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Season 1-3 Discussion

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I am just watching an episode of this now, and I am really enjoying it! They have a very good selection of B (being generous here)-listers on the panel, and Baldwin is capably filling the "You contestants are terrible at this!" Gene Rayburn role. I would watch this on a regular basis, but only with a fun mix of panelists.

And ABC could lighten up a little on the censorship. I think they censored either vagina or clitoris, which are terms that really need to stop being censored by national broadcasters.

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On 8/15/2016 at 4:40 PM, WendyCR72 said:

Alec is doing a good job, but Gene Rayburn was in a class by himself, I think. He could be just as dry, yet he was personable. And he was able to keep a semblance of order on set. Definitely not an easy task in the '70s version!

I think it blew when ET in the '90s revealed his age just as another revival was in the works, and that caused Rayburn to be dumped. Old or not, the man knew the game.

And, what's more, Rayburn led the group with style even in the most hideous '70s garb ever.  :-P  Mad respect for that. And originated that mike Alec loves so much!

GSN ran a documentary years ago about the BTS stuff on the '70s version, called Behind The Blank. (Narrated by Jamie Farr.) If you haven't seen it, here:

Behind The Blank...

It actually happened around 1985, when he was hosting a short-lived game show called Break the Bank (his version of MG had ended a few years before that, and the MG-Hollywood Squares Hour hybrid the year before). He only hosted one other game show after BTB. But yeah, when Match Game '90 was in production, I think his age disqualified him. 

Edited by UYI
On 12/14/2016 at 5:14 PM, TheLastKidPicked said:

You know who was an amazing celebrity panelist?  Morey Amsterdam.

He always had a quick joke, but never drew attention to himself.

Richard Deacon was another one.  Just funny, without needing to hog the spotlight.

(As the younger people on this board open a new window to google Morey Amsterdam and Richard Deacon).

Not me! I have a mom who loves the Dick Van Dyke Show. I even bought Richard Deacon's severely outdated Microwave Cookbook at an antique store once. :)

Edited by UYI
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Actually Caroline Rhea did pretty well this time, better than Judy. She matched on the head-to-head in both games, and I thought "blank on earth" was a real crapshoot. I was thinking "Peace on Earth" or even "What on Earth" - I don't think Heaven would have ever occurred to me. On the other hand I thought "Blank Kong" was way too easy, as I could only think of King or Donkey. (Hong didn't occur to me until much later.)

  • Love 3

I thought the whole panel was awful last night. Even Judy seemed a little off.  Judah Freelander was oddly subdued, and I have no idea why Mekhi Phifer was even there. He was putting nothing into it.   Viveca A Foxx did what she could, but I have to admit Caroline Rhea has never done anything for me. Everytime I see her, I always think she's a seat filler for someone who couldn't make it.

Candy corn over popcorn? Really?

I agree that "Blank Kong" was the biggest gimme I have ever seen on this show. So much so it was a little embarrassing. 

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5 hours ago, iMonrey said:

On the other hand I thought "Blank Kong" was way too easy, as I could only think of King or Donkey. (Hong didn't occur to me until much later.)

I didn't even think of Hong. 

Not a great show, imo. I didn't like anyone, except Judy who wasn't very good but is still likable. Chris bugs me, I never liked Judah much, Caroline was meh, Mekhi was meh, and Vivica was annoying. Blech. 

I thought the one contestant's answer of 'glue' was good. My answer was paste, because that's the cliche of what little kids eat.

For the RuPaul question, I just couldn't remember the word 'runway.' I thought of catwalk but second-guessed myself because a catwalk is that metal platform high above stages and I wasn't sure if it had two meanings. So I went with red carpet.

Anyway, this show kind of blows when it doesn't have good celebrities on it.

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50 minutes ago, peeayebee said:

I thought the one contestant's answer of 'glue' was good. My answer was paste, because that's the cliche of what little kids eat.

Yes! I thought paste was going to be the definitive answer and when she said "glue" I was prepped to wonder if they'd call that a match or not...and then no one said paste. Boggles the mind.

On the dentist one, I had absolutely no idea what the writers were going for, but similar to Judy, I thought "cap" was maybe it since it's a monosyllabic word that starts with "c". Also thought maybe "crown". The only trouble with those is that not everyone gets one so then I thought maybe "cleaning" to stick with the "c" theme, even though it's multisyllable. Toothbrush I guess was reasonable but there wasn't enough of a pattern on this one. Sure I came up with three possible answers but not because I thought they were good. Had to think about it too much.

