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Toddlers & Tiaras - General Discussion

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4 hours ago, TaxNerd said:

I taped a bunch of episodes from the marathon and am slowly catching up.

Season 6 ep 1 is "Disco Fever".  This is a great example of a later season that is still full of gems.

One child has parents that are fitness fanatics where the Dad stripped down on stage and they fed their kid a red bull off camera while saying their kid would NEVER have soda.

Another child had "tinker tea" daily, a mix of coffee, mountain dew and pixie sticks.  Seriously.

Grand prize was a $15k two story playhouse.

Was that the castle bed and it was 2 stories with a play area underneath and a staircase on one side?  Or am I thinking of something else?

I was hoping they'd show one of my favorite shows during the marathon, but I didn't see it. It was one of the later seasons, in Las Vegas. The pageant director disqualified one of the contestants because the mom owed money, who claimed she was paid up. The mom threw a tantrum, threatened the pageant director and her husband, and the police were called. The mom was a piece of goods who liked to use the term 'hood rat'. When interviewed, the pageant director made some comment about if there would have been a physical altercation, she'd protect her veneers because she paid a lot of money for them or something like that. Pure comedy gold.

That pageant also had a cute judge they kept showing. I think he'd done a few other pageants. But the combination of crazy mom, veneer director and cute judge is what made it one of my favorites!

Edited by Beamish
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On August 31, 2016 at 10:47 PM, cherbitrary said:

Does anyone know why Kim (Selyse's mom) looks familiar to me? Has she been on another show? Or an earlier season of this one? Maybe with a different child...because Selyse is only 3 and I feel like it has been many many years since I watched this show.

I was thinking the exact same thing ... but not associating her with this ... maybe she's just a reality TV ho? That wouldn't surprise me.  She may have gone to number one with a bullet (to the kneecap) as single most reprehensible mom ever on T&T and that is saying a lot (and may I add that Selyse may be the most singularly unattractive kids ever on this show, which is kind of ironic -- sorry, I know something is going to strike me down for saying that but still ...)

  • Love 1

Nah Selyse wasn't the ugliest kid. You're forgetting Honey Boo Boo, those "Tiara Twins", Brenna and quite a few more. But she definitely wasn't cute. One of my favorite episodes is the second one with the Tiara Twins. At the end Giavanna doesn't win Ultimate and her mother goes to the judges to confront them about the score sheet. She goes on and on about how "That kid is the prettiest kid in this pageant" etc. That's the moment that sealed it for me that parents really see their kids with rose colored glasses. Because, just no. 


I was really concerned for Selyse.  Her mom is a nutcase.  There was a scene where her hands were shaking

I noticed that too. I think Selyse's mother is maybe on meds. The physical signs are there. And she clearly struggles to be on time and get everything together. (This isn't snark - just an observation.) The other pageant moms are gonna chew her up; she's in way over her head. (This IS snark.)

So disappointed in this new format. I was in a hotel on a business trip, my sleep thrown off by a time change, and the old T&T was airing early one morning. They showed Makenzie and Eden Wood's deranged mother and other assorted golden oldies. So I was all primed for the new season.

  • Love 1
17 hours ago, Tasya said:

Nah Selyse wasn't the ugliest kid. You're forgetting Honey Boo Boo, those "Tiara Twins", Brenna and quite a few more. But she definitely wasn't cute. One of my favorite episodes is the second one with the Tiara Twins. At the end Giavanna doesn't win Ultimate and her mother goes to the judges to confront them about the score sheet. She goes on and on about how "That kid is the prettiest kid in this pageant" etc. That's the moment that sealed it for me that parents really see their kids with rose colored glasses. Because, just no. 

AH, so true ... how could I forget Honey Boo Boo? Yeah, there have been a few real winners.  But Selyse is just plain plain plain.  Even all glammed up she was plain. 

As much as it pains me to sound as though I take any of this nonsense seriously, I do have to say that the pageant seemed rigged.  Granted, I'm sure this is all fake and for show, but no way in hell did any of Jaimie's showcased kids score higher than Cambrie's.  And for Selyse to pull divisional queen - the fix had to be in.  She should have at most gotten something like 2nd runner up - at MOST.  And how does a kid (Kallyn) bomb every time she steps on the stage, yet outscore polished kids like Jaqueline & Lily?  I know - I sound as awful as the parents.  I can't begin to fathom just how very sad the lives of these moms must be to become so invested in this dreck.

