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S05.E11: State Of The Art

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Congrats, Ken, but I thought you didn't want to be a bully. Guess he couldn't hold it in any longer. I hate feeling empathy for Sam but I don't like to see people gossiped about in earshot and ganged up on--it is bullying. It's not like Sam is instigating anything or is a piece of shit for a person. It's not his fault he's not as talented as them and favoured by the judges. Ken and Kini should direct their anger on the judges rather than humiliating and interrogating Sam for wanting to compete. It's not like he owes any of them anything. But they don't have the guts to confront the judges so they take it out on him, trying to break him so he quits or does so poorly they can't possibly justify keeping him. 

Edited by anonymiss
  • Love 16

When Sam was talking to the artist who made the owl and he said he was so inspired by it, I immediately wondered what kind of ridiculous story he would come up with to explain how the owl inspired him to make another jumpsuit. But then he started talking about gay marriage and making a rainbow dress and I wondered how in the hell he was going to connect that to the owl. I guess on the plus side, I can at least say that he didn't make a jumpsuit this week


Every week I am surprised by how calm and mature Ken is. I keep waiting for angry Ken of yesteryear to make an appearance. It's nice to see the new Ken. I liked that he said that even though he does ready to wear, he was excited to do the avant garde challenge. I also loved when he said in his talking head that he wanted to confront Sam about his lame draped dress but he didn't want to be a bully. Old Ken wouldn't have hesitated. I understand his frustration though. Everyone else was actually constructing their designs which requires skill but Sam was just draping fabric and tacking it on, which is what my friend's eight year old daughter did when she began designing.


When Zanna told Dom, "You have the taste and you have the craftsmanship," I thought well, Sam doesn't have either of those and he's still around so clearly those aren't requirements for this show.


How sad is it that Zanna reminded the designers that this is the most time and the most money they've had for a challenge this season? Hallelujah, TWO WHOLE DAYS! I wish Lifetime would stop being so cheap and give them two or three days for each challenge. It's not just that they need more time to construct their designs, but Ken said that after the first night, he came back with fresh eyes and made some changes. Sometimes you need that perspective so you can edit.


I never know exactly how I feel about avant garde looks. First Sam said that avant garde evokes emotions, but later he said that Emily's wasn't avant garde because it wasn't something or another. To me, avant garde = weird so my opinions about this week's designs might not be valid to people like Sam or Georgina.


Ken's black dress was dramatic so I will give him that. That huge hood was the most dramatic part, but the huge ruffles were pretty out there too.


I liked the way Emily evoked the painting she chose with the pink and blue tubes woven together, but I didn't like the black dress underneath because it was so shapeless and unflattering. You know Heidi would have said that it wasn't sexy.


Sam's was exactly what Ken and Kini said it was - a piece of fabric draped onto the model. Oh, Boy George. It's not beautifully constructed. It's barely constructed. Hahaha, I love that Alyssa said it looked like a kite caught in a tree.


I liked Dom's sheer ruffly coat more than I liked the mosaic dress underneath.


Kini had some interesting elements but when you put them all together into that one outfit, it looked like a head to toe unitard worn with a pageant dress. But then again, it's avant garde week so is that a good thing? I can never tell what is what during the avant garde challenge. Boy George and I agree! We should be BFFs, right?


I knew that the judges wouldn't get rid of their little pet Sam even though his dress SUCKED. I agree about Zanna's critiques. I wish Sam had sent that ridiculous first rainbow dress he had made down the runway just to hear Isaac justify how great it was. I totally cracked up when some of the designers were talking about how they knew the judges would love Sam's garbage dress and one of them said in a high pitched voice, "It's so fresh!" It's both hilarious and sad that EVERYONE clearly knows Sam is being favored despite his complete lack of design skills and sewing skills.

  • Love 10


The production and editing crew knows what's going on.


The designers know what's going on.


The viewers know what's going on.


What a fuck-you to all of us.

I'd add that Alyssa and Georgina also know what's going on if you watch them.

With respect to the poster above who commented that a side view of Alyssa will never be her friend and suggested she use spanks--the woman is still recovering from hugely carrying a baby, fairly recently gave birth and (I know from experience) that losing baby weight isn't easy. IMO body shaming a new mother isn't cool.

  • Love 18

I've slept on it and looked at the outfits again.  I think I can express an opinion other than outrage that Sam isn't gone.