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On the dentist one, I had absolutely no idea what the writer's were going for, but similar to Judy, I thought "cap" was maybe it since it's a monosyllabic word that starts with "c". Also thought maybe "crown". 

For some reason, my very first thought on that was "root canals" as a play on the sadism of dentists.   I think someone on the panel said it was their first thought, too.

I'm not sure how the contestant missed on "ejection seat" for the mother-in-law car.  That seemed fairly obvious to me. 

Both the Oprah question and the Baskin Robbins question were round one questions that seemed deliberately designed to prompt multiple answers. They don't want someone sweeping the board in round one. The Oprah one was harder though because it seemed like it should have been something similar to "car" or something that started with "c" and I couldn't really think of much besides "cap." 

I'd frankly never heard of Judah Friedlander or Mekhi Phifer before. They were fine but they didn't really add much. Chris D'Elia is such a polarizing personality but for some reason I think he's a really good fit for this show because the show works with a somewhat raucous panel, like the way Leslie Jones was. 

I'm pretty sure Judy Greer is drunk whenever she's on the panel. Some of them are clearly drinking and some aren't. You can hardly blame them; a lot of them must be thinking "Dear God, I'm a game show panelist, what has happened to my career?"

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On 2/10/2017 at 3:21 PM, iMonrey said:

Both the Oprah question and the Baskin Robbins question were round one questions that seemed deliberately designed to prompt multiple answers. They don't want someone sweeping the board in round one. The Oprah one was harder though because it seemed like it should have been something similar to "car" or something that started with "c" and I couldn't really think of much besides "cap." 

I'd frankly never heard of Judah Friedlander or Mekhi Phifer before. They were fine but they didn't really add much. Chris D'Elia is such a polarizing personality but for some reason I think he's a really good fit for this show because the show works with a somewhat raucous panel, like the way Leslie Jones was. 

I'm pretty sure Judy Greer is drunk whenever she's on the panel. Some of them are clearly drinking and some aren't. You can hardly blame them; a lot of them must be thinking "Dear God, I'm a game show panelist, what has happened to my career?"

Judah Friedlander is, I think, mostly a movie actor. Mekhi Phifer is known, among other things, for a multi-season role as 1 of the doctors on ER, in the seasons closer to the end of the series.

I just loved the moment when Ana Gastayer matched the guest to "fire" after it seemed like that first round was going to essentially be a total bust.

But I did not like that they didn't give Keenan a match for "candy cane" when his intent was so obvious.  They would have given it to him last season but I guess they changed the rules and celebs have to specify what they mean in parentheses so there's no doubt.  

I'm dating myself because my first guess for _____ Wow was "Sham." 

Edited by Irlandesa
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Fire wasn't great, but it was better than "pasties" for the old stripper question, so I was glad he won.  It was a pretty dumb question, honestly.


I don't know if Kenan matched a single answer all night, but he cracked me up several times.   I also loved Alec singing "the big beautiful balloon" song (forgot the name).

Edited by Mama No Life
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I couldn't believe that first lame guy won $25,000 because Adam was right. Dude was so lucky to be there. That said, I would had missed it myself. I would had gone with Lady Gaga.

I was fascinated with the thought that Ana somehow faked the "Fire"answer when the camera wasn't on her so they didn't have to do a tiebreaker with those two. Probably not as that would have been very difficult to do with an audience watching, but nevertheless I couldn't help thinking it. 

Loved Ana's green jacket.

Felt bad for the second woman in the winner's circle as she clearly had brain freeze.

Panel was OK. A step up from last week, but I still think it was lacking the one or two celebs who are super into it and carry the whole thing. 


 I also loved Alec singing "the big beautiful balloon" song (forgot the name).

Up, Up, and Away. The Fifth Dimension.  Get off my lawn. :) 

Edited by vb68
"To" should be "do".
  • Love 7

Loved this panel, everyone of them were funny!  I remember classic Match Game, but I don't recall too many games that resulted in a tiebreaker with Gene Rayburn saying 'you only need one to win'.  It seems there are now much more scoreless games that result in tiebreakers (ergo way stoopider players in this incarnation!).

Edited by sugarbaker design
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 I would had gone with Lady Gaga.

I was thinking either Lady Godiva or Lady Madonna. But this is one instance where all the celebrities conspiring together on the head to head was probably a big help because someone reminded Adam the contestant was a big poker player so he might have been thinking "Lady Luck." I would never have thought of it.

