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12 hours ago, Grizzly said:

Melbourne, Australia. What a cute baby! Lucas is so much fun. They are looking at some nice places. I think Laura is wearing the pants. She probably didn't want to work as much anyway.

Yeah I wondered what happened in her first marriage.  They kept saying she had resident rights in Melbourne, which sounded odd.  Then they mentioned her first marriage.

Melbourne is a great place to live and raise the baby but Colombia probably would have been more affordable and it's closer in time zone to his San Francisco employer.

But the guy, who's going to be paying for everything, seems really happy to be near the beach and he says it was love at first sight, at least for him.

Still it's probably less than what he was paying in San Francisco, though he'd feeding 5 mouths?

If her job contributed significantly, they probably would have found a way to be closer to the city.  Or find another salon job in the burbs?

But Lucas kept it light and fun.

Edited by aghst
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Her mother & his father both living with them seemed odd to me. She won’t be working much at all, it seems. So, why does she need so much help? That would be awkward as hell for me, but they all seemed happy so different strokes..

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12 minutes ago, Jodithgrace said:

I think they should encourage a romance between his father and her mother. That way they can free up a bedroom for the baby as she gets older. 

There may already be something going on.

Son and father may have similar tastes.

Or father asked son to hook him up.😊

Edited by aghst
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19 hours ago, Grizzly said:

Melbourne, Australia. What a cute baby! Lucas is so much fun. They are looking at some nice places. I think Laura is wearing the pants. She probably didn't want to work as much anyway.

It didn't make much sense to me to base a housing decision on Laura's job doing lash extensions. I know they said that she could go back to her old place of work, but surely you can do that almost anywhere. I thought it was strange with the two in-laws, but they'll be so helpful. 

Baby Sophia was gorgeous

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On 8/18/2023 at 11:26 AM, Pi237 said:

Her mother & his father both living with them seemed odd to me. She won’t be working much at all, it seems.

That first place they looked at...I saw how the guy declared the first bedroom as being good for his father, and then they looked at a nursery and wondered how her mother could possibly sleep in a bunk bed. At first, I was thrown by this, but then I got it in my head that the mother is not going to live there permanently, and will be returning to Medellin eventually. 

I was glad to see Lucas back. There was another Aussie male agent, and then there's Maxine, and I like that they all are a bit edgier than most of the other agents we see, which I enjoy. 

Nice places. I could do without that pool. 

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On 8/17/2023 at 10:33 AM, mojito said:

I was reflecting my boredom living on the coast of the ocean or the sea where your view is only sky, water, and some sand, which was the view in this particular episode. 

I wouldn't find that boring in the least.

On 8/17/2023 at 6:17 PM, Orcinus orca said:

but I would be more concerned about hurricanes. 

Hurricanes are something I would worry about.  A friend's family has a house in Rodanthe, NC, and every year she fully expects it to be washed away.  Hasn't happened yet, but a couple of nearby places went in a big storm last summer.

Medellin to Melbourne - I really disliked the guy.  He didn't give a damn how far his fiancee had to commute to work as long as he got everything he wanted.  Yeah, I know, made up problems but still, it was annoying as hell.


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Siem Reap, Cambodia. Cute kid but I'm not fond of mama bear. My child needs space! We can do a drinking game with either "space" or "pool". I agree with Kyle, just get a place and after you've gotten jobs, you can get a better place. You don't hear him bitching if a place doesn't have a gym. 

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10 hours ago, Grizzly said:

Siem Reap, Cambodia. Cute kid but I'm not fond of mama bear. My child needs space! We can do a drinking game with either "space" or "pool". I agree with Kyle, just get a place and after you've gotten jobs, you can get a better place. You don't hear him bitching if a place doesn't have a gym. 

yeah, she was a bit much

and wanting all that for $250 a month?  quite high expectations


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I don't know why the Siem Reap realtor showed them a place which is twice their budget, though the budget is very low.

But while brand new, the place was cramped too.

Easy elimination.

Her thing about space may be an honest demand, not something concocted by HHI.  But maybe being near parks would be a good idea if they can't get a place with a backyard.

You can tell they've put up some modern buildings in recent decades but you wonder if they're trying to cram as much buildings as possible in these old SE Asian cities or they're planning things like parks and other communal spaces.

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I would think the low cost of living is one of the main reasons they moved.  They said something about Johanesburg, how it was challenging.

So during the house hunt they said they didn't have jobs but probably had lined up teaching jobs before they moved to another country, though maybe the cost of living, particularly housing, is low enough that they could live for awhile on savings.


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Cambodia, holy moley was that wife annoying. I figured she was teaching kindergarteners, because no one with any more life experience than that could stand to be in a room with her all day. She obviously thought she was adorable with her singsongy "space!" It was amazing that what Olive "needed" was exactly what her mother wanted. 

Cambodia looked lovely, and it was hard to believe how cheap it was. 

