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S18.E15: Battle Back

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So, I ended up watching half the episode on my phone using data as I was driving home. Why am I so into this show?

There was a rumour that Jozea had won, so I'm so glad it didn't end up being the case.

I laughed really hard at the goat bit in Corey's photo. 

I was a bit worried when it was Jozea vs Victor, but I was surprisingly ok with Victor winning. Jozea's DRs reminded me on how annoying he is, so I'm glad he lost. Poor Glenn; he had zero chance with that log competition. I would have used the poison berry on his second row, though. I'm surprised Glenn thought he would make it. I wouldn't have chanced it, especially if there's more of a chance of him catching up. I would have absolutely waited.

Bronte vs Victor was cutting it close, but Bronte's strategy wasn't great. 

Tiffany vs Victor made me very, very nervous. I just know that Victor going back into the house would mean he teams up with Paulie, Paul, and Corey. They would easily gobble him up. Their competition was so cool, though. And Tiffany looked amazing with her straightened hair. I had a lot of nerves with Tiffany's DRs. She didn't sound excited. And I was right. Damnit, Tiff! You almost had it! I am so pissed and disappointed. Victor better do the right thing, but he won't. I have no faith in him in going after Paulie. None at all. If he does get him out, though, I will eat my words. 

Secret room....can it bring Tiffany back in the game? No? Then I hope it goes to Natalie. Sweet cupcake needs to be protected.

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My only real thought was "Oh I hope Victol gets to shower before returning to the House." Such was the 'excitement' of a "special" Friday evening.

I really didn't want another "bro"/"your boy" in the House... damn.

Oh and for me, recycling the first comp really took the air out of the night's balloon. I mean you couldn't pull out one more new comp?

Edited by Wandering Snark
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Man...that first half hour of JOSEA-FEST was excruciating. Thank goodness he didn't make it back.

At first I was rooting for Tiffany but then I realized its just as well she didn't come back...it would have been a defacto Frankie Grande/Reset week because we'd be right back where we were...Davonne vs Tiff...once was enough.

The big question now is if Victor will get bounced immediatly back out of the house if he's not HOH.

So I guess we are to assume they had the houseguests barred from the back yard each week after the HOH comps so they could reuse the "game board"...would be intersting as to what they thought was going on out in the back yard while this was happening.

Looked like one of the guests ( Bronte maybe...not sure which one...i forget and have already deleted it) might have been sequestered in Santa Barbera? It could have been the St. Ynez mountains in the background. If so I'm jealous.

LOL at Clown Shoe Nightmares....might have been for Jeff but anything that foils things for that low budget, George Clooney wannabe lunkhead is fine by me!

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My husband said the same thing and I said "well you shouldn't have gotten your ass evicted then!"

But yes.  Victor is "my boy" and I seriously hate myself for it.  I hope he absorbed what Tiffany was saying and it works out.  Also, I hope he's not a jackass this time.

I would never want to see The Clown Shoe Nightmares.  I hated that act the first time!

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1 minute ago, Kendall said:

How petty nice of Tiffany to try one last stab at DaVonne in a game that she no longer has any involvement in. If DaVonne shouldn't have been trusted because she tried to get Tiffany out, then there is no way that Frank should've gotten her approval of trustworthiness, it's a game.

One that she played poorly, good riddance!

But....it's true that Da'Vonne can't be trusted. Sure, she should have never said that Frank can be trusted, but neither can Day, who did spread shit about her and who did help to get her out of the house a lot faster by putting suspicion on her. So what if Tiffany's bitter about it? It's not like Tiffany told Victor to spread lies about Day. It's all true in that he can't trust her. 

Not that Victor will listen anyway. 

  • Love 5

One, getting others out of the game is how the game works. I didn't watch last year, but from what I've read, in that regard DaVonne's technique wasn't much different from the constantly talked about Vanessa's. Not to mention, Frank was a part of his backdoor, so Victor can't trust Frank either.

