Vinyasa March 10, 2016 Share March 10, 2016 Raven, there are people who live just fine without being glued to a cell phone 24 x 7 and they can eat dinner without it. Really there are. 7 Link to comment
Bronzedog March 10, 2016 Share March 10, 2016 When I worked at Sears in the 70s we weren't allowed personal phone calls while we were at work. 9 grueling hours of actual work. We also went on vacation for a week without calling anyone. And, we survived! Raven is an idiot. If you need to be on the phone when you're out to dinner with someone else, not only are you incredibly rude, maybe you shouldn't have accepted the invitation in the first place. Moron. Rude Moron. 11 Link to comment
GHScorpiosRule March 10, 2016 Share March 10, 2016 Man, I'd forgotten how too tired I am when I get home from work to watch the TeeVee. But it's good to be working again! I caught up on Monday and Tuesday's shows, so I may get them mixed up, but Paula and Jedidiah cand STFU. Drumpf isn't Hitler? He sure the fuck is! And how Jedidiah kept saying how the former didn't say anything offensive to the level that Hitler did, about genocide. Oh, no, not at all! That asshole has only spewed, racist, bigoted, and misyoginistic slurs. So not the same thing. Advocating killing family members of the bad guys/terrorists, even if they're innocent. Sure, that's not bad or awful at all! Don't get me started on her idiocy of how 20 something's don't need health insurance. Raven is a MORON. And was that supposed to be red hair? Looked like BRIGHT ORANGE to me. I am so disappointed in my Darling Nathan Lane. Not surprised that none of the other folks got the facts wrong. Oh, wait, Sunny did and I'm disappointed. FIRST. That fucking knife was found when the NEW OWNERS DEMOLISHED OJ's HOUSE. And the knife was found and turned over to a cop. Who, just dumped it in some drawer in his garage (I think). When he retired, recently, was when he decided he wanted to frame it, and called a fellow officer to get the case file number to drill or draw or whatever on it, and THEN frame it. It wasn't, as Nathan said, "hanging on his wall for years." As it is, I think the cops have debunked it as it being the murder weapon. And just for clarity's sake, ACS: The People v. OJ Simpson is not a movie. It's a 10 part mini-series, and against my will, I have been sucked into it and am enjoying the hell out of the main characters's performances. And I only planned to watch so I could snark on it. Cuba Gooding, Jr. is the weak link for me. But I could tell Joy was upset/disappointed that she had to cut Nathan Lane short. I just wish he could have remained for the aftershow (which I didn't watch, because the subject doesn't interest me). I'm loving how Joy is doing the moderating so flawlessly. And SHUT UP, Bawa. Nancy Reagan brought elegance back to the White House? Whatever. 8 Link to comment
Medicine Crow March 10, 2016 Share March 10, 2016 I read that The Donald didn't think Angelina Jolie was "attractive". I wonder how long he'd think Melania was attractive if she got breast cancer .... I'm thinking she'd be "down the road". Just sayin'. 5 Link to comment
Morgalisa March 10, 2016 Share March 10, 2016 I think Melania looks awful. I'm sure she was attractive at one time, but she's had too much work on her face and looks scary. I'm sure the stress of being married to Trump hasn't helped her any. 3 Link to comment
bannana March 10, 2016 Share March 10, 2016 Joy and her tired worn out 1970's borscht belt cliche' comedic schtick - re: Sweden and nudity. What if a stalker had filmed Joy's daughter in that hotel. I am very dissapointed in her. And Jenny McCarthy, when you appeared nude in public, you CHOSE the time and place, and had CONTROL. Plus you got paid for it. Consider this: All The Bulls**t Erin Andrews Has Had To Deal With 1. She had her privacy invaded as the apparent negligence of the hotel staff enabled a stalker to secure a room adjacent to her and watch her at her most vulnerable. "This could’ve been stopped," she said in court Tuesday, per The New York Times. "The Nashville Marriott could’ve just called me and said, 'We’re putting this man that requested to be next to you, is this OK?' And I would’ve called the cops and we would’ve gotten him. I’m so angry. I’m so mad." 2. She was then exposed against her will another 17 million times after the video was posted online, according to a computer expert who testified in court last week. 3. After viewing the recording for the first time, she became physically sick and began to vomit. She described a month-long "glazed over" state in the aftermath that left her emotionally scarred. 