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The Brides and The Grooms

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If I was the bride marrying Doug, I am afraid that I would have to take him to a dermatologist to get rid of all of those moles before we could consummate the marriage. 

(And that is probably why I am still single. Sigh.)


If there were only 50 people in the nation (or at least the few big cities they searched for participants in) willing to even consider marriage at first sight, and those people had to live in the same city as someone else compatible....well, good lord, that's not a huge pool of people at all. I am shocked they were able to make any matches or have a show at all. 


ETA: Vaughn is so hot. I am kind of surprised that he was single!

Edited by PityFree
  • Love 6
If the vast majority of Bachelor/Bachelorette couples didn't make it, then things don't look so good here. Can you imagine having to explain your first marriage from this situation to potential new partners...for the rest of your life?


Honestly. Do you spill on the first date, just to get it out of the way? Do you lie since you got an annulment and justify it as not really being a marriage, only to have someone who dislikes you tell your partner the truth? Anyway, potential dates have probably Googled you before going out.

  • Love 2


If I was the bride marrying Doug, I am afraid that I would have to take him to a dermatologist to get rid of all of those moles before we could consummate the marriage.

(And that is probably why I am still single. Sigh.)

 I was thinking the same thing.  Ugh.  BUT...despite the cosmetic imperfections, he seems like such a genuinely nice person.  Jaime could do much worse, and probably will, for that matter.


From the minute I saw her there was something that just irked me.  She'd have to be blind not to know she is pretty, but I think her disadvantaged beginnings coupled with reality show "fame" have given her a sense of entitlement that may be unrealistic.  She wants her Prince Charming, I guess, and refuses to settle, even if it means being alone.


What she doesn't realize, poor deluded thing, is that more often than not, couples get married for reasons other than the romantic idea of love.  They convince themselves they are in love, of course.  You don't plan a lavish wedding if you're not "in love," right??  

I'm going to throw the curtain of deception aside and reveal a little secret to Jaime:  People - the luckier ones, perhaps - do get married for love, yes, but just as many people (if not more) don't find that elusive, romantic love - or, better said, they cannot wait or do not wish to take a chance on waiting to see if their "soul mate" materializes.  If people were honest with others but, more importantly, with themselves, the real reasons behind their wedding preparations might be one or more of the following:


1.  I'm 25 (or 29, or 33, or 36, etc.) and I always wanted to be married by this age, so I'm getting married to __________.   Often both parties - the bride-to-be and her prospective groom - feel this way.   Sometimes one of the parties really IS in love with the other.


2. It's time to procreate.  My eggs are getting old - and so am I - so I need a mate NOW.  Or, "I need an heir," or "My family name will die out if I don't find someone to give me a son."  Or, "my mother will finally be happy if I can give her those grandchildren she wants so badly." 


3. "Why aren't you married?"  Many people succumb to pressure from others who want to know why they are still single.  (because they're smarter than you, maybe?).   Pride, embarrassment, defensiveness, or a feeling of inferiority sometimes compel a person to find a spouse, if for no other reason than to put an end to these rude and intrusive types of questions.


4. "All my friends are married, so I must find someone, too."  This kind of spouse-hunter might have a competitive personality, thus impelling the necessity to get married like "everyone else."  Or the desire to get married might be due to something else -- loneliness.  Either because all of his or her friends have gotten hitched, or because a spouse would fill that emptiness by providing daily companionship.


5.  Money.  Remember Anna Nicole Smith and her octogenarian husband, who also happened to be a multi-millionaire?  Remember Anna Nicole professing to love him to death,  - and he did die, much to her relief, I'm sure.   


6.  Green Card.  No explanation needed. 


7.  (And this one is the absolute WORSE, most despicable reason for taking the plunge, if you ask me):  They want a Wedding.  Or, more specifically, SHE wants to be a Bride, shopping for a beautiful lace gown, and finally achieving that day where she is the center of everyone's attention. She's been dreaming of this day since she was four!   The groom is just the means to an end.  You can't get married to yourself, after all. 


In short, if Jaime is waiting for that dashing price to come along, the one who makes her heart beat out of her chest, she might never get married.  Because life is not a fairy tale, and most men are not gorgeous prince charmings unless the one he marries believes - or wants to believe - he is. 

Edited by StayingAfterSunday
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If I was the bride marrying Doug, I am afraid that I would have to take him to a dermatologist to get rid of all of those moles before we could consummate the marriage.


He's really not that bad looking with a three day beard, maybe shave his head because of the bald spot (i'm that kind of gal : get rid of everything hon') and he obviously works out but the moles are too much for me too. I can't stop staring at them. His good profile is a little random but nice.

