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S03.E10: The Skinny, Pt. 1

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I happened to catch part of an old Dr. Phil episode recently, and he had on a 750 lb woman who claimed she originally gained 400 lbs due to a spider bite. She was almost bed-bound and her adult children were taking care of her. Dr. Phil called her out on her claims since the woman admitted 20 years earlier she was 340 lbs in that she had a problem for years. She did manage to lose over 250 lbs in a follow up shown a year later, in which the doc sent over a fitness trainer who also cleaned out her house of all junk food and also called all the local fast food/pizza shops within 15 miles of her house and told them not to give her any service. I don't know what happened since then since this was about 2007-2008. But the people he had on his show were ready to make a change and  desperate since they had written to him. Whitney isn't yet desperate to make a change as of yet. I think she sees even weighing herself as some kind of judgement or personal attack, hence her "no body shame" campaign. When Will stated several times that his reason for his exercise regime was to get her back to the point where she was able to freely move and dance, you'd think this is a goal that would stick in her mind. She did quit her previous radio show to focus on dance, apparently, so Whitney must have some kind of goal she's going for.  

Edited by CarolMK
  • Love 6

I wonder about another season. What are they going to show??? Her life is already so uninteresting that all the activities she does now are show driven. There is no way she would have organized a dance-a-thon, done a ballroom dance thing, had an internship, been in the parade, etc. without the producers setting things up.  Even the Big Girls' Dance class is only for the show. Without the show giving her things to do, we'd get a season that was 10 hours of Vit sitting on her couch while she orders pizza using a fake voice and name.  

  • Love 10
1 minute ago, PityFree said:

I wonder about another season. What are they going to show??? Her life is already so uninteresting that all the activities she does now are show driven. There is no way she would have organized a dance-a-thon, done a ballroom dance thing, had an internship, been in the parade, etc. without the producers setting things up.  Even the Big Girls' Dance class is only for the show. Without the show giving her things to do, we'd get a season that was 10 hours of Vit sitting on her couch while she orders pizza using a fake voice and name.  

All they could possibly show (at this stage) is more embarrassing footage of her attempting to live life as if her weight were not an issue.  Unless..................she turns a new leaf, and gets on board with some type of healthy weight loss program.

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On 8/12/2016 at 5:04 PM, Pherber said:

I know that there are a litany of medical reasons that cause people to gain weight bc I've been going through it for two decades.  But it's not an excuse to just give up and state, "Well, I like being fat!"  That's a load of bullshit and I'm not buying what Quit's selling, and it's sad that many women are.  She is not a role model for young women by any means.  She's not successful at anything she does, and she has zero accomplishments that anyone should admire.  Some raunchy YouTube videos with mediocre club dance moves?!  She's about as respectable as a Kardashian. 

I think I/the audience in general, might have a tiny bit more respect for her if she DID say "I give up. This is too hard. I just can't do it" and be HONEST about it instead of saying one thing and doing the opposite. Like that comedienne said, come out and say "I hate being fat. I hate that it's so hard to lose weight. I hate that I have a much harder time losing weight because of this PCOS. And I'm just losing the will and the strength to keep fighting it and it's so hard and I just don't know what to do." But instead she spouts all this B.S. bs and claims to love being fat... no excuse for her behaviour. None.

  • Love 15
31 minutes ago, Maggienolia said:

I think I/the audience in general, might have a tiny bit more respect for her if she DID say "I give up. This is too hard. I just can't do it" and be HONEST about it instead of saying one thing and doing the opposite. Like that comedienne said, come out and say "I hate being fat. I hate that it's so hard to lose weight. I hate that I have a much harder time losing weight because of this PCOS. And I'm just losing the will and the strength to keep fighting it and it's so hard and I just don't know what to do." But instead she spouts all this B.S. bs and claims to love being fat... no excuse for her behaviour. None.

Perhaps here, but I think the majority, particularly her fans, would be devastated if she said she hated being fat. I mean she makes so many people feel good about themselves and their bodies and for her to say that would be even worse than a thin person saying that because she's 'one of them' so to speak. While Whitney is not "fit and fat" I think it's good to remember that people can be. A major point in the body positivity movement is that it's okay to like your body no matter what size you are. I think a more poignant statement would be that she hates being unhealthy or she hates struggling with a food addiction.

Edited by Cinnamini11
  • Love 10
37 minutes ago, Maggienolia said:

I think I/the audience in general, might have a tiny bit more respect for her if she DID say "I give up. This is too hard. I just can't do it" and be HONEST about it instead of saying one thing and doing the opposite. Like that comedienne said, come out and say "I hate being fat. I hate that it's so hard to lose weight. I hate that I have a much harder time losing weight because of this PCOS. And I'm just losing the will and the strength to keep fighting it and it's so hard and I just don't know what to do." But instead she spouts all this B.S. bs and claims to love being fat... no excuse for her behaviour. None.

In today's world where there is a group for this, a campaign or anti something for that, there seems to be no place anymore for just old fashioned honesty.

Whitney is not doing any favors for her "fans".  What she is doing is sending an insane deadly message to people who for whatever reasons do not know any better or just want to live a very dangerous life full of excuses and blame.   

The truth is, is that Whitney cannot possibly be happy, content or accepting of her present state.  The numerous reasons have already been written about so much I won't list them.   The bottom line is she is close to being bed bound or dead and that is ok?  That is beyond stupid, its insane.