4. Nude images of herself -- with black bars selectively placed -- smattered the front pages of big-time newspapers. 5. She had to explain to her parents that their daughter had been stalked and compromised, and watch them deal with the pain as well. “I called my parents," she explained this week. "I was just screaming that I was naked all over the Internet and I didn’t know what it was." 6. She says she was told by ESPN that if she wanted to get back onto the air, she'd have to relive and relay the trauma in a sit-down TV interview. Andrews discussed that near ultimatum on Monday in a gut-wrenching part of her testimony. 7. Why? Because people believed that this was all a "publicity stunt" that she did for attention or for endorsements. Thereby blaming the victim and shaming the woman, for the unsolicited, unwanted, abusive acts of another. “Probably for, like, three months, everybody thought it was a publicity stunt," she said Monday, per Deadspin. "The front page of the New York Post said ‘ESPN Scandal.’ To Fox News and CBS, everybody put up that I was doing it for publicity and attention, and that ripped me apart.” 8. During trial, she could do nothing to help as her mother began to cry when Andrews was questioned about that night in Nashville. According to The Tennessean, "[Andrew's] attorney asked her to talk about what happened on Sept. 4, 2008. Andrews' composure broke. Her father and mother, Steve and Paula Andrews, sat in the front row. Paula Andrews sobbed into her husband's shoulder." 9. It was suggested on Tuesday that she has the whole traumatic experience -- and the peeping Tom himself -- to thank for her ensuing success. 10. Even now, all these years later, she deals with social media harassment whenever she turns on her computer. “I feel so ashamed,” she said. “This happens every day of my life. Either I get a tweet, or somebody makes a comment in the paper, or somebody sends me a still of the video to my Twitter, or somebody screams it at me in the stands. And I’m right back to this.” 11. Because of the video, she's "scared to meet new people or go on a date," per The New York Times. In new settings, interacting with unfamiliar people, she now finds herself hesitating, thinking, "Has he seen the video?" 12. To this day, she has to switch rooms whenever she arrives at a hotel, checking for "booby traps" and recording devices, while barring anyone from stepping inside. She lives with her emotional duress -- the constant, nagging worry and pain -- each and every day. Say it with us now: It's not fair. It's not right. And, oh so crucially, it is not her fault. And then today Joy went to great lengths to point out how she doesn't want to be seen nude in front of anyone. I am really disappointed in her on this topic, making jokes. Thank you for detailling this out for us, Bossa Nova. EA was STALKED, and not once, but three times videoed in her hotel room. That feeling of being stalked is horrible enough but then to have that out there, and especially for people to think it was a publicity stunt. I am so happy she pursued this case. And Paula, STFU re how EA should spend the money that is a judgement for criminal acts against her. I was pretty much done with Paula, but this is it for me. It turns out she is just Bitsy without the word salad, airhead approach, but same vitriol, just dressed up a bit nicer. 9 Link to comment
Medicine Crow March 10, 2016 Share March 10, 2016 ^^^^^ Couldn't agree more!!! ^^^^^ 5 Link to comment
DebbieM4 March 10, 2016 Share March 10, 2016 I am over Jedi. Her smug look, constant negativity, and waving hands are completely unwatchable for me. She gestures wildly as though she's standing behind a podium at a Presidential debate. Ugh. She is just not likable at all. Paula - who I initially thought was okay - is looking dumber and dumber every week. She looks confused much of the time, like a child sitting with adults whose conversation is way over her head. And nine times out of ten, when she speaks up, she sounds ridiculous. Her life seems to be incredibly sheltered, far too much so to be talking about a variety of topics that she clearly can't relate to and/or doesn't understand. She clearly misses the point way too much of the time. I am not a fan of Sunny, but at least she has a brain in her head. And I've noticed that if she inadvertently interrupts someone, she always quickly apologizes and it sounds pretty sincere. I think she has a high opinion of herself, but I could totally live with that given some of our other options. Her opinions are well-thought-out and she acts as though she knows how to behave around other people. Raven