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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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Yeah, I thought Uncle Frank said the material airing this was between head writers, and then the new material started airing next week.

You all will have to forgive me, I didn't take my brain pills or use toxic face cream today.


There were probably some small tweaks here and there, but no, ultimately it isn't all the new writers' work until October.

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You all will have to forgive me, I didn't take my brain pills or use toxic face cream today.


There is a really sick side of me waiting for KT to show up in pictures of her wedding dress with boils over her face. I'm going to feel like a REAL bitch if that happens. 



Their stuff doesn't show up until freaking OCTOBER?! I thought their stuff was starting next week. Damn, I'm not sure the shows ratings can take it.


They do have dark weeks in between taping, which could help explain the gap.






They do look good in that picture, but I think all of them look fine on the show, except for JZ, and it's not JZ's age that makes her look bad. It's what she's done in an ill-advised effort to disguise her age.  I think she looks better in the picture because it's small and shot at a distance. 





Speaking of bad plastic surgery, does anyone have any idea if Vanessa Marcil had any done when she came back in 2010-2011? Because she really did look different in the face for awhile. OTOH, she looked MUCH better in 2013, and healthier, so it may have been weight loss that made her look different five years ago, rather than cheek implants. But if she did have work done at one point, forget LC and JZ--VM is someone who should never even THINK of altering her face, after the way she looked in the 90's. 

  • Love 2

Why do they do this?


No, the show is not kicking ass.


No, we are not eagerly anticipating Nina and Franco's next story.  


No, we are not entertained at this point.  


No, he probably will not win an Emmy, because acting on this show now requires superhuman levels of spinning shit writing into gold.  

  • Love 12

Why do they do this?

No, the show is not kicking ass.

No, we are not eagerly anticipating Nina and Franco's next story.

No, we are not entertained at this point.

No, he probably will not win an Emmy, because acting on this show now requires superhuman levels of spinning shit writing into gold.

I was just coming to write how everything they post lately is sssooo SUPER POSITIVE, AMAZING, GREAT, AWESOME and EXCITING.

Come-freaking-on. Everything isn't "Great News", "Can't Miss", "Must See" and "Amazing". Your ratings are in the fucking toilet for a reason. I don't think mere words from the asshat that helped it get their will bring back lapsed viewers.

It's vomit inducing is what it is. The writing needs to be tons better, longer scenes and better pacing won't hurt, better lighting, sound, hair, make up and sets would be a bonus.

Silly superlative tweets and Facebook posts mean nothing to me. Dude you are going to have to show me Vets with housing, storylines and POV (not simply the Scum show with Newbies and randoms) not tell me.

Whew, takes deep cleansing breath. I guess I have more than just apathy for the show.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
  • Love 5

Why do they do this?


No, the show is not kicking ass.


No, we are not eagerly anticipating Nina and Franco's next story.  


No, we are not entertained at this point.  


No, he probably will not win an Emmy, because acting on this show now requires superhuman levels of spinning shit writing into gold.  


What will he say if Tequan Richmond wins it? (It will probably be, "who?")

  • Love 3



Kiki has never really felt to the audience as the most fully-fleshed out character, and that is even from the time Kristen Alderson was playing the role and quickly had to shift from playing Starr Manning to the newly-created character of Kiki.  This was due to the lawsuit between ABC and Prospect Park over former OLTL characters.  Are you at all concerned where the show will take your character now?


HAYLEY:  It’s true … I can understand where it seems not fleshed-out.  I don’t know what the new writers are going to do with the character.  I just got my last couple of scripts from the previous regime and it looks like its going into a different direction.  It seems to be more about Kiki finding herself.  It’s hard sometimes to make your own character, when there is not that much to go on, and you can’t just completely fabricate a character, because you’re not the writer.





  • Love 12

I call that garbage - especially for a nothing like Kiki. Not exactly funny, considering JT/Patrick is IN DIRE NEED of something essentially character related (as is 99.99999% of the cast these days).


Kiki? She can FOAD. As can her mama, surrogate SERIAL KILLER dad, and said SERIAL KILLER'S crazy-assed girlfriend. And that? Is just the warm up. But they are among the reason why this show is in the shitter and may be past the point of recovery.

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Donna Mills unintentionally cracks me up:


When I came in to that I didn’t know Michael Easton was leaving the show.  I had no idea, and so I said, “Michael, you must be going off to do a big movie or something, right?”  Michael answered back, “No.”


