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S02.E05: Rebecca

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Kim broke my heart.  I hope Chuck follows through.  She should have spent that time looking for a new firm though.  Pricks.


Hector speaks!  Woooo!


Two giants!  Hector and Mike!  Great scene, and obviously, it won't be their last!  That was two old pros going it it, both the characters, AND the actors.  Loved it.

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Oh Kim. I could have burst into tears for her after Howard sent her back to doc review when the bank people left.


Wonder what happened with Mrs. Chuck (I assume she couldn't handle his breakdown)?  What a sterile, creepy marriage.


I'm a little confused by the timeline.  I read that BB was set in 2008, and that Better Call Saul was set 6 years earlier. If so, man does Tio Hector fall apart fast. He was so spry in this episode. I know that strokes can be very debilitating, but man....

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Slower episode but lots of layers on characters peeled back.

Loved Jimmy running into his former "petty with a prior" lawyer rival in the bathroom. The whole convo. "I'd kill my mother for a fireplace."

And Hector. What a badass. I was surprised there wasn't a rift in the space time continuum with the amount of badassery in that one diner booth, between those two guys.

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Bastard Howard! He should be the next recipient of a ricin cigarette--after all Kim's hard work!

Both Kim and Erin: please stop being such company people. 


I wonder if one word of Chuck's little story he told Kim was even true. 


Oh, and the look on Mike's face when Tio left the cafe. "Awww, shit! After my careful work, I'm sucked into the Salamanca morass!"

Edited by Dianaofthehunt
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Weakest episode this season. More Mike, less Kim please. She is just not that interesting.

The last five minutes and the preview were better than the rest of the episode.

Looked like one of the cousin's boots at the end of the preview.

I wonder if Jimmy will help Mike cut the deal on the gun charge. That is one quibble I have. NM is an open carry state. A permit is required for concealed but not open carry, so Mike wouldn't face any charges, assuming he isn't a felon.

The Beachcomber was a BB callback. Walt stayed there after Skler kicked him out.

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Hector!   A walking, talking, non-bell-ringing Hector!!!!!!  They've got to show the Cousins at some point soon.


I knew that someone in that Salamanca family would be investigating Mike, and would not think he was just a random old man.   I'm sure they followed Mike's every move up until and through the time he worked with Gus -- so perhaps Hector talked Tuco out of killing Mike in later years.


I'm not sure why we got the Rebecca scene at the beginning of the episode, other than to show us that Jimmy charmed her and Chuck was bitter even back then.  It's not like Rebecca and Jimmy slept together (at least not in this episode), so it was Chuck as a nicer version of himself, slowly boiling over in his resentment towards Jimmy.


That Erin girl at the office was annoying.  But I thought the juxtaposition of Jimmy and Kim at their respective offices was amusing.  Jimmy lied to Erin and told her he was going to stay and work with her in the office, and he bailed the first chance he got.  Meanwhile, Kim lied to those guys in Documents with her and said that she was leaving the office right after they did, when she actually took off her shoes and hunkered down for the night.  Jimmy was bucking rules and order as always, and Kim was committing herself to her work at the expense of sleep.


Did anyone else notice the bald guys (I think there were 2 of them, but not together) in the diner, when Mike was about to meet Hector?  Obviously they were not Heisenberg or even just regular ol' Walter White, but I felt like they were supposed to be sort of tips of the hat to Heisenberg in a way... like visual reminders of him.

Edited by Sherry67
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I really liked the first season of this show, but so far this season has seemed a little boring. Maybe it's because I finally finished binge-watching "Breaking Bad" and now I know what happens to certain characters

RIP Mike! :(

 Also the stakes were so much higher on BB, but on this show, Saul's biggest problem is he might lose a job he really never wanted anyway?


I'm trying to like this show. I like Bob Odenkirk, he does a great job with playing Saul. I like Mike and Kim. But this season seems so slow moving compared to last season. 