is an idiot. And what makes it even worse is how superior she thinks she is to pretty much everyone on earth. She really thinks she is the Lord's Gift to Humanity, and how lucky we older folks (!) are that we can benefit from her infinite wisdom! She's easily one of the most obnoxious, clueless, and ignorant people I've ever seen. Out of all of them, she has the least patience for anyone else's "view". She really thinks she's always right. It's actually comical. I'm sure she would be shocked to know that she doesn't come across as open and accepting and hip and cool. She actually comes across as close-minded and judgmental. And disgracefully unaware and uninformed. Never ever willing to even consider anyone else's point of view. She cuts the others off and spouts her own nonsense as though it is the truth and the only truth. She's pretty rude. And nowhere near as cute as she thinks she is. I love, love, love Joy. I've been a fan of hers since long before The View. (My Mom went to school with Joy's ex-husband and lived near them when Joy & Joe were newlyweds, so I've been following her career for a long time.) I will never not love Joy. I don't agree with her all the time, but most of the time I do. And she's smart and she makes me laugh. She is the reason I still watch this show. 10 Link to comment
Jaded March 10, 2016 Author Share March 10, 2016 (edited) Raven was more obnoxious Wednesday then I can ever remember her being. Maybe I blocked the worse instances out of my head. Her obsession with social media is scary and I would hate to be around her if someone hid her phone just to see what she'd do. It might be fun to watch on TV though. I hope her contract isn't renewed for next season. Edited March 10, 2016 by Jaded 7 Link to comment
Bronzedog March 10, 2016 Share March 10, 2016 Another day, Raven is still a moron. 6 Link to comment
sugarbaker design March 10, 2016 Share March 10, 2016 She must increase her plethora! 8 Link to comment
TheGreenKnight March 10, 2016 Share March 10, 2016 I don't love Sunny like I love Joy, but she's proven she can be a real asset to this show the past two months. Sara, not so much--but at least she fills a chair without bringing arrogance and/or regressiveness to the table even if she is dense. If that keeps someone like Jedidiah off the table and pushes Raven out the door, then great. Poor Paula. She did have one or two things I kind of laughed at, but I feel like she only wants to do comedy to combat Joy in Hot Topics. I was a little annoyed by all the comments regarding catcalls. If they all take it as a compliment--great. Just be honest that a lot of women would like to walk down the street without dealing with it, too. And thank you Sunny for not having an orgasm over the convict like the rest of them. 8 Link to comment
ari333 March 10, 2016 Share March 10, 2016 Oh man ...Paula do not quit your day job. 3 Link to comment
rcc March 10, 2016 Share March 10, 2016 I thought Paula did well with her jokes on the show today. Joy always makes me laugh and she was on fire on the after show today too. This week has been so enjoyable with Joy moderating even with Jed and her views. I can take anything on this show except for Miss Whoopi's rudeness. I don't have to agree with everything but this week the women get along and give their views because that's what this show is about. I hope ABC is noticing too. 9 Link to comment
backformore March 10, 2016 Share March 10, 2016 SO - the discussion on catcalling goes right to women wearing high heels and short skirts. WOW! Maybe these women have never been in a situation where they felt unsafe walking down the street, taking public transportation, etc. Yes, on some level, it might feel good to have someone say that you're attractive, But it can also feel frightening and threatening. Women who have been sexually assaulted can have panic attacks when catcalled, Teenage girls who have to walk to work or school, can feel unsafe when men make sexual comments to them. Of course, a lot depends on the neighborhood, how crowded it is, the time of day. But catcalling is a form of sexual harassment that reduces a woman's value to her sexual attractiveness. 10 Link to comment
