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S04.E02: Mato

Tara Ariano
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The Shot Heard 'Round The (Blacklist) World

...but, Kate moved in the end. Watch her come back and we find out that Red just "grazed" her to teach her a lesson and we have some contrived explanation that tries to tell us Red really does have a heart anyway.

Ho hum.

Never mind that being wounded in the forest with all that dirt and all those germs (and an open wound) is a risky proposition, so Mr. Kaplan should be a goner anyway. Of course, when has reality ever been a part of this show?

Samar Navabi gets to do only one thing and that's mope about Liz...sigh. Mozhan, you deserve so much better than this show.

Didn't really care much for the case, really, since it was a whole lot of posturing and really just filler to get to the "climactic end" where Kaplan gets shot. I also really don't understand why Kaplan didn't just flee to start a new life...really, if Red is so toxic, why stick around?

Speaking of stupid- why didn't Keen just shoot Kirk? Does she really enjoy being around toxic men?

What is with the women on this show?

Seriously...I don't think any of the women did anything of consequence. They just get themselves into trouble, if they do anything at all. *sigh*

There was one bright spot- the Summer Palace being in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia was cool. This show has referenced Canada quite a few times and I dig it.

As for the actual palace- who wants to take bets that Kirk remade a house into a copy of Keen's childhood home just to throw her off? I know, you're all giggling at me...but, really, can you put anything past this show?

Episode Grade: F. Nothing more I can say.

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13 minutes ago, Danielg342 said:

The Shot Heard 'Round The (Blacklist) World

...but, Kate moved in the end. Watch her come back and we find out that Red just "grazed" her to teach her a lesson and we have some contrived explanation that tries to tell us Red really does have a heart anyway.

But why would Kate fake being killed ?  Just so Red didn't double tap her.  There's no one around for 53,000 acres.

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4 minutes ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

But why would Kate fake being killed ?  Just so Red didn't double tap her.  There's no one around for 53,000 acres.

The idea would be that Red would appear to shoot her in the head but he'd really aim so that the bullet just scratches her head or her shoulder (which would still wound her considerably but not kill her), just to say "I could have killed you but I didn't. Remember that."

I know it's far-fetched that Kaplan lives...but, in TV-land (and as we've already seen on this show), unless there's an obvious headshot, neckshot or chestshot, the character can never be assumed to actually be dead. So we'll see.

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As I watched the episode tonight, I wondered why I tend to side with Red on most things. I think that it may be because I've never really like Liz at all. Or maybe I'm just a bad person- I don't know. I do know that Red IS a criminal & an all around BAD man. I know he's done a lot to put Liz's life in danger. Kaplan said that she has been watching over Liz for a long time so Red has been there for a long time too. I said it before- I'll say it again. I think Liz would've been screwed either way. Whether someone found out that she meant something to Red or they realized who her parents were & what her name was, someone would've come after her sooner or later. And without Red there, she would've been dead. He's put her in danger- but he's gotten her out of danger too. Like I said, if she wanted to do what was best for Agnes, (Tom as the daddy is a little questionable) she had every right to get away from Red. (I don't think that she really had to fake her death to get away from him though.) My problem is her wanting away from him until she needs his help. Whether he's the reason she needs that help or not. 

I knew all episode that Mr. Kaplan was a goner. She even knew it. In that world, a betrayal like that is a death sentence- no matter the reason. He also couldn't trust her. I wish that he would've let her just walk away. But she knew too much about him, he couldn't let her live. But he did he? I mean, Raymond Reddington wouldn't miss a shot like that- especially since that shot wasn't that far away. Did he let her live on purpose? It didn't look like it but I don't know.

I'm just as confused about this whole Kirk thing. Is he her Dad? Or is HE just a man who dated her Mom & got obsessed with Liz? Why did he want Tom dead? I don't know what's going on. Why didn't HE try to go after her before? Who was Sam, the man that Liz called Dad? What about the fire? Where did those memories of the fire come from & why does Red have those burn scars? I'm still not sure who Red is to Liz. So confused.