         Obviously it is also not healthy mentally to hate yourself or feel shame, but the answer is not to just accept a very unhealthy way of life. The correct answer is to find a solution , get help, make life changes, be honest with yourself and work hard. There are no Mc-fast solutions or answers.  

I actually had a fabulous fat friend for many years. We would walk for miles after dinner and talk. She was a talented figure skater.  But, she would shame me constantly for how I changed my life to be a healthy weight and very fit.     I never said anything to her about it because I knew it came from her own unhappiness with herself.   Although she could walk for miles and miles I noticed she would perspire heavily.   I worried about her. 

We lost touch after I moved and around 10 years later I googled her name.   She died at barely 60. I found out her heart just gave out.  She played a deadly game and lost.

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Honestly, she shouldn't care how her fans or anyone else reacts to anything she chooses to do. It's her life and she's the only one who has to live it. It's one thing to "love your body", but you should try to love your life too.

I'm probably a bitch for thinking this, but I'm over the whole idea of grown adults learning to love their bodies. I think the NoBS message is great to teach to kids to help teach compassion and the importance of character over beauty. People in their 30s should have enough life experience to have built up confidence in themselves through their accomplishments, relationships with family and friends, service to the community, etc to not worry so much about whether you or society values your body. All bodies go downhill and you've gotta have something else holding your self-esteem up.  

In the next season, I would like to see Whitney be more active in spreading her message with young children instead of focusing so much on how she feels about herself. One way to raise your self-esteem is to help others who are not as fortunate as you. No one feels good about themselves just because they're beautiful. Everyone, whether you're a super model or Quasimodo, has to build a character that others find value in in order to garner love and respect.

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21 minutes ago, M.F. Luder said:

Honestly, she shouldn't care how her fans or anyone else reacts to anything she chooses to do. It's her life and she's the only one who has to live it. It's one thing to "love your body", but you should try to love your life too.

I'm probably a bitch for thinking this, but I'm over the whole idea of grown adults learning to love their bodies. I think the NoBS message is great to teach to kids to help teach compassion and the importance of character over beauty. People in their 30s should have enough life experience to have built up confidence in themselves through their accomplishments, relationships with family and friends, service to the community, etc to not worry so much about whether you or society values your body. All bodies go downhill and you've gotta have something else holding your self-esteem up.  

In the next season, I would like to see Whitney be more active in spreading her message with young children instead of focusing so much on how she feels about herself. One way to raise your self-esteem is to help others who are not as fortunate as you. No one feels good about themselves just because they're beautiful. Everyone, whether you're a super model or Quasimodo, has to build a character that others find value in in order to garner love and respect.

I don't think Whitney is a "kid" person.  We saw that in the one episode where she was babysitting, I think. Also, children do not have filters. There would undoubtedly be times where a child says something to her that she doesn't like,  or considers body shaming.

  • Love 8
5 hours ago, LocalGovt said:

I don't think Whitney is a "kid" person.  We saw that in the one episode where she was babysitting, I think. Also, children do not have filters. There would undoubtedly be times where a child says something to her that she doesn't like,  or considers body shaming.

I agree but I thought I remembered her mentioning sometime this season that she would like to have kids.  I think it was just along the lines of "getting married & having kids one day." 

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On 8/15/2016 at 8:12 PM, DatFatShorty said:

Didn't Season 3 began with Whitney saying "I'm not prediabetic any more!" (voiceover a dance class, I think). If her weight and eating habits are the same, HOW is that possible?

I know!!! I think she must think that because she got her A1C down out of pre-diabetic range that it will NEVER go back UP to pre-diabetic or into full-on diabetic range. Uh... NO, Twitney. You're looking at long-term acclimatization to sugars which builds up insulin resistance which means... if you want to STAY out of that pre-diabetic range, you really need to KEEP being vigilant about what you eat and cutting out adding sugar to anything and cutting back on carbs and processed sugars. As the "dancing man" told her in that episode, once you get that "diabetic" diagnosis you are DIABETIC even if you get your A1C down out of the diabetic range. WAKE UP, Whitney!!! 

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On Monday, August 15, 2016 at 8:12 PM, DatFatShorty said:

Didn't Season 3 began with Whitney saying "I'm not prediabetic any more!" (voiceover a dance class, I think). If her weight and eating habits are the same, HOW is that possible?

She's just saying that because she had a lower blood sugar level reading.  It can go up and down depending on what you eat and how active you are.  At her size and with the amount of junk food she eats, I highly doubt her blood sugar levels are back to normal.  In fact, my doctor told me there really isn't any such thing as pre-diabetic.  If your blood sugar levels are elevated, even if they aren't at the levels where the label "diabetic" comes into play, it still means that your body isn't producing the amount of insulin that it should.  So, pre-diabetic or diabetic, you still have a problem that has to be addressed.  Hopefully, Whitney is screening her blood sugar levels on a regular basis.  (I highly doubt it)

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On Monday, August 15, 2016 at 3:40 PM, Cherrio said:

Good article, the writer says something to the effect of she is not "eating" everything Thore is trying to feed her.


