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S28.E10: Digging Your Own Grave

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First thought: I totally forgot Christina and Nate are still here. Also, Nate's "you're right, you don't have any friends here.." Um, thanks? " 

Why must the show have the cast members ask TJ a stupid question when he shows unannounced to the house, "you came to drink with us?", "you came to swim?" ugh.  The guys non party was kind of hilarious. I'm surprised no one was punched in the face during the girls not being there. 

Devin, being smart but a little too late with his monologue. "The right time" should have been like four or five weeks ago. 

The challenge was fun, not only the being buried alive but the fact that it was a newlywed thing added to it too. I also loved that people being forced to admit who was the weakest team and who were their allies and enemies and who would they like to face off in the finale. I can't believe Nany said Bananas. I can't believe ANYONE did. The way he treats women makes HIM DISGUSTING. I do love that Jenna said Vince her partner was the sleaziest guy in the house. Good for you, Jenna. Also, Nate and Christina are hilariously the worst. I love that Christina thought Sarah is a fan favorite and that Bananas is not the one to hate. Good for Dario and Nicole. If Nicole and Dario were smart, they would pick both Bananas and Pineapple for this.

I can't believe Nicole entertains the idea of throwing in her cousin. Like.. what? All of these people are SHADY as all hell. I'm starting to think the only non actual shady team might be Wes and Nany. And Nate and Christina, but then.. you know, that might just be because they don't seem to be doing much of..anything.  Also, way to choose your friends and alliance. And then OUT YOUR ALLIANCE TO EVERYONE IN THE ROOM AND SCREW OVER YOUR COUSIN, NICOLE. You idiot. And Dario is such an idiot. Everyone hates you now, dude. I hope you lose. Dario also probably sucks at poker. And I kind of love TJ  for knowing when the producers have enough footage and knowing when it's time to end this, "it's time to move this along."

  • Love 7

I can't believe I'm saying this but I almost WANT Bananas and Sarah to win next week and screw over Dario and Nicole just to show Dario what a dumbass he is.

I was kinda starting to like Dario and Nicole too but damn that was dumb. I can't believe people still trust Bananas. Like have they NEVER watched the show or paid attention during the seasons they were on with him?!?! Nicole got screwed over by him last season!!

  • Love 11

Wow Dario is an extra special kind of stupid, isn't he? 


And nicole is willing to alienate not just her cousin but everyone who was in a position to help her just to pick a team in the elimination that she thinks will give Nate a fighting chance? Geez Nicole get his number and call him when you get home. 

Absolutely not surprised Ashley finds Bananas sexy. She would. 

  • Love 13

Nate and Christina's luck has finally run out. Oops!

Dario and Nicole are fucking idiots. Then again Dario was the one on Bloodlines who started celebrating an elimination win before the elimination was over and caused his brother to lose so he was never a Mensa candidate. But really, all this to try to keep Nicole's Challenge boyfriend on the show (because going against John or Vince meant Nate was definitely going to lose) and because Dario got all butthurt that Cory made alliances. Did he miss when Cory threw in Tom after telling Tom he was for real never going to throw him in? Grow up Dario. Just make a big boy move and throw in John and Vince. John doesn't give a shit who the third team is going to be in that finale because he knows he can beat them all.

  • Love 8

John actually said that in the finals you want the stronger teams?  Is he not one of the guys who is constantly trying to keep the "weak" teams to the end the last ten years?

And seriously when people are having a conversation butt the fuck out dude.  There was no reason to jump up from the patio and start barking at Wes when Wes was trying to explain to Dario why Dario is a moron.

I'm back to hating Sarah.  I don't remember what she did but it was annoying.

Nany's extremely aggressive hair straightening was cracking me up.

Nate getting so pissed at Christina for him getting the answers wrong made him look like a big fat jerk.

I loved the smash cut from a possible party to the guys laying around looking like the results of a mass murder.

