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S02.E01: Meet the Participants / S02.E02: Re-entry

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Okay, I guess I'm back for round two of Sheriff Goofball's train wreck "experiment."  The stress quotient has definitely been upped this season.  The actual inmates seem a little bit crazier and the fake inmates seem more aggressive and less likely to adhere to rules and their lame backstories.  I'm awful with names, so I'll do the best I can to be clear:

Ryan is totally Robert's spiritual cousin in terms of arrogance and seriously inflated ego.  He even looks a little bit like him!  Call me crazy, but I really didn't hear him say anything that made him sound like the Harvard professor Scottie made him out to be.  He uttered one three-syllable word and Scottie's like, "Whoa there, Einstein!"  Just by virtue of his condescension alone, Ryan will be brought down a peg or two and probably get his ass kicked this season and I will genuinely enjoy the spectacle.

Monalisa (*sigh*).  She entered the "program" with a heaping helping of attitude.  She portrayed her daughter as being wrongly imprisoned despite the fact that she got a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years.  Maybe instead of developing such a nasty attitude toward police, she should do some soul-searching about what landed her daughter in the predicament she's in.  Also, her interaction with the warden about the phones not working was hilarious.  "Can we do something about that??"  She sounded like a petulant hotel guest, pissed that she wasn't left enough warm towels in her room.  It's jail, honey.  Better learn to roll with the punches.

Woman who was accused of hiding drugs in her bra: This lady was a correctional officer in a maximum security prison?!  Wow, okay.  I've never stepped foot in a prison and even I know that digging around in my bra in full view of my fellow prisoners probably wouldn't be a great idea.  I mean, really, woman.  You have some boning up to do before reentering the prison system.  

Zac's wife: Why are you leaving your infant baby to do this, especially as a recovering addict in a prison that's known for its substance abuse issues?!  No judgment here about the alcoholism, believe me.  I'm hitting my first year of sobriety next week, but I would never dare do anything to mess with that.  I'm preparing myself now for the tearful speeches about how much she misses her son and how hard this is.  I have the same issue with the parents who tap out of Naked and Afraid.  You're not kidnapped against your will and held prisoner for an indeterminate amount of time.  It's 100% clear that you'll be away for X amount of time.  I guess I just don't understand her reasoning for doing this (beyond the whole "I want to learn and help other addicts" line of bull).

Nothing will convince me that this show is even 70% real or that more guards and prison officials don't know about it.  

Edited by SuzyLee
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Ryan should just say he has a gambling problem or something.  Why do they always send the person who is least capable of maintaining a cover story into f pod?

2 hours ago, SuzyLee said:

Monalisa (*sigh*).  She entered the "program" with a heaping helping of attitude.  She portrayed her daughter as being wrongly imprisoned despite the fact that she got a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years.

I think she's going to be the new Tami, the one with a really horrible attitude.  I dunno how old she is but she's way past the fuck authorities phase that most teenagers go through.  I disliked the fact that she doesn't consider her child to be a human anymore because she's a caged animal.  Her daughter will get out when she's 28, she's not freaking dead to the world.

Quintin is a big guy and the prisoners seem to be avoiding him.  Even though it's his first stint, I'd like to see him become the pod boss.

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3 hours ago, placate said:

I disliked the fact that she doesn't consider her child to be a human anymore because she's a caged animal.  Her daughter will get out when she's 28, she's not freaking dead to the world.

Yeah, when she talked about how broken she was because she "lost" her daughter I had to rewind to see if her daughter was actually dead, because if not that's an odd choice of phrase.  I also didn't see how it would make any difference if something happened to her daughter while she was a faux-inmate, I'm sure she would be notified if something awful happened and it's not like she could affect her daughter's problem even if she was on the outside. She would be better served by her mother trying to get mandatory minimum sentencing laws changed.

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I liked this episode because we saw a bit more of the actual process- booking, classification and then the pods.

I think MonaLisa thinks that because her daughter was on the "honor roll", or whatever she said, that she shouldn't have gotten the sentence of 10 years.  I just feel like something else had to have happened for her to disregard an entire profession and all the fractions of it.  But, maybe not.  I don't know.  I think she just can't accept the fact that her daughter is a criminal and maybe even her own role in it (not seeing the signs of drugs, or whatever).  The way she was acting about the phone's not working in classification was ridiculous.  She rolls her eyes at everything they say and do. 

