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"The View": Week of 08/01/2016


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Monday: Constance Zimmer and Shiri Appleby ("Unreal"); "View Your Deal" with hottest items at affordable prices hosted by Gretta Monahan.

Tuesday: Hot Topics with Fox News Channel's Eric Bolling ("Wake Up America").

Wednesday: Whoopi's sit-down with Sirius XM founder Martine Rothblatt and her wife, Bina; Robyn Youkilis (author, "Go With Your Gut").

Thursday: Day of Hot Topics.

Friday: Day of Hot Topics; Penn Jillette (author, "Presto! How I Made Over 100 Pounds Disappear and Other Magical Tales"); ABC News Chief Women's Health Correspondent Dr. Jennifer Ashton (author, "Eat This, Not That! When You're Expecting").

  • Love 1

Ha!  Sherri asked the two actresses about their show. 

I don't think Sherri has ever SEEN the show "Unreal"  which is NOT actually a dating show, but a dark drama ABOUT a fictional dating show.   Her question was about them having a Black Bachelor on their show, referred to her OWN dating show gig.  SO she asks "How did audiences respond to having a man of color be the Bachelor on your show?" 

Yeah, Sherri, it's a Black ACTOR, acting the part of a Black Bachelor, in a scripted show,  illustrating the behind the scenes manipulation of reality dating shows.  

Interesting that they had Sherri on with these women, so that Sherri could insert a plug for her own show.  The juxtaposition of having Sherri, who hosts a dating show, along with two women who star in a show that exposes how FAKE dating show are, amused me.

  • Love 15

What was Sherry doing on the show, she made a big declaration on Wendy's show  a few months ago, about moving on from the view....I knew that she was full of it..She enjoys the limelight too much to ever give it up...I wish that she would stop making references about her ex husbands on the show, there is no need for her, to highlight her poor choices in men as fodder for her comedic routine..It is actually very pathetic...I can tell that she is still hurting from being bamboozled by Sal...For her sake and her son's, I do hope that she has learned a valuable lesson...One good thing that I will say about Sherry is that she has beautiful skin and a wonderful smile...It makes her very youthful...

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Medicine Crow said:

Having to listen to borderline illiterate Sherri try to express herself was downright painful (& hard on my blood pressure).  I still can't stand that poor excuse for a human being.

Hey, don't you go painting Sherri with a broad swath of cloth!  Someone will stick you in an intern camp! 

  • Love 14

And it's not just Sherri's word choices that reveal her ignorance.  The way she thinks appalls me.  Where does she get off mocking that Miss Teen USA girl's claim she had gone through "some personal struggles" at one point in her young life?   Whoopi was in on it, too.  For all they know this girl could have been referring to having been raped or molested or suffered from an eating disorder or was living with an alcoholic parent or witnessing domestic violence in her home ... there are LOTS of struggles young people can go through that are just as legitimate as the "struggles" Sherri has brought on herself with her desperation for a relationship that caused her to make foolish financial decisions.  I realize Miss Teen USA may well just be trying to come up with some kind of excuse for her tweeting behavior, but I found Sherri and Whoopi's glib dismissal of what she had to say to be insensitive and ignorant.  They don't know the whole story. They weren't there.

I am surprised that not one person on the panel thought Miss Teen USA should get to keep her crown.  I wonder if they bothered to read the actual tweets this girl sent out.  They were talking about her like she had used the N word in some kind of hateful way, like she screamed it out the window of a car at some sweet old African American lady who was just walking down the street minding her own business.  But that is not what happened.  She used the word the same a way a lot of dumb white kids do, calling her friends "nigga" thinking it's cool and hip and funny when it is ... not. It was a mistake but not done out of hatred to diminish another person based on their race.  And she was fourteen/fifteen years old. That is still a child in my book.  What is the stature of limitations on saying something stupid when you are fourteen? 

Plus it appears that at some point she made the decision to stop using the word and hadn't used it in years.  She apparently came to some kind of realization it was not something she should be saying.  Does she get any credit for that?  

The real story is that five white blue-eyed blondes were the finalists in the pageant.  Really, Miss Teen USA?  Really?