On a completely off the wall note, a couple of months ago I was reading some tabloid magazine while I killed some time waiting at an appointment.  In the magazine, there were pics of the little girl that John Edwards (barf) had with that skanky groupie (barf again).  Anyway - the camera panned the audience a couple of times in this latest episode, and I saw a kid that looked exactly, I mean exactly, like that kid.  The mother seems like the type that would be delusional & flaky enough to put her kid in these pageants, so it made me wonder...

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I was channel surfing and landed on TLC by accident just in time to watch an award ceremony for little girls in grotesque makeup and hairdos as well as suggestive costumes!  Doesn't anyone remember Jon-Benet Ramsey?  Doesn't anyone realize that there are child predators out there looking for opportunities.  In my never-to-be-humble opinion, this is utter psychological child abuse and the parents who are subjecting their precious children to this should be put in jail.  Certainly, when judgement day comes, they will be sent straight to hell where they belong!  There is no defense and there are no words to adequately describe these "pageants!" and the harm it ultimately will do to these children

Edited by bonnierae
3 hours ago, JennB said:

The episode with the Sterling twins is on right now! Their last name has been redacted everywhere, but we see you, Jamie Sterling. We will never forget. Free AshLynn!

I noticed they edited out her last name! I wonder why? I know she got backlash but T&T usually doesn't care. Speaking of Jamie, found her FB. She and girls daddy got a divorce. She had a boy with another guy. Now she's with another (a 3rd) guy. She over uses filters on her pictures. Down to applying makeup and changing eye color. It's trashtastic. 


My other favorite was on that episode. "Kavin will be more of the room greeter type, working the room". He's 2 weeks old! His eyes can't even focus yet! Haha. 


The episode with the Sterling twins is on right now! Their last name has been redacted everywhere, but we see you, Jamie Sterling. We will never forget. Free AshLynn!

I just watched it too. I thought I remembered how bad the mother was. But no, she's actually worse than I remembered. The scene were she got on BreAnne for having ripped one of the ruffles on her dress at a prior pageant was heartbreaking. Jamie basically said look what you did to your dress, now it's ruined, I don't know if we can have a new one in time for the pageant, now step aside because the other twin and her dress are more important. Jamie was just cruel. I can't think of any other word for it. The reality was, about 6" of ruffle had separated from the dress. That's an easy fix. But she spoke as if BreAnne was just a complete f-up, a total pain in the ass and not even worth her time.

Jamie and Barry divorced not too long after the show, which - I'm glad for him, but he was the only voice of sanity in that house. Jamie has since moved on to some other dude. The twins are about 13 or 14 now.


Ashlynn breanne sterling.jpg

  • Love 3

Oh my.

My husband and I watched that episode for the first time today. Jamie was downright nasty to that poor child, by far the worst parent I can remember.

Bonnierae, this show has been on since 2009, and if you think these parents should go to jail then hell, you should go hang out at our local baseball practice.   Makes these parents look tame!  I will say I enjoy watching the 6-10 years olds the best, since they are mostly there by choice at that point.  

  • Love 1
8 hours ago, JennB said:

The episode with the Sterling twins is on right now! Their last name has been redacted everywhere, but we see you, Jamie Sterling. We will never forget. Free AshLynn!

Actually, I've noticed that the majority of last names have now been edited out. With the exception of Eden Wood, of course. Mama Mickie probably wasn't down for that.

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I also was wondering about all the last name redacting ... and also noticed everyone but Eden (she never calls her Eden ... she always calls her EDEN WOOD and if I knew how to make a trademark sign on this keyboard I'd do it).  I do wonder about that ... possibly all these years later they had to track down the original families where names were mentioned and ask permission to still use them?  

I also wonder if Cavan and Cameron had the same daddy.  That Cameron was a cutie-pie and good sport and seemed to really love his squishy little brother.  He even seemed to like being in the pageant! I hope he is having an awesome happy teenagehood wherever he may be.

