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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

Message added by Meredith Quill

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6 hours ago, SRTouch said:

Well, as I recall one of the things he complained about was she wanted him to remove some of his tattoos.... plenty of other fish in the sea, lady, surely you could find one not fresh out of prison and covered with bad tattoo that you won't have to sneak out of your bed before mommy comes to baby sit - and wth is with that, how old are you that you're still sneaking around the 'rents? 

And she was bothered when his tooth was missing? A missing tooth doesn't rank high on the list of things wrong with his appearance. 

Of course my curiosity got the best of me, and I turned to google. Matthew is/was a member of the "Northside Cutthroat Bulldog Gang." With a name like that, brevity is obviously not one of their weapons. 

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1 hour ago, CoolWhipLite said:

"Northside Cutthroat Bulldog Gang."

OMG LOL! That's like a gang name selected by eight-year olds from 1976. 

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5 minutes ago, Giant Misfit said:

OMG LOL! That's like a gang name selected by eight-year olds from 1976. 

It's like one of those games to find your porn star name or whatever. "The first word is the street you grew up on, the second word is your childhood pet, the third word...."

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On 5/4/2017 at 8:21 PM, wings707 said:

I would, too.  My sons are two young men to celebrate.  One an entrepreneur with a successful business and the other a commercial pilot.  Both of them stellar.  I am very proud of what they do and who they are.  Aware, solid, witty men with fabulous women in their lives.  This show serves to make me even MORE proud! 

Congratulations!  Your post makes me proud FOR you!  ???

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22 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

Oh! Doesn't that just ooze danger and rebellion?

I know! Best part about Mr. NSCBG is that when he got arrested last, he was forty. And that was like three years ago. Man, if you don't get your damn daytime soap opera gang ass outta my face...

I was hoping he was just hardcore in his teens and 20s or something and was trying to turn his life around. But now I see he's up with the bullshit in his 40s. Please. 

Edited by 27bored
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On ‎5‎/‎6‎/‎2017 at 0:00 PM, SRTouch said:

.... plenty of other fish in the sea, lady, surely you could find one not fresh out of prison and covered with bad tattoo that you won't have to sneak out of your bed before mommy comes to baby sit - and wth is with that, how old are you that you're still sneaking around the 'rents? 

I finally saw this last night, and you guys aren't kidding about this situation or the players.  Interesting. The plaintiff, nicely dressed, well-spoken, no visible tats, lovely haircut, seeming very conservative and straight wants The Illustrated Loser-for-LIfe Man. Under her calm and modest exterior beats the heart of a freak and Matthew is the whole package. Of course she could find someone else, but this is what turns her on.

She wants him so badly she's willing to risk the Wrath of Mommy. (actually I don't blame Mom. She has enough to do looking after her ridiculous daughter's two kids, probably by some other loser. She doesn't need any more babies on her hands). She wants him so badly she's willing to allow this criminal around her 2-year old twins and agrees with him that his brokeass needs a Mercedes, although he has no money. "Cutthroat Bulldog Gang?"  What does "Cutthroat" have to do with bulldogs? Confused, the lads are. Should be maybe, "Cutthroat PIRATE Gang." Yarrr, maties!

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I think the plaintiff has a 'fixer' mentality.  Got one in my family.  Put herself through college, has a good job, but keeps going after the loser because she's sure she can fix him, and it'll be some epic love story they can tell their grandkids someday.

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2 hours ago, Zahdii said:

I think the plaintiff has a 'fixer' mentality.

There's lots of women like that, who keep hooking up with alcoholics, druggies, etc. but I don't think that's the case with Matthew. I think the plaintiff finds the idea of a tatted ex-con exciting. Maybe she sees him as a "bad boy" and not just a marginal, small-time loser who will always be such, as we see him. I bet her baby daddy is just like that too.

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On 5/3/2017 at 7:29 PM, Toaster Strudel said:

I may resume recap duties next week... I got a kidney transplant, I don't have any excuses not to anymore!

I hope the new kidney bonds immediately with the rest of your body and provides you with a very long lifetime of filtering. Best wishes for a long and healthy life.

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On 5/4/2017 at 3:37 PM, Giant Misfit said:

Happy days to you and your shiny, new kidney, @Toaster Strudel! I was wondering if you had a living donor because the thought occurred to me that you might be the recipient of Kelli Filkin's kidney which, of course, would just be a picture of one. 


