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S03.E03: South China Sea

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Elizabeth finds herself in a stalemate with the Chinese foreign minister as she lobbies for the release of environmental activists who were arrested for spying in China; Henry urges the FBI to investigate one of Elizabeth's former students, who he suspects is his family's cyberstalker; and President Dalton remembers his time serving in Vietnam during a trade visit to the country.


I think Russell Jackson is behind all the shenanigans to get some revenge on Elizabeth for stepping on him all those times.

Professor Doctor BlackOps is reduced to spinning in circles because he can't do anything.  Worse, he's relegated to putting the shams on the pillows.  Nice.

The President must have had a rocket ride through the USMC ranks.  Enlisting at age 18, going through basic and infantry training over the next year, and commissioned as a lieutenant at 20.

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1 hour ago, Dowel Jones said:

I think Russell Jackson is behind all the shenanigans to get some revenge on Elizabeth for stepping on him all those times.

Professor Doctor BlackOps is reduced to spinning in circles because he can't do anything.  Worse, he's relegated to putting the shams on the pillows.  Nice.

The President must have had a rocket ride through the USMC ranks.  Enlisting at age 18, going through basic and infantry training over the next year, and commissioned as a lieutenant at 20.

Maybe the Pres got some battlefield promotions?

I don't know about everyone else, but I really liked the Capt. Ronnie Baker character. She was just fun.

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I'm no expert (and times were different) but my dad join the National Guard at 18, was sent to OCS, came out a Lt and was bumped up to Captain (of a tank company) in early 1942, being in the first wave of US troops to go to the Pacific. He was slightly older at 22 then. Still a baby and a fast advance.

And I think battlefield promotions still exist if the situation warrants. I think.

Anyone know? I'm sure one of you do.

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Overall, I thought it was a weak episode.  It didn't really hold my interest the way the show usually does.  The family drama just seems really over the top to me. I know there are security concerns in a job like hers, but it still just doesn't seem right how it is being portrayed and handled.

I'm already tired of the family in jeopardy story, mostly because it seems to be written solely as another way for Professor BlackOps to have another "action" story. I started out the series really liking them as a couple, but lately I'm starting to hate him. I hated the way he was talking to Bess about her former student, because he's just sure it's him. And I'm sure it will turn out to be the student, even though he seems to have an alibi because Professor BO can't be proven wrong. 

And given the threat to the family shouldn't he be assigned protection as well? He was the one who was mugged for his briefcase, so clearly he's been followed at least once. I don't believe that Homeland Security wouldn't have assigned protection for him. But of course if they had, then he couldn't be running his own investigation.

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1 hour ago, shapeshifter said:

To be fair, no light bulbs were hacked, it was their smart house's network;

They had lights going on and off.  They had ice coming out of the fridge.  I know these are possible, but I don't recall there being any prior indication that they lived in such an automated smart-house that the computer dispensed ice-cubes!

Yep, Henry was spinning his wheels. It's actually kind of a relief to see him NOT get what he wants and feel impotent. For the ex-Marine flyboy and spy, it must be very upsetting, and he did not handle it well. (Though the lights flashing and TV on and off did remind me of "The Ghost Whisperer.")

The Chinese foreign minister has become a really important supporting character...he & Bess (even when they are talking on screens) have a real rapport and he radiates both intelligence and authority. She gave him a way to gracefully back out; the Chinese took it. 

If Elizabeth saves the world from war again NEXT week, I think it might be a bit of overkill.

Also: I am totally a pandacam person.

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1 hour ago, shapeshifter said:

I have to agree. It was a wonky retcon.

Total replication of a CSI:Cyber episode for sure. At least, the toaster didn't catch on fire. The South China sea issue was very relevant, but the show seems to be headed off the rails with this hacking subplot.  Henry sitting alone in a car doing his own surveillance was too much. No Stevie, no Alison, just a lot of angst now between Bess and Henry. I miss Jane. 

Edited by VinceW

I loved how worked up Russell got over the pandas. This show is great at injecting lightness into serious plots.

I don't get Daisy not knowing her boyfriend's colleague was a woman. I know Ronnie is a generic name, but most people use pronouns when they talk. 

My DVR cut off....did anything happen after Dalton's speech?

Edited by KaveDweller
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On 10/24/2016 at 11:26 PM, picklesprite said:

Yes, please, can a kind soul tell what happened after Dalton's speech? Thank you. I forgot it's football season.