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
  • Love 12
2 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

And it's not just Sherri's word choices that reveal her ignorance.  The way she thinks appalls me.  Where does she get off mocking that Miss Teen USA girl's claim she had gone through "some personal struggles" at one point in her young life?   Whoopi was in on it, too.  For all they know this girl could have been referring to having been raped or molested or suffered from an eating disorder or was living with an alcoholic parent or witnessing domestic violence in her home ... there are LOTS of struggles young people can go through that are just as legitimate as the foolish "struggles" Sherri has brought on herself with her desperation for a relationship that caused her to make foolish financial decisions.  I realize Miss Teen USA may well just be trying to come up with some kind of excuse for her tweeting behavior, but I found Sherri and Whoopi's glib dismissal of what she had to say to be insensitive and ignorant.  They don't know the whole story. They weren't there.

I am surprised that not one person on the panel thought Miss Teen USA or whatever she is should get to keep her crown.  I wonder if they bothered to read the actual tweets this girl sent out.  They were talking about her like she had used the N word in some kind of hateful way, like she screamed it out the window of a car at some sweet old African American lady who was just walking down the street minding her own business.  But that is not what happened.  She used the word the same a way a lot of dumb white kids do, calling her friends "nigga" thinking it's cool and hip and funny when it is ... not. I t was a mistake but not done out of hatred to diminish another person based on their race.  And she was fourteen/fifteen years old. That is still a child in my book.  What is the stature of limitations on saying something stupid when you are fourteen? 

Plus it appears that at some point she made the decision to stop using the word and hadn't used it in years.  She apparently came to some kind of realization it was not something she should be saying.  Does she get any credit for that?  

The real story is that five white blue-eyed blondes were the finalists in the pageant.  Really, Miss Teen USA?  Really?

My bold.  Exactly Celia, but what IS the stature of limitations on saying something stupid ..... LOL LOL LOL.

  • Love 3

I was so disappointed to not see Sunni or Joy this morning.  I was looking for some intelligent, female/feminist discussion relating to the weekend Trump fiasco.  I knew there would not be any without either of them. It was such a lost opportunity.  The feminist/feminine point of view I was looking for was because of Trump pointing to Mrs. Khon (sp?) not talking when we can count on one hand how many times the present Mrs Trump has been heard  in the past 14 months, is she allowed to speak?  

As far as Sara is concerned, I think she is too polite for this panel, she is not one to interrupt and out shout others which is why she is seldom heard. That tells me she may be smarter than given credit for. She seems like someone who listens and thinks before interjecting, it does not work well with the Fox crowd of " listen to me" and " who needs facts". 

in the past I found myself giving up the show for years at a time.  There were hosts I just did not like listening to and found myself not willing to waste my time with,I also found I needed to stop reading the blogs in order to make a clean break.   I would pick in when ill to prove I had made the right decision. 

I've never been able to understand why Whoopi was hired or chose to stay. It just baffles me. 

  • Love 7

Where was Joy today?

I think they must still be deciding about Jediasdfghjkl for next season because she is on entirely too much to be out of the running. Sunny and airhead Sara Haines (who continues to sit there with the puzzled look on her face and 10 minutes pass before she says anything) are in next season. ...... but  would they keep rotating and add Jediasdfghikl and CCB to the mix?

Edited by Vinyasa
6 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

And it's not just Sherri's word choices that reveal her ignorance.  The way she thinks appalls me.  Where does she get off mocking that Miss Teen USA girl's claim she had gone through "some personal struggles" at one point in her young life?

Exactly. I didn't have any of the horrors you mentioned happen to me (thank God), but my teenage years were the most stressful in my life. Working two jobs, going to a prep school on scholarship and trying to keep my grades up, trying to fit into a 13-grade school having transferred in during 10th grade, being mocked openly for not being rich like the other kids. Throw in all the curve balls that come with puberty on top of that, and trying to get into a decent college that would offer my single mom adequate financial aid, and it was so stressful that I was constantly broken out in welts from the constant emotional pressure.

I remember my scalp was covered with little ulcers (which eventually turned my hair white in streaks -- at age 16), so I went to a la-dee-dah day spa to have it looked at. The woman who was attending to me told me that in adults it would be considered a tension-related outbreak, but it obviously wasn't because I was so young and therefore carefree. I nearly leaped out of the chair to set her straight.

