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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

Message added by Meredith Quill

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I caught a re-run that irritated me all over again.  Remember the school lady suing the dad for the cost of a college visit trip?  The little girl had won or qualified for the the trip and it was paid for by PTA or other fundraising.  Dad didn't manage to get his daughter to the bus on time and the seat went wasted.

Especially because the lame ass excuse he used was that his wife took their car and they didn't know anyone to ask for a ride.  Call a cab or use Uber, dumbass.  I also loved that he didn't explain to the coordinator why his daughter was unable to make it because it was nobody's business what happened in his personal life, but he had no trouble putting in on full blast on JJ.

Edited by DebbieW
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Teebax - Can I ask you a question? Your GI Bill paid for your student loans (or the majority). Is it the same for a partially disabled veteran's child (partially meaning 30 percent)? Would the GI Bill pay for all of the child's education? Or the majority? Thanks for the response in advance.

I'll answer your privately; check your e-mail in a minute, and let me know if you have any other questions.

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Re: trailer park dogs. If you are living in a trailer because you are poor, why do you have multiple dogs who eat more food than you do?!


As always, we can't assume anything about people's circumstances without knowing the full story. They may have obtained the dogs before their situation changed. My dog is like a member of my family, and I wouldn't give him up just because I hit hard times.


As someone who recently had to deal with the loss of a job and the loss of a fiance (yes, folks, the engagement is off), both of which really affected my finances, I wouldn't want someone judging me because I have a new car, which was bought when my situation was much different. Just my two cents.

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Then the repeat of Batgirl, the batshit crazy, strung out chick


Ah, yes. Crystal "Alice the Goon" Steigleman. A memorable case if only for the fact that it was one of the few times we saw JJ truly shocked: "SHE has kids??"



"past prior theft charges and current prior theft charges." Current prior?


Yes. That fits. It's like the "I was currently living/working/in jail at that time."


Half-empty bottle of cologne and some cheap watches. Yawner of a case.


As someone who recently had to deal with the loss of a job and the loss of a fiance (yes, folks, the engagement is off),


Sorry to hear that. Stuff sucks sometimes.:(

Edited by AngelaHunter
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It's better to find out you're with an asshole before you marry them, at least that's how I'm looking at it! Some of our JJ litigants would be better served to do a little due diligence before they choose their baby mamas and baby daddies. I'm lucky I found out before I made a mistake.

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It's better to find out you're with an asshole before you marry them, at least that's how I'm looking at it! Some of our JJ litigants would be better served to do a little due diligence before they choose their baby mamas and baby daddies. I'm lucky I found out before I made a mistake.

I've been going through my own stuff and haven't posted for a few weeks but I wanted to let you know that we know how strong you are. Life can really sock us where it hurts at times, but we heal. My best wishes for a quick and healthy spiritual recovery.

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In the deuce n half case, JJ latched onto the no insurance and wishy washy story from the defendant, and ruled without realising how big a a deuce n half really is. JJ called it a jeep, not realising a jeep would just about fit in the bed. We never saw the defendant's car, but I have a hard time believing the plaintiff's damage claim. I paused the playback on the photo of the truck from the side, and it looked like the mud flap bracket was bent and the outside tire of the rear dually had some marks on it.

A true story from my time in the Army. I was driving a deuce n half with trailer through a German village back in the 80's, when a German tried to pass me. As he was about even with my trailer he changed his mind and tried to duck back behind me. The end result was he sideswiped my trailer. His car was totaled, and the paint on my lug nut was scratched.

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It's better to find out you're with an asshole before you marry them, at least that's how I'm looking at it!


No question about it whatsoever. I stayed single for a long time, but when the real thing came along I was grateful that nothing else had worked out even with all the pain and distress I had went through priorly... currently... I mean previously!


Think about our lovely litigants, who start spitting out babies like a gumball machine with some abusive, drunken, broke, loser-for-life jailbird they met last week. "But I LOOOOVE him!!" Then shut your piehole and don't complain when he throws a lamp at your head and doesn't pay child support.

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Half-empty bottle of cologne and some cheap watches. Yawner of a case.


However, it provided a GREAT comment from JJ:  "I didn't get years of post-graduate training to talk about cologne."


"Alice the Goon" case, or as I like to call it "Meth-erpiece Theater," was satisfying in that we finally have a Defendant who blatantly admits they did it!! What a refreshing change!1  And I'll bet the purple shirted 600-pounder did take the money of the dead room mate, because if Alice had done it she would have told the 6 million TV viewers.

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It's better to find out you're with an asshole before you marry them, at least that's how I'm looking at it! Some of our JJ litigants would be better served to do a little due diligence before they choose their baby mamas and baby daddies. I'm lucky I found out before I made a mistake.

