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OutDaughtered - General Discussion

Message added by PrincessPurrsALot

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9 hours ago, cmccasandra said:

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that is tired of them complaining about no money and then throwing parties, going into a very risky business, buying a huge house, and so on. I understand they want the room, but if you can't afford it then you can't.

I hope the show doesn't hurt their marriage.

Of course they do that. How else are they going to get freebies?  They have money but still expect freebies and donations, they're no better than that Gosselin witch.  They are exploiting their children for fame and money.  They seem a little more subtle about the money grab than Gosselin was but they're no different than she is in my opinion. 

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I don't see this family as being the grifters that the Gosselins were/are (I believe Kate had Jon quit his full time job in order to do the show, and she hasn't worked a regular job since their show started except for the Dancing with the Stars gig). The Busby's seem to want to run their own businesses, but they also seem to want to earn as much as they can and are cashing in on the tv show while their girls are still young and cute. I could do with a little less of their extended family, but it's nice to see that they do have a good support system in place. Sometimes I wonder if it's a little too much closeness though. I'm not sure I'd be able to work with my in-laws all day and then hang out with them on weekends too, and vacation with them. 

It appears Mimi wants her own place. Let's hope she sells her house and finds an apartment so she can regain some of her sanity. I see that it's stressful for her to be living full time with all the kids and it's probably too easy for the Busby's to ask her to babysit all the time while she's living in the house. And it's hard for her to say no. 

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On December 28, 2016 at 7:21 AM, Kellyee said:

 but there is something in his voice and in his body language that sets off my Weirdo detector. Am I the only one?

I don't know if you are right, but thanks for the laugh! "My Weirdo detector". I have always wondered what that feeling was called...

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On January 4, 2017 at 11:36 PM, sATL said:


Did anyone find it odd that we had to see a commercial clip  on how to curl hair for dinner from the Roloff daughter-in-law?

And I saw something about the Roloff son and wife looking at treehouse. Sorry, but I don't care to watch them and I resent the commercials (as much as I resent the Counting on commercials). Outcome: I often forget to watch this channel as I am getting turned off.

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On January 4, 2017 at 5:48 PM, MarysWetBar said:

Hazel is definitely my fave! I love her little grins and the way she cocks that little red head of hers ??

Hazel is definitely adorable, but my heart aches for the others. Clearly mom and dad have bonded with Hazel, but if I am noticing how much the parents light up for Hazel, and not so much for the others, can you imagine how much their feelings and needs are being overlooked when cameras aren't on? I just feel it's all about Blake and Hazel.

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So, Mimi quit her job? Wow. She's a piece of work, or is coming across that way. It doesn't matter how much tlc was paying me, I don't think it would be enough for me to look like someone who doesn't want to help with her own grandkids while living for free in their house and then quitting the job they helped me get without finding a new one first. It's like she doesn't want to be there, so why not go back home and look for a job there? At least shed be happy. She wouldn't be watching kids. She'd have a place to live. Why did she get fire?? I have the knoooooowwwwww.

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On December 28, 2016 at 9:07 AM, winsomeone said:

 I think that that is the least of that poor baby's problems.

True, true. That poor little gal. At least she's got a good outlook. But I agree, walking is the least of her worries.

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I think Mimi was saying 'without' saying that the job didn't pay well at all.  She didn't want to say that on camera so that's why there was disdain while looking at the apartments.   At $1150 a month you need to be pulling in a decent salary when your on your own.

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Dale once again was comedy gold when they were at the supermarket and the clerk was apologizing because she didn't have enough stickers and she likes to give them out to kids for being so good.   He shut that right down with 'Oh they were not good'.

I think Adam and Danielle are so cute together.  When  they were on the couch during their interview they said something and just looked at each other and started cracking up.    They have a good marriage.  It's refreshing to see.

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ok.. Just started watching on DVR...

(1) I haven't rented in a very long time either, but are rents now odd dollar figures - ie $1159...$879 ?

