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S12.E24: Family Affair

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And,  just a legal question.  If she legally changed her name,  wouldn't that be in the public record?  So couldn't the husband look to the courts for her new name?  And if she just started using a new name,  would be hard to get into med school,  get hired by GS hospital,  this was not a well thought out recon. ...

Thank you. I was fine with her being secretly married for some kind of convenience reasons, but a domestic violence victim who is in hiding under a fake name? There's a whole lot of complexities to that that don't really work. I was curious about this so I did a quick Google last night. Apparently it's not too difficult to get a legal name change, but in some states (or at least the one discussed in the article I read) the court would publish an announcement about your name change request in a county bulletin for a month to see if anyone objects to it first. So her husband would know what she was doing, even if he wouldn't know what she was changing it to. (Actually, it doesn't mention if the announcement would include what your new name plans to be. But if he's some kind of powerful figure like she said he'd probably have ways of figuring it out anyway.) Now, if the request is approved by the court, your new name gets applied to all of your other stuff -- driver's license, bank accounts, social security office, etc. But if you wanted to totally change your identity with a new social security number to go along with your new name, they only do that for one of two reasons: if someone has stolen your identity and abusing your original social, or if you're a domestic violence victim and you need to hide -- and you have to prove that you're a domestic violence victim. You can't just walk into a social security office and claim your husband is beating you and you need a new identity. But assuming Jo did manage to do this, how easily can you get into medical school, apply for a medical license, etc., with an identity that literally only existed for however long it had been between her name change and her med school application? It seems like living under a new identity would make more sense with a lower-profile life in a job that didn't obviously involve a lot of legal paperwork. This is giving me more of a headache than is probably necessary...

Edited by Chicken Wing
  • Love 1
5 hours ago, Muffyn said:

I assume the ambulance took the same route that Derek took to the airport the day he died.  You know, the one that completely circles around Seattle.  This leaves plenty of time to search someone's house, find a medical bag, clear off the kitchen table, prep the  pregnant lady and get slicing.  Heck, he could have also cooked dinner and mowed the lawn. 

Ha! Seriously. The weather is so bad the ambulance can't get there in allllll that time, but apparently it's not so bad that Meredith and company can't pop over to the gas station for a runaway bride slurpee and back to the church.

  • Love 6
23 hours ago, pennben said:

Honestly, in my mind, Callie is going to show up at Penny's apartment, with Sofia in tow, and Penny is just going to open the door, look at Callie, say "Nope" and slam it in her face.  I'm with ya Penny!!

You're reading my mind as that's exactly what I was going to say here! Yeah, in my imagination that's totally how it all plays out. 

But seriously. All the custody drama for THIS? This???!! I assumed Arizona would eventually throw Callie a bone, approach her and encourage her to try and make things happen with Penny while enabling her to spend some time with Sofia, but to basically hand her Sofia over like nothing happened was just way too absurd and unbeliveable. Also, this can't be Callie's definite exit, right? Because it would be in a way worse than George being thrown under a bus or Lexie eaten by wild animals and never to be mentioned again. I suspect Sara Ramirez will be a guest star next season and pop up occasionally. 

Amelia broke my heart while she was on the phone with her mother. Why are biological families on this show always portrayed as the source of all misery and generally terrible people? Shonda definitely has some issues.

So Meredith saves the day. After ruining it first, of course, but let's just gloss it over like we've been doing for a decade. I am liking her with Riggs, surprisingly.

There wasn't a shadow of doubt in my mind even before the episode aired that Ben will be the hero and save both April and the baby, and will so redeem himself in Bailey's eyes and she'll love him again. So, yawnzzzzz.

Alex "walking in" on DeLuca and Jo was a trope taken right out of a crappy Mexican telenovela. Blargh. And I'm not pleased with how that story played out. She should have said something the first two times he asked her to marry him. Obviously she wasn't secretly trying to get divorced in the meantime, so she was just stringing him along all this time and it's NOT cool, no matter how sad her story is.

Maggie didn't find out about Meredith and Nathan and then cry and talk about her sad vagina. I'm kinda disappointed.

Edited by Joana
  • Love 3
9 minutes ago, Chicken Wing said:

Ha! Seriously. The weather is so bad the ambulance can't get there in allllll that time, but apparently it's not so bad that Meredith and company can't pop over to the gas station for a runaway bride slurpee and back to the church.

Hehe...ridiculous shit.  Seem like they crammed so much into one episode. Whatever happened to the craz lady that thought Jackson was her husband? 