Sorry it didn't work out but it's better to find out sooner rather than later.


You're so right about some of these litigants on this show.

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The girl in the deuce and a half case first said he backed into her, then she said he sideswiped her, then she finally admitted in the hallterview that she ran into him.  She was a piece of work.

That girl was a big old dummeeee. She had no problem lying about her case and obviously is too stoopid to keep track of the truth as seen in the hallterview. 




Oh, Teebax, so sorry for your challenges. I'm a big believer in when sucky things happen, it's because better things are on the horizons. Prayers and good thoughts for strength to carry on.


JJ called it a jeep, not realising a jeep would just about fit in the bed.

That made me laugh. I used to live near Camp Pendleton which is a huge Marine base in Southern California. I used to pass those things while driving on base in my little VW or Toyota thinking I would be toast if I got into an accident with them. 

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"Meth-erpiece Theater," was satisfying in that we finally have a Defendant who blatantly admits they did it!! What a refreshing change!1


She did, but tried to say she was defending herself. Did she want us to believe the plaintiff could leap out of bed like a panther and attack her? By the time he managed to rise, she'd have time to be in another state.

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Today's rerun of crazy parrot lady was a doozy I had never seen. I knew it was going to be good when I misunderstood announcer guy as he introduced the cases. I thought he said the plaintiff had "partied" with her prized parrot when he said she "parted" with her prized parrot. Ha! I tried to imagine how you party with a parrot. I guess it can be done if you have enough Capt Morgan's Rum. I have put party hats on my dogs before, but that's another story.

Anyway, she gave away the bird to defendant but now says that she has visitation rights. The one time she went to visit her former feathered friend, she was so convinced that the bird was not properly cared for that she had a panic attack and almost collapsed in the defendant's home! Defendant got her property's security guard to help with getting rid of crazy bird lady. And the security guard got a restraining order to keep her off the property! Defendant (who was calm and seemed so sane) barely had to say anything....she just showed a receipt that she takes the bird to the same groomer that bird-brained plaintiff had used. I so wish defendant could have told the whole story because you could tell that there was even more craziness that went unsaid.

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Ooh! I remember crazy parrot lady!  I also wish the defendant would have had a chance to say more. I'm sure she has some wild shit to tell about that whacko. I remember thinking the bird was probably so much happier living with someone that didn't treat it like a human baby. Didn't crazy parrot lady say that the bird was aggressive to her when she visited? Poor bird was trying to say 'Get away, bitch!' Reminds me of dog breeders that want you to sign a contract agreeing to them having the right to drop in unannounced any time during the dog's life. And, if for any reason, they don't like what they see, they can take the dog back. In JJ's words, UH, NO!

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Today's first case....JJ may have thought young Seth was bright, but I'm not convinced. Then again, maybe he was just maxing out his brain while trying to remember the lines he memorized for the case. When JJ asked when he started living with his mother, he said, "Ummm, I think it was a few months ago." Strange. And I'm not buying their claim that he earned $500 at age 11. He seemed more like the usual aloof, spacey pre-teen than the alert young businessman type. I don't appreciate that, not once, did JJ recommend a trip to the SPCA/Humane Society for a new pet. I also didn't appreciate the mother's duck-lips face.


Why the hell do people even bother suing for pain and suffering on Judge Judy?  Do they not realize that Judy's only going to tell them that SHE is the one under duress? Duh, people.


Second case... two litigants, two beards, one ponytail. Unpaid rent during a jail term, something about riding home together on Harleys, and they hugged it out in the hallterview.

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Haven't seen the new ep yet, but just watched the repeat of dumbbitch Rosanna Quinn - overly made-up, overly bleached grinning idiot who was suing her former paramour - with whom she played house for four years -  for the value of a bunch of crap, including used CL applicances. She's young and says she makes decent money yet when she broke up with Romeo, she went to live with her daughter. Learn to stand on your own two feet, Rosanna! I hate women who always need someone to take care of them.

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I hope Seth's dad really wants the dog, but that wasn't my impression.  I think he would have been just fine giving the dog to mom and Seth and getting back whatever money he chipped in.  Generally, if an adult is happy having a dog -- they'll already have a dog.  At no time did dad express any affection for the dog, or his kid, for that matter.


Seth didn't seem to understand the wisdom of JJ's decision. 


Any bets on whether Seth gets a dog?  I'm thinking no. 