I agree with everyone here. The new format is terrible. I also noticed that they used Eden's last name but I figured it was because it is such a perfect porn star name that they couldn't resist. I am also upset that they keep changing the titles. Just when I had figured them out (i.e. Novice Supreme=sucker likely to spend a lot of money if they think they're winning), they went and changed them again.

Before, Mini Supremes were the second runners up (in however many age groups they wanted) and Grand Supremes were first runners up and Ultimate Grand Supreme was the overall winner, now with Mega Ultimate Grand Supreme Cheesy Nacho, I guess everybody steps down a notch. Not to mention that Personality Supreme is apparently a lesser title than Face of 2016, whatever that means. Kudos,though, to the mom who was upset that her daughter only won for her photos when she preferred her to get something for what she actually did on stage. Most of these mothers would probably be ecstatic at a title for photos as long as it had the word supreme. I still remember the mother who was so happy that her daughter got Ambassador Supreme (I think that was the title) which was apparently for selling the most ads in the program.

The one I want a follow up on is Alaska, the sweet platinum blonde with the ice blue eyes whose mother preferred her brother because he was biracial. I hope she did OK. This time I liked Jacquelynne. She seemed to be enjoying herself and was a cute little girl. I did notice that Cambrie apparently did win the Mega although they really didn't cover the girl who won.

Edited by Psychobunny

If I recall, the "photo" title was outrageous because it was the only award her special snowflake won. On the other hand, since she paid to enter that particular contest...

I know, I know. There I go, trying to apply logic to this show. :)

Edited by RealityCowgirl
Punctuation is our friend
On September 5, 2016 at 4:55 PM, ShaNaeNae said:

My other favorite was on that episode. "Kavin will be more of the room greeter type, working the room". He's 2 weeks old! His eyes can't even focus yet! Haha. 

I thought that mom was being totally tongue in cheek about everything she said about Kavin (Cavin?) in the pageant.  Aside from the fact that she obviously wanted a girl to do pageants with, she seemed pretty normal and like she had a good sense of humor.

  • Love 1
46 minutes ago, Gabrielle Tracy said:

Am I the only person on this board who likes Cambrie?  Oh, ok.  Yeah, that's what I figured.  She just seems to really know what she's doing as opposed to Jaime who.....doesn't.

This is horrible, especially in light of the fact that I have had more than my share of inopportune pimples, but that one on Selyse's mom's forehead...I thought it was going to start talking at some point.

Maybe TLC will give it it's own reality show...

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Other than the parents featured on the show, I would like to think that the majority of the parents, at the very least use the pageant experience to learn a lessen in losing gracefully, good sportsmanship.  I suppose it could also teach some self control, memorization and the ability to follow directions.  I also could be giving the parents way too much credit.

Edited by Honey
Spaces are important.

I thought Jacquellyn (sp?) was adorable. She counted to 100 by skipping the 90's completely and then making googly eyes at the camera lol. I also though her little voice was too cute.

I'm not a fan of the team format, but I have to watch again to see what happens with Selyse's spacey mom Kim. She had NO IDEA what was expected of her, and she was on the verge of tears in every single talking head.

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, Gabrielle Tracy said:

Am I the only person on this board who likes Cambrie?  Oh, ok.  Yeah, that's what I figured.  She just seems to really know what she's doing as opposed to Jaime who.....doesn't.

This is horrible, especially in light of the fact that I have had more than my share of inopportune pimples, but that one on Selyse's mom's forehead...I thought it was going to start talking at some point.

No you're not the only one. I just watched another episode accidentally.  I promised myself I wouldn't watch, deleted from my dvr timer and then can't stop watching when I catch a rerun. Anyway, my point is that this episode showed more of Cambrie and it's very obvious that, although she looks fake on the outside, she is definitely real on the inside. I couldn't stand her before tonight based on her appearance, I'm ashamed to admit. I thought she would be shallow. But actually, even though she makes her girls work hard, she seems to be very good with the kids and she teaches them very well. What impressed me last episode was that she didn't react during crowning when Kalyn got a higher title than Cambrie's girl and it was very obviously rigged or a terrible mistake. She acted very professionally and only said her opinion in her talking head and not in front of the girls.