Ken:  This deserved to be the winning outfit.  Of the looks presented, it was one of the few that did stretch some boundaries but not by much.   It was "scary" and weird and that's as close to avant-garde as these folks get.


Emily:  Shouldn't have gone home this week but arguably her outfit last week was more avant-garde than this one.  It reminded me of something we'd have been wearing in the 80's, except perhaps with the addition of shoulder pads and bigger hair.  It was tied to her art work.  She should have been safely in the middle.


Kini:  The dress was a slight exaggeration of his normal work and the jump suit was a little wacky, even if we've seen that many times before.   Honestly, I was just glad he didn't do an umbrella dress variation again.   Safe, I'm fine with that.


Dom:  The makeup on the model's face reminds me of the last big song and dance in Rocky Horror Picture Show, when they're on stage right before they go into the pool.  Dom recreated Brad Major's make up.   The dress, however, was gorgeous and I loved the jacket/wrap thing.  A little wild for her, not really avant-garde perhaps.  Good effort, though, and I'm happy she was safe.


Sam:  OMG, this was horrible.  Had nothing to do with the holographic owl.  Was crappily made.  His being safe had more to do with his flirting with Issac than this damn dress.  The use of the rainbow flag with no actual association to the art he chose felt like he was using a sledge hammer to remind Issac and others who he is.   

  • Love 10

What bizarro universe am I living in where a guy with Sam's rather average appearance can coast on his looks?   Or is it simply that he's the only young gay guy there?

I think Kini and Ken are both gay. I agree that Sam is average-looking (Ken is better-looking, IMO, although short men aren't my thing) but I think he's "a type." I could see Isaac going for what he sees as a younger version of himself, a twink-type, and that's definitely Sam.


I agreed with Emily's critique of Sam - he's young and inexperienced and there probably are some good ideas rattling around in his head, but he's just not talented enough yet to execute them. He needs a good ten years' more experience. I don't know how recently he came out of school, but he reminds me of SO many newly minted graduates who think their degree means they know everything but don't have any hands-on experience yet. His shit looks really amateurish. I think on some level he knows it - he has eyes and he HAS to have at least some idea that the stuff the other designers are putting out looks better than his, week after week. So he kind of doubles down on the meanness and the flirting because that's all he has. I also suspect that no one has ever really critiqued him before (which is weird, given that that's a regularity in art school), just judging by the way he seemed so surprised by Ken's comments.


Ken's was the clear winner - I, too, thought "Oooh, Grace Jones!" when I saw it. And I liked Ken a lot this episode. I liked that he was excited to do something he doesn't normally do, and i liked that he had the presence of mind to come into the workroom the next day with fresh eyes (I say that!) and edit himself, and I liked that he was speaking only for himself when he addressed Sam. And he addressed Sam without raising his voice - he was just speaking his mind. He really has matured a lot since he was last on.


I was like "How did we get from digital taxidermy of an owl to gay marriage? Huh?" And I didn't see a zipper, button, or snap on that garment - it was barely designed.


Alyssa looked good in the striped dress. There's nothing wrong with her body, but it is consistently clothed in unflattering stuff on this show. I don't know if she uses a stylist that she pissed off or she dresses herself and is not quite used to her postpartum body yet or what, but frequently she's wearing stuff that just looks awful on her. The striped dress was a step in the right direction (and I love a long-sleeved minidress, as a rule).

  • Love 14

I could see Isaac going for what he sees as a younger version of himself, a twink-type, and that's definitely Sam.


And yet the fate of the contestants appears to be largely producer-driven, so I honestly wonder if


Isaac is actually hornswoggled enough to think that he's rewarding some hidden talent only he sees in his young favorites


he just likes to give shiny toys to TILFs


he's Isaac Mizrahi, dammit, and he's going to make everyone pretend to respect him while he gives the prize to a bichon frise he rode up in the elevator with


he's willing to make a fool of himself to get the outcome the producers want because he likes it when people are forced to listen to him


the QVC job is dependent on the free publicity and he can't afford to piss off the producers


Because I don't know if I can think of anything he's done as a judge which would argue against any of those scenarios.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 5

What bizarro universe am I living in where a guy with Sam's rather average appearance can coast on his looks?   Or is it simply that he's the only young gay guy there?


Sam is doing the thing that annoys me in both men and women.   Play young and coquettish, flirt, make your voice more child-like.  Some older man will fall for it every time.  "He/she is SO cute I have to take care of him/her."

