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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

Message added by Meredith Quill

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Mumblesota - Three gavels!  JJ was in fine form.  I loved it when she went "meta" and guilted the four blue-shirted litigants about their California trip, their free meal and their taxi ride to the court room.  "You thought this was going to be easy?" she said sharply, daggers in her eyes.  She came this close to making the defendant go on all four on the ground, pretending his witness was a car, and kick him.  Then she changed her mind: "Stand up! You're not a car anymore!  You're a witness!"  Then we get to see the deed played out on video.  This strudel is unclear about what damage was caused.


Nuclear Cedar Chest - Guns, harassment, restraining orders, mediation, slashed tires, over a $200 repair on a cedar chest?  This case was detonated in seconds when JJ blasted the defendant a new one.  2 sticks of dynamite.


Evicted For Noise - The hallterview was the best part, both litigants looked unhinged. Déjà vu, nosy, matronly landlady evicts cleaned up vagrant tenant because he plays loud music by getting a restraining order. One gavel.


My Five Mistresses - Whoa! This was an unlikable plaintiff.  She contradicted JJ every time she spoke, for no reason other than to inject some double-talk.  This is really about a truck and a pair of crazed squatters (see hallterview for evidence of Hulk Smash) that came in as guests in someone's house and wouldn't leave when asked because after two weeks, they acquire "certain rights."  If that wasn't enough, they wanted to get a free vee-hick-cull out of the deal, too.  The tenacious, dead-eyed hustla's husband was shaped like a 7 foot tall box of cereal. This would be five gavels if all the mistresses had been in attendance, 4 gavels.


Craigslist sublet - Sub-lessee had no job, couldn't pay rent, judgment for plaintiff, 1 very quick gavel.

Edited by Toaster Strudel
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So, did JJ get wind of the Mumblesotans partying hard the night before the taping?  She hated them from the jump (can't blame her - they were annoying morons who refused to fully open their mouths when talking). I guess the doofy defendant dented the car by kicking it.  Both sides seemed equally amused by it all, though, so I wonder if they went out drinking after the taping (like that other set of litigants we were just talking about). And the guy who said he had a smoker's cough after JJ barked "ARE YOU SICK?" --- I wonder what would have happened if he said he was sick....thrown out or told to get Robitussin?  Oh well, the unknown. 


In the cedar chest case with the defendant whose drawl was so strong, they gave him captions, I enjoyed when JJ spiced up her usual phrase by saying, "You are out - CRAZY - of your mind!" 


Landlady Ms. Reimer looked like a Jack LaLanne devotee, with her sporty headband and senior activewear ensemble. The guy who got thrown out must be unaware of his own age....in the hallterview, he said something like, "Don't let your landlords act like they're you're parents."  I don't think there was a big age difference between that guy and his landlady.  I guess he's got arrested development.


In the case with the couple that moved in with the brother's girlfriend....what the hell is wrong with the red-haired lady?  She lets these "coming for business" mean-faced weirdos live in her big home, even though they claim they have other places to stay, and then she buys them a car before even meeting them?  Oh, and she is one of the five mistresses?  Pauline, clean out one of those guest rooms and ask Self-Esteem to come for a visit.  Boyfriend's sister was a straight-up bitch, and I don't know why anyone would want that massive attitude to visit for more than a quick hello in the driveway.  As she haughtily told JJ, "The evidence speaks for itself." --- uh, yeah, and it says that you and your husband are hustlas.


In the last case, Craigslist Sublet, I just couldn't get past the nasty puncture wound on the defendant.  She couldn't have gotten a top that covered it?  Lawd, she needed a good bath.


Oh dear God, there's a case about a grown women's kickball league tomorrow.

Edited by CoolWhipLite
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Mumblesota - Three gavels!  JJ was in fine form.  I loved it when she went "meta" and guilted the four blue-shirted litigants about their California trip, their free meal and their taxi ride to the court room.  "You thought this was going to be easy?" she said sharply, daggers in her eyes.  She came this close to making the defendant go on all four on the ground, pretending his witness was a car, and kick him.  Then she changed her mind: "Stand up! You're not a car anymore!  You're a witness!"  Then we get to see the deed played out on video.  This strudel is unclear about what damage was caused.