(2) how can a grown (senior) person not know how much to budget to pay for a roof over their own head? If one job doesn't bring in enough, get two jobs. If she's so short of cash, why not take some out of a house you've lived in for 25 years and are selling by owner ( I saw the sign a couple of episodes ago)? I still don't get why is she soooo broke in the first place. Let her move back home, take a community seminar how to budget/manage money, and get her coins together. I still don't what is the issue - other than Danielle will lose her baby-sitter. Many seniors do not want to leave what is familiar to them. Danielle might need to realize her mom has issues that can't be fixed living in Houston and by her.

(3) call me a little old fashioned - seems to me they carried Hazel a little too much. Yes, it will take time to walk into stores ,  preschool center & out of the park , etc. at Hazel's pace, but they all need to realize that being carried is not an option. I still think she's not a strong enough walker for the center - I think it boiled down to they needed to send her to keep the spot. The center most likely groups by age, so she will be with kids who have been walking, climbing, running for almost a year. I wonder if Hazel was the last to start crawling.

(4) being the "host" of a big dinner doesn't have to mean you have to cook (from scratch) all of the food. Yes, Adams parents are travelling in by car, and will be limited, but still. Either wait for the cooks of the crowd to appear, pre-order, assign side-dishes, or do what large families did generations ago - cook items days ahead and/or when others are away/sleep. this crew likes drama and chaos too much.

Edited by sATL
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So, the previews show something wrong with Hazel's right eye and more surgery.  How are they surprised by that?  Jeesh, I could have told you that from here!  Her right eye is always running, and she constantly has tears on her cheek.

I have to laugh when Adam says that she's caught up with the others, no she hasn't.  It seems like she is really not processing things in her mind.  She seems a little vacant.  Sorry, not trying to be mean, but that's how it looks to me.

Danielle is a bitch and loves to pick on Adam.  She'll regret that in a couple of years.

Mimi is a mess, is she a drinker?

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10 hours ago, Chalby said:

Hazel is definitely adorable, but my heart aches for the others. Clearly mom and dad have bonded with Hazel, but if I am noticing how much the parents light up for Hazel, and not so much for the others, can you imagine how much their feelings and needs are being overlooked when cameras aren't on? I just feel it's all about Blake and Hazel.

I didn't even really notice this until last night, but damn. It seemed like it was all about Hazel Bazel. Don't get me wrong, she's a total sweetie; and I realize that a child with special needs is going to need more attention. Period. But you have to be aware of that and consciously spread the love around and make time for the others. When Danielle picked Hazel up at daycare, it was all about her - even though the other girls were just as excited to see her. They're still too young to understand Hazel's differences, or why her first day was such a big deal. I just want to see those other kids loved on too! I have 3 kids and my youngest has some delays, sensory issues, and behavioral issues. She has needed a lot more attention from day one. But dad and I try real hard to make special time for her brothers as well. I hope that the Busbys are doing this and maybe we're just seeing so much of Hazel because it makes for compelling TV. I really hope. 

3 hours ago, winnter said:

I think Adam and Danielle are so cute together.  When  they were on the couch during their interview they said something and just looked at each other and started cracking up.    They have a good marriage.  It's refreshing to see.

I agree with this. He was teasing her about being a shit cook and she knew it. I think they can be very open and honest with each other, and that's a good thing. 

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19 hours ago, Amers said:

So, Mimi quit her job? Wow. 

Mimi lives with Adam and Danielle. There is no way that they didn't know she quit her job. Are we supposed to believe she got dressed every day and pretended to go to work? How dumb does TLC think we are?..........don't answer that. ?

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Adam & Danielle keep talking about all the things Hazel was missing in not being able to go to nursery school with her sisters, but they never mention all the one-on-one time with Danielle that Hazel gets that none of the other quints ever get. I can appreciate that Danielle needs some time to get a break from the quints (especially if she has a makeup side business as has been mentioned), but I think it would be a great benefit for the other quints to each occasionally have a day where one of them stays with Danielle while the other 4 go to nursery school. Even if Danielle spends much of the time running errands or doing work around the house, I would think it would feel like a piece of cake for her to get things done with only one girl in tow.

