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20 minutes ago, VCRTracking said:

Yeah this is going to be as tough for them to work out as we feared:

Princess Leia Was Going to Play a Large Role in Star Wars: Episode IX

Yeah, I imagine there's a lot of worrying and thinking going on at Disney right now. There's no good solution to this that I can think of. But I think the best way out will be to recast. As long as Carrie's family are okay with it, they should get someone who can fill the role as well as possible.

I think that fans, by and large, would be accepting of it under the circumstances. Some would gripe and moan, but that's the case whatever happens. But if Leia was a big part of the story, it's going to be very difficult to change it without damaging the narrative.

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I think it's interesting that only two options were mentioned, and neither was a recast.

Personally, if I get a reunion with Luke I will be content. I really don't care about Kylo so I don't feel as invested I that reunion. I'm sure others feel differently, this is just my personal hope, that we get a proper Luke and Leia reunion, that means with Carrie and Mark, no CGI, no recast actors. After that, do what they must.

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I'm in agreement if she gets one last reunion with Luke in Episode VIII then I'm content with Leia's character even dying offscreen. Leia confronting Kylo would be nice but I can't imagine even a good scolding even from his formidable mom would turn that guy around if that's where they were heading. And frankly even though I don't hate Jurassic World the movie doesn't give me hope Colin Trevorrow can pull off what would be an important dramatic scene like that.

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45 minutes ago, Skyline said:

I think Leia was going to be involved in Kylo's redemption. Now that she's gone I guess that will fall to either Luke or Rey. 

I don't think he is going to get redemption. He doesn't want it and doesn't deserve it. Giving him the get out of jail free card would be a terrible narrative choice. Why would Leia forgive the man who murdered her husband?

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Why would Leia forgive the man who murdered her husband?

Because he's her son? It's way more difficult for me to see her writing him off altogether and having lost both Han & Ben than it is to see her forgiving him and having him in her life.

They're in a shit position no matter which way they go with the role of Leia moving forward. I guess I'll just hope and trust they'll make the best decision from all the bad options in front of them.

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5 minutes ago, hendersonrocks said:

Because he's her son? It's way more difficult for me to see her writing him off altogether and having lost both Han & Ben than it is to see her forgiving him and having him in her life.

They're in a shit position no matter which way they go with the role of Leia moving forward. I guess I'll just hope and trust they'll make the best decision from all the bad options in front of them.

Yeah, he's her son. And he murdered his father in order to prove that he's a super evil guy who has no ties to the Light side.

He also aided in the destruction of multiple worlds, bringing down the New Republic. So even if she felt inclined to forgive him on a personal level, he's a genocidal maniac who would have to pay for his crimes. Leia has always been the moral compass of the series (even more so, now that we know she's the only one who stayed to fight on, when both Han and Luke left), she'd never let her personal feelings come before what was right.

Edited by Danny Franks
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39 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I don't think I can accept a Recast, so that's totally out for me. Not sure how I feel about CGI, right now I'm leaning towards a quiet off screen death or perhaps a CGI Onscreen going out like a BAMF death. 

I think I'd actually prefer if they kept her alive in the movie but just have her doing something else at the time.  But you're idea is pretty good as well (going out like a champ). 


While I'm also against recasting (although if they do I won't be upset if Fisher's daughter okays it), my wife and I were brainstorming who they could get to recast and the best one we could think of was Meryl Streep who played Carrie Fisher (by a different name) in Postcards from the Edge.  Which honestly would be kind of neat.

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4 minutes ago, Matt K said:

I think I'd actually prefer if they kept her alive in the movie but just have her doing something else at the time.  But you're idea is pretty good as well (going out like a champ). 

It's funny because that's my preferred method for handling Chekov in the next (if it happens) Star Trek movie. Have Chekov get a promotion to another ship, mention it in the Captian's log and that's that.

I wonder how it would work in Episode 9? I suppose they could just say she's off dealing with a problem on another planet or something. 

Edited by Morrigan2575
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27 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

It's funny because that's my preferred method for handling Chekov in the next (if it happens) Star Trek movie. Have Chekov get a promotion to another ship, mention it in the Captian's log and that's that.

I wonder how it would work in Episode 9? I suppose they could just say she's off dealing with a problem on another planet or something. 

