting that while Vicki wasn't contacting people like Tamra was, she was sitting right beside her smiling at the supposed "evidence". She didn't see anything wrong with what Tamra was doing at the time. Now of course she acts as if she has never heard of anyone doing something so low. Yes, Vicki, you have heard of this before. You heard of it when your best friend was doing it to someone and you never said "boo" to show your disapproval. What goes around comes around and all that. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 10

I think they all knew that something was up, but that they were kind of "OK" with it all. My belief is that he had some type of relapse, which they reported in October, had the chemo and was done with it all when the season began in January. Because Andy said Vicki had to film with him, they decided to make it sound different than it was. Make it look like he was evaluating options and still looking into treatments, when really he wasn't. I think they all knew this on some level, but were willing to let Vicki do what she needed to do for a storyline. Just like they all knew that Tamra wasn't really considering having a baby last season. They kind of let her have it, pointed out the obvious silliness of it all (at least Heather did), but they let her play it all out and reach the obvious conclusion. It reminds me also of the season before that when Heather and Terry were supposedly having marital issues. They kind of played it all up, the others played along, then in 5 or 6 episodes it was all over.

The thing with the Brooks deal is that while the others were willing to play along, Meghan wasn't. I think she might have heard others speculating and she just decided to run with it. Now the others are kind of stuck because it has become this big thing and it is hard to stay out of it. They all want/need camera time and if this is all anyone is talking about, at some point you get sucked into at least giving your opinion.

Of all the clues that something is up, Brooks said at his birthday deal at Cut Fitness that "as of today, I'm off Chemo". His birthday is at the end of March. He is saying now that he stopped chemo in January. That means when he made the statement in March, saying he was going off chemo, he had actually stopped 2 months before. I think the January part is true and that he did stop before filming began but went on pretending he was still doing it and everyone knows it.

Motorcitymom65 I wouldn't be surprised at all if your scenario was right on target.

Brooks had a cancer relapse followed by chemo treatments, lost 38 lbs., was sick like Vicki observed then went into remission. As you suggested, it could have occurred "before filming" began. Vicki was helping Brooks with his diet to promote a healthy lifestyle. The reservatal treatment also fits in as a remission treatment to try and prevent another relapse.

Vicki feels she needs the "Brooks cancer timeline change" in order to give her a 2015 RHOC story arc. In the meantime the other ladies are not heavily questioning the how and why of Brooks' cancer at first. It is Tamra who supplies a substantial smoking gun with psychic Scott Cruz, her very good friend...she asks questions regarding Brooks' cancer. Cruz says Brooks' cancer is wishy-washy and he just doesn't see it! Which might have meant Brooks was in remission at the time. On WWHL last night Tamra went into details about how close she and Scott are and that they talk all the time, but that he has only been right about her questions two times. It's obvious she talked to Scott about Brooks and Vicki since neither of them were at the lunch.

Before the psychic episode, did Briana contact Tamra and share how skeptical she was about Brooks having cancer? In addition, was Briana hoping to trip her mom up about Brooks' cancer treatment while filming in Oklahoma? Briana seemed to know Brooks' cancer was the last thing Vicki wanted examined closely by the viewers? She even accused Vicki of bribing her with a car not to question her about Brooks?

Next, did the psychic's "wishy washy" description of Brooks' cancer influence Meghan's rabid appetite for justice in order to prove Vicki and Brooks con-artists? Did Tamra invite her to the lunch hoping this would be the outcome? Of course, it was Meghan's decision to act like a crazed stalker because she wanted revenge for Vicki questioning her about her step daughter and marriage. If this scenario is true, Vicki is guilty of timeline meddling along with Brooks, to a lesser degree, for going along with his girlfriend! Though neither is 100% guilty of faking Brooks' cancer as Meghan proposes.

In the end will everyone forgive Vicki and Brooks for lying, realising Brooks did suffer a close cancer scare that Vicki exploited in order to keep her orange this season? Will Vicki plead for mercy claiming she believed that Andy and the producers would have either demoted her or fired her if she didn't include Brooks' cancer in her RHOC story this season?

Lastly, did Brooks leave Vicki for using his health issue to keep her RHOC job and for her refusal to stand up to Briana about their relationship? Will Vicki be back with a spin-off of more Brooks/Briana drama and a wedding with Brooks where he abandons her at the alter, lol.

