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Vicki Gunvalson: Her Love Tank Runneth Over

Message added by PrincessPurrsALot,

No politics.  That means none.  Zero. Zilch. Nada. 
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Yes, not unexpected given her age - and he said something about kids losing their mothers being sad. Hope I'm not getting it wrong.

Oh no not all.  Once again it was Vicki boasting about giving her mom an 83rd birthday party.  (In my head I can hear explaining to her kids why she is going to Chicago in December-it's mom's 83rd birthday it could be her last.)  I thought Michael handled is mom and her narcissism  rather skillfully.  Bravo for him.

  • Love 7

im shocked that Vicki hasn't trotted out her dead mother as the reason she lied. Isn't that a get out of jail free card?

[insert Internet Whisper]


Don't give her any ideas. Vicki might take you literally.

I am frantically SMH as I write this post.


Edited by Scrambled Fog
  • Love 1

Well do I ever feel left out! I live in Saskatchewan, Canada, and we just had the Reunion Part 2 shown this week!!................


.......The shitty part is that all 3 of the Reunions are now locked up, and so I can't post any of my opinions. 


All I want to say is that it really pisses me off with all of the fake cancer crap. I lost a child to cancer, and it was real, and I had to sit by and watch her die. And it was real, and it broke my heart. FU to Brooks & Vicki and anyone else who is sick in the head enough to fake such an awful, degrading disease. You just don't do that. Okay, I'm done.


I'm so very sorry for your loss.


What Brooks and Vicki did was despicable.


 It's frustrating that we have to limit talk to this thread because all of this spins out from her lies and half-hearted acknowledgement of just one of those lies during the 3rd reunion episode.  Argh.


Now that City of Hope has confirmed Brooks was never a patient and since Brooks himself confessed to faking the documents,  I'm hoping the reunion threads will be be unlocked.  There's nothing left to argue about........

  • Love 9

Ok this may be a personal hang up of mine but I cringed when Vicki, trying to relay how unexpected her mother's death was, said (must have been on WWHL) that she had just bought her mom a new set of false teeth. Omg I'm cringing just writing that. Just so typical Vicki patting herself on the back while throwing her mother under the bus ie my mom has bad teeth and is too poor to buy her own. Ugh, this post has me in a shame spiral!!

  • Love 13

I don't live in a huge metro area like OC but my dad was just in the hospital twice for a week each time this past month & every time the nurse (my sister is also a nurse at the same hospital & said it is protocol) gave my dad ANYTHING (IV bag, oral meds, etc) they announced what he was given or what they were hanging for an IV.  Also before they do anything to or for him they scan his wrist band & make him verify his birthdate.  Not that that has anything to do with anything but I firmly believe the nurse announced whatever they put in Brooks veins, of course there was never an actual treatment so the phantom nurse in Vicki's head may not have been as professional.

  • Love 5

Ok, I'm sorry that I don't have a link to back this up but I'm certain Vicki said she saw them hang the IV and saw the solution go into Brooks arm. The reason It stuck out to me is because she added "it's not like they said this is chemo". Like many of you I've had cancer (twice ) and had a year of chemo. It is nursing protocol to say " this is ( fill in the blank drug) and it will run for x amount of hours, it's considered the last step in eliminating drug errors. So I knew that was bull shit. Vicki also has a way of saying her lies in the most frantic, hard to catch the words ,way, does anyone else notice that?

Lastly I don't read the bravo blogs but in that compilation that zooeysmom posted Vicki is clearly shilling the detox as curing ( or on the way to curing ) Brooks .

Sorry you had cancer-twice. Glad that you are still around to talk about it.

I'm so very sorry for your loss.


What Brooks and Vicki did was despicable.



Now that City of Hope has confirmed Brooks was never a patient and since Brooks himself confessed to faking the documents,  I'm hoping the reunion threads will be be unlocked.  There's nothing left to argue about........

Thanks AnnA.