Now that I’ve had a night of sleep and have calmed down a little…this episode’s clusterfuck with Callie and Arizona feels like the showrunners setting up one thing and then Shonda showing up at the last minute throwing everything into disarray. I’m imagining a scene in the writers’ room like this:



Showrunners: Okay, let’s start breaking out the Callie/Arizona scenes in this episode. We need to write Callie off-

[Shonda abruptly enters]

Shonda: Hiiiiiiiiii!

Showrunners: Hi. We were just breaking out the beats of Callie’s exit-

Shonda: Great. Happy ending, right, she goes off with Sofia and gets back together with Penny?

Showrunners: Um, no. Arizona just fought a huge custody battle to keep Sofia in Seattle.

Shonda: Yes, and she won, and as an adoptive mother I appreciate that. But Callie can’t go away without Sofia.

Showrunners: But Arizona can't lose Sofia either.

Shonda: She doesn't have to. Just give her every other school year. That'll work fine.

Showrunners: But Arizona was concerned about the upheaval in Sofia's life, and her courtroom strategy focused on that and it's why she won. And she has no reason to trust that Callie will follow through on any agreement.

Shonda: Nonsense. Arizona will be fine. What else can you do?

Showrunners: Well, what we were thinking is that Callie would look at the consequences of her actions and start doing some work on herself-

Shonda: What? What does Callie have to work on?

Showrunners: Her impulsiveness, her selfishness, the way she manipulates and browbeats to get what she wants-

Shonda [laughs]: I don’t know what you’re talking about. I remember I let you write some of this stuff into the marriage counseling last season, but that was just Arizona complaining. Callie’s great!

Showrunners [sit for a few seconds, dumbfounded]: Well, be that as it may, Arizona’s angry about Callie’s tactics in court and how she tried to take Sofia away, and she doesn’t trust Callie anymore, and Callie has to deal with that.

Shonda [waves hand]: Arizona’s really forgiving. Just show how sad Callie is and Arizona will give her Sofia.

Showrunners: But we’ve just spent two seasons deconstructing the relationship and why it was dysfunctional, and showing how Callie needs to change, and Arizona was standing up for herself. She was talking about how Callie expects her to leap to fulfill her needs-

Shonda [cell buzzes, she gets up and heads to the door]: I gotta go. See, what you just said, that’s Arizona. She’ll do whatever it takes to fulfill Callie’s needs.

Showrunners: You realize that’s not actually a GOOD th- [realize Shonda is already gone] Ah fuck. There goes our entire conclusion to the arc down the drain. We don’t want to write this shit. Junior writer! Write a couple of super-short scenes to wrap this up. We’re not wasting any more screentime on this bullshit than absolutely necessary.


Seriously, that's what it feels like to me. The arc was very clear up to this finale, and then it all got abruptly trashed.

Edited by Black Knight
  • Love 12

I think I want to preface this entire post with a:  This might be a minority opinion but....  LOL

RE: The whole episode.  Predictable or not, I really liked it. There was something very comfortable and soapy about it.  And everybody got a little moment to shine.  Even Cross. 

RE: Caliie -  I am not really upset about Sara/Callie leaving.  I liked her and Arizona as a couple, they were one of the better couples in Grey's history as it relates to actual on screen chemistry, but I really neither liked nor disliked Callie on just a basic character level.  I just never really connected with her so her leaving doesn't in anyway make me mad or sad.  I do think the way Arizona just popped in with such a generous (and imo disruptive for Sofia) custody agreement was just stupid.  But I almost feel like it was writer expediency.  The way it all panned out, it almost feels like Sara's decision to leave was really last minute so they had to wrap something up quick and try not to villainize her but leave the door open in case she wants to come back and this was the best they could come up with on the fly.

RE: Jo - Even with the gaping plot holes surrounding her identity and all the multiple questions surrounding it ( like, doesn't she need a license to practice medicine? Is she committing fraud etc.) I can kinda get behind her reasons for leaving & hiding.  But what I can't get behind in any way is the absolute lie this woman lived and the deception she practiced on a man she is supposed to be very much in love with.  A man she was hounding early in the season about his level of commitment to her.  I mean she was giving him major, major shit early on about Izzy's eggs. Whereupon Alex had to remind her that Izzy was actually his wife. But she remained accusing him of possibly having "Alex and Izzy babies" out there somewhere while she is just relegated to a "let's get a dog girl."