I first read this yesterday, and I'm STILL laughing every time I think of it.

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On 5/4/2017 at 6:36 PM, Cobalt Stargazer said:

I didn't realize that it's legal to have a slot machine in your house.

Also, the plaintiff keeps saying 'howlse' instead of 'house', which must be a regional thing.

No...it's not. (MN elongates vowels, though.)

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Lethal Photo Shoot - The case was rather trivial but the hallterview histrionics were a treat!  Who knew that taking a picture of a boy with a dog would cause the child to "die" and the adults involved to be all weepy and murderous?  JJ decided to shoot down the counterclaim first, through noisy protestations from meddling "Illinois legal beagle" grandma and her thumb-faced daughter.  The plaintiff had done the photo shoot for free in order to use the pictures for promotion, but then the defendant had kittens over the fact that the plaintiff had used the picture as intended... without her permission!  Then she took the picture, added some commentary about puppy mills and broadcast it herself like some dumb meme.  Urgh?  They didn't seem to realize that the copyright belongs to the artist, in this case the photographer, not the mother of the photo subject.  She liked the picture, didn't like the picture, there was a logo, the logo was removed, the plaintiff couldn't use the picture for promotion... FF to the hallterview, plaintiff's eyes are scarlet with tears and the defendant is all emo "He has autism and it's going to KILL him!" "She's DEAD to us!"  So much hallterview bloodshed.  3.8 gavels, call the ambulance!

Unbrided - OK so we have some enfeebled, geriatric "boyfriend" who is apparently married already, that "proposed" to some naive, dowdy youngster with 5 kids already.  She has a ring!  Oh wow!  And he promised to pay for the wedding dress but stopped the payments... so she is suing him because he's not delivering on that promise.   Also $750 from some dodgy internet scam check that he made her deposit... did it bounce?  I forget. The venerable, homeless drunk looking fool spoke as if his rugged tongue was festooned with blisters and warts.   Why did he give her the check to deposit?  This is a multiple choice question. (a) lost his ID and wallet (b) he gave it to her because his unbride already has 5 children (c) he gave it to her just to hold in her account (d) she kept visiting him without permission! (e) move on to the next question.  JJ had to give her a smack down because she looked depressed the marriage wasn't going to happen... she should cheer up with her good fortune.  The hallterview was depressing... Unbride was weeping at the loss of her moribund, cretinous "lover" while he made her sound like deranged because, how could he propose to her when he's already been married happily for 250 years at least?  4 mummified gavels.

Edited by Toaster Strudel
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27 minutes ago, Toaster Strudel said:

Unbride was weeping at the loss of her moribund, cretinous "lover"

Haven't watched yet, and almost feel I needn't, since tears of mirth (and not of the crocodile variety) are already squirting from my eyes. I see you're back full strength, Toaster, and we're the richer for it!

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On 5/4/2017 at 6:37 PM, Giant Misfit said:

Happy days to you and your shiny, new kidney, @Toaster Strudel! I was wondering if you had a living donor because the thought occurred to me that you might be the recipient of Kelli Filkin's kidney which, of course, would just be a picture of one. 

Aw shit! Y'all are really turned up in this thread. That was funny as shit! I love you guys.

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57 minutes ago, Toaster Strudel said:

(d) she kept visiting him without permission!

That was priceless!  We had to rewind it just to hear it again.  The photo shoot thing took me about 5 tries of rewinding and rewatching to try and figure out.  You captured it perfectly. One of those great cases where one side barely has to speak.

Welcome back, @Toaster Strudel!  Most excellent recaps! 

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Lethal Photo Shoot - The case was rather trivial but the hallterview histrionics were a treat!  Who knew that taking a picture of a boy with a dog would cause the child to "die" and the adults involved to be all weepy and murderous?  

Gah, No Neck Nancy and her pinched up righteous "Illinois Law" addled mama were really on my nerves. I'm all for animal rescue but how freaking ungrateful were they? And to torture an autistic child because they didn't win a lawsuit?? A pox on their scrunched up neck/double chinny chin chinned house.  

Poor Five Children Mama really needs to take care of her five chillun and leave marriage (and more baby making) to those with common sense. The defendant lying McLyerSon was a dead ringer for an even creepier Mike Ehrmantrout from Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul. 

