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Comeback Kitchen

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5 hours ago, RCharter said:

I can only imagine that they are trying to copy Top Chef and will have the winner joining mid-competition as a "surprise!" to the regular contestants.

I suspect if it works this season they may go even more Top Chef and have the losers from the regular season join the Comeback Kitchen contestants to duke it out.

Ugh, I thought this show would go right into regular FNS.  I guess it's actually fairer to have the person join it a few weeks later in the season because they've already competed enough before getting there.  I like the idea of the eliminated people going back into Comeback Kitchen.  We could have a 35 week season!  They could just keep recycling them indefinitely!  LOL, really, just shoot me now....

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On May 10, 2016 at 4:30 PM, candall said:

Michelle looked great at the final appearance, when they were all lined up to hear who was safe and who wasn't.  She was wearing some kind of glossy silver jacket-shirt over black pants and top.  The jacket emphasized her hair, so the whole look was sort of dramatic and very nice.  (That grrl's a true "winter.")

vinnieprice mentioned Dom talking with his hands--yikes, it's Martita who can't stop waving her hands around with her fingers spread out like frozen starfish.  I can't even hear what she's saying, I'm so mesmerized by the hands.  Maybe it's just first episode tension.

If Penny's playing a role, she needs an Emmy.  She might be playing up the antagonist angle, but I could see her thinking that Valerie Bertinelli needed to shutty because SHE had no business telling HER the tomatoes could have stood up to more salt in HER Middle Eastern stew.  Penny was practically vibrating.  Ha--LOL.

Of course Penny got offended when Valerie told her her Middle Eastern Stew needed seasoning. She's the most perfect Middle Eastern cuisine chef in the world. Not for nothing, but she was on Chopped awhile back--a special competition with FN/FNS competitors or something--& she got all "Who knows Middle Eastern food better, me or Amanda (because Penny's a "native" cook & Amanda's not)?" & really insulted because she was chopped & Amanda Freitag said it was because she used (I think) too much saffron (or maybe it was too little) in her dish.

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really insulted because she was chopped & Amanda Freitag said it was because she used (I think) too much saffron (or maybe it was too little) in her dish.

Too much.  Amanda said it overpowered the dish as I recall.  That was the same episode during which she said she'd have bragging rights for taking down Michael Symon when it was obvious to everyone including the judges, the viewers and Michael Symon himself that he took himself down by forgetting an ingredient.  She did outlast him but it wasn't because of anything she did or didn't do.

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On May 13, 2016 at 10:14 AM, spiderpig said:

yet I keep watching.  I think the only thing that could keep me away from these shows would be casting a Kardashian. (shudder)

Omg can you imagine Kris or Khloe as a host?  Now that would kill the show for me, talk about boring lol 

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20 hours ago, BW Manilowe said:

Of course Penny got offended when Valerie told her her Middle Eastern Stew needed seasoning. She's the most perfect Middle Eastern cuisine chef in the world. Not for nothing, but she was on Chopped awhile back--a special competition with FN/FNS competitors or something--& she got all "Who knows Middle Eastern food better, me or Amanda (because Penny's a "native" cook & Amanda's not)?" & really insulted because she was chopped & Amanda Freitag said it was because she used (I think) too much saffron (or maybe it was too little) in her dish.

Oh, funny!  I guess if you're convinced you're good enough to mow over Amanda Freitag, Valerie Bertinelli doesn't even feel like a little bump under your tires.

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3 hours ago, candall said:

Oh, funny!  I guess if you're convinced you're good enough to mow over Amanda Freitag, Valerie Bertinelli doesn't even feel like a little bump under your tires.

Apparently. Personally, I'd sooner listen to what Amanda Freitag--who I consider to have more professional credibility--has to say about a dish than Penny Davidi. Penny stayed in her Middle Eastern cuisine "wheelhouse" for the dish Amanda critiqued that got her chopped, by the way.

For that matter, even though she probably doesn't have as much culinary credibility as Amanda, I'd still listen to a Valerie Bertinelli critique of my food. I think, besides thinking she's the best damn Middle Eastern cuisine chef in the world (which I really doubt she is), Penny's problem is/maybe she doesn't know how to season properly. She put too much saffron in the dish Amanda critiqued; she put too little salt in the dish Valerie critiqued. I'm waiting for Tyler to tear her a new 1 over something. He's good at that. I think it'll be sweet if/when it happens.

