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S18.E22: Nominations 7


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11 hours ago, North of Eden said:

What a bunch of low class smirking a@$holes when Michelle broke down at the table. And I don't get the whole throwing Jerry beads around like he's Springer or something. What was that suppose to mean. Any way all those grinning tools were Just vile.


I thought - there is no way those beads can mean what I think they mean, because Victor cannot be that huge of a disgusting, vile pig.

11 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

Beads are offered at Mardi Gras to women who will raise their top to reveal their breasts.  So Victor was basically asking them to lift their shirts.  What a pig.  

I stand corrected. 

10 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

Sure sounded like he was bitching that Z reserves her sexual favors for Paulie.  These guys are really pigs - and I include beta male James, who's too afraid to cheer on Natalie.

I'm not really holding this breakdown against Michelle.  Victor's intent was to humiliate her.  How do you not take that personally .  Plus, she thinks she was nominated for not voting Da', when she would have voted for her if she knew everyone else was.  So they shut her out, then punished her for it.   She's more interesting than Bridget, so I'd rather she stay. 

James is slime, not wanting to cheer on Natalie.  It's not like everyone doesn't know they're a couple in the house.  I have no idea the basis for this particular relationship, but man, I wish Natalie would buy a clue, cut him loose, and join up with the girls to get these horrible excuses for men out of the game.  Of course, it's almost assuredly too late for that.

As for Michelle's breakdown - I agree, this time it was warranted.  If I had been in her place, I would've had to cry to release my pent-up emotions -either that or walk up to Victor and slap him as hard as I could - which would've gotten her booted from the game.  I find it repulsive that these pigs are allowed to treat the women in the house like dirt, and when the women dare to express their frustrations (in the form of tears), the men scoff and roll their eyes and go beat their chests some more.

I can't ever remember a season that made me feel like a bad person for watching.  This season is just gross.  

  • Love 8

I hope Z gets evicted next. Enough of her getting used and abused by Paulie. She's going to be humiliated when this season is over and she sees what the world saw. There's still time for her to spend some weeks in the jury house realizing how wrong Paulie is.

This is about the time every season when I feel like I can't watch any more. It now looks like it's in the bag for Paulie and that makes me want to vomit. Would it be payback for his brother letting Derrick win? OTOH I thought Frank was the guaranteed winner and look how that turned out. Right now I guess I'm pulling for Natalie as long as she stays out of the boys' clutches.

  • Love 2

What happens if America votes for a certain player to receive a care package, but that player gets voted out before the air-drop?  Does it go to the person who had the second-most votes?

And I think I am having a delayed, enraged reaction to Victor's speech last night.  The more I think about how humiliating it was for Z and Meech, and the fact that not one guy spoke up about Victor being a disrespectful pig - in fact, the cameras showed every last guy smirking behind his hands - is that not a huge wake-up call for Nicole, Z, and Natalie?  Doesn't that tell them in big, neon letters that your "guy" is not going to stand up for any of the women in the house?  Might the guys, then, all be working together?  Perhaps?!??  Can they get a clue before it's too late?

Gahhhh *&^&^$^$)## this show...it makes my brain hurt. 

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 11

Victor really needs to do something about that beard.  It's looking very mangey.  Oh, and then he needs to fuck off.

Michelle, I want to like you, but you make it so damn hard.  So, you aren't upset that your friend was evicted?  You're upset because you didn't get to make the vote almost unanimous.  What a pal.

Natalie really is the only one worth rooting for, and she doesn't seem to stand a chance.  This game is Paulie's to lose now.  

Edited by Snaporaz
  • Love 11

What happens if America votes for a certain player to receive a care package, but that player gets voted out before the air-drop?  Does it go to the person who had the second-most votes?

I had the same question, so I went to look it up in the official rules.