Ryan just has a smug look on his face all of the time.  He definitely is going to be punched in it soon.  The only thing I think was hilarious, though, was that inmate trying to do the math about Ryan's service, college and his age- the only stuff that was true!  Since he was a reservist- he had plenty of time to go to school and get that degree.

Sheri- I didn't even think initially that they would assume she was digging for drugs while standing right in front of the phone- but I didn't understand why she didn't go to her own bunk or the bathroom to dig in her bra.  I was really nervous when Sheri was pulled back behind the "curtain".  How do they even allow such a thing to exist if there is no visibility and they know that's where they go to fight?  She just seems so un-CO like.  She was a maximum security CO?  How is that even possible? I hope that edit is a misdirect.

Overall though, I do think it's deplorable that people who haven't even been convicted of a crime yet have to live in conditions like that.  This is where we get the "guilty until proven innocent" mentality from.  Of course, I don't know how many innocent people are actually in there (besides our participants).

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42 minutes ago, GenL said:

Overall though, I do think it's deplorable that people who haven't even been convicted of a crime yet have to live in conditions like that.  This is where we get the "guilty until proven innocent" mentality from.  Of course, I don't know how many innocent people are actually in there (besides our participants).

That's the thing; these people are the ones who can't make bail.  That means that if someone has the means, they can get out (unless they've committed a heinous crime or something).  Most of the folks stuck in there, waiting for trial just don't have the means to make bail.

As for MonaLisa's daughter, I think she might feel guilt because her daughter is in prison, but the truth is, you can be the best parent in the world and your child can get involved with the wrong people and BOOM, game over/

Edited by Neurochick
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Just now, Neurochick said:

As for MonaLisa's daughter, I think she might feel guilt because her daughter is in prison, but the truth is, you can be the best parent in the world and your child can get involved with the wrong people and BOOM, game over. 

I 100% agree with this, I just wonder if her extreme opinion on the entire law field is due to her own guilty feelings (whether actually warranted or not).

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and here we go again.... so far, I'm liking this season, but not the participants (natch).

Monalisa reminds me of the persnickity woman who goes on a date with her husband to Denny's and then special orders everything, complains about it not being to her exacting standards, and the server not doting over her table, and these pancakes are DRY DRY DRY and not the exact color of brown that I asked for. Having boosted her self-esteem at the expense of a server, shown her immense class at the choice of Denny's for a Big Night Out, and proven her superiority by knowing the only correct color for pancakes, she then proceeds to leave a 5% tip and a fake $20 bill that says Jesus doesn't need a lot of money to pay his bills. But, then again, I might have baggage when it comes to her. And I love Denny's, y'all.  (Seriously, I kept waiting for a reason WHY her daughter was mistreated by police... Monalisa never said she didn't do it, or she was manipulated/tricked by a boyfriend, or her Uber driver actually did the robbery.... it was  just "She was on the Dean's List!!")

Ryan is interesting, and does harken back to Robert's Rules of Illusionary Grandeur. Okay, he thinks he's smart. Got it. Give him some books and let him get smarter. But then, later in episode two, Ryan says "I don't have a lot of emotional intelligence" (or something like that). So, perhaps some disordered thinking he's aware of? Someone may have given him a diagnosis (qualified medical practitioner or not) so that he is aware that he's not aware. He'll be interesting to watch.

Former max security CO, can't remember her name, is going to have A LOT of adjusting to do. I think she'll be more likely to get into a fight than any other participant (including even Tami from Season One). Fights get easier the more you're in them, and she said she's had a lot of scuffles on her job.

So far, Season Two gives me hope for the entertainment value. Who is that shown dropping trou and showing ass? Is that Zak's wife?

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Just watched the entire thing. 

The main problem is these folks need something TO DO.  They are BORED.

Almost forty years ago, I was in an all woman's Catholic school dorm.  This was before the Internet, before cable.  We had lots of free time and I remember one particular rumor about a girl that took on a life of its own.  It was so bad that the dean had to be called.  There was also a rumor of a mass murder, that scared so many girls, that all classes were cancelled that day because most of the girls left town (not me; my friends and I stayed and watched Star Trek), and state troupers patrolled the campus that day.

Now, that was college, not prison, we could leave when we wanted to (but we did have a curfew).  But idle time makes for bad shit to happen.   These folks have nothing to do but start gossip and fight.  All they do is sit around and look at each other.  I'm surprised there aren't more fights. 