The other one is exact opposite. I thought she'd be the nicer one but she isn't. She doesn't work well with the girls. Say what you will about selyse's mom but it wasn't really her fault that she fucked up so bad. She's new to pageants and her coach ignored her. She had no idea what to expect and her coach didn't do shit to train her child. I don't blame her for wanting to switch sides.

So in this next pageant, her mother is the director. Just watch when Cambrie's court kills it and the other team fucks up the entire time and still wins. The way that one Sassy Supreme mom spits venom, writes fake letters in order to disqualify a LITTLE GIRL for god's sake, and posts awful things on Facebook, reflects very poorly on their beloved coach. The parents should be told that if they want to be part of some sort of team then they need to behave themselves. That woman is despicable and the coach laughs it off and allows that behavior. 

So yeah my mind is changed. If I get sucked in again, I'm hoping that Cambrie's court proves that this pageant will be rigged due to the director mother, which in my mind is very unprofessional. There shouldn't be any type of favoritism but naturally there will be. Sassy Supremes shouldn't be allowed to take part in that particular pageant in order to keep an appearance of professionalism since it's a conflict of interest.

Everything that has happened so far has shown that the Sassy Supreme coach sort of sucks as a person. She's gloating while Cambrie remains calm in front of the girls. 

Back to Selyse's mother, crazy as she may be, she doesn't deserve to be ganged up upon by the mothers as the coach says her moms will kick some ass. That's nothing to be proud of. I would be very upset too if I were her and no way I'd be a part of the sassy supreme clusterfuck. 

  • Love 9
6 hours ago, Nowhere said:

Back to Selyse's mother, crazy as she may be, she doesn't deserve to be ganged up upon by the mothers as the coach says her moms will kick some ass. That's nothing to be proud of. I would be very upset too if I were her and no way I'd be a part of the sassy supreme clusterfuck. 

I completely agree.  No other parent should have been involved in the conversation between her and the coach, let alone be allowed to gang up and scream at her. I would have been upset too. The whole sassy supreme group seems horrible.

  • Love 4

I'm astounded at how nasty all of these women are. Ganging up and intentional cruelty - and bragging about it - not for me. I couldn't even finish the episode.

My former cameraman (news) used to say that ignorance + insecurity + camera = cretins. He was right. I'm out.

Edited by pasdetrois
  • Love 1

I actually like Cambrie. If she's going to charge money for this, then at least she's taking it seriously and her kids seem to love her. 


Jamie. Wow. Ok, so a client is disappointed with a service and instead of trying to talk with them, she gossips about her with a mother mom and shakes her hands saying essentially "not my problem". That mom, who has been paying her money should have been briefed and known to have music. She should have been informed. Her kid should have been trained. And if any of these areas were lacking, the woman she's paying money too should have been on top of that made done her best to make sure things were the best they could be at least from her end. 

She takes money and doesn't provide a service. That's stealing. The other mom, however crazy she may be, has a right to seek other coaches. This should be between the two coaches and the client. Instead, Jamie, like a child, went to her "team" and they middle school bullied the poor woman. It wasn't right. 


That blonde lady, with the red head. Wow. She's ugly on the inside. A grown bully. Did she say her other daughter Harley is 'special', as in special needs? How hateful, she basically ignored that child. She knows her kid can't win without cheating and bullying. I just can't with her. I think they have no concept that their hateful actions are affecting children NOT the adults. How is that little girl gonna feel if she can't compete and traveled all that way? 


I couldn't stand the way those nasty moms ganged up on that mom. It was pathetic, and none of their business. She doesn't pay her money to them, and it's not a team sport. They may train as a team but they compete as an individual. 


Ugh. I just can't even. 

  • Love 12

I can't remember the name of the girl, but it was the one who had her crown switched with another girl at one of the pageants.  She was a gorgeous little girl, even without all the makeup she was just stunning.

The little brat with the 2 moms needed a serious spanking, years ago, I think it's too late.  The fact that she had cancer doesn't give her a pass.  She also had a very unattractive face, makeup didn't help her at all.