OK, I officially want to know how they get these contestants. The first two were real dummies and they clearly had no idea how to play this game. It was really frustrating. I'm reasonably certain nobody applies to be on this show, or stands in line for hours like they do when they want to get on The Price is Right.

I'm spit-balling here, but I think it's likely the producers just pick people out of the audience at random, thru some kind of raffle. And that the audience itself is brought in after having watched a taping of some other show, rather than a gathering of people who wrote in for tickets or whatever.

You have to wonder how some of these shows even get their studio audiences: a well established, long-running show probably has people going online for tickets, but what about relatively new shows, or pilots, that nobody has ever heard of before? How does a studio get an audience for those? However it works, I suspect that's how Match Game gets its studio audience, because from what we've seen so far, few if any of the contestants seem to have a real grasp of how the game works.

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8 hours ago, vb68 said:


I was fascinated with the thought that Ana somehow faked the "Fire"answer when the camera wasn't on her so they didn't have to to a tiebreaker with those two. Probably not as that would have been very difficult to do with an audience watching, but nevertheless I couldn't help thinking it. 

I had this same thought too! Except I was thinking maybe they might have actually stopped filming so that Ana could change her answer and they would have a match so they could move on with the game. Wouldn't really have been fair to the other contestant though. Otherwise, what would they have done? If they get to the end of the entire first round and nobody has scored a single point, I don't think they can just start adding on extra questions, they don't really have time for that.

I fail to see how any sane, right-thinking person (especially one who usually gives intelligent answers like Ana does) would have thought "fire" was a good answer to that question.

Edited by Phishbulb
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Just now, Irlandesa said:

Actually they do have time for more questions and have done it before when there has been a tie.  They just do two more questions and cut out some of the extra joking to make it fit into the 30 minutes.

Now what would happen if that didn't work?  I don't know.

Yes, I don't think they would actually throw the game for one contestant even if the tiebreaker question didn't work. Maybe Adam was right, and they would have done a coin flip if they had to go to a tiebreaker, and neither contestant had any points stills.

(Also, small confession, I actually said fire. I was busy doing something else right right before it came back on, so when I sat down to watch again, all I could think of was fire. I knew it was a dumb answer but I didn't even think about Tabasco sauce or magma until the celebrities revealed their answers. So I think it's possible that Ana had brain freeze or was trying to think of what the contestant would answer. I totally blanked out on the Granny stripper question too; although, I thought that she might leave a girdle or some other support garment. Dentures made a lot more sense though. 

However, the other questions that I can remember now, I would have done a little better. I thought of slippery when wet for the road sign question as most of the panelists. I also would have answered microphone for what does Alec take home question; although, I thought the celebrity panel could be an answer too. The microphone made more sense though, imo. My mind also went straight to penis for the Santa Claus question; although, I think sack was probably the better fit. I would have definitely answered crosswords puzzle, but I would have went with Lady Gaga. Lady Luck made more sense considering that the contestant was so into poker, and in that case, the "cheating" didn't bother me, even though the guy was totally dumb and really didn't "deserve" it.) 

I did like this week's episode better than last week's even though the contestants on last week's show were mostly clueless about the game as well. I think that the celebrities this week seemed to gel better for some reason, and even Kenan didn't bother me that much despite almost being as bad as the contestants. I think that last week's episode got off to a bad start because Vivica A. Fox protested the judges not awarding the contestant with her answer on the first question, and it seemed to bring down the mood of the room. Plus, it seemed like she was really annoyed by Chris D'Elia, which I couldn't blame her for, since I think he's usually obnoxious; although, the first time he was on the show, it worked, but the second time, he was just annoying. 

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19 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

But I did not like that they didn't give Keenan a match for "candy cane" when his intent was so obvious.

I thought it was the right call. I wouldn't say that candy cane was an obvious euphemism for penis. 



I'm dating myself because my first guess for _____ Wow was "Sham." 

That was my first thought, but then I figured not many people in an audience would say that, so I went with bow.


7 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I was thinking either Lady Godiva or Lady Madonna. But this is one instance where all the celebrities conspiring together on the head to head was probably a big help because someone reminded Adam the contestant was a big poker player so he might have been thinking "Lady Luck." I would never have thought of it.

My thought was Lady Gaga. Then I thought Godiva. Honestly, when the contestant said 'luck,' I was sure he had lost. It's possible that when the celebrities conferred, there was discussion about the guy playing poker, but I dislike those conferences. The contestant chose Adam, not everyone else. He's lucky (heh) it worked out for him.