Now we all know that this stuff with Jo is a poorly thought out retcon, but it is now canon.  And because of that she looks like an utter shit. I mean, Stephanie got more criticism for breaking up poorly with a guy she barely knew, than it seems Jo is getting for how she is treating Alex.  She basically pulled a long con on him.  And to add insult to injury, she suggest having a baby almost as as a palliative measure because she won't marry him?  Like if it is so dangerous to confide in Alex about some vengeful husband in some misguided attempt to protect him, how is adding a baby to the mix going to make things less dangerous?  Wouldn't that just make things worse? Not exactly smart to bring a kid into such a situation.

Full disclosure -- I don't like Jo, never really did so of course this isn't exactly changing my mind.

RE: Meredith - I loved Meredith this episode.  i think she completely rocked it.  Yeah she was holding on too much to the "one true love" deal and was tactless with the Christina thing, but when it matter she stepped up.

RE: Maggie - I also loved Maggie this episode.  She is the anti-Meredith and it works.  And I think the show has finally gotten a handle on how deliver her personality.  I've liked her so much as the season progressed so that she's become one of my favorites.  A far cry from how over-the-top I found her early on. And also, as much as I don't want a sister triangle and really liked her with DeLuca, I have to say, I think she has better on screen chem with Riggs than Meredith does.

  • Love 6

I thought it was a pretty good episode. Except, Callie's goodbye really sucked...
My thoughts:

Amelia and Owen will not last-and I am starting to like Amelia which means I need her as far from Owen as possible
I read somewhere that Delucca was getting a new love interest and I bet it will be Jo. Jo has been with Alex for years and cannot talk to him but shares a secret with Delucca after an hour....
I don't like Riggs with Meredith-I don't see their chemistry...I like him with Maggie.

21 minutes ago, Joana said:

Uhm, yeah, what was the point of that storyline? Other than making Jackson bad for walking out on his wife. 

I wasn't sure if the old lady's "don't leave me!" bit was meant to be an metaphor of Jackson leaving or April leaving. I always forget who we are supposed to think left whom in the relationship.

Yeah, Meredith was surprisingly not annoying in this episode, which is a rarity to say the least. I kind of like her casual chemistry with Riggs. I wouldn't mind them going for it for a little while, so long as she's open about it with Maggie now that she knows Maggie is interested in him too. But of course she won't do that, she will spend a good five or six episodes next season halfheartedly trying to push Riggs to give Maggie a chance right before she caves in and jumps him again herself, until Maggie finally walks in on them and the sisterhood is broken. There, I just saved myself six hours. As for Amelia, it's kind of annoying how Meredith tries to jump into "I'm here for you" mode after she was so cruel to her in the last episode and made it clear that she did not support her or anything she's doing with her life because she thinks she's just a leech on Meredith's life. But sure, I'm totally your supportive bridesmaid. But she put it away and agreed to support her for real, whatever she wanted, and she gave her what she needed and let her work out her confusion on her own. I laughed when Amelia insisted there was nothing wrong with Owen, and Meredith offered that he could use a little sun. But I appreciate how they acknowledge that love has no limits and people can have more than one great love in their lives. Yes, Cristina was Owen's great love, but that doesn't mean he can't have another one, that anyone else he gets with after that it just filler. He can love Amelia in a "love of my life" way, too. And Meredith could have that again too. She doesn't have to, and maybe she won't ever find a person like that again, but that doesn't mean she can't. She can. That's life.

  • Love 3
30 minutes ago, DearEvette said:

RE: Caliie -  I am not really upset about Sara/Callie leaving.  I liked her and Arizona as a couple, they were one of the better couples in Grey's history as it relates to actual on screen chemistry, but I really neither liked nor disliked Callie on just a basic character level.  I just never really connected with her so her leaving doesn't in anyway make me mad or sad. 

This sums up my feelings about her as well. I liked her with Arizona, while it worked, but didn't really root for them to reunite when it stopped working. And while I could appreciate her contribution to the show, I was never really a fan and the way she's been written for the last couple of seasons certainly didn't help, so her departure doesn't really bother me. 

I do think a character of her significance deserved a proper send-off. She's barely had a couple of minutes of screen time in the last two episodes combined. 

And I really, really dislike the way the custody storyline was handled in the end. At the very least I expected her to break down in front of Arizona, acknowledge what she did and apologize. But no, she just moped around sooooo sad for a while and Arizona eventually caved in. It felt so rushed, and while Jessica Capshaw's pregnancy certainly was a factor in that, it could have been written much, much better. 