Edited by mojoween
  • Love 14

How did Vince get the reputation for a strong player?? His only strengths are his alliance with Bananas and his ability to lift heavy things. He's not smart, he's not fast, he's not a good swimmer, he has no endurance, he's not agile- like Zach, the only times he does well in a challenge is when it is based on the ability to hold up something heavy or cover a lot of surface area.

Nonetheless, I think Dario is actually dumber than we thought, and Nicole is the real puppetmaster here. I thought it was weird she didn't seem remotely worried that they were breaking the alliance and actually seemed to be egging him on. I would bet if the losers of the challenge had been Devin and Cheyenne, Nicole would be singing a different tune. But, she goes on and stokes Dario's inexplicably massive ego, lets him be the idiot that everyone hates, probably intentionally lets it slip that Corey has aligned himself with Wes, knowing Dario well enough to know this will piss him off.


Although, I am confused on that last one. Why does Dario care if Wes and Corey have a deal? They were all on the "no bananas" team before the last challenge, so wouldn't it make sense that Wes and Corey had a deal?  And as Nany and Nicole are close, Dario should have figured he'd be included in whatever final plan Wes had, and really, Wes just did the dirty work for him. Who knows, but Dario is dumb. Really, really, dumb.


Wes should learn better people skills. Generally, his strategies are just as solid as Bananas' are, but for some reason, people listen to Bananas more. I think Wes must just talk down to people a lot, which makes people not listen to him even when he's right.

  • Love 12

I wonder what Nicole thought was going to happen. She played it like she didn't know what Dario was going to do, but clearly she did. Wes is off the table, because Nany. You throw them under the bus in efforts to put Cory into elimination but why?   WHY would move the plan from Bananas and Plantains just to save Nick. It's highly unlikely Nick can beat Devin/Cheyenne even if they DO pick the black skull and Cory is clearly stronger than Nate sooo. Why not just throw the cousins in and hope for a puzzle?

  • Love 5
52 minutes ago, Watermelon said:

I wonder what Nicole thought was going to happen. She played it like she didn't know what Dario was going to do, but clearly she did. Wes is off the table, because Nany. You throw them under the bus in efforts to put Cory into elimination but why?   WHY would move the plan from Bananas and Plantains just to save Nick. It's highly unlikely Nick can beat Devin/Cheyenne even if they DO pick the black skull and Cory is clearly stronger than Nate sooo. Why not just throw the cousins in and hope for a puzzle?

Because she and Dario are complete morons who don't know how to play the game.

  • Love 5
47 minutes ago, Watermelon said:

I wonder what Nicole thought was going to happen. She played it like she didn't know what Dario was going to do, but clearly she did. Wes is off the table, because Nany. You throw them under the bus in efforts to put Cory into elimination but why?   WHY would move the plan from Bananas and Plantains just to save Nick. It's highly unlikely Nick can beat Devin/Cheyenne even if they DO pick the black skull and Cory is clearly stronger than Nate sooo. Why not just throw the cousins in and hope for a puzzle?

For whatever reason, Nicole thinks Vince is a strong competitor, so sending the cousins in is as good as sending Nate home. Granted, I don't think Nate can beat anyone that's left, but she must think he's got a better chance against Corey and Devin, and she's willing to risk wrecking her alliance over it. I said she was smarter than Dario, but that does not mean she's smart. Dario is pretty stupid.


Did Dario get the question about Nicole's eye color right? Because I think she has brown eyes but wears contacts to make her eyes look blue. That's a trick question.

Nate is really dumb too. He and Christina are totally not on the same page. She's playing to win, and he's playing to not get eliminated. I guess he's fine just walking on to his third place prize. I guess he figures he can't win first place being sent home, so he'll just settle for third in exchange for an alliance with John and Vince.


Bananas gets so lucky each time. Now, instead of aiming to get rid of him, Corey and Devin are pissed off enough to target Dario. I think Wes will remain focused on John.