Edited by talula
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Adding to Talula:


A couple of observations-Vicki said they started filming in mid- late January.  Brooks had a chemo treatment while  Vicki was back at an insurance conference the fourth week of January.  So if Brooks received the chemotherapy that week he would be do for another treatment six weeks later.  Which means by the time his birthday rolled around March 20th he had already made the decision not to return to chemo for 90 days.  Which would put him back to the chemo treatments if needed in late June-long after filming stopped. 


Briana claiming she was kicking a sick man out of his bed and not being able to travel-was Briana making trouble-she had to have known that if he Brooks stopped chemo in January that in April he was not suffering from the effects or on a travel ban.  So she is either proving her medical ignorance or desperately trying to keep the cameras rolling on Oklahoma. She just wanted to dog her mother.  Same as Vicki repeating Briana claimed Brooks didn't look sick-how would she know she hasn't seen him in two years?  She would not. 


The biggest oddity to me was the Vicki meltdown at dinner and leaving-Brooks looked perfectly content to hear what the others were talking about.  How is storming out in the middle of dinner any more calming than repeating the gossip?  Could it be that Vicki was worried that Brooks might discuss his health issues with two friends-when the dinner was really suppose to be all about Vicki?  When Tamra made the first reveal about the psychic to Vicki-my first question to Tamra would be -why the f&ck would you bring up Brooks cancer?  Why assume he was faking instead of in remission?  Why did you tell Shannon before you told me?  We do know from their blogs Tamra spilled the night of the dinner.  Then there was a major production gaff with Meghan announcing she had received a text from Vicki the night of the dinner and Shannon being the source, and Tamra trying to save it by stepping in and having to say she had told Vicki and throwing a little shade Shannon's way.  BTW how come Vicki hasn't approached Heather-she has been there.


The other strange thing is someone must be filling Vicki in on details of how Jim speaks to Meghan.  I don't believe until they went to the sex party Vicki had really been around them as a couple and in their mode.  Granted Meghan filled Vicki with plenty with her stories of being the underappreciated stepmom and Jim being gone most of the time.  Someone is priming Vicki. 


I must say the producers outdid themselves with stupidity this cancer and making odds on a newlyweds' marriage.  What is up for next year the Ryans joining forces and operating a dog fighting ring?

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I have reached the point with Vicki that I believe she lies far more than Brooks.  Over the years Brooks has taken the brunt of her dishonesty.  I do not blame him if he wants to distance himself and start over without the RH stench. 


Watching her at lunch with Shannon and true Vicki comes out-let's talk about me.

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I can't even express the sadness I felt for VIcki during her lunch with Shannon after the Ares party. Her voice trembling, tears welling up in her eyes as she begged and pleaded with Shannon just to stop and let it go. Shannon was relentless and kept pushing her. Vicki told her that it's hurtful to her, did Shannon even hear that? If Shannon was a friend she would begin acting like a friend. She should respect Vicki and drop the subject and say 'I support you Vicki and I'll be there if you need me'.  That's all she has to say, IF she was a real friend.


It's clear that Vicki came to lunch during her work day. It's also clear that she was stressed because it was tax time. It was clear that Vicki wanted Shannon to talk about what's going on with her (Vicki) or about what's going on with Shannon. But it was like Shannon was deaf and didn't hear a single word. I'm sorry, but in this case, I am with Vicki 100%  These bitchy women think of nothing else but themselves and the amount of time they get on camera. They will go do any expense and hurt anyone that stands in their way to achieve this. This season has been about the most inhumanely horrible and disgusting season of the series.

Edited by HumblePi
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I can't even express the sadness I felt for VIcki during her lunch with Shannon after the Ares party. Her voice trembling, tears welling up in her eyes as she begged and pleaded with Shannon just to stop and let it go. Shannon was relentless and kept pushing her. Vicki told her that it's hurtful to her, did Shannon even hear that? If Shannon was a friend she would begin acting like a friend. She should respect Vicki and drop the subject and say 'I support you Vicki and I'll be there if you need me'. That's all she has to say, IF she was a real friend.