Damn. That was pretty funny. I was wondering why she started off on 10, but then I realized. They had vandalized the kid's car. When she yelled "GO!" at what's-his-nose I laughed out loud. I would've laid out in the floor if I was in the studio.


Nuclear Cedar Chest - Guns, harassment, restraining orders, mediation, slashed tires, over a $200 repair on a cedar chest?  This case was detonated in seconds when JJ blasted the defendant a new one.  2 sticks of dynamite.


This case was meh, but...am I the only one who thought the plaintiff and her husband were really mismatched? I don't mean because they were interracial, but he looked older than her and kind of dorky. Eh, can't help you fall in love with...


My Five Mistresses - Whoa! This was an unlikable plaintiff.  She contradicted JJ every time she spoke, for no reason other than to inject some double-talk.  This is really about a truck and a pair of crazed squatters (see hallterview for evidence of Hulk Smash) that came in as guests in someone's house and wouldn't leave when asked because after two weeks, they acquire "certain rights."  If that wasn't enough, they wanted to get a free vee-hick-cull out of the deal, too.  The tenacious, dead-eyed hustla's husband was shaped like a 7 foot tall box of cereal. This would be five gavels if all the mistresses had been in attendance, 4 gavels.


I kind of wish JJ would've let the plaintiff speak. Not that they should've won, but it seemed like she was trying to make a point and JJ rushed to the conclusion that she's a hustla! Sooo, I don't know.

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Mumblesota - Three gavels!


The mumbling, meatheaded, muttering, misfit morons from Minnesota? Bunch of dull-eyed ninnies. Are we looking at the future here?



Evicted For Noise


No matter how often we see it, I will never EVER understand a mature person moving into a room in a stranger's house. I don't know if the plaintiff really does street drugs and booze, but the minute I saw Ms. Conehead, I would never agree to live with her. Restraining orders - the all-purpose pest disposal.



My Five Mistresses


Bro must be one hot stud with all those women on the hook. Vern(etta)? That's a man, baby. Defendant is fucking brain dead to let that vile beast and her submissive familiar move in with her. Did she actually think that a mature couple who doesn't pay any rent and can't buy their own truck are really there for all kinds of "business ventures" and are going to pay her back? The 4 gavels was no lie!


QuoteNuclear Cedar Chest


Plaintiff's hubby is a neutered-looking wuss, and the def. is an asshole - an asshole who needed captions so we could understand the BS spewing from his pie hole.



Craigslist sublet - Sub-lessee had no job, couldn't pay rent


Craigslist strikes again. Cut back to about 15 KFC dinners a month, and you can pay the rent. Again, I can't imagine letting a total stranger move into my house for any reason at all but I guess I'm just hopelessly old-fashioned. .

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No matter how often we see it, I will never EVER understand a mature person moving into a room in a stranger's house. I don't know if the plaintiff really does street drugs and booze, but the minute I saw Ms. Conehead, I would never agree to live with her. Restraining orders - the all-purpose pest disposal.


I did.  I had no other place to live that accepted my cat.


I got a little pissed at JJ because she asked the blue shirted Mumblesotan how he knew the plaintiff and he told her, and then she said, "And?"  And he was confused.  And what?  And she started tearing into him.  Did she expect him to continue on after he told her how he knew the plaintiff?  She gets mad when people aren't succinctly answering her questions.

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In the last case, Craigslist Sublet, I just couldn't get past the nasty puncture wound on the defendant. She couldn't have gotten a top that covered it? Lawd, she needed a good bath.


Oh good it wasn't just me.  I really had the urge to shower after watching her.

I don't think there was a big age difference between that guy and his landlady.



He had his George Hamilton tan so he thought he had it going on.  Yeah, the George Hamilton reference kind of shows my age.  You youngsters can Google him to get my point.

Edited by momtoall
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I just couldn't get past the nasty puncture wound on the defendant.