I think I may have read that post about Chekov (and it's my preferred method as well).  For SW, that was pretty much my thought, Leia is on a mission of her own which could tie into the main story. I kind of just don't want Leia dead in universe.

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Yeah, my preference would be that she is referred to and "consulted" but not shown on screen. So we know she's still out there, fighting the good fight without having distracting CGI or another actress in the roll.

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I  can't imagine Disney ending this trilogy with Luke as the only living Skywalker. As I said before, Rey isn't a Skywalker or a Solo. Most of the folks wanting Kylo's head on stick are presuming Rey is related. Prepare to be disappointed.

If Kylo isn't redeemed maybe he's sent into exile? Loses his connection to the force? 

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Leia is the leader of the forces of good that are fighting the forces of evil to see which will hold sway in the galaxy until the end of time, or at least until the next trilogy of sequels.

What task would take precedence over that?  Someone's landspeeder needs a jump back on Tatooine?  

If we're to believe The Force Awakens, finding Luke and getting him back in the game was critical (even though they managed to blow-up Starkiller Base without him).  So who was sent on that mission during the course of the movie?  A bunch of people and androids not named Leia.

Given that, I don't see how Leia could be off on a frolic of her own.

Edited by Constantinople
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No way, absolutely not. It may be hard to see her on screen, in her last performance, but it has to be better than cutting her out. Weirdly, I'm reminded of something I read this morning about September 11.


Some people wanted to remove all references – including expunging images of the now-destroyed World Trade Center – from extant works, lest the image traumatize someone by reminding them of the event. Other people felt that doing so was like erasing the WTC from history and was disrespectful to the dead. You had a situation where people who wanted to honor the fallen were sometimes at odds with people who wanted to support the survivors. Both groups were well-meaning people with a good cause, but sometimes you ran into situations where you couldn’t please them both. On top of this was the fact that “the survivors” were not some monolithic group and nobody had the right to speak for them all. In general, it was a really good way to set well-intentioned people against each other.

I'm very much in the non-erasure camp. Let her final performance serve as a memorial.

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9 hours ago, Matt K said:

I think I'd actually prefer if they kept her alive in the movie but just have her doing something else at the time.  But you're idea is pretty good as well (going out like a champ). 


While I'm also against recasting (although if they do I won't be upset if Fisher's daughter okays it), my wife and I were brainstorming who they could get to recast and the best one we could think of was Meryl Streep who played Carrie Fisher (by a different name) in Postcards from the Edge.  Which honestly would be kind of neat.

I agree, as much as I don't want a recast I wouldn't be terribly upset if Meryl took over the role.  I could see her doing Carrie justice, especially the connection of her playing Carrie before.

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5 hours ago, Bill1978 said:


Surely, this is just major speculation from a reporter hoping for hits. I can only imagine the uproar if they decided to totally eliminate Carrie Fisher in Episode VIII.

I don't buy it. It will be hard to see Leia on screen, knowing Carrie is dead, I felt the same about Paul Walker in Fast 7. Mostly, it'll just make me overly emotional but, I'd like to see her final performance. 

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Good lord, what a click bait article.  The "writer" doesn't even provide any proof or unnamed source to back him up.  Cutting Leia out of the movie and Carrie Fisher's final performance is never going to happen.

I haven't really wanted to post on this subject for a while because I just don't feel right about it so soon after Carrie's death.  I'm glad we'll get to see her one more time in Episode VIII.

I just can't see a recast.  You can't replace her.  No matter who you got for the role, it just wouldn't be Leia.  Just a stranger portraying the character.  I'd find a CGI recreation distasteful in this case.  Maybe you can get away with it for a few brief scenes but a movie with a totally CGI'd Leia?  No.

The only option left would be to kill the character.  Because there's no way Leia wouldn't be involved in the fighting.  She'd be there until the end.  The life of the character is insignificant next to the life of the woman who portrayed her but I find the prospect of Leia's death to be sad.

Of course, Leia could be off-camera but she'd still have to be involved in the war in some capacity.  Leia would not retire from the fight until it was over.

Depending on how much they filmed, I wonder if they could shift some of her scenes into the next movie but I kind of doubt that.