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I can't wait for tomorrow night's show,  Mr. pig and I had an excellent meal in Napa today, with great service from pro staff without attitude,  So I'm loaded for bear when it comes to our FN Starlets.

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Okay. I'm a glutton for punishment and watched the first installment.

It wasn't as painful as I expected but probably because with more contestants there's less individual facetime. Matthew's still a rubber-mouthed poseur, Dom's still as full of himself as ever and Penny brings the, Shut Up!

Is there only the one episode? I have the FN app and it has 2 linked shows with 2 different airdates but they seem to be the same.

Edited by NewDigs
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1 hour ago, NewDigs said:

Is there only the one episode? I have the FN app and it has 2 linked shows with 2 different airdates but they seem to be the same.

On my programming guide, there's a second episode of the has-beens tonight and a third episode next week, both at 7:00 central time, then the regular show premiere next week at 8:00.

I can't tell what happens after that.  Maybe they'll continue with the double header until one of the has-beens wins and funnels into the regular show at the midway point.


You know, I'm sort of looking forward to seeing Dom freeze and MarTEEta wave her starfish hands and Penny cackle with glee like some cartoon evil queen.  What will Michelle wear?  If you enjoy a hearty snark, this show has some rich pickings.



Edited by candall
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Finally got around to watching Episode 1. What a letdown.

Brianna was as bland as they come, I didn't even remember her from her previous run, it was obvious she was getting cut over Dom and Penny.

Dom should have been cut, he was even worse on this show than he was on his previous run. Plus, he made boxed spaghetti and a generic sauce. Oh yeah, he added pancetta, the same thing I do, which any amateur can make. Why in the world would the network even consider a guy who has publicly stated he is uncomfortable in front of crowds?

Penny has told us she spent five years learning how to pretend to be a nice person. Obviously her practice didn't pay off. She is still a legend in her own mind, both in the culinary and sexual sense. Once again, do the producers really think people would flock to a show with such a nasty host if she were to win?


Speaking of nasty jerks, Matthew has obviously spent his time off polishing his douchbaggery skills. He is still a pompous clown who can't cook, and had me seriously considering installing a net in front lf my TV so I could throw things at the screen when he is on, without breaking my TV.

MarTEEETa is back with her now you hear it, now you don't, over the top accent. She is really the most competent of this pathetic bunch, but it is hard to take her seriously,with that fake over the top persona.

Chris seems like he could be a personable host, but he blew it big time in his demo. I think he is the most likely to stick around.

Michelle is my other finalist choice, she seems a competent cook, and is somewhat likeable. But she should ditch the slob look for something slightly more professional.

All in all, this seems like a disaster in the making. Hopefully none of these has beens will make it far in the upcoming season.

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The irony of Penny admonishing Matthew for his rude behavior and using her staggered-time advantage to put him in "timeout" for his bad behavior.

Though I did enjoy Tyler's deadpan "You think so?" when Matthew boasted that he was the best chef. Because he is apparently the only one in the room that is a professional chef. Also Tyler's "you all suck so there's no winner this round" because I had the feeling that's what he wanted to say. I'm loving Tyler so far on this show. Neither him or Valerie really look too impressed with any of them.

I loved Penny's total brain-fart during her video. HAHA!

Edited by LexieLily
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I know "reality TV" is an oxymoron, but the seams were really showing this episode.

"OMG, I have no idea how to use these ancient tools."

Penny vs Mathew in the green room. Surprise! Penny wins the challenge and picks Mathew last!

"I'm missing a pork chop! (He dropped a pork chop!) Thank God I have another one."

Valerie on Dom, "He has a tendency to freeze. I don't think he can get better." Tyler "I'm on the fence." (That one made me laugh out loud.)

My enjoyment(?) of this show is based on a healthy level of suspension of disbelief, but right now it feels thisclose to being straight out scripted. (Although I do believe they are all legitimately that bad on camera.)

I wonder how the pitch for the Kitchen Aid product placement went. "We will show the contestants a wall of your finest products! And not allow them to use any of them!"

However, some of the food looked really good.

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i don't see any scripting at all.  I see a show thrown together at the last minute including scraping the bottom of the barrel for judges.  I like Valerie, a lot, but she had to be a last choice.  Tyler, he will do anything they toss him; he wants to be one of the big boys.  That won't happen.   On the bright side we don't have Guy Fieri. 