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Studious Sorority - How could these studious-looking young women, clad in sober browns and dusty pastel pink, refer to a meeting about their room mate being a mild slob an intervention?  They've never even watched the show!  Dirty dishes in the sink... leaving stove on... dirt on stove... big deal, wait until you have teenagers!  Defendant quickly copped an attitude at the "intervention," started to clap her hands in their faces, "proceeded to walk away," and came back to serve knuckle sandwiches.  She pleaded guilty and we know how JJ feels about claims of innocence overriding guilty pleas. My lawyer made me do it!  Not in JJ's America!  I'm pretty sure that the Studious Sorority lied about the Xanax and the alcohol because they didn't bring it up with Miss 'Tude during their pow wow.  In the hallterview, they brought up my favorite kind of lies.  Fabricated lies!  Much more better than made up lies, invented lies, and let's not forget false lies.  2.9 pastel gavels.

When Screwing, Size Matters - Defendant erected a TV on the plaintiff's wall in order to mount it.  Unfortunately, he used the wrong screws.  He needed thick, long, throbbing, sturdy screws to hold up the weight of the TV, not tiny, ineffective, limp screws barely filling the holes in the wall.  Even worse, he didn't screw enough!  Only a few screws were inserted where literally dozens of screws were needed.  It's no surprise that the TV collapsed in exhaustion, bringing the wall down with it, a year later when the plaintiff's boyfriend walked past the mounted TV and overloaded the screws with jealousy.  The plaintiff tried to shaft JJ with the price of the TV, asking for $700 rather than the $430 she paid on Boxing Day, some nerve!  Another massacre in the hallterview with the plaintiff concern trolling us about televisions killing people when they fall.  3 1/2" slot-head screw.

Edited by Toaster Strudel
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19 minutes ago, Toaster Strudel said:

Studious Sorority - How could these studious-looking young women, clad in sober browns and dusty pastel pink, refer to a meeting about their room mate being a mild slob an intervention?  They've never even watched the show!  Dirty dishes in the sink... leaving stove on... dirt on stove... big deal, wait until you have teenagers!  Defendant quickly copped an attitude at the "intervention," started to clap her hands in their faces, "proceeded to walk away," and came back to serve knuckle sandwiches.  She pleaded guilty and we know how JJ feels about claims of innocence overriding guilty pleas. My lawyer made me do it!  Not in JJ's America!  I'm pretty sure that the Studious Sorority lied about the Xanax and the alcohol because they didn't bring it up with Miss 'Tude during their pow wow.  In the hallterview, they brought up my favorite kind of lies.  Fabricated lies!  Much more better than made up lies, invented lies, and let's not forget false lies.  2.9 pastel gavels.

When Screwing, Size Matters - Defendant erected a TV on the plaintiff's wall in order to mount it.  Unfortunately, he used the wrong screws.  He needed thick, long, throbbing, sturdy screws to hold up the weight of the TV, not tiny, ineffective, limp screws barely filling the holes in the wall.  Even worse, he didn't screw enough!  Only a few screws were inserted where literally dozens of screws were needed.  It's no surprise that the TV collapsed in exhaustion, bringing the wall down with it, a year later when the plaintiff's boyfriend walked past the mounted TV and overloaded the screws with jealousy.  The plaintiff tried to shaft JJ with the price of the TV, asking for $700 rather than the $430 she paid on Boxing Day, some nerve!  Another massacre in the hallterview with the plaintiff concern trolling us about televisions killing people when they fall.  3 1/2" slot-head screw.

Damn! You are killing me! A 500 gavel salute to the return of your brilliant recaps! 

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1 hour ago, Toaster Strudel said:

...meddling "Illinois legal beagle" grandma and her thumb-faced daughter....


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1 hour ago, Toaster Strudel said:

How could these studious-looking young women, clad in sober browns and dusty pastel pink, refer to a meeting about their room mate being a mild slob an intervention?  They've never even watched the show! 

Frankly, I thought that was the worst of the crimes! How could they not watch Intervention? It's pretty clear they weren't watching What Not to Wear either because those teenagers looked like a collection of dowdy matrons -- especially that larger one on the right who probably spends her evenings snuggling with her collection of Vera Bradley bags and sensible orthopedic shoes.

Thank god JJ had their numbers.

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21 minutes ago, Giant Misfit said:

because those teenagers looked like a collection of dowdy matrons

They were a bunch of dreary, pudding-faced duds, weren't they? I was surprised that the def's big-mouthed Mommy ("It's always about the money") didn't get the Byrd Bum's Rush out the door.

