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Do they really expect anyone to believe that a person with sight would be conflicted over Spin and Nathan? For real?

I do want a scene where Billy Miller hears him speak and says "Dude, dude, stop chill, you're giving me a migraine. "


And, actually, that would be in character for Jason. When he first became amnesiac Jason, he complained that people in the Q family gave him headaches.

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Back when she first demonstrated her odd attraction to him on the bridge,  someone on TWOP had what I thought was the best explanation: She imprinted on him.(Jason was dead, Frodd was wearing a leather jacket … ) And, that was that. She saw nothing else. 


I still think it makes the most sense.  She'd lost Jason and now, here was his "twin."  And he was into her.  So not only did she have a replacement Jason, but a replacement Jason who would sleep with her (which was the one thing missing, from her perspective, from her relationship with Jason).  Once she found out he wasn't Jason's twin, she'd already placed him in that role.  And all the drama (the pushback from her loved ones and his mother trying to kill her) just fed her inner 12 year old Twilight fan way of looking at relationships - all that drama must mean they're destined to be together! 


On a related note, one thing I appreciated about SBu was his insistence that Jason would never get romantically involved with Carly again.  It just occurred to me that, with him gone, that's no longer entirely off the table. I will be pissed if Carly is "rewarded" somehow by finally getting her shot at Jason again.  Ick. Ick. Ick. 

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Wasn't the first time they had sex after the events where it was revealed he wasn't related to Jason at all? I mean, sure, you could tell she was suddenly seeing "Jason" when he dressed up as Jason and did his Jason impersonation and then wept on her lap or whatever it was at the bridge... but she didn't actually jump in the sack with him until after Heather revealed that he was her and Scotty's son... not Jason's twin at all.


It kind of stank of a pity fuck but I guess Carly decided that once it was revealed he wasn't related to Jason that made him even more of a object she could mold in her head to be Jason?


I guess?


Except not really. Once that happened there wasn't anything tying Franco to Jason. He didn't act like Jason, he didn't do anything Jason-like...  he was just completely dependent on Carly and constantly talking about how awesome and magnificent she was... how she had changed his life. It was ass-kissing to the extreme which she probably responded to as much as anything. Carly loves to be told how awesome she is.

She was already in that mode, though, of him being her replacement Jason.  I don't remember when they first had sex, but she knew it was possible with him before she found out he wasn't Jason's twin. 


Also, by that point, she had the whole angle where she was this "saint" who could "save" him from his background, from his crazy mother, etc.  Hell, I'm sure there was at least some element, in her always the victim mind, that Heather was trying to hurt her by taking away the Jason twin thing. 


Yes, the relationship progressed beyond the point where she knew he wasn't Jason's twin, but I don't think it ever would have if it wasn't for that initial phase where she thought he was while she was going through the forever (or so she thought) loss of Jason in her life. 

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It's official: Mo's contract is up in Dec and he has yet to re-sign.

Oh please let Santa bring us all an early Christmas Present this year by sending Sonny to a lengthy prison sentence off-screen!

Ava can take over his territory and be the badass bitch mob queen she was when she first showed up.

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 14
Is there something distasteful about Will deVry that I don't know?  Because I would love to introduce him.  To my pants.  Or is it just a matter of personal taste?



No, just a matter of personal taste. I don't think he's a jerk or anything exactly, but from his tweets he just seems like . . .  a real life Spinelli, someone who cannot read the mood of a room at all and just keeps talking about a subject that embarrasses everyone in the room but he just doesn't. stop. I got that impression first from his tweets to William Shatner continually asking him to come on GH even though it was obvious Shatner was not interested.

  • Love 2
Is there something distasteful about Will deVry that I don't know?  Because I would love to introduce him.  To my pants.  Or is it just a matter of personal taste?


I dunno if it's "personal taste" or not, but IMHO he's lucky he comes from money. Based on how he presents himself in the magazines and on social media, he strikes me as of, at best, mediocre intelligence. But yet he talks down to people.  And this may be hubris on my part, but it feels more than a bit like a 5'2'' person looking down at someone who is 6'0'' standing next to them. Look up, buddy, not down.  I feel like he perpetuates the idea that all soap viewers are Mrs. Roper from Three's Company. YMMV.


I did have the misfortune of practically running into him once. Luckily, his ego created a several foot buffer zone. It's one of those situations that you just can't put your finger on it, but he just was drenched in ego. Maybe it was because he was wearing his sun glasses inside. Dude, you ain't Tom Cruise. No one here cares who you are. I wouldn't have even known who he was, but my friend and fellow GH watcher recognized him.  All I saw was a douche bag looking like he was trying to be noticed pretending to be someone who didn't want to be noticed.  Not a very tall one either. I'd put him at about 5'9.''

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Thanks, Francie.  I don't read anything about these actors other than what gets posted here, so my opinion of them is based 100% on physical appearance.  :-)  Interesting to read that he comes across as a jerk.  


Keep in mind that it's my own personal feelings based on admittedly limited information.  He may be a wonderful humanitarian for all I know. Who recently had lasik surgery.


(I'm sorry ... I tried to be gracious and polite... but I'm weak).