Second, I just want the abject disgust for "petty" behavior to be spread evenly amongst those who practice it. Siccing somebody to do a job that you couldn't do qualifies as petty and Tiffany should receive her fair share of contempt.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Kendall said:

One, getting others out of the game is how the game works. I didn't watch last year, but from what I've read, in that regard DaVonne's technique wasn't much different from the constantly talked about Vanessa's. Not to mention, Frank was a part of his backdoor, so Victor can't trust Frank either.

Second, I just want the abject disgust for "petty" behavior to be spread evenly amongst those who practice it. Siccing somebody to do a job that you couldn't do qualifies as petty and Tiffany should receive her fair share of contempt.

I did watch last year. Day was worse last year, only because she didn't learn about keeping her mouth shut. Victor isn't going to really listen to Tiffany's backhanded advice on her way out. I doubt it even processed with him. 

Tiffany's behaviour isn't exactly petty, though. So many people in that house don't trust Day because of things she did in that house. I won't get into detail here, but there's a reason why Day was almost sent packing. Tiffany couldn't 'sic' anyone to go after Day because she had no power the moment she was put on the block and evicted. She gave advice. Bronte also gave advice to Victor on her way out. All they were doing was passing along information that he can or cannot use. That's not petty at all. Petty behaviour is, for me, what Day said in her goodbye message to Tiffany. The only thing petty is Tiffany telling Victor to trust Frank. 

Edited by Lady Calypso
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At least my eye candy came back. I really wanted Glenn or Jozea for the entertainment value, but I can be happy with staring at a shirtless Victor again.

I wish we could have seen more about the clues and a hint as to what's in the Sooper Sekrit Room. A Cootie Taw? Diamond POV? Something useless that really won't affect the game at all? I'm gonna go with number three.

Hee! Clown shoe will never get old.

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12 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

She gave advice. Bronte also gave advice to Victor on her way out. All they were doing was passing along information that he can or cannot use. That's not petty at all. Petty behaviour is, for me, what Day said in her goodbye message to Tiffany. The only thing petty is Tiffany telling Victor to trust Frank. 

Tiffany gave specific advice with the hopes that she could target DaVonne. Bronte gave advice telling Victor that everyone is targeting him. Big difference. One is mature enough to let the game go, the other is not.

If DaVonne is petty for essentially sticking out her tongue and saying "nanny nanny boo boo" then Tiffany was incredibly harsh, cruel and petty for calling Bridgette a Cabbage Patch Kid when she was really angry with Frank.

But, it's okay, I'll be just as amused at all of the rationalizations for Tiffany's behavior as I was when DaVonne sent her home with a vision that she'll never be able to separate from her first pathetic run on Big Brother.

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Awkward to have Julie tell Glenn & Bronte that their "summer is over" and have no reaction from them, because those comps were pre-taped weeks ago.  Victor did acknowledge Julie in the final victory over Tiffany. 

Poor Glenn misses placing the poison berry just moments before Jozea locks in his full column.  But don't think he would've had much of a chance in three athletic competitions.  Stacked against him from the start. 

I hope they let Glenn go home right after losing to Josea (and not sitting around for weeks and weeks):  As soon as Josea was evicted, the two of them immediately re-used the HoH berry comp (modified) already set up in the backyard.  Glenn lost.  He knew it weeks ago.  Was he kept from his partner and daughter to keep his presence in his daily life from spoiling it for his local community?  I hope he was at least allowed to go home and self-sequester himself there with his family (with a handler if needed) to keep him inside and off social media (Facebook, Twitter, Previously TV lol).

The BB house must be sound proof to not hear that loud speaker announcing the band times in the backyard.  Or Bronte's voice!

Glenn, Josea, and Victor look like they'd have body odor that would remain after recording their DR narrations.  Or cologne.  Perfume for Bronte.  TPTB must've had to air out that DR very well to keep HG's from smelling the return of an evictee in there!

P.S.: C'mon, we all know the secret room will be found before the four week time limit!  Just a matter of whom and when.

