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Vicki Gunvalson: Her Love Tank Runneth Over

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Spin-off Time!


Stage 3:  Love Thy Love Tank, A Vicki and Brooks story...



I apologize if my comment offends anyone, but as someone who's gone through numerous health related scares, I've learned the easiest way to deal with these issues is to learn to laugh...

Edited by CyberJawa1986
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I've been watching the seasons of RHOC I'd missed, and am almost through with Season 8. I've just gotta give some love to Vicki's brother Billy. It's a shame he didn't live by closer and she didn't have his influence in her life - but then again, it probably wouldn't have mattered. It's been really weird seeing Vicki stick by Brooks and make excuses for him, and to also tolerate Ryan's weirdness about the cameras inside/outside the house. It's HER house! Meanwhile, her brother clearly sees through everything and knows what's what.

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Her brother should have stepped up with grifter Brooks and that crazy stupid violent controlling trash Ryan, he knows (I can tell by his comments and facial expressions) what's up and he won't intercede. Maybe he knows how Vicki reacts or how difficult she is? Maybe there's something more behind the scenes?

I'm no fan of Brooks but am way more afraid of Ragey freak show Ryan especially since he's involved with 2 needy insecure women and has 2 helpless kids in his power.

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With Brooks I've always wondered how much "there" is actually "there" with all the pearl clutching about Brooks. I think he's a user and I wouldn't want him in my life, but I wouldn't be surprised if he's happy just being a kept man for needy rich divorced women. If Vicki is happy paying for everything while Brooks writes her bad pomes then there isn't much anyone can do (or in Billy's case there may not be much he wants to do. He may not think Brooks is the worst thing Vicki can drag home). I'm sure Billy said his piece, but there may not have been much to say other than he's a creepy loser. Once Vicki made it clear she doesn't care there isnt any place else for the conversation to go.

Ryan, IMO, is a different situation. I would bet my next paycheck he hits Brianna and has made threats against her saftey in front of her family. I got the impression Billy has intervened a few times when Ryan lost control, but Brianna takes him back and Vicki refuses to kick him out so he may just not know what to do. I've been there and it's frustrating how little you can do if an abused party refuses to leave.

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Yesterday I finally saw the episode where Ryan loses it on Lydia's mom, FozzyBear, and it was much uglier than I was expecting :(  I've watched other RH franchises and can't remember a time when I found a man as threatening or capable of violence as what Ryan showed. Not only was his aggression and anger ugly, but the complete lack of remorse or ability to even see, or admit afterwards, that maybe he overreacted. His "you're not going to win [this argument], Vicki" was scary. This is someone who always has to be right, and God forbid you don't agree with him. It's Vicki's house, it was her party, her guest, and the situation hardly called for a self-appointed bouncer with an overinflated ego and a hairtrigger temper. I don't buy this "suffering from PTSD" excuse either. I'm also surprised that Brianna married someone like that - there doesn't seem to be any obvious appeal there, any warmth or humor. It's bizarre that she would have zero tolerance for Brooks yet defend her husband's treatment of Lydia's mom. I hope if nothing else she puts her foot down about the way he talks around their kids. It's completely wrong for their sons to grow up thinking it's the norm to call women "f*cking bitches."


Brooks is sleazy but I'm not a fan of privately recording someone without their knowledge. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if Ryan goaded Brooks into saying something incriminating while drunk - and it's gross that the recording wasn't kept among the family, but was shared online.


I do feel badly for Vicki because it was clear that she was trying to keep the peace for the sake of her relationship with Brianna and Troy. But I wish so much she would have said "take your angry, paranoid security camera ass out of my house if you can't behave like a rational person!"