I did not see that. I'm thinking I don't really want to go back and check it out but I know I will.


I did.  I had no other place to live that accepted my cat.


That sucks big time. When I was renting, I was moving into a new place and had two cats. The landlord didn't produce the lease until 3 days before I was to move in and on it in big block letters was "NO PETS." I said nothing and moved my cats in. By the time he found out, he knew they were well cared for and no bother to anyone so no problem.


Personally, I'd rather have animals in my place any day than many of the litigants we see here.

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In the case with the couple that moved in with the brother's girlfriend....what the hell is wrong with the red-haired lady?  She lets these "coming for business" mean-faced weirdos live in her big home, even though they claim they have other places to stay, and then she buys them a car before even meeting them?  Oh, and she is one of the five mistresses?  Pauline, clean out one of those guest rooms and ask Self-Esteem to come for a visit.  Boyfriend's sister was a straight-up bitch, and I don't know why anyone would want that massive attitude to visit for more than a quick hello in the driveway.  As she haughtily told JJ, "The evidence speaks for itself." --- uh, yeah, and it says that you and your husband are hustlas.

JJ made the point that fish and visitors stink after three days. Truer words have never been spoken. I'm one of those people who lives alone in a big house, so relatives always want to stay with me when they come to visit (and when you're from a cold place like PA and move to a warm place like AZ, people will want to visit you all winter long).


It's usually fun for a few days, and then I remember there's a reason I live alone, and I can't wait for everybody to get the hell out of my house. Also, I only do that for relatives; there's no way in the world I'd let a sibling of someone I'm dating move into my house. Who does that? And then she bought them a truck? Good grief.

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there's no way in the world I'd let a sibling of someone I'm dating move into my house. Who does that?


Yeah, brain dead, as I mentioned, but we've seen way worse like meeting someone at church or a bar and letting them move in after knowing them for all of a few hours. No, don't bother to find out of that person is a nut, a drug addict or a felon or think about the fact that once they're squatting in your home it may take a stick of dynamite to get them out. No, they will NOT pay rent. Why should they? They already know you're an idiot who can be played like a violin.

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I kind of wish JJ would've let the plaintiff speak. Not that they should've won, but it seemed like she was trying to make a point and JJ rushed to the conclusion that she's a hustla! Sooo, I don't know.

It looked as if JJ had already constructed a sequence of events in her head and she was not going to even listen to anything that deviated from it. There seemed to be a glimmer of a case behind the evidence the defendant was trying to bring forward, although probably a very weak one, but JJ would have none of it, not in her courtroom and not in her America! I think the plaintiff deserves an honorary individual 3 gavels for standing up to JJ's usual pig-headedness.


The guy who got thrown out must be unaware of his own age....in the hallterview, he said something like, "Don't let your landlords act like they're you're parents."  I don't think there was a big age difference between that guy and his landlady.  I guess he's got arrested development.

It may not be him. There are plenty of people who start at a young age to act motherly or fatherly towards others who are not very much younger or who are older even. She looked like the type who wants to control and interfere, all for the good of her tenant of course.


In the last case, Craigslist Sublet, I just couldn't get past the nasty puncture wound on the defendant.  She couldn't have gotten a top that covered it?  Lawd, she needed a good bath.

I kept wondering if that was a tattoo gone bad. She did not look very hygienyc that's certain and it's not just a question of her weight, but of her general presentation. The plaintiff must have been really pressed for time to rent to such an off-putting person.


Such a big kerfuffle over a cedar chest. Then again, I saw a repeat case a few weeks ago where the litigants got into shoving match over a missing toilet brush, of all things! In this one, the defendant was a real stickler for the agreed time of transfer (just a pretext to be obnoxious and create conflict I say).

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There was a rerun this morning where the two litigants almost came to blows there in the courtroom.  Byrd had to get in between them and another, unnamed Security guy came up behind the defendant.


What?????!!!  A tag-team security case? I don't remember that one at all.


BTW, to the tech-savvy folks-----PLEASE post a pic of Googly Eyes.