I wish I'd had the kind of teenage years that Whoopi and Sherri apparently think are normal, but I was just appalled that they out-and-out pooh-poohed the notion that a teenage girl might have "struggles."

  • Love 12

I tuned in hoping to hear a good discussion of the weekend's political stories but unfortunately Sunny was sorely missed and Joy too.

So I saw Sherri and thought oh geez, what's this all about. She mentioned that in two hours she was moving to LA. It sounded like she was making a permanent move there. Not much else was said that made sense of that... or maybe I was tuned out already.

Wow!  Love Sunny for using Boling's words against him, reading right out of his book. "That's not what you said here."  She did her homework.  What a refreshing concept!

52 minutes ago, Apprentice79 said:

Wow! Whoopie just threw some shade on Paula and she is not even there....She really hates her...

Caught that too.

Edited by Haleth
  • Love 11
Just now, Haleth said:

Wow!  Love Sunny for using Boling's words against him, reading right out of his book. She did her homework.  What a refreshing concept!

Caught that too.

It was uncalled for.....It showed how petty Whoopie is..It cannot be said enough, but, Sunny is sublime..I am really loving what she brings to the table...

  • Love 2

They were trying to have a conversation  amid the cross talk, about the difference between unbiased journalists and people like them who give opinions about topics..While she was ranting in her incoherent fashion, she basically said that there are people who used to work as a sports commentator in a locker room passing themselves off as journalists.. It was a clear shot at Paula who comes from that..It was very cruel and the other hosts were clearly uncomfortable.. Joy is clearly over Whoopie and her megalomania....I know that I am...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 8

Sunny is fantastic for this show. She and Joy need to be on every show, and I hope she gets a multi-year contract whenever they re-negotiate at the end of next season. I’m glad she read the guest’s book and then called him on some kernels of BS he had to have written. I feel sorry for the audience if that rag is all they got. I’d probably just throw it away on the way out.

Jedi is…yes, repulsive. I can’t stand her. That whole argument about the media being biased was idiotic. Whatever a reporter's personal leanings may be, that does not affect the news that is reported. If anything, there’s conservative bias because the media is made up of corporations. And what ground does she have to stand on anyway when she works for Fox News FFS, easily the most biased channel on TV? Thankfully Sunny did not let it go--Sunny's best quality. I’m glad Jedi kept her trap shut during the interview. One nutjob speaking at a time is enough, thanks.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
To clarify which "her" I was speaking about. lol
  • Love 9
8 minutes ago, Apprentice79 said:

They were trying to have a conversation  amid the cross talk, about the difference between unbiased journalists and people like them who give opinions about topics..While she was ranting in her incoherent fashion, she basically said that there are people who used to work as a sports commentator in a locker room passing themselves off as journalists.. It was a clear shot at Paula who comes from that..It was very cruel and the other hosts were clearly uncomfortable.. Joy is clearly over Whoopie and her megalomania....I know that I am...

Thank you. Whoopi the former drug addict thinks she's all that and everybody else doesn't measure up. Paula is much better off at GMA and ABC can keep their friggin moderator who can't moderate for shit.

I'm glad everybody else was uncomfortable. It goes to show that Paula is liked by the rest of them and Whoopi is a hateful bitch.

  • Love 6

I don't need a DM article to know she was minimized because of Whoopi, because Whoopi has attacked Paula personally since the beginning of the season. I'm really only angry because Whoopi's diva tantrums got Jedi on this show and now I'm going to have to deal with her all season. Just another item on the list of ways Whoopi has made this show worse.

  • Love 9

Eric Bolling said just the other day that it was the Bush administration who took down Bin Laden, and not Obama.

I wish they would have followed up on his complaints about the poor companies who have to go overseas to take jobs away from American workers, because Trump wants to require companies to come back to the US by imposing harsh tariffs on their goods, and won't that do more damage to the corporate bottom lines than just keeping jobs here in the first place?

The right is really good at repeating the lies about Benghazi and the economy, even though the lies have been refuted over and over again.

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