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Only a few screws were inserted where literally dozens of screws were needed



Overall correct but dozens is not correct. The brackets have a bunch of holes and slots so that you can drive the screws into the framing studs behind the wall. The contractors I managed installing under DoD contract located the studs and used typically eight screws. The defendant was a bozo, with the screws we were showed from his initial installation he must have lucked out in terms of hitting studs, but even then they were too short and only two screws is inadequate. I don't think he is a bad guy but he really doesn't know enough to make a good installation.



a mild slob

Honestly, I am not a neatness freak but it sounded to me like she was a major slob, and leaving her messes for everyone else to clean up.

Edited by DoctorK
fixed bad quoting
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Yeesh - if I took a drink every time the photo mommies interrupted, I'd be dead from alcohol poisoning by now.

And JJ has obviously never heard of reverse image search; when memes get big enough (not that this one would) people have tracked down the originals.

Also that kid won the genetic lottery, because he's photogenic enough but mama has no chin.

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8 hours ago, Jamoche said:

And JJ has obviously never heard of reverse image search; when memes get big enough (not that this one would) people have tracked down the originals.

I will say this one thing in the Defendants' favor -- at least the meme wasn't addressing a divisive topic. I mean, is there really someone out there who supports puppy mills? It takes a special kind of sadistic asshole to be offended by an anti-puppy mill meme. 

That said, that case reminds me why I'm so glad to have nuked my Facebook page last year.  While I agree that they shouldn't have used the image with the watermark in any kind of fashion to make any kind of statement, this type of petty nonsense gets escalated to 11 once Facebook gets involved.  

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12 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

Studious Sorority - How could these studious-looking young women, clad in sober browns and dusty pastel pink, refer to a meeting about their room mate being a mild slob an intervention

I know JJ took it as a drug and alcohol thing and I'm sure those girls brought up her drinking in relation to messiness, but I absolutely believe those three 19 year olds referred to a roommate talk about cleaning up as an intervention because teenagers are dramatic. And I've seen that scenario unfold many times between my own living situations and my friends. You end up with one roommate who doesn't carry their share of the load and everyone else complains about it. The messy roommate also is never around (I've seen it be drinking and partying or a boyfriend or depression) so it gives time for the rest of the group to keep talking and complaining until it becomes a thing and when they finally corner the messy roommate a huge fight ensues. What happened here was what happens in off-campus housing everywhere.

The photo case was actually interesting for me. I don't understand people though; have you ever watched this show before? If your entire defense hinges on state or city law, do not come on Judge Judy. She doesn't care and she doesn't have to. They may act like its a court, but it's actually arbitration and JJ gets to do whatever make sense to her. I think the defendants chose the wrong argument anyhow for their countersuit. If the deal was using a kid as a model in exchange for a set of photos and it sounds like they never got an actual photo package then I don't think the plaintiff fulfilled her end of the deal and owes them either photos or compensation for the kid's time as a model. And I believe them when they said they never got their photos otherwise why take the picture off facebook instead of using the original?

I just like that we've seen some cases that aren't one person lending another money and the second person claiming it was a gift, landlord/tenant drama or another dog case. The photo case and the superbowl case in particular were both different types of problems than we usually get and it's made for a good couple of weeks and broken up the usual flow.

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11 hours ago, DoctorK said:

The defendant was a bozo, with the screws we were showed from his initial installation he must have lucked out in terms of hitting studs,

Exactly. I'm no contractor - just a typical homeowner -  but even I would never attempt to hang anything heavier than a picture without screwing into the stud or at least using butterflies. I used a studfinder to mount my own little 21" bedroom TV and used the long screws that came with the mount. He must have felt that those little screws were not screwing into anything. His level of incompetence and lack of any common sense was amazing.

Plaintiff was totally right. Too bad she had to taint her case by lying. I love it when JJ asks for a receipt, is told, "Yes, I have it right here," then litigant hands her a printed Amazon or Best Buy product page.

JJ: "I asked for a receipt! This isn't a receipt!" 

Liar:"Yeah, I know it's not, but I thought you wouldn't know the difference and anyway, my ________ was just like that. Honest!"

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1 hour ago, vibeology said:

I don't understand people though; have you ever watched this show before?