  • Love 2

I appreciate how they acknowledge that love has no limits and people can have more than one great love in their lives. Yes, Cristina was Owen's great love, but that doesn't mean he can't have another one, that anyone else he gets with after that it just filler. He can love Amelia in a "love of my life" way, too. And Meredith could have that again too. She doesn't haveto, and maybe she won't ever find a person like that again, but that doesn't mean she can't. She can. That's life.


ITA but I was also cracking up because on The Vampire Diaries, the characters throw around titles like "best friend" and "the love of my life" like you wouldn't believe. Seriously, most of the characters have named three people as their best friends. Caroline was on the second love of her life at the ripe old age of 21.

Maggie didn't find out about Meredith and Nathan and then cry and talk about her sad vagina. I'm kinda disappointed.

In exchange, we got to hear April talk to Ben about her vagina!

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 5
5 minutes ago, Joana said:. And while I could appreciate her contribution to the show, I was never really a fan and the way she's been written for the last couple of seasons certainly didn't It felt so rushed, and while Jessica Capshaw's pregnancy certainly was a factor in that, it could have been written much, much better. 

 Wonder if the C/A story line failed, making the writers less creative due to JCaps timely/untimely pregnancies, she has had 3 during her 7 seasons on the show. 

13 hours ago, stopthestatic said:

I'm confused by the wording of both her and Shonda's statements though. "Time off" implies she might be back. Is it possible she's leaving to do something on Broadway and will make a return once that wraps up??

I'm the cynical sort, but I imagine she'll make her return if her film career tanks the way Katherine Heigl's did.  I like Sara Ramirez and watch her sing "The Story" on youtube regularly, but Heigl even had those conventional Hollywood Blonde looks giving her a leg up.  Who knows, though, maybe we've evolved past stupid stereotypes by now--I look forward to following her new path.

Meanwhile, why is everyone mad that Callie didn't have more screentime in the finale?  They had several pretty good stories going and Callie's had a meaty storyline all season, plus the emotional concluding snippet for the finale.  I would have frowned if this eppie had been about Callie, too.

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I'm still fuming at the Callie/Arizona custody resolution. Hate it, just hate it. So Callie's unhappy. Tough! She lost her child (not really) and her lover (her own fault - she broke up with Penny and refused to try to make it work). She'll get over it. But because Arizona feels bad for her (sure, why not) she decides to just forget everything she rightfully objected to and give her Sofia and agree to let her take her to New York? Just like that? And Arizona gets her every other school year? How does that even work, making a child change schools every year? Second grade in New York, third grade back in Seattle, fourth grade in New York again... That's just stupid and impractical, and when she gets older she is not going to like it one bit. This whole ending feels like the writers only just found out definitively of Sara Ramirez's departure when they were in the middle of writing this episode and squeezed it in just to say something. Nonsense.

  • Love 6

While I (happily) don't have first-hand experience, I would think that there are surreptitious legal ways for someone who was abused and looking to start a new life to do so without any legal records out there that could give them away and allow them to live a new life unfound if they choose to do so.

Re: one person's comment earlier on this page, by the way, it wasn't ALEX who beat up Peckwell, it was JO which was the twist (I think Alex took the heat for it though to protect Jo). 

"Does this mean the teacher Jo mentioned in season 9 is either made up or helped her escape?"

OR ... (though I don't remember the teacher mentioned in S9 so maybe someone can jog my memory) ... could said teacher be the person in question here? I watched the drunken confession a few times trying to figure out what she was saying (I am a technical dork and don't know how to activate the subtitles) and thought she said something along the lines of "everybody loved him" but didn't necessarily get the idea that he was rich and powerful, more that he was someone in a position of "power" that held sway over people (a teacher, a chief surgeon, etc.) 

Finally, my husband never watches Grey's but he did ask me this morning "who died this time?" And I said "no one" then thought ... though we don't see the fallout from Alex beating up DeLuca.  Hope he's not a casualty. 

So anyone know the date of the new season premiere yet?

  • Love 1
44 minutes ago, Catznip said:

 Wonder if the C/A story line failed, making the writers less creative due to JCaps timely/untimely pregnancies, she has had 3 during her 7 seasons on the show. 

I actually think it has something to do with Sara Ramirez' contract issues. They must've gone right down to the wire and ultimately, either she or ABC walked away from the table and left the writers with very little time to write something salvageable, which is why this ending felt so off.

  • Love 1
10 minutes ago, kdm07 said:

I actually think it has something to do with Sara Ramirez' contract issues. They must've gone right down to the wire and ultimately, either she or ABC walked away from the table and left the writers with very little time to write something salvageable, which is why this ending felt so off.


