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House Hunters International - General Discussion

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Yeah, a separate room is a good idea.  He fretted over room size and lighting, which is what I thought was silly, especially seeing him seated before a pretty small-screened laptop. He ended up at the dining room table anyway, which,f or the most part probably wasn't a big deal since he's home alone most of the day.

Edited by mojito
  • Love 3

Spain to Da Nang:

Reasonable couple. He stated up front that meeting their preferences depended on what they saw. Interesting place they chose. It's hard to imagine that in 2018 places will pay high salaries because you're a foreigner. Guess it's time for me to make my move...and make my fortune.

I might give some thought, though, to paying extra for a dryer. The oven I could probably do without. But air-dried jeans and towels? Ugh.

  • Love 2
  On 8/24/2018 at 2:42 PM, mojito said:

Spain to Da Nang:

Reasonable couple. He stated up front that meeting their preferences depended on what they saw. Interesting place they chose. It's hard to imagine that in 2018 places will pay high salaries because you're a foreigner. Guess it's time for me to make my move...and make my fortune.

I might give some thought, though, to paying extra for a dryer. The oven I could probably do without. But air-dried jeans and towels? Ugh.


When I lived in China, my apartment had a tiny washer that looked like R-2 D-2. There was no dryer. No oven either.

  On 8/24/2018 at 2:42 PM, mojito said:

Spain to Da Nang:

Reasonable couple. He stated up front that meeting their preferences depended on what they saw. Interesting place they chose. It's hard to imagine that in 2018 places will pay high salaries because you're a foreigner. Guess it's time for me to make my move...and make my fortune.

I might give some thought, though, to paying extra for a dryer. The oven I could probably do without. But air-dried jeans and towels? Ugh.


That was me too - I would have gone for the washer & dryer for sure. Plus, I lived in three stories and NEVER again - especially since the bathroom was on a different floor than the kitchen and living room. I thought it was an interesting house but I'd also be worried about that skylight leaking.

  • Love 1
  On 8/24/2018 at 2:42 PM, mojito said:

But air-dried jeans and towels? U


Having lived in Indonesia, I just never wore jeans and used thinner towels/cheap sarongs that dry in no time. 

The resort option was ridiculous. Who wants to be live all the time around people on vacation. 

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 2

Auckland, NZ: Ginger Dad, you don’t need to be on the beach everyday! It was refreshing, especially after that HHF episode, to hear the mom say they didn’t need so much space.


And the 'fridge was unnecessarily large, too! What a nice change in attitude.

The family was from Michigan, I believe. I wondered if perhaps Beach Dad might've had it in his head that he had moved to the tropics. Auckland isn't all that warm. An average hot day would be in the mid-70s. I'm glad the wife stepped in to remind him that they have rain in Auckland sometimes and they're not going to the beach every day. As well, the man has a full-time job, doesn't he? 

  • Love 2
  On 8/25/2018 at 7:00 AM, LennieBriscoe said:

Auckland,  NZ: I think the wife was wrong,  though, because kids grow bigger!


They do but bigger families have grown up in smaller spaces.  And if they're there long enough, they can look for another option later. Maybe he'll get a raise and they can afford more.

I don't think the dad was wrong for wanting a view of the ocean.  I respect it and I think if I were there, I'd want it as well--and to be close to the beach. (In fact, I love cold days on the beach.) But it looked like they only had one car so unless she dropped her husband off at work every day, it makes sense that they would choose the one closest to shops/parks.  On the days she wants to take the kids to the beach, she can drop him off.  That's why I knew they'd go with #2.

  • Love 2
  On 8/25/2018 at 7:00 AM, LennieBriscoe said:

Auckland,  NZ: I think the wife was wrong,  though, because kids grow bigger!

Does New Zealand have the sharks that Australia gets? "Asking for a friend."


Yes, but they were renting, not buying.  They could always get a bigger place if they outgrow the one they're in.  Also, I don't know that they were really thinking of the move as permanent.  If they're only expecting to be in Auckland a year or two, why worry about kids growing up?  To me, it looked like the place was plenty big enough for at least the next few years for them,

  • Love 4

Ontario to U.K. newlywed couple on right now. I already can't stand the wife. Harping on about wanting a second bedroom for guests (that's what hotels are for, sweetie), not liking carpeting, not liking the wallpaper or light fixtures, the small fridge, the washer in the kitchen, etc, etc. Omg. Just go back to Canada. 

