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Whoopi Goldberg: EGOT Winner, So Why Is She Here?


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To me Whoopi has been a bit rude lately. I normally don't mind hearing her take on things, even if I don't agree. Lately the "No, you can't say that..." to guest co-hosts, has been out of hand. Yes, THEY can say whatever THEY want, imo. "I don't agree and here's why.", is what I want to hear.

Whoopi seems to have let loose after Barb left. She doesn't seem to temper her remarks and she's not halfway sleep in the chair anymore. I sometimes appreciate when she challenges one of the co-hosts because she's speaking for me while I'm yelling at home, but I gotta agree; her my-opinion-or-the-highway attitude is definitely off-putting.

An EGOT can take only so much!


Edited by Stacee
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What was going on with Whoopi's "look" today?  New glasses and her dreds (sp?) were all tied back off her face.  It was startling to me. Is she getting to work earlier?   I don't even know what I think about it.

I missed the show but saw still images from it… the sides of her head…wtf??  it made her look like she was bald and wearing a very badly fitting wig….  did she shave the sides of her head?? NOT a good look.

I missed the show but saw still images from it… the sides of her head…wtf??  it made her look like she was bald and wearing a very badly fitting wig….  did she shave the sides of her head?? NOT a good look.


Could be thinning hair/hair loss from the regular maintaince of having her dreads tightened around that area.

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If you scroll down to the Xfinity TV section you'll see a pic of Whoopi looking bald.


I tried to post the screen capture I took but can't seem to figure out how/if I can post here. Does anyone know?  It's not a web URL it's just a screen capture jpg on my computer.

Edited by GoldDustWoman



If you scroll down to the Xfinity TV section you'll see a pic of Whoopi looking bald.


I tried to post the screen capture I took but can't seem to figure out how/if I can post here. Does anyone know?  It's not a web URL it's just a screen capture jpg on my computer.


@GoldDustWoman, I cant find the picture in the link you gave. They've probably updated the stories by now.


If you have a  pic you want to post, go here to upload it first




  1. Click on Upload Images at the top.
  2. Then click on Browse Your Computer.
  3. Find the pic you want on your computer and open it.
  4. Then at the imgur site, click on Start Upload.
  5. Once uploaded, click on the BBCode (message boards & forums) in the list in the right margin.
  6. Come back here and paste that code right into the comment box.
  7. When you preview your post, or submit it, the photo will show up.


It's much easier than it sounds and it really only takes a few seconds.

Edited by LuckyBitch
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I didn't understand how huge a push back Whoopi Goldberg got when she went off against tenure for teachers earlier this week. In retrospect, I should have known it must have been in such a great amount that our great stahhhhr had to come off her pedestal and respond. To that, she got another response from teacher - video style . The guy explains it good - much like another poster here so eloquently summed up. Here is the video - I much so doubt Whoopi even bothered to View it because she knows everything and her mom was a teacher and she doesn't care about emails or tweets, she's so above that. But for those of us that want to understand a little more, here it is: 

Teacher Responds to Anti-Tenure Whoopi Video


Also a thread at Daily Kos was started about this. It's definitely worth reading. You can also see Whoopi's original response there. 

Edited by Stacee
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There is always the possibility that she pulls out that hair herself (trichotillomania).  She doesn't have brows either.

Whoopi has always been deliberately vague in interviews about why she does not have eyebrows. I remember reading that she said she shaved them once and they itched when growing back in so she continued to shave them.  On CNN one time she said that she lost them when she was a child.  She was walking home from school and it was windy and whoosh they were gone.  She has said it is part of her image:  dreadlocks, no brows.  So who knows.  I remember we had the discussion before about her hair.  It appears to be shaved and she doesn't seem to mind if it shows. I think she shaves it so her hair lays flatter.   I think she likes having it show and never explaining it.  She probably gets a kick out of it.  I think she wants to be mysterious about it.  The first time I remember seeing it, she was taking a necklace or something off and her hair came back revealing the bald spot.  Sherri looked startled and rushed over to Whoopie's chair and pulled her hair back.  Whoopi didn't react at all.