Or that by the time their negotiations ended, Jessica Capshaw was too far along to be able to spend any meaningful time on the set and they had to tie it up in any way possible.

It is funny though that each of Capshaw's pregnancies meant a disaster for Arizona's relationship with Callie. Africa, plane crash/amputated leg, custody battle. 

Edited by Joana

They could have solved the C/A story if they made the fellowship in Portland or San Francisco. Callie still could have tried for full custody and lost.  Then Arizona could  have decide to work out a different custody deal.  Weekend visits would be workable.  Of course, New York made it more dramatic (or so the writers want us to think).  I'm surprised Penny didn't get a post with Christina in Zurich or maybe become part of a crew going to Mars. 

  • Love 1

I’m confused about the timeline of this episode.  Meredith and Riggs seemed like they had just had sex a day or just a few days before but obviously there was time to throw together a wedding?

I felt so bad for Amelia when she was on the phone with her mom.  Clearly it was just a way to cover that they couldn’t (or didn’t want) get all the actors who have played the Shepherds in the past, but I thought it made sense.  I know Amelia, and Caterina, get a lot of hate on this board but I think Caterina did an amazing job with that scene. 

I’m not sure how I feel about the Jo/Alex stuff.  I thought both Justin and Camilla were great in the scenes but it still feels like a complete retcon to me (though I’m not sure what wouldn’t have).  Plus, I am not convinced this is going to lead to great big Alex and Jo material.  They built up plenty of potential storylines for them the past two years and basically none of them led to anything great.  So I will be cautiously optimistic until next September. 

I loved Meredith this entire episode. I'm also oddly fascinated about how Mer/Riggs had sex 4 times in the backseat of her car.  (not judging)

I thought Ben and April scenes were great, but I’m still not sure why they didn’t try and get to the hospital?  I know it was raining but Meredith doesn’t live THAT far. 

Wow what a horrible disappointing sendoff for Callie and Sara Ramirez.  The whole custody arrangement makes no sense but I’ll make another post for that.

Edited by Greysaddict
  • Love 2
14 hours ago, BaseOps said:

Arizona says "bring her back next weekend, and I want all summer and every other school year." So it sounds like she'll still be the primary guardian but is just willing to be flexible so Callie can have some leeway. I still hate how quickly they wrapped it up. If they knew this was her final episode, WHY did they do it this way? I guess it was all about the surprise, but damn... 

Every other school year is the opposite of sensible. It flies in the face of the whole decision to give Sofia (Sophia?) some stability. If she wanted to be generous, Arizona would have granted full summers every year and most holidays, but not alternating school years. I do hope that SR comes back for one or two episodes early next season to tie up some official goodbyes.

Jo is hiding from an abusive husband- if I had a dollar for everyone who'd speculated that, I could pay for the catering for Owen and Amelia's wedding. And as soon as she started undressing for bed, I was counting on Alex walking in. DeLuca annoys me, but he certainly didn't deserve getting stuck on drunk-sitting duty or getting his ass kicked by Alex.

Having done two c-sections (fully anesthetized, admittedly), I could barely watch the birth scene. The whole premise was wildly  predictable, but Sarah Drew's keening in pain and shaking really resonated with me. It the baby's middle name "Benita" or some such thing, in honor of the doctor who delivered her?

ugh, Amelia. Yes, your mom and sister suck for not coming, but don't make Mer the bad guy for your decision to make a slushie run before the ceremony. She does enough to make people give her the side-eye; she didn't actually deserve it this time around.

  • Like 1
3 minutes ago, St. Claire said:

Every other school year is the opposite of sensible. It flies in the face of the whole decision to give Sofia (Sophia?) some stability. If she wanted to be generous, Arizona would have granted full summers every year and most holidays, but not alternating school years. I do hope that SR comes back for one or two episodes early next season to tie up some official goodbyes.

Seriously, that is the worst custody arrangement ever and makes absolutely no sense.  Switching schools once is tough on kids, I couldn't even imagine going to a different school every other year.  The Calzona storyline and Callie's exit is basically the exact same scenario as MerDer last year.  One half is leaving, so build up a big stroyline only to rush it into a nonsensical ending.  

  • Love 5

Also, at what point did a year-long fellowship officially turn into a permanent move? We were never told so. I realize it was necessary in case SR's departure was definite, but honestly, they could have just scratched that. Callie could have gone to NY to join Penny "for a year" and then be phased out next season. Sofia was hardly ever shown until she became a plot device, so it wouldn't look weird and the whole thing would definitely make at least as much sense as this here. 

