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S33: Ken McNickle

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34 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

At least, Ken will always have his looks..............for now. LOL!! I'm sure he's a very nice guy but that guy is soooooooooooooo boring. Just hearing him talk is enough to turn me off. I would ask how did he get past casting but I'm sure his looks (which I'm sure Jeff was all over like white on rice) got him to final casting on his first visit. With people like Ken I have no shot getting cast on Survivor. I have three strikes against me already.  I'm not good looking,smart or athletic. I just can't catch a break. LOL!!!!

Nah, I think you're good. If someone like Dan Foley can get on you are golden lol

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Oh, Ken. I try to defend him but he is not very self-aware, is he?


Reality TV World: So you think the result might've been different had the jury been able to watch the Survivor season unfold on TV before voting for a winner? Is that what you're saying? 

Ken McNickle: Absolutely. There was more of my work and Hannah's work that was shown. I think Hannah and I are also more humble people and so with that humility, you don't have the desire to stand up and shout from the mountain tops, "Look at me! Look what I did!" 

I think that humility and that humbleness, you know, people weren't aware of what we were doing because we weren't making everyone aware of them. It's not in our character, I think, to do so. 

I get his point, I really do. But when you have to tell people you are humble... LOL. And towards the end he kind of went on a rant... 

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1 minute ago, Sarahsmile416 said:

Nah, I think you're good. If someone like Dan Foley can get on you are golden lol

OMG! That is like so true. I couldn't stand him or his voice. There might be hope for me yet.

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3 minutes ago, waving feather said:

Oh, Ken. I try to defend him but he is not very self-aware, is he?

I get his point, I really do. But when you have to tell people you are humble... LOL. And towards the end he kind of went on a rant... 

If one is not making others aware of the move that they have made and/or made relationship with someone in the jury to advocate for them than how did they expect to win?

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7 minutes ago, waving feather said:

Oh, Ken. I try to defend him but he is not very self-aware, is he?

I get his point, I really do. But when you have to tell people you are humble... LOL. And towards the end he kind of went on a rant... 

Isn't the part of being humble is to be humble and not say anything and move on? I could understand his point if the votes were close but they weren't. It was a shutout Ken. Move on to your modeling career. You will make your million that way. And, like I said before, "you'll always have your looks".

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8 minutes ago, waving feather said:

Oh, Ken. I try to defend him but he is not very self-aware, is he?

I get his point, I really do. But when you have to tell people you are humble... LOL. And towards the end he kind of went on a rant... 

No kidding.  And then making it into two words even... humility and humbleness.  

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I'm sure he's a very nice guy but that guy is soooooooooooooo boring.

Heh.  Boring - like everything else, I guess - is subject to personal taste.  I think Ken is good-looking but I could point to a bunch of other Survivor contestants over the years who were better looking (IMO).  (I'm visually impaired, so people generally only look like blurs anyway, unless they're within two or three feet of me.  Though yes, I did occasionally stand right in front of my TV to see him up close.)  But I found him NOT boring because of other things about him - the stuff that leads people to label him an 'old soul'.  I like the fact that he likes music on vinyl, but that it doesn't seem to be in a hipster way, and that he can ramble ponderously about sunrises while everyone else rolls their eyes at him because he misses the social cues, and that he talks about people who are only a few years younger than him as "kids", because he's probably never been a kid in that sense.  (Ugh, I'm not a Twilight tween, I swear!)  Anyway, those things, more than his looks, made him one of favorites of the season.  And as the season went on, I found Ken more ordinary-looking (he was getting a bit too thin at the end), but I liked him more because he seems like the kind of guy who lives well below the surface.  But I get that that's not everyone's taste - and that a lot of people might see his type as aloof or dull. 

(As a bonus, he's unexpected.  On Survivor, guys who look like Ken would typically be popular, out-going, targets after the merge, and possibly irritatingly cocky.  But Ken was, at best, on the fringe of main groups and at worst, the inspiration for tolerant facepalms by people who scrambled to undo his damage to their game because of his social clumsiness.  I found this season really entertaining because the casting got it right - people can be unexpected.  Not everyone who looks like Ken is socially adept.  Just as not everyone with David's anxieties would be seen as a big threat.  Not every antagonist is a villain, and not every good-looking guy is a smooth operator. )



When he opened that Legacy Advantage with his teeth and spit it out, I was like: Damn, that's so hot!