I feel like the whole Mimi story-line is made up. I'd guess she was ready to retire and move closer to her 3 daughters and TLC made a deal with her to make some money by being featured in the show as long as she followed the script.

Edited by absolutelyido
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Since I really love the clothing the quints wear (along with Blake), I went to the Matilda Jane website today and checked out their outfits. Oh my goodness, the clothing is all adorable, and I ended up buying an outfit for each of my 2 great-nieces who both live out of state. There is a big Good Luck trunk sale going on right now and the dresses were half off. Whoever had the idea to use this clothing line as product placement was clever because I'd never heard of them before. I wonder if there's another clothing line strictly dedicated to little boys, since this one is for girls of all ages, including adult. 

Back to the quints, I think as the show continues, all of them will be featured as time goes on. Hazel's storyline was a big event for this season, as well as the only quint who wasn't able to attend preschool. Their personalities are still forming and I think the show will be renewed for another season. We'll probably see an episode that focuses more on Blake, too. 

I also think Mimi is there to stay for awhile, to help the family out and the story of her not being able to afford an apartment is probably not true. Unless all of her money is tied up in the house back in Lake Charles. I'm sure she'll be able to sell it if she hasn't yet. 

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Mimi is a mess, is she a drinker?

At her garage sale,  she had an entire table of full bottles of liquor for sale.    I remember thinking  that was odd.   

I really like this family.  I think Danielle is very patient and calm for a mom of 6.  Adam is a bit high maintenance but overall seems like a nice guy and loving father.  I agree that they both obsess a bit over Hazel  - could be editing for a storyline or could be that deep down there are concerns that her issues go beyond mobility and eye problems.   

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I definitely find the husband's attitude towards his MIL extremely off-putting. I guess they're going with the narrative that Mimi is the funky, crazy MIL and he's the stressed dad, but it's annoying. Mimi did not decide to have 6 children - her daughter did. So if she isn't that interested in spending the rest of her years caring for a bunch of children full-time, I don't blame her. He seems to resent that she wants time for herself, too, which is just weird.

There's just something about the husband that rubs me the wrong way.

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1 hour ago, trimthatfat said:

I definitely find the husband's attitude towards his MIL extremely off-putting. I guess they're going with the narrative that Mimi is the funky, crazy MIL and he's the stressed dad, but it's annoying. Mimi did not decide to have 6 children - her daughter did. So if she isn't that interested in spending the rest of her years caring for a bunch of children full-time, I don't blame her. He seems to resent that she wants time for herself, too, which is just weird.

There's just something about the husband that rubs me the wrong way.

I think maybe he resents her because he's paying for the roof over her head, she has no job, isn't making progress to find one, quit the one they helped her get, AND is complaining about having to help with the children. And is apparently too fragile to book her own room on vacation.


I'm sure most of this is orchestrated for tv, but since we can only go off what is aired, that's what the situation is. She's mooching off her children and not trying to help herself and then complaining about helping them. I think the phrase is, pooping in the hand that feeds her. Even if her new job didn't pay well, she could have kept it until she found a new one. She is a grown woman who raised 3 kids. I have no idea why she is acting so helpless unless it's all for show or she has some sort of addiction or mental issue. She seems very into herself. 

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I don't think Mimi has a responsibility to care for the quints. But she basically invited herself to live with them, from my perspective. So I don't see any issue with expecting her to help out in various ways. It seemed like she was taking steps towards moving out. She got a job, went to look at apartments - but, oh crap, no job anymore. She needs to make up her mind.  Does she want to continue to live there or have her own life?