There's a lot still unanswered and these writers insist on bringing people onto the show that come with a whole new list of questions. Ugh!!!

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5 minutes ago, anarchyangel84 said:

There's a lot still unanswered and these writers insist on bringing people onto the show that come with a whole new list of questions. Ugh!!!

Welcome to The Blacklist, my friend.

In S1, I would say "this is what makes the show great".

In S4, I now say, "this is what makes the show awful".

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Well this show continues to crawl forward at its usual painful pace. No meaningful answers to the whole Lizzie mystery. The baby is still a hot potato. The FBI still can't find that manual explaining how to tie their shoes.

I didn't like Red shooting Mr. Kaplan. As I said back when this plot was first revealed I think she did him a favor. If her job is to protect Red, wouldn't that include protecting him from himself?

I wonder how Dembe is feeling right now. The number of lieutenants Red has personally executed continues to grow.

One strange thing about this show is that if the Task Force has to work with the CIA/NSA/etc. there will be infighting and backstabbing and pissing contests. However, inter-agency cooperation with the Canadian "POLICE" (actually known as the RCMP) is utterly flawless. Maybe it's because the Canadians are so polite and will let the trigger-happy cowboys of the FBI lead the raid.

That can of Hills Bros. coffee looked way too 21st century for how old it was supposed to be. I realize it wouldn't be worth the effort to find a vintage can for the second or two it's on the screen but it definitely stood out to me.

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6 hours ago, dwmarch said:

That can of Hills Bros. coffee looked way too 21st century for how old it was supposed to be. I realize it wouldn't be worth the effort to find a vintage can for the second or two it's on the screen but it definitely stood out to me.

It really does, because that "time machine" coffee can should have been from 20 years ago -- did Hills Bros. cans look like that back then ?

I still can't get over how absolutely no one caught Lizzie's screwed up map coordinates when she called for help from the plane -- if Megan Boone mispronounced the line and no one caught it in post-production that's pretty bad, but if the writers wrote it that way and no one caught before it was filmed, that is just sad.  The writers are phoning it in at this point, and that doesn't bode well for the spin-off.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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I'm completely done with this show. There's no longer anyone I even sort of like among the characters and the violence has just become senseless and cheap (obviously IMO). I asked myself last night if I was actually enjoying that hour of my life, and the answer was no, so ...

I would like to see Diego Klattenhoff in a show of his own, though (just not as this character).

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Otto, writers messing up coordinates is less offensive than the writers of The X Files MOVIE making that entire plot revolve around bees pollinating corn, when any doof should know corn is self-pollinating.

This show begins with Lizzie being flown away, so she pulls Kirk's gun and freaking SHOOTS the pilot? The heck, I thought. Then I realized and HOPED that Lizzie would die, so I was all good with that. Then she survived. The heck. This show continues to disappoint me.

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I used to like Red, but this episode made me dislike him. There were nothing redeeming about him, he was just nasty. Fat jokes to Nicos? Please. That's Donald Trump cheap-ass territory. Tom is now the torturer and enforcer ... please. And Lizzie is still happy to see him? I'm not. Only Dembe and Mr. Kaplan are saving this show for me, although Kaplan knew she was a goner and even told us all so.

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Only Samar seems to have a handle on WTF is FBI doing running after Lizzie AGAIN. Who the freak is she to warrant so much time (and taxpayer expense) from them? At least Donald is still good to look at, and here's hoping the Only Partly Dead Mr. Kaplan comes back to take Red down. And yeah, Otto, this show did jump the shark for me last night. I've been in since episode 1, but now it's reluctantly. Sort of like a toxic habit that's hard to break. Meanwhile, great recap, Otto. Better than the actual show.

p.s. Sorry for multiple posts, but this site won't let me do paragraphs, it makes everything run together.

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Since they made a point of showing that Mr. Kaplan is still just barely alive, I'm gonna assume they are setting up a story line for her. Maybe she'll transfer her loyalty to Tom now and work with him to find Agnes and hopefully move over to the spin-off show. That would get me to watch it in spite of Famke Janssen.