2. Program Description: The Program commences at 6:00pm Pacific Time (“PT”) on July 28, 2016 and runs through 9:59am PT on August 26, 2016 (the “Program Period”). The Program Period will include five (5) separate voting periods (each, a “Voting Period”). During a Voting Period, viewers of the Big Brother television show will be asked to interact with the show by voting to choose which houseguest will receive such Voting Period care package, that consists of a special power or advantage granted to such houseguest for a limited time in the game. The eligible houseguest that receives the most votes during a Voting Period will receive such Voting Period’s care package.

There are five (5) separate care packages for viewers to vote on; one (1) per Voting Period, as applicable. Viewers can see all five (5) care packages on the BB Web Site. At the beginning of each Voting Period viewers get confirmation on the care package they will be voting for during such Voting Period. Houseguests can only win one (1) care package during the Program Period. Viewers must choose wisely which care package they want which houseguest to win and vote accordingly.

In the event the houseguest that wins a Voting Period’s care package has been voted out of the house, such Voting Period’s care package will go to the houseguest that received the second most votes.

The announcer will invite viewers to vote, at the beginning of a Voting Period, by going to the BB Web Site.
  • Love 3

This section probably gives TPTB the right to award the Care Package to whichever HG that TPTB wants:

5. Additional Disclaimers: If for any reason the Program is not capable of being executed as planned, or if there is an infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud or technical failures, or if any other causes beyond the control of Administrators corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity, or proper conduct of this Program, the Administrators reserve the right, in their sole discretion, to withdraw the transmission of, or to disqualify, any vote. Furthermore, the Administrators may temporarily or permanently disqualify from the Program any person they believe has violated these terms, terminate or suspend voting at any point, and/or declare the vote results based on the votes up to that point, if it appears that the voting process has been so distorted by hacking or other interference that the results would not reflect actual valid votes should the voting continue. In the event of technical difficulties with the voting, Administrators reserve the right to review the votes for accuracy and to take any appropriate action, including, without limitation, voiding the votes cast during the Voting Period in which such technical difficulties occurred. Administrators and their respective agents, officers, directors, employees, subsidiaries and affiliates assume no responsibility for any injury or damage to participants or to any other person's computer relating to or resulting from entering or downloading materials or software in connection with this Program. Administrators are not responsible for telecommunications, network, electronic, technical or computer failures of any kind, for inaccurate transcription of voting information, errors in any promotional or marketing materials, for any human or electronic error, or for votes that are stolen, misdirected, garbled, delayed by computer transmissions, lost, or late. These Terms and Conditions are subject to change at any time at the sole discretion of the Administrators. Notification regarding any such change will be posted on the BB Web Site at www.CBS.com. Administrators reserve the right, for any reason and in their sole discretion, to modify, suspend or discontinue the Program without prior notice. Caution: Any attempt by an individual to deliberately damage any online service or website, tamper with the voting process, or otherwise undermine the legitimate operation of the Program is a violation of criminal and civil laws and should such an attempt be made, Administrators reserve the right to seek damages and/or other remedies from any such person to the fullest extent permitted by law.

  • Love 1
14 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

Beads are offered at Mardi Gras to women who will raise their top to reveal their breasts.  So Victor was basically asking them to lift their shirts.

I don't think he was asking them to do that. I think he was suggesting they'd be willing to use their bodies to get what they want, like those women, but his 9-to-1 speech made it clear that he wasn't willing to be swayed by anything (it had nothing to do with explaining his choices for the block).

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

And I think I am having a delayed, enraged reaction to Victor's speech last night.  The more I think about how humiliating it was for Z and Meech, and the fact that not one guy spoke up about Victor being a disrespectful pig - in fact, the cameras showed every last guy smirking behind his hands - is that not a huge wake-up call for Nicole, Z, and Natalie?  Doesn't that tell them in big, neon letters that your "guy" is not going to stand up for any of the women in the house?  Might the guys, then, all be working together?  Perhaps?!??  Can they get a clue before it's too late?

Not to say your outrage isn't justified, but in general I'd hesitate before attributing TOO much to the broadcast's display of such.  Profucktion's shenanigans in the editing room are well documented.  The smirks and other such displays not only might not have been filmed in the chronological order presented on the final cut, they may not even have been part of this particular nom ceremony.  Mix-and-match in the edit is one of the advantages granted TPTB by the HG's limited wardrobe options.