  • Love 6

Don't forget that as much as Gunn dislike Isaac, he also has a preference for Sam.  He did everything he could to get a Sam win in "Under the Gunn".  With Mondo coming on as a judge next week, the other designers might as well take the week off. 


And Tim needs to be dipped for the same monarchist ticks Isaac does. He does an awful lot of shady stuff which he expects not to be questioned because he's Tim Gunn. And, as above, it could be that the producers are taking advantage of that to make them the face of their manipulations, but it's pretty overt.

  • Love 8

I get very creeped out on AV week. I wish they would stop covering the models faces.

I loved Emily's dress as a regular dress. I'd wear it. As soon as she kept saying she'd do what she wanted it was the kiss of death. That didn't stop me from praying Sam would go. I guess Isaacs opinion is the most important.

I actually liked Ken in this episode. Go figure.

  • Love 2

It is official hell must have frozen over never thought I would see the day when I love Ken. For him having the balls to say what almost the entire viewing audience of this show has been thinking to Sam. I do not care if it hurt his poor little feelings he needs a good dose of reality. Isaac saving Sam and praising his work is not doing him any favors!

  • Love 13

Isaac's attempt to elevate Scam's design was painfully transparent.   Did you notice that after all the designers left the runway and the judges began deliberating, Isaac went negative on every critique but Scam's -- even on Ken's design which he had earlier said  he liked.    It was a systematic attempt to diminish the other designers in the eyes of his fellow judges and to justify his indefensible support of the only contestant who openly flirts with him.


It's disgusting and hard to watch.   


And, wasn't it Isaac who said that avant-garde is supposed to be "in your face, disturbing, not necessarily pretty, and make you think"?  As far as I could see, Sam's dress was NOT any of those things, unless when you see it, you're think "How the fuck is this guy called a fashion designer?"  and you are disturbed that he is blatantly getting away with sending crap down the runway.  I will say that he did get the "not necessarily pretty" part down.

  • Love 11

Oh how I would have loved for this runway to have taken place without the designers there, and the runway wall displaying a shot of the corresponding piece of inspirational art as the models emerged to walk the designs.  That would have given us some great critiques to listen to, and interesting comments about judges' interpretations of what the inspiration was.  Would have been fascinating to hear their speculation about the discongruence between the owl and the rainbow.  Of course Isaac would have carried the banner for that being the real avant garde viewpoint out there, because I think there would have been no doubt amongst the regular threesome about who designed which look.


Boy George was a pleasure to hear from, a real revelation and very insightful.

  • Love 12

Words can not even express how low this show has fallen when Sam can basically put a colorful parachute on his model and be safe.


Glad Ken got a win, but it is overshadowed by my annoyance that Sam is still in this competition.


Boy George is adorable....."I avant got a clue" has made me a fan for life.


That was the best line from a judge - ever!!  (And the fact that it appeared to piss off Isaac made me love it even more!)   

  • Love 9

I'd add that Alyssa and Georgina also know what's going on if you watch them.

With respect to the poster above who commented that a side view of Alyssa will never be her friend and suggested she use spanks--the woman is still recovering from hugely carrying a baby, fairly recently gave birth and (I know from experience) that losing baby weight isn't easy. IMO body shaming a new mother isn't cool.

I'm sorry if it came off as body shaming -- I truly didn't mean it that way.  Because right now, I won't win in a side shot either.  I think of it more as knowing my weaknesses and my strengths.  And I think its important that she know hers too, if she is still losing the baby weight than Spanx really should be an option for her.  I don't think anyone wants to be on a show about fashion looking unfashionable.  But thats just me, I truly didn't mean to body shame a new mother, I just think she doesn't look good, and she could look better, and I feel like that is generally everyone's mission in life, whether you have recently given birth or not.

  • Love 10

Sam is the epitome of that Omarosa quote of "You get to walk around and be mediocre and still get rewarded for things."



And I can't imagine how frustrating that must feel to designers who are working their butts off, but don't have the luxury of being Issac's "type."


And, wasn't it Isaac who said that avant-garde is supposed to be "in your face, disturbing, not necessarily pretty, and make you think"?  As far as I could see, Sam's dress was NOT any of those things, unless when you see it, you're think "How the fuck is this guy called a fashion designer?"  and you are disturbed that he is blatantly getting away with sending crap down the runway.  I will say that he did get the "not necessarily pretty" part down.

Or you're thinking "how drunk was that chick last night that she ended up dressed in a kite?"

