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On 11/9/2016 at 7:52 AM, Arwen Evenstar said:

Agreed...most US to US marriages fizzle out after 2 to 3 years...about the same time that real life often destroys the love...we've been taught it's a fairly tale, but you've got to work at it to keep it going.

Seems Brett and Daya are working out. She's a Filipina, and marriage is taken very seriously over there, since divorce is illegal.  

That sounds like the introduction site (what we think of as the mail order industry) hype. Despite the Filipino reputation the  first born to a single mother rate is within the margin of error difference of the US rate. While shotgun weddings are more likely to take place those that separate and start a new family, like their current President Duterte (one testi-lie annulment and one separation) and his current girlfriend, is high even though adultery and concubinage remain as crimes on the books.

Since the Philippines is the only country on earth with no divorce, unless you married a Muslim man under Sharia Law, only those thinking about marrying a foreigner, where countries only allow spouses to immigrate and not girl/boyfriends go through the annulment process where normally a divorce for cause case is made and then a forensic psychologist testi-lies that the reason for the cause was a previous to marriage existing condition.

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On 11/9/2016 at 9:18 PM, Adeejay said:
On 11/9/2016 at 8:07 AM, Virtually Me said:

BTW, there is no INS. A naturalized citizen can be deported. 

That is correct, but only convicted drug dealers and convicted murderers. 

I don't think so.  When you become a Naturalized citizen you terminate your relationship with your birthplace, you do not have a homeland to return to.  You actually pledge allegiance to the USA.  

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4 hours ago, hisbunkie said:

I don't think so.  When you become a Naturalized citizen you terminate your relationship with your birthplace, you do not have a homeland to return to.  You actually pledge allegiance to the USA.  

Actually, unless your native country recognizes dual citizenship and allows you to keep it even upon taking US citizenship, that's not exactly true. I'm still a citizen of the U.K., even though I'm a US citizen. The U.K. will not disown me or anyone else who has.

Rescind your US citizenship, and it's goodbye and good luck...

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1 hour ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Actually, unless your native country recognizes dual citizenship and allows you to keep it even upon taking US citizenship, that's not exactly true. I'm still a citizen of the U.K., even though I'm a US citizen. The U.K. will not disown me or anyone else who has.

Rescind your US citizenship, and it's goodbye and good luck...

Many countries do not allow you to have dual citizenship, mine did not.  Under very limited circumstances will the US deport a naturalized citizen. I believe terrorism is one, lying during the process is another.

So sorry, I did not see the link above.  I think it supports my statement.  I became a citizen some 30 years ago, sorry again.

Edited by hisbunkie
Did not see the link above.
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3 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

Might be why Dad has custody. Dad knows Mel's irresponsible behavior from a long time ago, perhaps.

Maybe the parents made that decision together because it is best for Hunter.   If Mel had primary custody of Hunter would there be a question of Hunter's father being irresponsible?  

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9 minutes ago, hisbunkie said:

Maybe the parents made that decision together because it is best for Hunter.   If Mel had primary custody of Hunter would there be a question of Hunter's father being irresponsible?  

If Dad were spending almost $40K to fly back and forth to see a hottie... yes.

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I think Devar loves Melanie. But he needs to be told that comments like  "we'll be boinkin' and boinkin' and boinkin' till we make a baby" are viewed as a little crass.

Pao playing the strong women's libber "It's my body!!!  It's my career!" is a bunch of crap. She's going to Miami to live the fun life and hang out with her newly-minted friends.  I find it hard to understand why Russ, an engineer, is having such a hard time finding a job.  But he seems miserable and conflicted and deep down I think he knows that whatever compromise he offers, it won't be enough for Pao.

I thought that Loren looked bad at the reunion- another one with big, fake looking hair and too much makeup.  And they were all obviously coached to make exaggerated expressions of surprise/shock/horror at the Mo and Danielle discussions. It really wasn't anyone's show but theirs.  Because, you know, America needs to know that Danielle is stinky and provided a "terrible life" for Mo (who really believes his own shtick about how it's unfair to him, how no one should have to deal with her craziness, and how he needed to protect himself). He's got it down really well. His body language spoke much more than his words.  And how is he financing his nice new shoes, his trips around the country, and his hotel rooms?