Edited by archer1267
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The Vicki/Brooks/Brianna/Ryan thing was one of the most fascinating storylines that any RH show as had in years, IMO. It felt very accidentally real to me. Like there was a storyline, but then all the dysfunction took over. We saw Brianna turn into her mother, complete with crappy taste in men and a fear of being alone so overwhelming that she stayed in Vicki's house fighting about Brooks rather than move into an apartment and do motherhood alone. We saw Vicki's need for affirmation explode into creepy Brooks. We saw Brianna and Ryan act out a cliched, but oh so raw domestic violence dance. And we saw the whole family stand around shocked, not knowing what to do, as Brianna married, got pregnant, refused to leave, and got pregnant again. It was such a train wreck that I belive was more or less unscripted.

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True. And I'm fascinated as to where Michael fits into all of this, if at all. He seems able to tolerate Brooks and keep things civil, if superficial, whereas his sister can't even be in the same house as him, even if she remains on another floor. I've wondered if Brooks really IS as atrocious as Brianna says (and Michael's overly blasé about the way Brooks treats his mom), or if Brianna is projecting like crazy. 

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True. And I'm fascinated as to where Michael fits into all of this, if at all. He seems able to tolerate Brooks and keep things civil, if superficial, whereas his sister can't even be in the same house as him, even if she remains on another floor. I've wondered if Brooks really IS as atrocious as Brianna says (and Michael's overly blasé about the way Brooks treats his mom), or if Brianna is projecting like crazy.

Little of column A, little of column B? I don't think Michael ever liked Brooks, but he's much better at putting up boundaries with his mom than Brianna is. Part of putting up boundaries is also respecting them in others and I think Michael also gets this better than Brianna. Michael gets a lot of shit, but I actually think the way he loves his mom, but refuses to let her run his life and just stands there and takes her bitching and then does his own thing is pretty mature. So yeah, I think Michael probably agrees with Brianna that if he could wave a magic wand Brooks would disappear, but he can't so he probably said his piece and let it go. But I don't think Brooks is as bad as Brianna says and that a lot of Brianna's anger is due to the family not liking Ryan. I noticed at the world's most uncomfortable elopement party Michael and Billy seamed annoyed about Brooks, but almost angry about Ryan. I got the impression at that point neither of them, especially Michael, were thrilled about the marriage. That's also when Brianna turned her Brooks hate up to 11. I think a lot of that was Brianna's misplaced anger that nobody liked her new husband. All of Brianna's emotions seem mixed up and misdirected, but very true to what I've witnessed friends in abusive relationships do.

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Speaking of boundaries, I forgot to mention the admission during the Reunion that Brianna and Vicki were all up in each other's phones, looking at text messages. It's clear that the Vicki-Brooks relationship isn't the only messed up relationship in Vicki's life. Brianna moving to Oklahoma was probably the best thing for both of them. Now Brianna can spend time on raising her kids instead of keeping that running list of Brooks' flaws in her wallet. 


There have been a few times when watching a RH show, I've wished cast members wouldn't return, and would focus on working on their issues OFFSCREEN, because it's clear that there's a mental health issue going on and it's no fun to watch someone fall apart. The Richards sisters (RHoBH) come to mind - ditto Sonja on RHoNY. I felt that way after watching the last segment of the Reunion. I know that Vicki comes back and has a "great year" in S9 but it's still uncomfortable.

Edited by archer1267
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Is stage 3 easily curable? I can see both of these 2 being happy as clams if it is, cuz they're probably thinkin' it seals their place on show for another 5 years. Something really icky about using cancer in this way. That's why I just can't muster up ANY feelings of sorrow toward Brooksie the slimeball.

How are they "using cancer in this way"? All I've seen so far is that he announced that he has it.

I don't really care much for Brooks but I'm not so evil that I can't have compassion for somebody fighting this bitch of a disease.

I wouldn't wish cancer on anybody and even if my worst enemy got it, I would show compassion. To not show compassion would be me being an asshole.

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I'm indifferent to Brooks -- cancer or not. Is that evil? Maybe. Who cares? You can be sure Satan Andy wouldn't care in the least whether something is evil. Audience indifference -- now that he'd care a lot about. Will this be a future storyline? Vicks going,"Wah, Wah, Wah" over Brooksie? Sounds pretty fuckin' depressing. I could see ratings going in the dumper if they go ahead with this. Satan Andy won't be happy bout dat.