According to info from the link above, Twit was a binger/purger AND an Adderall addict in high school (able to get it from friends??? Doesn't sound like she had an Rx for it.) I also remember reading  (somewhere on these threads) that her parents tried to monitor her food intake, took her to a nutritionist & hypnotist to help with her food issues. I personally think her parents did those things because they loved her and were trying anything they could to help her-I just don't think they are mean people who only cared about the numbers on the scale.

I think when Glenn dropped her off at college & stated that he wished he'd been able to help her lose more weight, I don't think that's the only thing/all he said to Twit, I think it's the version that Twit told everyone. We know Twit lives in a world of 'her truths', and telling people this version garnered her more sympathy.

During her first year of college she stated that she continued binging but stopped purging because she was terrified that she'd throw up her oral birth control. She said she'd rather be fat than pregnant, and began gaining huge amounts of weight because of the binging/not purging cycle she was in, and because she could no longer get her hands on Adderall, (which acts as a stimulant/appetite suppressant). It was during this time that she was diagnosed with PCOS. When the show started, all we were told was that her weight gain ic college was due to her PCOS dognosis, nothing was mentioned about no longer having access to Adderall, the continued binging, etc... Another one of 'her truths'?  (I believe so.) And a version that garnered her a lot of sympathy because her weight gain seemed to be the result of something out of her control. (Of course now we know a little more about the situation and know there were MANY things other than just PCOS that explain why she gained 100+ pounds that first year in college.)

I also think this is why we so often see such sadness in Glenn's eyes, and saw it in the first part of the special. He hears (and so do we) Twit's 'truths' and twisted versions of interactions with cardiologists, nutritionists, etc...and he knows the real truths as to the risks & facts of what Twit's weight is really doing to her body, that it's disabling her and really could kill her someday, and more than likely will, sooner than later. But, he is powerless to change anything for Twit. She's not willing to change on her own and gets angry and defensive and goes into bitch-mode if anyone DARES to disagree with how she presents 'her truths' to the world.

(Much more to say from this first special, but will do it later...)

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I would just like her to honestly answer, "Why do you 'want to be' fat? What do you 'love' about being fat?" I would like to know. I can understand liking to be, let's say, not-skinny, or voluptuous. But we see the difficulties she experiences at her current size. What is the upside? All I can think of is, she gets her own reality show, on which she is not always favorably portrayed. 

Edited by Tabbygirl521
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48 minutes ago, TotoGirl said:

According to info from the link above, Twit was a binger/purger AND an Adderall addict in high school (able to get it from friends??? Doesn't sound like she had an Rx for it.) I also remember reading  (somewhere on these threads) that her parents tried to monitor her food intake, took her to a nutritionist & hypnotist to help with her food issues. I personally think her parents did those things because they loved her and were trying anything they could to help her-I just don't think they are mean people who only cared about the numbers on the scale.

I think when Glenn dropped her off at college & stated that he wished he'd been able to help her lose more weight, I don't think that's the only thing/all he said to Twit, I think it's the version that Twit told everyone. We know Twit lives in a world of 'her truths', and telling people this version garnered her more sympathy.

During her first year of college she stated that she continued binging but stopped purging because she was terrified that she'd throw up her oral birth control. She said she'd rather be fat than pregnant, and began gaining huge amounts of weight because of the binging/not purging cycle she was in, and because she could no longer get her hands on Adderall, (which acts as a stimulant/appetite suppressant). It was during this time that she was diagnosed with PCOS. When the show started, all we were told was that her weight gain ic college was due to her PCOS dognosis, nothing was mentioned about no longer having access to Adderall, the continued binging, etc... Another one of 'her truths'?  (I believe so.) And a version that garnered her a lot of sympathy because her weight gain seemed to be the result of something out of her control. (Of course now we know a little more about the situation and know there were MANY things other than just PCOS that explain why she gained 100+ pounds that first year in college.)

I also think this is why we so often see such sadness in Glenn's eyes, and saw it in the first part of the special. He hears (and so do we) Twit's 'truths' and twisted versions of interactions with cardiologists, nutritionists, etc...and he knows the real truths as to the risks & facts of what Twit's weight is really doing to her body, that it's disabling her and really could kill her someday, and more than likely will, sooner than later. But, he is powerless to change anything for Twit. She's not willing to change on her own and gets angry and defensive and goes into bitch-mode if anyone DARES to disagree with how she presents 'her truths' to the world.

(Much more to say from this first special, but will do it later...)

Thank you for sharing that article, @totogirl. Very informative. More reviews will be coming since I guess the book is out. I really hope some write about how dangerous her lifestyle really is, instead of hopping on the "No BS" BS.

I will watch tonight as usual, mute/closed captioning, but just driving by and reading the reactions here. I seriously can't watch full out anymore. Looking forward to Kerryn.

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I too, am looking forward to Kerryn vs Twit tonight. Kerryn is very sharp and so quick with her responses & facts. I can't wait to see how Twit reacts when Kerryn shuts down every reason, fact and explanation Twit comes up with.

I too, have real difficulty watching Twit for long periods. (I don't want to throw too many things at my TV and break the darn thing!) When I watch the show, I have such fear for the young, impressionable people who buy everything she says, hook, line & sinker. Twit's message, for the most part, is a deadly one, and I really worry about the young people she is harming by spouting the garbage that is her message. Twit's version of 'No BS' is loaded with BS, falsehoods, twisted facts and 'Twit's truths', and I really do believe it could have deadly consequences for those who blindly believe everything she says. I would LOVE to see Kerryn confront her about all of this on tonight's show. That would be awesome!!!