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21 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Maybe to Mel, Devar does look like those hunks you mentioned. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  Devar has a smoking bod, beautiful teeth, and a very charming accent.  He also looks very photogenic.

I never thought he was handsome or good looking at all, but yasssss he has a great body :):).

2 hours ago, KateHearts said:

I think Devar loves Melanie. But he needs to be told that comments like  "we'll be boinkin' and boinkin' and boinkin' till we make a baby" are viewed as a little crass.

LOL I forgot about that. i still say there are red flags all over the place, first one that he has been trying to get the US for years and Melanie very aggressively pursued the relationship.....however I think there is love between them for now and I thought she looked better than ever at the reunion:)

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7 hours ago, hisbunkie said:

Maybe the parents made that decision together because it is best for Hunter.   If Mel had primary custody of Hunter would there be a question of Hunter's father being irresponsible?  

Im curious why Melanie said she was looking for a "father figure" for Hunter about 5 zillion times.

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4 hours ago, KateHearts said:

I find it hard to understand why Russ, an engineer, is having such a hard time finding a job.  But he seems miserable and conflicted and deep down I think he knows that whatever compromise he offers, it won't be enough for Pao.

Mmmmmm, since summer of 2014, oil prices plummeted from $80 a barrel to around $40 a barrel by Jan 2015  to $26 a barrel by early 2016.  Saudi Arabia flooded the world markets with cheap oil so they could mess with us and other countries.  They finally agreed to play nice after this stunt came back to bite their own economy.

Oklahoma and Texas and everywhere else  lost a lot of oil and energy jobs. Recruiters gave told me that they haven't even had a single posting for an engineer.  Until oil stays above 50 a barrel long enough, projects and exploration and drilling won't be sustainable. that's why Russ is sitting at home sulking.

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I have a friend who is a civil engineer by degree and by experience.  Great guy, super smart, literate,well spoken.  Super work ethic, kind, detailed like crazy   The ideal employee. 

He works at a bank with me.  Couldn't find an engineer job for years now.  Still trying.  So I don't think Russ is too far off base. 

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10 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

If Dad were spending almost $40K to fly back and forth to see a hottie... yes.

Except we have no idea what her ex- husband spends his money on.  She's a working professional. We don't know what her salary is.  Nurses in my area are making over$80K a year. I have not heard her say she's in debt, have not heard her ask anyone for money...if this is how she wants to spend her money so be it.  

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18 minutes ago, Meowwww said:

I have a friend who is a civil engineer by degree and by experience.  Great guy, super smart, literate,well spoken.  Super work ethic, kind, detailed like crazy   The ideal employee. 

He works at a bank with me.  Couldn't find an engineer job for years now.  Still trying.  So I don't think Russ is too far off base. 

Exactly my point. Many folks in Texas and OK are doing just that if they can find someone to give them some kind of job to pay bills and relieve boredom. This completely tanks the local economies, because the businesses are not getting as much patronage, catering orders, bookings, etc.  People who had good jobs patronized the salons, spas, restaurants, boutiques with their discretionary income.  These businesses are hurting, too, so even finding a job at one of those places is tough.

Businesses I patronized when I had my good, direct hire with benefits energy job, are now telling me that people are buying very little in the way of luxury items and only necessities. When I'm not collecting unemployment, I'm picking up some short term work thru agency connections  and former employers.  I'm making less, but grateful to get it, because I know people who have been out longer 

My husband is out as well.  Most of my friends who are out, their spouses are working reduced hours and have had pay cuts. To add insult to injury, TX and OK governors wanted the ACA to fail, so we're paying lots more for our insurance than many other states. Much less money to spend. Oil biz recessions are hitting every 4 to 6 years with longer durations it seems.  Cities with good energy jobs have higher costs of living for entertainment, housing, auto and health insurance, so we're not socking away tons of money because rainy days gobble it up.

So for Russ to find something, no matter how badly he wants a job, won't be easy now.  But, once his skills are in demand again, his phone will be ringing all day long and he will be able to get fantastic money.

