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S04.E06: What Might Have Been

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I have high hopes for China doll's character to become interesting.whether it is for good or evil I feel potential.


I was feeling like they were wasting a lot of time on her, but when they were in the boat, and she sang her song, and then plopped down on the furs, I could feel her homesickness and misery at being stuck with this band of Vikings.

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Really good episode.  I think the show is back on track after last week's inconsistent episode.


I really liked Ragnar's hallucination when he saw his family the way it used to be.  Very touching.  It's nice too when his daughter is remembered.  It really looks like he doesn't have a plan and has just gotten older, injured and disinterested. 


I'd still be surprised if Lagertha really is pregnant.  That being said, it was nice to see a lot more of her in this episode than we pretty much have the rest of the season so far.


Aslaug has definitely gone off the deep end in a Game of Thrones kind of way.  That's never good.  I think the reason that Ivar is so creepy is because he rarely speaks.


I hope Bjorn put his ax through that little shit Erlander's head someone in the VERY near future.


This episode was a very good reminder of just how brutal the Vikings could be.


I can't wait for the battle next week.

Edited by benteen
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So Yidu is (was) a slave, is she not? Then where and how does she get her cheongsam? Did the pirates and the slave traders let her carry a suitcase of her personal belongings while they were trading her?


I think the Howells arranged it for her.

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I thought Ragnar's vision was very emotionally powerful and not at all cheesy.  It really captured that ache you feel when you're longing for a time in your life you let go of but shouldn't have.  Ragnar needed more sons because he chased after power.  Had he remained content he could have spent his life on the farm with Lagertha and his priest slave and kids.  I thought it perfectly summed up how so many people feel when we do get richer and perhaps a little more powerful but then we realize we were actually happiest when we had less.  Ragnar was a much, much happier person living with Lagertha on the farm.  

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No, Rollo wasn't suppose to marry Gisla when Ragnar departed back to Kattegat.  Rollo and the remaining Vikings were left there it to keep the road to Paris open for next year's raid. The Franks approached Rollo with "an offer he couldn't refuse" long after Ragnar left.


And Ragnar didn't leave Rollo in charge of the Viking guard outside of Paris.  He was wounded and it was Bjorn's decision.  Thus their argument over same that helped lead to Bjorn doing his turn at a wilderness TV series.  Remember Ragnar upset at Bjorn for his decision.  Bjorn defended Rollo saying he was his uncle.  Ragnar replied he couldn't be trusted because he was his brother implying he knew Rollo way better than Bjorn as in the Jarl Borg betrayal and Rollo's lifetime of being insanely jealous of Ragnar in general.  So Ragnar pretty much assumed to find what he has found.  It was Bjorn who looked most upset this episode screaming in Rollo's direction.



Yes I agree.  It was pretty clear last episode it was betel nuts because there was that scene in that episode where Harold introduces his brother to a distracted, knife throwing Ragnar who has super red lips and red drool running down his chin.


I like that when Ragnar got badly injured at Paris from that fall off the wall and the wound before he fell that he didn't heal up the very next episode.  And that he was left with very bad chronic pain that has lead to a drug addiction dealing with same.  Right out of today's endless news stories and documentaries as well.


And when I say "like" I mean it changed him forever.  He can never go back to being pain free and his "old self" which is how life is for real unlike on most TV shows where wounds and pain addiction are flavor of the week episodes.


Some people above mentioned how Sigurd Snake Eye was "mean" to little Siggy.  I don't think he was mean so much as puzzled or upset or even alarmed.  He immediately ran back in as if to get his mother to help take care of the situation which is where both he and us got a little distracted as viewers as we see Norma nursing little Norman (whoops, wrong "psycho" kid) in bed.

I think he was mean. not something somebody says in familial settings.  just my opinion...