  • Love 6

Also, when Alyssa announced that Boy George would be the guest judge, did anyone else get the feeling that either Sam didn't really know who Boy George is, or that he wasn't as impressed/excited as the other designers?  I don't think he applauded right away, and there was a very perplexed look on his face.  

I felt like he didn't really know who Boy George was....but he knew enough to try to pander to him by turning a 3d owl into some story about gay marriage.

  • Love 7

When Sam was talking to the artist who made the owl and he said he was so inspired by it, I immediately wondered what kind of ridiculous story he would come up with to explain how the owl inspired him to make another jumpsuit. But then he started talking about gay marriage and making a rainbow dress and I wondered how in the hell he was going to connect that to the owl. I guess on the plus side, I can at least say that he didn't make a jumpsuit this week


I was thinking the same about the jump suit ;-) and it annoyed me that he was using the 'gay marriage'  theme to schmooze up to the judges and the audience, because neither his design (not even the first one), nor the initial source of inspiration (the art) had anything to do with that. It was picked for the story and I can't believe that he sailed by this week again.



Sam is the epitome of that Omarosa quote of "You get to walk around and be mediocre and still get rewarded for things."


THAT sums it up pretty well.


If the judges say that Dom's was AV for Dom's design aesthetic - then the same thing can be said about Emily and Kini. Ken did well - as far as AV challenges go, that was pretty decent.


So what do we think about the finale? Dom, Kini and Sam?


I liked Alissas style in the museum.

  • Love 1

I was thinking the same about the jump suit ;-) and it annoyed me that he was using the 'gay marriage'  theme to schmooze up to the judges and the audience, because neither his design (not even the first one), nor the initial source of inspiration (the art) had anything to do with that. It was picked for the story and I can't believe that he sailed by this week again.




THAT sums it up pretty well.


If the judges say that Dom's was AV for Dom's design aesthetic - then the same thing can be said about Emily and Kini. Ken did well - as far as AV challenges go, that was pretty decent.


So what do we think about the finale? Dom, Kini and Sam?


I liked Alissas style in the museum.

I think its in the air.


I have a dreaded feeling that "we can't decide!" is going to just be an excuse to have a 4 finalist runway so they don't have to get rid of Sam.  Or to have some sort of sew off that Sam can win (because it won't be anonymous).  Or maybe Nina Garcia is the one to finally see that the Emperor Sam has no clothes on!


Or, Kini could get cut.....the judges have....time and again called him out for taste issues.


I think Dom is a lock, but thats the only thing that is certain for me.



Sure....I just think there's a way to do that without humiliating and intimidating him. That can have lasting damaging effects and I don't think even Sam deserves that.

I have a hard time advocating for the protection of Sam's feelings since he has shown no concern for the feelings of anyone else....ever.  


He had no problem trashing Mitchell and not apologizing....and telling Mitchell that he should develop a thicker skin.  I guess he can take a little of his own advice and develop a thicker skin.


I don't see how Sam was intimidated by anyone.  As for being humiliated?  If the truth humiliates Sam, maybe he should change his approach to the show.


I sure hope this does have a lasting effect on Sam, I hope he learns that his actions do have consequences.  He has been able to get away with being rude, and taking advantage of others because no one will confront him on anything.  And I think he has behaved like a little shit because he has gotten away with it for so long.  

  • Love 11

Someone up thread wondered if Sam has had any training.  Turns out, he went to Parson's so honestly he should know how to construct a garment.  Here's his website that shows his Parson's thesis work as well as the collections he's been releasing.   His Spring 2016 collection is essentially what he's put down the runway this season, but in a black and white palette.  

  • Love 2

Sam is doing the thing that annoys me in both men and women.   Play young and coquettish, flirt, make your voice more child-like.  Some older man will fall for it every time.  "He/she is SO cute I have to take care of him/her."

Right? Gag. He didn't make a jumpsuit, but he wore one--unbuttoned down to there, oh hi Isaac! wave wink blush.


And Sam, as he often says, is from Boston. We've had marriage equality in Massachusetts since 2004. Most of Sam's life pretty much. We know his story was horseshit but oh dear, such horseshit. Yes, cause for celebration when it became the law of the land, but business as usual here.

  • Love 9

Someone up thread wondered if Sam has had any training.  Turns out, he went to Parson's so honestly he should know how to construct a garment.  Here's his website that shows his Parson's thesis work as well as the collections he's been releasing.   His Spring 2016 collection is essentially what he's put down the runway this season, but in a black and white palette.  