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I really like this show and I'm rooting for Danielle and Adam.  To me they seem like pretty cool people.  I like her sisters and brother in laws also.  Yes, Dale is a trip.  I like Nick a lot too. (Ashley's husband).  All in all I hope the show continues and that we don't see any relationships go south.  The only thing I see as a potential catastrophe is Mimi.  I really liked her at first but I've come to think she's a real mess.  I've noticed a bunch of red flags with her and I see by reading other comments that many others see the red flags too.   I never had kids so I'm no expert on those topics but I did spend 37 years in my career as a human resources director with tons of experience hiring all types of professions.  Mimi doesn't add up based on what we've been told and what makes practical sense.  The quints preschool seems very progressive.  I like Randi, I believe she's the owner of the preschool.  I could tell even before Mimi interviewed for the job that it was not going to work out in the long run.  It was no where near a good fit.  Mimi is not a good fit for any type of progressive educational environment. When she came home after the first day of work you could tell for sure the job was not going to last.  Danielle asked how it went and Mimi, of course, complained.  She made comments about how there's so much to learn and it's a lot and she's tired and so on and so on.  Danielle had a look on her face after Mimi made those comments.  You could just tell that Danielle knew it wasn't likely going to last and it's just another adventure in her life dealing with her mother.  Mimi comes across as more of a babysitter type than an "educator".  I also felt bad for Danielle for putting in a good word with Randi at the preschool.  I've seen this happen numerous times. Adam also made a comment about not having to pay Mimi's "bill" like the last time.  Something like that so I don't think this is the first time those brother in laws have financially assisted Mimi.  Mimi's thing is to complain all the time and draw attention to herself.  She's an absolute mess. I almost don't want to watch the show any longer due to Mimi. Regarding Hazel.  I recall Danielle saying she has the best vocabulary of all the quints.  Watching the episodes a few times it does appear that Hazel has the best vocabulary. I worried about her too prior to her eye surgery.  She just didn't look right and I thought she might have developmental issues. My perception was that after her surgery she carried herself in a way where I thought perhaps that there were no developmental issues and it was just the way she carried herself do to her eye issue.  I do see that her right eye is a problem again.  I think that Hazel will be the smartest one of the quints.  Just a hunch.  

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I agree about Mimi being a mess, I'll go so far as to wonder if those girls more or less raised themselves in spite of their mother.  I think she has always been a problem and will always be a problem. She's seems to me to be a grandma who would much rather be a party girl.

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Just for fun, I watched a couple of videos Danielle posted recently on her It's a Buzz World website, and it's pretty obvious that Hazel is indeed the best talker of all of the quints. I assume that this week is the final episode of the season, and I don't know if it's been renewed for another season? Does anyone know what the ratings have been like so far?

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Well I'm about 12 episodes deep. I really laughed when Dad went off about hair dryers and products. I don't trust a guy that takes longer to do his hair;) 

My Father and his wife moved into the my home while they have the a full apartment downstairs it is still an adjustment for sure. And this man loves to scare the shit out of me. The other day I turned around and ran straight into him wearing a ski mask. Fucking Ninja, He glides very quietly and gets me every time. I cuss him out and he giggles calls me pig guts. FFS I'm 50 and my own Dad still thinks it's funny to scare me.  

Oh Show...All the girls are adorable. I don't hate the adults yet  but still behind.

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As a New Yorker, I really enjoyed the Busbys' visit to New York.  However, they were driving me nuts with all the talk about wanting to visit Times Square.  I don't think they realized, but they past through it several times: on their way to the hotel, on the tour bus and not to mention, GMA's studio is in the heart of Times Square. 

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I completely agree!! Why would you be looking at North Face jackets for a 5 day trip?? Why spend over $200 per bag for luggage?  Have they ever shopped at a Target? Costco? Walmart? Carter's?  I get so annoyed watching them talk about being stressed for money, yet they seem to only dress there children in $50+ Matilda Jane dresses??  When Blayke wanted a new school outfit it was straight to an expensive boutique.  And of course she was wearing almost $100 Matilda Jane backpack for school???

if you are really stressed about money, maybe re-evaluate your spending on expensive clothes for you 1 and 5 year old children. My kids look adorable in Target clothes ?