Those two could have watched every episode of JJ ever produced, and this is exactly what was going on in their (and every other dimwitted litigants') heads:



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1 hour ago, vibeology said:

I think the defendants chose the wrong argument anyhow for their countersuit. If the deal was using a kid as a model in exchange for a set of photos and it sounds like they never got an actual photo package then I don't think the plaintiff fulfilled her end of the deal and owes them either photos or compensation for the kid's time as a model. And I believe them when they said they never got their photos otherwise why take the picture off facebook instead of using the original?

See, this is what confused me about the case.  It took me a while to figure out, because I kept coming back to this exact point.  It sounded like they never got the photos.  Who knows.   But when JJ gets her dander up, often it doesn't matter what the "facts" are, since she gets to decide.

4 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

I love it when JJ asks for a receipt, is told, "Yes, I have it right here," then litigant hands her a printed Amazon or Best Buy product page.

JJ: "I asked for a receipt! This isn't a receipt!" 

Liar:"Yeah, I know it's not, but I thought you wouldn't know the difference and anyway, my ________ was just like that. Honest!"

This, a thousand times.  True, it's often the best you can do, and I'd be hard pressed to find receipts for everything I've purchased.  Reminded me of the teen last week who lost the brand new, 128 gigawatt iPhone 35 or whatever it was, and produced the Best Buy flyer.  JJ was so peeved at the def who'd chucked it in the trashcan she awarded the flyer price.

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And sometimes folks do (and understand) that.  And I think JJ sometimes depreciates things too far.  Depreciated, yes, but I still have to go buy a new doodad.

Agree about the new types of cases.  Maybe production has been lurking...

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Honestly, I don't mind that though. It's not like she can go out and buy a one year old TV the exact same model she had. She might be able to find that on Craigslist but maybe not. She probably already replaced it with whatever model was on sale at Best Buy that very day. It's not a car where the used market is fairly standardized. As long as we're not talking year and years after the fact, crediting someone what they paid seems fair to me. The TV was a year old. TV prices and technology haven't changed so much to render it obsolete.

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On ‎5‎/‎6‎/‎2017 at 2:32 PM, AngelaHunter said:

Then we had another "Andrew" - Andrew Webb who when asked what kind of work he does, said he was working for the state. Sounds good until we hear that means he's getting paid by the weary taxpayers to look after his insane witch of a mother. Yes, paid to hang around and make lunches for his own mother.

I once had a friend who had a cousin-in-law that worked two jobs, but her husband always seemed to be home.  I only heard about them because the guy was always in the local papers for being arrested for driving without a license, driving while uninsured, DUI, public drunkeness, assult, domestic violence, and/or resisting arrest, etc.  One day I heard my friend's husband say something like "I guess he'll be arrested again tonight.  He's still pissed that [his wife] paid the rent and the bills last week and there wasn't anything leftover for him, his team just lost the Super Bowl, and he just got paid."  I was confused and said "I didn't know he worked.  Who does he work for?", because I couldn't imagine any job that a guy who spent at least a 1/4 of his time in the county jail could hold a job.  My friend stiffly replied "He works for the State."  I asked "What does he do?"  My friend said he worked "with the road crew", which I thought meant he worked for the Transportation Department. 

It was a couple of years later when my friend admitted to me that 'working for the State' was code for someone who had managed to get on disability but wasn't actually disabled.  The guy had faked a back injury years earlier and still managed to run from the police, jump fences, get in bar fights, or beat his wife.  When she said he worked with the road crew, she meant that when he was in jail, he wasn't drunk or on drugs, so he was a good prisoner and could work picking up garbage from the side of the road to reduce his jail sentence.

There's a whole other world out there, and it's scary.

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2 hours ago, SandyToes said:

See, this is what confused me about the case.  It took me a while to figure out, because I kept coming back to this exact point.  It sounded like they never got the photos.  Who knows.   But when JJ gets her dander up, often it doesn't matter what the "facts" are, since she gets to decide.

And what quicker way to get JJ to turn off her two hearing ears and start shouting you down than to insist that "the law in my jurisdiction says __________!"  Especially to keep on insisting JJ rule based on your local law after bring told she's not and your case was dismissed. That's what I think happened here, because I agree defendant's had a much better chance of winning had they argued they didn't get their pictures until they downloaded them off plaintiff's site. Everybody got caught up in the Illinois law issue - both defendants and JJ. Not that I'm so sure defendant had a case anyway, as I think it's fairly common now a days for a photographer to put pictures online for the customer to go through and choose which ones they want. Things got sidetracked by Granny so we didn't hear enough for me to decide one way or the other.