But yeah, it's shallow but if I were him, I would have gone to a dermatologist a long time ago. 

  • Love 3

When we were given Jamie’s back story on the Bachelor (Ben Flajnik’s season), she was one of my early favorites.  I liked that she took responsibility for her siblings when her mom became incapable and also that she became a nurse because she likes helping others.  However, after getting to know her on the show, two things became increasingly clear – she is socially awkward and has very low self esteem.  Given that she is only 27 years old, I don’t get why she is in such a hurry to wed.  I wish Jamie could see that she is very attractive and any guy would be lucky to have her.


YEA!!  So glad someone made a thread for this!!  I looked yesterday!!  I'm single never married and in my early 40's and have done online dating (eHarmony and Match) so there are some similarities here. 


Jamie- Jamie has been on at least two other reality shows.  Not knocking it as given her messed up family life, she is looking for love and creating a family! 

Edited by crgirl412

Jamie seems to be matched up with a very good guy. Regarding Doug's moles, some dermatologists won't remove those types of moles just for appearances. They tend to say if they're aren't doing anything (changing color, shape, etc.), leave well enough alone as removal could leave craters where they once were. 


My first thought of Vaughn was that he was gay and they'd be matching a same-sex couple. Oops, got that wrong...so far. I think Monet has got her stuff together, not sure why she resorted to a show like this to find her a man. 


I found it endearing that Doug and Jason were shown introducing themselves to people on the bride's side of the room before their ceremonies started. I wish we'd seen and heard more THs about that part of it. 


Jamie's bridesmaids were larger than her...so? At least that shows she wasn't a bridezilla that only wanted perfect bodies to stand up at her wedding. Hopefully her 'maids were either her sister(s) and/or best friends. I know that was who I had for my bridesmaids in our wedding. I didn't care about their size. 

I actually found this show fascinating and it has the potential to be really good television. I don't hold out much hope for Doug and Jamie. I feel like she only told the experts what she thought they and an audience would want to hear. I didn't really sense any authenticity in her or her answers. She told the expert she doesn't put much emphasis on looks and it's all about personality and she dates all kinds of different men. However, as soon as she sees him she focuses entirely on his looks (I realize she doesn't have much else to go on) and that focus seems to continue on even in the hallway afterwards where she says there isn't even anything to work with. I get it, he's not "hot" but he's not ugly or unfortunate looking. There is plenty there to work with if he has a good personality and temperament which is what she said was important. It just felt as though her actions gave lie to her earlier words because all she could focus on was looks not his loving and adoring family, not the kindness and hope in his eyes, not the goofy shoes that speak to his personality and sense of humor, nothing. She rang so phony and insincere to me. I don't hold out much hope for them.

I like Vaughn and Monet but I see a lot of fireworks for them in the beginning until they learn to trust and adjust. I think they stand a good chance if they can both open up and be vulnerable and accommodating.

I LOVE Jason and Cortney and I have a lot of hope for them. They seem the most compatible in my eyes. I also feel like they came into this experiment with their eyes open and committed to seeing it through. I think they have a very mature way of approaching it and it seems like they'd be really good for each other. They both seem to bring something that is needed for the other person (ie: she seems like she will really try to care for and help him which he doesn't seem to have in someone else now that his mom is so sick and he seems like he can offer her an emotionally safe and accepting place to go to while she is growing as an individual). Needless to say, I am most hopeful for them.

  • Love 1

The only reason I watched this was because my sister told me to...I've never been a huge fan of dating/mating reality shows in general and as an older woman of color I never really thought I was the target demographic for those types of shows. That's my story and I'm sticking to it...


So yeah, I had no idea that Jamie had previous reality show experience. Even if I hadn't known I wasn't inclined to root for her once I realized how stuck she is on the Cinderella fantasy. I realize that Westerners are largely programmed on this fantasy and all of the participants are buying into it to some extent but to me the "success" of these unions will have to depend on how quickly they can let go of that fantasy. I think StayingAfterSunday broke it down (the reasons why most people get married) really well. The wedding is just one day, while marriage is the rest of your days (ideally).


I knew Doug's moles were going to get attention -- I kept looking at them too -- but honestly he seems like a really sweet guy and I'm afraid this isn't going to be the best experience for him.


Vaughn also seems nice but he's exactly the kind of man I've long avoided: the one who's overly stuck on traditional gender roles. Monet says she likes a take-charge guy but I'm wondering how long that will last. Unlike me, she can't say, "I've already GOT a father, thank you very much!"