The awful red-headed girl, oh boy, what a mother she has.  I can see her being a bully at school since she's bigger than the other girls, and she's simply horrible.  And no honey, you aren't beautiful.  The makeup helps some, but beautiful? nah.

Next week looks like fun and I can't wait.  It sucks that we don't get to the crowning every week. 

  • Love 17

Wait. So last night's new episode didn't even show the pageant?  


I can't remember the name of the girl, but it was the one who had her crown switched with another girl at one of the pageants.  She was a gorgeous little girl, even without all the makeup she was just stunning.

I agree, and I also liked her mom.  

This scripted nonsense is grating.   It's so obvious the moms are given instructions on what to say and how to act.  Even the kids seem to be reciting rehearsed lines.  

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Pherber said:

I just found this Toddlers and Tiaras:  Where Are These Poor Kids Now? deal online.  


I think this highlights how much of this is mom-driven. It is normal for a parent to choose an activity for a child when they are young. You hope the child shows an interest but the decision-making process for a 3, 4, 5 year old isn't one that can process all the choices an pick something they like and would be good at. This is why the percentage of kids who are doing the same thing they started as a very young child is low. Sure there are some who do, but that slideshow showed 100% of those kids still involved in pageants or other attempts at "fame". No way would that be true if they were allowed to choose their own paths.  

I, too, actually like Cambrie.  What she does may not be my first choice for a job, but no one is forcing those moms to pay her, and they all seem happy with the service they get in return.  As long as everyone is satisfied, I don't see what Cambrie does as being so awful - except that these pageants are awful to begin with, but that is a whole other issue.  I thought she sounded almost like an elementary school teacher with the "If you can hear me, clap once.  If you can hear me, clap twice."  That's pretty good management technique, as opposed to simply yelling "Shut up!" like many people might be tempted to do.

In a nutshell, I think Cambrie seems to go above & beyond for her clients, and that is being very professional - even if she may look a little Kardashian-esque.

  • Love 8

Wow- what a bunch of harpies!  I am going to justify what I am about to say by stating that if these moms want to put their kids on TV & talk about how beautiful they are, then put them in a pageant where beauty is suppose to be judged, then they are asking for the feedback they might get.  The red head - Piper, I think, and the little girl with 2 moms - was she Cadence?- were seriously unattractive.  I know earlier on in this thread I stated that Eden Wood was the most unattractive child I'd seen, but her title of Ugly Supreme has been usurped in a 2 way tie.  Yikes!

I can also see Piper being a bully, as she is, shall we say, gifted with girth... Cadence - what a nightmare she would be for a teacher unlucky enough to have her in a classroom.

  • Love 6

I thought that about Cambrie too. She clearly knows how to deal with children and you could see it in their behavior. They sat and listened to her and weren't screaming banshees. I think pageants are awful too, but she at least seems to do her job and value the girls. I also think she really felt badly for the mom who left Jamie. She knew she couldn't do anything about it at this pageant without sacrificing her current students, but just going over to her, checking in, and giving some advice was more than Jamie did for her when she was being paid to be the coach.

  • Love 2

I don't know if I would go so far as to say I like Cambrie, but I (maybe grudgingly) respect her.  She does seem to be really good with the kids, and hey, if parents are willing to pay her that much, that's their business.  She also does seem very professional with her business, and is willing to hustle for what she wants.  She does talk smack about the Sassy Supremes, but she pretty much says what I've been thinking, and she doesn't seem to be saying it with a ton of malice.

Unlike the Sassy Supremes, who are more and more looking like a catty, immature bunch.  The moms, not the kids.  I'm sure all this "mama drama" is at least partially scripted, but I do not think Kim is a good enough actress for it to all be fake.  Those tears of hers were real and I'm sure she felt legitimately ganged up on (rightly so).  Not to mention the facebook posts they showed prove that the drama is certainly not all just for the show. 

I also thought it was super-weird that Jamie's mother didn't want to say she was Jamie's mother.  Are they trying to keep it hush-hush in the pageant world?  If it's such a small world as she said, how would that work?