It's clear that Vicki came to lunch during her work day. It's also clear that she was stressed because it was tax time. It was clear that Vicki wanted Shannon to talk about what's going on with her (Vicki) or about what's going on with Shannon. But it was like Shannon was deaf and didn't hear a single word. I'm sorry, but in this case, I am with Vicki 100% These bitchy women think of nothing else but themselves and the amount of time they get on camera. They will go do any expense and hurt anyone that stands in their way to achieve this. This season has been about the most humanely horrible and disgusting season of the series.

Shannon seemed desperate to keep her orange during this scene. She appeared to be checking with someone as she gave her lines to Vicki. Vicki seemed to be real but, Shannon robotic and nervous. I also think Shannon was relieved to switch the show around from her adulterous husband to a lying Brooks and Vicki. Shannon's friendship with Vicki was shallow and about the circumference of an orange, lol! Edited by talula
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I can just imagine Vicki writing checks to cover all Brooks' child support back payments and other debts and all the while saying to him, "So i'm going to pay all these off for you so you're free and clear and then you're going to love me forever and ever right? Forever and ever, you're gonna love me, right?"

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Shannon seemed desperate to keep her orange during this scene. She appeared to be checking with someone as she gave her lines to Vicki. Vicki seemed to be real but, Shannon robotic and nervous. I also think Shannon was relieved to switch the show around from her adulterous husband to a lying Brooks and Vicki. Shannon's friendship with Vicki was shallow and about the circumference of an orange, lol!


I thought that scene was as phony as they get.   Vicki's been on the OC for 10 seasons so she's managed to hone her acting skills.  Shannon has not.  More than anything, it seemed to me that Shannon was struggling with her "lines."

  • Love 6

I can't even express the sadness I felt for VIcki during her lunch with Shannon after the Ares party. Her voice trembling, tears welling up in her eyes as she begged and pleaded with Shannon just to stop and let it go. Shannon was relentless and kept pushing her. Vicki told her that it's hurtful to her, did Shannon even hear that? If Shannon was a friend she would begin acting like a friend. She should respect Vicki and drop the subject and say 'I support you Vicki and I'll be there if you need me'.  That's all she has to say, IF she was a real friend.


It's clear that Vicki came to lunch during her work day. It's also clear that she was stressed because it was tax time. It was clear that Vicki wanted Shannon to talk about what's going on with her (Vicki) or about what's going on with Shannon. But it was like Shannon was deaf and didn't hear a single word. I'm sorry, but in this case, I am with Vicki 100%  These bitchy women think of nothing else but themselves and the amount of time they get on camera. They will go do any expense and hurt anyone that stands in their way to achieve this. This season has been about the most inhumanely horrible and disgusting season of the series.

How very kind of you to feel for Vicki


Apparently Brooks and Vicki have gotten their wish-no one asks about Brooks cancer anymore.  http://www.etonline.com/news/172462_brooks_ayers_slams_real_housewives_of_orange_county_castmates_who_don_t_believe_he_has_cancer/

I thought that scene was as phony as they get.   Vicki's been on the OC for 10 seasons so she's managed to hone her acting skills.  Shannon has not.  More than anything, it seemed to me that Shannon was struggling with her "lines."

I got the same impression.  Shannon was asking for an answer, which she received, why Brooks did not want the referral. 

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I can't sympathize with that racist selfish pig. I'm not moved by her fake tears. She still gets paid at the end of the day, after all.

She was just trying to shut Shannon down at lunch, which is what she does every single time she is caught in lies.   I love that Meghan is dogging her. Classic Vicki, she can dish out huge platters, but cannot take it.

      She found her soul mate in Swamps.    Two dishonest p.o.s.

  • Love 5

How very kind of you to feel for Vicki


Apparently Brooks and Vicki have gotten their wish-no one asks about Brooks cancer anymore.  http://www.etonline.com/news/172462_brooks_ayers_slams_real_housewives_of_orange_county_castmates_who_don_t_believe_he_has_cancer/

I go

They need to get a better proofreader

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Shannon should have told Vicki at the lunch that she "loved and supported her"? Ummm what? Shannon had obliged a request from Vicki to provide help for Brooks . . . and she did so by prevailing upon personal and professional (since her occupation is essentially "philanthropist") relationships that likely required ample money to establish. That's about as supportive as one can get, imo. And how does Vicki treat that loyalty? By basically calling Shannon a liar to Meghan and telling Shannon that she was out of line for . . . complying with the request that Vicki herself made. The entitlement and crudeness therein is simply monstrous.