  • Love 5

I'm so very sorry for your loss.


What Brooks and Vicki did was despicable.



Now that City of Hope has confirmed Brooks was never a patient and since Brooks himself confessed to faking the documents,  I'm hoping the reunion threads will be be unlocked.  There's nothing left to argue about........

You'd think so, but Devil's Advocates will say faking documents doesn't equal faking cancer. 

  • Love 10

Ok this may be a personal hang up of mine but I cringed when Vicki, trying to relay how unexpected her mother's death was, said (must have been on WWHL) that she had just bought her mom a new set of false teeth. Omg I'm cringing just writing that. Just so typical Vicki patting herself on the back while throwing her mother under the bus ie my mom has bad teeth and is too poor to buy her own. Ugh, this post has me in a shame spiral!!

It seems like these women have no pride, will blurt out any and all personal information, false teeth for mom, husband fishing for broken piece of plastic up the bum, never TMI for them.

  • Love 9

Ok, I'm sorry that I don't have a link to back this up but I'm certain Vicki said she saw them hang the IV and saw the solution go into Brooks arm. The reason It stuck out to me is because she added "it's not like they said this is chemo". Like many of you I've had cancer (twice ) and had a year of chemo. It is nursing protocol to say " this is ( fill in the blank drug) and it will run for x amount of hours, it's considered the last step in eliminating drug errors. So I knew that was bull shit. Vicki also has a way of saying her lies in the most frantic, hard to catch the words ,way, does anyone else notice that?

Lastly I don't read the bravo blogs but in that compilation that zooeysmom posted Vicki is clearly shilling the detox as curing ( or on the way to curing ) Brooks .

She did say that-she saw the bag hanging and the needle in his arm.  I think even non-medical professional know the difference between be infused and having fluids drawn.  The other tell would have been Brooks identifying the drugs (CHOP) the most common.  He should have picked that lingo up. . . oh wait except its side effect is hair loss.  She also said she held his hand but more appalling is she called Shannon out for not being there for him and holding his hand.  Shannon did reply she would have been if asked.  Brother Billy was a part of these conversations.

Heather is on E!News tonight.  This is their number 1 story.  http://www.eonline.com/news/715246/real-housewives-heather-dubrow-wants-vicki-gunvalson-to-answer-for-brooks-ayers-lies-when-did-she-know  Imagine it took Vicki and Brooks to knock the Kardashians off the #1 spot. 

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 7

I can't believe I am even going to type this to you all & you couldn't pick me out of a lineup if you needed to but a few years ago I tripped & hit the corner of the coffee table with my mouth knocking some off my teeth out & I would die of embarrassment if anyone announced to people that all my teeth weren't real.


Vicki must see herself as some kind of tooth fairy... she fixed Brooks's teeth & bought new ones for mom.  It like shots at a bar! Teeth for everyone, on Vicki!!

  • Love 17

Vicki also implies that she and she alone pays for everything.  Her mother's lawyer, the teeth, all vacations.   She has other siblings and I am sure they don't appreciate it.

 But, they probably ignore 100% of what she says (like Vicki's mom did) because they have had a lifetime of it.


Vicki will never tell the truth, she isn't capable of it.

  • Love 11

I can't believe I am even going to type this to you all & you couldn't pick me out of a lineup if you needed to but a few years ago I tripped & hit the corner of the coffee table with my mouth knocking some off my teeth out & I would die of embarrassment if anyone announced to people that all my teeth weren't real.


Vicki must see herself as some kind of tooth fairy... she fixed Brooks's teeth & bought new ones for mom.  It like shots at a bar! Teeth for everyone, on Vicki!!

Lol or Oprah "and you get new teeth, and you get new teeth...."

If my daughter every has to buy me new teeth or pay for any surgeries related to anything involving where my bathing suit covers, I'm going to make her sign a confidentiality statement.