It feels like a low budget effort.  

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I still use some of those 'ancient' devices.  Could not live without my egg beater!

Does Matthew realize how very 2014 he sounds with all his hashtag-ing blather?  It's time to work in "on fleek".  I mean, that's what all the cool kids are saying.  As much as I loathe his smug, smirky, frat-boy mentality...he was right about Penny's liver.

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On the diner challenge, Penny says , "Liver and onions are a traditional Middle Eastern dish.  I can do this, I'm a Middle-Easterner!  My plan to elevate the dish is to give it that warmth that only comes form Middle Eastern spices."
Yeah, that's one show I would never be able to watch!

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Not knowing what an egg beater is is ridiculous.  If they're cooks you'd think they'd at least have seen them in the gadget aisle of any store because they're still sold there.  They're even sold as part of toy kitchen sets for kids.  Some of those "old fashioned" gadgets are still sold because they can be used in situations where electrical devices are not possible or too cumbersome.  And some of them can be better at certain things than electrical devices.

Last season I thought Matthew was a plant and that old feeling is coming back.  No one who wasn't cast to be the stereotypical arrogant Millennial douche would say half the ridiculous crap he says.  "I wonder if any of them even has a computer".  Fucktard, I owned a computer before you were freaking BORN.  What gets me is he can't possibly be unaware of the fact that all of those people have their own Twitter and Facebook pages.  That's one reason I can't believe he's for real.  It's like he's deliberately making a caricature of himself.  I loved it when Chris was getting him back for his snarkiness by saying he didn't have experience with a certain kind of dish because he's too young to have gone to many parties.  Way to go, Chris!!

Dom is like a cat, he has 9 lives.  His food looked incredible this week, though.  Plus he was saved by the fact that the others didn't do so well in general.  I still think he's the "chosen" one.

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I wasn't at all sorry to see Penny make her exit but I thought Chris would be the one to go.  He totally messed up his on camera bit during the first round and he seems nice but he's just not interesting to listen to plus his food doesn't stand out. 

I hope Matthew sets the kitchen on fire or something next time so they can boot him for cause.  He's an awful combination of arrogant, smug and juvenile.  I just want to smack him.

I like Valerie and I absolutely love Tyler as a judge.  His expressions are perfect and he's not afraid to say what needs to be said.

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Yeah, is Matthew one of those clueless 20-somethings who thinks anyone over 30 is ancient?  He doesn't think the others have used a computer?  They're pretty much all of the age group that they would have used computers in ELEMENTARY SCHOOL.   I hate that air of superiority from him.   I think someone told his mom he was gifted, and he's been riding on that ever since.   Using Instagram and saying "hashtag" doesn't make you smarter than other  people - it just makes you annoying. 

(I have a relative who has told others that I don't know how to use the internet -because she's never "seen"  me online.   Yeah, there's an entire internet that extends beyond facebook, twit!)

Edited by backformore
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Booting Penny gave me some faith that they actually are looking for someone to enter the competition that may have a shot at it.  Penny would have been one to keep around for drama and snark, but they didn't.  Kudos. 

I expect to see Matt go next. 

Looks like Dom is the chosen one with Martita a contender if he fails miserably and they would look like fools to put him through.  

I like Michele and really would like to see her win a slot.  I have seen her on a lot of TV shows and when not under pressure does a demonstration very well and I love her style of cooking and northeastern sea food, in general. 

Edited by wings707
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It really comes down to personality and charisma.  Michele is likeable - people would watch her show.   The others might be nice, or good cooks, or have something positive about them, but really Michele is the only one who could get people to watch.

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24 minutes ago, HappyDancex2 said:

Quite shocking as she and Matthew seemed to have a nice combative fake reality TV feud thing going on....

So that's a yes? I don't watch the show because she's on it, but I recorded Spring Baking Championship that's on right after it & it recorded the last 30 second of CK & it was her walking away. If she's gone, then I can watch FNS without fear of seeing her.

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5 hours ago, backformore said:

On the diner challenge, Penny says , "Liver and onions are a traditional Middle Eastern dish.  I can do this, I'm a Middle-Easterner!  My plan to elevate the dish is to give it that warmth that only comes form Middle Eastern spices."
Yeah, that's one show I would never be able to watch!

Too bad* she's gone. She could've been the Middle Eastern equivalent of the dad from "My Big Fat Greek Wedding."