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11 hours ago, Mediocre Gatsby said:

It was amazing that what Olive "needed" was exactly what her mother wanted. 

OMG, that mother.  I love how the dad was saying he could use this one room for a gym "when Olive isn't..." and the mother said it could be Olive's sanctuary place (not space!!) where she can learn and grow and read and play and dance.  She left out "explore" that time.

Olive better like Cambodia, that's all I'll say.

On 8/18/2023 at 12:38 PM, Crashcourse said:

That Aussie realtor got on my last nerve because he was trying too hard to be funny.  

Agree, plus I don't like his buggy eyes.


Little Sophia was adorable though. 

That baby was good looking enough to be on Call the Midwife

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"Space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space."

And then I fell asleep.

Which place did they choose?

Did it meet Olive's needs?


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2 hours ago, TVForever said:

Which place did they choose?

Did it meet Olive's needs?


They chose the first SPAAAAACE! home (in my head it's like BRAAAAAAAINS!) and the wife congratulated herself on giving up the 2nd bathroom and the pool in #2 in order to get what Olive needs. 

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37 minutes ago, Grizzly said:

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. She looks older than he does. These places are really modern. I don't think there's a bad choice.

Did they say at the end if he had found work?  Or maybe he was going to be a stay-at-home dad.  

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I don’t think he found a job yet, so he seemed to be staying home which made sense since the kids are still young. 

The next episode was the German guy moving to Cambodia to be near his girlfriend. I liked that they were practical and picked the cheaper place since he hadn’t found a job yet, even if it was the furthest from her place. Then there was a blurb in the end about how he did find a job. Yay for practical people!

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PV husband isn't wrong to prefer to buy instead of "wasting" money on rent.

But do Americans buying in Mexico get to write off mortgage interest like they do with US property?

Or he's counting on the property appreciating in price so that they can make money even if he doesn't get tax advantages?

If his job situation is uncertain -- may not have a work visa -- it may be right not to want to burn their savings on rent.

The wife really sold the luxury condo rental.  But when it came time to choose, she didn't really push it.


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On 8/24/2023 at 10:54 PM, Grizzly said:

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. She looks older than he does. These places are really modern. I don't think there's a bad choice.

My first thought was that she was older than him. 

And I guffawed when she whined about a twenty year old building being so old. 

What’s he going to do for work?

Meh. Both of them are so vapid. 

Edited by ArtFossil
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Well they ended up going with the 20 year old building and she didn't put up a fight about it.

So her concerns weren't real, maybe just something for her to say on camera so that the choices seem equally comparable.

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Gloucestershire, England. I love the history of England too, but I wouldn't need to have it in my home. Nice for Kam to admit on camera that charm may not be practical. I'd take the place next to the royal estate because how often would you get that chance? Just 1 bath would be a deal breaker for #3. Can't get over how much better Duncan looks now than when he was young.

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37 minutes ago, Grizzly said:

Gloucestershire, England. I love the history of England too, but I wouldn't need to have it in my home. Nice for Kam to admit on camera that charm may not be practical. I'd take the place next to the royal estate because how often would you get that chance? Just 1 bath would be a deal breaker for #3. Can't get over how much better Duncan looks now than when he was young.

I was so worried they were going to take that last place that had no usable play area for their kids — but had so much “charm!”  

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I looked up the price to visit Highgrove.

Gardens are like £26 and they have private tours which go up hundreds, all profits for charity.

Charles was always a wanker — just watched The Crown episodes when he was bullied in school.

Looked like the wife hoped to get work at one of the costly Heritage site in Gloucestershire and The Cotswold area.

His job seems to be in Gloucester city.  Maybe no charm of the English countryside in the city though.

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9 hours ago, Grizzly said:

Gloucestershire, England. I love the history of England too, but I wouldn't need to have it in my home. Nice for Kam to admit on camera that charm may not be practical. I'd take the place next to the royal estate because how often would you get that chance? Just 1 bath would be a deal breaker for #3. Can't get over how much better Duncan looks now than when he was young.

what?  you mean you don't think he was better looking with a nose ring? huh

didn't much care for her and i really don't see what the big deal was about having a bedroom near the main living space/living room

it's not like they are going to be having loud parties that would keep the kids awake, at least it didn't seem like they were that type

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I would so pay extra to be in King Charles' neighborhood (it's a rental-don't have to stay there forever...).  I so get tired of hearing the same complaint over and over-I know it's producer direction but don't the hunters know how they will come across to viewers?  I did like the realtor, I don't recall seeing her before but would like to see her again.

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On 8/29/2023 at 11:02 PM, Grizzly said:

Gloucestershire, England. I love the history of England too, but I wouldn't need to have it in my home. Nice for Kam to admit on camera that charm may not be practical. I'd take the place next to the royal estate because how often would you get that chance? Just 1 bath would be a deal breaker for #3. Can't get over how much better Duncan looks now than when he was young.