Edited by TotoGirl
Added 'Twit's version of No BS' to clarify
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, TotoGirl said:

According to info from the link above, Twit was a binger/purger AND an Adderall addict in high school (able to get it from friends??? Doesn't sound like she had an Rx for it.) I also remember reading  (somewhere on these threads) that her parents tried to monitor her food intake, took her to a nutritionist & hypnotist to help with her food issues. I personally think her parents did those things because they loved her and were trying anything they could to help her-I just don't think they are mean people who only cared about the numbers on the scale.

I think when Glenn dropped her off at college & stated that he wished he'd been able to help her lose more weight, I don't think that's the only thing/all he said to Twit, I think it's the version that Twit told everyone. We know Twit lives in a world of 'her truths', and telling people this version garnered her more sympathy.

During her first year of college she stated that she continued binging but stopped purging because she was terrified that she'd throw up her oral birth control. She said she'd rather be fat than pregnant, and began gaining huge amounts of weight because of the binging/not purging cycle she was in, and because she could no longer get her hands on Adderall, (which acts as a stimulant/appetite suppressant). It was during this time that she was diagnosed with PCOS. When the show started, all we were told was that her weight gain ic college was due to her PCOS dognosis, nothing was mentioned about no longer having access to Adderall, the continued binging, etc... Another one of 'her truths'?  (I believe so.) And a version that garnered her a lot of sympathy because her weight gain seemed to be the result of something out of her control. (Of course now we know a little more about the situation and know there were MANY things other than just PCOS that explain why she gained 100+ pounds that first year in college.)

I also think this is why we so often see such sadness in Glenn's eyes, and saw it in the first part of the special. He hears (and so do we) Twit's 'truths' and twisted versions of interactions with cardiologists, nutritionists, etc...and he knows the real truths as to the risks & facts of what Twit's weight is really doing to her body, that it's disabling her and really could kill her someday, and more than likely will, sooner than later. But, he is powerless to change anything for Twit. She's not willing to change on her own and gets angry and defensive and goes into bitch-mode if anyone DARES to disagree with how she presents 'her truths' to the world.

(Much more to say from this first special, but will do it later...)

She is clearly out of control with her eating disorder. I wonder instead of approaching it from a weightloss standpoint they said hey you are sick , you need help, she would be more receptive....Everything about her behavior screams eating disorder/addict

3 minutes ago, TotoGirl said:

I too, am looking forward to Kerryn vs Twit tonight. Kerryn is very sharp and so quick with her responses & facts. I can't wait to see how Twit reacts when Kerryn shuts down every reason, fact and explanation Twit comes up with.

I too, have real difficulty watching Twit for long periods. (I don't want to throw too many things at my TV and break the darn thing!) When I watch the show, I have such fear for the young, impressionable people who buy everything she says, hook, line & sinker. Twit's message, for the most part, is a deadly one, and I really worry about the young people she is harming by spouting the garbage that is her message. 'No BS' is loaded with BS, falsehoods, twisted facts and 'Twit's truths', and I really do believe it could have deadly consequences for those who blindly believe everything she says. I would LOVE to see Kerryn confront her about all of this on tonight's show. That would be awesome!!!

I agree with you 100%. Whitney uses her no BS as a justification to continue with her eating disorder. It is truly awful and yes dangerous. 

I hope Kerryn approaches it from an addict standpoint. 

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I find it interesting but not at all surprising that in the teasers for tonight's show that Buddy has zero skills for conversation/debate.  All he did/said to Kerryn at her show was call her names and it seems that is all he does on part two.   Whitney's (not a) dancer friend spells out bitch in a very childish manner.   Babs says Whitney deserves and earned her celebrity ?  She is articulate?   As far as I can see she has barely held a job and was living at home earning $8.50 an hour at a radio station when TLC found her. She made some Youtube videos and the TLC pimps quickly came to the conclusion here is yet another people who is willing to do anything for very little money , even if it leads to deadly consequences.

Whitney is articulate in that she THINKS that the viewers think she is a trailblazer out to change the world.  To me, she is a textbook addict who deflects, blames, lies and excuses.  She will just refuse to answer a question too as she did with the host of the show.

Wake up enablers , your articulate darling cannot even manage to buy toilet paper !    Down to the last sheet right?  Then daddy comes over to save the day.

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I'm not sure where to post this, so I'll put it here. 

I just tuned in to TLC. It's MBBFL marathon day!

At this moment they are showing the first episode of Season 3. The guide shows that they will be showing all of Season 3, in order, all day, including this "Skinny Part 1" episode, followed by the new episode at the usual time tonight. 

ETA: I assume this marathon-before-a-new-episode is something that TLC does a lot, but I'm not a big TLC watcher so I don't know for sure.

Edited by Jeeves
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1 hour ago, yogi2014L said:

I hope Kerryn approaches it from an addict standpoint. 

I love Kerryn's perspective on that because there are a lot of similarities. My fear is that Whitney absolutely flat-out refuses to admit that she has a food addiction. She was so offended at the idea that just because she is fat, she must be addicted to food. It's yet another misdirection for her, to play the #NotAllFatPeople or #SometimesThinPeople card when, although that's true, it doesn't apply to HER situation. 