  • Love 3

I'm confused now and I will have to watch the scene again because the person I was watching with took the Callie/Arizona scene as Arizona simply telling Callie they could go back to the original custody arrangement. But I remember Arizona handing Callie a plane ticket and talking about every other year and summers.

Did Arizona really give Sofia to Callie to take to New York, and they'd just swap her back and forth every year? WTF

14 hours ago, pennben said:

I'm assuming it was raining so hard and storms were in the area, so the airport was closed; but we all know it......Megan's coming!  This storm was just a warning:)

Who or what is Megan?

14 hours ago, Gladrags said:

My favorite line was from Amelia, talking about Maggie (paraphrased): Every time I tell her the world is on fire she hands me a marshmallow.

That was good :D The weddig storyline had good lines. I liked that part most.

13 hours ago, Daisy said:

which is probably where Mama Shep was like well it was on and off and off and on are you sober? though - i do have to say: that was cold. had they come, they would have seen, then everyone would be happy. I thought it was a cheap way to "save money" not to bring in the real Mama Shep and the sisters. 

I also thought they didn't wanted to bring the actors. This is the only logic I can see behind this. I also waited for some Addison mention.

Jo's "twist" it's really boring and unnecessary. They just should kick the character out. I was so happy Alex was on his way out from the "crazy-chicks-land", but no... And Jo's is the craziest.

Couldn't care less for the Japril's baby. All that drama also unnecessary. And wasn't that too early? I feel like it wasn't her 9'th month. And the baby didn't look like prematurely born.


Is Jessica Capshaw pregnant?

Edited by lorbeer

Who or what is Megan?

Owen's sister and Riggs's fiancee. Presumed dead, which in soap opera language means she will show up out of nowhere at the most inopportune time.


Couldn't care less for the Japril's baby. All that drama also unnecessary. And wasn't that too early? I feel like it wasn't her 9'th month. And the baby didn't look like prematurely born.

I assume they've been time jumping through these last several episodes. The episode where April finds out she's pregnant only aired three months ago. Although if they wanted her to be full-term-ish in this episode they could have at least made her look it. Her pregnant belly looked like a 6-monther, 7 tops.


Is Jessica Capshaw pregnant?

She was. She delivered a couple weeks ago.

Edited by Chicken Wing
  • Love 2
39 minutes ago, BlindMaryIngalls said:

Uh, was Jo meant to be laughing or crying in that final shot with Deluca when Alex walked in? I can't really tell, but it makes a big difference to Alex's motivation in beating the guy to a pulp.

Sounded like drunk girl giggling to me.  Deluca was trying to get her to stop undressing and then they fell on the bed.  Jo was giggling as Alex walked in.  

  • Love 1
20 minutes ago, Chicken Wing said:

Owen's sister and Riggs's fiancee. Presumed dead, which in soap opera language means she will show up out of nowhere at the most inopportune time.

I assume they've been time jumping through these last several episodes. The episode where April finds out she's pregnant only aired three months ago. Although if they wanted her to be full-term-ish in this episode they could have at least made her look it. Her pregnant belly looked like a 6-monther, 7 tops.

She was. She delivered a couple weeks ago.

Agreed on April's belly. It just didn't look like she was about to get birth.


So I thought, I saw her big belly a few times in this episode. :)

15 hours ago, Amethyst said:

Wow, that was dull.  So predictable, with the exception of Callie leaving.  

That is the issue I had with this episode. I found it so predictable that it was boring.

I addition to what has already been said by most, I kinda wish Alex kills DeLuca. I know that sounds terrible but he didn't look like her was about to stop, we know how angry he was and Jo can't pull him off of DeLuca. I also don't think if she tried to explain, that he would even listen. He was MAD. And we didn't see them again as the episode was wrapping up.

I TOTALLY called that love triangle. Maggie was giving Riggs "The Look" last episode so I knew she was going be getting all wet for him soon. *ugh* I think the writers need to mix it up bit. Getting bored.

Also, I was PISSED with Arizona for giving into Callie. People break up and they're sad. And you know what happens after that? They GET OVER IT! Callie is a grown ass woman. Who chose not to go be with Penny. So yes, she's allowed to be sad but HOW DARE Arizona just up and buy her plane tickets and send her off to NY with their daughter when we had this big custody battle just a few weeks prior?!?!?! Absolute Rubbish.

  • Love 1

About Aprils belly. Not every blows up at the end there pregnancy. All women carry differntly. Ive seen real life full term women that were about Aprils size.