I had certain things I wanted to see with the Leia character in the next two films.  This isn't based on any spoilers (I've stayed spoiler-free) but I'll hide it just in case. 


Definitely wanted to see Leia reunited with Luke and I really hope we still get that.  After seeing what they did with Michael Douglas in Ant-Man (and before seeing Rogue One) I had actually hoped we'd get a CGI flashback scene of young Luke, Han and Leia so that we could get the big three together one more time.  I was also kind of hoping that when the trilogy ended, Leia might go with Rey to restart the Jedi.  Again, these aren't based on spoilers but just my own wishful thinking.

Edited by benteen
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2 hours ago, starri said:

If I had one disappointment with TFA, it was that the only Jedi thing Leia did was feel Hosnian Prime and then Han die through the Force. 

I agree.  That was my one complaint as well.  When Han died and we see Leia feeling it, I was expecting to see things around her "shake" or some display of her force powers.  We know she isn't a Jedi, but a bigger acknowledgement would of been nice.

I also thought she should of been able to detect Rey's force powers as well, but I can understand how that would of added to the speculation/acknowledgement of them being related somehow so I understand not having a scene like that in the movie. 

My hope is that episode 8 we do get to see more displays of Leia's abilities with the force.  We know that she never became a Jedi but it would be interesting to find out if she worked on her force abilities over the years.

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My hope is that episode 8 we do get to see more displays of Leia's abilities with the force. We know that she never became a Jedi but it would be interesting to find out if she worked on her force abilities over the years

I kind of want to see Leia force choke someone (*cough Kylo*) because I think she's got a cunning fierceness more in line with Anakin (or at least the Anakin from The Clone Wars.) She choked Jabba with the same chain that bound her, she had Chewie choke Lando while she interrogated him during their escape from Cloud City. She's always been very in control of her emotions but I could see her anger and frustration with Kylo drawing that sort of ability out of her.

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6 minutes ago, absnow54 said:

I kind of want to see Leia force choke someone (*cough Kylo*) because I think she's got a cunning fierceness more in line with Anakin (or at least the Anakin from The Clone Wars.) She choked Jabba with the same chain that bound her, she had Chewie choke Lando while she interrogated him during their escape from Cloud City. She's always been very in control of her emotions but I could see her anger and frustration with Kylo drawing that sort of ability out of her.

I like this idea just to see Kylo gets his ass whooped by another person he thinks is weaker than him (ep7: Rey, ep8: Leia, ep9: ??? ) :P

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But Leia has, as far as we know, never even attempted to learn how to access her Force sensitivity. I figure she's been way too busy sorting out the post-Empire galaxy to spend time trying to move rocks or sparring with laser drones. 

Her life just never took her in the same direction Luke went. She's a leader and a politician, a strategist. I think that's pretty cool.

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I'm going to have to go back and watch the old Star Wars movies because I have completely forgotten Leia had the force. I haven't watched the original movies straight through since I was a kid, and that was a really long time ago. I always thought it was just Luke. I think they're On Demand right now, so I'll watch them this weekend. 

One of the prequels was on during thanksgiving, and we couldn't believe how boring it was. It had a lot of talk without much action. My brother's Star Wars obsessed kids however were glued to the screen.  It was probably because my brother only shows bits and pieces of the movies to them for now. 

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1 hour ago, Stuffy said:

I'm going to have to go back and watch the old Star Wars movies because I have completely forgotten Leia had the force. I haven't watched the original movies straight through since I was a kid, and that was a really long time ago. I always thought it was just Luke.

"The Force is strong in my family.  My father has it.  I have it.  My sister has it."

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16 hours ago, Danny Franks said:

But Leia has, as far as we know, never even attempted to learn how to access her Force sensitivity. I figure she's been way too busy sorting out the post-Empire galaxy to spend time trying to move rocks or sparring with laser drones. 

Her life just never took her in the same direction Luke went. She's a leader and a politician, a strategist. I think that's pretty cool.

But that is the point we don't know.  I can understand why it wasn't explored in the original trilogy outside of Leia sensing things and having a connection with Luke.  I would think that over the last thirty years she has examined the fact that she is Anakin/Darth Vader's daughter and her rich family history. Enough to be curious about what she can do.

