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S11.E07: Something's Fishy

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7 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

I have such a problem with the stunt Vickie pulled last season, and the fact that she never truly apologized for it, like a real sincere mea culpa. What she did was so horrible, and she just expects everyone to move on, she's actually frustrated that everyone is still holding a grudge!

Making matters worse, she seems think people owe HER an apology!


When Kelly screeched something about having a college education, I got the impression she was trying to imply that college grads aren't prostitutes (or don't give Lewinskis).

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On August 20, 2016 at 6:13 AM, VedaPierce said:

I have such a problem with the stunt Vickie pulled last season, and the fact that she never truly apologized for it, like a real sincere mea culpa. What she did was so horrible, and she just expects everyone to move on, she's actually frustrated that everyone is still holding a grudge! Yes Vickie! Until you fix it properly, it's unresolved! Nobody is over it because she hasn't addressed it, not really, spitting out some admissions while being pressed and medicated at the reunion isn't enough.

They just reran an episode of New York where Jill finally gets Bethenny to lunch after being so awful and hellacious to her, it was right after they came back from scary island and Jill brought her the greasy potatoe latkes. Anyway, at the lunch Jill says, "you said some things, I said some things let's move on and get back on track with our friendship " then in her talking head says "I'm not going to BEG her to be my friend!" Well yes! You SHOULD beg her after the shit u did! And so should Vickie! Sometimes the crimes in a relationship are so egregious that there does require much begging of forgiveness, and even then there's no guarantee that it will be given. But to just waltz in and expect to "move forward" after such transgressions is gross. And nobody can communicate that to this dumbass. She will just continue to whine about people not being able to "let it go"! 

The issue is not what was done so much as what you, as the recipient of your friend's meanness/hostility, can expect in the future. No amount of "apologizing" can erase the suspicion that it can and WILL happen again.. Especially now that they've gotten away with treating you like dirt once.

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On 8/20/2016 at 11:45 AM, Ubiquitous said:

Making matters worse, she seems think people owe HER an apology!


When Kelly screeched something about having a college education, I got the impression she was trying to imply that college grads aren't prostitutes (or don't give Lewinskis).

Vicki thinks her transgression was falling in love with Brooks. It's why her refrain is always "what was I supposed to do? I loved him."

Really the other women's issue with Vicki is why she continued to corroborate Brooks' assertion that he had cancer when she had no objective evidence that it was true. She claimed that she had accompanied him to appointments when she hadn't. She claimed to have created a binder for him for his test results and his medical records when she hadn't. She claimed to have seen his medical records when she hadn't. She claimed that Brooks was so sick that he needed to get an IV at home from Terry, which never happened. Then at the end of the season she claimed that she was duped by Brooks too. However, Vicki never did half the things that someone who had been lied to about all of that would do. If she thought Terry had ordered the IV, she never asked where the equipment was, where they had to return it, or thank Terry for his help. She claimed she had witnessed things in his treatment that she hadn't. She also excoriated everyone of her friends who asked reasonable questions in response to Brooks' and Vicki's lies. Vicki's lies make sense if you have no idea how the world works. Basically the women feel like they are, rightfully, owed apologies for her part in supporting and perpetuating Brooks' lies and for her later lies that she had no idea that Brooks was lying. Serious side eye.

Vicki will never admit that she played an active part in the shit that went down last season.

I don't like GG from Shahs of Sunset, but she handled the questions about her rheumatoid arthritis correctly. She was basically like "don't believe me? Take a look at my test results. Come to my medical appointments." The issue then became this shifting goal line of whether GG was embellishing or if her drinking and smoking were negatively impacting her symptoms. And even if these are true, it still made her castmates (Reza) look like complete assholes.

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On August 17, 2016 at 2:04 AM, HunterHunted said:

Oh, it absolutely was classist. The underlying implication in her barb was that it's assumed that everyone in her social circle is college educated.

I come from an immigrant background and it's one of those groups that is typically high achieving educationally and professionally. One of the guys I grew up with (who has the same background) is now a very well respected millionaire musician. But if you ask his mother how he's doing, she will give you this sad response that he might be going back to school for an MBA or a PhD. He is not doing that, but his mom is a little embarrassed because she's the only one of her friends whose child doesn't have at least a masters degree. It's ridiculous, but in some groups it means a whole hell of a lot.