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Haven't seen the new ep yet, but just watched the repeat of dumbbitch Rosanna Quinn - overly made-up, overly bleached grinning idiot who was suing her former paramour - with whom she played house for four years -  for the value of a bunch of crap, including used CL applicances. She's young and says she makes decent money yet when she broke up with Romeo, she went to live with her daughter. Learn to stand on your own two feet, Rosanna! I hate women who always need someone to take care of them.

I hope that case was snatched up by Judge Judy's people before it entered an actual US court. What a true waste of the court's time. Nana couldn't create a workaround? 

  • If Nana needs to shop, then she can get a couple of decent outfits from Wal-Mart or Old Navy and designate them as Wednesday clothes. She can tell the 15-year-old grandson to stick Wednesday's clothes in his backpack on Wednesday nights, so he can bring them back to her when he returns home from school on Thursday. Schedule a recurring text that reminds him every Wednesday night. Give him a very small reward for remembering: 15 extra minutes of screen time, pick up a pint of his favorite ice cream, whatever.


Or get a free trip to Judge Judy in an attempt to put your ex-SIL on blast. Backfired, Nana! JJ thought you were a meddling fool!

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Nana, JJ thought you were a meddling fool!



And so did eeeeeeevrybody else!


Daughter should have been mortified that this went so far, and shut it down.  But then she didn't really look like that was something she'd be capable of. New episode? I don't even remember it. Blah.


Meth-terpiece theater.  Excellent!!

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I hope Seth's dad really wants the dog, but that wasn't my impression.  I think he would have been just fine giving the dog to mom and Seth and getting back whatever money he chipped in.  Generally, if an adult is happy having a dog -- they'll already have a dog.  At no time did dad express any affection for the dog, or his kid, for that matter.


Seth didn't seem to understand the wisdom of JJ's decision. 


Any bets on whether Seth gets a dog?  I'm thinking no.

What a sad family! There were no winners here. Mom didn't want the dog at her house when Seth was bouncing between parents. Now that Seth lives with Mom full time, she is sueing Dad because the dog has always lived with Dad and he won't send it to live with the son at Mom's house. Dad sounds bitter because Seth is chosing to live with Mom and nothing he said indicated he actually wants the dog. The whole sad affair was summed up in the hallway when the boy said Dad was just trying to hurt him.

My hope would be that in a year the dog will be rehomed with a new family. A husky is usually not a breed recommended for a first time owner. They need a take charge owner willing to spend lot of time exercising and socializing. A bored husky can turn destructive, and can turn into an escape artist. None of these people indicated the ability to handle such strong willed breed of dog.

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There was a lot of attempting to deceive JJ by the mom in the siberian husky case. When she first spoke she said that the dog went back and forth with Seth between the homes. Then it came out that Seth had to get special permission to bring the dog to her house. She then wanted money for the 'training' she paid for when the dog was at her home, yet Seth had already said that the dog hadn't been to the house very much. I was glad that JJ told the parents that they were wrong to put Seth in the middle of their dispute. Also, the mom was always suing for money, she was not suing for the dog so I think that speaks very loudly about her priorities.

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I don't appreciate that, not once, did JJ recommend a trip to the SPCA/Humane Society for a new pet.


Judge Judy herself has expressed love for designer dogs before, it's unsurprising she failed to ask why the kid just had to have a husky instead of a perfectly good dog from a shelter.

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A husky is usually not a breed recommended for a first time owner. They need a take charge owner willing to spend lot of time exercising and socializing. A bored husky can turn destructive, and can turn into an escape artist. None of these people indicated the ability to handle such strong willed breed of dog.

No truer words were ever spoken.  Lot's of personal experience with sled dogs here and they are very high maintenance.  So many dogs would be saved from shelters if people would only learn one thing: "A working dog without a job is a 'bad dog'."


Both parents were despicable- Seth and Oreo were both pawns in the parents stupid head games.

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Re: The case with the co-habitating couple with the refrigerator, tv and dryer. Granted, I thought the plaintiff should have not sued over things she bought in the course of a relationship, but JJ was particularly crabby on this one. A $1500 fridge does not become a $100 fridge in three years. I would guess it was still worth $500. Then $25 for the dryer and nothing for the allegedly broken tv?

ALL of the litigants in the dead dog case annoyed the spit out of me. I know I am going to sound like a complete asshole, but if someone can't come up with $10 a day to save the life of their dog (as he alleged), then he has no business owning a dog. I highly suspect the dog didn't have a rabies vaccine (because if they can't come up with $140 over two weeks, they can't come up with $100 at one time to get shots) All of them sucked.

ETA: Seth won't be getting another dog. And what kind of breeder takes payments and allows an 11 year old to decide he wants a husky puppy? I blame the breeder...stupid woman.