Cosmocrush March 10, 2016 Share March 10, 2016 (edited) I was a little annoyed by all the comments regarding catcalls. If they all take it as a compliment--great. Just be honest that a lot of women would like to walk down the street without dealing with it, too. And thank you Sunny for not having an orgasm over the convict like the rest of them. SO - the discussion on catcalling goes right to women wearing high heels and short skirts. WOW! Maybe these women have never been in a situation where they felt unsafe walking down the street, taking public transportation, etc. Yes, on some level, it might feel good to have someone say that you're attractive, But it can also feel frightening and threatening. Women who have been sexually assaulted can have panic attacks when catcalled, Teenage girls who have to walk to work or school, can feel unsafe when men make sexual comments to them. Of course, a lot depends on the neighborhood, how crowded it is, the time of day. But catcalling is a form of sexual harassment that reduces a woman's value to her sexual attractiveness. I am honestly stunned by the co-host's conversation on this topic. I used to work for a huge commercial general contractor - the projects were almost 100% in the middle of the city. The company policy prohibited any kind of "catcalling" and anyone caught doing it faced immediate disciplinary actions. The supervisors and their crews took it seriously and so did the company. Edited March 10, 2016 by Cosmocrush 8 Link to comment
ari333 March 10, 2016 Share March 10, 2016 (edited) Well I'll be honest. I hated the cat calls and hoots when I got them . Now that I don't get them as much... yeah... I know what it says about me... but I kinda sorta miss them. *hangs head* I relate it by comparison to being thrilled to be called "ma'am" when you're 19.... when you're 39... 49..not so much.. Just me? alrighty then. :-) Edited March 10, 2016 by ari333 8 Link to comment
Vinyasa March 10, 2016 Share March 10, 2016 I thought the show was boring today and not that interested in Paula. So Marla Maples tomorrow. Let's hope that means no Jedi. I think she made this week feel twice as long. She needs to leave. Link to comment
Bronzedog March 10, 2016 Share March 10, 2016 Anyone else think Raven and Snookie could have been separated at birth? Put those halfwits together and you'd either have a bigger halfwit or possibly a 3/4 wit. 4 Link to comment
Jaded March 10, 2016 Author Share March 10, 2016 Anyone else think Raven and Snookie could have been separated at birth? Put those halfwits together and you'd either have a bigger halfwit or possibly a 3/4 wit. When Anderson Cooper had his daytime show they tried changing the 2nd season and would bring on co-hosts. Snookie was a co-host a few times and she wasn't that annoying which kinda shocked me. It seems like since she had kids she's not as 'out there' as she once was. I'd rather give her a chance to test out Raven's chair then have Raven continue to be in it permanently. 3 Link to comment
ari333 March 10, 2016 Share March 10, 2016 Dear god I cannot take much more Jed 3 Link to comment
Tosia March 11, 2016 Share March 11, 2016 I am convinced by Raven that dumb people dont know they're dumb. Defending your death-grip on your phone use when you're out with a friend? Why bother? Stay home and tweet/text/FB/call them. Astonishingly lack of awareness of what she is saying. Exceptionally rude as well. The same goes for her thinking that she is young. Nope, honey, you are over that hill. Does she actually think that she could influence anyone of any age? At least, try to educate yourself on cultural issues. The examples Raven brings up...rappers, Kardashians, etc., are sooooo limited in terms of being fleeting entertainment whores or jokes.....not impacting individually or long-term on on the global happenings affecting the population as a whole. And Raven puffs up when she mentions them like she is oh-so-smart. What a maroon. That camo top did nothing for her figure either. Her clothes are not classy, attractive, or flattering. The trendy crap is just that. Again, her self-awareness is non-existent. 6 Link to comment
Cosmocrush March 11, 2016 Share March 11, 2016 (edited) When Anderson Cooper had his daytime show they tried changing the 2nd season and would bring on co-hosts. Snookie was a co-host a few times and she wasn't that annoying which kinda shocked me. It seems like since she had kids she's not as 'out there' as she once was. I'd rather give her a chance to test out Raven's chair then have Raven continue to be in it permanently. Except what in the world has Snookie/Nicolle/What'sHerName ever done that was worth pointing a camera at? Drunk partying on the Jersey Shore six years ago? Good grief, she needs to go away and raise her kids. I'd rather see Raven at the table every day than that girl. Edited March 11, 2016 by Cosmocrush Link to comment
susieq147 March 11, 2016 Share March 11, 2016 So the choices for a younger person at the table are Raven or Snookie? Whatever happened to the Lisa Lings of the world? 9 Link to comment