I doubt Mr. Kaplan will go after Reddington. She knew him better than anyone else and knew what would happen to her for doing something he saw as betrayal.

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The exchange between Red and Mr. Kaplan talked about her lying in the street with her head split open in front of Annie who is Annie? and why would little Nicos be the reason she works for Red? did I miss something?

Edited by pnkj1208
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Hm. I'm not really sure how I feel about this episode. Last week's had me on pins and needles, and this one was a tad deflated. A lot of nothing happened. A lot of Liz being predictably Liz, and trying to be slightly unpredictable Liz and just seeming silly ("Oh right, she went to Quantico to become a profiler!" - one of the writers, probably.)

I did kind of like the undercurrent of sadness that carried between Red and Kate, which was why the end, while of course it had to happen, was such a bummer for me. Susan Blommaert and James Spader play off of each other so well, even non-verbally. That part was so good. They both knew where events had to lead, and they both did what they always did and walked toward it like it just was what it was. It's always sadcakes when someone on this show that can act with James Spader gets shifted away, because he and Megan Boone are kind of a snore when forced to spend more than a few minutes together without a third party.

12 hours ago, anarchyangel84 said:

I knew all episode that Mr. Kaplan was a goner. She even knew it. In that world, a betrayal like that is a death sentence- no matter the reason. He also couldn't trust her. I wish that he would've let her just walk away. But she knew too much about him, he couldn't let her live. But he did he? I mean, Raymond Reddington wouldn't miss a shot like that- especially since that shot wasn't that far away. Did he let her live on purpose? It didn't look like it but I don't know.

Yeah, that's the thing. Red doesn't miss. After military training and years of shooting sweaty dirtbags and not missing, Red suddenly misses? That's not what we've been shown. If he grazes and doesn't kill, there's a reason. He also tends not to be the type to just leave a body in the open like that, no matter how untrafficked the area happens to be. It's sloppy and stupid and not the sort of thing he's ever done. Granted, he usually has a cleaner, but it's the sort of thing he takes care of, even if he has to do it himself. I think there's more to that than we've been told to this point. Maybe he was "killing" her so that she could do what she needed to do and make the idea that she was doing for herself and not for Red a believable thing. Or maybe terminating her from her life as his cleaner was all he could bring himself to do. He's proven to be cold blooded, but not heartless. I think him being able to honestly murder Mr. Kaplan would be like him trying to kill Dembe. 

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Who cleans up when the cleaner is killed? Red doesn't dig graves. I'm guessing he really thought Mr. Kaplan is dead, or at least I hope so, so she can come back and "clean his clock." I'm all for the end of Red after this miserable episode. And that buried coffee can, the LARGE size, only had three things in it? Way to memorialize yourself, Masha's mom.

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14 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

82 degrees 49 minutes south.  South !!!

Not only that but 82 deg. south latitude is smack in the middle of Antarctica.


14 hours ago, Danielg342 said:

the Summer Palace being in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia was cool.

Did we annex Nova Scotia recently?  Because the last time I looked, it would seem appropriate for the FBI to contact the RCMP and the locals before launching an armed rescue mission.  And once again, they failed to secure the area because Kirk got away.

So here we are in Cuba.  Red should have known that Kirk would leave on a plane.  Why not have a chase plane on standby to follow him and report back?  By the way, the Coast Guard guy's statement about the balloon mounted radar is true.  They are marked on aviation maps.  Anyway, the henchcouple and Liz's baby end up on a refugee boat, presumably headed for Florida (I would have laughed had they been the ones to find Liz and Kirk).  Red & Co. head for Amarillo, which is not exactly next door to Cuba, where, shortly afterward, Mato shows up because of the text.  How in the hell do these people travel?

I was kind of hoping that Liz would take a look around the summer palace and say, "Yeah, this works for me.  Screw the FBI.  Screw Red.  Screw Tom.  Mr. Kaplan, would you like a job? Maybe I'll get a dog for Agnes to play with."