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On 1/15/2017 at 8:55 PM, CarolMK said:

Just for fun, I watched a couple of videos Danielle posted recently on her It's a Buzz World website, and it's pretty obvious that Hazel is indeed the best talker of all of the quints. I assume that this week is the final episode of the season, and I don't know if it's been renewed for another season? Does anyone know what the ratings have been like so far?

They've been renewed. http://itsabuzzworld.com/2017/01/17/more-outdaughtered/ The ratings have been staying over a million which is great for TLC.

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Goodness.. where to begin..with this season finale.. Now what to watch on Tuesday night...

Danielle and all of her counting and repeating "six kids", drove me batty. Glad they saw the light and invited childless adults to help with the babies. And had the good sense to ship stuff ahead. That outrageous shopping trip turned my stomach. And she packed every outfit in a labeled Ziploc bag ?

I get the sisters and their husbands confused... is Mimi moving in with the Dale (the man who tells it like it is and appears to be VERY short of patience) or Nick (the boss of all the hubbies ) ? I know it can come to a point where the children need (should) take in the parent(s), but I don't think moving in to the next sister will solve Mimi's problem. If all the quints are now in school , what is stopping her from job searching those times?

I really wish someone would clarify why in all of the school/educational systems in and b/w Lake Charles and Houston Mimi can't find a position - doing anything ? Is there someone we can call or write ? Can we post on the TLC blog(s) or their facebook? I'm surprised GMA didn't slide in a job-seeking plea, during the segment. I wonder that the church that helped them get the van, has a school . Maybe the company that the husbands work for has an opening. Yes, Mimi might have to start at the beginning of the pay scale, but didn't think she had to jump down to $10/per hour. If so, she should get a CDL and drive the school bus, then she could post for other jobs, while at least in the school system. 

Edited by sATL
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17 hours ago, camom said:

My instincts tell me that it wasn't necessarily her choice to leave the job.

I've been leaning in that direction, too.  Something about her leaving the old job and not having another one lined up doesn't all add up.  A tenured teacher should be a lot more savvy (of just about everything) than she seems to be.    

5 hours ago, sATL said:

I really wish someone would clarify why in all of the school/educational systems in and b/w Lake Charles and Houston Mimi can't find a position - doing anything ? Is there someone we can call or write ? Can we post on the TLC blog(s) or their facebook? I'm surprised GMA didn't slide in a job-seeking plea, during the segment. I wonder that the church that helped them get the van, has a school . Maybe the company that the husbands work for has an opening. Yes, Mimi might have to start at the beginning of the pay scale, but didn't think she had to jump down to $10/per hour. If so, she should get a CDL and drive the school bus, then she could post for other jobs, while at least in the school system. 

For the most part, teaching jobs/contracts run from Aug/Sept until the end of the school year.  So, if Mimi's old job's contract ran out (I think they mentioned in the first episode) then she knew about it in advance and should have had plenty of time to send out resumes, line up interviews, and have a new job ready to go, but no... she seems to be bewildered about what's happened.  

I guess her job hunt (while they've been taping the show) has taken place after the school year started so she's basically looking for a position in the 'off season' where there aren't that many openings.  If she's just looking for a job to tide her over until she gets another teaching job, then she doesn't seem to be looking in the right places.  But, the question about why she didn't do all of this before she found herself in this mess keeps coming up.  

Since their show has been renewed, I guess we'll see how much progress, if any, she's made when the new season starts.  If she doesn't have a solid teaching job for the next school year, then there's something off.  Plus, she may have a hard time finding a district willing to pay her what she wants.  Many districts' budgets make them opt for a new, lower paid, teacher rather than an experienced one that comes with higher salary demands.   What a mess, indeed.  

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5 hours ago, sATL said:

Danielle and all of her counting and repeating "six kids", drove me batty. Glad they saw the light and invited childless adults to help with the babies. And had the good sense to ship stuff ahead. That outrageous shopping trip turned my stomach. And she packed every outfit in a labeled Ziploc bag ?