  • Love 12

I'm a Tre-hugger and I'll not deny it. I've always liked Tre--and I know she's a felon! But I am pretty sure neither Tre nor Joe would get involved in anything like this. If only because they would be terrified of provoking a Karma drive-by of truly massive proportions.

Of course not, criminals only victimize other people.

  • Love 1

Am I the only one doubting Vicki found out about her mother's death during Bunco?  Given Vicki's recent stabs at thespianism it just seems like she might have set the whole thing up.  According to Meghan, one of Shannon's friends heard Jeana say just such a thing the night of the Bunco party.  When it got back to gullible Vicki she texted the others that she would not and did not want them to film with Jeana anymore.  Apparently, Tamra backed the Shannon's friend's claim which caused a little back forth on Twitter between Jeana and Tamra.


It seems odd that once Billy found out he would use Brianna in Oklahoma to locate her mother.  Why not Brooks?  Why not the production person who ultimately go the call from Briana?  Since Vicki's latest rampage of lies I am left wondering if she didn't fake this as well.  Jeana seemed to think so.  I mean when is the last time we saw Vicki without her phone?

I wouldn't put it past Vicki to fake the whole thing. Her theatrics were cringe worthy. As for her having her phone....Shannon doesn't allow cell phones and probably has them blocked, but then how would production get news from Brianna?
  • Love 4

In all fairness, none of us can stand my brother-in-law's wife but we have family photos together.  So just because there are photos of Vicki & Brooks taken with her family doesn't negate the fact that most of them sans Billy didn't like Brooks or thought something was hinky with him.  Sometimes we set our feelings aside & grin & bear it to get through family events.  I have left some of my family shit with my tongue numb as hell from biting it so much LOL


edited because I hate it when people don't use the proper there/their/they're so it is absolutely unacceptable for me to do so myself LOL

Lucy you made me laugh.  I could see Vicki's family finding him unacceptable, between jail time, the hookers, having an affair with Vicki, tapes of him calling Vicki a whore-it isn't much of a stretch.  Thanks for the insight and reminder.  Up until that point I was wondering who would vacation in Miami in August?  Does this family winter in Manitoba?  I apologize to all the folks who live in Florida and in snow country in advance. 

  • Love 5

Vicki went from sitting with him for fours during the infusion, to being in the waiting room right outside the door to a random pick up.  More importantly if she was just picking him up-how did he get there?  City of Hope is at least an hour away from where they live.

Transportation seems to be Brooks' kryptonite, doesn't it?  Got 2 flat tires on way to see Shannon's contact at City of Hope, yet magically arrived for fake chemo with no way home another time?   Seriously, I don't know how Vicki could not have known - even she's not that stupid.  It's more of a common sense thing versus an intelligence thing. 

  • Love 11

Transportation seems to be Brooks' kryptonite, doesn't it?  Got 2 flat tires on way to see Shannon's contact at City of Hope, yet magically arrived for fake chemo with no way home another time?   Seriously, I don't know how Vicki could not have known - even she's not that stupid.  It's more of a common sense thing versus an intelligence thing. 


Brooks didn't lie about that...he always has 2 flat tires.

They are the 2 baguettes hanging off Vicki's chest....ba dum dum

  • Love 8

I wouldn't be surprised if this was all Vicki's idea from the get go. I have previously posted that if this was a ruse, then Vicki was in on it from the beginning. Now that the shit is raining down, I wonder how much she had to pay Brooks to make him take the fall? That really is her only hope. Brook has gone as far as saying Vicki did not know about the phony documents (which I don't buy). But that's not going to be enough to clear her. Looks like Vicki will need to sweeten the pot to get a confession and an declaration that she was innocent. Even then there is just too much incriminating evidence against her.

As for Bravo being upset, I don't think so. They are loving all this media attention and ratings. Bravo doesn't care if the storyline is despicable, all they care about is ratings.