I like Shannon, but she knew exactly what she was doing with that remark. Shannon was marking her territory and marking Kelly as someone who didn't belong. "Why would you mention a college degree? It's assumed you have that. Everyone has at least one of those." It was said in this tone of incredulity as if Kelly just announced that she's potty trained. The irony is that across the entire Real Housewives franchises, there are a decent amount of associate degrees, really aren't a ton of bachelors degrees, and precious few professional or graduate degrees. Frankly, the real housewives are the company Shannon keeps and there aren't too many of them who can list a bachelors degree on their résumés.

I don't think Shannon was being classist, if anything, I thought Shannon pointed out the comment because what does a college degree have to do with being a prostitute?  I think the opposite is the case...why just assume one would only "suck d***" for money if they didn't pursue a degree?  Yes, not having a degree can clearly limit employment opportunity, but I'm betting there are lots of degrees that were earned by women who are call girls, prostitutes, women that "suck d***" for money...Perhaps it's classist to assume one with a degree would know better?  My kids have college degrees and that means a lot to me and in my family but I don't think that applies as proof of classism in this particular situation with Shannon in my opinion.

i just think that's a harsh assumption put on Shannon as well.  If she was classist, she wouldn't give Tamra the time of day off the set.  I'm reluctant to label someone unless there's a pattern. 

Do I side eye Shannon about a possible set up?  The jury is out.  Coincidence that Nina is Dr. Potter's (Megan's Doc) ex-wife?  Producer shenanigans? Tamra was sure on point stirring the pot.

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7 minutes ago, IKnowRight said:

I don't think Shannon was being classist, if anything, I thought Shannon pointed out the comment because what does a college degree have to do with being a prostitute?  I think the opposite is the case...why just assume one would only "suck d***" for money if they didn't pursue a degree?  Yes, not having a degree can clearly limit employment opportunity, but I'm betting there are lots of degrees that were earned by women who are call girls, prostitutes, women that "suck d***" for money...Perhaps it's classist to assume one with a degree would know better?  My kids have college degrees and that means a lot to me and in my family but I don't think that applies as proof of classism in this particular situation with Shannon in my opinion.

i just think that's a harsh assumption put on Shannon as well.  If she was classist, she wouldn't give Tamra the time of day off the set.  I'm reluctant to label someone unless there's a pattern. 

Do I side eye Shannon about a possible set up?  The jury is out.  Coincidence that Nina is Dr. Potter's (Megan's Doc) ex-wife?  Producer shenanigans? Tamra was sure on point stirring the pot.

I didn't put a lot of stock in Shannon saying college educated.

I do have a question, say at Shannon's party there were 10 people who knew Kelly Dodd and didn't like her and Shannon knew they knew Kelly Dodd and didn't like her.   Wouldn't a normal person, just not engage outside of pleasantries?  I think drunken Kelly showing up and going and her ignorant husband flashing the loser sign, were bad moves to begin with-Kelly could have been steps ahead had she stepped back after hearing they were talking about her.  Problem solved ignore them.

Is having an anger management problem a protected class?  If so, is a drunken person suffering form anger management an even more protected class?  I don't think it matters if there people invited that disliked Kelly, she and she alone is responsible for her behavior.  Tamra, Vicki, the two who will do anything for the producers because the show is their prime source of income, need to call Kelly out without first flaming her up.

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On ‎8‎/‎20‎/‎2016 at 0:45 PM, Ubiquitous said:

When Kelly screeched something about having a college education, I got the impression she was trying to imply that college grads aren't prostitutes (or don't give Lewinskis).

Pshaw! Silly Kelly. Next to being able to recite my social security # and "liquor before beer--never fear," I'd say those "lessons" I learned in the girls dormitory were my most valuable takeaways from college. 

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1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

I didn't put a lot of stock in Shannon saying college educated.

I do have a question, say at Shannon's party there were 10 people who knew Kelly Dodd and didn't like her and Shannon knew they knew Kelly Dodd and didn't like her.   Wouldn't a normal person, just not engage outside of pleasantries?  I think drunken Kelly showing up and going and her ignorant husband flashing the loser sign, were bad moves to begin with-Kelly could have been steps ahead had she stepped back after hearing they were talking about her.  Problem solved ignore them.

Is having an anger management problem a protected class?  If so, is a drunken person suffering form anger management an even more protected class?  I don't think it matters if there people invited that disliked Kelly, she and she alone is responsible for her behavior.  Tamra, Vicki, the two who will do anything for the producers because the show is their prime source of income, need to call Kelly out without first flaming her up.

Yesssssssss, Zoey's mom!!???