Thank you for posting this!  His Parsons thesis work is okay - not inspiring nor anything special, but it does show that he at least knows how to construct a pair of pants.  


The 2016 collection is okay, but I noticed that there is not a lot of finish work.  Most of the collection is using that heavy mesh that he's used several times this season, so no need for finishing or hems.  Other items have intentionally frayed edges.  


I have to agree with Emily about Sam.  He does have ideas rolling around in that pretty head of his-he just cannot execute them properly, so the ideas get trashed for something simple and not well made.  Personally, though, I don't like him or his personality.  My feeling is that Sam has a much higher opinion of his talent than having actual talent.  He is the epitome of the definition of "special snowflake".  At this stage of the competition, he should not still be there, just because his execution skills do not equal his design ideas.


I was not a particularly huge fan of Christian Siriano's personality when he was on PR (he, too, was just a little too full of himself), but there was no denying that boy could do it all, and do it well.  His designs were interesting and usually very well thought out, and his execution skills were amazing.  So, I could understand his personality.  


I am all about believing in yourself and having self-confidence, but there comes a time that you have to back that self-confidence up with actual well done work, and I'm just not seeing that with Sam.

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 10

The tension on the set when Issac again praised Sam, radiated though the TV and filled my living room.  Everyone, probably crew too, see his transparent critiques straight through to his dick.  Every designer and judge has had it with both of them, that is clear. 


I felt empathy for Sam but he needed to experience this consequence of his actions.  That is how we all evolve and learn what behavior/approach serves us.  He will ultimately benefit from Ken's words.  As he watches hopefully he will understand how he was perceived and from viewers, too.  I wonder if he will register on how he treated Mitchel.  Ken spoke the words of everyone on that set.   


Issac needs to hear a few words himself from someone he respects.  It will be interesting to see if we can sense a difference in his judging next week.  It is possible the producer alerted him to his obvious bias.   

Edited by wings707
  • Love 7

Dear Sam,

You can't sew. You can't design. You trash people on your blog and tell them to get a thicker skin when they confront you. You blatantly flirt with the judges. You take credit for things you did not design or sew. You need about 15 more years of growing up and developing a style. A STYLE. Not pinning fabric on a model and calling it a style. I don't know why you're on here but please.........please.......don't do any more reality tv. You are not doing yourself any favors. Thanks.


Uh Hum.....sorry I just had to get that out. And IMO it's not bullying to ask somebody a question!!!  Ken wasn't cornering him with 4 other guys to steal his lunch money. He asked him a dam question....Geesh.....It's like we're all so PC these days you can't even ask a question without being a "bully" Ken was very very very calm when he asked that and, frankly, it's a question a lot of us wanted answered!


What the heck was all that talk that Kinis models head shouldn't have been "lumpy"? HUH? Doesn't the fact that you have a nose and ears mean it will be lumpy? Or did they think Kini should have made a huge piece that went over her head but was filled with foam so it was smooth? Of course the model couldn't see or breath but hey, let the model suffocate for art right? 

  • Love 6

I almost wonder if the production team was fed up with Sam's progress and edited his finger waves to repeatedly be to Isaac when they were actually at other times.

While I think the paint job was bad, I preferred Sam's look before Zanna came in. I thought exaggerated business suit jacket in rainbow had potential. Maybe I just like rainbows though.

I hate the word "athleisure" but Emily's dress looked like something more fitting for that challenge.

  • Love 5

Sorry, pretty much everyone on this forum, but I can't jump on the "Ken had the right to be an ass*ole" bandwagon. It is possible to give someone criticism or express your lack of support or trust for someone without spewing vitriol at them. "Keeping it real" is just code for "being a dick." Ken should have expressed that he didn't think the situation was fair, questioned the judges, and left it at that. Sam isn't to blame for the judges favoritism; and if he is using his looks or charm or whatever... that's part of life... which is not and has never been fair. Plus... Ken has a history of throwing hissy fits. Perhaps if Ken was a bit sweeter, folks might be tempted to favor him more?

  • Love 7

Sam isn't to blame for the judges favoritism; and if he is using his looks or charm or whatever... that's part of life... which is not and has never been fair.