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, Tatum said:

Although, I am confused on that last one. Why does Dario care if Wes and Corey have a deal? They were all on the "no bananas" team before the last challenge, so wouldn't it make sense that Wes and Corey had a deal?  And as Nany and Nicole are close, Dario should have figured he'd be included in whatever final plan Wes had, and really, Wes just did the dirty work for him. Who knows, but Dario is dumb. Really, really, dumb.


1 hour ago, TiffanyNichelle said:

Because she and Dario are complete morons who don't know how to play the game.


1 hour ago, Tatum said:

For whatever reason, Nicole thinks Vince is a strong competitor, so sending the cousins in is as good as sending Nate home. Granted, I don't think Nate can beat anyone that's left, but she must think he's got a better chance against Corey and Devin, and she's willing to risk wrecking her alliance over it. I said she was smarter than Dario, but that does not mean she's smart. Dario is pretty stupid.

This was a case study on why you don't let dumdums know about alliances or involve them in the strategy.  Their pea brains are too small to comprehend all the moving parts. And as both Dario and Nicole demonstrated, they can only focus (or rather fixate) on one particular (usually unimportant) factor - getting back at Cory for going behind his back or saving her cuddle buddy, respectively.   I don't even understand how Dario successfully breathes everyday.  He's a complete idiot. 


1 hour ago, Tatum said:

For whatever reason, Nicole thinks Vince is a strong competitor, so sending the cousins in is as good as sending Nate home. Granted, I don't think Nate can beat anyone that's left, but she must think he's got a better chance against Corey and Devin, and she's willing to risk wrecking her alliance over it. I said she was smarter than Dario, but that does not mean she's smart. Dario is pretty stupid.Did Dario get the question about Nicole's eye color right? Because I think she has brown eyes but wears contacts to make her eyes look blue. That's a trick question.Did Dario get the question about Nicole's eye color right? Because I think she has brown eyes but wears contacts to make her eyes look blue. That's a trick question.


Bananas gets so lucky each time. Now, instead of aiming to get rid of him, Corey and Devin are pissed off enough to target Dario. I think Wes will remain focused on John.

I was watching for this too!  He actually did get it correct and wrote brown. 

And because people are short sighted, John once again skates by.  And I wanted to smack him when he had the nerve to be upset that Cory had another alliance, especially after John made it clear that he was planning on screwing Cory over anyway.  But why am I surprised; John is allowed to backstab people because it's all a part of the game but other people aren't allowed to do the same to him because it's underhanded and not fair. </eyeroll>.  Also, John is the "hottest" guy there????  Blech! 

Lol at Vince being surprised that Jenna thinks he's the sleaziest!  He's definitely one of those guys who interprets women looking at him with disgust and hatred in their eyes as lust. 

  • Love 11
10 hours ago, mojoween said:

John actually said that in the finals you want the stronger teams?  Is he not one of the guys who is constantly trying to keep the "weak" teams to the end the last ten years?

He was just blowing smoke at Cory for insurance in case Cory/Ashley won the next challenge.  Cory is the idiot for falling for it.  John isn't going to take him to the finals over Devin/Cheyenne or Nate/Christina given the chance.

  • Love 4
37 minutes ago, luckyroll3 said:



This was a case study on why you don't let dumdums know about alliances or involve them in the strategy.  Their pea brains are too small to comprehend all the moving parts. And as both Dario and Nicole demonstrated, they can only focus (or rather fixate) on one particular (usually unimportant) factor - getting back at Cory for going behind his back or saving her cuddle buddy, respectively.   I don't even understand how Dario successfully breathes everyday.  He's a complete idiot. 


Dario is probably the dumbest person I've seen on this challenge, and that is really saying something. Dumdum is a great term for him.

Corey is the second dumbest person in the house for thinking he could align with both Bananas and Wes and that would turn out well for him. Now both sides are gunning for him.


Nicole must be that girl that ditches all her friends when she gets a boyfriend. I can't believe she blew up her own alliance to spend more time with a guy she probably won't even be talking to 6 months from now (until she's paired up with him on Exes 3). And she didn't even save him! Honestly, Nate's best chance is against Vince and Jenna, and hope for a non physical challenge. The only edge Vince has is his size, and if the elimination round favors size, Nate/Christina would be screwed no matter who was picked.