6 hours ago, Phishbulb said:

II fail to see how any sane, right-thinking person (especially one who usually gives intelligent answers like Ana does) would have thought "fire" was a good answer to that question.

Fire was my first thought, but I quickly dismissed that. I decided on jalapeños. Tabasco was a better answer.

I wonder if the producers choose contestants who aren't necessarily bright, at least in this regard. It makes for a funnier show.

Loved Alec saying if the guy picked Adam, Alec would kick him in the balls. I also liked when Justin said if they flipped a coin, the contestant would probably say "Wings." There were many funny moments.

  • Love 6

 I was sure he had lost. It's possible that when the celebrities conferred, there was discussion about the guy playing poker, but I dislike those conferences. The contestant chose Adam, not everyone else. He's lucky (heh) it worked out for him.

In the old Gene Rayburn version, if the celebrity chosen for the head-to-head match got stuck, the other panelists would try to help them out by discreetly holding up cards in their direction with answers written on them. They didn't all get up and physically crowd around him or her like they do on this version. If they would just be more discreet about their help maybe it wouldn't bug so much.


I hate Adam Carolla, so it predisposed me to despise this one.

I'm right there with you. I will always harbor residual distaste for both Adam Carolla and Jimmy Kimmel over The Man Show. However, I found him strangely tolerable here, somehow. I had the same reaction to Chris D'Elia, another "comic" who usually annoys the crap out of me. Somehow their usually abrasive personalities seem to suit the format of this show, maybe because they are tempered by the rest of the group. I kind of had to agree with Carolla about protesting that guy's win based on the fluke of matching Gasteyer on "fire." And I also chortled in spite of myself at his insinuations that the other contestant's fiance might not be entirely straight.

Edited by iMonrey
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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

In the old Gene Rayburn version, if the celebrity chosen for the head-to-head match got stuck, the other panelists would try to help them out by discreetly holding up cards in their direction with answers written on them.

I remember, but here Adam wasn't stuck, at least it didn't look that way to me. Oh well. I've made this complaint before. 

"Season finale?"  What kind of fuckery is this?  After six episodes?  After Googling, it seems like it's only a winter finale but I the voice over guy said "season" so hmph!  Either way, too soon.

I think the questions were pretty decent this week, especially the first two.  And I liked the gay rugby player who won the first round but goodness "poop" was an awful answer.  I was torn between spit and piss.  But poop.  I loved Mario's "spit not shit" aside.

I didn't like "Boy" for the second round match.  There are so many answers for Boy. I would have said "George." That contestant cracked me up with the way she greeted each contestant, though.  I can see the businesswoman in her. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Irlandesa said:

"Season finale?"  What kind of fuckery is this?  After six episodes?  After Googling, it seems like it's only a winter finale but I the voice over guy said "season" so hmph!  Either way, too soon.

I think the questions were pretty decent this week, especially the first two.  And I liked the gay rugby player who won the first round but goodness "poop" was an awful answer.  I was torn between spit and piss.  But poop.  I loved Mario's "spit not shit" aside.

I didn't like "Boy" for the second round match.  There are so many answers for Boy. I would have said "George." That contestant cracked me up with the way she greeted each contestant, though.  I can see the businesswoman in her. 

Yes, the only regular round question that I didn't really like was the one about what Alec would pull out of a time capsule. I guess wife made the most sense since that's what most of the panel went with, but all I could think of was how SNL made fun of him a few weeks ago for being so hot when he was younger. So I would have went with condom too. 

I thought of spit and piss for the car wash question too, and couldn't believe that the contestant went with poop after doing well the first round. I liked him despite the dumb answer too. I would have went with crap for "cut the blank" too, but I said solar power and wouldn't have matched Mario. 

Finally, I'm not sure why the audience booed Lamorne Morris for answering boyhood; although, I could see why they booed him for some of his other answers. Boyfriend is what came to my mind first, but I don't think boyhood was all that bad since there was the film Boyhood that came out just a few years ago that was nominated for a lot of Oscars. I would have never thought of boy toy, so I also that wasn't such a good final round question since there are so many choices it could have been unlike "cut the blank" which I thought was pretty limited. I didn't think of cord, but I also thought of the three answers the celebrities gave for their answers. 

