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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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Not to go too far off topic, but I wonder what effect the upcycling trend has on hoarders.  It's hard enough to convince those people to get rid of their hoards, but the Krylon commercials and shows like Flea Market Flip inflate hoarders' perception of the value of their junk.

My tenant was a hoarder (a clean one, not the shit in a bucket type). He would watch those kinds of shows and get inspired.  You can add in Antiques Roadshow that had him thinking every piece of garbage he found at a garage sale was secretly worth a fortune and the mind-numbing storage shows.  Of course, he rarely sold any of it.  When he moved from his one bedroom apartment, it took a 24' straight truck. He also had the largest storage pod and ended up having to rent another large storage unit.  So yeah, I hate the commercials with the douchebags spray painting junk and reselling it to the original owners. Chances are he didn't sell you the bicycle because it wasn't shiny enough.  

  • Love 6

Ahem...where was I when they elected Miss Sweet Young Thing for the Breakfast Ambassador of Taco Bell?  These commercials make me want to cram the "Southern" biscuits down her smug little throat.  I don't know why these ads piss me off this way but they do!  


Equally irritating is the ad for Our Time where the pompous ass said he found a "cougar" and the lucky lady was amazed that she found someone younger than her.  I didn't know the Time in Our Time was 1955.


Am I the only one who finds Arthur Tweedy in the water filter commercials an insufferable asshole?

  • Love 6

The Safeglass windshield repair commercial drives be batty. The way the one guy says zoo makes me want to reach through my television and slap him.

I always mute every commercial every time, but how long does that guy wait for them to get back? It takes maybe a half hour to change the windshield. So either the family went through the zoo at lightning speed or he sat there and twiddled his thumbs for 3 hours.

  • Love 3

The Safeglass windshield repair commercial drives be batty. The way the one guy says zoo makes me want to reach through my television and slap him.


On a related note, I'm not even sure what they're trying to sell me because the ad annoys me just that much, but the spokesperson in one commercial keeps saying 'anti-bitocs' instead of 'anti-biotics', and it makes me want to scream.

  • Love 3

Oh and hate the Land Rover one.  Get married at the fucking lodge in front of the fire for godsakes.  Don't be such a self-absorbed asshole and drag them up to a not that nice anyway soaking mess of a "view". 


Well Excuuuuuze me!  That's my future boyfriend you are dissing there with your fancy sensibilities about getting married in the rain!  He's so polite!  He doesn't even snap at the obnoxious bridesmaid who insists weddings in the rain are bad luck.   I can't help it, I apparently like all the wedding in the rain commercials.  Especially the Tulare whiskey one with the four Irish guys singing outside the church.


Single Mother Alert time - guys expect to be thanked for doing everything.  We helpless females, on the other hand, are expected to handle it all as part of our duties.

  • Love 6

Single Mother Alert time - guys expect to be thanked for doing everything.  We helpless females, on the other hand, are expected to handle it all as part of our duties.


Married Woman Alert time - ain't that the truth.  My husband used to harp on me constantly for not "appreciating" the fact that he takes out the trash and looks after the cars.  I ascertained that "appreciation" meant thanking him and acknowledging his service.  I asked when the last time it was when he thanked or acknowledged me for making dinner, doing the laundry or cleaning the house.  Because he's completely awesome, he just thought about it for a moment and then said "You know, you're right."  He's not really ever thanked me, but he no longer gripes about not having his work around the house "appreciated."