Also, since she's Donna Mills and doesn't give a fuck:


Ron Carlivati was a big fan of mine, and I really liked him a lot!  He is a really nice guy.  But, I think the storylines got a little unreal.  I think there was too much of that going on.  So, I think it’s probably a good thing to bring it down to a little more reality again.

I always found Madeline to be a pointless character, but I think Mills has played it to the absolute hilt, especially her last few stints. As much as I hate the storyline I appreciate her razor wit onscreen. She's as much of a queen bitch as she ever was and she does command the screen, even in such tripe as this.
  • Love 13

From the Fairman interview:


Hayley Erin:  Ugh!  I was like “Ugh” literally that is what I said!


Me: Girl, that's what we all say with regards to Kiki.


And AGAIN, the awfulness of Kiki is blamed at Prospect Park.  Sorry, Michael Fairman, but Ron and company had, what, two years with Kristen Alderson in the role to make something of the character and...nothing.  That's on them.


I just don't understand this desire, this thirst, to make Kiki happen, even now.  If they liked Hayley Erin so much, they could have made her Serena or something.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 11

From the Fairman interview:


Hayley Erin:  Ugh!  I was like “Ugh” literally that is what I said!


Me: Girl, that's what we all say with regards to Kiki.


And AGAIN, the awfulness of Kiki is blamed at Prospect Park.  Sorry, Michael Fairman, but Ron and company had, what, two years with Kristen Alderson in the role to make something of the character and...nothing.  That's on them.


I just don't understand this desire, this thirst, to make Kiki happen, even now.  If they liked Hayley Erin so much, they could have made her Serena or something.

yep although sadly it seems CS was an better actor at seven or 8 as Serena than poor Hayley Erin has been since she got here lol.Truthfully don't understand why there trying to make Kiki happen does she have a bunch of offline fans were not aware of or something lol.

I always found Madeline to be a pointless character, but I think Mills has played it to the absolute hilt, especially her last few stints. As much as I hate the storyline I appreciate her razor wit onscreen. She's as much of a queen bitch as she ever was and she does command the screen, even in such tripe as this.


Exactly this. I feel the same way about Kathleen Gati. Fantastic actress who knows exactly what she's doing, but she's shackled to a pointless character.


The thing with Lauren is, when you look at it objectively, she's in a very soapy story:


First, her father Silas (Michael Easton) is murdered. Then it is revealed that her believe-to-be dead mother Ava (Maura West) is actually alive and well, and masquerading as her aunt Denise. Then her mother is arrested for the murder of Connie Falconeri and sent to jail. Meanwhile, she learns that her boyfriend Morgan (Bryan Craig) has been sleeping with her mother behind her back, and who does she learn this information from … Franco (Roger Howarth)!


But for whatever reason, the show can't make any of this work. KA wouldn't have been able to, either, so it's not all on HE.


It annoyed me that HE is blaming Morgan's BPD for his cheating on her with Denise/Ava. No, it's Morgan and Denise/Ava being selfish assholes.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 3

Exactly this. I feel the same way about Kathleen Gati. Fantastic actress who knows exactly what she's doing, but she's shackled to a pointless character.


The thing with Lauren is, when you look at it objectively, she's in a very soapy story:



But for whatever reason, the show can't make any of this work. KA wouldn't have been able to, either, so it's not all on HE.



Such a good point. It doesn't work, I think, because too few of us -- the vast majority of the audience I would wager -- doesn't care about Kiki.  The show never gave us a reason to care about her.


They gave her a horrible introduction as the rude girlfriend (My friennnnnnnds call me "Kiki") of Morgan, who was a character that, while on paper was a long-standing character, was really a newbie who needed to be introduced himself and integrated into the show.  They then  tied her to a bunch of other characters we, by and large, didn't care about, and presumed that we did.


It's like they're on a parallel show.  You could cut off Kiki and everyone associated with her, and the only two long-term GH-centered characters that would be impacted would be Morgan and Michael.  And Morgan, aside from being newly introduced to us as an adult, was tied to Sonny and Carly, another pair of characters that is, at best, polarizing with the audience.


It was all a recipe for "meh."  Again, I liken it to the long-standing comedy that uses one of their episodes to shoot a pilot for a different show.  It's all people we've never seen before and don't care about, and then Dorothy Zbornak or Ms. Garrett stops by for a minute with some cookies.

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In addition to that, who cares about Morgan and Kiki's relationship? They were together, what, a month before he started fooling around with Denise? If that? It's become clear they hooked up Morgan and Kiki to set up Morgan's motive for the murder mystery, not because they were actually writing a romance between them.