  • Love 11

Gretchen weighs and feels Vicki was duped.  It was rumored Vicki and Gretchen have become friends making way for Gretchen's return to the show.  http://www.eonline.com/news/715330/gretchen-rossi-is-appalled-and-disgusted-by-brooks-ayers-cancer-treatment-lies  IF Gretchen keeps this up she will be sitting on the bench next year waiting to be called up again.

  • Love 1

I wouldn't be surprised if this was all Vicki's idea from the get go. I have previously posted that if this was a ruse, then Vicki was in on it from the beginning. Now that the shit is raining down, I wonder how much she had to pay Brooks to make him take the fall? That really is her only hope. Brook has gone as far as saying Vicki did not know about the phony documents (which I don't buy). But that's not going to be enough to clear her. Looks like Vicki will need to sweeten the pot to get a confession and an declaration that she was innocent. Even then there is just too much incriminating evidence against her.

As for Bravo being upset, I don't think so. They are loving all this media attention and ratings. Bravo doesn't care if the storyline is despicable, all they care about is ratings.




If you do something newsworthy (cough cough) to the point where Entertainment Tonight is interviewing you...boy oh you are moving into big time circles..

More exposure for the RH franchise.


Bravo is really big on Twitter/Facebook and they are just eating this up that Vicki is trending.

  • Love 3

I don't think Vicki's family liked him.  If Briana was the only one with an issue with Brooks there's no reason he would have been banned from the funeral. We all know Vicki doesn' give a shit about Briana's opinion about Brooks.  It had to be other people who didn't want him there.

In the article of Billy's interview, Billy says that he got along with Brooks, but the rest of the family (Vicki's sisters) didn't.  His mother didn't like Brooks initially but ended up feeling that if he made Vicki happy, then they had to accept him.


Someone else posted in another thread that Vicki's mom died during the night and was found in the morning.  They found it hard to believe that Vicki wasn't notified until that evening at the Bunco party that her mother was dead.  So it would make sense that Vicki was reenacting finding out the news of her mother's death at the Bunco party.  Most likely she heard the news during the day.  I imagine Billy called her first thing.

Edited by jinjer
  • Love 9

Tamra recycles (and admits to it) a one liner.  http://perezhilton.com/2015-11-12-tamra-judge-real-housewives-of-orange-county-funny-lies-cancer-drama#.VkTyOf-FMic


Vicki's crack PR agent:  Look at what is news-Club Detox:  http://www.clayedwardspr.com/news_category/press-release/


Don't most PR people mention who they rep?

Vicki enjoying the nonsense on October 27th-just waiting for the truth-hadn't even watched the last episodes.  Bette Smith is Kyle, Kim Richards' agent as well as the Hilton family-don't know specifically about Paris.  https://instagram.com/p/9Xs7Z3LZMQ/

  • Love 1

Vicki slips in shit and falls into money. As noted above, with all of the press she's managed to drum up and ratings through the roof (I actually didn't realize that they are effectively even with RHOA after the latter declined in viewership) It's an inevitability at this point, imo, that Bravo will extend her an invite to season 11. Production needs to create a supercut juxtaposing all of her transparent mendacity - from the shifting accounts about accompanying Brooks to consultations to her castigation of Shannon for not going with them to City of Hope to her initial insistence that she had no idea what Heather was talking about per the IV story - because I can already anticipate the tearful but vague abuse survivor narrative that Vicki and Briana (who, if nothing else, knows on which side her bread is buttered) will spin. Tamra already stupidly gave them a huge assist by sniveling, "yes, he did, tell the truth," when Andy asked if Brooks had ever gotten physical with the Vickster. As consistently as this franchise has been punctuated by socipathy, previous instances have, for the most part, been isolated to one cast member (Taylor Armstrong) over a contained span of time or specific incidents (NakedWasted). I don't know if I can watch another twenty episodes of Vicki styling herself as a victim.

  • Love 12

I guess I'm in the minority in that I do think that Vicki finding out her mom had passed was real, although I completly understand why people would doubt that. But she made it clear it was shown with her approval so either way Vicki enjoyed the attention it garnered for her. I just have a feeling Brooks is going to turn on her. I can't even explain why...he just doesn't seem built for being the fall guy.