Penny: Tyler, did you know that mashed potatoes are a Middle Eastern dish?

Tyler: Uh...

Penny: Yes! Potatoes grow in the ground. There is ground in the Middle East. In the Middle East, you mash the ground with your feet. Mashed and Middle East both start with M. Boom! Mashed potatoes, the Middle Eastern treat!

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6 hours ago, backformore said:

It really comes down to personality and charisma.  Michele is likeable - people would watch her show.   The others might be nice, or good cooks, or have something positive about them, but really Michele is the only one who could get people to watch.

I agree with you, but I have no faith at all that she'll be the one re-entered into the race.

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I'm enjoying this show because it's so entertaining to watch, like clown cars at a circus. How could Penny think she is sexy, at least on camera? There is nothing wrong with the way she looks but she is so cold and arrogant, it kills any "sexiness" she may have. Her wardrobe doesn't help either. I'm glad she is gone, although I would rather have seen Matthew go first with his Gumby mouth. He's articulate in his talking heads, why can't he speak coherently about something for one minute? I'm still liking Martita the best. I also noticed she is actually a nice person, too. I see her encouraging the other contestants, saying "Good job!", "Good luck!", etc., even when the other contestants jump on her for doing so. (If I was a man, I'd find her sexier than Penny even though she doesn't sell herself that way. She's prettier and has a warmth that is much more appealing.) I was also hoping for a Dom crash and burn so they could kick him off, which they should have done last week. I was glad to see Chris do better, but I wonder if he's just doing this short gig for some extra money without really caring if he gets on Food Network Star again. He still seems kind of apathetic.

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My DVR didn't pick up the original feed, so I had to reprogram for the 3am broadcast. Dang.

Anyway, you guys pretty much hit on all the points I was going to make.

Scripted or not, I enjoyed seeing Our Penny smack down Matthew of the gyrating mouth.  I can't think of anyone I know who shows their lower molars when they talk.

And Penny, as a mature woman I can tell you, sleeveless spandex tops are not your friend. And any points you get for dissing Matthew are countered by your overwhelming sense of self.  See you on the next throwaway FN competition.

Great to see the you-know-what Table of Doom again.

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14 hours ago, MajorWoody said:

MarTEEETa is back with her now you hear it, now you don't, over the top accent. She is really the most competent of this pathetic bunch, but it is hard to take her seriously,with that fake over the top persona.

I hadn't noticed this and went back to hear her speak.  She really does go in and out of perfectly pronounced English and her accent which also varies in strength!  

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^^Isn't it painfully obvious? I fully expect her to wiggle her shoulders and say "coochy coochy", or whatever the phrase is.  The act comes across as an act.

During her talking heads, she can come across as perfectly pleasant, though.

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Just now, spiderpig said:

^^Isn't it painfully obvious? I fully expect her to wiggle her shoulders and say "coochy coochy", or whatever the phrase is.  The act comes across as an act.

During her talking heads, she can come across as perfectly pleasant, though.

Yes it is and I am shocked that I had not noticed it!   I multitask.  


21 minutes ago, spiderpig said:

And Penny, as a mature woman I can tell you, sleeveless spandex tops are not your friend. And any points you get for dissing Matthew are countered by your overwhelming sense of self.  See you on the next throwaway FN competition.


Spanx, Penny.  Your full figure is a bit rippled and jiggly.  Not a good look for TV, especially.   Serious chefs do not careen around the kitchen in heels, either.   

 Her parting words,  "You don't want me but plenty of people do."  Something like that.  Either sad or just her ego covering up her disappointment. 

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On May 12, 2016 at 9:48 AM, grisgris said:

Is it just me, or would it be a nice change to see Tyler and Valerie host the entire FNS season 12? I think it makes sense to have a culinary professional and a veteran small screen performer. I know Giada and Bobby know the ropes now on how to present on camera and all, but a pro who initially started outside the food TV industry makes sense. Besides, I liked Valerie and Tyler together. Tyler's facial expressions cracked me up. He could barely conceal his contempt for a lot of the contestants and dishes. While I don't think Valerie is necessarily a cooking champ, she has her own FN show and has judged on several others. She is able to deliver criticism in a kind, but firm manner and it's consistent.

