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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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Oh, the horror! I was watching The People vs. O.J. Simpson last night, and Nicholas "Thpencer" Bechtel was on as...wait for it...young Rob Kardashian! You know, I was very aware of the O.J. story when it happened 22 years ago, yet I do not remember ever hearing anything about the four young Kardashians. Faye Resnick, yes. Paula Barbieri, yes. Marcia Clark's kids, vaguely. Well, I suppose they want something younger viewers can relate to? SMH.

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I do think that's part of playing to the crowd. As far as the other poster comment about Sonny liking to win....I think every actor likes their character to win. I can't imagine any actor would like to play a loser who never, ever gets a victory. So, I don't think that's a big deal.

I can only report what I read in the magazine, and Billy confirmed in the same or another interview that he and Maurice talked about that SL and how Maurice did not want to do it.

At least he didn't tank it. I actually agreed with MB about not strapping a bomb to his chest after what happened with Lily. I read somewhere that SB, MB and BW were pretty tight when they were on the show together, hanging out in each others' dressing room, so I am not surprised that out of respect for BW, that he didn't enjoy torturing his character. Guza should have undone it, instead of doubling down on "AJ the Loser".

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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Oh, the horror! I was watching The People vs. O.J. Simpson last night, and Nicholas "Thpencer" Bechtel was on as...wait for it...young Rob Kardashian! You know, I was very aware of the O.J. story when it happened 22 years ago, yet I do not remember ever hearing anything about the four young Kardashians. Faye Resnick, yes. Paula Barbieri, yes. Marcia Clark's kids, vaguely. Well, I suppose they want something younger viewers can relate to? SMH.

The whitewashing of Robert Kardashian and the focus on his family is outright bizarre.

And Bechtel was just as bad on ACS and that Disney channel show as he is on GH. He cannot act. At all.

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ABC Programming Chief Paul Lee Is Out At ABC – Report http://bit.ly/1PR3YCv

Wonder if this means anything for GH?

Big changes are coming to ABC. I know the Affiliate Board of Governors has been extremely unhappy for sometime, particularly with the network's daytime and 10pm/local lead-in programming.

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Paul Lee's wife is a big fan of the show, particularly Julexis.

Beyond that, Ben Sherwood who came from ABC News has been clashing with Lee ever since Sherwood succeded Anne Sweeney. This may be the move that allows Sherwood to totally dump View/Chew/GH and replace them all with iterations of GMA.

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I also don't think the change is good news for GH. Ben Sherwood came out of the news division which was trying to wrest control away from ABCD and remake the schedule. But I really don't care much about good news for this version of GH.

Edited by jsbt
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Paul Lee's wife is a big fan of the show, particularly Julexis.

Beyond that, Ben Sherwood who came from ABC News has been clashing with Lee ever since Sherwood succeded Anne Sweeney. This may be the move that allows Sherwood to totally dump View/Chew/GH and replace them all with iterations of GMA.

Maybe this new president is a fan of GH or at least has a mom or grandma who love it. Maybe she'll fix it. Maybe I'll get that Unicom I want.

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Merrin Dungey's sister!! Let the ass kissing begin. Get the chapstick out and pucker up, Uncle Frank!

Seriously though, I do hope it means more diversity across the board. Maybe last Friday's episode with the Blacks and the gays in the cast on at once won't be a fluke anymore. ABC prime time has actually done well with diverse casts, hopefully she will shake up daytime. And look outside the same tired pool, like Y&R did with hiring that British 'consultant' from Coronation Street.

Do we know anything about Ms. Dungey? Besides her sister being awesome, of course.

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Doesn't the daytime division have its own president?

They do, that Vicki Dummer lady. But isn't Daytime under Entertainment in the org chart? If so, Dungey would be Vicki's boss. And someone new for Nathan to suck up to. When he's not getting shot up with Botox, I mean.

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I've said this before, but here it is again. I don't give a rat's ass about legacy characters. I don't get special privileges at my job just because I've been here longer than others. I don't see why fictional characters should either.

For one, I rarely, if ever, have come across any job where seniority doesn't count for anything. It is the basis of tenure in education. A person has to be truly special to rise to the top of the ranks in a short period of time.  I met one person like that, but he was a certified genius. To get promotions or more consideration to tackle more high profile jobs, more often than not, your years with the company play a significant role. I think that in of itself is a special privilege.


They matter and they always will. If GH had started say in 2012 instead of over 50 years ago, it would have been canceled by now.  The only reason it has been limping along for the last 16 years is because of the previous 35 years of storytelling. While I do think characters sometimes have an end to their story or need to take a break, legacy character, especially ones that originated on screen, like Lulu Spencer and Steve Lars Webber should given be given special consideration because so many characters that we do care about or at least made the show great in previous years care about them. And while the character might continue to exist, it isn't job security for whoever is in the role.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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Certain characters have been around for 20 someodd years that should have been around for mere archs that we can certainly use a break from. Especially when one might realize that for two decades the characters have been playing the same damn story over and over and over with detrimental results to the show. At it's core, any show needs a hero/villain to balance things out. That doesn't exist on GH which is killing the show.

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Certain characters have been around for 20 someodd years that should have been around for mere archs that we can certainly use a break from. Especially when one might realize that for two decades the characters have been playing the same damn story over and over and over with detrimental results to the show. At it's core, any show needs a hero/villain to balance things out. That doesn't exist on GH which is killing the show.