  • Love 15
  On 8/28/2018 at 2:54 AM, Kohola3 said:

They are concerned about green space and travel with the pub location?  Seriously, that's the concern?  Do you know how noisy a pub will be and they don't close until, what, 2 am?  These two need a keeper of some sort.  Both are idiots.


Lol! I agree with you. The noise and food smells from the pub. Not good.

They have dated and gotten married, but they acted like living with each other would be like living with a stranger. Odd. They both seemed clueless, but the wife seemed clueless and dim.

He couldn't find any teaching jobs in Onatario? Really?

  • Love 2

Ontario to UK

One of these days I may catch an episode where someone picks the place above the pub and tells me what it's like.

I found myself thinking what it might be like to live over Miss Kitty's Long Branch Saloon. The bullets that come through the ceiling! But then, oh wait, it's 2018 and it's England. Never mind.

I can't imagine allowing myself to be depicted as unreasonable, uninformed, and unsophisticated as some of these HHs allow themselves to be. 

Edited by mojito
  • Love 4

He couldn't find a teaching job in Ontario?     My guess, he didn't do all of the requirements for a teaching certificate in Canada, but fulfilled the requirements for England, and wanted to travel.  There is no way that it was feasible to move to England for a teaching job, unless the school was paying for his housing and transportation.    I rarely watch the entire HHI show, because they do exactly what this man did, which is talk about what they could get back home, and complain that the offerings they can afford in England aren't modern enough, and the rooms aren't open concept, and too small. 

  • Love 1

Ontario to UK- I'm so sick of the 'we need a 2nd bedroom for guests'. Don't they have Airbnb, etc, in Britain? I'm positive they could find their guests a nice flat close by for less than a hotel.  If they can't afford $100 a night (guessing less) for lodging, their guests need to stay in Canada.

They were both dim and boring, but for some reason she really grated. She didn't seem to have any plans to find a 'graphic design' job there, and apparently he does the cooking, so what on earth is she going to do all day? At least we didn't have to suffer through a 'where's my Olde Englishe CHARM?' meme, I guess.

  • Love 6
  On 8/28/2018 at 4:32 PM, sempervivum said:

Ontario to UK- I'm so sick of the 'we need a 2nd bedroom for guests'. Don't they have Airbnb, etc, in Britain? I'm positive they could find their guests a nice flat close by for less than a hotel.  If they can't afford $100 a night (guessing less) for lodging, their guests need to stay in Canada.

They were both dim and boring, but for some reason she really grated. She didn't seem to have any plans to find a 'graphic design' job there, and apparently he does the cooking, so what on earth is she going to do all day? At least we didn't have to suffer through a 'where's my Olde Englishe CHARM?' meme, I guess.


They most definitely have Airbnb, I've got a British friend who inherited her father's home in London and turned it into a very nice Airbnb.

I, too, am sick and tired of people who have a very strict budget, moving to an expensive city and crying about not having room for guests.  The guy said he taught elementary school, she isn't working; they had been living with her parents, for goodness' sake.  They clearly didn't have any substantial savings and he wasn't getting an incredible salary, she probably doesn't have and cannot get a work permit.  If family and friends want to visit, they can find their own place to stay and pay for it.

  • Love 9
  On 8/28/2018 at 4:45 PM, doodlebug said:

she probably doesn't have and cannot get a work permit.


They were Canadian, aren't they part of the Commonwealth? Not sure how that affects work permits. Do they even need passports?

I have to add grumpily that it also annoyed me that these 2 seemed to think they were being so damn daring by moving to the UK for a few months/years. They're in a place that is part of their own cultural/historic heritage and they speak the same language. Not exactly transgressional. 

  • Love 1

Ontario to UK - The wife was extremely irritating.  I agree, it was weird how she kept talking about how they hadn't lived together, didn't know each others' quirks and habits ... BUT the most irritating thing I found was her wanting a room for guests.  Sure, if you have the money to do that, it's great, but they were on such a limited budget, i.e., he pointed out that they couldn't afford a car.  The flat over the pub - can you imagine the smells, the noise, the possible rodent problem?  And there was no separate entrance, so they would have to schlep groceries, etc. through the pub to get to their place.  The decor was also weird, it DID look like a daycare.

  • Love 2
  On 8/28/2018 at 3:13 AM, Pickles said:

He couldn't find any teaching jobs in Onatario? Really?


Quite a number of Windsorites were routinely crossing into the Detroit area for jobs including teachers and nurses.  The current political situation here has made that very difficult.  But why not try other parts of Canada?  The whole story was cockeyed.

