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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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A while back, when he wasn't so stupid, I said that Morgan could be a paramedic. It was around that awful Alice needing a heart storyline. Now I can't see him as anything except a janitor or a porn star.


Hee. They could have re-enacted this while KA was still here:



I actually saw a tweet from her a couple of weeks ago saying she couldn't believe they allowed this on daytime. Oh, poor KA. This was not risque. Just extremely awkward.


And Valerie could have easily been in close proximity to Dante all the time at the hospital, his mom was pregnant at the time, he could have gone in for an appointment for the millions of concussions he's had, etc etc. I suspect they shoved her in at the PCPD for two-day ripped-from-the-headlines racist cop plot point, but they could have easily done that with her at the hospital as well.

  • Love 3

Hee. They could have re-enacted this while KA was still here:



I actually saw a tweet from her a couple of weeks ago saying she couldn't believe they allowed this on daytime. Oh, poor KA. This was not risque. Just extremely awkward.


And Valerie could have easily been in close proximity to Dante all the time at the hospital, his mom was pregnant at the time, he could have gone in for an appointment for the millions of concussions he's had, etc etc. I suspect they shoved her in at the PCPD for two-day ripped-from-the-headlines racist cop plot point, but they could have easily done that with her at the hospital as well.


I love you, but you are a heartless bitch for forcing me to remember that song, which I unfortunately saw when it first aired. ;)

Any new characters that came in would cause the masses to go into an uproar, I fear. I would buy Lulu more than Kristina though. They should have made Valerie a nurse from the beginning instead of having her work at the PCPD. I know, they had to put her in close proximity with Dante, but the cheating could still have happened. It makes sense that she would be a nurse, since she spent however long taking care of her mother. Maybe you've heard of her, the one that died?


A while back, when he wasn't so stupid, I said that Morgan could be a paramedic. It was around that awful Alice needing a heart storyline. Now I can't see him as anything except a janitor or a porn star.


I completely forgot all about Lucas. :(


I definitely like/liked the idea of Valerie being a nurse.  Bobbie could have taken her under her wing and it would have been a natural way to build up her relationships with Bobbie and with Lucas.


Not sure about Morgan, but the idea of a paramedic character is also a good one.  Still a medical character, but you could play them out in the field more, with the cops, etc.

  • Love 2
a legendary theme song


AWESOME. Are the Ray Conniff Singers doing the vocals? (/joke for all the olds out there)


The JT rumors are interesting. I wonder if he'd go to another soap or try his hand elsewhere. As for Liz being the remaining hospital character, serves TPTB right. That's what happens when you gravely neglect the thing that GIVES THE SOAP ITS NAME.

  • Love 6

That's just another reason RB should've been Dr. Sarah Webber if they were determined to keep the actress.

She'd be in a natural position to interact with Liz, Nik, and Patrick. That waste of space, Hayden, would be gone, Liz wouldn't be completely isolated during the Jasus aftermath and Nik wouldn't be romancing someone he attempted to murder over the world's dumbest business deal

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 2

Hey, if JT leaves maybe they'll finally resolve the Robin debacle! Sad that that appears to be the only way they will ever resolve it at this point.

Honestly, I want only good things for JT. And KMc. And FH. Show clearly refuses to treat their characters with any respect, so at this point I want all three to have bigger and better things to move on to.

I realize that means even more time devoted to the likes of Sonny and Franco. But it's not any better for me to have Sonny surrounded by loving family and Franco happily causing mischief -- while Patrick is a pod person, Anna is written as a fuck up who can't win, and Robin is constantly kidnapped and ignored.

ETA: I don't so much care about the hospital losing another professional. It's General Mob and Wacky Villians at this point, anyway, and everybody knows it.

Edited by SlovakPrincess
  • Love 3

It's frustrating as hell when actors or show-runners start in on the 'well, you liked Luke and Laura so shut up about this problematic pairing that I'm in.' There are so many things wrong with this that it's ridiculous.


Let's start with one very big important thing:


How does anyone at GH know that someone tweeting about disliking a pairing because of serial killing or murder attempts liked Luke and Laura? How do they know the person complaining about the here and now was even alive or watching Luke and Laura back in the day? "Hey, 36 years ago this thing was super popular so shut up current fans!" You know what else? We wore giant shoulder pads. Our shorts were way shorter and we wore tube socks pulled up to our knees. Gas prices were under a dollar. THINGS FUCKING CHANGE! 