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The 38K that Melanie mentions she spent, wasn't just on trips to see Devar, it was also on the K1 Visa. She said so in the last episode. Supposedly, other couples have spent close to 30K on that alone. So that would be about 8K in travel costs. Not so extreme.

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IIRC, Russ was sent to an assignment once Pao reached Oklahoma (during the 90 days) and opted to ditch and go back home because she was sad that he had left. He subsequently lost his job- so I'm sure his depression is due in part to the fact that he sabotaged his own career by making that decision.

I appreciate the insight into the economic picture in the oil/energy industry jobs.

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On 11/11/2016 at 11:46 AM, Arwen Evenstar said:

Actually, unless your native country recognizes dual citizenship and allows you to keep it even upon taking US citizenship, that's not exactly true. I'm still a citizen of the U.K., even though I'm a US citizen. The U.K. will not disown me or anyone else who has.

Rescind your US citizenship, and it's goodbye and good luck...

My BIL is from Holland and is now a US citizen. He voted in recent election and apparently didn't emerge from their finished basement for two days. See handbasket as I found that really funny. See handbasket with sharp knives as I thought the election results hysterical (I used my constitutional prerogative to not vote). 

He still retains dual citizenship though. Not sure what country's passport he uses. Good question - I'll ask.

I'm more curious about Loren saying she's applying for Israeli citizenship. I'm from NY and knew a bunch of people (when much younger) with dual citizenship that gave it up cause Israel had a requirement that you serve in their Army for a certain period of time (good for them!). I actually had a friend in college who took a year off to fulfill the obligation.

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12 hours ago, Lola16 said:

The 38K that Melanie mentions she spent, wasn't just on trips to see Devar, it was also on the K1 Visa. She said so in the last episode. Supposedly, other couples have spent close to 30K on that alone. So that would be about 8K in travel costs. Not so extreme.

 Mel said that she visited Jamaica 19 times.  I am quite certain those trips cost way more $8k.  Granted that there are other costs associated with a K-1 visa, but the actual application fee is only $375. 

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On November 8, 2016 at 8:42 PM, balisticnikki said:

The more I think about it, the more I am bothered by dear sister Bev. We can make any assumptions we want about Devar's character and ulterior motives for moving to the US. But he is one of the few (the ONLY???) from Happily Ever After who was not on an international dating site. Devar was minding his business and living his life in Jamaica, seemingly having fun and not bothering anyone. He did not reach out to Melanie or anyone else and try to charm his way over here. Melanie stepped to him. And repeatedly confirmed her interest in him. She made the first move and she visited him...what, like 18 times in Jamaica? He never once came to the US or pressured her for anything. Melanie practically dragged that man kicking and screaming over here. Every time he looked up, there Melanie was, right in his face, wanting more, more, more. Every cost associated w/ their relationship, Melanie paid it. All the risk, Melanie assumed it. Whatever burden, she bore it.

So Bev can project whatever unsavory stereotypes she wants to on Devar. But if she objects to their relationship, she needs to take that up with Melanie, and Melanie alone. Bc Melanie is the person who is steering that ship. Devar seems like he's just going along for the fun ride.

My thoughts exactly. She even went as far as to suggest that man had sexually transmitted diseases. HIM. As if her uglass sister, spending thousands of dollars on international penis is the bastion of virginal purity and Devar is some disease riddled deadbeat daddy lothario, loafing around and rubbing his hands together, looking for a white woman to scam. Fuck outta here. That man was on his job chilling, probably paying her no mind. Melanie approached him at his place of employment. Melanie asked him to quit his job. I so wish Devar's older sisters will get the chance to tell Bev and Melanie exactly how they and Devar feel, since Melanie likes to use Bev as her mouth piece.

I must've missed the scene they showed in the previews of his sisters cackling. I so wanted to know what they were laughing at. And as pathetic as Danielle and Muhammed are, Melanie was doing just a wee bit much during the reunion. Her situation is far from perfect. I wanted Muhammed to tell her just that.