This soo much. 

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I don't think ABC cares to drop the money Josh Griffith would likely require, and I doubt FV (or the network/Nathan Varni) would be interested in someone with as strong a independent voice and tone as his whereas JP and SA write what they are told. I think one of Griffith's last acts at DOOL (Hope Brady's daughter Ciara getting raped by her orphaned foster brother who she grew up with, on the Horton family couch) was vile and worth firing him over, but I don't think it's why he was fired - Ken Corday never wanted him there, had him forced upon the show by Sony and dropped him as soon as DOOL got renewed in order to keep his pet hack Dena Higley in charge.


JG has a number of very good stretches on various soaps under his belt (including OLTL in the '90s) and he's still head and shoulders above JP and Shelly Altman. The problem is that he's also often very dark, and that darkness had sort of curdled into rot in the 2000s, first back at ABC, then Y&R and now DOOL. Other people have made excuses for him at those gigs given the many cooks in the kitchen and various infringing voices (JFP, Hogan Sheffer, Brian Frons and Michael Malone, etc.), but I can't excuse what just went down on his latest.


All that being said I'd take him at GH, because I think he's a guy who takes drama seriously and likes a lot of classic vets (he loved Stephen Nichols and Mary Beth Evans at DOOL). But I don't think they'll ever hire him. They want fast, cheap and malleable.

Edited by jsbt
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He probably has one, he either a) forgot to record it or b) just had to watch the episode right! then!


Or he was hoping that he could get people to start tweeting him about how wonderful he was.

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Is it too simplistic to say that Michael being sidelined is part of the reason the show so sucks right now?  Of course,the shit writing doesn't help nor the unending focus on Sonny and Co.  This show so fucked up in killing AJ first, and then allowing Michael back in the Sonny embrace second.  He has no story now, why would he?  

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I get his frustration, but It's nice to see a male get sidelined for a change.

If I was sidelined while someone like Bryan Craig was constantly getting an Emmy push, I'd be damned pissed.

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Is it too simplistic to say that Michael being sidelined is part of the reason the show so sucks right now? Of course,the shit writing doesn't help nor the unending focus on Sonny and Co. This show so fucked up in killing AJ first, and then allowing Michael back in the Sonny embrace second. He has no story now, why would he?

I think the show has sucked since RC/FV brought back their OLTL actors and tried to force them into the canvas

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I hate Michael and don't think Chad Duell is that great. So Michael getting sideline doesn't bother me too much. I know the Emmys have thinned out considerably, but how did Bryan Craig become this great talent as seen by TIIC? Like Chad, he is okay at yelling, but otherwise. 


Though I will say, Chad had good enough material to win the Emmy last year and his character is in the right demographic, so no matter how I feel towards Michael , that alone should be getting him front burner storylines. It is quite baffling how they treat their most loyal and well liked actors in favor of newbies and making other actors try to happen, even if they had won the Emmy in years past, like they sidelined Ric in favor for Paul.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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I never had a problem with the OLTL characters coming to GH because I was glad to see them since I loved OLTL too.  Todd, Blair, and John were all good to me, and Starr, whatever, but I never loved her on OLTL.  The mistake to me was keeping them as different characters, especially the dreaded Kiki.  Franco is controversial and a waste of RH's time, but I like the actor.  I don't know, it comes down to writing and character emphasis I guess.  

Edited by sunflower
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I get his frustration, but It's nice to see a male get sidelined for a change.

Chad has been on pretty consistently since pretty much when he came on, and he's been cooling his heels for, what, a month? Two? So yeah, I don't feel too bad for him either. Now if he's still doing nothing much in 6 months, than yeah.

I hate Michael and don't think Chad Duell is that great. So Michael getting sideline doesn't bother me too much. I know the Emmys have thinned out considerably, but how did Bryan Craig become this great talent as seen by TIIC? Like Chad, he is okay at yelling, but otherwise.

I think everyone thought the younger actor emmy was his for the winning in 2014, and now they're working overtime for him to get it since the competition is so weak they think it should be easy.

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I never had a problem with the OLTL characters coming to GH because I was glad to see them since I loved OLTL too. Todd, Blair, and John were all good to me, and Starr, whatever, but I never loved her on OLTL. The mistake to me was keeping them as different characters, especially the dreaded Kiki. Franco is controversial and a waste of RH's time, but I like the actor. I don't know, it comes down to writing and character emphasis I guess.

I loved OLTL. I did not want OLTL on GH especially when RC decided to mangle both the OLTL and GH characters to create his hybrid soap.

Todd/Carly? No.

Franco/Carly? Fuck no.

I liked McBain on GH but the writing for Sam/Jason/McBain bugged - and Silas was a coma on two legs

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Is it too simplistic to say that Michael being sidelined is part of the reason the show so sucks right now?  Of course,the shit writing doesn't help nor the unending focus on Sonny and Co.  This show so fucked up in killing AJ first, and then allowing Michael back in the Sonny embrace second.  He has no story now, why would he?  


I'd say it's more that they completely brushed Michael's anger under the rug, not because he's being sidelined. If he was on all the time telling Sonny and Carly how awesome they are, or telling Franco him "accidentally" sending a rapist after him was the best thing that ever happened to him and could they go into business together, that wouldn't be ideal either, heh.

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