  • Love 7
29 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

I think watching Whitney for that long in a row would be more strenuous than a real marathon ;)

I can't stand to watch this show for more than a few minutes. I am definitely *not* watching the marathon. My post was more of a public service announcement. Or, warning. Depending on your point of view.

Edited by Jeeves
  • Love 3
10 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

I am frustrated that it's difficult to comment on her vile personality, or even state that I think she has one, without being chastised and lectured about her size. I think she's a manipulative, selfish, narcissistic witch. I am not sure how much of that is due to the addiction and how much of it is just HER. But I should be allowed to think that, and say it, without being lectured on "fat shaming." (Whitney, especially, can't handle any negative criticisms of herself without jumping on that particular ledge.)

Thank you!!! (for the whole post, but I just quoted a teeny bit for brevity)

She would be awful at any weight. She is an awful person, from what we've seen, both on the show and on social media. Her fans and apologists are choosing to ignore that fact, but I can't.

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1 hour ago, TotoGirl said:

Kerryn absolutely owns the addictions she deals with in her life (alcohol, cigarettes) so I think it gives her SO much more validity to her confronting Twit about the food addictions she has and her refusal to admit to them and instead deny, deny, deny... I'd love to see that kind of approach in tonight's episode.

Except....(and I can't believe that I'm actually going to sympathize with Whitney here, and not trying to dismiss what you're saying, Totogirl), you don't need alcohol or cigarettes to live, but you do need food to live, which makes the addictions different. Imagine if you said to an alcoholic, "You can have any type of alcohol except scotch," or to someone addicted to cigarettes, "You can have any type of cigarette except for Marlboro".

Kerryn could give up alcohol and cigarettes and move on. She isn't still using "some" types of alcohol or cigarettes.

All the more reason Whitney needs professional help with her food addiction.

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21 minutes ago, LocalGovt said:

Except....(and I can't believe that I'm actually going to sympathize with Whitney here, and not trying to dismiss what you're saying, Totogirl), you don't need alcohol or cigarettes to live, but you do need food to live, which makes the addictions different. Imagine if you said to an alcoholic, "You can have any type of alcohol except scotch," or to someone addicted to cigarettes, "You can have any type of cigarette except for Marlboro".

Kerryn could give up alcohol and cigarettes and move on. She isn't still using "some" types of alcohol or cigarettes.

All the more reason Whitney needs professional help with her food addiction.

IDK the whole" But I need food to live!" is just another excuse for her to stay sick. Its not easy, but you can recover you can get better. Its hard and she doesn't want to face it that is why I think she hides behind the " I don't want to change my eating " ect. Its bullshit. . Just my 2 cents so I think Kerryn is more "qualified" to call her out than say Will

IMO she is addicted to binge eating. Its not uncommon for bulimics to spend time in OA ( overeaters anonymous) because the desire to BINGE is really what drive the purging. You can't binge as much as you would want if you are literally full of food.  She has an eating disorder.  I really don't think most people get to that size ( super morbid obesity) without one, IMO. 

Edited to remove my personal experience lol

Edited by yogi2014L
  • Love 11

tonight is the night!!! What do you guys think about Kerryn's role in this show? I mean, I agree with everything she said to Whitney, perhaps a little harsh at times, but who do you think came up with the idea of a nemesis for Whitney and how did she agree to this? Caitie is not a real nemesis, Kerryn is. Part of me thinks producers approached Whitney with the Kerryn idea and sold it like 'Kerryn will represent all the haters, here's your chance to shut them up', otherwise I don't see how Whitney could agree to a slim woman making valid points against all Whitney represents. Does Whitney realize the producers were against her this season? If so, she must be getting paid a lot to endure all that ego damage called Season 3. Seriously, this season was making fun of and attacking Whitney. She must enjoy the money and attention too much.

ETA: I remember her posting stuff like 'Guys, remember we film like 10,000 hours of material, but they edit it to only 10 hours' like 'These mothereffers are making me look real bad this season' (lazy, addict, vengeful, immature, unhealthy and in denial, to name a few)?

Edited by DatFatShorty
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On the one hand, we do need food to live and that definitely complicates that particular addiction compared to the others mentioned, like alcohol and cigs and drugs, since a person can't just quit eating altogether. On the other hand, we don't need tuna casserole to live, and we don't need food in massive quantities to live, so it becomes more of an issue of the addictive behavior (the binge eating) rather than the addictive substance (food, vs booze). Whitney needs a good therapist to deal with her generally poor relationship with food and her addictive behaviors with food. Possibly at an inpatient clinic as some have suggested. I wouldn't trust her recovery without strong supervision.

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Do you think Twit reacts with anger, denial, deflection, etc. when she's confronted with truths about how her weight is killing her, damaging her body, and has a serious food addiction, is that it cuts a little too close to home in how she really feels about herself, and that she realizes that no matter what she says and does, nobody's really buying the fact that she 'loves being fat'? (Like people are seeing through the cracks of the façade she's built and are seeing that she's truly miserable and knows she isn't fooling anybody?) That's why she gets so flustered when Kerryn confronts her & is able to say the things so many of us are thinking?

(I'm not saying it 100% right, but I hope you can all read between the lines to know what I'm trying to say.)