  • Love 6

The biggest oddity to me was the Vicki meltdown at dinner and leaving-Brooks looked perfectly content to hear what the others were talking about.  How is storming out in the middle of dinner any more calming than repeating the gossip?  Could it be that Vicki was worried that Brooks might discuss his health issues with two friends-when the dinner was really suppose to be all about Vicki? 

I think Vickie thought Shannon was going to tell her something about Crooks running around on Vicks again - the way Whori [Laurie] ambushed Vicks with some salacious gossip on camera a few seasons ago.  Crooks was calm because he's almost always calm around Vickie - she's the one that gets all wound up - which I generally find entertaining but not so much this season.     


I mean the sudden death of Vickie's mom was hard enough [and brought up a lot of heartfelt feelings/memories on this forum] but at least that was organic in my opinion.  But this cancer story has taken over the show  - both the does he or doesn't he of Crooks, and Meghan's constant comments on her deathwatch of Leann.  . I watch this crap to be entertained - crazy rich women and their lives.  This season had very very little of that. 

  • Love 5

I think Vickie thought Shannon was going to tell her something about Crooks running around on Vicks again - the way Whori [Laurie] ambushed Vicks with some salacious gossip on camera a few seasons ago.  Crooks was calm because he's almost always calm around Vickie - she's the one that gets all wound up - which I generally find entertaining but not so much this season.     


I mean the sudden death of Vickie's mom was hard enough [and brought up a lot of heartfelt feelings/memories on this forum] but at least that was organic in my opinion.  But this cancer story has taken over the show  - both the does he or doesn't he of Crooks, and Meghan's constant comments on her deathwatch of Leann.  . I watch this crap to be entertained - crazy rich women and their lives.  This season had very very little of that. 

According to Vicki when Shannon first asked her to go to the restroom she thought Shannon was going to tell he something about David and her marriage.  Which goes to show there is nothing like a good friend who doesn't want to hear anything about your life.  This shutting down conversations Vicki can't control has become her signature.

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Edited to add: Rereading the original ET Online story it looks like Enstarz could have mixed up what Brooks said! He seemed to be quoting what happened to his "doctor, "NOT himself?!? Confusion as usual!!! So it's his doctor whose numbers normalised and lesion & inflammations were gone.


Ayers News: Has 'RHOC' Star Been Cured of Cancer? He Offers Exciting Health Update [VIDEO]

By Lindsay Cronin on Sep 22, 2015 02:59 PM EDT

Brooks Ayers spoke out about his cancer during a new interview earlier this week.

Amid allegations of having faked his diagnosis, the Real Housewives of Orange County star, and former boyfriend of Vicki Gunvalson, offered a positive update about his health, claiming that since he began taking supplements and doing IV therapy, his "numbers were normalized."

"My lesion, my inflammations were gone. Gone!" Ayers told Entertainment Tonight on Monday. "So I'm encouraged."

"I have cancer," Ayers explained to the entertainment news program.

And as for why there have been so many questions raised by his co-stars about his stage 3 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis and treatment, the reality star claimed it's all in the name of drama and ratings.

"I think they do it to create drama -- manufactured drama and that's sad to me," Ayers revealed. "I've distanced myself in a lot of ways from it. It's useless drama that brings on stress that quite frankly no one needs and in particular my situation. I'm not running from anything."

Also during his interview with Entertainment Tonight, Ayers revealed he would soon travel back to California from Florida, where he will undergo another round of treatments.

For more Brooks Ayers, tune into The Real Housewives of Orange County season 10 on Monday nights at 9 p.m. on Bravo, and check out more of his latest interview below.

Edited by talula
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According to Vicki when Shannon first asked her to go to the restroom she thought Shannon was going to tell he something about David and her marriage.  Which goes to show there is nothing like a good friend who doesn't want to hear anything about your life.  This shutting down conversations Vicki can't control has become her signature.

Oh thanks zoeysmom.  Haha, I can totally see that being the case.  Yes, Vicks is getting good at shutting down conversations she wants to avoid; I don't think she's even screeched this season.  Yet.  Heh. 