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True confession time: I don't mind Brooks. Don't get me wrong, I don't like the guy and I'm glad he's not coming to my place for Thanksgiving, but as Real Husbands of OC go...eh. He's about average. I think he's a conman, but honestly outside of the Bedors and the Dubrows I don't think we've ever seen a legitimate career on this show (maybe Donn too, but I never did figure out what he did after leaving Home Depot) They're ALL cons. I mean, Simon's tequila? And I'm sure that OC style glossy totally supported Lydia and her hubbs. So Brooks is a con, welcome to the RHOC. You should fit right in. As for personality, he's cheesy and creepy but he doesn't make me nervous the way Ryan does or Matt K used to. I think he's not a good guy, but far from the worst thing that these ladies have dragged home. He can stay if I get to enjoy more footage of Brooks and Vicki quoting Deepak Chopra to each other. Never stops being funny.

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Don't be ashamed if ya like Brooksie, FozzyBear. He does have kind of an appeal, especially if ya don't know the deets on his past or er, his present. Well, I mean the deadbeat dad stuff & being financially supported by Vicks. Hey, men do dat all the time for their girlfriends/mistresses. Although I must say for me, it leaves a bad taste when men are the ones getting supported, but not everyone has to feel that way. Once Vicks fixed his teeth & he quit that awful-looking hair color, he looked sorta attractive, right? And he can be well-mannered & even kinda charming sometimes, right?

Ugh, who am I kiddin'? I'd be completely & totally skeeved out if I met Brooksie & wanna vomit on the spot. But dat's me, not everyone has to agree. I still think Vicks could do way better. And I still don't understand why, if she's gonna buy a man, she picked him. Why not someone young & pretty? Does she think being with slimy Brooksie makes her look good? Oy.

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Ugh, who am I kiddin'? I'd be completely & totally skeeved out if I met Brooksie & wanna vomit on the spot. But dat's me, not everyone has to agree. I still think Vicks could do way better. And I still don't understand why, if she's gonna buy a man, she picked him. Why not someone young & pretty? Does she think being with slimy Brooksie makes her look good? Oy.

...I still find Slade more repulsive on all levels.  At least Brooks isn't trying to make that hobo-chic...or whatever you want to call that look...happen...  

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The Vicki/Brooks/Brianna/Ryan thing was one of the most fascinating storylines that any RH show as had in years, IMO. It felt very accidentally real to me. Like there was a storyline, but then all the dysfunction took over. We saw Brianna turn into her mother, complete with crappy taste in men and a fear of being alone so overwhelming that she stayed in Vicki's house fighting about Brooks rather than move into an apartment and do motherhood alone. We saw Vicki's need for affirmation explode into creepy Brooks. We saw Brianna and Ryan act out a cliched, but oh so raw domestic violence dance. And we saw the whole family stand around shocked, not knowing what to do, as Brianna married, got pregnant, refused to leave, and got pregnant again. It was such a train wreck that I belive was more or less unscripted.


I've always thought the machinated/producer-driven storyline for that event was to be The Takedown of Gretchen and Slade.


All of the ominous signs were there.  Everyone was talking about Gretchen and Slade.  Gretchen and Slade were late.  A lot of people had that proverbial bone to pick with Gretchen.  Vicki had the "Miss Piggy" comments to yet again revisit with Slade.  


Then BAM reality happened.


Out of left field, in a move NOBODY at Bravo anticipated much less were prepared for, Raging Ryan came out, guns blazing, verbally assaulting a sweet, older, fairy-loving, glitter-blowing woman FOR NO GODDAMNED REASON.


I think Bravo decided their Takedown of Gretchen and Slade could have a backseat to this unexpected turn of events.  Andy must have been orgasmic when he heard about this shitstorm.  