After the Dalton speech, the next scene shows the activists being released in China as Jay is running down the hall to the SoS office to announce the news. Minister Chen kept his word to Bess and he got them released. However, the group will face charges at the international tribunal for the law of the sea which is a face saving measure for the Chinese officials. The eco group will likely just get a fine. The missile buildup was halted after US agreed to keep silent about it. The ongoing damage to the coral reefs is stopped for now. The last scene has Bess and Henry talking in the bathroom that night about Henry’s unwarranted surveillance of her former student which has caused real angst between them. Henry insists he was right to suspect the student based on the background check, but he admits that he should have trusted Elizabeth's judgment about the kid. As the scene closes, there seems to be some ease of tension between them as they both agree that the stalking situation makes them angry because they feel helpless at this point to stop it.

Final broadcast primetime live + same-day ratings for Sunday, Oct. 23, 2016:

8:30 p.m.      NCIS: Los Angeles (CBS) (8:35-9:35p.m.)         1.7/5      11.40

9:30 p.m.    Madam Secretary (CBS) (9:35-10:35p.m.)    1.1/3     9.04

It appears that NCIS:LA is much more compatible with the football audience than MS.

Edited by VinceW
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That was very enjoyable. I know there have only been three episodes but I like the emphasis on environmental issues we have been having.

I find it odd how the FBI didn't seem the least bit concerned that someone had hacked the Secretary of State's house. Surely the family should move? 

I reckon the stalker will be Henry related rather than Elizabeth related.

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I reckon the stalker will be Henry related rather than Elizabeth related.

That's what I'm thinking too, especially after all the talk of it being Elizabeth's "fault." Actually, I hope it is due to something in his past rather than hers, because he got so sanctimonious about it that I want something to get shoved back in his face for once.

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Is it just me or is the relationship between Bess and Conrad a bit more personal? I know they had the scene between them in S2, E11 in which Conrad shared another Vietnam memory but somehow it feels like Bess is a bit more relaxed around him. It already started in episode 1 and it kind of seems to continue. Anyway, me likes! A lot!

I guess, the hacking of the house is an argument against having a fully digitalized house ;-) And yeah, I found it a bit odd that DS would allow them to keep living there. Not even a recommendation to find temporary housing elsewhere? And leaving the Sec of State in a house that is obviously compromised? Again, I would have expected at least a recommendation, if not a mandatory move to a secure location of at least her for the time being. (Could have been an interesting plot-point, too, but it would have required a different set, so I guess there's the answer why they didn't do it).

I actually like Jose when he's not the very obvious "idiot" and Henry the very obvious "savior". But I was a little distracted by that chair that he lounged on and that didn't look too be the most stable chair. I found myself wondering if, due to the way he was lounging on it, he actually toppled over with it at one point.

I didn't mind Henry's behavior either (and I'm totally surprised by it ;-)) It was predictable but not in a superhero-kind-of-way but more in a "he's a former Marine who loves his family more than anything and may have let his wife's position/work with the DIA get to his head a little" kind of way. And I loved it even better when the FBI agent caught him. While there were no real consequences, he wasn't allowed to just go for it without consequences either.

As far as his security detail is concerned, maybe he slipped out of the house like Bess did in S1? Because, they did say previously that all the kids had two agents assigned. On the other hand, he didn't have anyone assigned when he met with Jose either. Can he decline a detail?

I thought it was weird that they made it all about Bess immediately. Henry's teaching at the war college with international military students, so even if the motive hadn't been personal, it's entirely possible that it's related to Henry's job. But they didn't even mention that. Odd.

Ha, and another reference to Bess' past in the CIA when they were talking about her student.

I love Bess and Chen's relationship. I also liked how Chen/the actor acted when Bess revealed that they knew what it was all about. You could see that he had been aware what his government was planning but it was still subtle enough and you could also see the relief, of sorts, that Bess was willing to give him that out.

Count me as another fan of Ronnie's. And the scene between her and Daisy was... weird. Weird and fun. I also liked the scene between Bess and Daisy when Daisy mentioned that a reporter had found out that there may be a security problem or rather, I loved Bess' prompt answer and later when Daisy asked her if everything was alright.

And generally, I'm grateful that there have already been a lot more Bess-Henry scenes in the first three episodes than in the last season combined, or so it feels. Liked the argument on the phone and then what it all led to at home! Loved Henry's outburst that Bess and the kids are everything (that was in this episode, wasn't it?) I know that they love each other and everything but it's still nice to hear it and hear it with that kind of emotion (even if the circumstances might not be nice for them).

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