Second only to the way he propped his foot up on the TC fire pit, and reached into his boot! 


Or yeah,  maybe I'm totally shallow. 

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I loved the scene where David is making his case to Ken to be kept around and Ken just turns to him and says, "We're good."  Then the editors showed him lowering the knife straight down into that ray he was prepping.  

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33 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

I loved the scene where David is making his case to Ken to be kept around and Ken just turns to him and says, "We're good."  Then the editors showed him lowering the knife straight down into that ray he was prepping.  

You know, when he did that I momentarily thought, "he's lying, he's going to flip," and immediately dismissed it as ridiculous because that's how sure I was he would never turn on David. It's a good thing I don't bet money on this game.


Ken McNickle: Absolutely. There was more of my work and Hannah's work that was shown. I think Hannah and I are also more humble people and so with that humility, you don't have the desire to stand up and shout from the mountain tops, "Look at me! Look what I did!" 

He's defending his secret girlfriend Hannah. He does love her. It is happening. Do not @ me on this.

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2 hours ago, Sarahsmile416 said:

Nah, I think you're good. If someone like Dan Foley can get on you are golden lol

And it only took him 29 seasons to do it!  I guess production realized he wasn't going away, so they might as well cast him and get it over with.

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From the Parade interview


I’ve earned. Yeah, it would have been great to walk away with this check. And honestly, the sad thing is, every dollar I have that doesn’t go to my daughter goes to helping the homeless. It goes to the volunteer work and the nonprofit I’m developing and have been working on for the last year and a half. I honestly feel bad because I’m thinking, how many more guys aren’t going to have shoes? How many guys aren’t going to have sleeping bags? I’m thinking of all the things I would have done with the money, and thinking about where it’s going to go now instead. That’s hard.

He said this when the winner is a homeless shelter manager?

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6 minutes ago, gator12 said:

From the Parade interview

He said this when the winner is a homeless shelter manager?

Being a homeless shelter manager - while all very admirable - is a job. Ken runs a... thing that helps the homeless, it's his passion project, not a job. What I read about Ken's efforts for the homeless I found very moving. He could be in Hollywood snorting coke with the other pretty people but he's throwing his life energy into helping others in a real and very practical way.

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1 minute ago, violet and green said:

Being a homeless shelter manager - while all very admirable - is a job. Ken runs a... thing that helps the homeless, it's his passion project, not a job. What I read about Ken's efforts for the homeless I found very moving. He could be in Hollywood snorting coke with the other pretty people but he's throwing his life energy into helping others in a real and very practical way.

Okay, I'll gave you that... why did he have to say that against someone who won that going to do something for Cancer research? 

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4 hours ago, ByaNose said:

At 52, I think I'm too late for that. LOL!!

OK yea, you're probably screwed then. Maybe you could be the token old person though!

3 hours ago, fishcakes said:

He's defending his secret girlfriend Hannah. He does love her. It is happening. Do not @ me on this.

Literally my first thought!

Ken's exit interviews are precisely why I don't get the 'he's boring' label. He is straight-up hilarious. He has no clue! Just zero self-awareness! But it's just funny and kind of adorable coming from him for me. He's the kind of arrogant that just cracks me up.

And as for him whining about the homeless people, like Ken, you did make a nice chunk of change for being on Survivor. I'm sure you can buy some shoes for them!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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47 minutes ago, brilliantbreakfast said:

If Ken were just another beefcake on Surivivor that would be one thing.  Joe Anglim and Malcolm Freberg are mighty purty too, but after the show was over you forgot them, didn't you.  What makes Ken catnip to women is that combination of drop-dead good looks and lost-boy awkwardness.  

So very true! There have been  attractive guys on Survivor before but they often end up having douchebag personalities that make them extremely ugly. Ken has a sweet vulnerability to him. Yep, catnip!

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2 hours ago, brilliantbreakfast said:

If Ken were just another beefcake on Surivivor that would be one thing.  Joe Anglim and Malcolm Freberg are mighty purty too, but after the show was over you forgot them, didn't you.  What makes Ken catnip to women is that combination of drop-dead good looks and lost-boy awkwardness.  