This makes me angry. People demanding medical records is completely offensive. Even if records are produced, people will think they are fake. I am not a Brooks fan, but these people questioning the cancer are sickening. Meghan digging around under the guise of "caring" is the worst of all of them. Meghan is one crazy, scary b*&^%!

Nobody demanded his records. Heather & Shannon suggested it to end the thing that was stressing Vicki out.

Edited by turbogirlnyc
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Definition of a 'Good Friend' in Orange County. A new 'good friend' must have at least 6 of the 10 credentials.


1.  Tell her you 'love her' and can trust her. (But in reality you only love yourself and don't trust her as far as you can throw a piano into Caitlyn Jenner's pool)

2.  Tell her that whatever secrets she confides to you will stay secret forever. (You really can't wait to use your cellphone in private to spread the gossip)

3.  Invite her to all your lavish parties and make her welcome. (get her drunk, accuse her of horrible things, and get angry at her when she storms out)

4.  Always tell her that what she's wearing looks absolutely gorgeous on her. (you secretly think she robbed that rag from the Goodwill store and looks fat in it)

6.  Let her know how lucky she is to have such an adoring husband. (get that guy alone and hit on him as soon as she turns her back)

7.  Tell her that she hasn't aged a minute in all the time you've known her.  (set up an appt. for yourself for Botox because you think your 'bestie' looked old)

8.  Gush over her amazing mansion/castle and tell her how happy you are for her. (put on some concealer to hide the green color of your face)

9.  Let her know you'll be by her side through thick and thin. (get the hell out of her life asap if she's not popular with the press anymore)

10.Buy a new puppy, it will be your only real friend to love.


Edited by HumblePi
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Sounds like Briana is in town just in time for the Reunion taping.  Oh crap I hope this isn;t another Reunion of Briana using the platform to vent her dislike of Brooks. Isn't she the one saying he is a sick man and she didn't want to kick him out of his bed two and half months after his last chemo treatment.

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What I want to know is (and I am not expecting an answer): Why in every loving hell would 20/20 do a story on Brooks Ayers of all people?!? Boyfriend of a Z list celeb on a basic cable network? It wasn't like he was celeb in his own right. I could buy them doing a story on an athlete or rapper dating one of those Jenner girls who turned out to be problematic, but Brooks? GTFOH! Was the newsday that damn slow? Are they that bereft of ideas and stories to cover? Since when does being a deadbeat dad with questionable ethics make one worthy of a segment on 20/20? Are they going to be covering other idiots behind in their payments too? I had to get that off my chest because I never understood the 'why' of that.


Here is the latest from Vicki on Brooks-someone post a comment essentially saying she had just lost her father and if Brooks was faking, it was low.


Kathie, he isn't lying.  Unfortunately, Brooks has cancer and the truth will come out very soon.  I am so sorry to her about your father and wish you all the best,  You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.


I am thinking the next slam will be his cancer isn't as serious as they claim it to be. 


I swear over the years before every reunion, across all the damn franchises, (ALL OF THEM) at least one housewives utters 'the truth will come out' and IT NEVER FREAKING DOES!!!  So I need the HW to stop saying this because it is an outright lie. I especially don't' expect this time to be any different so I will watch in detached amusement. Well, I might let out a few grunts and groans if Brianna 'graces' us with her presence. 

Edited by islandgal140
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Interesting little find and Briana being very candid.  Briana claims she never said Brooks doesn't look sick.  Vicki claims she misspoke.  https://instagram.com/p/3-gQ4TLZNW/


One has to read the comments on the side-Briana is quite talkative on her mom's account.

Here is Vicki created crap  thanking the storywriters.  https://instagram.com/p/3njn98LZGV/

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I highly recommend reading some of Vicki's Instagrams. I am not all that diligent and I found Briana answering naysayers in one of Vicki's.  The same might be true of her Facebook.  I notice she has removed some items. 