Sam is taking advantage of having the system gamed for him by halfassing his work and abusing his competitors while hiding behind a judge. That's Sam's MO. This is probably not the best situation to deploy the tone argument on the people who are being given second-class status.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 10

It is official hell must have frozen over never thought I would see the day when I love Ken. For him having the balls to say what almost the entire viewing audience of this show has been thinking to Sam. I do not care if it hurt his poor little feelings he needs a good dose of reality. Isaac saving Sam and praising his work is not doing him any favors!

I was totally impressed that Ken didn't just speak his mind, he did it calmly and effectively.  Where is the old fustrated Ken of yesteryear?


What was the pointy thing on the front of Sam's "garment" supposed to be?  It went out at a 45 degree angle from the model's chest.  He does have the best model, that's one thing that's been helping him sneak through in addition to Mr. Mizrahi's support/devotion.

  • Love 7

Sorry, pretty much everyone on this forum, but I can't jump on the "Ken had the right to be an ass*ole" bandwagon. It is possible to give someone criticism or express your lack of support or trust for someone without spewing vitriol at them. "Keeping it real" is just code for "being a dick." Ken should have expressed that he didn't think the situation was fair, questioned the judges, and left it at that. Sam isn't to blame for the judges favoritism; and if he is using his looks or charm or whatever... that's part of life... which is not and has never been fair. Plus... Ken has a history of throwing hissy fits. Perhaps if Ken was a bit sweeter, folks might be tempted to favor him more?



Ken did not present his points in the most articulate or mature way but he was angry and did keep it reeled in, for him.  Not many can say the exact right thing in the correct way, spontaneously.  Everything he said was true.  He didn't even bring up Sam's nasty comments to Mitchel and generally bratty attitude.  


It is really Issac who needs a talking to but not from Ken.  

  • Love 5

Isaac is married and often refers to his husband when he appears on other venues. If I were that husband, and watched this season's shows, I'd be packing my bags and leaving.  Whatever brain is driving Isaac's decisions on this show, it isn't the one between his ears.  He's chasing after this youngster so hard he's risking his reputation as a designer.  That's a pretty self-destructive crush.


I was disappointed, as a group, with this season's AG challenge.  I did like, however,  that everyone (except Sam, of course) made a diligent effort to stay true to their piece of art.  Had I seen the art after the runway, I'd have been able to figure out which piece inspired which designer (again, with the exception of Sam).


Alyssa is so pretty in that 'gal that lives next door and is the star of her company softball team' way.  Why in the heck they can't work with that aspect of her instead of forcing her into stiff so-called high fashion looks that don't flatter, I'll never know.   Alyssa has an easy natural grace about her and would look lovely in more natural styling.    She was clearly very unsure walking about on those sky high stilettos they put her in.  And that eyeliner made her look like an extra from Angry Birds.


I have to give Ken a shout-out for doing what he's been dying to do for weeks now and giving Sam a piece of his mind, and doing it in what was, for Ken, a very restrained way.  He was so nasty and unlikeable in his season, but he is proof that people really can change if they work at it.  I wonder if seeing the season played back cast a spotlight for him on just what an unpleasant person he really was.

  • Love 13

I think I just clutched my pearls.

Sorry, I was in a mood.  Oh wait, I still am. I looked at Sam's outfit again.  That put me right back there. 


I think he is just the best looking guy there.  I like Ken and Kini......but they aren't "cutesy" in the same way Sam is, and probably neither one would think to be so obvious in flirting to gain an advantage.


But as someone else said....its about time Issac just let it go.  He isn't even helping Sam at this point, because its just so obvious.  Issac has money and he isn't horrible, there has to be another cutesy gay kid willing to flirt with him.

I find Ken very attractive but he has a very serious look.  He is certainly not flirty.  He has the most beautiful skin.  I want to know his skin care regime!


So a bunch of black and white jumpsuits and draped dresses?

For the record, remembering how beautifully Rami draped makes me wish there were something else I could call Sam's draping because it's not even in the same league.

I am going with tacking since Rami draped, watched how the fabric flowed and created beautiful figure flattering designs.  Sam tacks things together hoping they won't fall off.  And tacking leads to tacky, so it works for me. 

  • Love 6

I knew Sam's trip to the bottom (not like that!) would result in Emily's elimination, but it was probably something he needed. 




I just don't understand... what did Tim see in Sam and what does Issac see now? They're both totally unreasonable when judging him.