  • Love 8

I just saw a commercial that immediately made me want to tear out my hair ~ or, better yet, the hair of whoever thought this was a clever commercial.  It's for something called slingtv.com.  Apparently this is a much better option than cable TV, which is represented in the ad by children who work for a company called "Old TV."   The children are stereotypical bullies, most of them fat and nasty (I always thought it was the fat children who were the ones being bullied, but not here; this one has kids like Butch in the Little Rascals [yes, I'm old]).  The sadistic bully children intimidate adults who either use their service (sticking a wet finger in the ear of a woman who questions the additional fees for renting her cable box, etc.) or who refuse to sign up for their service (giving a wedgie to a man in the parking lot of a supermarket).  Some other poor guy gets slammed to the ground and has grass shoved in his mouth; maybe he complained about his bill?  I guess it's supposed to be funny to show children in their little gray "Old TV" polo shirts, showing us the worst qualities of the rip-off cable companies that we all love, but somehow showcasing bullying children leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

  • Love 3

As if I didn't hate the Toyota girl already, the newest one where a customer wants to go on a test drive and she co-ops his ride really annoys me. Not only for how inconsiderate she is, but because the salesman completely shafts the customer to assuage her ego. ("She's in the zone.")

So Toyota's message is: The receptionist at the car dealer is more important than a paying customer.

Edited by SmithW6079
  • Love 5

This woman's pronunciations bug the hell out of me.  And it's on ALL THE FREAKIN' TIME!

She needs to but-ton her fucking mouth before I shove cot-ton in it and asphyxiate her.  Who starts a car engine when they suspect an animal's inside it?? (It was safe, though; they drove very slowly.)  The kit-ten could have got-ten torn to shreds.  Les Schwab is on the boycott list.

This ad irritates me, because there ain't no way I'm sniffing her post-run B.O. Regardless of how effective Downy is.

And they want #SmellLikeYouDidnt to be a trend?  I don't use Twitter, so I hope I do this correctly:

@Downy #SmellLikeYouDidnt #LoveYourLax

@Downy #SmellLikeYouDidnt #GoCommando

  • Love 9


She needs to but-ton her fucking mouth before I shove cot-ton in it and asphyxiate her.  Who starts a car engine when they suspect an animal's inside it?? (It was safe, though; they drove very slowly.)  The kit-ten could have got-ten torn to shreds.  Les Schwab is on the boycott list.


It is a true story, there's a real interview with this annoying woman online where she's holding the cute kit-ten.

  • Love 4

Am I the only one who finds Arthur Tweedy in the water filter commercials an insufferable asshole?


Oh, most definitely not the only one.


Ordinarily, the doofus with him would irritate the shit out of me, but since he delights in pushing Tweedy's buttons, I like him; especially when he tries not to laugh out loud when Tweedy loses his shit. "That's MY line!"




Honey, we have to talk. That commercial drives me nuts. He must have really gotten in trouble for not taking out the trash before. It's on constantly and that old lady baby talks. Bugs....


I hate that ad.  The guy shouldn't expect to be thanked for taking out the trash, it should be a given.


I didn't take that as him wanting to be thanked, but rather, "What the hell have I done now?" as he swiftly shuffled through his mental list of what she complains about the most. And her syrupy, "I know and thank you so much for that." just reeks with condescension. You half expect her to pat him on the head like he's a child. Grrr. 

Edited by riley702
  • Love 4
I didn't take that as him wanting to be thanked, but rather, "What the hell have I done now?" as he swiftly shuffled through his mental list of what she complains about the most. And her syrupy, "I know and thank you so much for that." just reeks with condescension. You half expect her to pat him on the head like he's a child. Grrr. 


Particularly when the tone wives on commercials take with their husbands is like this:



Like, "You idiot! Can't you do anything right?!"

  • Love 3

I'll leave you with THIS disgusting gem:

"Hot Dog. Pizza. Hot Dog. Pizza. Hot Dog Pizza....Dunnunumdinum!!!!!"  The HoDog Pizza thing is the whitest trash fast food item since KFC's Chicken Bowls.

Just sayin".

You wouldn't BELIEVE the ideas Pizza Hut proposed in a market survey I recently did online.

  • Love 4

It's probably been mentioned already, but...The VW commercial with the old ladies sexually harassing the salesman about the "rear end" savings days.  Hell hath no place hot enough for whoever at VW thought this ad was amusing.  (And reverse the genders and see how fast the ad gets pulled and some folks at VW lose their jobs.)

