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Current DCCs: My Boots Do the Talking

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1 hour ago, iwtv123 said:

But yes she did in fact hear that Megan and Melissa are retiring.

Well, I am sad about Melissa.  I love her but am happy that she is ready to move on to the next stage of her life.

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7 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

I meant, one would think that, having a detailed conversation about someone, her name MAY stick with you for a day or so. Not me! No siree.

Just teasing you! We talk about every girl on and off the team I couldn't keep up either. Was it Caitlyn Larae?

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I wouldn't be shocked to see Melissa retire. She seems like someone who has job aspirations that would not be compatible with a DCC schedule for too long.

If she does retire, are Lacey and Erica the only remaining girls from that rookie year? I'm not sure whether that class and Jenn K's class has had more turnover than other rookie classes or if they were just smaller classes to begin with. 

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Of course we all want receipts, but I'm not surprised at all that Melissa and Megan may be retiring. I didn't think either of them would stay for 5 years, due to weight. When Melissa was moved up into the triangle, my first thought was "ok, they're moving up a 3rd year because she's going to leave next year." Just a gut feeling, no pun intended.

I hate to see either go. I think Megan was completely vilified this year, and it exacerbated calling her out for weight. I'd bet money she's been counseled to consider retiring if maintaining weight isn't realistic. 

I also hate to see Robyn go, but if she does, I hope we see her as an anchor somewhere. I love it when the girls made decisions to promote their long term careers over cheerleading.

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1 hour ago, cgloss said:

If Melissa is retiring, I would think that would definitely help Erica move up. So ... Jenna, Erica and Holly? I think they've had a triangle without a blonde before.

Mia, jackie, and Emma triangle comes to mind 

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Glad to hear Megan is leaving (hope it's true).  She was a MAJOR trouble maker on the squad and was constantly subject to weight warnings -- she was even pulled out of show group for part of the season for weight.

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4 minutes ago, Smplsimon said:

Glad to hear Megan is leaving (hope it's true).  She was a MAJOR trouble maker on the squad and was constantly subject to weight warnings -- she was even pulled out of show group for part of the season for weight.

How was she a major troublemaker?

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On 2/10/2017 at 9:01 AM, iwtv123 said:

I'm a fan of Holly's dancing! 

There are 8 girls retiring. I know Megan and Melissa are retiring. According to social media we have Jennifer, Jessica, and Danielle?

Do you think Megan is weight related? Melissa?! Boo! I love her. I was pushing for Erica to be point last year even though she didn't have the seniority lol. I don't care. She's my favorite!!!

the Jenna thing. I don't even know. Whatever. I'm pretty much indifferent about her.

holly never dms me. I'm sad. She's definitely a performer. I've been in the theater biz, which isn't the dance biz but sometimes, you've gotta be a stage whore. Not a true screwing people whore, but "a look at me, look at me person" ;)  I mean, I'm a purse and clothes whore. We've all got to ho something. 

Um yeah? Moni-you say some funny shit, and I agree with what most of y'all say.

im in the Dallas area. In fact, one of my drs. Is right across from the sta...oh wait...The Star! I don't know any inside stuff. I talked to Kelsey a few times on insta, I met Charles Haley once, and I begged the DCC to let me come meet them after I had a stroke. They did not respond. 

Anyway, wow. I'll keep reading. It's been awhile. It's testing time here. Blech 

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1 hour ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

Update: The DCC whose face I feel looks like it's made entirely of rubber is Kelli. I have drawn this conclusion because of her features and complexion. Perfect to the point of it being uncomfortably distracting.

Thought I'd let yall know I remembered a name. So, that happened.

I'm so proud of you. Gold (Cowboys) star

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On ‎2‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 3:09 PM, QuiteContraryMoni said:

hmmm...true. LOL "I'm majoring in cheerleading, with an emphasis on MRS". I shoulda.

I totally shoulda ... sigh. 

Curious what she got a gig for.  She could definitely be a dance coach or instructor?  Not sure if that's worth a move to Arizona (unless she's from there) but who knows.  She's also gorgeous so could definitely have gotten her MRS degree

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21 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

Totally. GORGEOUS. The second she's not a DCC anymore she's going to be the hottest chick with the finest body in the room. DCC standards are freaking unattainable for some. I'm sure I'd be one that couldn't maintain without a Scarface sized mountain of cocaine and a severe eating disorder.

yeah .. I was very critical of her weight but that's completely only applicable if she were DCC.  As soon as she ditches the stars, she's just another hot tall skinny beyotch.  Curious for when they announce their retirement!

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1 hour ago, tobeyoungagain said:

I totally shoulda ... sigh. 