By the way, Mr. Kaplan, should you decide to venture out into the cruel world again, a sidearm and some training would be in order.

I see that Red made use of those same auto repair guys as last episode, as his car, so recently centerpunched on Mato, had a perfect hood and front window.

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Still garbage, but expected for a network show.

The death penalty for someone who turns on you and maybe tries to kill you, or puts your life in danger may be appropriate , but the motives for kaplan's actions were nowhere near that level.  No. 2, lizzie herself deceived Red, so what does she deserve?  And how about Tom? Lizzie's doctor?

At least, I thought, Red would collapse while walking away after shooting Kaplan.  Show us some emotion.  I don't know that we've seen this side of Red yet.  A killer with no remorse, even when someone so close to him is involved?   He deserves some kind of blowback from this, but it will probably be glossed over, as ALL of lizzie's killings have been.



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Good point, Captain, about Red putting all the blame on Kaplan when Tom and Lizzie herself were at the heart of her escape. Yet Red continues to expend no limit of energy and resources to get multi-murderer Lizzie back, and Tom is his new BFF and partner. I'm hoping for a big Kaplan resurrection and Red revenge. Although with Spader as the head of this show, I doubt that's gonna happen. Maybe Red should learn to give Lizzie some space since she's made it pretty clear he is not "all that" to her.

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2 hours ago, CaptainE said:

The death penalty for someone who turns on you and maybe tries to kill you, or puts your life in danger may be appropriate , but the motives for kaplan's actions were nowhere near that level.  No. 2, lizzie herself deceived Red, so what does she deserve?  And how about Tom? Lizzie's doctor?

I agree with you about Mr. Kaplan. I actually do not consider what she did as a betrayal. Betrayal is usually done with malice and for selfish reasons. Mr. Kaplan may have misjudged the situation, but even Red knows she did it with good intentions. I've always liked Red, but him shooting Kaplan makes him look really bad (hard to root for) at the moment.

As for Liz and Tom, since they don't work for Red, I guess they aren't held to the same principles. And Liz is the purpose of Red's efforts after all; it wouldn't make sense for him to kill her, but he will probably give her the cold shoulder for a while (though she probably doesn't even care).

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So, as to dear ol' "dad" saying the fire and her shooting him were just stories from Red-didn't we see burn scars in season 1 when Lizzie was having flashbacks/memories of the fire? Whatever, though.

6 hours ago, pnkj1208 said:

The exchange between Red and Mr. Kaplan talked about her lying in the street with her head split open in front of Annie who is Annie? and why would little Nicos be the reason she works for Red? did I miss something?

As for the second question, she'd be dead if Nickos hadn't found and helped her. So in that way, if it hadn't been for Nickos, Mr. Kaplan wouldn't be around to work for Red is all.

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"You presume to understand what's best for me." Is...that a joke? Did Red of all people - controlling, lying, manipulative Red - actually open his mouth and say that?

Red deserves a bullet for shooting Kaplan. She's risked her life to protect him. She's cleaned up countless messes of his. He brought her Liz when she was a baby and asked her to help him do all of this and then thinks he alone, never bothering to truly inform Liz and consult with her about what she wants, gets to decide to what should happen.

I'm sure the showrunners think this episode was deep, ark, and meaningful but it was just more of the same paternalistic crap. Red is Father and God to everyone and everything, whether they want him to be or not. He knows practically everything and everyone should listen to him and if they don't the show punishes them. The show lowers the intelligence of everyone that isn't Red; unless she has been held in a prolonged Stockholm-inducing hostage situation there is not a woman living who would've saved Kirk. But of course Liz had to botch her own escape, which would've otherwise been successful if she'd just killed Kirk or let him die, so that Red can save her and prove that Father Knows Best.

This show is beyond stupid. I'm out.