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Call me whatever, but I just love seeing Bird step in and show his muscle and cool.  Hurricane dude seemed well above pressure cooked, but his landlord seemed pretty smug himself - epseically the smiling as he was told to walk out. 


What a cluster of inbreeding so far this week, and it's only Tuesday?  Popcorn and wine by Friday, folks!


ETA:  And yes, please - anyone have a shot of googelly moogelly eyes, post it.  I think I'm going all Marty Feldman just looking for her.

Edited by Mz Anthrope
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Finally got  to see the Five Mistresses case. Wow.  Another prime example of people who "are right" because they THINK they are right. And there ain't no arguing with 'em. I had to watch it twice to try and make sense of it. Was there any reason given as to why they thought they were entitled to the truck? Defendant bought it, it's in her name, they paid no money for it - huh??  One for the "Litigants we Loathe" file.   On that basis alone, I wish the defendant had gotten a bunch of cash. Stupid to enter into the agreement in the first place, but man.

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What?????!!!  A tag-team security case? I don't remember that one at all.


BTW, to the tech-savvy folks-----PLEASE post a pic of Googly Eyes.

This episode was new to me as well. Byrd definitely stopped the litigants from coming to blows. There was an additional security person who ran in as well.

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This episode was new to me as well. Byrd definitely stopped the litigants from coming to blows. There was an additional security person who ran in as well.


What stupid thing was the case about? Borrowed money, cellphone/telephone bill, bail money?




I found a clip on you of the tube:




I don't remember this at. all.

Edited by Milz
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I don't remember this at. all.


I do. I believe his apartment was damaged - maybe by a flood - and when he left he couldn't be bothered to take his medals with him although they were so important. Then it became obvious he just wanted money and not "his stuff."


I"m sure Byrd has handled much tougher customers in his career and it's great to seem him get something to do besides crosswords and ferrying (usually fake) documents around.


ToasterStrudel, where are you with our recaps?? Don't try and say you had anything more important to do.

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I felt badly for the dog-walker in the first case...she may have been holding the leash of the smaller dog, Rags, with her dominant hand, but I can't say that I always consciously think about what hand I use when walking my dogs (and I have one smell-everything dog and one gentle/never-pulling dog on a split leash).  I doubt my metamemory would let me remember what hand I was using.  Granted, if the dog-walker lost control of the dogs and her dogs got to the Poms before the owners were able to pick them up, I understand that the dog-walker/the dog owner are negligible.  However, why didn't it matter that the mother-daughter's Poms were not leashed?  They were busy with shopping bags or something, and the dogs were loose in the driveway.  I know it was their own property, but that didn't seem to matter in previous cases when JJ ruled that people with unleashed dogs were at fault for whatever kerfuffle happened. 


I never want to play kickball against those plaintiffs - they look like they'd be fierce competitors.  Actually, I'm so non-athletic, everyone looks like fierce competitors, and I avoid any and all kickball games.  Whoa--JJ said she'd let them proceed as a class action suit because she was so disgusted!  But I guess that offer was in theory only because if it's $125 to join, I guess the ruling would have been for a repayment of $1250 (split among the 10 team members).  And one game costs the league $720?  The defendant planning to feed people for free...that woman just wanted to throw an effing party on strangers' league dues.  And all in the name of gun violence? JJ was right, that hustla and the young male coach would have more of a community impact by getting a grant that would fund a kickball league, and then charging a very small fee to the young men in the community who would like to join.  But that would mean that she'd have to go legit, and that plan wouldn't have fed her, her family, extended family, play-family, God-family, and neighbors.



After hearing the defendant say that she's trying to fight gun violence, JJ facetiously asking two kickball women (who appear to be upstanding ladies): "Are you in a GANG?"


In the Craigslist squatters case, I'm fascinated by the first name Zigkheaya (I don't know if I spelled that correctly)...the way it was pronounced made me wonder if it's a derivation of Zaccheus, the little dude in the Bible who hid in the tree.  And kudos, Miss Collier and Mother Collier for your coordinated fashions.