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20 hours ago, hisbunkie said:

Except we have no idea what her ex- husband spends his money on.  She's a working professional. We don't know what her salary is.  Nurses in my area are making over$80K a year. I have not heard her say she's in debt, have not heard her ask anyone for money...if this is how she wants to spend her money so be it.  

actually she complained about money a lot, and how she had to ask her parents to pay for the rings for the wedding because she was broke--otherwise I agree with you-but to spend like crazy and then poormouth, is just a pet peeve of mine.

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For the foreign ones wanting to come to the US for opportunities on this show, I think what many of them don't get, is that most people here work very hard for what they have. Many work 50-60 hours or more a week. The streets aren't lined with gold, but the sweat of the working people.

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On 11/11/2016 at 10:21 PM, Meowwww said:

I have a friend who is a civil engineer by degree and by experience.  Great guy, super smart, literate,well spoken.  Super work ethic, kind, detailed like crazy   The ideal employee. 

He works at a bank with me.  Couldn't find an engineer job for years now.  Still trying.  So I don't think Russ is too far off base. 

Which makes it even more disgusting that Pao wants him to turn down the only job interview he may get just in case she gets a modeling job in Miami. With her looks she'd be more successful as a model in Seattle. 

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6 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

Which makes it even more disgusting that Pao wants him to turn down the only job interview he may get just in case she gets a modeling job in Miami. With her looks she'd be more successful as a model in Seattle. 

You would think she'd like Seattle, being the surrounding area us mountainous. Colombia is geographically a gorgeous country.  Miami has a great vibe; I'd LOVE to live there and I can't blame her for wanting to, but there's no work there for the oil and gas folks. She's also in for a rude awakening as to how expensive everything is there compared to Oklahoma.  She's sleeping on her friend's couch. If they have a falling out, Russ will be forking out for housing in Miami as well.

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I have yet to meet someone who doesn't want to live in Miami or somewhere similar for at least part of the year. I'm from Florida and I love Miami but guess what, it's not practical. Most people can't just pick up and move to another city without work waiting for them. That's essentially what she's asking Russ to do. Up and move with no job, no place to live, probably not much savings. But wait, she just might get a modeling gig possibly one day. Uh ok. And in the unlikely event that a thirty year old does get modeling work, does she think she'll be winning the lottery? I think she's under the impression that she'll consistently make a lot of money, at least enough to live on. That's not how this works. Modeling is a side job unless you're in New York on the runway. Even playboy models get one payday and then that's it. There's no residual. And as long as we're on topic, I really think she's hoping for playboy. Also, anybody who's ever seen Zoolander knows bikini modeling is bottom of the totem pole lol. Seriously though they aren't the highest paid. There are just too many of them everywhere. Not just in Miami. I can go to my local Hooters and pick out 5 right now that would look amazing in a bikini with the right amount of makeup and photoshop. Now let's see how many are on Miami Beach. The market is flooded, don't you think? 

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What's with all these women thinking they can come to the states and be models? Get over yourselves. We have many beautiful women. We aren't sitting around hoping Paola and Anfisa grace us with their presence. 

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1 hour ago, Nowhere said:

What's with all these women thinking they can come to the states and be models? Get over yourselves. We have many beautiful women. We aren't sitting around hoping Paola and Anfisa grace us with their presence. 

The you should be a model how did you end up with a slob like him? So it  must be for the green card story line  has been a staple of the show since they tried to pass off tiny Aziza, the soon to be Mormon wife and mother as a women modeling agencies were going after in season 1

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I have finally figured out why Melanie is so hostile towards Mo. He and Dani are Mel's ghost of Christmas future. Anyone with an ounce of common sense can tell that Dani is not blameless in this mess. The interaction between the couples is so interesting. Devar and Pao seem relieved that Mo is there to be a lightening rod for any suspicions of fraud. And the look on Nikki's face when she saw the other brides young husbands was poignant 

Edited by spankydoll
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4 minutes ago, spankydoll said:

I have finally figured out why Melanie is so hostile towards Mo. He's and Dani are her ghost of Christmas future. Anyone with an ounce of common sense can tell that Dani is not blameless in this mess. The interaction between the couples is so interesting. Devar and Pao seem relieved that Mo is there to be a lightening rod for any suspicions of fraud. And the look on Nikki's face when she saw the other brides you a husbands was poignant 

Excellent point re Mel.