It's also a bit frustrating. Like why is Kim even still at that firm? She should be out looking for a new job at another firm. She knows, now, that they don't respect her or her work, consider her expendable, and are willing to use her as a pawn in their little game against Saul. So why does she stay? Even if they let her out of her boring job in the basement, she will know that they can send her back there on their whim at any time, because they don't consider her valuable to the firm. I don't agree with Saul that she should sue them....she should just get the hell out of there already. 


And God, I really hate Chuck so much. The actor kills it, but his character is so odious it's hard to watch. When he asked Kim to make him coffee...I wanted her to throw something at him! And he is so obviously trying to break up her and Saul. He can't stand to see his brother have any happiness.


What's up with Hector Salamanca and his over-exaggerated accent?

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So Chuck thought he was not so slyly telling Kim about the evils of Jimmy, but in reality, though he didn't know it, he just confirmed everything Jimmy has been telling her about CHuck.

She gets a big client and Howard just states she goes back to doc review. She talks to Chuck directly and he says he will work on getting her out of doc review. He is trying to come across as the nice guy but helping her, but in reality, what that means is doesn't matter what Howard said, I am the one that really pulls the strings and wanted all this to happen.

Chuck is a passive aggressive ***wipe. Which makes for a great lawyer.

I agree with whoever said Kim's time would be better spent looking for another job. Which really I don't know why she isn't doing that already. It's not that small a town, she is a good lawyer. So maybe you have to start over again, but get out of this creepy unwind able dynamic between these 3 men.

Interesting to see Chuck using a few lights and the radio in his dim house, but still limited it all. Didn't all seem to be just for mood either. Seems his affliction progressed over time

Would bet anything he ends up blaming losing his wife someone on Jimmy. Seems to blame everything on him. And loves telling everyone that will listen all his faults. Just shut up about him, some people like him.

Hector!!! Wow, didn't see that coming.

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I'm pretty sure Hector was born and raised in Mexico, not positive, but it makes sense.  He speaks English, but I really doubt he talks that much to others in English, he probably speaks Spanish to friends and family.  His accent didn't bother me.


I love the show, but I tend to agree with you a bit.  I like a slow burn, love it really, but damn, they need to have a few more things happen to earn that slow burn stuff.  BB did lots of slow burns, and yes, the stakes were much higher, most of the time.  Walt simply staying awake all night guarding the house had SO much tension and was SO worth it, even though nothing happened. 


You're right, the stakes aren't high enough right now.  I am so fucking annoyed by Chuck, and I get that he is a good actor, but I want to scream, "Just get ON with it!"  I do like that they introduced his wife.  I hope Jimmy gets her drunk and Chuck comes home to them playing strip poker or something.  I DO need some action, I admit it.  Or maybe they are so drunk they start making out *but really, Jimmy can do better.  If ever a woman silently screamed "I NEED A GOOD FUCK!" it's her though.


Kim, yeah, Jimmy is letting her down. Jimmy lets everyone down.  Jimmy even stole from good old dad.  Kim lands a great client, and her asshole boss puts her back in the basement?  Step UP woman!  The best you can do is simply ask Chuck if he would consider ending the Fatwa on her?  Kill me now.


It's difficult, because I like it, and I do get that it's not Breaking Bad, but the non-breaking bad characters aren't holding my interest enough.  I'm ready for a wheelin' and dealin' Saul, like yesterday.  I can't put my finger on the rest of it, but something is missing.


It makes me think of Mad Men really, I CARED about all of the characters, even the minor ones, each, in their own way, was compelling.  Kim, Chuck, the various lawyers, the new 2nd year lawyer dogging Jimmy?  I wouldn't give a shit if a bomb blew them all up tomorrow.  Actually, I would kind of prefer it about now.  Mad Men didn't have shoot 'em ups either, or massive drug deals/crime, and yet I was riveted pretty much until the last season.


So Chuck thought he was not so slyly telling Kim about the evils of Jimmy, but in reality, though he didn't know it, he just confirmed everything Jimmy has been telling her about CHuck.