A gem in the teaser for tomorrow's episode:

Bored, surly teen: "I'm trynna save up money and pay bills before the baby gets here."

JJ: What baby?

Teen {annoyed, bored, rolls eyes}: I'm pregnant.

JJ {disgusted sneer}: Oh. Delicious.

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Did JJ say "Get lost?" to the silly "He's my baby" dog plaintiff and her mouthy, masculine and ridiculous mom? I replayed it twice but can't be sure.



In the Craigslist squatters case, I'm fascinated by the first name Zigkheaya (I don't know if I spelled that correctly)...


Me too! And it's Zigkeyeah. At least she seemed to have learned something about letting strangers who contact her on CL move into her place. Why did I get the feeling that Kimmie and Katina manage to live mostly rent-free wherever they go? Hey, you're too old to be squatting.


QuoteAnd kudos, Miss Collier and Mother Collier for your coordinated fashions.


Giant Me and Little MiniME.

QuoteThe defendant planning to feed people for free...that woman just wanted to throw an effing party on strangers' league dues.



 "Sure I took their money but decided to convert it to my own use and have a memorial service and free eats for everyone, which perfectly commemorates all the guys gunned down in our neighbourhood. Is that a problem?"


I was mostly stumped trying to figure out what was on Debra's head. At first I thought it was a beret, then a doughnut, but I think I was wrong and still don't know.


Elderly relative has taken a turn for the worse


Ooops, just saw this. Sorry to hear it.:(

Edited by AngelaHunter
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I was mostly stumped trying to figure out what was on Debra's head. At first I thought it was a beret, then a doughnut, but I think I was wrong and still don't know.

That was an odd 'do.  I guess Debra kept all her hair that's attached to the very top of her head, and then she shaved the rest of her head.  She took the top fountain of braids and twisted it into a doughnut-mini beret.  I think the doughnut beret would have had panache if her head wasn't shaved.


And JJ probably did say "Get lost" to the My Dog is My Baby teen....she kept telling her to "grow up" and "get over it," so a "get lost" would have made sense. Sadly, I think those two teens have no chance of being normal in adulthood.  They seem to be victims of very strange upbringings.  

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Did JJ say "Get lost?" to the silly "He's my baby" dog plaintiff and her mouthy, masculine and ridiculous mom? I replayed it twice but can't be sure.


I was calling that one Broken Nose vs. Meth Teeth.


I think Broken Nose got a bone splinter in her brain. 

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Prayers and good thoughts Toaster Struedel!



I do. I believe his apartment was damaged - maybe by a flood - and when he left he couldn't be bothered to take his medals with him although they were so important. Then it became obvious he just wanted money and not "his stuff."

I remembered this case immediately after I saw the epic middle school science teacher comb-over on the defendant's witness. What's so silly is that military people can waltz into their local PX (that's post exchange, the store on their military base) and buy replacement medals. Yes it costs money but it's not like those medals can never be replaced.  


All the females in the lost-and-found dog case were just a little bit off - they looked a little hungry and underfed like they all lived in a podunk town in trailers behind the Quiki-Mart. 


JJ was just not feeling those Minnesota boys. Perhaps it was the inappropriate smiling and she wanted to give them the smackdown and wipe the smiles off their faces. Whenever she comes out in a mood I'm reminded that she's sitting in her office prepping by reading their statements and watching them on close circuit TV. I'm sure that did them in. 

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I am now on a mission to find a kickball league to join. That sounds like a lot of fun, especially if it involves adult beverages.

Let's just hope I don't end up on Judge Judy for my efforts. I can't even believe the defendant thought using the dues to hold a memorial party (?) was a good idea. My heart does go out to her for what she's been through. Parents should not have to bury their children. But she's still wrong.

Today's second episode featured two dog cases. Are you shitting me? I think JJ is just trolling me at this point. Remember when Judge Wapner had an animal court show on Animal Planet? Sometimes JJ reminds me of that. Anyway, the defendant in the dog case had some seriously jacked up teeth. Is that what meth does?

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Best wishes Toaster Strudel.