  • Love 12

Gretchen weighs and feels Vicki was duped.  It was rumored Vicki and Gretchen have become friends making way for Gretchen's return to the show.  http://www.eonline.com/news/715330/gretchen-rossi-is-appalled-and-disgusted-by-brooks-ayers-cancer-treatment-lies  IF Gretchen keeps this up she will be sitting on the bench next year waiting to be called up again.


Maybe Vicks wants Gretchie-poo to come back & is positioning her as her ally.  I can say with certainty it won't happen.  I've said this before.  Gretch has boxed herself into a corner with Slade.  And her life with him hasn't changed.  They're pushing the same old story everyone knows is absolute nonsense, crap & bullshit.  It's tiresome, predictable & very boring.  Would Satan Andy bring her back in spite of that?  Possibly, but I really doubt it.  He seemed pretty annoyed by all the bullshit they were throwing around about their lives before.  And it's what got them booted.  Nothing has changed about that.


I think if Gretch got rid of Slade, Satan Andy would bring her back in a sec.  Look, Gretch was always a hoot, in spite of all her bullshit.  And her interactions with the other women were kinda fun to watch.  But Slade brought her too far down into a sea of bullshit.  I don't think even Satan Andy would wanna venture into that again.  I get Vicks desperation to find an ally.  But she's wasting her time courting Gretchie.

  • Love 7

Transportation seems to be Brooks' kryptonite, doesn't it?  Got 2 flat tires on way to see Shannon's contact at City of Hope, yet magically arrived for fake chemo with no way home another time?   Seriously, I don't know how Vicki could not have known - even she's not that stupid.  It's more of a common sense thing versus an intelligence thing. 

Does he even own a car?

  • Love 6

SO I am rewatching the season, I know I am a glutton for punishment.  I'm at the one after Vicki's mom died & she is now leaving for the funeral.  I am going with Vicki found out at the Bunko party, she just isn't that good of an actress.  And try as she might to convince everyone that her family all liked Brooks, he wouldn't have been unwelcome at her mom's funeral if that was the case.


Totally, OT for this thread but I just ordered Terry & Heather's skin care products for myself for my anniversary (the hubby sucks at gift giving so if I want something good I gotta get it myself LOL)

  • Love 7

Maybe Vicks wants Gretchie-poo to come back & is positioning her as her ally.  I can say with certainty it won't happen.  I've said this before.  Gretch has boxed herself into a corner with Slade.  And her life with him hasn't changed.  They're pushing the same old story everyone knows is absolute nonsense, crap & bullshit.  It's tiresome, predictable & very boring.  Would Satan Andy bring her back in spite of that?  Possibly, but I really doubt it.  He seemed pretty annoyed by all the bullshit they were throwing around about their lives before.  And it's what got them booted.  Nothing has changed about that.


I think if Gretch got rid of Slade, Satan Andy would bring her back in a sec.  Look, Gretch was always a hoot, in spite of all her bullshit.  And her interactions with the other women were kinda fun to watch.  But Slade brought her too far down into a sea of bullshit.  I don't think even Satan Andy would wanna venture into that again.  I get Vicks desperation to find an ally.  But she's wasting her time courting Gretchie.

Last night on WWHL Andy said something about Brooks medical records being as real as the e-mails Gretchen brought to the Reunion.  Made me wonder.  I think RHOC will be successful if they replace Vicki with another rich woman of Shannon or Heather's caliber.  No need to keep bringing the dregs back in.  Slade is only slightly better than Brooks.

SO I am rewatching the season, I know I am a glutton for punishment.  I'm at the one after Vicki's mom died & she is now leaving for the funeral.  I am going with Vicki found out at the Bunko party, she just isn't that good of an actress.  And try as she might to convince everyone that her family all liked Brooks, he wouldn't have been unwelcome at her mom's funeral if that was the case.