Curious what she got a gig for.  She could definitely be a dance coach or instructor?  Not sure if that's worth a move to Arizona (unless she's from there) but who knows.  She's also gorgeous so could definitely have gotten her MRS degree

Didn't Megan dance at Arizona? I think she has ties there, but I'm also curious as to what she will be doing, assuming the retirement rumors are true. 

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32 minutes ago, StarGazer00 said:

Jessica, Jennifer, Danielle, Melissa, Megan, Amy T, and Jax are all I know of or I think we speculated from social media posts

And then there were seven.  But @iwtv123 said that she (or a friend) overheard some girls talking at one of Michelle's classes that was taught by Madeline, and they said that there were eight current DCC retiring.  So who is the eighth retiree?

I feel that Amy T. was ready to focus on her professional endeavors, but Jax surprised me.

Edited by California Girl
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Calendar shoot is usually in March or April. Girls going on the calendar shoot usually are trying out again, but some girls not going on the calendar shoot may be trying out again aka Angela going for her fifth year did not go on the shoot. Vets trying again have pictures chosen for the next year Sideline Calendar, and of course, swimsuit fittings give clues on who may be trying out again.

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1 hour ago, California Girl said:

And then there were seven.  But @iwtv123 said that she (or a friend) overheard some girls talking at one of Michelle's classes that was taught by Madeline, and they said that there were eight current DCC retiring.  So who is the eighth retiree?

I feel that Amy T. was ready to focus on her professional endeavors, but Jax surprised me.

Bess potentially?? She had that ig post that hinted she may be done 

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56 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

I'll live with it. Because:

1) I can't ever remember who she is (don't try to explain, it's happened at least three times and I'm making no effort to absorb it)


2) Bess is the name of a Mennonite, not a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader.

I like the name Bess, I have no issue with Mennonites, generally, and I'll bet she's great. But this is my unfortunate reality.

When I hear Bess I think of Phyllis's (Chloris Leachman)  daughter on the Mary Tyler Moore show.

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Hey hey hey now. I got my MRS degree in college ?. Literally it was in marriage and family studies. What was I thinking?

anyways, I went to a lipsense party and they had this bright ass pink color. It screamed Tasha. I wonder if that's what she wears? 

Good for Robin! She is adorable and the camera loves her. 

As much as I love Amy T, and I'll be sad to see her go, I'm super excited for her. She's a really smart girl with a bright future.

im getting SO excited for tryout season!

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3 hours ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

I'll live with it. Because:

1) I can't ever remember who she is (don't try to explain, it's happened at least three times and I'm making no effort to absorb it)


2) Bess is the name of a Mennonite, not a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader.

I like the name Bess, I have no issue with Mennonites, generally, and I'll bet she's great. But this is my unfortunate reality.

You best not have issues with Mennonites, since I'm one and it would just really hurt my feelings. Also, Mennonites make the best jam. And what's more important in life than jam?

Anyway, I'm really off topic again, so bye. Gotta go churn some butter.

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I'm rather surprised at Jax and Robin retiring, if they really are.  Robin I can see staying for a long time, but I can't remember if she's the one who was planning to stay only a year or so before going off to medical school.  Jax, I rather liked, but never really saw anything about her on the show (besides the fact that she was up for the Fan Vote the year she first made it into Training Camp).

Robin, I could see as a group leader or assistant group leader as well as Kashara and Holly P.  Jax too, should she stay and is good enough.  Simone, I don't know about.

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6 hours ago, EricaShadows said:

I'm rather surprised at Jax and Robin retiring, if they really are.  Robin I can see staying for a long time, but I can't remember if she's the one who was planning to stay only a year or so before going off to medical school.  Jax, I rather liked, but never really saw anything about her on the show (besides the fact that she was up for the Fan Vote the year she first made it into Training Camp).

Robin, I could see as a group leader or assistant group leader as well as Kashara and Holly P.  Jax too, should she stay and is good enough.  Simone, I don't know about.

It was Cersten who wants to go to medical school. Jax was called out by Kitty for making a face while dancing in TC. Also the judges made a comment about her hair while discussing the top three FV finalists.

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I'll be disappointed if jax and robin retire. I really like those two. I'm excited to see who goes on the calendar shoot to try to guess who will be second group leaders. Most of the time it's pretty predictable but the choices give some insight as to what is going on behind the scenes, like in season 8 when Amelia bren was chosen to be Mia's second leader. Amelia was so far under the radar that I didn't even consider her. I think her amazing kick technique had something to do with it too. 

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10 minutes ago, cgloss said:

Have they done VOTY and ROTY yet? I thought someone posted earlier, but then someone said it was fake? I'm so confused.

I don't remember when the banquet usually is, but it's usually end of year banquet.