  • Love 7

He was! He couldn't swim well, he couldn't get across the monkey bars, he was wheezing after a long run, he DQ'd all the time, and when Bananas and Anthony (on the other team) were throwing missions, he STILL made his team lose.

Vince has scored well on ONE mission, and that was because he was able to support Jenna's weight while she reached for those flags, and was also helped by the fact that Jenna has to be close to 6 feet tall. Really, unless the entire mission revolves around picking up something heavy and then setting it down, Vince is going to suck at it.

That said, he seems to be playing as smart as he can by trying his best not to annoy people like he did last season and just lets Johnny do all the thinking for him.

  • Love 7

Oh man, Nicole's make-up/no make-up looks are so night and day, it's fascinating. That glitter eyeshadow annoys me even more than her eyebrows I think. 

There was one scene that I thought it was Nany talking to Dario, but it was actually her. I also must not have realized before how long her hair extensions are compared to her actual hair. 

Edited by MattDuffysCat
  • Love 7

So apparently third place is what some teams are content with? You've got to be kidding me. 

Dario is so dumb. I knew he wasn't going to follow through with the plan to throw in Johnny and Vince. He got mad at Cory for forming an alliance with Wes when he was also on the same page with Wes regarding what to do with Johnny and Vince. It made absolutely no sense. 

Edited by Steph619
  • Love 7

Yeah I get the impression Nate doesn't think he can win so he's content to be carried to the finals by Bananas and Vince as the layup that takes third place. Teej wouldn't approve of that kind of settling but he'll likely make more money than say Dario (speculation only) who pissed off three of the teams and is considered too good to be a viable alliance with the other two. Dario and Nicole are likely on their own from here on out. 

  • Love 4

Dario is so dumb. Did he show up to play this game for third place? Not only did he pick an alliance that would be hard to beat out in the end, he outed all of the alliances in the house. He said that he needed to improve his position in the house yet he completely squandered the opportunity. Sarah had it dead on - Dario was in the position to get things from people in order to save them this week and instead he called over Johnny and Sarah and begged them to be a part of their alliance. How pathetic. Dario even acknowledged that he is only Wes and Nany's number one because of Nicole - that still counts you moron. 

Nicole is an idiot is equally stupid. It also sucks that she had mentioned her concern for Nate going into a battle facing a strong team with little chance to return. I feel like that also played into her decision of breaking trust with Nany's confession. She showed more for making peace between Nate and Christina so they could get on the same page to win but showed no regard for her cousin even though she just betrayed her trust. It's one thing to justify that it's a game and you're looking out for yourself but to be dismissive of your betrayal is what stings the most. Vince was dead weight in his last challenge and Johnny did everything he could to keep his cousin in the game whether that was winning challenges and keeping him safe or playing politics to save both their asses.  I hope Nicole and Dario finish in 4th place. To make it that far and not get a penny - would be deserving for these two. 

  • Love 6

Nicole and Dario just screwed up their chances of forming alliances in any future challenges (even though I'm hoping this is the last we ever see of them).

Dario can't be trusted because he'll betray anyone for a slim shot at THIRD place.

And Nicole definitely can't be trusted because she'll screw over anyone, including her own family, for more cuddle time with a guy she hardly knows.


Edited by cuphead
  • Love 9

This week, I move from Warner Bros. to The Simpsons. I recall the episode where Homer and Moe conspire to wreck Moe's car for the insurance money, and Homer winds up trying to roll it down a hill and into a lake. All that was missing was a cut to Wes, muttering, "Dario, you idiot." Cut to Dario: "Dario, you genius!!"

Johnny's dick must taste like candy. I mean, why else wouldn't he be given a one-in-four shot at the Jungle? I mean, besides Dario being a fucking moron. And since when is Wince a powerhouse? Once again: Wince is Mac from It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia. Most of his mass is for show, and he'd probably gas out on a finale that demands stamina. How many hands do you figured that you'd need to count the number of times Wince passed out on his unsatisfied sexual partner? He probably makes Zach look like the Energizer Bunny.