Without knowing the timeframe re taping etc. I found it really strange that a man whose only parent has lung cancer would go on a reality show to get married to a total stranger. Jason seems like a sweetheart but this really doesn't seem like the best time, you know? Also, it's very telling that Cortney's family isn't down with this. That said, I hope they're able to make it work out. Really, I hope they all make it work out past the four weeks.


One more thing: Are they really expected to have sex?



I found it really strange that a man whose only parent has lung cancer would go on a reality show to get married to a total stranger. Jason seems like a sweetheart but this really doesn't seem like the best time, you know?

ME TOO!!!  My mom died of lung cancer 7 years ago and I was doing online dating at the time and looking back it wasn't a wise thing to do for a lot of reasons.  I was so sad, worried, and stressed that it wasn't fair to the guys I was meeting to be looking for a husband at that time.


It really makes me wonder about the "experts" especially the psychologist.  Jason is most likely in the stage of grief called anticipatory grieving that many family and friends of someone with a terminal illness goes through before their loved ones dies.  I do not believe that any hasty decisions should be made by Jason right now. 


Additionally, I believe that there is truly something unethical being done by the show by allowing someone to marry someone in this time of life and whoever said Courtney wants to take on the role of care taking DIL then help her stranger aka "her husband" deal with all the severe stress when a parent dies.  I get that she is saying the vows but would you really think a panel of "experts" would choose this for you?  Normal, strong marriages often crack and crumble under that kind of strain.  I think the show did it for the sensationalism of it.  Very sick!!!     

Edited by crgirl412
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There's no law in any marriage that states that they have to have sex, but my guess is that two out of the three couples will.

I agree and we all know who it won't be! 



I get it, he's not "hot" but he's not ugly or unfortunate looking.

I am sorry but he is unfortunate looking.  Nothin' that a little jaw surgery can't fix!  The moles don't bother me much just the jaw! 

I KEPT THINKN I HAD SEEN JAIME SOMEWHERE. You don't forget a smile and side look like hers. But regardless, I don't think the experts did such a good match with them. Doug seems like a good guy and doesn't deserve the coming humiliation. But the fact that Jaime is not attracted to him is not her fault nor his. Passion/attraction is a funny thing... it makes you accept, not notice things like moles or at least not be turned off by them. Then on the other hand, a pair of big ass white shoes can send one scurrying for the door. 

  • Love 2
Because Jamie has been on The Bachelor and another similar show, the credibility of the experts goes out the window for me.  Out of all the possibilities, surely someone other than a ringer could have been a potential match.  I feel that they chose a groom that was not the stereotypical handsome man just to create conflict and drama.



Initially, I wondered if producers were trying to find another ringer for Trista (as in "Trista and Ryan," the one success-story couple from The Bachelor?)  when they chose Jamie as one of the contestants.  But then, if that were the case, I wondered why they just didn't pair her up with the fireman-in-training, Jason?   As I recall, Ryan - the bachelor who married Trista - was and still is a firefighter.



I feel that they chose a groom that was not the stereotypical handsome man just to create conflict and drama.

I agree!!!!  It is really vexing because they have public proof of "the look" of the guys that Jamie goes for so out of all of the applicants they couldn't find one who at least had dark brown hair?? 

Edited by crgirl412
  • Love 1

I agree!!!!  It is really vexing because they have public proof of "the look" of the guys that Jamie goes for so out of all of the applicants they couldn't find one who at least had dark brown hair?? 


To be honest, I don't really see what Ben Flajnik and Chris Bukowski have in common lookswise, except that I don't find either of them handsome at all. Ben is one of the least attractive people ever to be casted by the Bachelor franchise with the most unfortunate hairstyle I've ever seen. Chris to me looked like a shady sleaze ever since he stepped out of the limo during Emily's season of the Bachelorette and proved to be just that, especially in Bachelor Pad. He had a good body though, but so does Doug as far as I could tell. He's very athletic after all. I don't really get what is so terrible about Doug's looks aside from the unfortunate moles. Well his jaw is quite prominent, but that can be hidden somewhat with stubble, along with the moles. I think he's got a lovely smile and eyes, so Jamie saying she has nothing to work with is just baffling to me. BTW, not sure if this is considered a spoiler, but


Speaking of Jamie, I was rewatching some episodes of Bachelor Pad to refresh my memory and at one point she was talking to the camera saying something like "I just want to fall in love! On TV! So I can show my kids." Oh OK, Jamie. I wouldn't show my kids any footage of me slinging myself at a guy who doesn't seem interested at all, but maybe that's just me. Good thing those kids with Chris didn't happen. But she's clearly obsessed with having a fairytale romance on TV, and it's pretty clear that the show's producers decided to pair her up with someone who doesn't fit her idea of a fairytale lover just for some drama. That's quite a horrible thing to do to Doug, if he was serious about the whole thing.