Edited by slf
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I think you hit the nail on the head @slf- the show's central problem is that Red is written to always be right. I can't think of one instance where a character went against Red and it actually worked out better than what Red thought or even so much as made Red say, "that's a good plan". As you say, the characters are all dumbed down to make Red look smart, and that's just sloppy, sloppy writing- there's no other way to put it.

The only silver lining is that Kaplan may still be alive after all- she did move after she was shot, which in Hollywood terms is "not quite dead"- but I'm not sure it redeems the writers for the crap they pull with Red.

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Ah, Lizzie!  She's always about the short-term solutions!  Sure, crashing the plane into the ocean might stop Kirk's plan for a second, but she didn't even take into consideration the whole.... you, know, plan will take on water thing.  You know, just a minor inconvenience!  But, of course, a boat luckily finds them, but since she actually saved Kirk, he gains control again, and manages to take her to the Summer Palace.  The FBI finally get their asses over there and she finally free, but Agnes is still missing.  But I totally think she was actually believing Kirk and warming up to him, so I guess we're getting some kind of dumb inner battle for her between Kirk and Red.

Totally knew Kaplan was getting shot by Red, but having her suddenly move her hand is totally a tell-tell sign that she isn't fully dead, and will likely be saved.  Granted, she's apparently all out on the wilderness, so either someone was following them this entire time, or she posses the strength to get back to civilization, despite a gunshot wound.

Despite being built-up as a badass Mato, ends up being just another wasted Blacklister and equally a waste of a perfectly awesome Raoul Trujillo.

Lotte Verbeek was looking gorgeous in that flashback.  Why couldn't she be the lead, again?

Seriously, Aram.  You're kind of getting creepy with your Lizzie obsession.  You better tone it down a notch, or Tom might have words with you.

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I remember watching this show in the first season & thinking about how predictable it was. Red tells the task force about a Blacklister & they got after him or her & that was about it. Then when we found out about how the blacklisters all fit together. That was good. Tom being a bad guy....that was good. (I still don't much like him either. I really try to- but I can't.) The Cabal arc was good too. Not long after that though, it all started get so muddled together. It's been season after season of small hints here and there that may or may not have something to do with who Red is to Liz & why he cared about her so much. It kind of stopped being called "Blacklist" and started to be called "Saving Liz Keen".

I wish they wouldn't have taken Liz off the task force......I'm sure they could've still made the show interesting. That's why the writers get paid the big bucks. 

This episode showed a lot of the reasons that the show went to crap. The task force is spending more resources on saving Liz Keen. She's still a top priority even though she's not even an agent anymore. Aram, Ressler, & Cooper are still up Liz's ass....and I don't get it. Then of course there's Tom being.....Tom. Liz seems to be able to adapt very quickly to every situation she's in. This past week she became a pilot. Not a very good one- but she's alive. I understand the way Red felt about Kaplan. But when he bitched that she presumed to know what was best for him (or something like that) I could've screamed. What has he been doing to Liz this whole time?  He has not told her the truth because he thinks he knows what's best. He always thinks he knows what's best for Liz. I really like Red too- probably because I like James Spader so much. But that's annoying! If Red meant to kill Kaplan when he shot her, I'm really going to be pissed off. Like I said before, there's NO WAY he'd miss- especially from that close. 

I rarely stop watching a show that I started watching from the beginning. (I still watch Supernatural for goodness sakes.) I don't think this show has gotten THAT bad- but it's definitely on its way. They NEED to start answering some damn questions & they need to stop doing the same things over & over again. I doubt they will though.

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I've seen most of the episodes (I think) but I'm kind of confused as to who Mr. Kaplan is. Red refers to her as Kate- she is female, right? And how was she involved with protecting Liz from childhood? I must have missed a key episode in the past. Hopefully they won't keep baby Agnes in peril, maybe she'll be given to a family member to take care of her if Liz and Tom are going to be continuously on the run.

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19 hours ago, CarolMK said:

I've seen most of the episodes (I think) but I'm kind of confused as to who Mr. Kaplan is. Red refers to her as Kate- she is female, right? And how was she involved with protecting Liz from childhood? I must have missed a key episode in the past.