Also important to note that having the Force and being a Jedi are two different things.  We know that Leia isn't a Jedi but that doesn't mean she couldn't of explored her Force abilities, even if she decided that her ultimate path was to stay a General. 

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On 1/6/2017 at 1:29 AM, Bill1978 said:


Surely, this is just major speculation from a reporter hoping for hits. I can only imagine the uproar if they decided to totally eliminate Carrie Fisher in Episode VIII.

There are so many click bait articles like this and they aren't confined to this one situation either. I'm sick of it. Let Lucasfilm be the one's to issue a statement and stop writing speculation pieces like this.

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30 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

I watched the new Carrie Fisher/Debbie Reynolds documentary on HBO last night.  She couldn't even tell her friends and family about how the new Star Wars was going. 

I couldn't bring myself to watch, figured I'd turn into a bawling mess. I imagine they have to be very quiet about filming but, spoilers do leak. The death of Han Solo was leaked over a year in advance.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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41 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

The death of Han Solo was leaked over a year in advance.

Was it? I thought it was speculated from the second Harrison signed on, but the only spoilers I recall being connected to Han's death were related to fake leaks (the one where Luke had turned evil after he failed to kill Kylo or something?)

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45 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I couldn't bring myself to watch, figured I'd turn into a bawling mess. I imagine they have to be very quiet about filming but, spoilers do leak. The death of Han Solo was leaked over a year in advance.

I didn't cry --- I thought I would.  Perhaps if the audience was given more of an opportunity to see the private side of Debbie Reynolds, I would have bawled.  However, I enjoyed the brief glimpse of Carrie at conventions.  You see celebrities at these events and they're not interactive at all.  They stand still as you pose for a quick picture and then you are ushered out.  Carrie was all over her fans (yet didn't fall off her stool).  Kissing, hugging, fun poses, etc.  That is very rare.  What an incredible experience for those fans.

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13 hours ago, JBC344 said:

But that is the point we don't know.  I can understand why it wasn't explored in the original trilogy outside of Leia sensing things and having a connection with Luke.  I would think that over the last thirty years she has examined the fact that she is Anakin/Darth Vader's daughter and her rich family history. Enough to be curious about what she can do.

Also important to note that having the Force and being a Jedi are two different things.  We know that Leia isn't a Jedi but that doesn't mean she couldn't of explored her Force abilities, even if she decided that her ultimate path was to stay a General. 

No, we don't. But my impression of Force-sensitivity is that many people may have it, but they won't all ever realise it. I mean, how would the Jedi have ever found all the Force-sensitive people in the galaxy, and brought them to the Jedi Order for training? I guess some probably developed a rudimentary understanding of it, and some minor Jedi-like powers, on their own. But most probably lived their lives without ever knowing what they could have become.

To me, Leia would be one of those, if Luke had never told her. She didn't show any signs of being able to sense the Force in the first two movies, and probably never even thought about it, other than in relation to Luke. Sure, she could have learned to use the Force, if someone had shown her, the way Obi-Wan and Yoda showed Luke. Maybe she has studied it, but unless they say that in the movies, my view is that she wouldn't. Because she doesn't need to, and she's pretty busy building a galaxy-wide government.

But this might come down to something I've talked about before, in these threads. Namely that I don't see being a Jedi or using the Force as being 'better' than the normal people in this universe. Jedi powers and lightsabers are upheld as the most important aspects of Star Wars. Particularly after the prequels, where there were Jedi all over the place. But I actually prefer the 'blasters and pluck' approach of Han Solo, and the Rogue One crew. So I don't think Leia having no interest in the Force is a bad, or diminishing, thing.

Edited by Danny Franks
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1 hour ago, absnow54 said:

Was it? I thought it was speculated from the second Harrison signed on, but the only spoilers I recall being connected to Han's death were related to fake leaks (the one where Luke had turned evil after he failed to kill Kylo or something?)

I got 'accidentally' spoiled on IMDb...I say accidentally because those asshiles spoke about it openly in every thread. 

There was some site that supposedly had a run down of the entire movie. I know there were endless arguments over it's accuracy but, I thought that it was proven correct.