  • Love 7
38 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

On the one hand, we do need food to live and that definitely complicates that particular addiction compared to the others mentioned, like alcohol and cigs and drugs, since a person can't just quit eating altogether. On the other hand, we don't need tuna casserole to live, and we don't need food in massive quantities to live, so it becomes more of an issue of the addictive behavior (the binge eating) rather than the addictive substance (food, vs booze). Whitney needs a good therapist to deal with her generally poor relationship with food and her addictive behaviors with food. Possibly at an inpatient clinic as some have suggested. I wouldn't trust her recovery without strong supervision.

+100 to this.   Whitney needs a de-toxing dietary plan that will balance her blood sugar and reduce her cravings for highly processed, heavily salted saturated fats and highly processed simple carbohydrates. She needs to re-train her brain to recognize pleasure and satisfaction in nutritious, well-balanced meals. She needs to know what the root causes of her disorders are, what triggers them, and how to avoid the triggers. Right now it seems as if she's just flinging furious defensiveness when any one even approaches suggesting this is possible and appropriate for her.

Come on, Whit, you've got some money now. I've heard great things about this place! (No affiliation :-)) Take Babs - she can go to the spa side while you do the program!

Edited by Ketzel
  • Love 8
On Wednesday, August 17, 2016 at 1:23 PM, DatFatShorty said:

ETA: I remember her posting stuff like 'Guys, remember we film like 10,000 hours of material, but they edit it to only 10 hours' like 'These mothereffers are making me look real bad this season' (lazy, addict, vengeful, immature, unhealthy and in denial, to name a few)?

I've thought this before as well. Even if they do only show 10 hours out of the 1000 hours of film they shot, I'm SICK of hearing that excuse!!! It's still YOU, Twit, so stop acting like you should be pitied for the 10 hours they do use!!! They're still things YOU said, staged activities YOU agreed participate in, kinds of food in quantities YOU ate, dance class classes YOU led during filming only, etc. etc. etc. Stop using the 10 hours as an excuse---this isn't 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers'---it's the REAL YOU, EVERY MINUTE in these episodes. Episodes YOU agreed to do, signed a TLC contract for & take a nice big TLC paycheck home for!!! Maybe some introspection is in order if you aren't happy with how you're portrayed in your 10 hours. 

Edited by TotoGirl
  • Love 5
3 hours ago, mamadrama said:

She definitely uses misdirection to deny that she has a problem. On the reunion show she came in with fists flying, ready for a fight, just waiting for someone (anyone) to imply that her size is causing her problems. 

I am feeling frustrated with a lot of things. 

I am frustrated with the enablers sitting there on the soundstage around her, more or less cowering in fear of her. There comes a time when you HAVE to turn your back on the addict-for your own mental health. Addiction counselors (and on the show INTERVENTION) talk about cutting them off and not offering any support because it's the enabling that's helping them. 

I am frustrated with feeling like I can't comment on how awful she looked at the "dance competition" with her bunched up leggings, harsh makeup, and ill-fitting dress without it being called "fat shaming." (No, it is NOT "fat shaming." My mother is Whitney's size and she always looks great. Whitney COULD have  made different choices in her attire but she didn't. My guess is she thought she looked great and those around her, as usual, just went along with it.)

I am frustrated that it's difficult to comment on her vile personality, or even state that I think she has one, without being chastised and lectured about her size. I think she's a manipulative, selfish, narcissistic witch. I am not sure how much of that is due to the addiction and how much of it is just HER. But I should be allowed to think that, and say it, without being lectured on "fat shaming." (Whitney, especially, can't handle any negative criticisms of herself without jumping on that particular ledge.)

I am frustrated that so many of her followers and supporters really DO think she has a "fabulous life." 90% of what we saw this season was producer-driven drama and fakety fake fake: getting the pig (probably belongs to the breeder and will be returned when filming starts), the "lecture" at her old school (not real), the "dance competition" (also not real), the Big Girl Dance Class (only real while filming), the comedienne, the internship, the "romance" with Roy (he, himself, seemed surprised that TLC edited it in that manner, AND he stated that he had a girlfriend at the time), the dance marathon...I don't even believe that the party for her parents was real. I think it was either producer driven, or a recreation of one that happened off camera. The things that I DO believe were real (the skis, passing out at the marathon, getting winded going across the road for bagels, getting upset talking to Kerryn, etc.) definitely do not show a "fabulous" life. 

I am frustrated by her many excuses. You know what? I don't care what happened 20 years ago to make her gain weight. What her dad may or may not have said to her, how people treated her or made fun of her, how she locked herself in a dark apartment and ordered pizzas...What is done is done. Grow up, take responsibility for life, and make the changes NOW. You can't change the past, you can't change how other people act, but you CAN change what YOU do NOW. 

I am frustrated by the amount of power she seems to hold over her friends and family. Sitting on that soundstage, they looked like hostages. It's not HER that should get up and stomp off that stage-it's the other people in her life. 

Mostly, I am frustrated by that guffaw. Jesus Christ, it's annoying. 

Very, very well said.