Totally, OT for this thread but I just ordered Terry & Heather's skin care products for myself for my anniversary (the hubby sucks at gift giving so if I want something good I gotta get it myself LOL)

I don't know if Briana went to the funeral-but that would be reason enough for him to stay away.  I think Vicki probably wanted to be the center of attention at that event as well.


let us know how you like it. 

  • Love 5

Vicki and Brooks still talking:  http://www.eonline.com/news/715372/brooks-ayers-called-vicki-gunvalson-after-copping-to-his-lies-source-reveals


My guess is there probably not a lot people who want to talk to either of them right now unless they are a journalist or write a blog.  Have these people never heard of blocking calls?  Or changing their phone number?

  • Love 3

Also, for Briana's claims to tamra in April no one in her mother's family likes Brooks there is this August 2015 photo of Brooks with the family.

(snip)  http://tamaratattles...ards-interview/


Remember, Ladies...Always have the beau at the extreme left or extreme right of the family group in case you have to cut him out of the photo later.

  • Love 19

I guess I'm in the minority in that I do think that Vicki finding out her mom had passed was real, although I completly understand why people would doubt that. But she made it clear it was shown with her approval so either way Vicki enjoyed the attention it garnered for her. I just have a feeling Brooks is going to turn on her. I can't even explain why...he just doesn't seem built for being the fall guy.


I too think the scene with Vicki finding out about her mom was real. It was just too raw, too emotional. I LOATHE Vicki and that scene made me cry, not for Vicki, but seeing anyone in that much emotional pain was just too much for me.

  • Love 8

I am frantically SMH as I write this post.



Okay, I have been wondering about this forever-- WHAT DOES SMH STAND FOR?  Sorry for yelling, I've just been dying to know!


And then I finally googled it.  Shaking my head.  Got it!  SMH at my own stupidity for not googling it to begin with...  

Edited by OhGromit
  • Love 8

That's the other thing.  How many of us here lost their moms?  Mine died when I was 24.  And I was upset about it.  But I didn't go around whining 'I want my Mommy!'.  Because (1) she wasn't gonna come back no matter what and I had to deal with it and (2)  I was 24.  Not 4.


24. Cancer. We had 4 months from diagnosis to deceased. And I was too busy becoming the guardian to two teenagers and a seven year old while raising my own family (three kids under the age of 6) to be so damned dramatic. 


(Now, the person who really SHOULD have been crying and rolling on the floor was my husband! He sure wasn't ready for dealing with teenagers overnight.)

  • Love 13

Vicki slips in shit and falls into money. As noted above, with all of the press she's managed to drum up and ratings through the roof (I actually didn't realize that they are effectively even with RHOA after the latter declined in viewership) It's an inevitability at this point, imo, that Bravo will extend her an invite to season 11. Production needs to create a supercut juxtaposing all of her transparent mendacity - from the shifting accounts about accompanying Brooks to consultations to her castigation of Shannon for not going with them to City of Hope to her initial insistence that she had no idea what Heather was talking about per the IV story - because I can already anticipate the tearful but vague abuse survivor narrative that Vicki and Briana (who, if nothing else, knows on which side her bread is buttered) will spin. Tamra already stupidly gave them a huge assist by sniveling, "yes, he did, tell the truth," when Andy asked if Brooks had ever gotten physical with the Vickster. As consistently as this franchise has been punctuated by socipathy, previous instances have, for the most part, been isolated to one cast member (Taylor Armstrong) over a contained span of time or specific incidents (NakedWasted). I don't know if I can watch another twenty episodes of Vicki styling herself as a victim.