And there's other stuff to consider...


It used to be a part of soaps in the 80s to go so completely overboard. Alan tried to kill Monica and her lover once, too. The difference was that they were very specifically larger than life in a way that characters and stories just aren't anymore. When the 90s shift happened, things stopped being campy and over the top and went for an edgy, more realistic tone. What's more, the shows were run differently. Specific writing teams had the job of writing a specific storyline as opposed to writing bits and pieces of one. They spent more time writing and shooting and rehearsing and putting together a coherent whole.


Luke and Laura were an unusual situation, let's be very clear on that. It wasn't planned. It wasn't on purpose. That's why it worked even with all the lines that were crossed in regards to it. And it's been proven time and time again that you cannot force this sort of break-all-the-rules kind of couple. You can't.


For that matter, telling someone that if Luke and Laura were popular then whatever they're pushing should be, too... or because Luke and Laura started off with a horrific trauma so that gives them carte blanche to do that with anyone they feel like WITHOUT ACKNOWLEDGING THE STUFF then they're so beyond missing the point they might as well be on the other side of the universe. Carly and Franco didn't work for a lot of reasons and one of the main ones was that Franco spent his formative time on the show terrorizing the people that Carly loved... and what changed Carly's mind about him from wanting to kill him to wanting to fuck him was a) his thinking he was Jason and b) suddenly getting news that his parents weren't who he thought... which were still absolutely ridiculous reasons for Carly to change her mind about him. We all know the real reason but the show was never honest about any of it and that's one of the main reasons why they failed. Luke and Laura were problematic and it's entirely possible to love something while acknowledging how problematic it is but that doesn't mean that you're just going to accept anything as problematic (or more so) again.


Nic and GH!Greenlee has a murder attempt in their history. Is that going to get touched on? Is Nic feeling bad he tried to kill her or is she starting to remember and having feelings that a human person would have about someone who tried to flat out murder them? Or is it just 'we don't really know what else to do with them so... LOVE STORY! Suck it, audience!'


Here's another analogy. I like chocolate but I don't like all chocolates the same. Just because I like dark chocolate doesn't mean I'm going to like white chocolate and just because someone likes white doesn't mean they're a big fan of milk. What's more, Hershey's isn't the same as Godiva or Ghiradelli or Lindt. And just because I really liked that milk chocolate Easter Bunny I got for Easter 36 years ago doesn't mean I'm going to like the chocolate bunny this year. Tastes changes. That's the reality of it.


And they wonder why their ratings are shite.

  • Love 20
Nic and GH!Greenlee has a murder attempt in their history. Is that going to get touched on? Is Nic feeling bad he tried to kill her or is she starting to remember and having feelings that a human person would have about someone who tried to flat out murder them? Or is it just 'we don't really know what else to do with them so... LOVE STORY! Suck it, audience!'


It got touched on by Tyler on Twitter (what Tyler said is in bold below). Except not in the way 99.9% of the audience (my estimate) would have like to have seen:



Nikolas and Hayden get closer... @Tyler2929 @RebeccaBudig @GeneralHospital #FallinLoveWithGH #GH


Chloe Thomas ‏@meganjusken

@valentinifrank @Tyler2929 @RebeccaBudig @GeneralHospital Um, he had her shot. WTH would we root for them? #GH


Tyler Christopher ‏@Tyler2929

@meganjusken @valentinifrank @RebeccaBudig @GeneralHospital why did everyone root for Luke and Laura? Think about that dynamic


Yeah, Tyler, I've thought about that dynamic.


First, I've thought that my own principles and ideals don't have to be set at what adults in 1979 thought and liked and appreciated. And I'm grateful for that realization.


I've also thought about the fact that in 1979 most states' rape laws went something like this: "A male who has sexual intercourse with a female not his wife is guilty of rape if: (...)"  We lived in a world where, legally, a wife couldn't refuse her husband's request for sex. I've also thought about the fact that in 1979, we were still 7 years away from the United States Supreme Court recognizing sexual harassment as a violation of anti-discrimination laws. And employers could still fire someone for being too old or disabled. And I'm glad that we no longer live in that time.


I'm glad we are *almost* seeing the light about "rape by lust" not actually being a thing even though everyone from 1939 to about 1979 cheered, or least were happy, when Rhett carried Scarlett up those stairs.  Cause, you know, women being frigid and all until a real man overpowers her and forces her to experience the blissfulness of sex. 