Totally fucking unreasonable.  This show has become an embarrassment.  A total fucking parody of itself.  We've made jokes about Isaac creaming over Sam's non-designs, Ken has made jokes, and then Isaac actually does it week after week.  What a garbage show LOL


Ken said a bunch of fun new words today like "Chellenge."


I absolutely loved Dom's outfit this week.  Way above the the rest of the other "designs" laughing because of Sam right now but it was magnificent I thought.


I agree that Alyssa is very sexy and beautiful -- Season 1 of Mistresses!  It's just too bad about the wardrobe.


And then there's Sam and his whatever the fuck that was.  Sam:  I drank dye and vomited all over some fabric then tacked it around the model.  I couldn't quite figure out how to keep it on her so there's a strap.  Because, gay pride!  I'm surprised he didn't ask for some of Isaac's semen to use as paint.  Maybe that's how he stuck the fabric to the model.


Even though this show is a pile of shit the anger-vent-threads after each episode have become wondrous things of beauty.


I don't think it was fair to judge Kini's dress separate from the bodysuit--it was all part of "the look."  And wasn't it the fresh, innovative use of flats that sent one of Sam's jumpsuits, or that crude ridiculous circle skirt, straight to the top?


Ahhhhhhh!!  Yes! You're making me so angry just remembering that ...


Ken:  "You ride on pretty.  And I don't mean your clothes."

Oh snap.


I don't think Sam seemed shocked by that critique either, he seemed to duck his head in shame.   Ken is hilarious... as a television character.  He's frustrated.  I personally thought he was a 'bit much' but I have really thin skin.  It's really passive aggressive and not the best way to deal with a competitor and a fucked up business that you know is corrupt as shit.  But..... it made for good TV and good responses here.  Sam is the kind of person who thinks these critiques are totally fair game.  I felt bad for Mitchell too.  I did NOT feel bad for Sam I just think Ken needs to grow up a bit (and he ALREADY HAS grown soooo much, we've witnessed it!) and he'll see that that passive-aggressiveness won't do much for him personally, but it probably felt good in the moment.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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I was screaming at the tv this week. Emily was robbed.  Issac has no right judging on the show. When Alyssa said that Sam's dress looked like a kite stuck in a tree. Issac cooed that it was the reason he loved it.  WTF?  Anyone, even an amateur could of put together that dress. It was an abomination. Emily was so chill about the decision too. Anyway, I needed to vent. Issac makes me cringe uncomfortably every time the camera is on him. Anyway, Sam is still on the show, because he makes for good tv. Face it, this show has very little to do with talent. Maybe at one time it did, but no more. 

  • Love 7

Alyssa is so pretty in that 'gal that lives next door and is the star of her company softball team' way.  Why in the heck they can't work with that aspect of her instead of forcing her into stiff so-called high fashion looks that don't flatter, I'll never know.   Alyssa has an easy natural grace about her and would look lovely in more natural styling.    She was clearly very unsure walking about on those sky high stilettos they put her in.  And that eyeliner made her look like an extra from Angry Birds.


It's such a travesty that they take a very pretty woman and consistently style her in such a way that she looks heavier, clownishly made-up, and truthfully kind of pathetic.  I would love to see her just once in jeans or simple slacks, a cool wedge heel, and a white blouse with flattering lines. 

Ken said a bunch of fun new words today like "Chellenge."


This is one of the greatest things about Ken, his "neologisms."  ;)


And yes, I do find him kind of hot.  Especially now that he is in full keeping-a-lid-on-things mode.  I'm not sure I should admit that.

  • Love 10

Maybe we should change the name of the show to Match.com:Let's find Isaac a date.  This title would be more accurate with what we are seeing on the runway.


Alyssa is so pretty in that 'gal that lives next door and is the star of her company softball team' way.  Why in the heck they can't work with that aspect of her instead of forcing her into stiff so-called high fashion looks that don't flatter, I'll never know.   Alyssa has an easy natural grace about her and would look lovely in more natural styling.    She was clearly very unsure walking about on those sky high stilettos they put her in.  And that eyeliner made her look like an extra from Angry Birds.




Alyssa is so naturally cute and pretty.  Why does this show hate petite curvy women?  Is it because of Kim Kardashian?

  • Love 2



I was like "How did we get from digital taxidermy of an owl to gay marriage? Huh?" And I didn't see a zipper, button, or snap on that garment - it was barely designed.


Sam didn't give a hoot about the owl.   He knew gay marriage was something he could use to schmooze Isaac and Boy George.

Edited by millennium
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