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I don't know, you guys... Generally, I will watch pretty much anything.  I've sat through full episodes of "Vanilla Ice Goes Amish."  But this was the first time I found myself really, really struggling not to fall asleep while watching a reality show.  My attention kept drifting, and then I'd have to rewind to make sure I hadn't missed anything.  I mean, this was a real snoozefest!  Maybe it's because, while there are some aspects of some of these women that I like (like Shannon's kind of endearing way of asking questions then answering them herself in her THs), I don't really have anyone to "root for" here.

This takes me back to that fateful moment a few years ago when I realized that Alexis was my default favorite.  And she was anti same-sex marriage and thought a woman could never be smart enough to be president.  So... yeah....

(To be fair, I actually find Vicki to be-- while an awful person--somewhat compelling TV.  I like seeing her with her family, and I kind of want to know how her life unfolds.  But she's not enough to sustain a whole show.)

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On August 20, 2016 at 8:45 AM, Bebecat said:

Icky is a disgusting, horrible, unfunny, crass, coarse, stupid mess of a person. Not one particle of her personailty rings true. It is appalling to me that her toxic and ignorant ways result in a huge paycheck from this franchise. i can't even think of enough horrid adjectives to describe her.

Kelly is a nothing.  

Excuse me!  Kelly is a MOM!  A multi millionaire!  A college educated person who is in fact not a hooker!  She fired her designer and designed that white on white monstrosity of a house complete with bedazzled wine opener with her very own non insane brain!

Kelly is one messed up little monkey.

Vicki is way, way past her prime on this show.  Her shit ain't cute no more.

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Ehhh, in Shannon V Kelly...I remain where I was after the disco party: Kelly is a fucking hot mess and I wouldn't want anything to do with her either, but Shannon knows exactly what she's doing. She sat there at the sushi dinner like that cat that ate the cannery just so fucking pleased with herself to wind Kelly up a little more. Once Kelly was losing her shit, she could have said that what her friend said about sucking dick for money was wrong and she shouldn't have said it, instead she denied it was even said and made her smug little "why even mention college" remark. I get it, Kelly is an asshole and I don't blame Shannon one bit for disliking her, but she is being a petty little bitch about the thing. Oh and she totally fucking set Kelly up at the party! My god, she was beside herself with delight for her two drunken weird friends to start going off on Kelly! I can't stand Kelly either, but I'm not buying into Shannon's game.  She does this all the time. She totally plays into these dramas and escalates things that don't need to be and then goes and cries about how everyone is mean to her. 

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11 minutes ago, FozzyBear said:

Ehhh, in Shannon V Kelly...I remain where I was after the disco party: Kelly is a fucking hot mess and I wouldn't want anything to do with her either, but Shannon knows exactly what she's doing. She sat there at the sushi dinner like that cat that ate the cannery just so fucking pleased with herself to wind Kelly up a little more. Once Kelly was losing her shit, she could have said that what her friend said about sucking dick for money was wrong and she shouldn't have said it, instead she denied it was even said and made her smug little "why even mention college" remark. I get it, Kelly is an asshole and I don't blame Shannon one bit for disliking her, but she is being a petty little bitch about the thing. Oh and she totally fucking set Kelly up at the party! My god, she was beside herself with delight for her two drunken weird friends to start going off on Kelly! I can't stand Kelly either, but I'm not buying into Shannon's game.  She does this all the time. She totally plays into these dramas and escalates things that don't need to be and then goes and cries about how everyone is mean to her. 

Kelly claimed that the friend, Nina,  said she was a "prostitute" and that is not what she said and Shannon did tell her she didn't call her a "prostitute" but she also didn't explain it either, she could have and it was edited out but I don't think she did and I don't think she cared to explain it as there was no talking to or explaining anything to Kelly at that point. Yes, the college comment was a dig, pure and simple, a dig.

I don't think Shannon set Kelly up, I think production did that but Yes, Shannon does love the drama and then loves to play innocent when called out and Kelly loves to play the victim. She is another "She Made Me Go There" HW. LOL

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The whole thing with the setup - Shannon and those two girls were sitting in a room by themselves. Yes, there was some snarking about Kelly. But they weren't going after her, or running around the party spreading their gossip to other people. Nothing would have even happened if Kelly and Vicki hadn't come in there looking for a purse. How could Shannon have predicted that? I do think it's possible production pushed for certain invites, hoping something would come of it. But Kelly was drunk and pushing buttons from the minute she walked in. 

That Nina chick seemed like quite a bitch herself, but what she said wasn't exactly wrong. Kelly, herself, has basically admitted that she got back together with her estranged husband, rather than divorcing him, because of money. So......

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