Edited by stephinmn
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The kids probably hated Nana's clothes and don't want to wear them unless she forces them to in person.

Yep, that's what thought. How many kids want to go to school in clothes picked out by Grandma? And if the kiddies I see on the way to the bus stop around here are the norm, ironing is not all that common. I almost wish the kids could have been in court, but then if they would have had to go home with overbearing Grandma.

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With all these amazing dogs out there just waiting to be rescued, I don't understand why they went to all this trouble to raise money to buy from a puppy mill. I guess they wanted a pure-breed, but you can find those at rescues too. They could have rescued 7 or 8 dogs for what they paid for one (not that they should have, but they could have.)

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Overbearing granny was even worse the second time around. The way her daughter sat there reminded me of a kid that has been bullied by a parent to the point of not reacting to anything. I imagine it's been 'My house, MY rules! You married that loser after I told you not to and had to come running back home!' since the day she moved back in with the bossy, old hag. I bet the boys leave the clothes at their dad's on purpose because they hate them and get teased when they wear them. I can totally see granny thinking pressed khakis and a pressed button down shirt is what they should wear. Guess she doesn't pay attention to what the other kids are wearing when she drops them off at school - because you know she does - and thinks the other kids all have deadbeat parents. Granny needs to learn what deadbeat means. A parent that has their kids 50% of the time, isn't ordered to pay child support and provides a home for them without living with his mom is not a deadbeat. I bet the boys go live with the dad as soon as they can and mom stays with overbearing granny until the old control freak croaks.

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The way her daughter sat there reminded me of a kid that has been bullied by a parent to the point of not reacting to anything. I imagine it's been 'My house, MY rules!


I'm sure it is. That's what happens when an adult can't take care of herself or the kids she brought into the world and has to go live with Mommy and Daddy again. MIL was a nasty old dragon, but it IS her house and her rules and if daughter wants to live her own way she needs to get her own place. She's certainly old enough!

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I can totally see granny thinking pressed khakis and a pressed button down shirt is what they should wear

Can you say "control freak", boys and girls? I can just see Granny ironing the crap out of some Ralph Lauren shirts while the kids just wanna wear T-shirts and jeans. I bet Granny even irons the jeans - with starch. I guess when she can't control the former son in law she's going to pretend his face is on the ironing board and flatten him out over and over again - (because doing it with her car is probably too messy for her) 


I was feeling Oreo's Dad until the very end when he started spouting a bunch of nasty divorce daddy stuff. Perhaps the former Mrs Oreo can save that money for Seth's future therapy bills instead of a dog - hey maybe she can take him to a dog park and let him play with all the random  dogs there!!!!

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No truer words were ever spoken.  Lot's of personal experience with sled dogs here and they are very high maintenance.  So many dogs would be saved from shelters if people would only learn one thing: "A working dog without a job is a 'bad dog'."


Both parents were despicable- Seth and Oreo were both pawns in the parents stupid head games.

So true. I've owned 2 Samoyeds and they need a lot of exercise. All sled dogs are high maintenance but are very smart and loyal.

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MIL was a nasty old dragon, but it IS her house and her rules and if daughter wants to live her own way she needs to get her own place.


AngelaHunter you are really a tough cookie.  I wish you had put the beatdown on fellow citizen Ted Cruz when he was living up there in Canada.  Maybe we wouldn't have had to to suffer him in the US!


I bet Granny even irons the jeans - with starch


I can't wait to see this.  I really have it good, having taken a 4 year JJ hiatus, it's all new and fresh to me!

I think no one has ironed their jeans with a front center crease  since 1976. I', estimating because that's the last time I slept with a guy who did that...yuck way too meticulous.

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I bet Granny even irons the jeans - with starch


I bet she irons underwear! She's just the tight-assed type to do that.



AngelaHunter you are really a tough cookie.


Maybe, but when I wanted to have and do things my way, I moved into my own place. THAT made me grow up. Live with parents, you're always a child even if you're forty.


ETA: (this cracked me up)


I can totally see granny thinking pressed khakis and a pressed button down shirt is what they should wear.





Edited by AngelaHunter
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no joke here. Over the summer I saw two cute little boys about age 7 and age 4 or 5. They wore plaid cotton button shirts, blue jeans (not the kind half-way hanging down their asses) and Keds sneakers with those white athletic socks with colored bands on the cuffs. They were with what appeared to be Grandma and Grandpa. But they were little guys, not teens. 

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AngelaHunter you are really a tough cookie.  I wish you had put the beatdown on fellow citizen Ted Cruz when he was living up there in Canada.  Maybe we wouldn't have had to to suffer him in the US!