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56 minutes ago, TeapotWakeen said:

Monalisa never said she didn't do it, or she was manipulated/tricked by a boyfriend, or her Uber driver actually did the robbery.... it was  just "She was on the Dean's List!!")

Her point that got my attention was that her daughter was just trying to get money for her drug habit when she committed armed robbery.  Umm, okay, but so . . . that doesn't count?

Monalisa's going to be interesting.  She's so anti-establishment (for lack of a better word) but that's technically her "team" in this whole production.  I think, last season, the fake prisoners often felt desperate and only barely hung on because they were counting on the guards, the show, stupid Captain Scottie, as lifelines in case everything went south.  How's she going to cope when she can't trust her fellow inmates and she doesn't trust "the man"?

I was kind of amused at Monalisa's disgust for the woman CO who didn't snap to and hustle to arrange her phone call.  Wow, I'm pretty sure there are worse indignities in store.


It only occurred to me tonight, watching the THs from genuine inmates, that one reason they probably rushed into Season Two production so fast is that they kept a skeleton camera crew filming in the facility during the interim.  The ruse was established and they already had a bazillion signed release forms.  I wonder if we'll see anyone we know from last season?  Diaundre, you still in there, bud?

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9 minutes ago, candall said:

Her point that got my attention was that her daughter was just trying to get money for her drug habit when she committed armed robbery.  Umm, okay, but so . . . that doesn't count?

Monalisa's going to be interesting.  She's so anti-establishment (for lack of a better word) but that's technically her "team" in this whole production.  I think, last season, the fake prisoners often felt desperate and only barely hung on because they were counting on the guards, the show, stupid Captain Scottie, as lifelines in case everything went south.  How's she going to cope when she can't trust her fellow inmates and she doesn't trust "the man"?

I was kind of amused at Monalisa's disgust for the woman CO who didn't snap to and hustle to arrange her phone call.  Wow, I'm pretty sure there are worse indignities in store.


It only occurred to me tonight, watching the THs from genuine inmates, that one reason they probably rushed into Season Two production so fast is that they kept a skeleton camera crew filming in the facility during the interim.  The ruse was established and they already had a bazillion signed release forms.  I wonder if we'll see anyone we know from last season?  Diaundre, you still in there, bud?

I agree with your entire post.  Responding to the bolded (mine): I am pretty sure I recognized some inmates that weren't really featured but were more in the background.  Based on the link I posted in the Media thread, D'Aundre (sp) is out.

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2 minutes ago, GenL said:

I agree with your entire post.  Responding to the bolded (mine): I am pretty sure I recognized some inmates that weren't really featured but were more in the background.  Based on the link I posted in the Media thread, D'Aundre (sp) is out.

Good.  I'm going directly to the Media thread because--even though I wasn't sure I wanted to sign up for a second round of this stress--after the first two-hour episode, I'm hooked again.


I guess all of us are trying to imagine how we'd handle each situation.  I mean, I was thinking I probably would have just pulled off my shirt, screw modesty, peeled my damp secret pin number off my underboob and waved it at the advancing pack.  Protesting that you don't do drugs, except for speed, is not an effective response.


The scene that paralyzed me was when one of the men laid out his mat on the floor and immediately two inmates came over, plopped down and started petting him.  YIKES!  What are you supposed to do about that?  That poor guy didn't even get a 30-minute courtesy pass to slow down his heartbeat and scope out the scene.


I'm normally sort of a stoic, low-affect individual, but it's possible I might turn into that one little crying blanket blob by the end of the first day.

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So far, I like this season much more than the first. Really liked that they at least paid lip service to working on their cover stories. Is it possible the Ryan changing his name could cause a problem? I'm not sure how the jail databases cross reference other databases. I guess they probably wouldn't have access to the Kentucky DMV.

I am wondering about MonaLisa's daughter's situation as well. I never really understood why MonaLisa was so angry at the police and COs. Her anger at "the system," I get. Perhaps a 10 year mandatory minimum is not the best way to reform a first time offender. Regardless, it seems like her daughter deserved some punishment and needed some help with her drug problem. I would imagine her daughter is in prison, not jail, so maybe she's getting some help. Without more information, MonaLisa is being portrayed as an excuse filled parent who thinks her honor roll baby girl should have been sent home after committing armed robbery.

Sherri should have memorized the stupid PIN number. Maybe in a maximum security prison, the inmates are so locked down, she never really had to deal with them.