This whole episode made me crazy, from the 'six kids', to them saying how they wanted the quints to experience NYC (they're not going to remember it!), to their gluttony about needing to buy new luggage for each member of the family, to thinking they needed the expensive snowsuits (thank goodness they realized they weren't needed), and more.  This reminded me so much of how Kate Gosselin shops on TLC's dime for every activity and trip.  The Busby's have been paying attention.   And, the grandparents running back to the hotel to get their matching pants - smh - why not just put the t-shirts on over the dresses she brought?  

The labeled bags of each quint's clothes, separate for each day, just about sent me over the edge.  LOL   Good lord, they all wear the same size, they're dressed identically each day, how simple and quick it would be to reach into the drawer or closet and grab 5 of everything and put them right into the suitcase, but nooooo - she took the time to separate each outfit for each activity for each girl, complete with socks or tights, into individual bags and then labeled them all.  I thought it was a ridiculous waste of time to do initially, but then to find something for them to wear, they had to sort thru the whole suitcase to find each girls's outfit so they match which took more time.  LOL     

Edited by rayndon
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The trip to New York drove me batty. It was like 2 hours of non-stop crying. TLC, I don't want to watch 5 babies cry at tourist sites around the country. Just stop. We get it, life with quints is hard. Small doses, please. 

I didn't mind the shopping for bags/jackets thing because I think a lot of that is producer driven for show. They really love to drive home how hard/expensive it is to shop for that many kids. It wouldn't have the same effect if she was searching the clearance rack at Target. Plus, given their climate, they might actually have a hard time finding winter gear. My MIL lives in Salem, Oregon and she has WANTED to buy my kiddos winter coats and stuff before but she has always has to go to these athletic outlet type places. Not just any store carries winter gear, since they don't get quite the cold weather that we do in the midwest. (Although, not this year apparently.) They only ended up getting the bags anyhow, and at a discount - which I think probably happens a LOT. Free advertising. Plus, I just LOVED hearing Blayke giggle as the girls tried on all those different snowsuits. She has the best laugh and clearly adores her little sisters. 

It was definitely a good idea to bring all the extra adults. I hope they got to go off and have some alone time as well and enjoy New York. I'm surely a very evil evil person, but when the family friend ran back to the hotel to get those jeans, and asked Adam's dad to go with her, my first thought was - "they're having an affair!" I know, I'm rotten. It's probably just that I'm used to the high drama of Teen Mom and Housewives....I have to create some scintillating storylines here, or it's just crying babies and missing bags. 

I, personally, would have told GMA to fuck off and my daughters are wearing the dresses I had planned. Also, I'm not even sure I'd have gone on that major of a trip with one year olds. We can continue to check in by satellite, thank you very much. But I sense Adam really REALLY wanted the experience of being on TV like that. Homeboy is a bit too vain for my tastes, and his slow walk after making them all late so he can mangroom would have really sent me over the edge. 

I am still so confounded by Mimi's situation. Something happened to her to cause her to lose her job, have to sell her home, and suddenly be shuffling from daughter's house to daughter's house. If she spent 20 years teaching, why is she all of a sudden having to consider $12/hour jobs? It's just weird. She seems more than just tired, to me. And the girls seem like they're parenting HER. It's weird. 

I was sad to hear that Hazel is going to have the potential for eye surgeries her entire life. It's going to come to a point where you weigh whether the risk is worth it. Correct the muscles a bit this way....still having an issue....correct them the other way...a new issue. At what point do you decide - no more surgeries, she'll just have to live with this? 

Edited by ghoulina
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3 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I, personally, would have told GMA to fuck off and my daughters are wearing the dresses I had planned. Also, I'm not even sure I'd have gone on that major of a trip with one year olds. We can continue to check in by satellite, thank you very much. But I sense Adam really REALLY wanted the experience of being on TV like that. Homeboy is a bit too vain for my tastes, and his slow walk after making them all late so he can mangroom would have really sent me over the edge. 

I am still so confounded by Mimi's situation. Something happened to her to cause her to lose her job, have to sell her home, and suddenly be shuffling from daughter's house to daughter's house. If she spent 20 years teaching, why is she all of a sudden having to consider $12/hour jobs? It's just weird. She seems more than just tired, to me. And the girls seem like they're parenting HER. It's weird. 