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yes that's similar to the pic I was trying to share Roger, except the one I had was taken from the side and you can really see how far the bald part extends up and back on the top and sides of her head.  I'll try the instructions for uploading and see if I can make it work~~



ok let's see if that worked


woo hoo! Thanks LuckyBitch-- you lived up to your name!!  :)

Whoopi has always been deliberately vague in interviews about why she does not have eyebrows. I remember reading that she said she shaved them once and they itched when growing back in so she continued to shave them.  On CNN one time she said that she lost them when she was a child.  She was walking home from school and it was windy and whoosh they were gone.  She has said it is part of her image:  dreadlocks, no brows.  So who knows.  I remember we had the discussion before about her hair.  It appears to be shaved and she doesn't seem to mind if it shows. I think she shaves it so her hair lays flatter.   I think she likes having it show and never explaining it.  She probably gets a kick out of it.  I think she wants to be mysterious about it.  The first time I remember seeing it, she was taking a necklace or something off and her hair came back revealing the bald spot.  Sherri looked startled and rushed over to Whoopie's chair and pulled her hair back.  Whoopi didn't react at all.

from the pic I posted and the one Roger posted that sure doesn't look shaved to me…. waxed perhaps, but not shave <shrug>

Edited by GoldDustWoman
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Joining in on the discussion of what's going on with Whoopi...I've already said that she has a cob up her butt about something.  Speculation upthread is that she's tired of the bimbos  or that she is having health issues.  I'll just throw in another possibility - family issues.  I know firsthand that family issues can throw you for a loop in the workplace.  It could be a combination of some of these theories.  Either way, she's angry about something, judging from the desription of the Hot Topics auditions.

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I'm sure they're all anxious about how the new season and the new panel will be received. That's understandable. But I wonder if Whoopi might not just be relieved to be able to cut loose a little after years of defending Elisabeth and Sherri, dealing with crazy, cranky Babs and being somewhat muzzled by Geddie et al, and she finally feels free to let some of that pent up frustration fly? Whoopi has a temper that I have no doubt she's been holding largely in check on set for a long time. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if they deliberately heated up the audition show(s) with extremely hot button topics like abortion to see how the potentials handled the fire.


Regarding her temper, I have a little story. Long story short, I met Whoopi back in 2011 and attended a speaking engagement she gave as part of a lecture series featuring prominent women. She was actually very entertaining and the sold out audience was happy and loving it. Relieved of all her View related constraints, we really got a glimpse of what made her so successful back in the day. At the end, there was a brief Q&A with questions submitted by the audience. The first thing Whoopi did when she started to speak was to warn those with delicate ears that she is well known for her admiration and frequent use of certain colorful words. So at the end someone in the audience asked, “Which is more difficult, getting through an entire live television show without swearing or sitting across from Elisabeth Hasselbeck?” It was so unexpected that the entire room burst out laughing and clapping, but Whoopi visibly bristled. It was clear she found herself having to defend EH often and it pissed her off. She said EH is one of the nicest people she’d ever met and then proceeded to chastise the entire audience at some length for basically being a bunch of jerks, intolerant of someone with an opposing viewpoint. She insisted that EH listens and *hears* what others have to say (unless they’re being confrontational with her), that EH had evolved greatly over time and that EH should be applauded for having the courage to be the sole conservative voice on that show for all those years. I had an almost irresistible urge to jump up and tell her that, wow, she doesn’t get it at all; that EH’s conservative viewpoint is/was NOT the reason viewers disliked her so much. That while EH may well be one of the nicest people Whoopi has ever met, that is most decidedly NOT how EH comes across on television. Plus, her voice makes dogs howl. But, I controlled myself and resisted the urge. It was an awkward and somewhat uncomfortable moment and all of the “whoop!” sort of went out of the room. Then Whoopi caught sight of someone in the front apparently trying to surreptitiously video record all or part of the event which made her REALLY grumpy (and to be fair with good reason – it was an uncool thing to do). Things wrapped up pretty quickly after that with Whoopi still clearly annoyed and the audience feeling emotional whiplash.