Kate is a woman, yes. I don't believe they've ever clarified why she goes by a male salutation but given her age it's possible that when she got started in the business is was better for her to let contacts (whom she might not have met in person) believe she was male. All we know about how she became involved with Lizzie is what she said in this ep, that Red brought Lizzie to her when Lizzie was a child. 

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This was such a horrible episode, Elizabeth is absolutely worthless and I love how the grand plan was to live in Cuba, and not know how to speak Spanish.  Anyone else find it hilarious that the two American FBI agents couldn't speak Spanish, yet the Israeli Mossad agent could?  Seriously, the "I can't stand losing her again" schtick is so ridiculous.  Seriously, what exactly has she done to touch their lives so much? 

I miss the way Blacklist used to be, baddie of the week.  This whole story arc is so mind-numbingly dumb.

And Red's inability to admit that he has been wrong about anything is getting annoying. 

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But of course Liz had to botch her own escape, which would've otherwise been successful if she'd just killed Kirk or let him die, so that Red can save her and prove that Father Knows Best.

Actually, Liz has botched pretty much everything she has been involved in since this show started. Not this episode, this *show.* And while some of that was due to the show's need to have Red look all-knowing, a lot of it had nothing to do with Red. Liz as a character is a failure. She is overly self-absorbed, becomes distracted by her own issues at critical times, allows her emotions to affect her decisions and shows almost no competence at even the basics of being an FBI agent. Adding to it is the fact that some of the acting choices by the actress have contributed to that.

In fact, despite the show's central premise that ties Red to Liz, Liz is an anchor that is sinking Blacklist to the bottom. When she was "dead" last season, those were some of the best, most thought-provoking episodes of the series. Every time Liz comes back on the screen, and Red, and the FBI, and Tom, and lord knows who else spend most of the episode chasing her (and now, her baby), it's a huge yawn. The fact those FBI characters seem to care so much about her makes absolutely no sense, given her past professional actions. They should want nothing to do with her. 

As for this episode, I FF'd through every scene with Liz, and heard the last line as my DVR went back a few seconds. I missed nothing. A lot of "you're not my father, I hate you" angst and then a "wait, I did live here" memory and a "awww, you're my dad" realization. Who. Cares. Yawn. 

The scene with Red and Mr. Kaplan was BY FAR the most poignant, meaningful piece of the episode. It made the Liz stuff seem like a high school video project. As for Red's perspective over Mr. Kaplan's betrayal, we can wank our way to whatever we ourselves believe about his motivations, but the main pint is that Mr. Kaplan not only lied to Red but did so about his inexplicably precious Lizzie in an attempt to permanently separate them.  All of those are fatal actions in Red's eyes, but as he said, ultimately Mr. Kaplan was one of his most trusted confidantes ("I know all your secrets," she says to him), and the combination of her lies and that status meant he had to shoot her. Tom doesn't know what she knows. Neither does the doctor who made it look like Liz died. Only perhaps Dembe fits the same category as Mr. Kaplan. 

BTW, I don't think Mr. Kaplan is dead. I even wonder if her shooting is a ruse.

Edited by Ottis
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I always wonder how the characters can travel hundreds if not thousands of miles so quickly.  They can be wherever they need to be without regard to travel time.  In this episode a whole team of FBI agents assembled in Canada in what seemed an hour or so.  And what would allow a US law enforcement agency mount an operation in Canada?

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Kidcapri, all teevee show characters can break the time-space continuum so they can appear minutes after being called across country. It used to bug me big time in Hannibal, but now I just accept that these guys time travel or own jet packs. One can't think TOO hard about some things, especially when so much is wrong with this show's writing.

I'm wondering how old Lizzie was when she lived in "The Palace" and helped her real mom bury that coffee can. She looked about the same age as when she went through the fire and shot her dad/maybe dad, at least in Lizzie's flashbacks she did. But didn't Mr. Kaplan say Red gave her Lizzie to raise when she was just a swaddling baby? I'm confused. (I know ... surprise.)

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