  • Love 2
  On 8/28/2018 at 6:23 PM, debbie311 said:

Ontario to UK - The wife was extremely irritating.  I agree, it was weird how she kept talking about how they hadn't lived together, didn't know each others' quirks and habits ... BUT the most irritating thing I found was her wanting a room for guests.  Sure, if you have the money to do that, it's great, but they were on such a limited budget, i.e., he pointed out that they couldn't afford a car.  The flat over the pub - can you imagine the smells, the noise, the possible rodent problem?  And there was no separate entrance, so they would have to schlep groceries, etc. through the pub to get to their place.  The decor was also weird, it DID look like a daycare.


Back in the mid-90s, we stayed in a room above a family-owned restaurant in Paris. We had no idea it was above a restaurant when we booked (years before all that info was on the internet). Restaurant downstairs and hotel upstairs, not just our room. The restaurant was great, BUT, oh my goodness. It was so freaking noisy, even way after restaurant closing. And one night there was some party that lasted until 2 am. In hindsight, we should have moved to another hotel but we were stupid. Now that I’m old and crusty, I would immediately leave if I learned it was above a restaurant. Not a charming situation at all.

  • Love 2

Sleeping quarters above bars and restaurants are the pits. We have family in New Orleans, and we like to stay at a boutique hotel on St. Charles next to Audubon Park when we visit. It's an easy walk to their house. Sometimes it's hard to get a room because it is so small, and we have stayed at a Best Western on St. Charles in the Garden District. It has a TexMex restaurant next door (which is quite good), and some of the hotel is above it. One time we were over the rewstaurant, and the noise went on until closing. Fortunately, they weren't full and were able to move to another room. Now if that's the only hotel available, I book directly and ask for a room on the back side of the hotel. We have friends whose son did his medical residency in New Orleans, and he got an apartment in the French Quarter over a bar. You had to walk through the bar to get to his apartment. Of course, since he was a resident, he didn't spend much time there, spent lots of nights at the hospital.

All to say, no way would I take an apartment over a bar/restaurant.

  • Love 3

San Diego to Dordogne, France- I was a bit disappointed when, after the 2 house hunters talked about how LONG and HARD they had been working and saving up for this, their budget was a piddly $250K. The house they picked was the only good one, though, and the outside area was divine. (It was also $20K over budget, which didn't seem to bother them at all).

  On 8/29/2018 at 2:59 PM, sempervivum said:

San Diego to Dordogne, France- I was a bit disappointed when, after the 2 house hunters talked about how LONG and HARD they had been working and saving up for this, their budget was a piddly $250K. The house they picked was the only good one, though, and the outside area was divine. (It was also $20K over budget, which didn't seem to bother them at all).


I was surprised, too, especially considering they said they'd owned a place in San Diego and sold it to help finance the move.  With the cost of housing in San Diego, I would think they would have a nice nest egg. They sounded like they were planning to retire and not work, so maybe they were planning ahead and trying to conserve their money.

  • Love 3
  On 8/29/2018 at 2:59 PM, sempervivum said:

San Diego to Dordogne, France


Somehow I don't think this couple will last, especially with the lifestyle change of being together 24/7 and moving to a foreign country.  There was a lot of under-the-surface sniping at each other during their talking heads.

  • Love 2
  On 8/29/2018 at 5:02 AM, LittleIggy said:

Was that a hot tub in the corner of the “kitchen” in that chapel turned house in France? That place definitely for one person. 


I thought it was bizarre that they did not mention the hot tub or whatever it was. Completely the oddest thing in the room and no mention.

  • Love 3
  On 8/29/2018 at 5:01 PM, roughing it said:

Somehow I don't think this couple will last, especially with the lifestyle change of being together 24/7 and moving to a foreign country.  There was a lot of under-the-surface sniping at each other during their talking heads.


I think it’s just their dynamic. Based on the pictures they showed they have been together for years and acknowledged that the fights were a part of their relationship, some couples are just like that. 

I want to see the blueprints of the first house, during the tour it looked like you immediately walked up stars but then the kitchen opened into the backyard it didn’t seem to fit the exterior of the home at all.

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 1

San Diego to France

Nice couple. Lots of give and take (and history) between them. I liked how one was picky, but he was also the one more apt to give in, and yet in this case, things went more his way. Pretty surroundings. I was surprised by their budget, but then, I don't know their lifestyle or their financial picture. (Warren Buffett still lives in the house he bought in the 50s for less than $35K.) Lots of people live below their means.

  • Love 1
  On 8/29/2018 at 9:19 PM, mojito said:

I don't know their lifestyle or their financial picture. (Warren Buffett still lives in the house he bought in the 50s for less than $35K.) Lots of people live below their means.