As it was, I really don't get what the case was about. Definitely didn't hear anything to justify the emotion after the case. This one was better suited for TPC where MM takes more time to dig into the back story - and at least makes an effort to be guided by local law/ordinances.

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5 hours ago, Giant Misfit said:

I will say this one thing in the Defendants' favor -- at least the meme wasn't addressing a divisive topic. I mean, is there really someone out there who supports puppy mills? It takes a special kind of sadistic asshole to be offended by an anti-puppy mill meme. 

That said, that case reminds me why I'm so glad to have nuked my Facebook page last year.  While I agree that they shouldn't have used the image with the watermark in any kind of fashion to make any kind of statement, this type of petty nonsense gets escalated to 11 once Facebook gets involved.  

Oh, yeah, I forgot the Facebook part - it's the advertising site of choice for wannabe photographers, if http://youarenotaphotographer.com is anything to go by - there are lots of people (mostly moms about the age when the kids hit school) who get a nice camera and a few compliments on their snaps, and decide that's enough to make a living at it.

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5 hours ago, AZChristian said:

Judge Milian would have depreciated the TV; JJ caught that she paid less than the advertised price, but then gave her the full value of what she paid.

Yeah, I caught that, too. She paid four hundred a year ago, and we all know how fast electronics depreciate. Course maybe she gave replacement value thinking about dude using 1 inch screws into drywall. Like someone said, maybe you could hang a light picture, but sure wouldn't hang anything heavy. Heck, with so much of modern construction using thinner drywall that was a disaster waiting to happen. 

Dude's tv hanging was as bad as whoever the landlord found to patch the holes for $800-900. Did I miss something there, looked like normal painted drywall - no wallpaper, mural or fancy texture job? Worse case scenario, the wallboard was stapled to the studs, and that whole sheet needs to reattached to the wall and repainted. Only way I get to almost a grand is landlord saying he can't match the paint, so wants to repaint the room. Even if Dude had installed everything correctly, there would have been holes to patch when she eventually moves and takes the TV down.

Edited by SRTouch
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Judge Milian also issues compensation based upon the amount allowed by the state the litigants live in, and rules about whether to accept taped evidence based upon the laws in the state as to whether both parties have to know they're being taped.

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1 hour ago, Jamoche said:

Oh, yeah, I forgot the Facebook part - it's the advertising site of choice for wannabe photographers, if http://youarenotaphotographer.com is anything to go by - there are lots of people (mostly moms about the age when the kids hit school) who get a nice camera and a few compliments on their snaps, and decide that's enough to make a living at it.

My cousin-in-law is a photographer on the side.  She does a relatively good job, but gets some oddball requests that I'd honestly say "no" to, or at the very least, I would not post them online for the world to see.  She did a series that looked like the one photo in the hotlink above, where a family was gathered, and a photo of a deceased relative (who appeared to be in his 20's) was Photshopped in to the sky, looking down on them, giving them a thumbs up.  It was so incredibly tacky, but it's what they wanted - they even chose the photo to use.  That photo was then shopped in to dozens of other poses, including one where there was also superimposed ultrasound photo, and the family marveled how (insert dead person's name here) looked like he was giving the baby (yet to be born) a wink and a thumbs up and they were thrilled.  I cringed.  Hard.  She also did a combination senior photo/new baby shoot.........

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28 minutes ago, funky-rat said:

My cousin-in-law is a photographer on the side.  She does a relatively good job, but gets some oddball requests that I'd honestly say "no" to, or at the very least, I would not post them online for the world to see.  She did a series that looked like the one photo in the hotlink above, where a family was gathered, and a photo of a deceased relative (who appeared to be in his 20's) was Photshopped in to the sky, looking down on them, giving them a thumbs up.  It was so incredibly tacky, but it's what they wanted - they even chose the photo to use.  That photo was then shopped in to dozens of other poses, including one where there was also superimposed ultrasound photo, and the family marveled how (insert dead person's name here) looked like he was giving the baby (yet to be born) a wink and a thumbs up and they were thrilled.  I cringed.  Hard.  She also did a combination senior photo/new baby shoot.........

Bet she didn't use those on her promo page, though :)

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 A trio!