Edited by K-9
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Just now, K-9 said:

Awkward to have Julie tell Glenn & Bronte that their "summer is over" and have no reaction from them, because those comps were pre-taped weeks ago.  Victor did acknowledge Julie in the final victory over Tiffany. 

Probably because it wasn't Julie talking to them during the comps (except maybe the last one). I assumed it was a voice over in the studio, replacing some production person's voice.

11 hours ago, Snaporaz said:


Well, your boy Paul is all up your boy Paulie's ass, and your boy Victor is your boy Paul's boy.  Ergo, your boy Victor is not going after Paulie.


Yup. This is why Victor was my least favorite option for re-entering the house. He's too "bro" for me, and will be easily malleable by the Bros of the house. Snooze. Tiff would fight hard, Jozea would be hilariously delusional, Bronte might shake things up, and Glenn was gone too soon to have ANY bonds. I think Victor may end up being just another vote Paulie's little troop.


9 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:


I'm glad Victor won but something seemed not quite fair about it. Theoretically, Tiffany could've gotten back into the house after winning only one competition while Victor had to win three. I guess it's pointless though to expect things to be "fair" on BB.


I was expecting all 5 to compete in the first competition, loser goes home - and so forth and so on, until there's just one left. 

  • Love 8

Some random observations:

1) Sorry Glenn - no old overweight guy is going to allowed to pollute the BB house, you should have known that.

2) Jozea - still delusional, still a tool. Still, either you or a clone of you will be back next season because as we know, AG is like Homer Simpson - she likes her TV loud, her beer cold and her homosexuals flaming.

3) Poor Bronte, still thinking her mad math skills might be an advantage in a memory test.

4) Vic's back in the house - let the douchebromancing commence!

5) How fortunate for the show that all the houseguests were up, awake and dressed, instead of doing what most of them usually do which is spend most of the day and night in bed with a comforter over their heads. It's almost as if someone told them to be ready for something...

6) The Secret Room is obviously where AG keeps Jesse 'Mr Pectacular' locked up in his gimp suit between seasons.

  • Love 7

What is a Cootie Taw?

coup de grace  (pronounce ku - day - graw)


I feel sorry for Glenn.  He wasn't given a chance again.  He was never going to win a physical challenge against anyone.  They should have given him something there might have been at least of a glimmer of a chance he could win.

The set up of the berry competition was already in the backyard weeks ago when they recorded Glenn vs. Jozea.  Can't say that TPTB purposely discriminated against Glenn in that one.  The tennis comp did involve some running, but Glenn could have minimized running by having very accurate aim.  Next, there was the mental challenge after that, and Glenn would've beaten Bronte (with her incompetent guess-and-check strategy).  Finally, the billboard/poster challenge had the pulley system, but climbing up would have put Glenn at a huge disadvantage with his heavy weight.

Edited by K-9
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Yes, and now it has come to signify any "twist" that is nothing more than a direct producer interaction in the game to favor one hg. If one of the Chosen Ones of TPTB gets in trouble people start wondering if there will be a "cootie taw" coming up. BB Roadkill was ripe for the comparison give who won it on what week.

Edited by Wandering Snark

Glenn could've won the berry comp. He should've gotten the poison berry earlier. The tennis one was a crapshoot and the memory one was mental, so he theoretically had good shots at those too (and since he was a detective, I'm assuming he has good attention to detail). The only one I wouldn't give him a chance in is the last one.

14 hours ago, Kendall said:

Tiffany gave specific advice with the hopes that she could target DaVonne. Bronte gave advice telling Victor that everyone is targeting him. Big difference. One is mature enough to let the game go, the other is not.

If DaVonne is petty for essentially sticking out her tongue and saying "nanny nanny boo boo" then Tiffany was incredibly harsh, cruel and petty for calling Bridgette a Cabbage Patch Kid when she was really angry with Frank.

But, it's okay, I'll be just as amused at all of the rationalizations for Tiffany's behavior as I was when DaVonne sent her home with a vision that she'll never be able to separate from her first pathetic run on Big Brother.