Once upon a time in the RH world there was a woman named Danielle Staub. she was assaulted and chased down at a public event and almost everything she said about her castmates was true.  After two seasons and her having no friendships with any of the RH she was sent packing.  The ratings for that season were the highest and she was the catalyst for much of the drama.  At this time this franchise is basing itself about being genuine-Vicki isn't measuring up.  I can't imagine there is an outpour of folks demanding Vicki return.  It is Vicki's hubris that seems to keep the myth alive.  Because of Vicki's time and grade  and season after season of her being just incredibly inappropriate in her treatment and comments to others, there may not be a redemption arc for Vicki. Does anyone really believe any apology that comes out of Vicki's mouth is sincere?  All she can talk about is how she needed friends, support and most importantly casseroles.

  • Love 7

Does three dates a boyfriend make?  Vicki's new squeeze:  http://radaronline.com/photos/vicki-gunvalson-new-man-real-housewives-orange-county-boyfriend-smith-walker-pics/photo/1223931/  Again I am still trying to figure out her time schedule.


On the high side-he use to own a women's clothing store-perhaps he can teach her a thing or two about fit.


Then there is his work as an artist.  You be the judge.

I guess at this point it's only a matter of time before Meghan runs up to this guy and rips off a mask, revealing Brooks!
  • Love 7

L O L!!

In the past some posters have begged Vicki to wear a Bra!!!!!


Bunny feels bread sleeves (like the ones you get when buying fresh Italian bread) would be more apropos.

Okay, I have been wondering about this forever-- WHAT DOES SMH STAND FOR?  Sorry for yelling, I've just been dying to know!


And then I finally googled it.  Shaking my head.  Got it!  SMH at my own stupidity for not googling it to begin with...  


Learn something new all the time


I thought it stood for Smack My Head

  • Love 3

My number one question for Brooks would have been, "what is (was) the financial relationship between you and Vicki?"  her family seems very consumed with the idea he is going to tap her till.  My guess is Brooks demanded and probably got paid something to be on the show and he fancies himself in the mid six figure range and he is probably getting closer to adult children pay.


I truly believe if there is another payday in it for Brooks he will be spilling all over about Vicki and behind the scenes gossip-be it real or fake.

  • Love 5

I know I am in the minority here, but I don't think that Vicki knew about Brooks faking his cancer throughout most of the season.  I also think that Vicki lied, not to protect Brooks or to cover up the story, but that she lied over and over and over again for her own benefit, self-preservation and self-protection.


My feeling is that Vicki's lies were more about preserving the notion that she is a caring person and put Brooks' health before everything else in her life, when the exact opposite was true.  I think that Vicki lied about going to doctor's appointments, chemo treatments, etc., to make herself appear to be involved much more so than she was, whether by her own decision or by Brooks' decision to not have her at any of his supposed treatments or appointments.


Vicki wants everyone to think that she is this all-caring, all-loving, all-forgiving, all-there all the time person, when in reality she isn't, she is a narcissitic, self-involved, self-absorbed person.  Vicki is not a good liar.  A good liar, or a pathological liar, keeps their lies simple and vague, so that the lie is easy to remember and repeat, as needed.  Vicki's lies were elaborate and wordy and full of crazy details that she couldn't keep track of - that is not the make up of a good liar.  In my opinion, she made things up as she went along, only so that people would think highly of her, or for the other women's sympathy, as she has said.  


I may be totally wrong, and maybe I'm just crazy for thinking this, but it's been bothering me since I read that he admitted to producing fake documents.  


I'm not a huge fan of Vicki's, and I think she would throw anyone under a bus to make herself look better, so that's why I think she lied.


Just another school of thought on Vicki.  :-)


ETA:  Another reason that I forgot to add earlier - Vicki may not be smart as she thinks she is when it comes to men, but I do think that she is smart enough about protecting her business.  There is no way that she would be intentionally lying about something as serious about faking cancer without first thinking what that could do to her business.  Her insurance business (whatever it is) is all she has, so I seriously don't think she would do anything to intentionally jeopardize that.

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 8
Message added by PrincessPurrsALot,

No politics.  That means none.  Zero. Zilch. Nada. 
See the Primetimer Politics Policy

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