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S06.E13: The Same Boat - Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat

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She's got a point.  Rick and Co.AREN'T the good guys in this situation.


It's just a giant case of pot/kettle.  The Saviors already showed their true colors when they tried to kill Daryl, Abe, and Sasha.

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The Saviours didn't attack Alexandria and murder everybody in their sleep.


No, they just murdered a ton of other people and were going to murder one of our group. 

Edited by SimoneS
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I think TPTB planned wrong in making this an entire hour. Yes, it's tense. But they could have wrapped it up by now.

Well with the 60:40 Commercial ratio it should work out. 

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No, they just murdered a ton of other people and were going to murder one of our group. 


Rick hasn't murdered a bunch of people?  Whoever said it's pot vs kettle was right.  'Our group' don't have an inch of high ground in this situation.

Edited by mightysparrow
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The Saviours didn't attack Alexandria and murder everybody in their sleep.


No, they just stopped Daryl, Abe and Sasha at gunpoint, said they wouldn't kill them if they gave over their weapons, took their weapons and were going to shoot them anyway. Super trustworthy and saintly, those Saviors...

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I have a feeling that Alicia Witt is the surprise cast member on Talking Dead. Which wouldn't really be that much of a surprise.


Chris announced that she would be on TD last week.

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Now Carol done let the cat out the bag about them blowing up the other people. SMH.

So these women are saying they are all Negan. So I take it none of them have seen the real Negan.

Edited by Enero
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