Yeah based on the fact that they didn’t really stress about going $20k over budget and bought an airline ticket for their dog, I think their budget was more that they were knowledgeable about the area and knew they could get what they wanted for around that price rather than a financial constraint.

  • Love 3

Wilmington, NC family moving to Bolivia. I can't remember what they said the wife's job would be in Bolivia--she had not worked in 10 years and the husband said they would not be able to live on her salary. He was going to set up his own e-commerce business and work from home in Bolivia. Was the wife working for some sort of church group or something along those lines? I thought it was odd that they never mentioned the distance to the children's school during the house hunt or how the kids would get to and from school. I thought the whole situation was questionable.

  • Love 1
  On 8/30/2018 at 3:39 AM, Pickles said:

Wilmington, NC family moving to Bolivia. I can't remember what they said the wife's job would be in Bolivia--she had not worked in 10 years and the husband said they would not be able to live on her salary. He was going to set up his own e-commerce business and work from home in Bolivia. Was the wife working for some sort of church group or something along those lines? I thought it was odd that they never mentioned the distance to the children's school during the house hunt or how the kids would get to and from school. I thought the whole situation was questionable.


They said she had done some work with non profits and had gotten a job in that field in Bolivia.  They didn't sat what non profit she was specifically working for, but they usually don't pay very well and certainly a woman who hasn't held a job for a decade is not going to get top money.

  • Love 1

I thought Wilmington to Bolivia looked like an HHI episode with kids.  The first place was a really weird strange set up where you would walk into someone's house and then upstairs to the apartment.  It looked like they had turned the 2nd floor into an apartment, but didn't complete the transformation by having a separate entrance from the first floor.  I wouldn't want to have a living situation like that. 

  • Love 4

NC to La Paz, Bolivia-Well, I don't do well in high altitude places, so this wouldn't ever work for me, but damn, what a gorgeous setting- although I would have taken the last place (surrounded by mountains with colorful rooftops below).

Of course, I still don't understand anyone bringing kids to a place that has really poor medical services. 

  • Love 2

Just catching up on some episodes:

Canada to Utrecht:  Very weird showing of the houses.  All we saw was the kitchen, master bedroom and 1 or 2 other bedrooms.  Caught a glimpse of the living room? from one of the kitchens.  And in one they entered into dining room (and maybe living room) but they only talked about/focused  on the stained glass window and then zoomed to the kitchen.  No bathrooms shown.  In the 2 months later (or whatever it was) they showed the husband sitting a table working on his computer.  The daughter certainly was speaking Dutch very well and I thought the mother spoke it but there was no mention of their knowing Dutch prior to the move but I don't see how you'd learn that language in 2 months.

  On 8/30/2018 at 3:39 AM, Pickles said:

Wilmington, NC family moving to Bolivia. I can't remember what they said the wife's job would be in Bolivia--she had not worked in 10 years and the husband said they would not be able to live on her salary. He was going to set up his own e-commerce business and work from home in Bolivia. Was the wife working for some sort of church group or something along those lines? I thought it was odd that they never mentioned the distance to the children's school during the house hunt or how the kids would get to and from school. I thought the whole situation was questionable.


She was going to work for a non-profit (something to do with children and families?) so she wouldn’t be making a lot.

I don’t want to watch “HHI Family,” so please, no more kids parroting lines only adults would say. No more kids period on HHI!

  • Love 13

I don’t want to watch “HHI Family,” so please, no more kids parroting lines only adults would say. No more kids period on HHI!


You don't think that a 10-year old boy would want to be "close to the action"? Or that a 12-year old girl would say that the apartment "could be anywhere" and that a place had no "character"? 

That couch was so disgustingly dirty, I don't think I could overlook it even with a cover over it. 

Beautiful place, but got no feel for the region, let alone the family's story.

  • Love 4
  On 7/26/2018 at 9:13 PM, Blue997 said:

Actually this was the person I was thinking of:


She always signs off with her name pronounced in the most accented way possible.


This is who I thought of the minute you made the original comment! Although Silvia does roll the Italian name off the tongue too

  • Love 1

Madrid: No, no! Not another “HHI Family”! The mother works part-time teaching English? I don’t see how they can afford to eat.

  On 8/30/2018 at 10:21 PM, TVJunkee said:

This is who I thought of the minute you made the original comment! Although Silvia does roll the Italian name off the tongue too


I love how Ofeibea Quist-Arcton says “Dakar”! 

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