  • Love 5
35 minutes ago, pigs-in-space said:

I don't know if I would go so far as to say I like Cambrie, but I (maybe grudgingly) respect her.  She does seem to be really good with the kids, and hey, if parents are willing to pay her that much, that's their business.  She also does seem very professional with her business, and is willing to hustle for what she wants.  She does talk smack about the Sassy Supremes, but she pretty much says what I've been thinking, and she doesn't seem to be saying it with a ton of malice.

Unlike the Sassy Supremes, who are more and more looking like a catty, immature bunch.  The moms, not the kids.  I'm sure all this "mama drama" is at least partially scripted, but I do not think Kim is a good enough actress for it to all be fake.  Those tears of hers were real and I'm sure she felt legitimately ganged up on (rightly so).  Not to mention the facebook posts they showed prove that the drama is certainly not all just for the show. 

I also thought it was super-weird that Jamie's mother didn't want to say she was Jamie's mother.  Are they trying to keep it hush-hush in the pageant world?  If it's such a small world as she said, how would that work?

I figure Jamie's mom was stupid enough to think they could rig the pageant and harass the kid about her age/birth certificate without anyone suspecting there was a bias.

6 hours ago, Pherber said:

I just found this Toddlers and Tiaras:  Where Are These Poor Kids Now? deal online.  


I was actually going to suggest a "Where Are They Now" topic here but had no idea how to create or suggest a new topic plus thought perhaps it would be too cruel for us to dig around for info on these poor unfortunates ... but ... maybe ... 

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Thadeeeyus said:

Wait. So last night's new episode didn't even show the pageant?  

I agree, and I also liked her mom.  

This scripted nonsense is grating.   It's so obvious the moms are given instructions on what to say and how to act.  Even the kids seem to be reciting rehearsed lines.  

If you like her mom, you must not have seen the preview for next week. I wanted to smack the crap out of her. 

I just found out today that this show was back on.  I was so excited, I came here immediately to see what was happening.  I haven't seen it yet, but from reading the comments here, I'm already sooo sad.  They changed the format...WHY???  Like a lot of you, it was my favorite guilty pleasure and my favorite forum on TWOP.  If they were going to turn it into Dance Moms, they should have changed the name.  Dammitall!

  • Love 2

This new format sucks, I don't care about the team I want the crazy moms and kids acting like brats, its too much like Dance Moms and lost what it so fun, and the little girl with two moms, she is probably the worst behaving child I have ever seen on this show.  She is a brat, and will not like school once she finds out she wont always get her way

  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, megwhite said:

This new format sucks, I don't care about the team I want the crazy moms and kids acting like brats, its too much like Dance Moms and lost what it so fun, and the little girl with two moms, she is probably the worst behaving child I have ever seen on this show.  She is a brat, and will not like school once she finds out she wont always get her way

I think some of the old stuff is back.  I always like when they do interviews at their house and show the kids rooms with nothing but trophies and sashes all over the place.  They also still show the crazy mothers pantomime the routines in front of  the child on stage.   

I would bet that mother who claims her child is 5 or 6 years old is lying.  That child is already hard looking.  You almost expect her to speak in a husky voice from years of Pall Malls and Red Bulls.  It's hard to believe she's only 5 or 6 and it's got nothing to do with her height.

  • Love 2

I hate those little girls talking so much cr&p about the other girls - not even stuff like "I'm going to win the pageant"  but just bully nasty stuff. Especially the little girl with the speech impediment. That will come back to bite her in the butt one day. 

Anybody catch how old the little cancer girl with the two moms was? She looked young and had a little toddler bed but she really spoke well with all her nastiness.

Cadence (the girl with cancer in the womb) was four.  I agree that she was really well spoken.  I also agree she was a total brat but how could she be any other way with the way she's being raised?  I am always amazed by these parents give in to fits.  I worked in a 'children's prison' for four years and the # 1 thing we never did was give in to the kids being buttholes.  I'd like to see how Cadence would act if she was cuffed and put in the quiet room next time she throws a fit....