She gets a big client and Howard just states she goes back to doc review. She talks to Chuck directly and he says he will work on getting her out of doc review. He is trying to come across as the nice guy but helping her, but in reality, what that means is doesn't matter what Howard said, I am the one that really pulls the strings and wanted all this to happen.


Oh excellent point!

Edited by Umbelina
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I really liked the first season of this show, but so far this season has seemed a little boring. Maybe it's because I finally finished binge-watching "Breaking Bad" and now I know what happens to certain characters

RIP Mike! :(

 Also the stakes were so much higher on BB, but on this show, Saul's biggest problem is he might lose a job he really never wanted anyway?


I'm trying to like this show. I like Bob Odenkirk, he does a great job with playing Saul. I like Mike and Kim. But this season seems so slow moving compared to last season. 


It's also a bit frustrating. Like why is Kim even still at that firm? She should be out looking for a new job at another firm. She knows, now, that they don't respect her or her work, consider her expendable, and are willing to use her as a pawn in their little game against Saul. So why does she stay? Even if they let her out of her boring job in the basement, she will know that they can send her back there on their whim at any time, because they don't consider her valuable to the firm. I don't agree with Saul that she should sue them....she should just get the hell out of there already. 


And God, I really hate Chuck so much. The actor kills it, but his character is so odious it's hard to watch. When he asked Kim to make him coffee...I wanted her to throw something at him! And he is so obviously trying to break up her and Saul. He can't stand to see his brother have any happiness.


What's up with Hector Salamanca and his over-exaggerated accent?

You bring up some good points about the show, even though I enjoy it and watch each week.

What I dislike about the show and he set up is they take the best part of the Jimmy character, which is his slick, sly, wisecracking,enjoyable lawyer gimmick we saw on Breaking Bad and they kind of ruin the persona. This season and the end of last, that side of his personality they have turned into an untoward side of him that is ruining his chance at a great law career and his chance at Kim. They are making out his transformation from Jimmy into Saul as like his downfall. Its hard to enjoy the Saul character when they frame it in this way, as like a sad transition. The Saul character on Breaking Bad was funny, enjoyable, likeable if nothing else. To paraphrase Galaxy Quest, he was often the spunky comic relief. This show he is not that and there is no such character feeling that role. As dark and tense as breaking bad was, it still had lighter moments scattered throughout the cut the tension. The pizza on the roof was one. many of those moments involved Saul. Here he can't provide that often and each time he does provide that in this show, or tries to do so, it comes back to hurt him. I understand the point of it in the story they are telling, but it dimishes the enjoyability of an otherwise great character.

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I have no doubt that Mike knows who Don Salamanca is and his connection to the Juarez Cartel. He knows that he's in deep now, and that was probably the most scared we've ever seen him. I don't think he's going to come up with some sort of stroke-inducing remedy to this situation, but I am interested to see how he's going to right the ship and talk his way out of a Cartel-induced early retirement for him and his family. It's interesting that Gus apparently openly hires as his chief of security a man who has history with the Cartel.


New Mexico might be an open-carry state, but it's possible that Tuco's gun had the serial numbers filed off. And Mike may be in trouble if he implied or let on that the gun "wasn't his" after the short altercation.


Mark Margolis has been notoriously bad at speaking Spanish and using a Spanish accent in the past, so I think he did a fine job this time around. Probably lots and lots of practice. This is a Don Salamanca who has clearly already suffered some physical degradation (notice his right hand and posture, compared to the two flashbacks from Breaking Bad), and it's interesting to see this transitional version of the character.


Chuck's married life is also interesting to see, but what about Jimmy's? They need to introduce his step-dad and his second wife ASAP. Or are they saving that for Season 3 with Kim?