And I've actually thought about the dynamic of Luke and Laura and part of what made them rootable (I guess as I far too young in 1979 to understand the plotline) is the fact that Luke was immediately angry with himself and sorrowful, truly sorrowful, over his actions.  And I think a lot of women responded to that.   And, correct me if I'm wrong, but Nikolas hasn't undertaken similar self-reflection or exhibited self-loathing. He hasn't apologized profusely and given his life over to the mob to save the person he hurt.  Instead, Nikolas has been very "totes, whatever" about his actions.


So, yeah, Tyler, I've considered the dynamic. And I still ain't gonna root for your character's would-be murdering ass and his victim Hayden. Just ain't gonna happen. No way. No how. But please belittle the sentient audience even more on twitter. It's so endearing.

Edited by Francie
  • Love 15

Said it before and I'll say it again: Context matters. Yes, people rooted for Luke and Laura, and women also read bodice-ripper romances where "no" meant "yes". Because, back then, it was acceptable behavior.


But times have changed and so have the laws and how women are treated. Luke and Laura were from another era, another set of rules. Nik and Hayden are, like it or not, in a far different environment and telling/asking people to root for them because people rooted for Luke and Laura is disingenuous.

  • Love 6

And, correct me if I'm wrong, but Nikolas hasn't undertaken similar self-reflection or exhibited self-loathing. He hasn't apologized profusely and given his life over to the mob to save the person he hurt.  Instead, Nikolas has been very "totes, whatever" about his actions.


He didn't show a drop of remorse when it first went down.


When Rebecca Budig was coming out of the coma, he was planning to have her finished off and Liz had to beg him not to.


And he's shown no guilt romancing her, after laughing about how she used to be a huge whore.


How dreeeamy!

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 8

It's frustrating as hell when actors or show-runners start in on the 'well, you liked Luke and Laura so shut up about this problematic pairing that I'm in.' There are so many things wrong with this that it's ridiculous.


Let's start with one very big important thing:


How does anyone at GH know that someone tweeting about disliking a pairing because of serial killing or murder attempts liked Luke and Laura? How do they know the person complaining about the here and now was even alive or watching Luke and Laura back in the day? "Hey, 36 years ago this thing was super popular so shut up current fans!" You know what else? We wore giant shoulder pads. Our shorts were way shorter and we wore tube socks pulled up to our knees. Gas prices were under a dollar. THINGS FUCKING CHANGE!


And there's other stuff to consider...


It used to be a part of soaps in the 80s to go so completely overboard. Alan tried to kill Monica and her lover once, too. The difference was that they were very specifically larger than life in a way that characters and stories just aren't anymore. When the 90s shift happened, things stopped being campy and over the top and went for an edgy, more realistic tone. What's more, the shows were run differently. Specific writing teams had the job of writing a specific storyline as opposed to writing bits and pieces of one. They spent more time writing and shooting and rehearsing and putting together a coherent whole.


Luke and Laura were an unusual situation, let's be very clear on that. It wasn't planned. It wasn't on purpose. That's why it worked even with all the lines that were crossed in regards to it. And it's been proven time and time again that you cannot force this sort of break-all-the-rules kind of couple. You can't.


For that matter, telling someone that if Luke and Laura were popular then whatever they're pushing should be, too... or because Luke and Laura started off with a horrific trauma so that gives them carte blanche to do that with anyone they feel like WITHOUT ACKNOWLEDGING THE STUFF then they're so beyond missing the point they might as well be on the other side of the universe. Carly and Franco didn't work for a lot of reasons and one of the main ones was that Franco spent his formative time on the show terrorizing the people that Carly loved... and what changed Carly's mind about him from wanting to kill him to wanting to fuck him was a) his thinking he was Jason and b) suddenly getting news that his parents weren't who he thought... which were still absolutely ridiculous reasons for Carly to change her mind about him. We all know the real reason but the show was never honest about any of it and that's one of the main reasons why they failed. Luke and Laura were problematic and it's entirely possible to love something while acknowledging how problematic it is but that doesn't mean that you're just going to accept anything as problematic (or more so) again.


Nic and GH!Greenlee has a murder attempt in their history. Is that going to get touched on? Is Nic feeling bad he tried to kill her or is she starting to remember and having feelings that a human person would have about someone who tried to flat out murder them? Or is it just 'we don't really know what else to do with them so... LOVE STORY! Suck it, audience!'