For Nikki to get a younger husband, she'd literally have to rob the cradle.

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35 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Excellent point re Mel.

For Nikki to get a younger husband, she'd literally have to rob the cradle.

I must be lost on nicknames and who we're talking about because anyone I can mentally place here doesn't make sense, can you please explain which couple you mean here? Sorry if I'm just having an ignorant brain blip and thank you!

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42 minutes ago, lallalla said:

I must be lost on nicknames and who we're talking about because anyone I can mentally place here doesn't make sense, can you please explain which couple you mean here? Sorry if I'm just having an ignorant brain blip and thank you!

Melanie and Devar are the American nurse (?) who met the Jamaican lifeguard and has sent 40K importing him into America. They have lots of arguments about Devar sending money to his "sister" in Jamaica and Mel's sister Bev complaining abut Devar sending money to aforementioned "sister" in Jamaica. 

Mark and Nikki were on last season. Nikki was a beautiful 19 year old Filipino who was marrying a 60 year old man Mark. He was terrible to her. Terrible. Like you hoped that she would go back to working in whatever hostess bar she was at before she met him.  Everyone hates Mark. 

Edited by spankydoll
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21 minutes ago, spankydoll said:

Melanie and Devar are the American nurse (?) who met the Jamaican lifeguard and has sent 40K importing him into America. They have lots of arguments about Devar sending money to his "sister" in Jamaica and Mel's siser Bev complaining abut Devar sending money to aforementioned "sister" in Jamaica. 

Mark and Nikki were on last season. Nikki was a beautiful 19 year old Filipino who was marrying a 60 year old man Mark. He was terrible to her. Terrible. Like you hoped that she would go back to working in whatever hostess bar she was at before she met him.  Everyone hates Mark. 

Thank you, it just didn't make sense to me why Nikki would import someone younger since she is the one who was "imported", got it though, thank you!

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3 hours ago, spankydoll said:

I meant that she was "OMFG I didn't have to get a peepaw to bring me to the states!"

Yes, that point as well could also have been a possible outcome. She could have gotten someone Brett's age and been treated much better, rather than be the exotic pet of a selfish old goat.

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I believe that Mo did have problems finding a job. If Dani was broadcasting on FB and other social media. Employers wouldn't have hired him.

Sandusky is not that big. It is busy during Summer because of Cedar Point. But Winter is a different story.

Not sticking up for him, but Dani is as much to blame.

She is not slow or anything else, she is very conniving and a grifter. ( I had a sister exactly like her. She even taught her daughter's same way. I had to cut off all contact with the girls, because of it)

Dani evidently does have some bad female problems that she is refusing to address. 

If her personal hygiene is lacking along with her problem, it could be really "nasty" (Sorry) in smell and other wise.

She is all about trying to make Mo stay or cone back to her. Wake up Dani....you pushed him away.

I feel Mel/DeVar are extremely condescending to the other couples. Especially Mel.

Paola is a joke, she doesn't want to be married. It's all about "her". Sorry Cupcake, but you are married and you are now part of a couple, not a individual. 

She treats Russ like dirt......Run Russ...very far away.

Brett/Daya....stay away from his toxic Mother and Stepfather.

Loran/Alexi they are just there. She thinks she is a little princess....smh

Edited by Jolee
New Phone autocorrect sucks :)
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I have a feeling that Mohamed made Danielle signed the papers for him to get his green card before he had sex with her again. In all fairness, when Shauna asked him why they stopped having sex he refused to answer, but she kept pushing. Plus, Dani is the one who told the world he said that she smells.

I believe a drunk Devar can still kick Mo’s butt. When everyone was getting worked up with Mo, Alexei just sat there calm, cool and collected. 

I have a feeling most of these couple will be divorced in five years. 