My newly teen boy took one look at defendant dog owner's teeth and stated "OK, you were right, I need to brush my teeth more often." I helped promote this by helpfully freezing the TiVo at appropriate moments.

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I listened closely.  JJ did say "Get lost" in the "He's my baby but I haven' seen him in 4 years" case.  The mom topped the cake.  What was her stake in this?  She was evidently divorced from dad for a long time, daughter lived with dad, and now she's going to share her knowledge of dog chipping law with JJ.  

Edited by wallysmommy
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Thanks for all the well wishes, end-of-life decisions are a bit of a rough patch to say the least, I am grateful to compassionate medical staff.


Back to snark?


Asian chick. She had those huge black contact lenses meant to make your irises look unnaturally large, like an anime character or doll.

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like an anime character or doll.


I too was trying to think of what she reminded me and I think "anime character" is pretty accurate. She really didn't look real.


JJ did say "Get lost" in the "He's my baby but I haven' seen him in 4 years" case.


Thanks. I was hoping I heard right. That almost made up for two dog cases.

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Stepdick - A kerfuffle over curfew and a car turns into a low-key, civilized, subdued affair in JJ's courtroom.  One gavel.


You'll Want That Soup Recipe, Too! - Especially after this dull, landlady/tenant case of a sanitation bill and some cash, that had all the excitement of trying to file your taxes without any of your income slips.  One soup can.


Barber of Bumville - Mother is on the hook for her son's lapses in rent payments, and his pregnant, dumb-as-rocks girlfriend.  The loveslugs are done playing house, now they are back living with relatives.  Two gavels, but barely.


"Victim Of Arson Fire" - Aw shucks, that poor truck!  I hate it when inanimate objects are victimized!  See what happens when you block someone on Facebook to prevent them from sending your pictures to your incarcerated husband?  Betches start wanting their charred, melted trucks back.  2.5 gavels.


Winking Dog? - Two ugly purebred mutant dogs get into it, one them gets an eye scratch, a vet gets $500 richer, and the defendant barely denied responsibility. One gavel.


On the plus side... tomorrow's cases look like pretty good!



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Thanks for all the well wishes, end-of-life decisions are a bit of a rough patch to say the least, I am grateful to compassionate medical staff.



{{{hugs}}} Toaster    I went through a similar situation with my Dad (age 85 at the time) when he had what turned out to be a heart attack and was on a respirator, left with only 15% heart function, kidneys failing, etc. Our family was called into that "special" waiting room where the doctor lays out the proverbial cards on the table and has a "Do Not Resuscitate" form in his hand. One thing I advise to all my fellow Previously TVers - make your wishes known to family members should you end up on life support one day. My Mom has told us for years that if it came down to that, pull the plug, etc, but Dad would never discuss the topic, so we were torn. (As it turned out, he rallied unexpectedly, was moved out of ICU and we were spared that crucial decision.)


Back to the topic at hand....I was trying to figure out why the Plaintiff in the Pomeranian mauled by Rags case reminded me of a Barbie doll - must've been the iris-enhancing contact lenses!


In the case of The twitchy ex-girlfriend with the wonky teeth whose dog escaped and was returned to her ex's daughter, I thought that she'd been the victim of some sort of accident that chipped her front teeth. My kid brother got hit in the mouth by a playground swing and ended up with similar tooth damage. He has had to have it re-repaired many times over the years - the tooth bonding repair thing the dentist did seemed to last a few years and then would fall off and had to be replaced. When brother was an adult and his teeth were fully developed and he had a job that included dental insurance he got porcelain restorations. But overall, what a stupid case! That poor dog, the innocent victim in the long-simmering resentment of the First Wife and her daughter. Pooch had been living with Chippy Teeth for what, four years? and was expected to readjust to a new home (filled with an assortment of rescue animals) out of spite?

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I went through a similar situation with my Dad (age 85 at the time)


Yes, I had to do that with my mother. I knew her and knew what she would want but that didn't make it any easier.


Winking Dog?



The def. was one of those people you just want to slap. "I had to drop the leash so I could lock the door." Funny, not once did I ever have to let my dog run free so I could lock my door.