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I have no doubt that Mike knows who Don Salamanca is and his connection to the Juarez Cartel. He knows that he's in deep now, and that was probably the most scared we've ever seen him. I don't think he's going to come up with some sort of stroke-inducing remedy to this situation, but I am interested to see how he's going to right the ship and talk his way out of a Cartel-induced early retirement for him and his family. It's interesting that Gus apparently openly hires as his chief of security a man who has history with the Cartel.

New Mexico might be an open-carry state, but it's possible that Tuco's gun had the serial numbers filed off. And Mike may be in trouble if he implied or let on that the gun "wasn't his" after the short altercation.

Mark Margolis has been notoriously bad at speaking Spanish and using a Spanish accent in the past, so I think he did a fine job this time around. Probably lots and lots of practice. This is a Don Salamanca who has clearly already suffered some physical degradation (notice his right hand and posture, compared to the two flashbacks from Breaking Bad), and it's interesting to see this transitional version of the character.

Chuck's married life is also interesting to see, but what about Jimmy's? They need to introduce his step-dad and his second wife ASAP. Or are they saving that for Season 3 with Kim?

I am thinking Mike will cause Tio's stroke with an injection (possibly prepared by his vet) much like he finished off Leonel in the hospital.

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Is that the first time we've seen the still camera time lapse on BCS?  I love those.


I do think it's a huge long shot that Mike didn't/doesn't know who Tuco's uncle was.  Did he hear or use the "Salamanca" name around the time he figured out that Nacho was keeping his side business from his bosses, or during Nacho's murder plan?  I honestly can't remember.


Even so, former cop, he'll know who Hector is now.  http://breakingbad.wikia.com/wiki/Hector_%22Tio%22_Salamanca Out of the frying pan, into the fire.  Maybe he should have just shot Tuco after all?


I am thinking Mike will cause Tio's stroke with an injection (possibly prepared by his vet) much like he finished off Leonel in the hospital.


Initially I thought that too, but a fast moving Lou Gehrig's disease also makes sense, especially since the perfectly healthy actor seemed to have a few signs of early but progressing disease tonight.


ETA fixed "dad" and made it "uncle."

Edited by Umbelina
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Tio isn't Tuco's dad. He's his "Tio", his uncle.


I am thinking Mike will cause Tio's stroke with an injection (possibly prepared by his vet) much like he finished off Leonel in the hospital.


Good thought. Now I'm waiting to see where Mike learns his ninja skills that he used in that episode.

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I wonder if one word of Chuck's little story he told Kim was even true.

I think it was the truth or at least what Chuck thinks is the truth. Maybe people with better memories could help me out but weren't most of his lies last season more like lies of omission rather than tales he concocted?  Plus, it's something I could see Jimmy doing.  Taking $100 here--a hundred there and before he knew it, it added up.


I really liked the first season of this show, but so far this season has seemed a little boring.

I do think the Kettlemans added some fun adventure to the first season that this season seems to be lacking.  And it is a very very slow burn this season but we have less of a sense of where Jimmy is going. 


But I actually love this show this season as well. While I do miss some of that, I'm interested in the development of the other characters.


(BTW, if any of you don't watch Major Crimes, you're missing out on Betsy Kettleman and Tuco having a little sumptin' sumptin' going on. )


Like why is Kim even still at that firm? She should be out looking for a new job at another firm. She knows, now, that they don't respect her or her work, consider her expendable, and are willing to use her as a pawn in their little game against Saul.

I don't know that I agree that they don't respect her.  She's in the doghouse now, for sure, but she had enough pull with Howard to get him to back Jimmy to Davis and Main.  And she was the first person he eventually confessed the truth to about who was preventing Jimmy from being hired as a lawyer at HHM.  


I think she believes she will eventually crawl her way back to where she was last season with them.  And she may be a good lawyer but unless she can bring some clients with her, it'll almost be like starting over at a new firm.  I can understand why she thinks that, even though she's not Howard's favorite at the moment, she's still better off at HHM.

Edited by Irlandesa
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Did he hear or use the "Salamanca" name around the time he figured out that Nacho was keeping his side business from his bosses, or during Nacho's murder plan?  I honestly can't remember.