I'm surprised Lagertha's genuinely pregnant as I'd assumed that was a ruse, too. I think being preggers has thrown her off tho, she did not look happy about it even once this episode. I'd imagine she'd made her peace with not having any more kids and might be expecting this one to end in miscarriage like the last. ETA: Because of what the seer told her. Just remembered that. The seer told her she wouldn't have anymore kids so either this pregnancy will end badly or the seer's a liar. 


I am not the tiniest bit surprised though by Ragnar hallucinating his old life with Lagertha, Bjorn, and Gyda. You had a great family once, nutsack. Now you're a drug addict with a sociopathic momma's boy for a son. Well done. (I am so happy to see that the addiction appears to be real. 'Ragnar's faking, lulling everyone into a false sense of security, and then he'll make his move' was clever the last three times he did it. Now it would just be them recycling plotlines. Ragnar having developed a genuine weakness is far more interesting.)


Helga needs to separate herself from Loki asap, before he gets her killed. She can go over to Lagertha's side if she's not comfortable staying in Kattegat. 


I don't care about Torvi and I find myself more curious about what happened to Bjorn's wife. And I didn't particularly care for her even when I remembered what her name was.


I don't get what they're doing with Aslaug. Are they trying to say she's always been too obsessed with legends and self-mythologizing and her disillusionment and bitterness took that in a really weird direction? I don't know. I remember her being way more normal when we first met her.

How is Bjorn a sociopath? lol.

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I love that this show takes its time developing the characters, and the plot arises from that, instead of just having them do whatever the plot requires, which is often inconsistent.  (See:  The Walking Dead)


I wonder if Yidu's goal has been to get back to Paris?  So she decided to dope Ragnar so he would have to take her back to Paris with him?  First I thought maybe it was Aslaug's plan to distract Ragnar.  And did the foreign chicks (Gisel and Yidu) get the same haircut?

Edited by SharonH58
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Who even told Ragnar that Lagertha was pregnant? We only saw her tell Kalf, I then suppose they told their village that's why they were getting married. Does gossip spread that fast though viking villages? I guess they were bored in between pillaging sessions and Kalf dying and Lagertha being pregnant would be big news. 

Didn't Bjorn stop by before the wedding?  He tells Mommy what's what....then come up with a plan...he takes Weenie Boy's wife, Mommy kills Kalf, they wait on weenie boy.  

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Didn't Bjorn stop by before the wedding?  He tells Mommy what's what....then come up with a plan...he takes Weenie Boy's wife, Mommy kills Kalf, they wait on weenie boy.

Now that you mention it, I thought that was why Lagertha killed Kalf.  I can't wait for Bjorn to lay the smack down on weenie boy.

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Even though this season has been shaky (slowed down by the extra episodes), it's also made me OK with Ragnar's likely death. He just seems so fundamentally unhappy now that death, hopefully with a happier vision of those he has loved and lost, would be a relief. I think Vikings does cultural "mood" scenes (like the blood eagle and the departure of the ships in season 2) better than any other show and Ragnar's visions of Valhalla denied and now of his simpler life have been the strongest moments of season 4.

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This episode was much better than the last 2!!

Ragnars hallucination of his old life gave me chills- very beautifully done. I got to see my Athelstan! Hey Ragnar, I'm nostalgic for season 1 too!

Poor little Alfred:( that made me sad. I am still thinking we are not fully privy to Ecberts ( probably nefarious) intentions.

I still don't think Lag's preggers.

Yidu still needs to go away- hated the modern looking hair & clothes too..... The character is very dull & non essential to me.

Ragnar's visions of Valhalla denied and now of his simpler life have been the strongest moments of season 4.


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Even though this season has been shaky (slowed down by the extra episodes), it's also made me OK with Ragnar's likely death. He just seems so fundamentally unhappy now that death, hopefully with a happier vision of those he has loved and lost, would be a relief. I think Vikings does cultural "mood" scenes (like the blood eagle and the departure of the ships in season 2) better than any other show and Ragnar's visions of Valhalla denied and now of his simpler life have been the strongest moments of season 4.