"Victim Of Arson Fire"


The plaintiff looked so sane, until we heard the crazy crap coming out of her mouth. Yeah, I'm sure her jailbird bro was going to fix up the 30 year old truck. I bet one of the neighbours set it ablaze when they got tired of looking at that hunk of junk eyesore.


Barber of Bumville


Pretty ho-hum - just the usual - homeless and brainless people who think having a baby is just the best idea. The only thing of interest was plaintiff's hair, which looked as though she'd killed and gutted a fancy chicken and stuck it on her head. Preggo girlfriend - congratuations on the upcoming blessed event. Poor kid.


You'll Want That Soup Recipe, Too!


Taxpayer alert! You're paying the rent for Mom, her two adult children and THEIR kids to live in this 3 bedroom home. Better get more overtime, since this is not going to end anytime soon. Plaintiff seemed so together at first, but then it was "Yes, I loaned her 1600$. You want proof? don't have any of that! We only deal in cash and don't believe in reciepts. Take my word for it, and  just ask the person I'm suing to confirm what I'm saying."  Sounds like a plan.




That word sums it up. He's a pompous dick. But I really can't understand a parent giving $6500 to a 17-year old child to buy a car. Why, in MY dayl....anyway, "Me and my friend went..." Stay in school, dear.

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Stepdick---  Said it before, saying it again - I've never had nor met a well-minded stepfather.  I imagine that they exist somewhere, but none have ever crossed my path.  And shame on that young lady's mother for allowing some schmuck to throw her own child out of the house...for such things as being 5 minutes late and parking in the driveway.  Eff the rides to doctor's appointments that you claim you gave her and for which you expect undying gratitude, Baldy Sour.  That girl's father exercised an amazing level of patience. 


The two women, the Section 8 house, waste bill, and a good soup recipe --- people really need to make/keep paperwork when they're collecting deposit payments and rent.  Weird, I would have thought that the government would expect to see proof of payments for Section 8.  Haha, I guess that's just silly.  The defendant was more worried about getting a copy of the soup recipe, so financial paperwork be damned. 


In the Barber of Bumville, the girlfriend looked frigging miserable...and her life's only going to get worse, I guess.  She even said that her pregnancy is no longer "delicious."  Oh well, maybe her giant false eyelashes give her some joy.


I just couldn't deal with the last case...one of my dogs is a Cavalier King Charles mix, which makes it even harder to listen to another blasted dog fight story.  The defendant's dog was cute, but the defendant seemed like a moron for saying the two dogs didn't even touch each other.  Come on, get real.  So, I'm confused as I'm comparing this ruling with yesterday's ruling about the dog-walker who had leashed dogs, one pulled on the leash and got into a tussle with an unleashed Pom in his driveway/sidewalk.  The dog-walker with leashed dogs was found to be at fault, and the unleashed Pom people won the case.  Today, the leashed Cav lady won, while the unleashed dog lady lost and was told to pay about $600 for a vet bill.

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The dog-walker with leashed dogs was found to be at fault, and the unleashed Pom people won the case.


To me, it seemed that dog-walker's dogs were halfway up the plaintiff's driveway because the walker couldn't control them, so it was on private property. Today's doggy mess seems to have happened in front of an apartment building, so the person with the unleashed dog is to blame. Plus, "The whole thing never happened at all" def. is a liar, so she loses! Of course I get easily distracted and confused so could be dead wrong.

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I would have thought that the government would expect to see proof of payments for Section 8.

In our experience, if the rent (dictated by Section 8, not fair market, by the way) was $1400, Section 8 pays a portion (for example $1350) directly to the landlord every month. The tenant is responsible for the remainder, and is expected to pay the landlord just like any other tenant.  The amount Section 8 pays does change periodically, due to comings and goings of family members, changes in disability/unemployment benefits, etc., thus changing what the tenant is responsible for.  We found dealing with them (Section 8) to not be worth the headaches. ymmv.


I was wondering about the soup comment.  Love those halterviews!! 

Glad to have you back, Toaster!

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