  • Love 2

Yes, the only regular round question that I didn't really like was the one about what Alec would pull out of a time capsule. I guess wife made the most sense since that's what most of the panel went with, but all I could think of was how SNL made fun of him a few weeks ago for being so hot when he was younger. So I would have went with condom too. 

I couldn't believe nobody said "Schweddy Ball."  Come on! I mean, probably not the contestant, but one of the panelists.   Mario?

Boy Toy was the top answer? I don't think I would have ever said that.  Boy George was my first thought too, but I'm a child of the 80s and then  thought that's too old.  But it's very comforting to know Dolly's breasts are universal. Yes, Dolly over Nicki Minaj or any Kardashian anyday!

One of the better panels. Mario Cantone is just perfect for the Charles chair. He gets it and should be a permanent player IMO.  And I have to say I thought Lamorne Morris was a hoot. Much better than I was expecting.  Even Scott Wolf wasn't half bad. He was into it.  Maybe he was happy for the gig. Is he on a show now? 

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I said "chest hair" for the Alec question; I guess because I was remembering the younger, more attractive Alec and I was trying to think of something specific to him.

It seems like the questions kind of vacillate (unfairly, I think) between having too many possible answers and not enough. Like the Dr. Seuss/Fifty Shades of Grey one- there were so many possible answers there: Horton Whips a Who, Spanks a Who, Beats a Who, etc. Or the hot dog/buns one- "ketchup" was what I said but mustard, relish, etc. were all good answers too ("Man-Aise" was Lamorne Morris trying a little too hard to be clever, however.) Yet the "crossfit" one- there was pretty much ONE answer to that which all 6 panelists answered. Once that lady got 6 matches there was no way that other guy was going to be able to catch up. 

  • Love 4

Yet the "crossfit" one- there was pretty much ONE answer to that which all 6 panelists answered.

I know, right? Can you think of any other answer besides "church?" The only thing I can come up with is "cross-roads" but "church" is just so obvious. Meanwhile there are lots of choices for things you put on a hot dog. Unfair, show!

I thought this was one of the best panels the show has ever had, though. I love Lamorne Morris - he is the best thing (left) about New Girl, and all the others are great too. Nice blend of personalities. Leah admitted she was drunk. I hope they film this thing at night. I hate to think of them all getting sauced at nine o'clock in the morning.

The contestants weren't too bad, and in fact this was one of the very rare times when the contestant actually got it right while the panel missed it. "Horton Whips a Who" or "Horton Ties Up a Who" are the two most obvious answers, but I don't think anyone but Leah and Lamorne were familiar enough with Fifty Shades of Gray to understand the question. "Bang" is just too generic, so they obviously didn't know anything about those books aside from sex being involved.

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2 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

Thankfully Alec admitted to Leah that he understood what she was talking about, that indeed he did speak 'shitfaced'.  LOL

If anyone watched her on Hollywood game night, they know this is the norm. She gets sauced on game shows.

People seem to hate the conferring thing but wish they had on the hot dog question. He had to get all six so wish they would have all came to agreement on the same answer.

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On Friday, February 17, 2017 at 3:12 PM, iMonrey said:

And I also chortled in spite of myself at his insinuations that the other contestant's fiance might not be entirely straight.

All my answers matched Adam in the first one except for the final match where I thought Lady Gaga. 

Sadly, I was thinking the same thing about Adam's insinuations about Katie's fiancee. 

For the final match in last night show, I thought Solar Flare and I blame DragonBall Z for that. 

Boy toy is higher than boyfriend? 

  • Love 1

I thought solar panel and then thought system after what would've been too much time. 

I suspect boy toy was higher than friend because with these often people think of two word phrases rather than "finish the word". So in that way, George and Toy make a lot of sense.

I was surprised the contestant didn't get "inches" or "minutes". Thought for sure it'd be split between the two on the panel. I guess that one was more difficult than I thought.

12 hours ago, Phishbulb said:

I said "chest hair" for the Alec question; I guess because I was remembering the younger, more attractive Alec and I was trying to think of something specific to him. 

Ooooo. That's a good one. I like it. I said wife.

The Trump-like parrot one was really tough. Too many possibilities. I loved Scott Wolf's answer of WRONG! But I mean, you could say so many different things. I tried to combine a parrot with Trump and got "Polly wants a wall."

For the hooker express line, I said dollars, but I liked the 3 inches answer.

Ketchup on hot dogs disgusts me, and I was shocked that a few of the celebrities said that too. I said mustard.

Good panel.

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