I'm with you on telling GMA to forget about wearing the t-shirts!  I'd have also told them to forget about schlepping the family to NYC and that if they wanted to film the family they could do it like they had in the past, but as you said, I think Adam wanted the trip and the tv exposure.  Homeboy keeping the family waiting on the sidewalk outside the hotel while he primped was enuf to make me yell at my tv.  He doesn't seem to care that he keeps everyone waiting for him, either.  That wouldn't work in my world.  LOL

Yeah, I agree there's a lot more to Mimi's story than what we've been privy to.  

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On 1/15/2017 at 8:55 PM, CarolMK said:

Just for fun, I watched a couple of videos Danielle posted recently on her It's a Buzz World website, and it's pretty obvious that Hazel is indeed the best talker of all of the quints. I assume that this week is the final episode of the season, and I don't know if it's been renewed for another season? Does anyone know what the ratings have been like so far?

I read a few things from their site.  You can't tell from their show they're fundies, but it's obvious from reading the things that Adam writes.  It's interesting that they hide, they obviously think it would hurt viewership.

Edited by Honey
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6 hours ago, sATL said:

Goodness.. where to begin..with this season finale.. Now what to watch on Tuesday night...

Danielle and all of her counting and repeating "six kids", drove me batty. Glad they saw the light and invited childless adults to help with the babies. And had the good sense to ship stuff ahead. That outrageous shopping trip turned my stomach. And she packed every outfit in a labeled Ziploc bag ?

I get the sisters and their husbands confused... is Mimi moving in with the Dale (the man who tells it like it is and appears to be VERY short of patience) or Nick (the boss of all the hubbies ) ? I know it can come to a point where the children need (should) take in the parent(s), but I don't think moving in to the next sister will solve Mimi's problem. If all the quints are now in school , what is stopping her from job searching those times?

I really wish someone would clarify why in all of the school/educational systems in and b/w Lake Charles and Houston Mimi can't find a position - doing anything ? Is there someone we can call or write ? Can we post on the TLC blog(s) or their facebook? I'm surprised GMA didn't slide in a job-seeking plea, during the segment. I wonder that the church that helped them get the van, has a school . Maybe the company that the husbands work for has an opening. Yes, Mimi might have to start at the beginning of the pay scale, but didn't think she had to jump down to $10/per hour. If so, she should get a CDL and drive the school bus, then she could post for other jobs, while at least in the school system. 

A CDL training school costs thousands of dollars, and I really doubt that Mimi could pass that road test.

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If they shop at a small store it's much easier to get everyone who may be caught on camera to sign waivers.  How would they ever do that in Walmart?  It's easier for production to just pay for what they need, rather than track everyone down for waivers.

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45 minutes ago, ghoulina said:


It was definitely a good idea to bring all the extra adults. I hope they got to go off and have some alone time as well and enjoy New York. I'm surely a very evil evil person, but when the family friend ran back to the hotel to get those jeans, and asked Adam's dad to go with her, my first thought was - "they're having an affair!" I know, I'm rotten. It's probably just that I'm used to the high drama of Teen Mom and Housewives....I have to create some scintillating storylines here, or it's just crying babies and missing bags. 


I was wondering the same thing.  I wouldn't be so eager to tag along to help if it was going to be non-stop babysitting.  There were a few times where the quints were back at the hotel while Danielle and Adam were off  "enjoying New York".    How about the crew you schlepped along gets a few minutes to enjoy the city as well?  At times they seem very grateful for the help when speaking to the camera, but their actions don't really show it.   I really like this family, but this trip irritated me.

Ghoulina, you aren't the only one that got that feeling about Adam's dad and the family friend.  I had the same thought due to two things.  One, dad's wife had an odd expression on her face when they left.  The camera was only on her for a second but it triggered my thought.  Secondly, dad and friend were walking down the hallway rather close together and I believe  (need to re-watch) she was holding his arm.   Made me think hmmmm.....   Either something is going on or I've been watching too many reality shows!