NextIteration March 11, 2016 Share March 11, 2016 I didn't mind Snooke on DWtS, but she was her obnoxious self today and I won't bother to tune in for her new reality show. There were a couple things I would have commented about the last couple days but I forgot. I am enjoying a Whoopi free week, though it has been marred by Fox lady - still praying she is one and out on DWtS, lol. 1 Link to comment
ari333 March 11, 2016 Share March 11, 2016 (edited) Please, no former child "stars," no Fox ladies, and no reality fame whores. And frankly, Joy is the only comic I need on there. Edited March 11, 2016 by ari333 8 Link to comment
Fisher King March 11, 2016 Share March 11, 2016 I'm sorry, but who the fiddley fuck names their baby girl Jedidiah? I can get past her being a FAUX-head but the name is just aggravating. So glad to be Whoopi-free! Hey, it's Paul Shaffer! 8 Link to comment
Bronzedog March 11, 2016 Share March 11, 2016 I hope games don't become a regular thing. I don't watch Ellen because of all the games. Well, that and her peculiar fascination with scaring people. 7 Link to comment
Vinyasa March 11, 2016 Share March 11, 2016 I thought Marla looked wonderful. Wish they would have let her talk more Jedi, go away. It has been exhausting listening to you all week. Feels like you have been there for a month. 4 Link to comment
rcc March 11, 2016 Share March 11, 2016 Marla Maples is so well spoken and looks very good for her age. Donald preferred his European beauty (soon to be First Lady!!! I guess. 2 Link to comment
Fisher King March 11, 2016 Share March 11, 2016 I love Ellen but I'm not a fan of the scaring folks. Then tells people to be kind to one another at the end of every show. I doubt the games will be a regular thing. Seeing Paul made me miss Dave. 2 Link to comment
ari333 March 11, 2016 Share March 11, 2016 (edited) Did Marla date The Donald before he was divorced from Ivana? She looks good; I'll give her that. Whoever said that she wouldn't say anything bad about the money train , urm... Donald - was correct. Edited March 11, 2016 by ari333 1 Link to comment
ari333 March 11, 2016 Share March 11, 2016 Barr-tiss-tah... 3 Link to comment
Vinyasa March 11, 2016 Share March 11, 2016 (edited) Donald and Marla were having a fling when he was still married to Ivana. She got pregnant and married Donald after the baby was born, think she was around two months old. Guess that gave Donald time to get divorced. Marla isn't going to say anything bad about Donald as he is the father of her kid. Thought she handled herself well, but they could have let her talk more but that isn't easy on this show! Edited March 11, 2016 by Vinyasa 2 Link to comment
ari333 March 11, 2016 Share March 11, 2016 Who here is supposed to be keeping track of Raven's plethora? :-) Link to comment
NextIteration March 11, 2016 Share March 11, 2016 I appreciate that ABC is doing the 20/20 special on heroin in America, but wonder if Frontline probably did it better. I do appreciate that ABC is focusing on the problem in the NE (New Hampshire) as Frontline focused on the Pacific Northwest. I freak out when I read about townships just miles away from my daughter's western Massachusetts campus; she's so tired of me asking if it's on campus - she reports not that she knows of, thank goodness. I can't stand it when someone tries to boil it down to Mexico! ignoring the pharmaceutical industry and doctors in this country. I know we don't have quite the issues here as other parts of the country because our doctors generally speaking do not prescribe opioids in a willy-nilly manner. I don't know anyone who's ever been prescribed oxycontin. Really sad to see pre-teens being taught how to administer Narcan, my dvr is set. I'm annoyed that we got a CCB and Whoopi free week and got stuck with the Fox lady. Tony is making Marla sound like a possible contender, not sure what I think of that. 3 Link to comment
ari333 March 11, 2016 Share March 11, 2016 Donald and Marla were having a fling when he was still married to Ivana. She got pregnant and married Donald after the baby was born, think she was around nine months old. Guess that gave Donald time to get divorced. Marla isn't going to say anything bad about Donald as he is the father of her kid. Thought she handled herself well, but they could have let her talk more but that isn't easy on this show! Yes, trashing your kid's dad on tv or anywhere... uncool. Glad she didnt' go there, but she isn't stupid either. She has a lovely voice. She should do audio books. No, really. 4 Link to comment