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I have so, soo, sooooo many comments about Part Two of the tell all, but my MS is making my hands hurt and my brain just exploded while typing in the 90 Day thread, so I just say, for now,

YOU CANNOT RAP. sigh, thank goodness that's out.

Alexei was a paramedic in Israel. It seems that most of the paramedics and EMTs I have known have the ability to be calm when everything around them falls into chaos. I know an EMT who is an anxious mess over little, stupid things, but when she's working, she is calming everyone down and is a completely different person. I suspect calm and collected is Alexei's personality all the time, though.

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I think Devar and Melanie had a few drinks in the green room before the tell all. He looked sweaty and sure seemed to enjoy putting his hands all over Daya. TMI about their sex life, nobody cares how many times a day you're boinking. 

Noticed Noon barely said more than a few words, Kyle did most of the talking for her.

Brett, keep your day job. Rapping isn't your thing. 

Mo certainly isn't blameless in the disaster that is his marriage but the others sure did gang up on him in a hurry. It's easy to criticize when you haven't walked a mile in someone's shoes, no one really knows what went on in that trainwreck of a marriage besides the two people involved. Mel especially went after him like a rabid bulldog. And remember, Danielle herself told us of her feminine issues. She 's the one that made a fool of herself on national TV. 

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2 hours ago, Christina said:

I have so, soo, sooooo many comments about Part Two of the tell all, but my MS is making my hands hurt and my brain just exploded while typing in the 90 Day thread, so I just say, for now,


My MS has been really messing with my Vision lately. Can't focus on words, even with my glasses on. Very frustrating. I love to read.

I feel for you on the hands hurting.

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I do believe Devar loves Melanie.  Their situation is different from that of Danielle and Mohamed.  So, I don't think her comments to Mo were pot meet kettle.

I don't think Paola is looking at leaving Russ.  I think a lot of this is drama for the program.

I do think Mo played Danielle.  I think he is a very manipulative con man, and he turns himself into the victim in every situation.  I don't have sympathy for Danielle, I think she is manipulative in her own way.  I'm not even certain she wants Mo, but rather, she wants the TLC gravy train to continue as long as it can.  

On 11/9/2016 at 7:05 AM, wings707 said:

They all married for a green card.  If they were merely seeking love they could have found it in their own country, an easier route.  Sometimes it works out but I have a hunch most of them went in with the idea of divorcing when free to do so.  

The Americans were looking for a spouse, too.  

I disagree that they all married for a green card.  I doubt Alexei married for a green card.  I doubt Noon married for a green card.  I don't even believe Devar or Paola married for green cards.

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I don't care whether "she brought it up first!" or whatever.

Anyone with a shred of decency would not elaborate on how stinky his wife's pussy is on national television.  Nasty, mean little viper.  Get him out of the United States as soon as possible.

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Then, Dani has no shred of decency  bc she could not wait to bring it up.

1 hour ago, Real Eyes said:

I disagree that they all married for a green card.  I doubt Alexei married for a green card.  I doubt Noon married for a green card.  I don't even believe Devar or Paola married for green cards.

Everyone on a marriage visa is here for the gc. They have to actively apply for it, and, without it, they can't stay. 

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3 minutes ago, Virtually Me said:

Everyone on a marriage visa is here for the gc. They have to actively apply for it, and, without it, they can't stay. 

No, they may have all applied for green cards.  It doesn't mean they married for a green card.

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They may have married even without the ability to obtain a green card.  That is the real test.

The point is, I don't believe any of the other foreign spouses married solely to obtain a green card, without any feeling or desire for their partner.  Their marriages may not last, but that doesn't mean they entered into those marriages in order to emigrate to the U.S.  Not every person wants to live in America.

The only couples this season where the green card may be at the core of the relationship are Alla/Matt and Nicole/Azan.  

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But of course when we say "for a green card" we hear "ONLY" for a green card. While they have only had a script of showing us Devar being here to send money to his "real family" and Nikki being saved from falling further into the sex industry like a local stripper saved from the business by a senior citizen customer, in many other cases the story line pushed how could this beautiful foreigner actually want to be with this ugly American. And when evenly matched had extended family members of the American play racist or other bad roles for the story

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