Here's another analogy. I like chocolate but I don't like all chocolates the same. Just because I like dark chocolate doesn't mean I'm going to like white chocolate and just because someone likes white doesn't mean they're a big fan of milk. What's more, Hershey's isn't the same as Godiva or Ghiradelli or Lindt. And just because I really liked that milk chocolate Easter Bunny I got for Easter 36 years ago doesn't mean I'm going to like the chocolate bunny this year. Tastes changes. That's the reality of it.


And they wonder why their ratings are shite.


Dandesun Will you Marry me? Please??????

  • Love 5

I don't necessarily have as much of a problem with Nik and Hayden's history because they have both shown themselves to be amoral people. Alan tried to drop a house on Monica and they were a root-for couple. With some of that stuff, when the conditions are right and the characters are certain types of people, that's just the way soaps roll.


My objection isn't to that so much as to TC comparing them to Luke and Laura, because that was the '70s with different social mores about rape, which I don't think he really wants to invoke here, and also because that's fucking Luke and Laura, which this couple definitely ain't. Also, there's TC acting like he is dropping some Deep Knowledge. Nik and Hayden have some nice chemistry but they're not special so far and the writing is not good. Don't act cocky and be like 'but what about Luke and Laura?!' with your couples that are either barely working or complete disasters (Carly/Franco).

  • Love 13
I don't necessarily have as much of a problem with Nik and Hayden's history because they have both shown themselves to be amoral people. Alan tried to drop a house on Monica and they were a root-for couple. With some of that stuff, when the conditions are right and the characters are certain types of people, that's just the way soaps roll.


You make a good point.  It's something I felt but couldn't articulate when Ron would get on his high horse about people not accepting some plot twist or storyline when they had accepted something seemingly similar in the past. I'd want to say, "When it works, it works.  But you, Ron Carlivati, don't get to say whether it works. That's for the audience to decide."


Still, I don't really know that Alan and Monica were a "root-for" couple.  What I mean by that is that people were entertained by them, and they enjoyed Stuart's and Leslie's interactions. But I don't see the audience believing that what they were experiencing was "true love."  People seemed to root for them to bicker and quip with each other. And they were happy again when the one would have the other's back, in a very "hey, you don't get to say that to my wife/husband, only I get to say that!" kind of way.  It wasn't until Labine came along and gave Monica breast cancer that Alan and Monica were portrayed as a "should be together" kind of couple.


Having said that, I would also acknowledge that there wasn't a significant faction of the audience that felt like Alan had to be jailed for his overt attempts at murdering Monica.  But I would argue that the 70s social morals came into play there. Alan was a jilted husband, and that was supposed to make his madmen inclinations less egregious.  It was very "what happens in a marriage, stays in a marriage" kind of philosophy going on.  If Alan had done that to a girlfriend, especially one who wasn't as capable of standing up to Alan as Monica was, I don't think the audience would have had the same dismissive response.


Gloria Monty also made sure to "punish" Alan by injuring his hand and making him unable to operate any longer. And unlike Sonny's various "punishments," Alan's punishment stuck.


Between Tracy never being punished for letting her father die or Lila never going to jail for that ages ago murder she committed and Alan never going to jail for trying to kill Rick and Monica, I wonder -- if we had social media back in the 1970s, would there be a bunch of us online bemoaning the Quartermaines never having to pay for anything. 


"Why'd they get away with that?" 

"Because ... Quartermaines."

Edited by Francie
  • Love 6
Specific writing teams had the job of writing a specific storyline as opposed to writing bits and pieces of one.


No wonder all the stories are so incoherent.


Luke and Laura were an unusual situation, let's be very clear on that. It wasn't planned. It wasn't on purpose. That's why it worked even with all the lines that were crossed in regards to it.


For a ton of reasons, Luke and Laura are sui generis. Using them as an example of a couple that overcomes a violent past is such a gross simplification. STFU, Tyler Christopher. Look a little harder at the history of the soap you're on.


Between Tracy never being punished for letting her father die


Tracy didn't let Edward die—he refused the antidote for the water thing and insisted it be given to someone else. Emma, maybe, or one of the other kids?


Comparing past crimes to what's happening now is apples and oranges, IMO, given that social context changes as well as the tone of the show. 

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 5

But why recast the role? to me that the article didn't mention anything about that, but some at DC are so passionate that Robin should be.