As far as who will make it -- none of the guys seems particularly likely to make it through (imho).

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I'm so IN!  I really liked the first 2 episodes. It looks like they learned a lot from the first season and made some improvements. They are bringing them in 2 at a time, other officers know about the program, and it seems like they got more training. Especially with going over and fine tuning their cover story. 

Monalisa was the one who really stood out to me as being the train wreck to watch. I would almost bet that her attitude towards authority existed long before her daughter was arrested. It may have even influenced her daughter's decision making. After all, she was only robbing for drug money...not because she's a bad person. <insert ginormous eye roll>

Robert 2.0 actually showed a lot of self awareness with his emotional intelligence comment. I can't remember exactly how he worded it, but he knows that he doesn't pick up on social cues. That's a step in the right direction for sure. 

Former CO - I'm worried about her. She just doesn't seem cut out for this at all. It is so hard to picture her working as a CO. I wonder how long she actually did the job and what her role was. She seemed very overwhelmed by the craziness of intake, so I suspect she may have been in a more cushy job???  I don't know but her actions don't match her experience. 

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I kind of get Monalisa's attitude towards the system.  The truth is that everybody is not treated equally under the law.  If you are the "wrong" color or nationality, you'll be treated differently, that's a fact.  Sometimes law enforcement, and juries perceive people who look a certain way, differently, even if they did the same crime. 

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2 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I kind of get Monalisa's attitude towards the system.  The truth is that everybody is not treated equally under the law.  If you are the "wrong" color or nationality, you'll be treated differently, that's a fact.  Sometimes law enforcement, and juries perceive people who look a certain way, differently, even if they did the same crime. 

I don't disagree with how things are sadly.  But as far as Monalisa, my impression was that it was more towards authority as a general rule. Look at how she reacted to Quintin when she found out he was a cop - it was the same look sudden contempt. 

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I am thinking Monalisa wasn't a big fan of "the man" even before her kid was incarcerated. 

Somewhere out there the guy who wanted to be a CO last year and was mocked for it is emailing the producers asking them to hook him up with whatever maximum security prison she worked in the mailroom of, because I don't buy for a second that she actually had any experience with inmates. (Though to be fair, the teaser for the new show following first year COs seemed to highlight a man and woman who I could probably take in a fight, and I haven't thrown a punch since I was 8. And last year the female COs in this jail seemed lame. Maybe the country's prisons are full of wussy COs?)

Seems like they could have better cover stories. Fake ids and washing checks are actual skill sets inmates might have and I would assume Ryan does not. Like somebody suggested, say he had gambling debts and stole money from work, or sold his ex girlfriend's car or something. Got drunk and drove a boat into a pier, causing 100k worth of damage. Stuff asshole regular people who aren't career criminals end up in jail for. Hell, had a few beers with an old army buddy and got swept up in his arrest for something or other.

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14 minutes ago, kassa said:

(Though to be fair, the teaser for the new show following first year COs seemed to highlight a man and woman who I could probably take in a fight, and I haven't thrown a punch since I was 8. And last year the female COs in this jail seemed lame. Maybe the country's prisons are full of wussy COs?)

HA!  I thought the exact same thing.  Hell, as the mother of an ornery teenage girl, I'm already tougher and more qualified than a couple of those first-years looked.

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Holy crap. For some reason the start of this season "scared me straight" more than last season. I am going to be the most law abiding citizen EVER. 

That said the sheriff and his minions are very bad at their jobs and run a hell hole, IMHO. Why the frick can't bunks be assigned? The sheriff is supposed to be in charge, right? They can't require that the cells be kept clean? I would be so afraid of catching everything in jail - especially pink eye.

Edited by PityFree
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23 minutes ago, PityFree said:

Holy crap. For some reason the start of this season "scared me straight" more than last season. I am going to be the most law abiding citizen EVER. 

That said the sheriff and his minions are very bad at their jobs and run a hell hole, IMHO. Why the frick can't bunks be assigned? The sheriff is supposed to be in charge, right? They can't require that the cells be kept clean? I would be so afraid of catching everything in jail - especially pink eye.

Me, too.  My tiny town has the same (non) structure for pre-court, non-bail, jail stays.  I knew a professional contactor who was in there for a long time and he was THRILLED when they decided to make use of his skills and put him to work painting the walls and fixing up the place.  The alternative was 24/7 of nothing.