April was 24 weeks in ep 21 per her ultrasound. I assume each ep since has been time jumping at least a month since. Which wouldn't put April at 40 weeks, but it would put her far enough along that they baby wouldnt have been considered all that premature.

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I'm among the small minority that will be glad to be rid of Callie or at least won't miss her ... Never really a fan and she just pissed me off these last few weeks.

But that said ... I wondered if there might have been some indication that she wasn't going to NY after all (didn't she dump Penny last episode?) in which case the switching custody back and forth during school years wouldn't be that big of a deal if they're both still living in Seattle and the shared custody would be easier.

Though the plane ticket part becomes unnecessary in that case ... but still, if you think about it ... even if she IS still going to NY with Penny for that year, they'd ostensibly be coming back NEXT year in which case Callie could step in and Sophia/fia could live with her and still go to the same school.

The scene with the mother and son really reduced me to tears and Avery was wonderful in that sequence.  Trying to figure out where I've seen the mom before though ... off to IMDB.

6 minutes ago, PamelaMaeSnap said:

But that said ... I wondered if there might have been some indication that she wasn't going to NY after all (didn't she dump Penny last episode?) in which case the switching custody back and forth during school years wouldn't be that big of a deal if they're both still living in Seattle and the shared custody would be easier.

Alternating schoolyears makes no sense if they're both staying in Seattle. It would be much easier and more practical to just go back to joint custody, which I thought was going to happen when I saw Arizona with that envelope in her hands. I assumed she had gone back to court and modified their custody agreement again, and that it would be the "beautiful payoff" that Kevin McKidd talked about. 

Then, when she mentioned plane tickets, I thought she was going to tell Callie to go to NY and try to sort things out with Penny, and take Sofia with her for a few days, as a sign of goodwill.

Then I realized what was happening and my head exploded. Having Sofia split time between Seattle and NY on a year to year basis is literally the biggest nonsense they could come up with. 

  • Love 3
14 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Nancy that was her name! So, yes we've met three. We should meet the third one, though. I do kind of love that all of Derek's sisters have bitched out at Meredith. Except for Amelia. 

When Amelia came to GA, during the season when Derek and Mer were fighting about him giving up DC, it was because the ER doc had asked her to marry him and she was conflicted and needed advice from Derek about what she should say. She ended up breaking up with him and staying in Seattle.

This is why I think Meredith is and has been justified in being cold toward those sisters. Fuck them.

I love Meredith.  I love everything about her. Always have. Sometimes I have read here on this site -- oh how bitchy Mere was in this scene or that scene -- Oh how terrible she acted -- how dare she?-- waaa waa waaa---and then I watch and I don't ever see it that way. Like this ep--- as she is being that horrible Amelia's "person"  she's like sucking down the slurpee and eating the hot dog and just kind of going with the flow. She offered Amelia choices and Amelia chose to run. So as her person---Mere ran too.

That new doctor whatshisname that is banging Mere is growing on me. not enough to remember his name but still. I might actually watch next season to see what happens there.

Amelia's dress was fugly! And like Mere said--- she is so emotional about everything! God!  Over. The. Top.

April and Jackson? Don't care.

Jo? really don't care except for how it affects Alex. boy he does like him some effed up woman! If she's a broken piece of shit Alex is all like--- I want that mess! He can't seem to help himself the poor dear. It sucks that Jo is going to drag Alex through all her muck. The character just isn't worth it. Run Alex! run fast and don't look back!

Callie? don't care. buh bye.

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3 hours ago, Greysaddict said:

Plus, I am not convinced this is going to lead to great big Alex and Jo material.  They built up plenty of potential storylines for them the past two years and basically none of them led to anything great.

This new thing with Jo finally forced me to put some thought into why I dislike Jo & Alex as a couple.

Alex is now a big solid, grounded, mature adult and a professional who excels in his chosen field.  (Which is good, since it took him over a decade to stabilize.)  Jo is, comparatively, a little wisp who's still making her way along the path, professionally.  The decision to offer a compromise baby instead of her "secret" makes her seem so young and foolish.

I love Alex and would probably love Jo too, as an independent character.  For example, they could make a decent story about a capable young surgeon whose professional credentials are threatened by a phantom from her past.  Turning all that angst into a big ol' stumbling block for Jolex, eh.  Feels like watching a yo-yo on it's 14th spin, with several more to come. 