On the previous show, Mike told Nacho that if he (Mike) killed Tuco like Nacho wanted him to do, then the Salamancas would be crawling (haha) out of the cracks looking to even the score.

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This show is definitely a slow burn... and, sad though it is to say, I think that some people are starting to kind of fade out on all of the law firm stuff because those scenes tend to drag.  I can't remember where it was -- maybe IMDB?  -- where someone was saying that the ongoing Sandpiper case or visits to old folks were not interesting at all.


It shouldn't be this way in a perfect world, but the truth is that there are probably quite a few people out there who are tuning in to BCS because of its BB connections.  Although this show should stand on its own -- and it does in many ways -- the people who are hanging in there, waiting for the random Krazy 8, Tuco, Hector, etc., appearances, sometimes have to wait for long periods of time before they get one of those appearances.  And then they have to sit through a lot of quiet scenes where not much happens.  Even when something more interesting happens -- or something violent -- it is usually at the hands of Tuco or Mike, who came from BB.   There is nothing that exciting happening on BCS that is independent of the BB characters, although it is a very well-acted show.


While I am in it for the long haul -- however long/short that haul may be -- I am at the point where I need for something more to happen outside of the law firms' internal dramas.  Someone needs to be dissolved in some acid or poisoned by a plant or something.  I'll even take a plane falling out of the sky or a pizza flying up to the roof at this point.

Edited by Sherry67
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Or just get more compelling characters or stories!  Advertising doesn't seem like a fascinating thing either, and yes, they had, and used beautifully the whole sixties thing.  Still I was interested in, and compelled by, the characters.  By the mix, by Peggy, and Don, Sally, Pete, just all of them, name a character, and I didn't groan when they were on screen. 


This show?  I see Chuck, I groan.  I see Kim, and I want to smack her upside the head.  The other partner in Chuck's firm?  I can't even remember his name, I know there is an H in there.  After 2 years?  Where's my Roger Sterling or even Burt?  I could, and did, enjoy watching Burt eat cottage cheese with ketchup. 


The new chick, yes, it's only been one episode, but "Erin" doesn't do anything for me except also want to smack her! And I am a feminist, have been since I wore pantyhose the first time, and am absolutely not afraid to say it.  The secretaries on Mad Men were more interesting, with half the lines, and in many cases, no lines.


Lawyers don't have to be boring, it's in the casting, and it's in the script.


Chuck is about to be jealous of Jimmy.  Again.  Some MORE.  Already IS really, just because his wife enjoyed Jimmy's company.  Been there, done that, move it along people. 

Edited by Umbelina
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Two giants!  Hector and Mike!  Great scene, and obviously, it won't be their last!  That was two old pros going it it, both the characters, AND the actors.  Loved it.

I first saw both actors in awesome 1980s series. Jonathan Banks was on "Wiseguy" and Mark Margolis was on "The Equalizer." They are both badass. Good to see Rex Linn (Frank from "CSI: Miami") again.

Geeze, I would hate to work for two assholes like Chuck and Howard. Chuck was right that it was stupid to be wasting Kim in doc review. Howard is cutting off his nose to spite his face.

Personally, I am loving this season. I sit in rapt attention watching it. I love how layer after layer is pulled back.

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Chuck couldn't tell his wife a simple joke.

There are different dialects, accents and terms in all 'espanol'. There is the proper Castillian Spanish and then there is the Mexican Spanish.

I think Chuck is jealous of Jimmy's sense of humor and natural charm. He assumed and hoped Rebecca would hate him, but she liked him. Then, when he tried to be funny himself, it fell flat, though his lawyer joke might have been the funniest one.

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This episode (minus the last scene) was all about internal politics at the two law firms working the same case. The stakes are very, very low. But I feel it was probably necessary for the season's arc and I found it an enjoyable episode on its own merits. It wasn't made in a vacuum, it is entirely dependent on previous storylines, characterizations, and even series to fully comprehend what transpired, so I can see that being a burden to first-time viewers. But that's an issue with serial storytelling in general.