I can't wait to see this.  I really have it good, having taken a 4 year JJ hiatus, it's all new and fresh to me!

I think no one has ironed their jeans with a front center crease  since 1976. I', estimating because that's the last time I slept with a guy who did that...yuck way too meticulous.


I *blushing* ironed my jeans with a front crease for years, right around that period.

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First case -- Whoa, Face Tat Couple on today's episode. The female defendant's face tattoo looked more like a case of Kaposi's sarcoma. The plaintiff desperately needed a bra. The case itself, about car payments/titles, was quite boring. They definitely were chosen because of their face tats.


Second case - I love that the defendant is still rocking those gigantic, hollow, gold hoop earrings, a la Salt n Pepa. The defendant, Ebony Russell, said that everything was "peachy and cool" when she and her two children first moved in with her man-on-the-side, Mr. Shanks. But things started going sour, and she decided to move back in with her husband, leaving Shanks with no rent and no replacement roommate.

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If the kid was wearing those boxers that seem to be all the rage, I bet Granny was ironing those too. With Starch. . Heaaaavvvvy starch.

I got the tattoo guy preview yesterday and we've been having such bad weather that right around JJ time my DISH seems to mess up (I'm suspicious somebody is editing JJ because the words are jumping a bit). Today we had super bad weather but there was no mistaking how weird Tattoo Man was - I'm all for self expression and art and all that happy horse manure but whatever possesses people to just mutilate themselves with tattoos like that? Kaposi's sarcoma is a golden description, Cool Whip Lite. Maybe his head was molting or the flesh colored paint was wearing off and he was really some kind of humanoid. That makes a ton of money doing tattoos while trying to jerk his mother out of $2000 for a hoopty.

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First case -- Whoa, Face Tat Couple on today's episode. The female defendant's face tattoo looked more like a case of Kaposi's sarcoma. The plaintiff desperately needed a bra. The case itself, about car payments/titles, was quite boring. They definitely were chosen because of their face tats.


Second case - I love that the defendant is still rocking those gigantic, hollow, gold hoop earrings, a la Salt n Pepa. The defendant, Ebony Russell, said that everything was "peachy and cool" when she and her two children first moved in with her man-on-the-side, Mr. Shanks. But things started going sour, and she decided to move back in with her husband, leaving Shanks with no rent and no replacement roommate.

First case has Mom suing son and DIL for a couple grand which she gave son from her tax money. She needs a car because hers has been repo'ed because of a title loan. The son has a friend with a car for sale, so she gives the son 2 grand from her tax money. She picks up the car at her son's, but the title is in DIL's name. Mom drives the car for months without insurance since she can't get insurance on car not in her name. DIL gets a title loan on the car, even though Mom is driving it and considers it her.

Loving son claims he owns tattoo palor and makes thousands a month. He says Mom gives him and his brother money every year when she gets her tax refund, and the money was his annual gift, not to buy a car. They have a big fight over money he wants to borrow from her mom, his grandma. Loving son has police go get the car from Mom. I wonder where his thousands go that he has to borrow from grandma and broke mom, while wife is taking out title loans on disputed car. Son even has a countersuit because Mom has been bad mouthing him and his tattoo shop.

Anyway, JJ is so disgusted with son she rules in mom's favor instead of the old "I can't help you because you broke the law driving disputed vehicle for 6 months uninsured." In the hallway son is indignant and can't believe Mom is treating this way.

As case was ending our local station scrolled that 11, 600 WalMarts were closing. So I switched to news and learned it's 269 stores being closed - someone at the station must have happy fingers.

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Yep, that's what thought. How many kids want to go to school in clothes picked out by Grandma? And if the kiddies I see on the way to the bus stop around here are the norm, ironing is not all that common. I almost wish the kids could have been in court, but then if they would have had to go home with overbearing Grandma.

Gotta give props to my MIL for buying decent stuff for my teen. She may not get exactly what DD wants, but MIL always asks what stores my teen shops at and will buy from there, so even if they are not to DD's liking, there are at least not dorky. And DD can always exchange it for something else.

I imagine the grandma from this case takes the tags off so the clothes cannot be exchanged.

Nowadays, MIL buys gift certificates more often than actual clothes, because although she loves to clothes shop, she also recognize that it is difficult to shop for someone who is 50 years younger. And because she is not a control freak

Edited by ElleMo
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First case -- Whoa, Face Tat Couple on today's episode. The female defendant's face tattoo looked more like a case of Kaposi's sarcoma. The plaintiff desperately needed a bra.


OH, those were tats on that idiot's face? I thought it was a Beetljuice-type mold or fungus creeping around from the back of his head.

I think plaintiff may have had a bra, but it just gave up.

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