I agree.

Ragnar has been brilliant, cruel, sly and sometimes, kind. And a little batty.  The blood eagle scene haunts me--from beforehand when Ragnar explains to Jarl Borg what happens, and his horrified reaction, to the actual deed itself and how Jarl Borg had been silent throughout,  so he could go to Valhalla--it was beautifully shot, and one of those scenes that is burned into your memory. I felt much the same when they were at Upsalla, the shot of....Ragnar's friend, what was his name...Leif?  The episode starts with his face in the normal place vertically, and then the camera flips to upside down so you can see he is hanging. Visually striking and disturbing  in a way only this show can be.   Some scenes just burn into your memory, and these two did to me.

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Am I the only one who thinks Yidu knows exactly what she's doing?  She's a shitty little Emperor's daughter (princess?) who is in bad straights -- so she's using everything she has to get out of it.  But she will only lower herself to seduce a king and then gets him intentionally addicted to the qat (or whatever it is).


I knew she was addicting him since last episode.  But I didn't see that evil, conniving look on her until she stood over him in this last episode after he'd eaten the leaves in the snake hut.  


She's a spoiled, evil, entitled brat and she is completely aware of what she is doing.


I may not like her but I certainly do admire the series for continuing to give us deeply complicated characters!


That's my opinion, at least.

Edited by Captanne
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This show is too fragmented now.  I find I can't get emotionally involved with anyone.  Nothing makes sense.  Like, exactly where is Ragnar's new mistress getting this never-ending supply of opium?  I presume we've got a cold-turkey withdrawal episode in our future.  Won't that be fun?


It's not opium. In  those days it was in a tar form, and still mostly is. You smoke opium.  He's doing mushrooms. He's expanding his mind with the hallucinations. Mind altering, but not really addictive.

Edited by saoirse
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Am I the only one who thinks Yidu knows exactly what she's doing?  She's a shitty little Emperor's daughter (princess?) who is in bad straights -- so she's using everything she has to get out of it.  But she will only lower herself to seduce a king and then gets him intentionally addicted to the qat (or whatever it is).


I knew she was addicting him since last episode.  But I didn't see that evil, conniving look on her until she stood over him in this last episode after he'd eaten the leaves in the snake hut.  


She's a spoiled, evil, entitled brat and she is completely aware of what she is doing.


Why shouldn't she do those things?  She's been enslaved by these people!  If she can manipulate Ragnar into returning her to Paris, and hopefully (for her) an opportunity to get back to her homeland, more power to her.

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Better episode than last week thank goodness, as I was beginning to loose interest. 


The Vikings are back in France, which means some action on the horizon. Not only that, but in-fighting within their group is bound to occur as well, especially with Bjorn and Erlinger eyeing each other from their separate boats. 


I was surprisingly glad to see Harbard (sp?) back again, as his story didn't seem finished last season, and there are plenty of unanswered questions that surround him. What's his interest in Ivar? What does he want from Aslaug? How does he pull off his miracles? Who is he really?


Got a little weepy as Ragnar hallucinated over his family and the farm. He had it all, and now it's gone forever. 


Still not that interested in the French court, or in Rollo's umpteenth betrayal. Wessex is a bit of a slog now as well - I don't mind ambiguous or far-sighted characters, but after a while you have to let the audience in on what's actually happening. Such are my feelings on Ecbert. 



She's a shitty little Emperor's daughter (princess?) who is in bad straights -- so she's using everything she has to get out of it. 


This whole post is bewildering. You're saying Yidu should gratefully embrace life as a slave in a foreign country surrounded by strangers INSTEAD of using everything in her power to try and return to her country and family? Seriously??? I know fandom generally likes to hold female characters to a ludicrously high standard of behaviour, but to call her "evil and entitled" for trying to escape slavery and go home is on a whole other level!!