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I enjoyed this episode even while agreeing with pretty much most of the criticisms posted. Yeah, Arizona caved but oy, I think everyone had had enough of this storyline. However, a poor resolution is not terribly satisfying. I'm too tired (and not interested enough) to come up with a better solution, that is, what could Arizona have done to make everyone happy while not doing what looks like handing a 'victory' to Callie. As for Callie's character leaving - I like the actress very much and wish her well. Life goes on. 

I was glad that April had her baby and that she and her new little daughter are (for now!) seemingly healthy. Don't care one way or the other if she and Jackson get back together. Either way is fine: either remarry, or, stay divorced but co-parent their daughter with civility. I think we've had enough from them for a while. I do wonder, though, how April will act the next time she is face to face with Jackson's mother...

I'm also glad Amelia and Owen got married. That was fine with me. No TV wedding ever goes without some sort of disaster, but at least Amelia came back and Owen was still there. Good for them - they can now get to know each other as spouses, not just two people who are banging each other in some on-call room at the hospital. I wonder if they'll try to have kids?

Glad the Ben and Bailey crap was resolved as well. That was just uncomfortable and boring.

Jo and Alex - just friggin' tell Alex. Sober up, sit him down (he'll most likely need to be forced), and just LAY IT OUT. Will he try to be her knight in shining armor? Perhaps. But he needs to know what the hell is up. I actually fast-forwarded as soon as Jo revealed everything to DeLuca about her abusive husband, because I knew that Alex would burst in and catch them in what seems to be a compromising position. And frankly, that was of no interest to me.

So - I'll be back next season. 

I genuinely can't think of a reasonable explanation as to why Jo didn't just tell Alex. I get that the show is a drama and all that but it's still really annoying that like 95% of the drama could easily be avoided if characters just acted like adults and talked to each other. 

Side note, a cute tweet from Sofia actress,

Eva Ariel Binder ‏@EvaArielBinder 9m9 minutes ago

My mommy just told me mama Callie is not coming back to Grey's....I cried :( super sad.

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 Apparently it's not too difficult to get a legal name change, but in some states (or at least the one discussed in the article I read) the court would publish an announcement about your name change request in a county bulletin for a month to see if anyone objects to it first. So her husband would know what she was doing, even if he wouldn't know what she was changing it to. (Actually, it doesn't mention if the announcement would include what your new name plans to be. But if he's some kind of powerful figure like she said he'd probably have ways of figuring it out anyway.)

In my circuit, a petitioner has to have an announcement published in the local paper themselves, at their expense, with the new name listed.  There may be some provision made for people involved in domestic abuse situations, but since none of the name change cases I've scheduled involved abuse, I'm not sure how that would be handled.

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5 hours ago, candall said:

I'm the cynical sort, but I imagine she'll make her return if her film career tanks the way Katherine Heigl's did.  I like Sara Ramirez and watch her sing "The Story" on youtube regularly, but Heigl even had those conventional Hollywood Blonde looks giving her a leg up.  Who knows, though, maybe we've evolved past stupid stereotypes by now--I look forward to following her new path.


Do we know for sure she's attempting a film career?  She's been doing GA for 10 years now and she has a side project doing the voice of Miranda on Sofia the First so she's definitely not hurting for money.  She might legitimately just want a break.

4 hours ago, Joana said:

Also, at what point did a year-long fellowship officially turn into a permanent move? We were never told so. I realize it was necessary in case SR's departure was definite, but honestly, they could have just scratched that. Callie could have gone to NY to join Penny "for a year" and then be phased out next season. Sofia was hardly ever shown until she became a plot device, so it wouldn't look weird and the whole thing would definitely make at least as much sense as this here. 

This is what I still don't get.  I understand wanting a backup plan in case the move did turn permanent but the way Arizona said it it seemed like a done deal that Callie and Sofia would be in NY long term.  I can see where the new setup makes a convenient excuse for when they want to write an Arizona storyline but don't want to answer questions like "where's her kid" but they've never worried about it with Meredith so I doubt they would start now.  

Credit to Sarah Drew because that scream/shake combo was amazingly realistic even if the rest of the storyline was bullshit.  Meredith better hope her house never catches on fire because that response time sucks.

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My parents divorced when I was a "tiny human" (almost 4), and remarried when I was a teenager. They lived in different countries, and my dad only recently told me that he was in therapy, and told his doctor (who wanted to know why he wasn't fighting for custody), that he didn't want to do that to us, and didn't want us having to be shipped back-and-forth between countries. Of course, they already went the custody route in this show... but I can see why Arizona might suddenly change her mind. I also wish they'd stuck with the agreement, though, because I moved around several times as a kid, and hated it. 

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