  • Love 3

No, it was Frank. He took over in early 2012. I don't think there ARE any negotiation tactics really, this time or last time. If Maurice demands too much Frank will drop him. I think the same pretty much happened the last time. I really can't think of anyone on this show who has much negotiating power, really. Roger? And maybe Tony Geary.

  • Love 2

Hmmm . . . In that case Jill was probably still in charge then and I don't think the same negotiation tactics that worked with her will work with Frank. At least I hope not.


Was she? Didn't the current fuckwits take over in early 2012? They were the ones who re-wrote Robin's "death", so I'm thinking Jill was already out.


ETA: or what ulkis said.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule

I have no doubt Mo will take the hit and quietly renew. Unlike Steve Burton he's taken great pains to be a good soldier and a cheerleader for the show even when it became clear the Guza glory days were finally over and Sonny was being shifted around on the canvas (that process has also somewhat reversed itself since). As opposed to his costar, he didn't squawk when Frank and Ron came in and upended the entire status quo, he just plugged the show and the new management even harder. I think however controlling he may have been in the past (or not), Maurice calmed down a number of years ago. He's older, he has a family and bills. He knows he can't get this anywhere else. I'd be beyond shocked if anything other than a re-up happened.


I agree with others about William deVry, who has always struck me as, to be charitable, eccentric. But I think it works for his character. Julian Jerome is a monied douchebag with at least something of a heart underneath all his bullshit, a narcissistic god's gift sort of guy who refuses to accept middle age. The very distinct portrayal of his character in recent months - with Alexis, with Ned, etc. - is nice to see on a show that can be wishy-washy about so many others, and I think there's a place for him. Yeah, Julian is an asshole and a criminal but he's very distinct from Sonny - the old money background, the metrosexual thing - and he does it so well. And he does have good chemistry with NLG that has started to break her out of her usual flustered Diane Keaton comic relief schtick. This of course means Frank and Ron will finally get around to killing him off tomorrow.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 4

Oh that's right; Frank took over at the very end of 2011.

Didn't Frank come in while Wolf scripts were still being used for a month or so?


Yeah, the actors said pretty much as soon as Frank was announced their scripts had a ton of changes in them. (Remember when we just randomly started hearing about Myface? Or whatever the fake facebook name on OLTL was.)

Allegedly shows are not allowed to use any real product or service unless advertising dollars are paid.

A few weeks ago on "Murder", they created their own gay sex app instead of using grindr and IIRC one of the writers or producers tweeted that shows aren't allowed to use the actual thing unless advertising dollars are paid.

Edited by Tiger

I understood their reasons. And I liked all the fake brands at first; it was cute. But the computer stuff all looked like their graphics were literally constructed in MS Paint, and then when the online shows began using actual brands it just became very embarrassing to watch Dante or Spinelli or whoever on GH going 'doot doot' and bringing up something that looked like some sort of off-brand Windows 98. And the cellphone screens! Looked like Photoshop Well, those have improved recently, thank God.


GH did get its recent texting/floating-text graphic idea from the nuOLTL, so good on them for using that innovation.

  • Love 1
I am 99% sure they will never put Laura Wright with Billy Miller. Maybe they'll flirt with a kiss or something but nothing serious. At this point I expect Maxie or Lulu to have more of a chance of being paired with Billy.


If that's the case, I want a scene where Billy is standing next to Morgan and Michael, and Carly says, "Those are my sons next to my boyfriend," and someone says, "Which ones are which?"


Look, more power to Carly and to any older woman dating a younger guy.  That's not an issue of mine at all. But it's gonna hurt my head to have them pretend like Billy (I can't call him Jason, because he's so NOT Jason, either Q or Morgan) and Carly are contemporaries. And that Billy and Morgan are not. (Sad Panda does look a little younger than the both of the them.)

I'd like to think that's the case, but this is Ron, and he's petty.  And it's well known that SBu was adamantly against Jason going there.  I could see him doing it for that reason alone. Maybe not long term, but he'd do it.  


if Ron really wants to stick it to Steve he'll pair Jason with Robin again, heh. If he pairs Carly and Jason, Steve B. will just be like, "woo, dodged that bullet."

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 6


I understood their reasons. And I liked all the fake brands at first; it was cute. But the computer stuff all looked like their graphics were literally constructed in MS Paint, and then when the online shows began using actual brands it just became very embarrassing to watch Dante or Spinelli or whoever on GH going 'doot doot' and bringing up something that looked like some sort of off-brand Windows 98. And the cellphone screens! Looked like Photoshop Well, those have improved recently, thank God.


It's so ridiculous whenever they show the fake computer and phone screens. Even if they can't show someone using a phone with "AT&T" on the screen they could at least attempt to make it look like a real phone. It's not that hard. And why does almost everyone use the same phone?

Edited by LeftPhalange
  • Love 1

It's so ridiculous whenever they show the fake computer and phone screens. Even if they can't show someone using a phone with "AT&T" on the screen they could at least attempt to make it look like a real phone. It's not that hard. And why does almost everyone use the same phone?


I always love it when characters have caller ID photos on their phones of characters with whom they seldom interact.  Even better is when said photos are ABC promo head shots rather than candids.

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