My main issue of whatthefuckery is why they bothered to put the whole place under surveillance watch . . . and then arranged to leave certain areas curtained and private.  Last season, I thought the inmates must be stringing up bedding to thwart the cameras for as long as possible so they could fight or screw or smoke those fine jailhouse coffee doobies.

But in this episode the Sheriff refers to the risk of the curtained area when he thinks Sheri might be in trouble.  If it's just too unthinkable to have cameras recording everything (and it would be the definition of hell for me) how about some sort of restrictions or rules about maximum capacity or something?  Very weird to have an understanding on both sides that "behavior which is not permitted shall be restricted to this area."

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Happy to see this show back-but it scares me straight too. I don't understand about the back stories; why can't the Sheriff give them a simple back story which will make sense and where they can add some details without being suspicious? I always find it really odd that the participants are so closely questioning every word the new prisoners say. Obviously they are all in jail awaiting court dates, why are they so suspicious? And I know not everyone is good at making up things on the fly, but if they gave them something more basic (DUI, simple theft etc) it would be easier to answer the questions. Things like washing checks seem suspect, especially for a guy just leaving the military.

I also was really annoyed that the Sheriff told Sheri to find a lower level bunk, then he gets annoyed with her because there are no lower level bunks available. The curtain thing really scares me; I would not participate in this knowing I could be hurt behind a drape with no one knowing until it is too late. I find the show really interesting but I can see I will be annoyed with the Sheriff constantly complaining about every action the people do. When you are dealing with human beings, you have to have flexibility in how you handle things, trying to follow a script won't come out right. 

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On Friday, August 19, 2016 at 8:56 AM, candall said:

I wonder if we'll see anyone we know from last season?  Diaundre, you still in there, bud?

I recognized the guy that asked if the lawyer guy was in for a white collar crime and the young black dude with the fro who befriended Isaiah last season. They also showed a quick shot of one of the girls Tami had beef with last season, a brunette with 2 french braids whose name escapes me..."Boston" maybe?

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On 8/19/2016 at 8:59 AM, GenL said:

She just seems so un-CO like.  She was a maximum security CO?  How is that even possible? 

Sheri wasn't a "maximum security CO". She was a CO in a "maximum prison".  I think she was a cleaning lady in the visiting room of a prison and that's as close as she ever got to being in law enforcement.  She knows nothing about the inner workings or the hierarchy of jail.

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2 hours ago, Radicalred said:

Sheri wasn't a "maximum security CO". She was a CO in a "maximum prison".  I think she was a cleaning lady in the visiting room of a prison and that's as close as she ever got to being in law enforcement.  She knows nothing about the inner workings or the hierarchy of jail.

Oops. That's what I meant. But, I think you're right as far as her job there!

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On 8/19/2016 at 0:49 PM, Mamarazzi said:

Monalisa was the one who really stood out to me as being the train wreck to watch. I would almost bet that her attitude towards authority existed long before her daughter was arrested. It may have even influenced her daughter's decision making. After all, she was only robbing for drug money...not because she's a bad person. <insert ginormous eye roll>

Something tells me Monalisa has an attitude problem with EVERYONE. Probably raised her daughter with the same indignant attitude and it got her in trouble. 

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4 hours ago, GenL said:

It was just a typo. Sorry guys

No, GenL, not a typo from you.  It was just odd that Sheri kept saying "I was a CO in a maximum prison".  What's a maximum prison?  Filled to maximum capacity?  Did she mean maximum security?  I just have my doubts about her actual work experience.

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8 hours ago, Quilt Fairy said:

Yeah, GenL, didn't catch any typo from you. The odd turn of phrase was saying "maximum prison" instead of "maximum security prison", which is the way I've always heard it.

Ah, sorry.  I thought it was a comment on something I had said earlier.  *blush* 

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Before a commercial break they showed an officer asking Ryan/Kyle (??) for his address.  He said something like 'what does it matter/it doesn't really matter.'  But when they came back from commercial it was the same scene without him saying that.  Did I imagine it?  And if I didn't, what the fuck is wrong with him.

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On 8/19/2016 at 8:26 AM, Neurochick said:

That's the thing; these people are the ones who can't make bail.  That means that if someone has the means, they can get out (unless they've committed a heinous crime or something).  Most of the folks stuck in there, waiting for trial just don't have the means to make bail.