Frank will probably recast with Marco Dapper because he's a male with abs that was previously on Y&R.  


And at some point we'll get some throwaway line about Maxie having lunch with Robin in the city and she'll just magically have been free this whom time, but will never again appear on screen or be referenced in any significant.


You think I'm being flippant, but I am dead serious.


ETA: and if Jason does leave I hope he doesnt just jump to another soap.  He really should make a legitimate attempt at primetime or some other non-daytime medium.

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 1

Frank will probably recast with Marco Dapper because he's a male with abs that was previously on Y&R.

And at some point we'll get some throwaway line about Maxie having lunch with Robin in the city and she'll just magically have been free this whom time, but will never again appear on screen or be referenced in any significant.

You think I'm being flippant, but I am dead serious.

ETA: and if Jason does leave I hope he doesnt just jump to another soap. He really should make a legitimate attempt at primetime or some other non-daytime medium.

The whole situation, if true, sounds like a game. JT is essentially the leak to this story. He either wants his own story or he's out. What I'm trying to say is...if he leaves, I don't see the show giving a fuck what happens to Patrick. So I could see him recast with a Ryan P. type or forgotten altogether. Or they'll make him crazy and he'll try to off Jason and Emma shoots him.

  • Love 1


The lack of new blood and the constant recycling of people who have failed repeatedly elsewhere in this genre is just baffling to me.

The lack of new blood is understandable----soap writing is fast-paced work with very little job security. And even the best writer in the world is subject to harassment by whatever fan base they are pissing off this week,. So i get why newbies aren't looking to work on soaps. So i guess the failures keep getting rehired due to slim pickings. I'd rather hire a newbie with no experience than someone whose produced subpar work,  but i guess it goes back to ABCD trying to do whatever it can to drive viewers away. So glad I'm not watching----its too painful watching GH die a slow and painful death like this.

He didn't show a drop of remorse when it first went down.


When Rebecca Budig was coming out of the coma, he was planning to have her finished off and Liz had to beg him not to.


And he's shown no guilt romancing her, after laughing about how she used to be a huge whore.


How dreeeamy!


I think he's decided that he cured her whoreishness with that bullet to the face - so y'know, bygones!

I just cannot with them because there's a difference for me between a cold-blooded remorseless murder attempt in service of a business deal and just about any other soapy circumstance that results in a romance. It's gross.

I like RB and I think they have decent chem but Hayden is barely a character so bring RB back as Dr. Sarah Webber since she's going to be on contract anyway

You make a good point.  It's something I felt but couldn't articulate when Ron would get on his high horse about people not accepting some plot twist or storyline when they had accepted something seemingly similar in the past. I'd want to say, "When it works, it works.  But you, Ron Carlivati, don't get to say whether it works. That's for the audience to decide."


Still, I don't really know that Alan and Monica were a "root-for" couple.  What I mean by that is that people were entertained by them, and they enjoyed Stuart's and Leslie's interactions. But I don't see the audience believing that what they were experiencing was "true love."  People seemed to root for them to bicker and quip with each other. And they were happy again when the one would have the other's back, in a very "hey, you don't get to say that to my wife/husband, only I get to say that!" kind of way.  It wasn't until Labine came along and gave Monica breast cancer that Alan and Monica were portrayed as a "should be together" kind of couple.


Having said that, I would also acknowledge that there wasn't a significant faction of the audience that felt like Alan had to be jailed for his overt attempts at murdering Monica.  But I would argue that the 70s social morals came into play there. Alan was a jilted husband, and that was supposed to make his madmen inclinations less egregious.  It was very "what happens in a marriage, stays in a marriage" kind of philosophy going on.  If Alan had done that to a girlfriend, especially one who wasn't as capable of standing up to Alan as Monica was, I don't think the audience would have had the same dismissive response.


Gloria Monty also made sure to "punish" Alan by injuring his hand and making him unable to operate any longer. And unlike Sonny's various "punishments," Alan's punishment stuck.


Between Tracy never being punished for letting her father die or Lila never going to jail for that ages ago murder she committed and Alan never going to jail for trying to kill Rick and Monica, I wonder -- if we had social media back in the 1970s, would there be a bunch of us online bemoaning the Quartermaines never having to pay for anything. 


"Why'd they get away with that?" 

"Because ... Quartermaines."


Responding in the History Thread .... 



eh. It's not like I'm actually watching Patrick right now on my screen anyway.