As to storywriters-I guess there is a difference between script writers and storywriters.  Obviously there was a story to tell about Ryan and his baby mama.  Production for key dates needs to know Tamra is unavailable-although I do think it was single camera coverage in Roseville or home video.  Same with Shannon's therapy.  To me the not so subtle difference is a storywriter might put together events like something as lame as a booty workout or sex party where a scriptwriter might direct the  lines of conversation say at the Meghan/Jim and Vicki/Brooks sit down.  Did Meghan intentionally say, Tamra said you told her . . . instead of saying Tamra said Vicki told her Jim told Brooks. . . to me that goes beyond story writing and scriptwriting.  Of course we have no proof of prior scripting but it changed the entire focus of the conversation (much to Jim's relief I am sure).


It will be a sad day in OC if an when Tamra and Vicki ever come clean.  It goes to my objection about creating professional RH.  Tamra launching a You Tube channel is not episode worthy.

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I worked in the story department on a reality show. The title "story editors," or "story writers" in some cases, in the context of reality TV, refer to the people who go through the raw footage and construct the scenes into actual episodes. So, on our show, there were loggers who watched all the raw footage and wrote literal "logs" of what was happening; the story editors then read the logs and decide which scenes to pull for episodes; they then write an "outline" of each episode and send the outline to the editor; the editor then edits the episode according to the story department's outline. I know Stoopid Housewives was obsessed with the fact that Vicki outed that there were "writers" on the show, but this really isn't that big of a deal. It really is an industry standard term.

  • Love 21

I worked in the story department on a reality show. The title "story editors," or "story writers" in some cases, in the context of reality TV, refer to the people who go through the raw footage and construct the scenes into actual episodes. So, on our show, there were loggers who watched all the raw footage and wrote literal "logs" of what was happening; the story editors then read the logs and decide which scenes to pull for episodes; they then write an "outline" of each episode and send the outline to the editor; the editor then edits the episode according to the story department's outline. I know Stoopid Housewives was obsessed with the fact that Vicki outed that there were "writers" on the show, but this really isn't that big of a deal. It really is an industry standard term.

Thanks for the clarification.  It is helpful to have someone fro the inside.

Seems Vicki is the forgiving kind-isn't that Lauri Petersen she is with and now doing business in the same company.  Seems the mighty dollar speaks very loud.  https://www.facebook.com/vickigunvalsonhousewife/photos/a.10151286560223513.462556.89284848512/10153169987018513/?type=3&theater


This is Vicki's latest marketing scheme-spend $500.00 on polyester clothes (many styles she wears on the show) and you can own your own boutique.  It seems Lauri is pitching it as well.

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Vicki's Twitter Account:

Kalli ❤ ‏@wendymau6

@vgunvalson Stick to your guns Vicki! Your fans are behind you 100%. If u know the truth, don't let miniscule ppl test u. U r way better. ✌

Vicki Gunvalson

Vicki Gunvalson – Verified account ‏@vgunvalson

@wendymau6 Thank you! I only know what was told to me, and I stood behind the person I loved during this time we were together.

9:13 PM - 26 Sep 2015


Edited by talula
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More from Vicki's Twitter site:

Jewels ‏@indyjulie1

@vgunvalson What nerve of @MeghanKEdmonds calling Drs. Office's! Who does that!

Vicki Gunvalson

Vicki Gunvalson – Verified account ‏@vgunvalson

@indyjulie1 Agree! And furthermore she called the wrong one.

7:33 AM - 25 Sep 2015



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Old audio-tape with Vicki from 2014. sounds like a normal person talking not TV reality star! Not sure how long after this tape was made that Brooks moved in with Vicki.

‘Are We In A Horror Movie?’ Vicki Gunvalson Bemoans ‘Miserable’ Life With Cheating Brooks Ayers In Secret New Audio Recording — LISTEN To The Tape!

Posted on Sep 12, 2014 @ 7:04AM


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Old audio-tape with Vicki from 2014. sounds like a normal person talking not TV reality star! Not sure how long after this tape was made that Brooks moved in with Vicki.

‘Are We In A Horror Movie?’ Vicki Gunvalson Bemoans ‘Miserable’ Life With Cheating Brooks Ayers In Secret New Audio Recording — LISTEN To The Tape!

Posted on Sep 12, 2014 @ 7:04AM


So Vicki is complaining about no endorsements and the very next month, she announces Brooks has cancer and voila the two of them have moved in together, traveling and endorsing Club Detox and now this MLM clothing line.  I  think Vicki has zero credibility left.

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Message added by PrincessPurrsALot,

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