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40 minutes ago, Danny Franks said:

To me, Leia would be one of those, if Luke had never told her. She didn't show any signs of being able to sense the Force in the first two movies, and probably never even thought about it, other than in relation to Luke. Sure, she could have learned to use the Force, if someone had shown her, the way Obi-Wan and Yoda showed Luke. Maybe she has studied it, but unless they say that in the movies, my view is that she wouldn't. Because she doesn't need to, and she's pretty busy building a galaxy-wide government.

I would say that Leia sensing Luke was in trouble and knowing where to find him, showed that she was Force sensitive in Empire. I don't know when exactly Lucas decided to make Leia Luke's twin, but if I had to guess, it was that scene. It's unintentional, but one could  fanwank that Leia showed Force sensitivity in A New Hope also, when she was able to resist the mind probe or whatever it was. But that probably had more to do with her being a strong minded, well polished politician who is familiar with the Empire's tactics.

5 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

There was some site that supposedly had a run down of the entire movie. I know there were endless arguments over it's accuracy but, I thought that it was proven correct.

That could have been the case. I basically black listed Star Wars after stumbling across the Evil!Luke spoilers paired with production art. I'm usually a spoiler fiend and will read everything I can find, but it sucks when people purposefully spoil things to people who don't want to read it.

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3 hours ago, Danny Franks said:

No, we don't. But my impression of Force-sensitivity is that many people may have it, but they won't all ever realise it. I mean, how would the Jedi have ever found all the Force-sensitive people in the galaxy, and brought them to the Jedi Order for training? I guess some probably developed a rudimentary understanding of it, and some minor Jedi-like powers, on their own. But most probably lived their lives without ever knowing what they could have become.

To me, Leia would be one of those, if Luke had never told her. She didn't show any signs of being able to sense the Force in the first two movies, and probably never even thought about it, other than in relation to Luke. Sure, she could have learned to use the Force, if someone had shown her, the way Obi-Wan and Yoda showed Luke. Maybe she has studied it, but unless they say that in the movies, my view is that she wouldn't. Because she doesn't need to, and she's pretty busy building a galaxy-wide government.

But this might come down to something I've talked about before, in these threads. Namely that I don't see being a Jedi or using the Force as being 'better' than the normal people in this universe. Jedi powers and lightsabers are upheld as the most important aspects of Star Wars. Particularly after the prequels, where there were Jedi all over the place. But I actually prefer the 'blasters and pluck' approach of Han Solo, and the Rogue One crew. So I don't think Leia having no interest in the Force is a bad, or diminishing, thing.

I don't see it as an issue that Leia is a better person/character that she has Force abilities, but I would imagine that being a career politician/servicewoman one would want to have as many "tricks/advantages" up one sleeve as possible.  I also think that there is an in between or a happy medium between "I have Force sensitivity/abilities that I will ignore" or "I'm going to be a bad ass Jedi like my father and brother". 

I would actually find her plight/relationship with the Force to be far more interesting in the sense that she doesn't want to train to be a Jedi, but come to a place where she is comfortable with using her Force sensitivity on her own terms.  Even if that means walking into a room and having an intense sense of who she can trust, or an ability to sense a darkness in the Force.  I would imagine those traits would be pretty invaluable to a General who is fighting the good fight.

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8 hours ago, CofCinci said:

I watched the new Carrie Fisher/Debbie Reynolds documentary on HBO last night.  She couldn't even tell her friends and family about how the new Star Wars was going.

My jaw dropped at the footage of 15 year old Carrie singing "Bridge over Troubled Water"(funny she would marry the guy who wrote it years later). I knew she could sing from the Star Wars Holiday special to Laverne & Shirley to the 2011 Oprah appearance, but I didn't know she could sing like THAT at such a young age. Her mother was right she should have been a career singing. She wasn't being a pushy stage mom, her daughter had a gift. Debbie crying over what could have been "Love that voice! Isn't that a great voice? I wish had it."

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On 1/6/2017 at 2:29 AM, Bill1978 said:

Surely, this is just major speculation from a reporter hoping for hits. I can only imagine the uproar if they decided to totally eliminate Carrie Fisher in Episode VIII.