As for MonaLisa's daughter, I think she might feel guilt because her daughter is in prison, but the truth is, you can be the best parent in the world and your child can get involved with the wrong people and BOOM, game over/

Trust me there are plenty of innocent people in jail that can't make bail, because they are setting ridiculous bails for simple crimes. I got out of Galveston County Jail on March 7th, after spending 99 days there.  My "crime" was an assault charge because someone came on my property and was trying to steal. I caught the guy, whooped his ass out in the street in front of my house. They gave me a 50,000 dollar bond for this. They eventually dismissed the case after 99 days, because I had my No Trespassing, and Private Property signs posted. The thing is, it took them 99 days to do something they could have done on my first court date (that took me 2 months to get BTW.) That's how they get people, they put insane dollar amounts on bullshit cases, so they can keep the beds full and make their  $117.00 a day off each inmate. I was locked up with a guy that was charged with simple assault, he got into a fight at a club, and since he had a previous case for a resisting arrest, they gave this dude an $100,000.00 bond! That is just fucking crazy! To top it all off, we were watching TV in the dayroom one day, and they caught this guy that murdered 3 people back in 83 in Houston, and they gave this dude a $50,000.00 bond! See how fucked up this is? 

My point is, I was locked up with some really decent people that just was at the wrong place at the wrong time, and had to sit in jail for months with crazy ass bail amounts. The system is just messed up when it comes to bail. 

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12 hours ago, GenL said:

 And, am I right in that if you are proven innocent you don't get your bond money back?  To me, if true, that is ridiculous. 

If you use a professional bondsman, he keeps a percentage for his fee.  If, instead, someone puts up his home to secure your release, there are paperwork and processing fees for that.  

The tricky one that most people don't expect is that the courts assess "court costs" against criminal defendants and they're substantial.  I don't know if court costs are waived/reduced if you're found not guilty.  Maybe you have to bring some kind of independent action to prove capricious arrest before you can ask for a full refund--which would, of course, be costly.

Minus the fees, you (or the bondsman) get the rest of the money back, or the lien against your parents' house would be released, regardless of whether you're found not/guilty.  I mean, as long as you show up for court.  The full amount of your bond is forfeited if you don't show.


Anyway, it's expensive to get arrested.  Don't do it.


[I know I already rambled on too long about the money stuff, but I have to put in one more thing because I feel really passionate about it.  In civil cases, (where someone sues someone else,) lots of countries have a policy of "loser pays."  As in, the loser pays the whole cost of the lawsuit, for both sides.   It knocks out a TON of litigation, like where someone's crazy neighbor just takes a shot at maybe walking away with a little cash, or fake "slip and fall" cases, etc.  It also stops the deep pockets from winning by drawing things out until legal fees bankrupt the little guys.  We don't have "loser pays" in the US--we have a gigantic legal system clogged with frivolous lawsuits instead.  Done. Thanks for listening.]

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Hey Ryan, THE WORLD doesn't care how smart you think you are. That's a real good way to get your ass beat or even worse (unless you like it) in prison. S2E3 Ryans hair goes from black to highlighted. What man does that while in prison and HOW did you do it in prison. Seeing a few mistakes makes me think the entire show is a setup.......

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16 minutes ago, Mark said:

Hey Ryan, THE WORLD doesn't care how smart you think you are. That's a real good way to get your ass beat or even worse (unless you like it) in prison. S2E3 Ryans hair goes from black to highlighted. What man does that while in prison and HOW did you do it in prison. Seeing a few mistakes makes me think the entire show is a setup.......

Out of prison as well for that matter.  Self praise is no recommendation.

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On 8/26/2016 at 11:00 AM, Mark said:

Seeing a few mistakes makes me think the entire show is a setup.......

Do you really think it's fake?  As in the actual inmates aren't real fake?  How could they possibly fake something like this?

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On August 26, 2016 at 0:00 PM, Mark said:

Hey Ryan, THE WORLD doesn't care how smart you think you are. That's a real good way to get your ass beat or even worse (unless you like it) in prison. S2E3 Ryans hair goes from black to highlighted. What man does that while in prison and HOW did you do it in prison. Seeing a few mistakes makes me think the entire show is a setup.......

When he first went into jail, his hair was styled and probably had mousse or gel in it to make it stick up in the front. Then in other scenes it was laying flat and looked lighter, probably because he had showered and washed all his hair product out. Without gel or mousse in it, his hair was clean and when it hit the light in the room, it emphasized the natural highlights in his hair. I don't think this show is fake for the most part. I believe they spent time in jail with real prisoners and don't think he had his hair colored. 

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