In other random news:


Kristen Alderson recently sat down for an interview with ABC Soaps In Depth’s October edition to discuss her exit from the soap opera, and what she is up to now that she moved on. Alderson dished to Soaps In Depth that she has been working hard to get a new gig, but it is proving much harder than she thought it would – she actually is taking acting classes, despite the fact that she has acted most of her life!


Kristen explained, “I’ve had meetings with agencies and been told, ‘You’re literally changing careers.’ I’ve entered a whole different world.” Auditioning for roles is a very new experience for the young woman who spent nearly 18 years on television – she’s always had a job and never and reveals auditioning is much more difficult than she had imagined. “I’ve been taking classes to better my auditioning skills.”



Edited by ulkikis
  • Love 1

I don't necessarily have as much of a problem with Nik and Hayden's history because they have both shown themselves to be amoral people. Alan tried to drop a house on Monica and they were a root-for couple. With some of that stuff, when the conditions are right and the characters are certain types of people, that's just the way soaps roll.





I think the TC comparison was clueless. Different times, and different crimes.


That being said, if the writers are up for it, and devote the time and energy to write the couple with depth, and write their story as actually character driven to make them more viable, I'm not opposed. I like their dynamic, and I like their chemistry, and honestly, Nik falling for Hayden would be perfect schadenfreude, but these types of couples only work if the writers take them seriously, and write for them seriously. Don't gloss over their (well, his, mostly) dysfunctionality just because they look cute together, but address it. And for fuck's sake, don't rewrite it, like RC would likely do, and have Nik be brainwashed into doing it or some shit. Have the character fully realize what he has done and go through living hell every day, and see if he can grow and develop from it. I mean, if you're going to do it, do it well.


Time will tell if the writers are up to the challenge. I hope so, because I do think there is serious potential between those 2.

Edited by Bawoman
  • Love 3

So, is it safe to assume the rumor of a "front burner" actor wanting out is JT? (Although playing yes man to Sam is hardly front burner material.)


I'll freely admit I was a huge Scrubs fan and was sad that it inevitably ended when KMc left. But that's soap life, and I could have supported another pairing if it didn't involve a pet newbie no one gave two shits about or a character still inevitably slated to go back to her serial killing husband. It's written in neon. (I did a chuckle at the article where it said both were popular. Are they? Because it's not what I have seen, for either. But it could be bias on my end!)


With all that said, there is currently no one on the canvas for Patrick except maybe Liz - and no way in hell. (Hayden is earmarked for Nik. Too bad, I'd like to see what she and Patrick could do. And Patrick never ordered a hit on her.)


So, basically, the only solution is to either have Patrick leave or - if JT does stay - recast Robin. Is it a preference? No. I loved KMc in the role, but it's clear she isn't coming back full time.


But the pickings are slim. Actually, I think JT should go. He needs the kick in the ass and all the promises in the world made to him will likely result in what he has now, which is jack shit to show for it.

  • Love 1

Oh Kristen, of course it's hard for you to audition now. Maybe if you don't have any reaction scenes you could get by, but this is hardly surprising she's finding it difficult. 


Sigh, Nik/Hayden. First of all, Tyler's comparison was way off. It's not the same, and it's not even close. This story could eventually work, but the writing has to make it want to work. They have to devote time, effort and energy to it, they have to have Nik be humble and sheepish, and they have to have Rebecca Budig ready to go the fuck off on him when she finally learns what happened. I do like their chem, I like it a lot, but for me to invest in them as a couple it's going to take a lot of making up on his side.

  • Love 4

I think he's wanted out for a while and is staying for the income. I don't blame him at all. But I think this mess with Robin has to end, and the answer (IMO) is never going to be recast.

Yup. I'm sorry, her 30-years on/off on this show should not be sacrificed for freaking Patrick Drake. Even thinking about it makes me nauseous.

  • Love 3
this is hardly surprising she's finding it difficult


So I guess being a pop singer is out?


KA isn't the usual 20something ingénue, so I'm not surprised she's having trouble with auditions. Plus, it's a skill that she's never had to develop. It's good she recognized she needs some help there. I admire that. Some people would be too proud.


to invest in [Nik/Hayden] as a couple it's going to take a lot of making up on his side.


Nik hasn't truly been sorry for anything for a long time. I hate that they've made Hayden so eager to screw him, because it will inevitably lead to her doing the apologizing.