  • Love 3

This is only my second season of BB.  I watched the first episode last time and thought, "Well, cool--a professional poker player, who supports herself with perception and deception?  This should be good."  I didn't realize Vanessa was such an anomalous female in the general casting scheme.

If this season is the standard set of M/F prototypes, they really can't get those new casting people set up soon enough.

  • Love 2

555-FEED-ME on Victor's card made me laugh.

Natalie, if you want to win a comp, win a damn comp.  Don't sit there and whine and cry that you couldn't win because you couldn't stand up there any more and then in the next breath whine that Victor wouldn't give it to you.  I have no respect for that madness.

I cannot get broken up about Michelle's crying because she annoys me to no end.

Corey and Nicole are just humming along, THEY'RE probably going to be final two because everyone will forget about them.

  • Love 3

It's so so so frustrating to know that, judging from history (and the people in question), the women are not going to try to get it together to break up the dudes somehow. This season is SO BAD, and so poorly cast. The men who aren't total misogynists are COMPLETELY INEFFECTUAL. I like James well enough but he wasn't a game player in his first season, particularly, and he's basically a floater this season, too. And Corey -- how did Corey get cast? Has he EVER had a game suggestion? I find Nicole annoying, but at least she does stuff  (even if said stuff, like telling Frank everything Day ever said, is ill-advised). Paulie and Paul are unbearable, and Victor is a complete ass.  

But now that Day is gone, none of the women seem to me like they are even playing -- unless there is a lot more strategy talk than we're seeing, which I doubt.  Which means there is no one to root for, as far as I am concerned. I like Natalie and Z both but neither of them seem like they are actually that trying that hard to win this and I can't see a way for either one of them to pull it off at this point, although I'd love it. It's frustrating. I honestly think that if there had been a few stronger players in the cast, it would have been a totally different season. Paulie is clearly very pleased with his Big Brother Skills, but I think he would have a had a much, much, much rougher time if he'd been up against a Derrick or an Evil Dr Will (who would have eaten him for lunch), a Dan, or a Janelle. Or, honestly, a Rachel Reilly even. I think Paulie and Paul are actually both decent players, but they are REALLY benefiting from the fact that NO ONE ELSE in this season other than Day and Frank have tried ANYTHING.

I think Bridgette is going to turn out to the the Victoria of this season and end up, inexplicably, in the finals.

  • Love 5
12 hours ago, Jessica said:

Paulie is clearly very pleased with his Big Brother Skills, but I think he would have a had a much, much, much rougher time if he'd been up against a Derrick or an Evil Dr Will (who would have eaten him for lunch), a Dan, or a Janelle. Or, honestly, a Rachel Reilly even. I think Paulie and Paul are actually both decent players, but they are REALLY benefiting from the fact that NO ONE ELSE in this season other than Day and Frank have tried ANYTHING.

I feel exactly the same way.  If James would team up with the girls against Nicole and the boys, it would be 5-5 but problem is two girls are up on the block. If one gets pulled down, another will just go up so that will reduce the numbers to 4-5 in the Executives favor. UNLESS whoever gets voted out gets the round trip ticket and/or James' care pkg. could alter the outcome. But I'm just dreaming - the "underdogs" are not going to do anything to shake up that house. It would have made for such interesting viewing too! (Plus they'd get some respect from the jury for major big moves!)

  • Love 1

The numbers are the same every year and the women always implode from within. I fail to see how that's the guys or the producers fault. 

It's definitely the producers' fault. They deliberately cast the type of women they know will cater to the men. Even the ones who start out saying they want an all-girl alliance end up doing whatever the men say. This isn't some kind of sociological commentary - it's the fact that there's a check-list somewhere when they pick these women to be on the show to make sure they're the kind of women the producers have decided make "good TV."