Not me.  I've never even forgotten Silas, the first Survivor that ever made me swoon.  Glad to add Ken to the club of Survivors with nice eyes, cute dimples, and man buns .

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33 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

Not me.  I've never even forgotten Silas, the first Survivor that ever made me swoon.  Glad to add Ken to the club of Survivors with nice eyes, cute dimples, and man buns .

Me? I am very fickle...my love for Joe has dimmed thanks to the wonder that is Ken. Though I still love Ozzy, I can't lie. I feel very lucky almost three straight seasons of beautiful men...Joe, then the med-evac season, then Ken, and now Ozzy. I'm a happy camper. 

Admittedly, I am one of the few for whom Malcolm never did much for. I can take or leave him. 

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On 12/15/2016 at 9:55 PM, Sarahsmile416 said:

Holy mother of god, he is just so beautiful. I can't - I could stare at those pictures all day.  I would definitely not kick him out of bed...though I feel pretty certain that in my pregnant state he probably would kick me out in a NY minute lol. Oh well, a girl can dream...

You are the best! 

It's a good thing women can't get pregnant just from looking at him.   ;-)

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8 hours ago, brilliantbreakfast said:

If Ken were just another beefcake on Surivivor that would be one thing.  Joe Anglim and Malcolm Freberg are mighty purty too, but after the show was over you forgot them, didn't you.  What makes Ken catnip to women is that combination of drop-dead good looks and lost-boy awkwardness.  

You guys forgot Malcolm?  All the more Malcolm for me!

Ken is zero percent my type, pretty much, especially personality-wise.  He's also kind of too modelly for me, he looks like a CGI Dreamworks character or something, idk.  I also never saw any of the Joe appeal, either, except right here:


My Survivor crushes, other than Malcolm, include Ian from Palau and Cao Boi, two people who frankly would be better choices for "game changers" (especially Cao Boi) than almost anyone else on the season 34 cast, and a few inexplicable others like Pete from Philippines and JT, so I'm obviously on an island of one when it comes to Survivor boyfriends.

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He sounds so un-Ken-like in the Parade interview. 1. He's so wordy. 2. "Nothing that some whiskey and a good woman won't fix." Twice he refers to his gf as "woman".  I'd imagine him to use the term "lady." 3. the way he told his mom she's number two now. a very distant number two ! 

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5 hours ago, KimberStormer said:

My Survivor crushes, other than Malcolm, include Ian from Palau

Ian was also my pretend Survivor boyfriend! High five! I'm weird in that I'm usually attracted to the tall, lanky, kinda dorky guys. I still hate Tom for bullying Ian off that pole!


29 minutes ago, Blissfool said:

1. He's so wordy.

Heh. I picture that he actually is quite verbose. Like, I imagine he can wax poetic for hours about the most random things.

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I liked Ken well enough this season, although the Will interactions convinced me that he really has no idea how to actually play the game. But I'm finding his post-game interviews pretty off-putting. The story about calling his mom seemed really uncomfortable and mean. I get his point about how much he loves his daughter, but...he had to, like, rescind his love for someone else to bestow it upon her? And then the comments about his disappointment thinking about where they money is going now as opposed to what he would have done with it also struck me as egocentric and somewhat rude. First off, this isn't a grant-writing competition. Secondly, it seemed in poor taste to make those comments when the person who did win had already announced his intention to donate a large portion of the money to a charitable cause. Finally, his comments leave me with the distinct feeling that even after playing this game for the full 39 days and then watching the whole thing back, he still doesn't really understand it. 

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18 minutes ago, Jillibean said:

I liked Ken well enough this season, although the Will interactions convinced me that he really has no idea how to actually play the game. But I'm finding his post-game interviews pretty off-putting. The story about calling his mom seemed really uncomfortable and mean. I get his point about how much he loves his daughter, but...he had to, like, rescind his love for someone else to bestow it upon her? And then the comments about his disappointment thinking about where they money is going now as opposed to what he would have done with it also struck me as egocentric and somewhat rude. First off, this isn't a grant-writing competition. Secondly, it seemed in poor taste to make those comments when the person who did win had already announced his intention to donate a large portion of the money to a charitable cause. Finally, his comments leave me with the distinct feeling that even after playing this game for the full 39 days and then watching the whole thing back, he still doesn't really understand it. 