Liked the guys getting bored. Kept expecting one of them to exclaim, "Damn, a circle jerk goes a lot quicker than I would've figured!!" And their big activity was trying on their partners' gear? Okay, then.

Teege? The mission wasn't trivia. It was basically The Newlywed Game, with the chance that somebody would hyperventilate and die.

Lilit Marcus . . . not to be "that guy," but Johnny was eliminated twice two seasons ago. He only talks about it all the time because Sarah is in the same zip code, and everybody has to know what a bitch she is.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Tatum said:

Yeah I get the impression Nate doesn't think he can win so he's content to be carried to the finals by Bananas and Vince as the layup that takes third place. Teej wouldn't approve of that kind of settling but he'll likely make more money than say Dario (speculation only) who pissed off three of the teams and is considered too good to be a viable alliance with the other two. Dario and Nicole are likely on their own from here on out. 

I wonder if Nate thinks he & Christina could at least squeak into second when Vince's lack of endurance catches up to him.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Zima said:

Whenever annoying ass Johnny Bananas says anything, I yell, "Shut the fuck up, John!" at my monitor.  I just can't with him anymore. And all the women who said that he was the hottest guy...really? He is disgusting to me on every level. Why does he have to be so good at this game? Whyyy?

Ditto. I have never found Johnny attractive looks wise or personality wise. I don't know what the girls see in him. Same goes for Vince, but at least it seems most if not all the girls find him to be sleazy.

  • Love 7

I know they've used this same challenge before with one person buried and another having to answer questions before uncovering them. I want to say it was Gauntlet 3 but it could've been one of the Rivals or Exes or maybe Duel II?

Ha, I loved Vince's face when he heard that one of the girls thought he was the sleaziest, then he found out Jenna thought so too.  That really makes her seem more pathetic for hooking up with him later since she thought he was sleazy.

I need to rewatch because I missed seeing a lot of the answers, especially who some of the other girls thought was the sleaziest. Interesting, and revealing, how TJ announced the correct answers for those guys who got them wrong. I'm assuming the guys were not aware of each others correct answers unless more time passed between each question and they all showed their answers, or TJ mentioned them. Maybe John did let Dario win since even TJ pointed out how surprising it was. I'd have to watch again to see if he took his time digging, but come to think of it, why would TJ say anything at all unless he thought John threw it. I did love that big smile on Wes' face when Dario won. It's too bad Wile E was foiled again when DumDum and Miss DumDum failed to make the right choices. I hate seeing John come out on top time and time again. Why does BMP have such a boner for the guy? Obviously they think he's the sexiest as well. Ugh, just threw up in my mouth a little. He's not the reason I watch, but he could very well be the reason I stop.

Even if they had put John/Sarah and Vince/Jenna in, one would automatically be coming back and the other likely returning so it would've been almost worthless to do at this point. They all should've started banding together much sooner in the game to get John and Vince out. Winning the challenges is the best way to have the power to do that, so I hope Nate and Christina are kicking themselves for blowing the chance they had previously. Christina was right about Nate spending his time with Nicole rather than his partner. Nate, I'm sure Christina is very sorry for not answering the questions the way you thought she should have answered them. Asshole.

I don't know how to say this without sounding mean, but Nicole does not look better without makeup. She would probably look best with minimal makeup.

  • Love 3
18 minutes ago, dangwoodchucks said:

I know they've used this same challenge before with one person buried and another having to answer questions before uncovering them. I want to say it was Gauntlet 3 but it could've been one of the Rivals or Exes or maybe Duel II?


You're right; they did it in The Gauntlet 3 - the whole team was buried in coffins except for 1 person (the digger) and they had to answer 3 true/false questions correctly before they could dig the person out.  And, true to fashion that season, even though the vets had twice the number of people to dig out, they still won. 