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Regarding Hazel - I specifically remember Dr Kumar telling them prior to her first surgery that there was a likelihood that she would need another.   He told them he wanted to be conservative with surgery and if she needed another, it would be easier on her than if he was too aggressive the first time.   Their clear surprise was dumb.   Not to mention they had each expressed concern that she was back to squinting again and wondering if she had developed a new issue.

I'm not judging their concern or worry at all.  My son had to have surgery once he turned one and it was the scariest fucking thing in the world.  Anxiety overtook me watching them go thru it with Hazel, it brought be right back to that hospital 18 years ago.   I would be just as worried as they are, however I think the sheer surprise is for the cameras.  

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Hope the Busbeez left the fancy winter jackets in NYC and donated them to a children's charity since they won't need them in League City...unless they get TLC Productions to plan and pay for another free trip for them in another winter climate.

Or we will see them on sale on ebay...5 identical outfits

Double dipping... gotta pay for Mama's cycle bizness

Edited by humbleopinion
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Whew, this episode included A LOT of crying.  I love and have a ton of patience for children, especially babies, but holy cow, the wailing of the quints was just constant.  I don't think it was necessary to bring all of the babies along on a sightseeing trip that they won't remember or enjoy.  Of course they fell asleep on the ferry (or whatever it was); they were exhausted!  Dragging so many babies that young along on side trips like that is torture for everyone involved.  As for the shopping trip to get suitcases, etc., have these people never heard of Amazon or other online retailers that are considerably cheaper?  I can't imagine paying $800-1000 for four suitcases to travel from TX to NY for a few days.  And the pricey outfits for babies who will outgrow them within a couple of months!  And the coats!  Shit, I can't afford a North Face jacket!  God, how wasteful.  Clearly, money isn't a concern for these people.

Mimi would drive me up the wall if she was my mother.  My money is on a drinking issue or something similar.  Taking a job and quitting a few days later is the kind of thing I used to do . . . when I was 19-years-old and trying to find myself.  Mimi is too young and (seemingly) capable to require three-way discussions with all of her adult children to decide what they're going to do with her.  I would be mortified if I were in her shoes, but something tells me that she's not exactly turning down the support. 

Edited by SuzyLee
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 This episode had way too much crying overall- it honestly got on my nerves, maybe because it was a 2 hour episode. They mentioned that NYC was a 6 day trip, so I wonder if TLC picked up the entire tab for everybody. We live 2 hours away and while we've been there, we haven't done half the activities this family did in just a few days. Adam taking Blake out to tea was cute. And that restaurant's prices seem high even for NYC. 

I'm not sure what the deal is with the Matilda Jane clothes for all the girls. I read where the one sister is a trunk keeper/distributor so maybe Danielle gets a huge discount. I've also seen that this particular designer is so much in demand, you can easily re-sell the clothes on E-bay for the same price that you paid for them. Back in the day, the Gosselins got free Gap clothing for all of their kids, and this went on for probably the entire run of Jon and Kate plus 8. 

This family has probably never had to worry about money. The amount of traveling they used to do, plus payment for fertility treatments, probably puts them in a higher income level than most families in their early 30's. Now with the show, they'll probably be earning more than they ever did in the past. Maybe they didn't really need the cycling studio at all. Still haven't figured out why Mimi is broke though. One of the daughters is going to end up building a mother in law suite onto their home for Mimi and I wouldn't be surprised if it was Danielle.

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2 hours ago, sATL said:

maybe I said the wrong driving license type. I thought drivers of school & city busses had CDLs. Didn't know the course  run into the thousands, given the number of individuals who have such jobs and their pay scale. https://www.escweb.net/tx_esc_04/catalog/event.aspx?event_id=5038

The drivers of buses DO have CDL licenses.  The you have different classes: A, B or C, depending on which vehicle you want to drive, but they all have to start with a CDL.

Edited by Honey
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