  • Love 2

I don't like the Dance Moms angle.  If they all know Gem Stars is rigged, why do they bother?  These things are all about the money, so why not speak with their wallets?  Seems like that would force some kind of fairness or put them out of the racquet, cough, I mean business.

These women really need to get something else going in their lives, but I guess I do to because I'm still watching.

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, Trampolina said:

Cadence (the girl with cancer in the womb) was four.  I agree that she was really well spoken.  I also agree she was a total brat but how could she be any other way with the way she's being raised?  I am always amazed by these parents give in to fits.  I worked in a 'children's prison' for four years and the # 1 thing we never did was give in to the kids being buttholes.  I'd like to see how Cadence would act if she was cuffed and put in the quiet room next time she throws a fit....

I agree. Kids learn very quickly that if they throw a fit, they get their way.  I taught mine that no means no with no exception and my daughter taught her kids the same way.  It doesn't mean they were perfect of course but I can guarantee you that my kids were NOT the boss in my house.  It's sad because even though it isn't her fault she's a raging brat that no kid will want to play with and no parent will want at birthday parties and events like that.   I couldn't stand to be in the same room as Cadence but I feel bad for her. 

I kind of like Cambrie too, much more than the other "coach".  The blonde mom with the big mouth and the finger pointing wouldn't last long around me.

 I hope this isn't taken the wrong way but after watching this season,  the marathons a few weeks ago and the documentaries recently,  has anybody else noticed that 99 percent of the pageant moms are...overweight? After I noticed I started paying more attention to the audience and the moms and was startled because I had never paid much attention to it before.   I apologize if that is offensive to anybody, I tried to phrase is as delicately as I could. 

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 7

My husband walked in on me watching this after putting our daughter to bed and said "why do you watch this crap??"  I didn't have a good answer.  Ironically, he sat down and watched about 20 minutes worth.  When I cringed at Piper being shown onscreen and said "I'm sorry, but that child is by far the ugliest kid I have ever seen on this show" he thought I was a horrible person for berating a child's looks.  Until he watched her horrible mother and saw Piper's "glam" photos...then he said "yeah, I see what you're getting at".  It's funny because both my husband and daughter are gingers, so I have a natural affinity towards redheads and even I didn't find Piper the slightest bit attractive.  And was it me, or did she seem to be eating something in EVERY scene they showed?  That pre-teen needs to put down the starbucks and candy.

Candence was a spoiled brat, and almost as ugly as Piper.  However, she was very well spoken and seemed to have quite the personality.  If her mothers gave her ANY sort of discipline I could see that kid going far.

I actually thought Kaylee (Kay) was really cute.  She might not be 6; she did speak very well for her (supposed) age, despite the stumbling, but I found her personality to be refreshing.  For the 5 minutes of screen time her mom got, I sort of liked her.  My grandmother, mother, and MIL were all nurses so I have an automatic soft spot in my heart for nurses and find them to be no-BS, down-to-earth, and caring women for the most part.  Hoping Kaylee's mom continues to fit into the mold I put her in.

Put me in the group that actually sort of likes Cambrie after last night's episode.  I judged her harshly at first based solely on her looks (she looks inflatable), but after seeing more of Jamie and her "Sassy" squad of moms Cambrie looks like a class act.  She may be inflatable, but she's professional and doesn't play into the drama the other team so desperately wants to start.  And as much as I find Kim to be a complete ditz and Selyse to not have any pageant potential, the ganging up on her was completely uncalled for.  I seriously never encountered 1/4 that drama in high school and was shocked that grown women with children could be SO nasty.  I'm so glad I surround myself with better people than that in life that until now I was oblivious how horrible some women can be.  I don't give Kim a pass on Selyse's horrible last pageant; Jamie is a horrible coach for sure, but 2 hours of watching past Toddlers & Tiaras episodes could have clued Kim onto the fact that you need to provide music, practice your routine, and show up on time.  Really not rocket science.  I think if she DOES end up switching teams she'll frustrate Cambrie to no end with her cluelessness.

I'm still disgusted by the new format.  An episode should contain cute kids saying ridiculous things off the cuff, crazy pageant parents, the actual pageant, and crowning- not this manufactured drama bullshit.

Okay, done snarking.

  • Love 4

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