I have a feeling we'll be switching over to Mike for the next episode, which should be a fun ride, and when we get back to Kim and Jimmy, we'll find that they've independently decided to change the directions of their current workplace interests (will Kim still be so dedicated to doc review and saving herself? Will Jimmy give up and slip away from his current 'do the right thing' struggle?).

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Hector is back...that scene in my favorite ABQ diner, with my favorite waitress...(didn't she give Walt his free birthday breakfast when he returned from New Hampshire?) and Mike made my skin crawl. Great work from both. The look on Mike's face when Hector left said volumes. 

I am liking Kim and the law stuff...and I am not a lawyer and in general dislike lawyer shows and their problems. But that spoke to me of corporate politics and how careers get screwed over, not because of the work, but the politics. And the sadistic pleasure Howard took in sending Kim back to doc review was crushing to watch.

Perfect casting again, Jimmy's babysitter is every tedious, mind-numbing, rule following corporate soldier that haunts the hallways of corporate America. Is it wrong to hope she gets caught in the cross fire of a drive-by shooting?

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I think Chuck is jealous of Jimmy's sense of humor and natural charm. He assumed and hoped Rebecca would hate him, but she liked him. Then, when he tried to be funny himself, it fell flat, though his lawyer joke might have been the funniest one.

It's also telling that Rebecca's joke was a little racy/inappropriate; and she was so comfortable telling it to Jimmy. Cut to the bedroom scene: not a lot of romance popping off that screen.

The whole cooking together and discussing the trivialities of their high-class existence echoes Elliott and Gretchen from the BB finale.

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It's also telling that Rebecca's joke was a little racy/inappropriate; and she was so comfortable telling it to Jimmy. Cut to the bedroom scene: not a lot of romance popping off that screen.

The whole cooking together and discussing the trivialities of their high-class existence echoes Elliott and Gretchen from the BB finale.

The bedroom scene reminded me of Skyler and Walt in the pilot. If it was Chuck's birthday he might have gotten a handjob. :)

Rebecca is just Jimmy's type, classy with just the right amount of dirt. :)

Edited by Bryce Lynch
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Hector Salamanca!  Should have known he would pop in at some point.  But he can still talk and walk, so I wonder if we'll ever get to see what ends up putting him in a wheelchair.  Loved his scene with Mike, and I can only imagine how Mike is going to handle it.  I have to think if he pleads down, Nacho won't be happy, so he's going to end up pissing someone off, it just depends which psycho.


A Kim-centric episode this time, and I enjoyed it. At first, I thought all her phone conversations was going to be job hunting, but that ended up not being the case.  Instead, it was to bring in a new client, only for Hamlin to still deny her, and then Chuck slides in and acts all nice and promises to "talk" to Hamlin.  Even if she does get her job back, she really should just go ahead and quit.  She's clearly never going to be respected by these guys, and Chuck will probably always use her as a pawn in his jealous feud with Jimmy.


The opening segment really shows why Chuck will always dislike Jimmy and never respect.  He clearly finds him to be inferior to him, crass, and undignified, and he just hates that it can charm people in ways he can't.  And one of them being his wife?  Yeah, I can totally see why it would blow Chuck's ego like that, and why he will never, ever give an inch for Jimmy.  I do wonder what ends up happening to Rebecca.  Wherever if is divorce or she somehow dies, I wonder if that is what leads to him breaking down.  I also wonder if his story about their dad and the store is 100% accurate, or if there is more to it.  I wonder if Kim will ever ask Jimmy.


Jimmy's now saddled with a babysitter, who forces him to do things like double space after periods and not bribe clerks with beanie babies.  Welcome to the big times, Jimmy!  I really don't see him lasting in this firm after this season.  "Saul" is this close to coming out.


Personally, I don't mind the slow-burn and I enjoy this season just as much as the first one.  I just really enjoy this universe and these characters, and I can't wait to see how Jimmy and Mike become who they were on Breaking Bad.