  • Love 1
28 minutes ago, dangwoodchucks said:


Ha, I loved Vince's face when he heard that one of the girls thought he was the sleaziest, then he found out Jenna thought so too.  That really makes her seem more pathetic for hooking up with him later since she thought he was sleazy....

I don't know how to say this without sounding mean, but Nicole does not look better without makeup. She would probably look best with minimal makeup.

He seemed really hurt by that, but how could he possibly be surprised? Jenna has been calling him "creepy" in interviews since Bloodlines and has made her discomfort with him always touching her well known. I absolutely cannot fathom why she would hook up with him and hope that rumor is false.


Bless Sarah's heart for picking Vince as the sexiest guy. Probably the first time he's heard that.

I will go you one further on Nicole- I actually think she does need all her makeup. She is not a pretty girl when she's natural. The makeup she wears doesn't just cover blemishes and highlight features- it actually changes the contours of her face, and makes her features look better spaced. It is really alarming how different she looks. I bet she's pulled that bait and switch on a lot of guys.

  • Love 5

Johnny being considered "sexy" . . . he was voted "Hottest Guy" at the Real World Awards. Then again, Austin won Best Season and Coral was voted "Roommate From Hell," so I don't take that seriously.

You know who Wince reminds me of? Rachel Robinson. How often did people piss themselves about her athleticism, when she was average at best?

  • Love 2
45 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:


You know who Wince reminds me of? Rachel Robinson. How often did people piss themselves about her athleticism, when she was average at best?

Totally. She intimidated everyone because she has bigger biceps than one would think could occur in nature. But unless the competition involved who could do the most regulation chin ups, she was more of a bottom half performer in general.

2 minutes ago, OnceSane said:

Vince may be more of an Aneesa, intimidating to some though they both perform marginally at best in challenges and have a couple decent wins in eliminations.

Also true. I love how she tries to talk about how valuable she is to keep in the game, based on her experience level. You mean your experience in losing, Aneesa?

  • Love 1

Dario is stupid as shit. It's in everyone's best interest for Johnny and Vince to go into the elimination. Granted, whoever would've gone in against Christina and Nate would win. They aren't going to be protected by Johnny and now they've gone and destroyed their actual alliance with Wes. It's a shame they couldn't find two brain cells between them in order to make a sensible decision. Wes was right, too when he mentioned that he helped Dario win. He chose to have him start one prong/line ahead, so technically Johnny answered more questions correctly.

I like Corey well enough, but he's not playing a smart game.

  • Love 3

"Congrats, Dario! You beat Bananas!" Teej says with surprise. Even the host of this show doesn't think any other team has a chance!


Nate saying he wants 3rd is pathetic. To Bananas/Vince, of all people. Jesus. Christina's answers did strike me as consistently bizarre, though. And she did tell Nate at the club she wanted to go home, so it's not so insane that he thought she might've intentionally screwed them (though I don't think she did).

Nicole is definitely smarter than she initially appeared, and Dario is far dumber than he initially appeared, which is quite a goddamn achievement. She won't be cracking the atom anytime soon, but for this house of dips, I'm fairly impressed. 

None of the drunk douches there are hot. I'd probably choose Wes. He gets a bad rap, but he used to be the hot guy, no? Am I misremembering? Perhaps. Cory has all the makings of a hot guy, but he just seems kind of classless to me. I think it's the jacked up teeth. Nate is attractive but his relentless positivity would grate.

Every season Wes' revolution falls apart for just this reason: Bananas offers an in-power Wes ally a spot under Bananas' wing, and that team takes it, and I can't think of one team for who that has ever worked. But the reason they always agree is because he's the only lock to be there every season! Wes voted him in 5 years ago and it's still a grudge. Another way the show is tilted for him. Why, perpetually, I have no idea. 

Pretty sad that the big cliffhanger is a plastic trinket being pulled from a bag, but perfectly fitting.