Tiffany can let it go. She says in this exit interview that she has "no hard feelings" toward Day for that message and she would've targeted Paulie had she come back.

For the record, I think both were petty and harsh, but Day's was just unnecessary. The difference is that Tiffany's was delivered while everyone was still in the game as a move to save herself and to show her use to the other HGs if they keep her. And it was a speech that could've also shaken up the vote and gotten her evicted (which obviously it didn't since they all had a plan to go 5-4 to boot Bronte). But after that speech, someone could've been like, "Damn, that was way harsh, Tiff. I don't want someone like you in the house. I'm gonna vote you out instead," or "YAAAS QUEEN TIFF. She called out Frank! I'm gonna keep her now so she can get his ass out." Plus, threatening remarks and disses like that about and between HGs happen with regularity in the house. Not saying it's right, but they happen all the time. The only difference here is that she formally said it in a speech.

Day's comment, on the other hand, was in a goodbye message that she knew would be played when Tiffany was already out of the game and she was physically removed from her so she wouldn't have to deal with the repercussions, whereas Tiffany was hella ready to take on Frank and Bridgette after her speech. Day's had no value or use. It wasn't even over something personal like Natalie's to Victor (since they had a pre-feeds showmance). She just did it to gloat. It was also just dumb because they all speculated someone would return, so that person could've been Tiffany, and almost was. Day's face before Victor came in last night was praying that it wouldn't be Tiff.

And if Tiffany really wanted to be petty, she could've pointed out that Day beat her on her second shot at BB. She outlasted Day's first BB stint on her first try.

Edited by alihart41
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I felt sorry for Glenn because I think probably the only reason he was cast was to throw the finger at the people who complained about Derrick's skate to the $500k last season. It's like they were saying, "See? We're not in the bag for cops. This guy didn't even make it past the first episode." They likely weren't going to let him get past the first episode, or win a Battle Back competition.


She's even awkward on the View.

Julie Chen is one of the hosts of The Talk, on CBS. The View is on ABC and would be considered The Talk's competition.

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5 hours ago, alihart41 said:

Glenn could've won the berry comp. He should've gotten the poison berry earlier. The tennis one was a crapshoot and the memory one was mental, so he theoretically had good shots at those too (and since he was a detective, I'm assuming he has good attention to detail). The only one I wouldn't give him a chance in is the last one.

Tiffany can let it go. She says in this exit interview that she has "no hard feelings" toward Day for that message and she would've targeted Paulie had she come back.

For the record, I think both were petty and harsh, but Day's was just unnecessary. The difference is that Tiffany's was delivered while everyone was still in the game as a move to save herself and to show her use to the other HGs if they keep her. And it was a speech that could've also shaken up the vote and gotten her evicted (which obviously it didn't since they all had a plan to go 5-4 to boot Bronte). But after that speech, someone could've been like, "Damn, that was way harsh, Tiff. I don't want someone like you in the house. I'm gonna vote you out instead," or "YAAAS QUEEN TIFF. She called out Frank! I'm gonna keep her now so she can get his ass out." Plus, threatening remarks and disses like that about and between HGs happen with regularity in the house. Not saying it's right, but they happen all the time. The only difference here is that she formally said it in a speech.

Day's comment, on the other hand, was in a goodbye message that she knew would be played when Tiffany was already out of the game and she was physically removed from her so she wouldn't have to deal with the repercussions, whereas Tiffany was hella ready to take on Frank and Bridgette after her speech. Day's had no value or use. It wasn't even over something personal like Natalie's to Victor (since they had a pre-feeds showmance). She just did it to gloat. It was also just dumb because they all speculated someone would return, so that person could've been Tiffany, and almost was. Day's face before Victor came in last night was praying that it wouldn't be Tiff.

And if Tiffany really wanted to be petty, she could've pointed out that Day beat her on her second shot at BB. She outlasted Day's first BB stint on her first try.