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No clue who Bess is ... still.  Sad but true.  Still not sure who Jax is but I think she's the brunette version of Cassie?

They may retire ....

Bummed about Melissa (if true) as she's such a beautiful dancer but at the end of the day, she and Erica are both a tad too vanilla for me.  Sometimes I'm like, um do you guys talk or do anything besides smile?  Of course I know they're both amazing ... I just don't think they've had a great opportunity to shine as much as they could have.

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27 minutes ago, cgloss said:

Have they done VOTY and ROTY yet? I thought someone posted earlier, but then someone said it was fake? I'm so confused.

That is announced at their end of the year banquet, usually in April.  I don't know how results could be real yet, I don't think they even vote till right before banquet. 

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1 minute ago, Jess14 said:

Wait, Robin is retiring too? Is this just speculation or do we have insider information on her. 

Just speculation but she posted and instagram picture stating she accepted a job with a nightly news program 

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3 minutes ago, Jess14 said:

Wait, Robin is retiring too? Is this just speculation or do we have insider information on her. 

People are assuming he's because she got a job as a newscaster for like a college channel, though some are holding out hope that she'll return if she has the time. 

I knew Bess made a post hinting at retirement between her years as a Raiderette and the Cowboys, but I haven't seen anything on Jax, did I miss her post or is this insider information? Shame, she's one of the more attractive girls on the squad and I hope she'd get father up the triangle after making show group this year. 

Edited by HowdeeDo
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I am forcing myself to not believe any of it until the swimsuit try-on shoot day! LOL I believe y'all but I also  I feel like some of these girls want to quit at the end of the season (like Jenna) then after they have a moment to breathe they decide to go for it again...they have to be pretty committed if they do swimsuit prep and the try on at the studio.  I could see Bess just being over the NFL life but will be really sad if Robin and Jax are done.  

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2 hours ago, cgloss said:

Have they done VOTY and ROTY yet? I thought someone posted earlier, but then someone said it was fake? I'm so confused.

The DCC has not named their VOTY or ROTY yet. That is announced at their end of the year banquet. The post from before was a fan page that held their own VOTY and ROTY voting and was totally unaffiliated with DCC. 

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I really don't get surprised at all when they retire..even after two years. Not everyone wants to be a cheerleader forever. It's always a bit surprising (for some) but for the most part I always consider that maybe that chapter is over..and that's fine. Especially considering their age. People usually have real careers they want to get into.

No shade.

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27 minutes ago, LadyMsJay said:

I really don't get surprised at all when they retire..even after two years. Not everyone wants to be a cheerleader forever. It's always a bit surprising (for some) but for the most part I always consider that maybe that chapter is over..and that's fine. Especially considering their age. People usually have real careers they want to get into.

No shade.

Yeah agreed. I do think there is a big difference in age too. For girls like Jenna who made the team right out of high school, staying on for many years makes sense, as I'm sure DCC is very compatible with being an undergrad. However, for girls who are done with college and have aspirations for careers in fields that require full time hours each day, there's only so many years that you can work in retail or as a fitness instructor (in order to be a DCC) before your chances to transition to your chosen field start to become diminished. To be honest, Im surprised that some of these girls manage to be teachers and DCCs at the same time. My mother was a teacher and spent many nights working on lessen plans or at meetings or school productions.

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23 minutes ago, Jess14 said:

Yeah agreed. I do think there is a big difference in age too. For girls like Jenna who made the team right out of high school, staying on for many years makes sense, as I'm sure DCC is very compatible with being an undergrad. However, for girls who are done with college and have aspirations for careers in fields that require full time hours each day, there's only so many years that you can work in retail or as a fitness instructor (in order to be a DCC) before your chances to transition to your chosen field start to become diminished. To be honest, Im surprised that some of these girls manage to be teachers and DCCs at the same time. My mother was a teacher and spent many nights working on lessen plans or at meetings or school productions.

Yeah ... makes sense.  Melissa seems to have a "real" job though no?  But you're right, I can't imagine everyone wanting to be a barre teacher or dance instructor forever

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58 minutes ago, tobeyoungagain said:

Yeah ... makes sense.  Melissa seems to have a "real" job though no?  But you're right, I can't imagine everyone wanting to be a barre teacher or dance instructor forever

Im not sure what Melissa does, but I definitely don't mean to imply that none of the DCCs have "real" jobs or that it's impossible. Teaching is definitely a "real" job, and there have been DCCs who were teachers. It just seems like it would be difficult in many 8 to 5 jobs (many of which where it is expected that you will stay late or work weekends if necessary) to maintain your work load while also being a DCC. K&J act like DCC should be priority #1, yet that won't fly with many companies if you're a full time employee. The Kyndall situation comes to mind.

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