  • Love 4

Theoretically, why split your alliance and NOT take the opportunity to throw in Bananas? I get why it's considered a dumb move by Nicole/Dario. 

But in actuality, why make an enemy of Bananas to throw them in against Nate and Christina?? That is making an enemy of a big player for very little chance of success. 

You could argue they've now made enemies of Cory and Wes, but come on: Nany will take Nicole back in a heartbeat, and if Bananas comes to blows with Cory, he'll have nowhere left to turn. 

Cory was right: this game is about timing. And back dooring a strong team like Sarah/Bananas is not best accomplished by pitting them against the braintrust that is Nate and Christina. 

I think Nicole made the best possible move for herself, even though it may not have been for the right reasons. If she'd voted against Bananas et. al, there's a very good chance she'd be seeing a Jungle next week against Nany. 

Edited by Oholibamah
  • Love 1
On July 9, 2016 at 8:29 AM, Oholibamah said:

Theoretically, why split your alliance and NOT take the opportunity to throw in Bananas? I get why it's considered a dumb move by Nicole/Dario. 

But in actuality, why make an enemy of Bananas to throw them in against Nate and Christina?? That is making an enemy of a big player for very little chance of success. 

You could argue they've now made enemies of Cory and Wes, but come on: Nany will take Nicole back in a heartbeat, and if Bananas comes to blows with Cory, he'll have nowhere left to turn. 

Cory was right: this game is about timing. And back dooring a strong team like Sarah/Bananas is not best accomplished by pitting them against the braintrust that is Nate and Christina. 

I think Nicole made the best possible move for herself, even though it may not have been for the right reasons. If she'd voted against Bananas et. al, there's a very good chance she'd be seeing a Jungle next week against Nany. 

If everyone was going to be honest with themselves, nobody's really going to fare well against Johnny and Sarah. He's the brawn and she's the brains. The problem is that they are heads and shoulders above all other teams. I think TPTB put together some really unbalanced pairs this season. But maybe they throw John/Sarah and Vince/Jenna and hope that by some miracle one of them screws up in the elimination round. I also think that even if Dario/Nicole had chosen them, Johnny has bigger fish to fry. Taking out Wes is still is main focus. I think they're all kind of dumb for waiting as long as they did. Do it when you really have the numbers and try to vote Johnny and Sarah and Vince and Jenna in as often as possible. I never get why people, who have obviously seen this show continue to trust Johnny. 

Edited by SophiaPehawkins
  • Love 6
3 hours ago, SophiaPehawkins said:

If everyone was going to be honest with themselves, nobody's really going to fare well against Johnny and Sarah. He's the brawn and she's the brains. The problem is that they are heads and shoulders above all other teams. I think TPTB put together some really unbalanced pairs this season. But maybe they throw John/Sarah and Vince/Jenna and hope that by some miracle one of them screws up in the elimination round. I also think that even if Dario/Nicole had chosen them, Johnny has bigger fish to fry. Taking out Wes is still is main focus. I think they're all kind of dumb for waiting as long as they did. Do it when you really have the numbers and try to vote Johnny and Sarah and Vince and Jenna in as often as possible. I never get why people, who have obviously seen this show continue to try Johnny. 

Exactly.  They clearly don't understand how math or logic work.  We've seen people remain loyal to John season after season, and it rarely works out as well for any of them as it does for him.  And we've also seen, season after season, people who fail to go after him until they no longer have the numbers to really do anything about him.  But none of them learn from those who have gone before them. You have to strike when you have the numbers to make sure he can't counter-strike.  And you can't trust him to protect anyone but himself and, maybe, his closest ally (in this case, Vince).  

  • Love 3
On 7/7/2016 at 4:57 PM, mojoween said:

Vince as this unstoppable challenge beast is rewritten history because I'm pretty sure the joke the entire last season is how shitty he was at basically everything

It's less about Vince and more about Jenna, who's a long and strong female competitor- she's not someone a Nicole/Cheyenne/Ashley want to go into the Jungle with.  Jenna did win 3 Pits last season.

  • Love 4

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