  • Love 3



I think Ben Flajnik is cute!  Not as cute as Chris or Josh from this season but cute nonetheless.  Chris Bukowski is ok looking.  He also has some buccal issues going on.  I think his veneers are too big or small and too white.    They both just have a very different vibe than Doug and it shows through the TV.  Almost anyone who has anything to do with Bachelor Nation has it and Doug just doesn't and the experts should have taken all of that into consideration.  For example, Bob Guiney doesn't have the classical Bachelor look but the had a good sense of humor and presence which is how he got so far and went on to marry then divorce an actress.  He is still parlaying it into paying gigs as he was just on with Kathy Lee and Hoda July 1 and his band is touring. 

Edited by crgirl412
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I just looked at the fyi page for the show & the pic they have up for Doug in their cast section it looks like he doesn't have moles. It's either going to be a plot point in the "marriage", or they edited things poorly or they used it to create drama. Still even with the moles removed he doesn't physically seem like Jamie's type. Who knows though? Maybe she's grown & isn't as superficial. Hahahaha!

I predict some fireworks with Monet and Vaughn.  They both SAID they would like a partner who embraces traditional gender roles, but I honestly can't see Monet taking a backseat to her husband.  She seems very strong and self-sufficient, and IMO needs to be in a relationship where it's more of an equal partnership.  And Vaugn says he wants himself a little wifey, but dude seems a little too persnickety to be the "manly man" he claims to be.  Red flag (for me, anyway) was when the sociologist arrived at his apartment and he immediately requested that she remove her shoes.  I'll be interested to see how this all pans out.

  • Love 3

Yes, indeed, Lovecat (love your name).


Now ..................................did you hear the question he asked her in the preview of next week's episode. How would she feel about a menage a trois? So we are wondering who he has in mind, a lady or a guy? And I do think he is not all there with the heterosexual role he appeared to want. Although I know the previews usually do not match the actual scene, this one is edge of the chair.

And Jaime turning out to liking Doug. Hmmmmmm.


And the last couple was the only one who didn't cause me any concern. They were totally ready for everything from the I Dos to the wedding night. I think I could watch a season of just them but who knows how long it will be before they start playing to the camera? 


We viewers don't stand a chance, do we?

Edited by ethalfrida
  • Love 2

Nor me, but it's trash like this that really does get me hooked. It's so bad it's unmissable.

But I'm seriously going to have to play the drinking game every time one of the so called "experts" comes out with how difficult this social experiment is/no wedding unless they are totally scientifically compatible yadder yadder.

Enough already. I want more insight into how they, their friends and families feel. Not listening to the same faux serious bs from said experts ad nauseum. I got it the first time so shut the hell up.

 I'm still sticking with it though!

  • Love 1

To be honest, I don't really see what Ben Flajnik and Chris Bukowski have in common lookswise, except that I don't find either of them handsome at all. Ben is one of the least attractive people ever to be casted by the Bachelor franchise with the most unfortunate hairstyle I've ever seen. Chris to me looked like a shady sleaze ever since he stepped out of the limo during Emily's season of the Bachelorette and proved to be just that, especially in Bachelor Pad. He had a good body though, but so does Doug as far as I could tell. He's very athletic after all. I don't really get what is so terrible about Doug's looks aside from the unfortunate moles. Well his jaw is quite prominent, but that can be hidden somewhat with stubble, along with the moles. I think he's got a lovely smile and eyes, so Jamie saying she has nothing to work with is just baffling to me. BTW, not sure if this is considered a spoiler, but


Thank you for sharing the link. Definitely not a spoiler though.

I went to the updated link and it was Doug's idea of a joke that kind of backfired. He took a photo of himself with bandages and said that he had his moles removed. He later clarified that it was a joke and he didn't know he could fool so many people with some old bandages and scotch tape. Hopefully he will reconsider and make the mole removal a reality. Anyhow, you can tell that people must be giving him lots of shit about the moles.

Thank you for sharing the link. Definitely not a spoiler though.

I went to the updated link and it was Doug's idea of a joke that kind of backfired. He took a photo of himself with bandages and said that he had his moles removed. He later clarified that it was a joke and he didn't know he could fool so many people with some old bandages and scotch tape. Hopefully he will reconsider and make the mole removal a reality. Anyhow, you can tell that people must be giving him lots of shit about the moles.