It's like a sociopath writing a love poem and getting all mad when it's not well-received.  "I used all the right words, didn't I?"


There's no emotional sentiment to any of it.

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dubbel zout

5 minutes ago

Frank needs to cut loose a bunch of people and bring back Ingo.


Since Uncle Frank refused to consider paying to fly SBu back and forth from Nashville, I can't see him considering paying to fly Ingo back and forth from Hawaii. And Ingo isn't moving back to the mainland anytime soon, he and his family have built a nice life for themselves there.  Tho he will fly to LA for the odd tv job.  Although I miss Ingo soooo much there isn't a female I would even start to consider pairing him with on GH.

I honestly think the reason anyone at ABC (Vicki Dummer, whoever) may have been leaning on them to showcase Kiki more is nothing more than what they said - that they felt that female demographic needed to be more represented. If you're a network executive with only a passing familiarity or interest in GH, you look at the show and you see there's one young woman in that age range without much story, so most likely you're going to say 'we need more 18-29 (or whatever) women, why not give Kiki more to do?' (And why is there only Kiki? Because Frank and Ron spent the better part of two years guarding Kristen Alderson against any potential threat.)


The thing is, Kiki could be anyone, it doesn't have to be Kiki. They could finally bring on Lucy's girls tomorrow, or Zoe Ward or Brook Lynn or any number of others, solve this problem overnight and finally dispose of Kiki. If there's been any renewed interest in Kiki, it's only because she is the immediately present and available young woman of a certain demographic, and no one at the network is paying or wants to pay much closer attention than they already are to this one ailing soap opera. It would take at least another five minutes to say, 'well, no one likes this chick, why not bring on others in the same range?' It has nothing to do with Kiki IMO, it's just laziness.

Edited by jsbt
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And why is there only Kiki? Because Frank and Ron spent the better part of two years guarding Kristen Alderson against any potential threat.


THIS, all day long.


Maybe Kristina will stick around. Or maybe not, since she can't compete with Lauren for Morgan or Michael (PRAISE BE TO JASUS).


She could still slap the shit out of Kiki for her antics re: her brothers.

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To this day, I have no idea who or what to believe on all that mess with Lucy's girls and Anna Donely, who they talked about bringing on multiple times. I liked the girl who played Anna Jr. for one day in 2013. I have no idea why these characters kept being scrapped when RC had viable introductions for some of them, but I firmly believe part of it was their need to put the OLTL stars over again.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 6

I would actually kill to see an Anna Donely introduced as sort of Anna's junior WSB recruit. And I think the show has more than enough of a place for Lucy's daughters. But I also think the show desperately needs more women of color, and younger women of color.


Frankly, I don't think this show needs ANYONE else right now. The dead weight needs cutting first. And there is a LOT of that to go around.

  • Love 4

I'm a forensic accountant, and I know we have a lawyer, paralegal, and nurse here for starters . . . If we suck at our jobs, lives are either literally or figuratively ruined. So yeah, I'm sure no one in the fandom has any idea what it's like to "expose [themselves] like that".

The future Mrs. Bry-dog obviously forgot to take her brain pills today.

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 7

kelly thiebaud ‏@kellythiebaud 51m51 minutes ago

All the pple that talk shit about actors,I DARE u to get up there and expose yourself like that! You have no idea


"ppl," ma'am. Grammar check.


Friday on DC: Kelly Thiebauld [sic] Orders Fans To "Expose [Themselves]"


Why not have Anna take Valerie under her wing? She has a degree in criminology, and she can bump into Dante at crime scenes or wherever if the new writers insist on making her a spoiler in his marriage.



I would actually love more career/personal-oriented stuff for Valerie. I think that character can and should work without the dumb affair angle. I don't know if I'd make her Anna's protege in spying so much as at work. I could handle her being there, but I also think the whole criminology angle was just a poor excuse to get her near Dante; it had shades of Natalie on OLTL leaving corporate power just to go work near McBain again. I was more interested in Val's talk of being a dancer or in the arts, angles we don't see enough of with soap characters (sit down, Dollar Tree Dill).

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 7

but I also think the whole criminology angle everything she did ever was just a poor excuse to get her near Dante


Fixed it for you. :p


I dunno if arts is the way to go; I think there's a reason they don't show that a lot on tv (it's kinda boring most of the time, imo), but then I wasn't a huge fan of Liz's painting days either. If they did turn that way with her maybe writer would be the better way to go. 

Edited by ulkis
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