Good thing a lot of these asshats forget their mic'd up and let their TRUE selves shine through via audio.  

Edited by Persnickety1
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Vicki claims that a former business partner convinced her to sign a shady deal on set, by threatening to attack her on-air moments before the cameras started rolling.

Gunvalson, 52, made the accusation against former colleague Robert Williamson in a sworn statement filed as part of her and Williamson’s lawsuit involving Vicki’s Vodka, the liquor brand they tried to launch two years ago.



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Holy biting the Bravo hand that feeds you....This just in:






Vicki Gunvalson might be an original Housewife, but that doesn't mean she gets her way with Bravo! During an exclusive interview with Us Weekly, the Real Housewives of Orange County vet admitted she continued to bring her boyfriend Brooks Ayers on the show because Bravo made her.
PHOTOS: Biggest Real Housewives fights
"It's really frightening bringing back Brooks into my life publicly," Gunvalson told Us when asked why she continued to film with her on-again boyfriend after receiving backlash following her daughter Briana Culberson's famous clash with him. "[bravo] basically put the gauntlet down and said, 'If you don't film with Brooks, then we are reducing your role.' And I was like, 'Oh no! You did not just say that!'"

Read more: http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/vicki-gunvalson-bravo-made-me-film-with-boyfriend-brooks-ayers-2014812#ixzz3LMD8uKIp
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"[Cancer] either will tear you apart as a couple or bring you together. And with us, without a doubt, it's brought us together," Ayers explained. "So, yes, we are exclusive, we are dating, we are together," Gunvalson confirmed. "It's official."

Read more: http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/vicki-gunvalson-bravo-made-me-film-with-boyfriend-brooks-ayers-2014812#ixzz3LMDQX68x
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Edited by Persnickety1
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Sorry, no tears for Vicki vs. Big Bad Bravo.  She could have easily said, "I don't want to be filmed with Brooks, and if that means I have a reduced role, then I have a reduced role."  She had a choice, and she chose camera time over her relationship with her daughter.

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Sorry, no tears for Vicki vs. Big Bad Bravo.  She could have easily said, "I don't want to be filmed with Brooks, and if that means I have a reduced role, then I have a reduced role."  She had a choice, and she chose camera time over her relationship with her daughter.

I'm with you. Vicki kind of makes it sound like she was forced to interact with Brooks, and I wonder if it was more like Bravo said to her, if you are dating this guy and he is part of your life than we want to see what is going on in your life or you are reduced? 

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I'm with you. Vicki kind of makes it sound like she was forced to interact with Brooks, and I wonder if it was more like Bravo said to her, if you are dating this guy and he is part of your life than we want to see what is going on in your life or you are reduced? 


I absolutely agree.


Brianna and Ragey Ryan are now in Oklahoma.


Besides showing her at work, what the hell else would her storyline be to support a full-time role?


Sure, she can hang out with Shannon and the other housewives, but nothing of her own personal life to bring to the table would land her right in Countess Luann territory..."friend of" status.


Surely she must understand that by now, since she's the OG of the franchises and all.


And I somehow doubt devil incarnate Andy is going to approve of the way she's presenting this to the media.  

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Andy confirms that Vicki speaks the truth:




Vicki Gunvalson made a big revelation this week in an interview published by Us Magazine. In it, the Real Housewives of Orange County star opened up about having to film the most recent season with Brooks Ayers, her on-again boyfriend who's been a lightning rod among the women. "[bravo] basically put the gauntlet down and said, 'If you don't film with Brooks, then we are reducing your role,'" she told the magazine. "And I was like, 'Oh no! You did not just say that!'"

But is that claim true? In the latest episode of Ask Andy, the franchise's executive producer sets the record straight.

"That's true! We did!" Andy reveals. "You know why? She's on a reality show about her life! And he was in her life! So we said, 'You have to show what's happening in your life! If you're dating this guy, you can't keep it hidden from everybody.'"