Fisher King March 11, 2016 Share March 11, 2016 (edited) Marla -- who cares. She was a beauty queen contestant back in the day, where she learned poise and composure. She does have a lovely voice. Donald and Marla were having a fling when he was still married to Ivana. She got pregnant and married Donald after the baby was born, think she was around two months old. ...and the baby wasn't much younger. Edited March 11, 2016 by Fisher King 10 Link to comment
TheGreenKnight March 11, 2016 Share March 11, 2016 I'm annoyed that we got a CCB and Whoopi free week and got stuck with the Fox lady. So am I! Seriously, this show manages to muck it up at every turn. Please forgive me for every complaining about Sunny, because I could take ten of her over this woman. The mess coming out of her all week. "You know men, they can't control themselves!" "I love a bad boy!" "He'll change, he'll change." I feel like she's advertising the lifestyle of a battered wife every day she's on. Thank you, Joy, for making a point about how violence is only happening at Trump rallies. Trump riles up the crowd and eggs them on. Typical that he takes no blame for his own part in the behavior. 9 Link to comment
ari333 March 11, 2016 Share March 11, 2016 So am I! Seriously, this show manages to muck it up at every turn. Please forgive me for every complaining about Sunny, because I could take ten of her over this woman. The mess coming out of her all week. "You know men, they can't control themselves!" "I love a bad boy!" "He'll change, he'll change." I feel like she's advertising the lifestyle of a battered wife every day she's on. Thank you, Joy, for making a point about how violence is only happening at Trump rallies. Trump riles up the crowd and eggs them on. Typical that he takes no blame for his own part in the behavior. YES ! Preach! Jed, go away already. Hey guys, should we start a thread for Raven's ... Raven-isms in which she makes up words or destroys real ones? It could become a "crave !" :-) And Donald doesn't incite violence? He said. "if you see someone with a tomato, punch them in the head" or something to that effect. Sounds violent to me.. 4 Link to comment
Fatkat March 11, 2016 Share March 11, 2016 Did anyone notice Paula's smart aleck remark the other day when Sunny said, "I'm a former prosecutor..."? She interrupted with, "Drinking game!" and took a sip. 2 Link to comment
ari333 March 11, 2016 Share March 11, 2016 Did anyone notice Paula's smart aleck remark the other day when Sunny said, "I'm a former prosecutor..."? She interrupted with, "Drinking game!" and took a sip. Yes. ANd she must have taken some backlash bc she worked it into her comedy segment that she says that she's a "journalist"... a lot... 1 Link to comment
geekburger March 11, 2016 Share March 11, 2016 Was Michelle, you know the full time co-host, not available full time this week? I'd be so mad if I were her. With that being said maybe they wanted some opposition on the panel. 1 Link to comment
Medicine Crow March 11, 2016 Share March 11, 2016 Who here is supposed to be keeping track of Raven's plethora? :-) 1 Link to comment
TheGreenKnight March 11, 2016 Share March 11, 2016 Was Michelle, you know the full time co-host, not available full time this week? I'd be so mad if I were her. With that being said maybe they wanted some opposition on the panel. The girl can't have anything going on. Every time she's absent, it's because they decided not to call her. Shame, too, since, if nothing else, she is a better young voice than Raven. Of course, that's a pretty low bar to clear. 3 Link to comment
backformore March 11, 2016 Share March 11, 2016 Who here is supposed to be keeping track of Raven's plethora? :-) I didn't watch the whole show today, but I noticed, early on, Raven was talking about people loving their country or religion, and hating other countries/religions, and said love and hate are "always SINANYMOUS" or SYNANYMOUS. I don't know - I am not familiar with that word. Anyone? 7 Link to comment
Bronzedog March 11, 2016 Share March 11, 2016 Raven Symoron. 18 Link to comment
Cosmocrush March 12, 2016 Share March 12, 2016 Raven Symoron. Awesome. 5 Link to comment
Fisher King March 12, 2016 Share March 12, 2016 Raven Symoron. Bwahaha! 3 Link to comment
Vinyasa March 12, 2016 Share March 12, 2016 I'm annoyed that we got a CCB and Whoopi free week and got stuck with the Fox lady. Oh yes! UGH. We were CCB free for two weeks and I can tolerate Sunny. So it would have been fine with Michelle and no Jedi It continues to annoy me that they have 99 co hosts and contributors, but they always manage to drag in these people. 3 Link to comment
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