I totally would love a house with historical charm over a bland modern box.  I would've take the first place in a heartbeat.  Honestly, there's no reason why girls that age couldn't have shared a bedroom and then the father could've used the 3rd bedroom for an office.  Of course, I don't share the obsession with open plan layouts and absolutely want my kitchen to be cut off from the living room.  I do NOT want people to see the kitchen from my sofa.

The place they chose was boring as hell, imo, and I'd never have gone for it.

On 8/30/2023 at 8:47 AM, cinsays said:

didn't much care for her and i really don't see what the big deal was about having a bedroom near the main living space/living room

it's not like they are going to be having loud parties that would keep the kids awake, at least it didn't seem like they were that type

Yeah, I didn't get that either.

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Gloucestershire. Couldn’t get over how they could let their children ride bikes with their helmets just sitting on the back of their heads instead of, you know, protecting their brains. 

Also don’t understand why a sloping garden with steps is dangerous. Looked like a great place to play and explore. But then I’m old. 

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San Diego to Madrid.

Couple sold their big San Diego home and their business to go teach in Madrid.

Husband talks about the low salaries they accepted to move but they should have plenty of money.  Maybe they enjoy teaching but they probably don't need to for the income.  Nice to have an income, nice to have a routine but he must want to leave a pile for their children.

I can't believe they ever considered the suburban place.  It would have been an hour commute and they didn't move from San Diego to Europe to live in that place, though he says he had little interest in travel until the wife prodded him.

They chose the right place because they're more in the mode of enjoying life and having experiences as they said.  So tapas bars nearby, though he wanted to be near a park, Retiro park is bounded on one end by a very busy street, without the nice tapas bars.

They say they enjoyed Madrid a lot on their previous visit.  Weather change for the San Diegoans, because it gets pretty cold in winter and early spring and very hot in the summer, so much that the natives tend to go north in the summer.


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I always roll my eyes at the couples talking about their small budgets due to loss of income but talk about needing to be in the center of an area with loads of bars and restaurants.  Do they think the food is free?  If you are truly watching your pennies, you eat at home not out every night.

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3 hours ago, Pine said:

Scrolled quickly through the San Diego to Madrid couple.  I just didn't like them at all.  Either of them.

i'm glad i am not the only one.  not sure exactly what it was but, yeah, glad they found each other

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On 8/31/2023 at 1:06 PM, proserpina65 said:

Of course, I don't share the obsession with open plan layouts and absolutely want my kitchen to be cut off from the living room.  I do NOT want people to see the kitchen from my sofa.

I agree!  These people looking at older homes should know that an open concept plan is probably not that common.  Some of them act like the kitchen is way out in the barn!  Your guests WILL wander around and find you if you're in the kitchen!! 

On 8/31/2023 at 1:06 PM, proserpina65 said:

I totally would love a house with historical charm over a bland modern box. 

That lady got upset with one house because the lower level had character, but the upper level was newer and didn't.  I thought it was a nice home and she could stay downstairs in order to get her fix of character!! 

Edited by Chit Chat
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On 9/1/2023 at 2:03 PM, Pine said:

Scrolled quickly through the San Diego to Madrid couple.  I just didn't like them at all.  Either of them.

Oh my gosh, same. At least the husband didn't get his way for a third time, after not letting her date anyone after they JUST MET in college, and not letting them get married like she wanted until they both had jobs. 

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Calgary to Dublin, newlyweds moving to Ireland to connect with his side of the family, though he has a job lined up so it may be about his career too.

She is giving her job up in media (TV?) but will take this opportunity to go back to school near the center of Dublin.

$1900 budget, he wants city center and modern, she wants Irish charm, the usual setup in HHI.

However, the wife is chirpy, quick with one-liners.  She really does want the charm, from her comments, which aren't the usual canned remarks you see on HHI.

First property is $100 below their $1900 budget.  It's tiny but in the best location, closest to her school.

Second property is a Mews property, a former stable converted and full of charm.  She loves it but it's $200 above and she doesn't want to go over budget since she's not contributing income.  However, she says for the charm she's willing to go over budget.

Third property is residential, almost suburban.  Most spacious and on budget.  But no pubs nearby for him and no Irish charm plus longest commute to school so they both eliminate it.

She tries to push for the Mews apartment but he's saying their visitors would have to go through their bedroom to get to the only bathroom.

How many people do they plan to host in these tiny 1 bed, 1 bath apartments?

He also wants the pub life and she likes the short commute so they agree.

Turns out they don't really cook and like to go out a lot.


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3 minutes ago, aghst said:

Calgary to Dublin, newlyweds moving to Ireland to connect with his side of the family, though he has a job lined up so it may be about his career too.

I liked both of them, they seemed genuinely happy with each other and there wasn't a bit of snark.  She did have some good lines.  I wish them well.

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7 hours ago, Orcinus orca said:

I liked both of them, they seemed genuinely happy with each other and there wasn't a bit of snark.  She did have some good lines.  I wish them well.

Their children are going to have the deepest dimples.

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