As far as the hapless has-beens, how about "none of the above?" I guess that I could live with Martita. For a limited-run show, she seems to be the most camera-ready and can actually cook. If Chris could pull it together and stay consistent in time, he might be OK. The rest? Just NO. I also don't understand the love affair with Dom. I find him average-looking and abrasive beyond words. If Damiano is already competing, for what I assume will be to fill the Italian cooking void now on FN (since Giada has more or less switched over to California cuisine), why bother with Dom? I wish Tyler and Valerie had sent him home immediately for dropping the f-bomb. Besides, with both Dom and Damiano, Giada would be in a constant state of the vapors. LOL!

I think that Penny will be kept around for a few more rounds to add drama. I didn't care that Beyonce, I mean Brianna, got cut. She's pretty, but seemed very meh in front of the camera.

If Tyler can do this and FTR I'm in. FNS has been bland since Alton left due to the affairs and Lenny. Give me Tyler, Val, and Alton and I'm sold. He'll throw in a past winner like Guy or Jeff in there to have four or if Alton doesn't come back so the new recruits can get experience from someone who went through the same process.

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The first time I saw Penny, she wanted a theme of "stilettos in the kitchen" or something like that. And I hated her instantly.  I hate the idea that women need to be tottering around on dangerously high heels in order to be "sexy".  Watching penny try to RUN in heels - is there anything sexy about that? Because all I see is someone trying not to sprain an ankle.  The mats that are used in kitchens are not high-heel friendly.   And most women at home do not want to learn from a woman who prides herself on being able to cook while wearing heels.  

As much as I thought Michele was too sloppy last week, I preferred that look to Penny with her cougar look.  As Valerie told her, calling yourself sexy doesn't make you sexy.  

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7 hours ago, ivygirl said:

Too bad* she's gone. She could've been the Middle Eastern equivalent of the dad from "My Big Fat Greek Wedding."


Penny: Tyler, did you know that mashed potatoes are a Middle Eastern dish?

Tyler: Uh...

Penny: Yes! Potatoes grow in the ground. There is ground in the Middle East. In the Middle East, you mash the ground with your feet. Mashed and Middle East both start with M. Boom! Mashed potatoes, the Middle Eastern treat!

I would watch that!

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So my "extremely-improbable-but-would-be-awesome" scenario goes like this... they can put Martita back on the main show because she is good (and like the prettier first cousin to Lorena Garcia) and quietly develop a solo show for Michelle this fall.  It's been long enough since her season that they probably need to put her in front of a TV audience again to get feedback and make sure, and they can sharpen up her look a bit.  But she has the cooking skills and the personality already.   I don't think she's ever made anybody feel stabby and other contestants seem to all like her. 

I want to watch a show from her, but I don't want her going through that competition again.  And her brand of coastal, New England and rustic is a great successor to Ina Garten.  I ADORE Ina, but there's room on the Easy Coast and Food network for Michelle too.  

Yeah, won't ever happen.  

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12 hours ago, backformore said:

It really comes down to personality and charisma.  Michele is likeable - people would watch her show.   The others might be nice, or good cooks, or have something positive about them, but really Michele is the only one who could get people to watch.

To me, the operative word with Michelle is "genuine."  She seems the same likable, decent person in her TH, doing her segment or sitting in the lounge.

It's ironic that I probably would have watched a Martita show, convinced she was simply an extremely effusive personality.  But now that I see her switch between the warm reasonable Martita doing the THs and the "OOOOOOH!  SO delicioso!" on-camera Martita, I'd kind of feel my chain being yanked.

Chris strikes a "genuine" note, but really, "Party on the Fly"?  Do party on the fly people watch cooking shows?  Wouldn't they be throwing an impromptu soiree instead?


Could Penny have been any more mean girl?  So nice that karma came right back around and kicked her in the butt.  But, I have to admit, I enjoyed the bits of each episode where arrogant Penny squirmed during her assessments, so I must claim my share of the responsibility for the fact we'll never see the end of Penny.

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I would love to see more of Michele, too.  And no need to clean her up; I like her look.  I agree, she is genuine.  What you see, you see in every situation she is in.  Hang out on the Maine coast for a summer and observe how everyone dresses.  It is that casual. Those who are polished are tourists passing through.  

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15 minutes ago, wings707 said:

I would love to see more of Michele, too.  And no need to clean her up; I like her look.  I agree, she is genuine.  What you see, you see in every situation she is in.  Hang out on the Maine coast for a summer and observe how everyone dresses.  It is that casual. Those who are polished are tourists passing through.  