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I'm sure they're all anxious about how the new season and the new panel will be received. That's understandable. But I wonder if Whoopi might not just be relieved to be able to cut loose a little after years of defending Elisabeth and Sherri, dealing with crazy, cranky Babs and being somewhat muzzled by Geddie et al, and she finally feels free to let some of that pent up frustration fly? Whoopi has a temper that I have no doubt she's been holding largely in check on set for a long time. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if they deliberately heated up the audition show(s) with extremely hot button topics like abortion to see how the potentials handled the fire.


Regarding her temper, I have a little story. Long story short, I met Whoopi back in 2011 and attended a speaking engagement she gave as part of a lecture series featuring prominent women. She was actually very entertaining and the sold out audience was happy and loving it. Relieved of all her View related constraints, we really got a glimpse of what made her so successful back in the day. At the end, there was a brief Q&A with questions submitted by the audience. The first thing Whoopi did when she started to speak was to warn those with delicate ears that she is well known for her admiration and frequent use of certain colorful words. So at the end someone in the audience asked, “Which is more difficult, getting through an entire live television show without swearing or sitting across from Elisabeth Hasselbeck?” It was so unexpected that the entire room burst out laughing and clapping, but Whoopi visibly bristled. It was clear she found herself having to defend EH often and it pissed her off. She said EH is one of the nicest people she’d ever met and then proceeded to chastise the entire audience at some length for basically being a bunch of jerks, intolerant of someone with an opposing viewpoint. She insisted that EH listens and *hears* what others have to say (unless they’re being confrontational with her), that EH had evolved greatly over time and that EH should be applauded for having the courage to be the sole conservative voice on that show for all those years. I had an almost irresistible urge to jump up and tell her that, wow, she doesn’t get it at all; that EH’s conservative viewpoint is/was NOT the reason viewers disliked her so much. That while EH may well be one of the nicest people Whoopi has ever met, that is most decidedly NOT how EH comes across on television. Plus, her voice makes dogs howl. But, I controlled myself and resisted the urge. It was an awkward and somewhat uncomfortable moment and all of the “whoop!” sort of went out of the room. Then Whoopi caught sight of someone in the front apparently trying to surreptitiously video record all or part of the event which made her REALLY grumpy (and to be fair with good reason – it was an uncool thing to do). Things wrapped up pretty quickly after that with Whoopi still clearly annoyed and the audience feeling emotional whiplash.

well, somehow this doesn't surprise me… Whoopi thinks she should be unquestioningly be adored.. if anyone says something that questions what she says well how DARE they…  She doesn't like being challenged by the hoi polloi.  She's a STAH darling.  Above reproach.

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Yeah, there's more to the story, but in a nutshell I was left feeling pretty unimpressed. Whoopi loves the adoration that she clearly believes is her due, but interacting with the "little people," not so much. The evening had been a gift for my mother who'd been going through a rough time. We got to meet Whoopi at a small private cocktail party prior to the talk. I didn't care at all for myself, but I'd really hoped that Whoopi would be warm and friendly to my mother. She wasn't. She was about as engaging as a cardboard cut out and looked as though she'd rather be any place else than with riffraff like us.

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I believe Whoopi is loyal to a fault (to friends and co-workers, I believe; I find it hard to believe she's friends with Elisabeth, if I'm being honest), and that's why she comes across very silly when she comes out in defense of people/actions that are can't be defended. It's also why she has a lot of friends, too.

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Hopefully when Rosie comes on this "grumpy" shouty, interrupting bad-humored Whoopie will have changed.  It would love to see a Whoopie that  disagrees with other's points and then politely and passionately states her point.  But no,  she controls and shouts and declares that their point of view is BS and that she KNOWS the real deal.  She never states anything as her opinion, i.e., childrearing, politics, social issues, being a celebrity.  She is one who knows because no one else has been a staah like her.  She is infuriating to me.  She in inarticulate and resorts to using profanity when she gets frustrated and can't make her point.  I don't dislike her, I've just never thought she was a good moderator.  I would like to see her as a panel member and Rosie as moderator.  I love Rosie, but she still has issues than can land her in trouble.  She, as most celebrities, has a healthy ego.  She is known for being bossy and demanding.  She destroyed her "Rosie" magazine with her antics (I believe she was still unmedicated at this point though).  I still can't wait for her to come on The View.  She is so watchable for me.  She draws my attention when she is on and she exciting to watch and knowledgeable (unless she is talking about 9/11).  Can't wait for her.