It wouldn't have made any difference if Michelle, Bridget, Natalie or Zakiyah had won HoH. They would have nominated whoever the men told them to. Natalie would have done whatever James wanted, Bridget would have done whatever Paul wanted, Zakiyah would have done whatever Paulie wanted, etc. They're idiots. 

We don't keep seeing idiotic women on this show because women are idiots. We keep seeing them because they keep casting idiots, on purpose.


 The more I think about how humiliating it was for Z and Meech, and the fact that not one guy spoke up about Victor being a disrespectful pig - in fact, the cameras showed every last guy smirking behind his hands 

I read those looks more as "mock disbelief" than smirking. And since none of them are terribly good actors I took it at face value they didn't expect Victor to say any of that crap. They might have been amused but I don't think they necessarily expected it or approved of it.

Edited by iMonrey
  • Love 5
3 hours ago, iMonrey said:

We don't keep seeing idiotic women on this show because women are idiots. We keep seeing them because they keep casting idiots, on purpose.

Agreed. And they cast a lot of the same type of men as well. They might throw in one nerdy guy or gay guy, but overwhelmingly there will be these dude-bro jocks. I want more variety. I want plenty of people in their 30s, 40s, and 50s. I want more thinkers, not so many athletes. Weird people, odd people, rebels. So many of the people they cast seem like they really really NEED to fit in, to go along with the herd. Does the house make them that way? Or are they casting really weak willed people, who will rally around a pack leader? It's maddening. 

  • Love 2
40 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I want more variety. I want plenty of people in their 30s, 40s, and 50s. I want more thinkers, not so many athletes.

Older folks are less likely to be able to leave their regular life for that many weeks. A thinker is going to anticipate all of the ways they could look bad on national TV and not want to take the risk. To an extent, the cast reflects the pool they're drawing from. Other factors like the gimmick of the season and the need for racial diversity have priority. I agree they could do better; it wasn't a good message to stack the comps against Glenn.

  • Love 2

I was REALLY bothered by Victor telling Z he was upset about her not sharing her "affections." She isn't some whore to be passed around, giving her affections to whoever would like some. Like, what did he even mean by that?? Really awful, imo. She clearly likes Paulie and isn't using her body as some kind of advantage in the game, so why would  Victor feel entitled to her "affections?" It had a very "it ain't no fun, if the homies can't have none" vibe (for any old school Dr. Dre/Snoop fans out there), which was so disgusting to me. It definitely felt like more than "you don't talk game/socialize with me," especially coupled with the bead throwing.  Which, misogyny aside, wasn't even funny. He's such a try-hard.

  • Love 10

Older folks are less likely to be able to leave their regular life for that many weeks. A thinker is going to anticipate all of the ways they could look bad on national TV and not want to take the risk. To an extent, the cast reflects the pool they're drawing from. Other factors like the gimmick of the season and the need for racial diversity have priority. I agree they could do better; it wasn't a good message to stack the comps against Glenn.

With BB19 in Fall '16 as an online subscription show only, here's hoping that BB takes an opportunity to shake things up with casting.

I can't stand Michelle's constant crying but the fact that she seems to be slightly crazy and will fight with people at the drop of a hat I really want her to stay for entertainment purposes.  This cast is so boring, we need someone to provide some reason to watch.  I would really like to see Nicole sent packing.  There is nothing likeable about her and her voice is so annoying.  And she can take Corey with her.  He is basically a piece of furniture.  I felt Victors speech was written with help from the other "Executives" maybe minus James.  For one I don't think he would have been smart enough to put together a speech like that (not that it was good but seemed too complex for him) and also because the other boys were smirking during the speech and laughing afterward. I would bet money that it was a group effort.  And sorry I don't feel bad about the way the boys are acting.  The girls are letting them treat them that way, and as long as that happens it will continue.  Not defending the boys at all, they are jerks, but I would imagine it's hard to be a good person the entire time you are in the house.  You have to live in close quarters with strangers that probably annoy the crap out of you with nothing else to do but find faults in others.  Not that there weren't good people to ever play the game but I am a good person in real life and could see the circumstances of the game changing me real quick. 