I figured that's precisely what happened.  Andy doesn't like them holding anything back.  He's an equal opportunity exploiter.  


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As usual, Satan Andy is full of crap. He's evil & he likes to poke at the peeps on his shows in an extremely cruel way. Er, why? Well, cuz they work for him & he knows he can get away with it. Cruel & evil dick. He did dat with The Moaner on the NY Housewives reunion. Nasty shit. So he's forcing Vicks to have Brooks on the show, despite their relationship being "on-off" & yet he's fine & dandy letting Bethenny not show her bf or Stassi on VR show her bf. Like I said, he's full of crap. He's got different rules for different people. Hope someone eventually sues the piss outta him. Shithead deserves it.

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Housewives should sue Andy for making them rich and famous?

He's only "Satan" in a Faustian sense. These are consenting adults and they beg for the gigs. He's a puppeteer, but the live marionettes are willing and eager, never mind their after the fact demurrers.

Fucking Vicki is closer to "Satan" to me.

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She's certainly a PITA & a control freak, but I don't even see her as particularly nasty.  She's not especially cruel either.  Maybe thoughtless, but I don't remember Vicks being cruel ever -- unless she's provoked.  Andy, OTOH, spends his life being manipulative & horribly cruel.  I could name a hundred instances right off the top of my head of him being horrible.  He's a truly awful person.  But Vicks?  When has she ever behaved in this way?  Now, is she completely self-absorbed?  Sure.  But I don't get how that would make her Satan.  


Hmmm, Tamra OTOH, I could understand Satan references, but Vicks?  I'm still scratchin' my head over this.  It's not that I don't agree.  I'm just not understanding why anyone would compare her in any way to Satan -- unless Satan whines for a family vaaaaan & makes fun of Gretchen & Slade & screeches at Lauri, da big gold-digging ho.  Then I could see it.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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There was nothing in that video interview that suggested to me that Vicki was looking for sympathy about having to film with Brooks. She even joked that they would have to haul her off the show, and that she would be doing it with her walker. She was pretty self-deprecating and made it clear she would do anything Bravo asked to continue to be a part of it. I don't think she was asking anyone to cry for her.

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I liked the clothes. They looked a bit like the Countess LuAnn's style. I did think it was funny and pretty typical of a Vicki venture that she couldn't seem to co-ordinate actually wearing something from the collection in her host picture. She did have her picks so you'd think she'd be wearing one of them. Her endeavors are always so half assed but she's always working, working, working...

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I can't believe how many episodes I binge watched. To be fair, I had it on the in the background while doing chores, etc.


I still like Vicki, but I don't like how she thinks she is an expert in everything. Sometimes she will talk over the professional (medical, etc). I just got through the Costa Rica season, and there was a point where they were supposed to get into the rafting boat that she starts screeching at the men to turn the boat around, they have it pointing the wrong way.


Uh, I think those guys are more experts. And also, you are going on rapids, remember? I don't think you want these guys arms tired trying to turn the stupid raft around when you can just change the direction you are sitting upon getting into the boat. 


Trust me, people saying "you certainly know what you want" is not a compliment. 

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I was re watching an old episode of OC when Brianna announced to Vicki that she had eloped with Ryan in Vegas. Vicki looked stunned & very disappointed. Why would Brianna do such a rash thing without at least talking to her mom beforehand?

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I was re watching an old episode of OC when Brianna announced to Vicki that she had eloped with Ryan in Vegas. Vicki looked stunned & very disappointed. Why would Brianna do such a rash thing without at least talking to her mom beforehand?

Vicki was caught texting Brooks stating that was a reenactment.

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Vicki was caught texting Brooks stating that was a reenactment.

Yea, they just reenacted that deal. Apparently Brianna did tell her mom at a restaurant and it did take her by surprise and she was very emotional.  She just didn't do it on camera, so someone (Bravo, Vicki) suggested that do it all over again on camera. 

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