I think most of what she wears is OK.   there was one part of last week's episode where she looked exceptionally sloppy.  Other outfits on her look comfortable and casual.    Jeans and a sweater are fine, but not ripped jeans with a baggy shirt.  I guess it's the difference between casual and sloppy.   She doesn't need a makeover, she just needs to tweak her look slightly to look a bit more like an authority on food. 

I like her, and I would watch her show because she IS likeable. 

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3 hours ago, wings707 said:

I would love to see more of Michele, too.  And no need to clean her up; I like her look.  I agree, she is genuine.  What you see, you see in every situation she is in.  Hang out on the Maine coast for a summer and observe how everyone dresses.  It is that casual. Those who are polished are tourists passing through.  

I'm cool with her look, too, and appreciate that it does fit right in with her milieu . . .but I see that same geographic focus causing her downfall.

I've lived a number of places around the country and never once had occasion to go clamming or layer in the lobsters with the corn and the seaweed.

Maybe she could blur the hard edges of her map by emphasizing "fresh seafood."  Even the hole in the ground where I live now is getting some "Never Frozen!" selection and hardly anyone knows what the hell to do with it, so they ignore it.


Edited To Add:  I know Michele does more than clams and lobster bakes! Those are just the two things that come into my mind when I'm thinking of seafood that is more specific to New England than most places.  Sorry to be unclear.

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As someone who has watched every season of this show, I would have brought back Brad Sorenson, Emily Ellyn, and Jyll Everman.  I would have let someone like Herb Mesa cook healthy food, instead of forcing him to go Cuban instead.  Healthy can never win.  And, if you wanted a true comeback, bring back Josh "JAG" Garcia, and stop pretending like anybody liked Amy Finley or that she was the legitimate winner.  

I'm sure there are others I liked that got eliminated too early, but after 10+ years of this show, it's hard to recognize some of the people by name alone..

Edited by Joe Blow
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4 hours ago, backformore said:

The first time I saw Penny, she wanted a theme of "stilettos in the kitchen" or something like that. And I hated her instantly.  I hate the idea that women need to be tottering around on dangerously high heels in order to be "sexy".  Watching penny try to RUN in heels - is there anything sexy about that?   

She dropped her stilettos theme and went with the Mediterranean Mama, or some crap like that. She was one of my least favorite contestants ever, but predictable that FN would bring her back, because they've generally favored the most obnoxious contestants, assuming that viewers want fake reality show drama. I was glad that she got dinged for throwing in the gratuitous and meaningless "sexy" to describe her food. And even happier that she was eliminated.

This is overall a pretty bland bunch. I have a feeling that some of the more appealing and successful former contestants declined offers to appear. If you have a good career going, why would you want to subject yourself to this nonsense again?

It's much too soon to see Matthew and Dom again, and amazingly, after a whole season Dom is still not comfortable on camera. Matthew did not last long in his season, and is back only because, like I said, FN thinks we enjoy obnoxious people.

Martita starting every promo with a reminder that she's Mexican is really annoying. I thought it was funny that she got criticized for using most of her minute to talk about her family and not the food. Apparently she's been too successfully programmed by Bob and Susie to always tell a family story.

Chris still seems to me more like a sketch comedian than a serious food person.

Out of this lackluster group, I guess Michelle is the stand-out, but that's a pretty low bar. I can't see the winner going far during the regular FNS season. For someone to emerge from this show and win FNS would mean surviving over 20 eliminations in a row.

Edited by bluepiano
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1 hour ago, candall said:

I'm cool with her look, too, and appreciate that it does fit right in with her milieu . . .but I see that same geographic focus causing her downfall.

I've lived a number of places around the country and never once had occasion to go clamming or layer in the lobsters with the corn and the seaweed.

Maybe she could blur the hard edges of her map by emphasizing "fresh seafood."  Even the hole in the ground where I live now is getting some "Never Frozen!" selection and hardly anyone knows what the hell to do with it, so they ignore it.

She does all kinds of seafood, it is not all lobster bake fare, not at all.  

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I truly believe that people will tune in to see Penny Davidi be culinarily bitchslapped by a teen cook.  I believe they will watch her be criticized, humiliated and eliminated from just about any competition Food Network wants to air. 

But I also truly believe that nobody will ever watch her on her own show.  I think she will always be a punchline, a default contestant and a stooge.  She will never be taken seriously by any true food authority.  

And I'm personally very ok with that. 

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