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I think if you look back at the threads for the 1st season, you'll find a lot of people complaining about how slow everything was going and how boring the show was. And then the 2nd half of the season punched it into overdrive. So I'm hopeful things will pick up.


I don't know if I can connect the dimly lit house in the flashback to the start of Chuck's condition. So much (too much, IMO) of this show is shot in the dark, even in scenes where it is ridiculous, like the basement doc review room. No way there wouldn't have been nice bright florescents overhead. I suspect that part of it is because they are moving back and forth in the timeline and they've got actors who are older than they were in BB and yet must look younger here and part of it is just the 'look' of the show. At least they're consistent.  

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This ep was a gift.


It required the viewer think about the deeper connections and disconnections.  There were very few overt/obvious explanations.  In the context of BrBa and BCS, it was extraordinarily rich in background and character motivation.  In fact, we were shown that it isn't the action that is interesting in a story, it is how we get to a given action that is fraught with the deepest and most satisfactory meaning.


It also took a significant chance by exposing the charming lead as a life-long grifter who stole from his own father!   He can hate his new minder at D&M all he wants, but who forced that?  Ol' Slippin' Jimmy by his own self!   Kim's issues at HHM are also on herself.  She made a stupid mistake in vouching for Jimmy and then, despite just knowing better, she failed to act on the firm's behalf by staying silent on Jimmy's TV scheme.  Yet, she somehow expects HHM to make her a partner in due course?  Really?


I also cherished the one fleeting moment of genuine mirth that Mike enjoyed as his DIL mentioned how his granddaughter so loved the pool.  His whole life is crap and he is descending into full-on criminality.  His face is horrendously bruised.  He has no friends.  None.  And for one shining moment, he got to be a hero to his one love.  And then, seemingly out of nowhere, it all disintegrated.  So...almost nothing really "happened."  Kinda boring?  To many, sure.  Yet, the impact of the gut punch of gut punches to Mike?  All the more powerful as it stood on its own.  YMMV.


I appreciated being shown for certain that it was Howard (Barzini) all along.  Not Chuck, who was sitting on Kim.  Here again, she stupidly was taking Jimmy's world view as the correct one.   Man, did I love that little piece of this tapestry of an episode.


I'm also loving the sharing in this thread thus far.  Thank you all! 

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
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Interesting to see Chuck using a few lights and the radio in his dim house, but still limited it all. Didn't all seem to be just for mood either. Seems his affliction progressed over time


I had the opposite reaction -- all I could see were the lights everywhere and Chuck actually making contact with electricity (cue Jimmy: "How many lawyers does it take to screw in a light bulb?"). Not so long ago he was living such an elegant lifestyle, and now he's eating bacon out of an ice chest. Wtf happened, Chuck? I guess Jimmy happened.

Edited by WicketyWack
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Bastard Howard! He should be the next recipient of a ricin cigarette--after all Kim's hard work!

Both Kim and Erin: please stop being such company people. 


I wonder if one word of Chuck's little story he told Kim was even true. 


Oh, and the look on Mike's face when Tio left the cafe. "Awww, shit! After my careful work, I'm sucked into the Salamanca morass!"


 I don't think they were even tying to make people think Chuck might be lying. Chuck is an ass, but the show is making it pretty clear that Chuck is mostly right about Jimmy

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I agree that the Mike and Hector scene was stellar.  Then again, both characters are from BB.


I don't feel any real connection or, at least, NO desire to spend more time with the new characters they've created.  Pretty much, they are all just getting on my nerves and following predictable paths, the same ones we've watched them follow all along.  I think that's a problem.  I don't think it should be hard for this group to write and hire compelling characters.


Kim had a great episode, for her.  Chuck still nails his scenes.  Still, I don't care about them, other than the primary emotion they bring forth, frustration.  Ditto the H guy, after all this time, I should at least care enough to remember his name.