  • Love 4

I've had the marathon going this afternoon. I'm one of those people that need TV on for background noise but have been doing other things.  After watching these episodes many times,  more examples pop out of her denying everything & turning things around to benefit her.  Even when she walked out of the cardiologist's office, where we  just heard him say how hard her excess weight is on her heart,  she came out with something about "having to change my habits" with no direct mention of weight loss.  She said it like he recommended her changing shampoo. She didn't want to accept the seriousness of what the doctor told her.  I also liked how Glenn told her about her needing to lose an extensive amount of weight when they were driving home from hospital. Don't blame him at all for being direct, him & Babs just had a scare no parent wanted  to go thru. 

  • Love 4

Does anyone think that it is possible to be addicted to certain kinds of food? Not physically addicted of course, but mentally addicted. I've heard of kids that will only eat 3 or 4 different foods but they aren't starving themselves. Whitney could be "addicted" to pizza and pasta, in a sense. Yes, we all need food to live but we don't need unhealthy or junk food.  I'm thinking of the contestants who have been on the Biggest Loser- they are in a controlled environment with no access to junk food ( I think since I've only since it sporadically over the years). Of course those folks exercise for 4 to 6 hours a day too, which is why they have such good results. Maybe Whitney is trying to get well known enough to get onto a weight loss show as her next move? If she can set her mind to it, I can see that she has the potential to do very well. 

  • Love 2
25 minutes ago, CarolMK said:

Does anyone think that it is possible to be addicted to certain kinds of food? Not physically addicted of course, but mentally addicted. I've heard of kids that will only eat 3 or 4 different foods but they aren't starving themselves. Whitney could be "addicted" to pizza and pasta, in a sense. Yes, we all need food to live but we don't need unhealthy or junk food.  I'm thinking of the contestants who have been on the Biggest Loser- they are in a controlled environment with no access to junk food ( I think since I've only since it sporadically over the years). Of course those folks exercise for 4 to 6 hours a day too, which is why they have such good results. Maybe Whitney is trying to get well known enough to get onto a weight loss show as her next move? If she can set her mind to it, I can see that she has the potential to do very well. 

She seems very competitive so I think she would do pretty OK on the Biggest Loser- however I think it wouldn't be the best fit for her, and I dont think most of the Biggest Losers really have had a ton of success long term. Some have but I think a lot of the contestants wound up having a hard time maintaining their weight loss- they even did a study and showed that they had major metabolic differences than normal weight people. It was really interesting. 

That being said, I would watch every episode if she was on the Biggest loser. lol. I dont think she would win but it would be GREAT tv

Edited by yogi2014L
  • Love 7

As has been said, Whitney should've foregone the personal trainer for now and invested in both a therapist and a nutritionist--the former to delve into her food addiction and the latter to teach her about what foods are, and aren't, good for her.  A nutritionist could put her on a meal plan tailored to her needs that wouldn't even need to be Biggest Loser levels of low-cal.  What she lacks--be that willfully or not--is an understanding of what foods she should and can be eating.

Of course all of the above will only work if she has the desire to make it work--which I'm doubtful she does.  Not sure I can stomach watching tonight as she and her trained monkeys dogpile on the comedian for daring to say Whit is fat.

  • Love 5
55 minutes ago, CarolMK said:

Does anyone think that it is possible to be addicted to certain kinds of food? Not physically addicted of course, but mentally addicted. I've heard of kids that will only eat 3 or 4 different foods but they aren't starving themselves. Whitney could be "addicted" to pizza and pasta, in a sense. Yes, we all need food to live but we don't need unhealthy or junk food.  I'm thinking of the contestants who have been on the Biggest Loser- they are in a controlled environment with no access to junk food ( I think since I've only since it sporadically over the years). Of course those folks exercise for 4 to 6 hours a day too, which is why they have such good results. Maybe Whitney is trying to get well known enough to get onto a weight loss show as her next move? If she can set her mind to it, I can see that she has the potential to do very well. 

Yep!  Mine are tacos and donuts.  Made carefully, I can have 1 of them when I am watching what I eat.  

She's a carb addict for sure.  Also a lazy, mindless eater.  She needs to get over the notion she can fly by the seat of her pants when it comes to food.  Yes its a pain in the ass to plan, purchase, prepare all you are going to eat.  Its a bigger pain in the ass to find someone to wipe it for you, WHIT!

That said, I am going to do some mindless eating whilst watching tonight (which is a FAB tv night!  RHNY, RHM, and THIS!).  I am allowed because I can put my own damn shoes on!

  • Love 5

Kerryn has gotten all the attention for tonight's episode, but let's not forget also Lennie 'begs' Whitney for another chance, while looking and sounding like he wishes he was having a beer with his friends instead. I don't know, I don't buy it, to me they never broke up. My understanding is this season was filmed in the beginning of  the year, and maybe a week before the 'break-up' episode, she kept posting tons of pics with him on her IG account.  I bet the producers told her to stop posting pics of him so we'd all believe they broke up, and so far, no more pics, even though I'm sure they're still dating. Maybe they 'get back together' after this episode and we'll see the Lennie pics again. Fake, fake, fake.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Cheyanne11 said:

As has been said, Whitney should've foregone the personal trainer for now and invested in both a therapist and a nutritionist--the former to delve into her food addiction and the latter to teach her about what foods are, and aren't, good for her.  A nutritionist could put her on a meal plan tailored to her needs that wouldn't even need to be Biggest Loser levels of low-cal.  What she lacks--be that willfully or not--is an understanding of what foods she should and can be eating.