I have to agree with the others that don't want her eliminated from the movie, and doubt that Lucasfilm would do so. At most, they would rework Episode's VIII and IX to put some of the filmed scenes in the final movie of this trilogy. (If that's even possible. It's all speculation w/out details of the plot for the films, and I don't want to be spoiled).

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On 1/8/2017 at 7:38 AM, Danny Franks said:

No, we don't. But my impression of Force-sensitivity is that many people may have it, but they won't all ever realise it. I mean, how would the Jedi have ever found all the Force-sensitive people in the galaxy, and brought them to the Jedi Order for training? I guess some probably developed a rudimentary understanding of it, and some minor Jedi-like powers, on their own. But most probably lived their lives without ever knowing what they could have become.

The Jedi only know of the Force sensitive that are within the Galactic Republic because they do the midichlorian tests on the children of citizens shortly after birth. 

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1 hour ago, VCRTracking said:

The Jedi only know of the Force sensitive that are within the Galactic Republic because they do the midichlorian tests on the children of citizens shortly after birth. 

What happens to the kids with borderline midichlorian count?  Say the minimum count is 500 to be recruited by Jedi, and the child only has 475

Maybe Leia's force sensitivity was on borderline and could not be sensed / detected unless one specifically looked for it. ie. Vader did not sense it in ep4, but he found it in ep6 when he looked for it via his connection with Luke

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Maybe Leia's force sensitivity was on borderline and could not be sensed / detected unless one specifically looked for it. ie. Vader did not sense it in ep4, but he found it in ep6 when he looked for it via his connection with Luke

Yeah, Leia and Vader's interactions in Episode IV make it really difficult to make a case for her Force sensitivity. It's obvious that they've interacted on some political level before the Death Star plans are stolen, and then he's present for her interrogation and destruction of Alderaan. It takes him 0.025 seconds to sense Luke's connection to the Force, and that's during a space dog fight in separate ships. Maybe he'd taken note of Leia's Force presence year's ago when he first met her, but for a character who blathers on about the Force in every scene (seriously one of my favorite scenes is when Vader is like "IT'S THE FORCE!" and Tarkin tightly smiles all "Sure it is, crazy...")

The more stories that Star Wars canon fills in, the more disappointed I am that they never quite explored Vader and Leia's relationship. The man held her back while her entire planet was destroyed and then turned her boyfriend into a Popsicle, and in both cases it was just because he needed a test dummy. One of the most powerful scenes in the series, to me, is Leia watching Vader from across the carbon freezing chamber, because this man is always there during the worst moments of her life and we only spend half a second seeing her come to terms that he's her father.

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I think part of the reason Vader latched onto and became obsessed with Luke was that he still carried the name Skywalker. Of course Vader is going to then realize this is the son he thought dead! Was Anakin even aware Padme was carrying twins? Or what their genders where?

I think is a combination of a lower power level and the fact Leia doesn't go by Skywalker. There's no reason for Vader to look further for connections.

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Obi Wan knew she was pregnant. He said to her earlier "Anakin's the father isn't he?" I don't think he could sense how many were in her womb.

I'm embarrassed to say it was only while watching the Bright Lights documentary that I realized Carrie had been wearing dentures for the past couple of years and that's why she had that slight lisp and why she doesn't grin anymore in pictures(she truly had a beautiful smile) and instead does the duck lips. I didn't notice in TFA because there wasn't much for her to smile about in that movie.

Edited by VCRTracking
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I'm quite happy to forget all about midichlorians, and the rather weak attempt to explain the Force through pseudo-scientific nonsense. The Force works better when it's an undefined, mystical energy that surrounds everything. It seems like Disney have a similar opinion... Although Episode VIII could open with Luke saying, 'wow, your midichlorian count is off the charts, Rey! What are they? I don't know. Master Yoda never even bothered to mention them, nor did Obi Wan. But you've got loads of them!'

Vader noticed Luke's Force sensitivity even during the dogfight over the Death Star. Unless he was using 'the Force is strong in this one' to say, 'this pilot is very good'. So he would surely have noticed something about Leia, especially when their dialogue in A New Hope indicates that they've met before.

But that fits into an idea I have that opening yourself to the Force, as Obi Wan teaches Luke to do, increases your sensitivity, and your potential to wield it. While never doing so, like Leia, stunts your growth. 

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