  • Love 11

What the HELL was going on in Taco Bell's advertising department??? And I STILL cannot decide what exactly he is looking at because he looks too far down IMO.....




Edited by Flnurse

Thank you to whoever pulled those irritating Rob Lowe Direct TV ads with "super creepy" Rob Lowe, "painfully awkward" Rob Lowe, and "peaked in high school" Rob Lowe, who all have cable.

After receiving complaints about the accuracy of claims made in the DirecTV ads from competitor Comcast, the National Advertising Division, which is part of the Council of Better Business Bureaus and fact checks advertisements, decided that the commercials were misleading.

Edited by Flnurse

What the HELL was going on in Taco Bell's advertising department??? And I STILL cannot decide what exactly he is looking at because he looks too far down IMO.....



I'm guessing that because she's old, her "girls" may have had a downward migration.
  • Love 4

This Graco commercial annoys the HECK out of me and is playing a lot. The baby's back and forth and mom's voice...UGH

To top it off, I'm appalled at this commercial....Who the hell would place a child on the kitchen floor while cooking?


Edited by Flnurse
  • Love 2

What the HELL was going on in Taco Bell's advertising department??? And I STILL cannot decide what exactly he is looking at because he looks too far down IMO.....





I never noticed until you posted that the sandwich is called a "Chickstar."  WTF?



Here's the real life interview:



Awww, now that's just cute, irritating pronunciation aside.  I love that the guy took apart the car for free.  :-)


All this talk about Pizza Hut reminded me of something I've been meaning to post for a while.  I hate this CiCi's commercial mostly for the misappropriation of one of my sentimental '70s favorites.  But I am also completely distracted and squicked by how much like brother and sister these two look.  Anyone else see it?  . . . . Just me?  Luckily I'm used to being a party of one.



Edited by Aquarius
  • Love 2

Thank you to whoever pulled those irritating Rob Lowe Direct TV ads with "super creepy" Rob Lowe, "painfully awkward" Rob Lowe, and "peaked in high school" Rob Lowe, who all have cable.

After receiving complaints about the accuracy of claims made in the DirecTV ads from competitor Comcast, the National Advertising Division, which is part of the Council of Better Business Bureaus and fact checks advertisements, decided that the commercials were misleading.


Instead they've been replaced with Hannah and her talking horse.

  • Love 3

There is a Comcast Xfinity ad (apparently it is called XFINITY X1 TV Spot, 'Sports App'). The guy is watching a game, and the girlfriend waltzes in and changes the channel to watch an old Channing Tatum movie. The Sports App allows the guy to keep track of the score. Uh, that's not the same as actually watching the end of the game. I think the GF is unbelievably rude. Let the guy finish the game, and then you can watch your stupid movie. Urgh.

  • Love 9

Instead they've been replaced with Hannah and her talking horse.

And his dirty knees...

There is a Comcast Xfinity ad (apparently it is called XFINITY X1 TV Spot, 'Sports App'). The guy is watching a game, and the girlfriend waltzes in and changes the channel to watch an old Channing Tatum movie. The Sports App allows the guy to keep track of the score. Uh, that's not the same as actually watching the end of the game. I think the GF is unbelievably rude. Let the guy finish the game, and then you can watch your stupid movie. Urgh.

I hate that one, too. If it's a movie it's On Demand, bitch. I'm a woman and I'd punch any asshole who did that to me in the throat while I was watching football.

  • Love 5

I never noticed until you posted that the sandwich is called a "Chickstar." WTF?

Awww, now that's just cute, irritating pronunciation aside. I love that the guy took apart the car for free. :-)

All this talk about Pizza Hut reminded me of something I've been meaning to post for a while. I hate this CiCi's commercial mostly for the misappropriation of one of my sentimental '70s favorites. But I am also completely distracted and squicked by how much like brother and sister these two look. Anyone else see it? . . . . Just me? Luckily I'm used to being a party of one.