Crocodile Moat - This hilarious case concerns a $10,000 horse trailer that was put in the defendant's name since the plaintiff Yul Brenner had bad credit.  Since the defendant had the trailer, was paying for it, there was only $1000 of it paid off, and it was in his name... not a whole lot JJ could do, not that she wanted to, to begin with.  More interesting was the part about a restraining order, where the plaintiff took a video of himself goading the defendant "you're not gonna hit me, are you? You scary me!"  So much dumb drama queenery.  He got what he was asking for.  Their interior decoration was white, grey, cheap and boring, I was really disappointed because these fellows were so colorful. At some point the plaintiff tried to make it sound like the defendant was medicating him against his will... he muttered "...pills from dead patients!" Really?  The defendant and his home didn't look doctorly, who has access to dead patient pills, anyway?  JJ shut that down in a blink's time.  4 gavels because we lurvs videos.

Radio Voice - This was a hohum case of a young room mate not paying her share of the rent but her reason was just precious.  See, they signed a lease with the landlord, the lease starts on a date that is known to both of them, but the defendant kept protesting that he started to pay the rent before she was ready, moved in before her, and didn't ask for her permission/opinion before paying the rent!  So she owes him nothing LOL. I could listen to the plaintiff's smooth voice all day long.  3 gavels for original excuses.

Ring And Car - This was a lightning case.  The plaintiff wants a wedding ring band but didn't bring his own to exchange, something boring about a car that went nowhere, and a hallterview where both agree to go their separate ways.  A real yawner!  Zero gavels.

Next show recap in a few hours!

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22 minutes ago, Toaster Strudel said:

Ring And Car - This was a lightning case.  The plaintiff wants a wedding ring band but didn't bring his own to exchange, something boring about a car that went nowhere, and a hallterview where both agree to go their separate ways.  A real yawner!  Zero gavels.

JJ dropped the ball on this one.  She told the def she should sell the car and give him half the proceeds.  Why the hell WOULD she?  She has the CAR!  She won't sell it, and she won't give him a dime!  Why did JJ swing her way on the decision? 

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6 hours ago, Zahdii said:

the guy was always in the local papers for being arrested for driving without a license, driving while uninsured, DUI, public drunkeness, assult, domestic violence, and/or resisting arrest, etc.

Do you know how many female litigants here would find a man like that irrisistable? They're probably Googling for his address and phone number even as I type this. Be still, my heart.

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More interesting was the part about a restraining order, where the plaintiff took a video of himself goading the defendant "you're not gonna hit me, are you? You scary me!"  So much dumb drama queenery.  He got what he was asking for

Is it just me, or was Wooly Willy on JJ in the past? Or was that another Wooley Willy? He certainly had his facial hair game down with that finely crafted Gorton's Fisherman look. 


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2 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

the plaintiff took a video of himself goading the defendant "you're not gonna hit me, are you? You scary me!"

Thank you. I nodded off during the case, since the only thing that caught my attention was the plaintiff's geometric beard which appeared to be drawn on with a grease pencil.

I was sorry I woke up for the two silly losers frighting over Walmart wedding rings and a 17-year old car. Def. appeared to be high on something.

3 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

This was a hohum case of a young room mate not paying her share of the rent but her reason was just precious.

Both she and her silly looking, roly-poly boyfriend need to go back to Mommy and Daddy.

A real snoozefest today.

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11 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

I was sorry I woke up for the two silly losers frighting over Walmart wedding rings and a 17-year old car. Def. appeared to be high on something.

Yeah, she was slurring big-time.

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Both she and her silly looking, roly-poly boyfriend need to go back to Mommy and Daddy.

Totally agree, they are not ready to be adults. This is why universities are adding courses in "adulting" for snowflakes who do not have the basic living skills that most of us learned in our mid to late teens.

Edited by DoctorK
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3 hours ago, ItsHelloPattiagain said:

Is it just me, or was Wooly Willy on JJ in the past? Or was that another Wooley Willy? He certainly had his facial hair game down with that finely crafted Gorton's Fisherman look. 


Not just you - he looked so familiar I double-checked the TiVo blurb to make sure it was new.

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5 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

At some point the plaintiff tried to make it sound like the defendant was medicating him against his will... he muttered "...pills from dead patients!" Really?  The defendant and his home didn't look doctorly, who has access to dead patient pills, anyway? 

I think I heard that the defendant worked for a hospice. I would re-watch the episode but I had enough of the histrionics and deleted it already.

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