Maybe it's just me, but at the very least, I understand the comment about his mom and his daughter. I think he probably stated it awkwardly, but it's a sentiment that as a mother I understand with my daughter. I love my mother, I will always love my mother. But my daughter is my life and when push comes to shove, that's who takes priority for me. I don't think he is literally replacing one with the other but merely stating awkwardly the changes in one's priorities once they have kids. Or in his case, realizes he has a kid. 

To a point, I also think that since she came into his life when his daughter was a little older, I think a bit of it is making up for lost time. 

35 minutes ago, Jillibean said:

I liked Ken well enough this season, although the Will interactions convinced me that he really has no idea how to actually play the game. But I'm finding his post-game interviews pretty off-putting. The story about calling his mom seemed really uncomfortable and mean. I get his point about how much he loves his daughter, but...he had to, like, rescind his love for someone else to bestow it upon her? And then the comments about his disappointment thinking about where they money is going now as opposed to what he would have done with it also struck me as egocentric and somewhat rude. First off, this isn't a grant-writing competition. Secondly, it seemed in poor taste to make those comments when the person who did win had already announced his intention to donate a large portion of the money to a charitable cause. Finally, his comments leave me with the distinct feeling that even after playing this game for the full 39 days and then watching the whole thing back, he still doesn't really understand it. 

But, I do think he doesn't completely understand the game...either that or he doesn't understand it in its current entity.

I can't fault him for that...Russell played the game three times and still never understood it ?

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16 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

I'll take Joe or Malcolm over Ken any day.  He looks like Carson Daly and acts like Michael Scott.  

Hey, now. I see no Carson Daly in him at all. I say this as someone with a small crush on Carson Daly from the time I was a teenager to, oh, now. *mumbles*

Ken? The guy's good-looking, but he doesn't really do it for me. I'm gonna stick with my harmless Carson crush.

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21 hours ago, ByaNose said:

He looks like Eddie Cibrian with a beard. That's a good look I could live with.

oh hotty hot. LOL I dont care if hes boring. see us women can be just as shallow as guys:)

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I think Ken for me has to go down in history as one of the most technically good-looking guys ever to be on Survivor.

But I think I might forget him when the next season starts.  My Survivor crushes that go down in history are Ozzy, Woo, and Greg Buis. 

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1 hour ago, simplyme said:

Hey, now. I see no Carson Daly in him at all. I say this as someone with a small crush on Carson Daly from the time I was a teenager to, oh, now. *mumbles*

Ken? The guy's good-looking, but he doesn't really do it for me. I'm gonna stick with my harmless Carson crush.

I didn't see Carson in the show but saw it a lot in his modeling pics.  

Kenneth McNickle 915 (1).JPG

Kenneth McNickle 915 (2).JPG

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8 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

I like the island look, too.  Even with the ladies, seeing everyone all cleaned up at the reunion just makes me think they all looked better dirty and scruffy.

I agree with you for the most part, especially about the women. Though honestly, I thought Jessica was a notable exception- she looked gorgeous when I saw her for the first time after Ponderosa 

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Ken on the island?  sooooo hot.  Modelling Ken is too preppy for me, not that I'd kick Model Ken out of bed, no sirree.  I started to get attracted to Island Adam, but off island Adam looked so goofy to me.  (And I'm not usually into skinny guys!)  Zeke literally always looked the same no matter what.  

Jessica and Hannah are better off the island.  Hannah was not clean, and Jessica blended into the background with her glasses.  I wonder if this was intentional on her part.  She looked quite stunning off-island.  

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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I liked Ken's outfit at the reunion. Never thought a vest would give me a girl boner. I think Ken has replaced Joe as my Survivor Crush (although I will always hold a flame for Colby. Totally not my type in terms of actually dating, but he was so damn fun to look at). I liked Joe, but my interest wained after I realized he's pretty much with Wigglesworth now, and after his zillionth inspirational instagram post. I think Ken and Joe might get along well though, I imagine they could wax poetic about the sunrise for hours while Joe does his yoga and Ken chops coconuts. Both shirtless, of course. 

ETA: Um, hiiiiiiii 


Edited by MattDuffysCat
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