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Ok  I have to say it. This show really needs to get going. This is basically a re-hash of last season with even lower stakes. We see an overlong montage of Kim making a bunch of phone calls and at the end of it all we get what? She is still in the same spot she was. That is the problem with this season so far. Way too much swimming in place. Nobody is drowning and nobody is making laps either.

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I did like Rebecca!  Maybe because I suspect she's not long for this show, but probably because there is a simmering whole women under there somewhere, longing to breathe free, and probably to laugh, and to get laid.


I hope she takes off with the sexy mailman or something, but I suspect this will be one more thing that's "Jimmy's fault" and yet again, makes "poor" Chuck suffer.

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Initially I thought that too, but a fast moving Lou Gehrig's disease also makes sense, especially since the perfectly healthy actor seemed to have a few signs of early but progressing disease tonight.


Yep. I think that's part of why some people thought it sounded like he had an exaggerated accent; he's portraying a non-native English speaker who also has some degenerative speech issues. We also know that by the late 1980s, Hector already lacked full use of his right arm -- at one point during the flashbacks in the Breaking Bad episode "Hermanos," he holds a drink in his right hand but has to use his left to guide it to his mouth. And in this episode he seems to have switched to complete left-dominance, opening doors and taking his coffee in his left hand and not doing much at all with his right.


I don't know what sort of condition would involve a slow degeneration across a decade and a half or more, followed by a sudden plunge into complete incapacity. But clearly there's supposed to be some preexisting condition.

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 I don't think they were even tying to make people think Chuck might be lying. Chuck is an ass, but the show is making it pretty clear that Chuck is mostly right about Jimmy

correct. And we see that Chuck is deeply jealous and resentful of that. He knows he is right about Jimmy but he can't stand that other people don't see that. He hates that other people generally like Jimmy more than him despite Jimmy's slippin's ways and Chuck's absolute adherence to the rules.He does not perceive that that is fair. It's almost as if he wants people to treat Jimmy as an addict of some type and thinks people should see him as the good big brother who puts up with his little brother despite all his flaws.

Edited by knaankos
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correct. And we see that Chuck is deeply jealous and resentful of that. He knows he is right about Jimmy but he can't stand that other people don't see that. He hates that other people generally like Jimmy more than him despite Jimmy's slippin's ways and Chuck's absolute adherence to the rules.He does not perceive that that is fair. It's almost as if he wants people to treat Jimmy as an addict of some type and thinks people should see him as the good big brother who puts up with his little brother despite all his flaws.

It's the classic Prodigal Son parable.  Boy, do I relate!  And yes, Chuck is every bit as "wrong" for his refusal to let go of his anger as Jimmy is to con folks.  Each man pays a severe price for his choices.

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correct. And we see that Chuck is deeply jealous and resentful of that. He knows he is right about Jimmy but he can't stand that other people don't see that. He hates that other people generally like Jimmy more than him despite Jimmy's slippin's ways and Chuck's absolute adherence to the rules.He does not perceive that that is fair. It's almost as if he wants people to treat Jimmy as an addict of some type and thinks people should see him as the good big brother who puts up with his little brother despite all his flaws.


Yep. It's also possible that Chuck's rule-minding ways have blinded him to another explanation for the missing funds: A commenter at the AV Club pointed out that Jimmy was quite possibly using that money to pay protection to the mafia. (Cicero was prime mob territory; it's where Outfit kingpin Joey Aiuppa rose to power and kept his headquarters.) Heck, it's even possible that the reason Jimmy's dad was so adamant that Jimmy didn't steal the money is because Chuck Sr. was the one who was paying off to the mob, but he knew he couldn't tell straitlaced Chuck Jr. lest he lose all respect for his saintly old man.

Edited by Dev F
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Yeah, oops, I meant to mention that.  First Chuck says he's no accountant, and then that the money is gone, and then "Jimmy took it." 


Somehow, I don't think that would stand up in his profession.  Jimmy probably did, but still, where is any proof?

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