Day is petty, but her goodbye message was much better to me, as a viewer, than the sanitized jury courting bs that we've seen in recent seasons. They were "enemies" and she let it be known. Her goal was to get Tiffany out of the house, and she won that battle. I don't have a problem with that. This "be nice/moderate" is in the same vein as "vote with the house" that doesn't allow people to be cutthroat and ruthless, or as I classify it, DULL. It's not like Tiff was some sweet shrinking violet in the house. She got her digs in post blowup. Just about everyone in BB gets over their in house beefs, anyway, it's the fans who can't let go. 

LBR, barring someone truly terrible, if there was a way Tiffany was able to have a jury vote, she wouldn't have cast it for Da' (assuming top 2) no matter what. She had a personal beef with her as well. Why court someone who you know you won't sway?

5 hours ago, ghoulina said:

She really needs to stop bragging about her math skills. For real. 

The stupid part is that times tables are nothing but memory. Fourth (or so) grade memory skills. No one is sitting there adding 9 nine times. When she couldn't produce that in her Jefferview, I don't know why she continued invoking her wonderful memory. 

Edited by sunsheyen
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1 hour ago, Porkchop said:

When am I supposed to think the talking heads during the competitions were filmed? Do they stop filming and go before a camera? Or do they film a bunch of random quotes first and then use the ones that fit? 

They are filmed after an event has finished, probably within a couple of hours. If an hoh competition occurred, producers will ask questions about what happened during the comp making it seem like the comp is currently happening by having them talk in the present tense.

6 hours ago, alihart41 said:

Tiffany can let it go. She says in this exit interview that she has "no hard feelings" toward Day for that message and she would've targeted Paulie had she come back.

For the record, I think both were petty and harsh, but Day's was just unnecessary. The difference is that Tiffany's was delivered while everyone was still in the game as a move to save herself and to show her use to the other HGs if they keep her. And it was a speech that could've also shaken up the vote and gotten her evicted (which obviously it didn't since they all had a plan to go 5-4 to boot Bronte). But after that speech, someone could've been like, "Damn, that was way harsh, Tiff. I don't want someone like you in the house. I'm gonna vote you out instead," or "YAAAS QUEEN TIFF. She called out Frank! I'm gonna keep her now so she can get his ass out." Plus, threatening remarks and disses like that about and between HGs happen with regularity in the house. Not saying it's right, but they happen all the time. The only difference here is that she formally said it in a speech.

Day's comment, on the other hand, was in a goodbye message that she knew would be played when Tiffany was already out of the game and she was physically removed from her so she wouldn't have to deal with the repercussions, whereas Tiffany was hella ready to take on Frank and Bridgette after her speech. Day's had no value or use. It wasn't even over something personal like Natalie's to Victor (since they had a pre-feeds showmance). She just did it to gloat. It was also just dumb because they all speculated someone would return, so that person could've been Tiffany, and almost was. Day's face before Victor came in last night was praying that it wouldn't be Tiff.

And if Tiffany really wanted to be petty, she could've pointed out that Day beat her on her second shot at BB. She outlasted Day's first BB stint on her first try.

Thank you for all of the work you put into this response. As I said I would be, I am highly amused by the effort and mental acrobatics. Thus far, everyone has worked harder to prove that poor, competitive, fighting Tiffany was wronged by the needlessly petty and horrible playing DaVonne, than Tiffany fought to be in the house!

It's been funny and sad, much like Tiffany's game.

I won't even get into how much time she wasted on that puzzle staring at Victor's work in order to copy him rather than just doing what she needed to do to win on her own. But, I'm sure she was still mentally fatigued by DaVonne's relentless and vicious verbal assault.

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When am I supposed to think the talking heads during the competitions were filmed? Do they stop filming and go before a camera? Or do they film a bunch of random quotes first and then use the ones that fit?

They are filmed after an event has finished, probably within a couple of hours. If an hoh competition occurred, producers will ask questions about what happened during the comp making it seem like the comp is currently happening by having them talk in the present tense.

Viewers can sometimes figure out who "lost" long before its revealed by putting together a HG's micro-expressions, tone of voice, body language, wording, etc.   

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