15 hours ago, Harperlee1 said:

I was REALLY bothered by Victor telling Z he was upset about her not sharing her "affections." She isn't some whore to be passed around, giving her affections to whoever would like some. Like, what did he even mean by that?? Really awful, imo. She clearly likes Paulie and isn't using her body as some kind of advantage in the game, so why would  Victor feel entitled to her "affections?" It had a very "it ain't no fun, if the homies can't have none" vibe (for any old school Dr. Dre/Snoop fans out there), which was so disgusting to me. It definitely felt like more than "you don't talk game/socialize with me," especially coupled with the bead throwing.  Which, misogyny aside, wasn't even funny. He's such a try-hard.

That is how I took Victor's speech, too.  Victor's speech also kind of confirms a post I made last week in which I compared Paulie/Z's relationship to  master/slave relationship (based on Paulie's attitude toward Z); Victor (and maybe Paulie) sees Z as a piece of property that can be passed around. I had started to like Victor when I saw him protecting Natalie from the trolls, but then maybe protecting her was a "reward" for her giving him the victory.

  • Love 2
21 hours ago, iMonrey said:

It's definitely the producers' fault. They deliberately cast the type of women they know will cater to the men. Even the ones who start out saying they want an all-girl alliance end up doing whatever the men say. This isn't some kind of sociological commentary - it's the fact that there's a check-list somewhere when they pick these women to be on the show to make sure they're the kind of women the producers have decided make "good TV."

It wouldn't have made any difference if Michelle, Bridget, Natalie or Zakiyah had won HoH. They would have nominated whoever the men told them to. Natalie would have done whatever James wanted, Bridget would have done whatever Paul wanted, Zakiyah would have done whatever Paulie wanted, etc. They're idiots. 

We don't keep seeing idiotic women on this show because women are idiots. We keep seeing them because they keep casting idiots, on purpose.

I read those looks more as "mock disbelief" than smirking. And since none of them are terribly good actors I took it at face value they didn't expect Victor to say any of that crap. They might have been amused but I don't think they necessarily expected it or approved of it.

I think at this point the only people who want to go on this show are idiots.  You'd have to be.  And I think what the show thinks makes good tv is pretty people with nice bodies who will say and do stupid shit on camera when prompted because they're dying for a career outside of retail or the gym.  

I didn't watch but some here said the other guys high-fived or fist-bumped Victor after the ceremony.  That doesn't seem like they disapproved, if so.  

I suspect flopping down and wailing always nets Michelle a lot of love and support from the folks at home, so her initial impulse to cry has developed into a big dramatic production that's now an automatic conditioned response (like any behavior that's positively reinforced.)  But can she really not see the difference between an environment where soothing her is a priority and one where it's really more of a nuisance?  Self-interest is the name of this game and everyone is adversarial to everyone else. 

Get yourself into a bathroom, get it out of your system and get back in there, strong.

  • Love 2
18 hours ago, Harperlee1 said:

I was REALLY bothered by Victor telling Z he was upset about her not sharing her "affections." She isn't some whore to be passed around, giving her affections to whoever would like some. Like, what did he even mean by that?? Really awful, imo. 


2 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

That is how I took Victor's speech, too.  

By no means am I a Victor apologist, but I didn't take it as anything more than a bad voice of words on Victor's part.  

I think Vic just meant "friendship" (STFU PAULIE!!!) in terms of social friendliness or conversation- but the boy ain't ever impressed me none as any kind of master fucking wordsmith.  ;>

  • Love 3

Catching up on BB after vacation.

I was definitely sorry to see Day go, because I don't think she'd let a guy tell her what to do in the noms, like these others did/probably would.  Meech needs to stop the incessant crying, OMG.

I noticed that the Internet Trolls in the HoH comp looked suspiciously like Glenn (larger troll), Tiffany (troll with long brown hair) and Josea (presuming its him due to darker skinned arms and only other non-Frank pre-jury boot).  

Victor and his beads was really gross.  Oh and that 9-1 vote?  You know guys voted to evict you too.

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