Edited by Ravenya003
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Right.  If she were Erlander's slave we'd be cheering her efforts to escape slavery.  I'd like her a lot more if it turns out she was doing just this.  Right now she's more of a plot device to showcase Ragnar's continued fall.

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Yeah, if Yidu is manipulating Ragnar (to whatever end) then good for her. She's not tremendously interesting to me personally, but I don't begrudge a slave doing whatever she needs to to get free. Frankly, Ragnar and Aslaug should just be grateful she didn't kill them in their sleep.


She's a shitty little Emperor's daughter (princess?) who is in bad straights -- so she's using everything she has to get out of it.


Slavery. She's in slavery. I haven't seen her do anything "shitty". She's been smarter about this than I would have been. I think I'd have talked shit, spit in someone's face, tried to kill my 'masters', and probably gotten myself killed by now. She seems quite clever.

Edited by slf
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I too hope we get to see something between Bjorn and Rollo soon. They were really close for most of Bjorns life, sometimes even closer then Bjorn and Ragnar. I would like to see how that conversation would go, as Rollo might not to so quick to kill Bjorn as he would kill the rest of Team Viking. 


The song and the scene on the boat was probably the most connection I have felt to Yidu so far. She seemed so sad and far away, it actually felt like a character beyond Ragnars new girlfriend/drug dealer. 


The scene where Ragnar saw his season one life gave me hardcore chills. He really did have a great life, but it all fell apart, some of which was Ranars fault, and some wasn't. I do not think he ever stopped loving Lagatha, and the simple life and family they had, and that just kills me.  

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Beyond the moral issues with slavery...Ragnar is being pretty stupid taking this crap....why would he trust her?

since when he's lucid, he can kill her, and she knows this. 


Or it's some plot by Aslaug, since she bought her initially. and what moral issues? you think early medieval Europeans had the same morals as we do? Slavery was the norm in most of Europe at that point.

Am I the only one who thinks Yidu knows exactly what she's doing?  She's a shitty little Emperor's daughter (princess?) who is in bad straights -- so she's using everything she has to get out of it.  But she will only lower herself to seduce a king and then gets him intentionally addicted to the qat (or whatever it is).


I knew she was addicting him since last episode.  But I didn't see that evil, conniving look on her until she stood over him in this last episode after he'd eaten the leaves in the snake hut.  


She's a spoiled, evil, entitled brat and she is completely aware of what she is doing.


I may not like her but I certainly do admire the series for continuing to give us deeply complicated characters!


That's my opinion, at least.

I think she's up to something. seems everybody is betraying somebody on some level now lol. 

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This episode was a compelling mix of the fantastic (Ragnar's vision of the Season 1 Farm of Happiness was a particular high point - a nice illustration of how the showrunners know exactly what they are doing with Ragnar's character) and the tiresome (Ecbert has a mysterious plan!  Or he might not!  Probably!  Again!)  I love Ecberts portrayal, but at this point I'm starting to wonder if he has a Machiavellian evil plan like I hope, or if he's just a douche.  Part of the problem is that everything he says sounds like he's putting it on, even when he is possibly meant to be completely sincere.


I have a feeling next episode much of the setup will begin to pay off.

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Would nursing that late in age at that time be odd? One of my mom's best friends was a hippie that nursed her kids til close to this same age. Her kids turned out fine.

I get where the snow is going, she's very attached.

IMO, it's weird in any time. The question being WHY? It makes me think the mother has some twisted hang-up having a kid with teeth hanging off her tit all the time. YMMV.

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The look on Aethelwulf's face when Ecbert said he'd be leading Wessex's army to Mercia was SO great. It was like 'YOU?! Really?!' He'd have laughed himself silly if he wasn't so pissed at Ecbert for sending him off to Rome dragging Aethelstan and Judith's love child.

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I hope Bjorn put his ax through that little shit Erlander's head someone in the VERY near future.

I'd rather see Lagertha and Ragnar do it together and have Bjørn witness how much his parents love him.

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