The Taco Bell thing's a "Chickstar" because it's like a chicken variation of their Crunchwrap Supreme, in which the tortilla's wrapped around the filling(s) so that it--very loosely--looks like some sort of star with more than 5 points. Personally, I always thought the Crunchwrap Supreme & Chickstar looked more like a hexagon, septagon, or octagon than a star, but I also think they kinda look like the "star" that's the logo (or was) for Chrysler Corporation/cars.

  • Love 3



Honey, we have to talk. That commercial drives me nuts. He must have really gotten in trouble for not taking out the trash before. It's on constantly and that old lady baby talks. Bugs....


 "I know, and thank you for that."  Condescending bitch.   I can't stand that woman and the way she talks.  I can't believe this commercial is back in rotation.  



Ordinarily, the doofus with him would irritate the shit out of me, but since he delights in pushing Tweedy's buttons, I like him; especially when he tries not to laugh out loud when Tweedy loses his shit. "That's MY line!"




I didn't take that as him wanting to be thanked, but rather, "What the hell have I done now?" as he swiftly shuffled through his mental list of what she complains about the most. And her syrupy, "I know and thank you so much for that." just reeks with condescension. You half expect her to pat him on the head like he's a child. Grrr. 


 Exactly.  He was expecting a thanks or even fishing for one.  He was just trying to keep the nagging harpy off his back.   For him it was a toss up whether she was wanting to bust him over the trash or taking her nasty vat of chemicals masquerading as yogurt.  Poor guy never would have guessed insurance was the latest thing to be raked over the coals about.

  • Love 6

The Taco Bell thing's a "Chickstar" because it's like a chicken variation of their Crunchwrap Supreme, in which the tortilla's wrapped around the filling(s) so that it--very loosely--looks like some sort of star with more than 5 points. Personally, I always thought the Crunchwrap Supreme & Chickstar looked more like a hexagon, septagon, or octagon than a star, but I also think they kinda look like the "star" that's the logo (or was) for Chrysler Corporation/cars.


OK, thanks for the explanation.  I understand what youve written, but still, WTF??

Edited by Aquarius
  • Love 1

This Graco commercial annoys the HECK out of me and is playing a lot. The baby's back and forth and mom's voice...UGH

To top it off, I'm appalled at this commercial....Who the hell would place a child on the kitchen floor while cooking?


Just saw this commercial this morning and guess what? No longer showing the baby in the kitchen at ALL. Must have gotten complaints. :)

  • Love 2

I'm a crappy mom, apparently, because I used to bring the bouncy seat or baby carrier to the kitchen all the time when my youngest was little. My son would get fussy if he couldn't see me, so I would stick him on the floor in the carrier while I prepared dinner (in the doorway between the rooms, not right under the stove). He was fine if he could sense me in the room, but if he was in the living room and I was in the kitchen, he would howl. The chance that I was spoiling him was outweighed by the preservation of my eardrums after a long day.

Edited by St. Claire
  • Love 8

I'm a crappy mom, apparently, because I used to bring the bouncy seat or baby carrier to the kitchen all the time when my youngest was little. My son would get fussy if he couldn't see me, so I would stick him on the floor in the carrier while I prepared dinner (in the doorway between the rooms, not right under the stove). He was fine if he could sense me in the room, but if he was in the living room and I was in the kitchen, he would howl. The chance that I was spoiling him was outweighed by the preservation of my eardrums after a long day.

No, no, no Claire LOL. I also brought my kids in the kitchen while I cooked, but they were showing her place the baby right under the stove, as you mentioned. Some idiot probably did that, burn their kids, and now threatening a lawsuit is my guess.

  • Love 4

In addition to it not being safe for baby right near the stove, I probably would have tripped over the baby carrier and broke my nose when I faceplanted on the kitchen floor! I'd be like the black-and-white portion of an infomercial for a doorway baby seat. "Do you maim yourself and your baby when you try to cook dinner? Keep CPS away from your house with the Door-sling! No more grease splatter on the baby's head! No more broken bones for Mama!"

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