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 She [Whoopi] never states anything as her opinion, i.e., childrearing, politics, social issues, being a celebrity.  She is one who knows because no one else has been a staah like her.  She is infuriating to me.  She in inarticulate and resorts to using profanity when she gets frustrated and can't make her point.  I don't dislike her, I've just never thought she was a good moderator. 

Don't forget the fart jokes @Morgalisa.  Whenever any Not Hot Topic threatens to become hot or Whoopi runs out of proclamations she often goes with the fart jokes. Classy.   

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You guys are making great points about some of Whoopi's moderating and comments.

I will maintain that spending an entire season dealing with Baba's terrible behavior this past season and Jenny/Sherri being "backup" was enough to make an angel cranky....and Whoopi ain't no angel!

Then you face an entire summer with extreme right wing talking point spouters...stating radical conclusions as if they were fact.....I would likely check myself into a padded room for relief!

In fact, it is sort of a mystery to me why Whoopi didn't just strangle herself in the dressing room one day rather that face that tablefull of nitwits.

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@LuckyBitch...I have declared myself to damn old to put up with nonsense and the people who spout it!

Sigh, I do get your point. There is a lot of nonsense that goes into being a celebrity and they all should get that it is part of the job. They all earn more than most of us combined will ever see...so do the job.

But still, imagine going to work and facing that every darn day, day in and day out! Could make me seek a voluntary lobotomy. Just sayin'.

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I wonder if part of Whoopie's new, nasty attitude is that when Rosie arrives, she's finally going to have some competition being the wise, old sage. She's still the bigger star, but, Rosie will a more viable competitor as the voice of reason. Plus, by bringing Rosie back after the way she left, she obviously someone's favorite.

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I can't believe Whoopi spoke so badly about BW.  What she said may have been true, but being a professional means you need to keep certain thoughts to yourself.   Bw is out of the picture now, but she is still alive and those words must have hurt her.


We don't know that she did. Some "insider" "said that "Whoopi said...."" about Barbara. Just like insiders said that Whoopi was a no show at Sherri's last show, and guess what? Whoopi was there. Unless someone has her on tape saying it, I'm not believing it.


I'm sure Robin's death has hit her hard; they were very close friends. The three of them, Whoopi, Robin and Billy Crystal started the Comedy for Relief or whatever that was.

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We don't know that she did. Some "insider" "said that "Whoopi said...."" about Barbara. Just like insiders said that Whoopi was a no show at Sherri's last show, and guess what? Whoopi was there. Unless someone has her on tape saying it, I'm not believing it.


I'm sure Robin's death has hit her hard; they were very close friends. The three of them, Whoopi, Robin and Billy Crystal started the Comedy for Relief or whatever that was.

From The Wrap never heard of it before so...............“Someone has tried to stir this pot before.  This is absolutely absurd,” a ABC spokesperson told TheWrap. “Whoopi is a consummate professional and has an enormous amount of respect for Barbara with whom she has a professional and personal relationship.  Unless you were there and heard it first hand, this is nothing more than mean and hurtful rumor.”


Bold by me.


Wow, Robin Williams, so sad.

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Darn, and it's still true this morning.  The pain that he must have been feeling this time breaks my heart.  All I've seen from Billy Crystal is his tweet of "No words." 


We liked The Crazy Ones and were bummed that it wasn't renewed.  I don't know if its renewal could have kept Robin around longer to maybe have gotten through this last crisis, but I'd sure liked to have found out.


Depression and addiction are hell.  Damn, I wish Robin could have gotten through this.  And Whoopi and Billy - I can't imagine.

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Don Lemon on CNN had a phone interview with Joy Behar, and she said that Whoopi was not taking any calls. She is devastated.


Oh, how I miss Joy's show on HLN.  Whenever they play a clip of it, like they did last night on CNN when she was being interviewed, I remember how much I miss it.  It was great. :(

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