Of course all of the above will only work if she has the desire to make it work--which I'm doubtful she does.  Not sure I can stomach watching tonight as she and her trained monkeys dogpile on the comedian for daring to say Whit is fat.

Didn't she go to a nutritionist in one season? You would have thought she learned something. That was when she tried to cut out carbs.

When she had the conversation with Todd and he called her out but she got defensive, she said she thought something was wrong with her. That could have been opportunity for Todd to encourage her to get counseling instead of saying there is nothing wrong with her. He knows there is but he's a coward just like the rest of them.

  • Love 4

I've been unable to finish watching reunion part 1 , it made me too frustrated and angry watching her and her enablers .  Been reading all the great posts here and will probably delete part 1 for DVR space .  Definitely will tune in live tonite to catch Kerryn vs Twit 2 and follow posts here.  Drop those truth bombs Kerryn ????? If Twit storms off maybe some of it will sink in for her enablers ( likely not ) 

So enjoyed all the posts here this season - you guys are great !! 

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, DatFatShorty said:

ETA: I remember her posting stuff like 'Guys, remember we film like 10,000 hours of material, but they edit it to only 10 hours' like 'These mothereffers are making me look real bad this season' (lazy, addict, vengeful, immature, unhealthy and in denial, to name a few)?

They can't edit what ain't there. 

  • Love 6

Also I'd like to know in what universe they film 10,000 hours of material in a season. That's 16 hours a day for 625 days. If they (liberal estimate) film 10 hours a day for 40 days, that's 400 hours, and if 10 of those hours are the pure vile horror we have seen, you can bet they left a lot more pure vile horror on the cutting room floor.

  • Love 3
30 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

Also I'd like to know in what universe they film 10,000 hours of material in a season. That's 16 hours a day for 625 days. If they (liberal estimate) film 10 hours a day for 40 days, that's 400 hours, and if 10 of those hours are the pure vile horror we have seen, you can bet they left a lot more pure vile horror on the cutting room floor.

In Whitney's defense, I added the extra 0; it was 1,000 :)

  • Love 1

Two more things I want to comment about in part one.

 Whitney makes a comment about the viewers (her critics) would cry foul if she was (in her mind) eating healthy ......carrots and ranch dressing.

Sorry to break it to you Whitney, but salad dressings are one of those things that will pile on pounds, especially when abused.  Even in moderation and used as the example for part one,  if Whitney ate 8 baby carrots with even one serving of ranch that is 15 grams of fat.   We all KNOW how much food she places on a fork ,so its more likely to be 2 servings of dressing, making that 30 grams of fat or more. So, yes that is not a good choice.

Second, another peeve about Will.   He should of told Whitney he would not show up to the stairs unless she could tell him she had been climbing the stairs on her own at least once a week for 2 months.     Her instant reply to thinking he wasn't going to show was I am going to leave.  Huh?   See, she needed one of her enablers/pee-ons to cheer her on, hold her hand, blah blah blah.

  • Love 3
On August 11, 2016 at 6:03 AM, ClareWalks said:

Her stock response is basically "would you be saying that if I were thin?" "Would you be concerned about my heart issues if I were thin?" What a brilliant misdirection. SHE WOULDN'T FUCKING HAVE THESE ISSUES IF SHE WERE THIN. Yes, some thin people have heart issues. Whitney clings to that like a life raft so that she can avoid taking responsibility for her massive weight. I wish I'd been there, I would have let her hear some real truths.

Plus, if a thin person fainted and the doctor said, "you have X," they'd likely listen to the doctor! But Whitney leaves the hospital and eats pizza. Yes, thinner people can still get similar issues as overweight/obese people, but they don't tend to make excuses for how the doctor is wrong or doesn't know what they're talking about. For example, if an obese person goes to the doctor complaining of knee pain, sure it could be because of a running injury, but if you honestly think the extra 100+ pounds that knee has to hold up doesn't make that injury even worse, I don't know what to tell you.

  • Love 4
On August 12, 2016 at 7:43 PM, Tabbygirl521 said:

Whitney's parents bother me, for different reasons.  I feel like Babs is appalled to have a large daughter for image reasons - maybe more than out of concern for Whitney's health. She makes snotty little cracks under her breath. Speak up to her face, Mom, and try not to be a bitch about it. One example I recall is something about throwing Whitney under the bus but she wouldn't fit. What a shitty thing to say. Glen, on the other hand, seems genuinely sad about the Whitney's state of denial, but he caves when she snarls at him. Either of my parents would have reamed me good if I had ever spoken to them as Whitney does to her parents. 

And Whitney, if you still wonder why Buddy prefers Heather to you, I bet it has to do with her being low maintenance, thoughtful, amusing without it being at someone's expense... You, on the other hand, don't like being single because you miss having someone fawn all over you. Put his arms around YOU. Commiserate about YOUR trials and tribulations. How about someone who is a companion, an equal (as you claim to want), someone you can give to and not just take from. Even your stupid newlyweds game ending in your endless braying about how Lennie didn't know things about YOU. How much did you listen to things he told you about himself? Did you dismiss him and talk over him and belittle him in private as you do everybody else on camera? Get over yourself. Turn outward for a change  


Also, Heather acts like a LADY, whereas Quit acts like a child. 

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