Seriously not a good joke. Thanks for the update because I'd just discussed that photo and said he'd had them removed. 

There were a couple of videos of Doug doing stand-up on his Youtube channel, so I suppose he fancies himself a bit of a comedian. I'm actually happy he wouldn't get rid of the moles just to please people. It's not like they're contagious. And it would be sad if it had taken him this long to realise they're putting off women, because if that were the case, then he could've avoided being stuck with Jamie.

I mean, I noticed the moles but I don't find them to be ugly or off-putting. Cheese, they're even referred to as "beauty marks" when (certain) women have them.


Anyway, a story. Back in the 70s I met a guy through a personal ad in the paper. He and I corresponded (i.e., wrote letters) for a while and talked on the phone. He was an aspiring cartoonist and would sketch funny drawings on his envelopes and had what I thought was a carefree and fun personality. After we scheduled our first date, he showed up at my house wearing .... a polka dot clown costume. Wig, red rubber nose and all.


Doug strikes me as somewhat the same, as in, "Dude. Stop trying so hard."

  • Love 3

About Doug's moles........how would the audience feel if the women did not have their makeup done, false lashes applied, and hair highlighted?  Would nobody complain if they showed up clean and charming wearing a ponytail?  The way I see it is women usually pull out all the stops to look as beautiful as they can for their man.  If something needs help, they have it taken care of, like their nails, hair, or skin problems.  I feel if the man in question cared as much he would have already consulted a Dermatologist about the moles and had them removed in time to heal.  And no, he would not be left with "craters" as once the mole was removed it would have a stitch or two carefully placed to have it heal perfectly.  Jamie probably learned at an early age that her beauty was the only thing she had of value and had to use it to better herself.  Learning differently as she became an adult she learned that she was compassionate and caring, besides being smart enough to get through school and pass the exam to be an RN.  Maybe she struggles to value men for the right reasons as all she knows is superficial judgement.  I know personally that the man I ended up marrying was not the best looking guy I ever dated.  I would not have chosen him as my type out of a crowd of men.  But getting to know him, his integrity, work ethic, respect for me, able to be flexible with me, compromise and solve problems, watch his co-workers interact with and genuinely like him and see how he treated wait people and animals, made him more wildly attractive every single day.  Now it's almost 30 years later.  I'm so grateful I married this man who exceeded any expectations I ever had.

  • Love 5

With all I've heard and read about them already, I'm seriously sick of Doug and Jamie. Especially Jamie. Yes she was on other shows, yes she didn't like Doug's looks, yes those planets on his face don't help matters but it wasn't like removing them was going to do much in the looks for him, he even admitted he isn't the best looking and he seems very sweet (hell his friends pointed out the looks thing after they got married too.) Can we find out more about the other couples already. I hope they don't focus all on them because I rather see the other two couples. I feel like Vaughn (and like others mentioned here my first reaction was he's gay lol) and Monet are the ones we know the least (though the "experts" said they have the most chemistry--we'll see.) Most of the people didn't strike me as attention starved, but I wonder how many of them have/are trying to make it in show business.

  • Love 3

Thank you for sharing the link. Definitely not a spoiler though.

I went to the updated link and it was Doug's idea of a joke that kind of backfired. He took a photo of himself with bandages and said that he had his moles removed. He later clarified that it was a joke and he didn't know he could fool so many people with some old bandages and scotch tape. Hopefully he will reconsider and make the mole removal a reality. Anyhow, you can tell that people must be giving him lots of shit about the moles.

I have three moles on my cheek (think Robert Redford in style) that aren't nearly as big or as high as Doug's and was told the scars would be as noticeable as the moles.

I have three moles on my cheek (think Robert Redford in style) that aren't nearly as big or as high as Doug's and was told the scars would be as noticeable as the moles.

I totally understand this. My mom has one, like you describe, on her chin and was told the same thing by her dermatologist, hence my comment above about removal leaving craters and/or scars. Mom decided to leave well enough alone.

I have a family member who got large moles removed and, yes, they did leave scars.  Even so, he looked much better without the moles.  In general, if someone is looking at your face, I think they can accept scarring much better than large moles; however, I can certainly understand if the person who has the moles doesn't feel that way.  

  • Love 1

One time I caught a cramp in my foot while I was walking. It caused me to limp noticeably for blocks. People avoided looking at me directly some were really uncomfortable I could see. It just made me more aware of what people with disabilities must feel. So the mole situation must take a lot of energy and confidence to deal with comments and skeevy stares.

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