  • Love 4

Yup. I'm sorry, her 30-years on/off on this show should not be sacrificed for freaking Patrick Drake. Even thinking about it makes me nauseous.


I'm torn. Because Kimberly did grow up in the role and she is identified with it. And she is who made Robin so popular. And I did like her in the role. But on the other hand, she willingly gave the role up for a new career and was willing to have the character die. If the character is needed and the actress won't return, I can see why recasting could be considered, too.

  • Love 3


KA isn't the usual 20something ingénue, so I'm not surprised she's having trouble with auditions. Plus, it's a skill that she's never had to develop. It's good she recognized she needs some help there. I admire that. Some people would be too proud.


I have to agree with you here, I think it's a good and admirable thing she's taking acting classes. Surely Brydog would never stoop to that level.



Nik hasn't truly been sorry for anything for a long time. I hate that they've made Hayden so eager to screw him, because it will inevitably lead to her doing the apologizing.


I just keep rewriting it "the right way" in my head. Because god knows this show won't even come close to getting it right.

So I guess being a pop singer is out?


KA isn't the usual 20something ingénue, so I'm not surprised she's having trouble with auditions. Plus, it's a skill that she's never had to develop. It's good she recognized she needs some help there. I admire that. Some people would be too proud.



Nik hasn't truly been sorry for anything for a long time. I hate that they've made Hayden so eager to screw him, because it will inevitably lead to her doing the apologizing.

"I'm so sorry I forced you to put a hit out on me because I couldn't keep my big (womanly) trap shut!"

  • Love 3

I'm torn. Because Kimberly did grow up in the role and she is identified with it. And she is who made Robin so popular. And I did like her in the role. But on the other hand, she willingly gave the role up for a new career and was willing to have the character die. If the character is needed and the actress won't return, I can see why recasting could be considered, too.

The character isn't needed. The character is only made to be needed because they continuously make her a prisoner. She can be written out like most every vet on every soap opera.

Also, she doesn't want the character to be killed or recast. She said it in her last Fairman interview. It is no longer her preference.

Edited by HeatLifer
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Show should grab this opportunity to wrap up the horrific Robin angle on this story, and write Patrick and Emma out with Robin, as a happy ever after.      


Something happy and nice actually happening to good people might perk up the ratings a bit.   


And JT has been on the show for almost ten years now.   They've apparently run out of ideas for the character and JT should try something else for a while.  I would have been great if they wrote well for Patrick after Robin was gone, but they didn't, and that ship has sailed, and they've tainted everything with the story since Robin was whisked off again by villains in 2014.     


It's not like he can't come back in a few years, claiming he and Robin amicably broke up.   If the show lasts that long.

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Also, she doesn't want the character to be killed or recast. She said it in her last Fairman interview. It is no longer her preference.


Fair enough. And we won't agree here (what's new there, right? LOL!), but her preference, while understandable, seems moot to me since, again, she left and it seems like KMc/Robin in the form of KMc, is not coming back.


And yes, Robin was sort of "made" needed because of the mess RC/FV crafted. If she was written out normally? I'd agree with you. P/R should have split amicably with Robin living elsewhere.


But all the shouldas, wouldas, couldas mean nothing now, and the construct of the pink elephant in the room needs to be addressed once and for all, and while the first preference for me and everyone else would be KMc, well...if JP/SA want Robin for an actual story to wrap it up, it seems a recast is the only option in that context.

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but her preference, while understandable, seems moot to me since, again, she left and it seems like KMc/Robin in the form of KMc, is not coming back.

I think she's given enough time to this show that she deserves to have a preference just like Tony Geary, Genie, JZ, and any other vet.

She's never said she's gone for good.

Edited by HeatLifer
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I think she's given enough time to this show that she deserves to have a preference just like Tony Geary, Genie, JZ, and any other vet.

She's never said she's gone for good.


But for every Tony Geary, there's a Jonathan Jackson. And hey, even Anna had a recast, albeit hideous. And I do realize TG/GF, etc. were on much longer. I'm just saying, recasting does happen if TPTB decide they want a character around but the actor doesn't want to return. And there's nothing saying if KMc does want to return, she can't get the role back. Sure, it isn't fair, but ask Sabine Singh, who took over as Greenlee from Rebecca Budig, Coltin Scott who took over for Tyler Christopher, and Robert Kelker-Kelly who took over the role of Bo Brady from Peter Reckell on Days. That's show biz.

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