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S12.E12: My Next Life

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Thank you. I found that jarring. Plus I'm thinking about all this sex she's having. Wouldn't an amputee have some ambivalence towards getting naked with random people? Isn't that a level of vulnerability that you might want to save for someone you knew better than to refer to as "hoop earrings" or "artisanal soap?"


That's something I have a problem with too. It made total sense to me that she would be reluctant about dating again. Both with the hot slutty doctor she cheated Callie on (actually, I've always thought that someone being attracted to her knowing about her leg is what made her cheat in the first place, but I digress) and Leah things just happened by themselves without her having to reach out and really do anything. Meeting new people, getting to know them and they getting to know you is a different prospect and something where her vulnerability and insecurity would play a big part. They made such a big deal about her not being the same person as before the accident and now it's being completely glossed over.

Or quite simply, they've forgotten about the leg. 

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This was the second time Callie has referred to being bitter and angry about her divorce. Isn't that a bit of a retcon? It was all about her "happy single girl dancing joyfully in her underwear yeah you go girl" rebirth when it happened. Sure, divorce is not pretty even when you want it and initate it, but she sure wasn't shown as being too heartbroken at the time.

Though I guess they needed a line for her in this episode and figured that her usual "I miss sex!" talk would be a bit of an overkill this time around.

Callie being bitter about her divorce the same episode Arizona finally isn't moping around? They don't do subtle on this show.

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I liked the episode quite a bit. I think it should have been the first one back after the break. It may not have answered every cliffhanger or given enough time to every storyline but it at least touched on them and left they setup to move ahead.  Transitional but I was entertained.


I always want more Alex and would have loved to see exactly what happened in the moments following the proposal and the weeks since but that ship has sailed, taking all the emotional scenes for Jolex with it. I'm fine with the engagement being tabled for right now but not forever even if we barely got to see them talking about it. On the plus side: Alex wasn't anywhere near Meredith, Meredith didn't insert herself/her opinions into their relationship and the way the story is right now sets it up for them to rebuild. I know they'll never get true focus but am hoping this was a reset in a way to give them some scenes to rebuild. I'm also hoping for some Jo scenes to get her some depth. I'm not holding my breath but at least they left it all as a possibility.


I'm glad Maggie & DeLuca are out in the open so maybe now there can be less conversations about Maggie's sex life and secret lover. 


I'm happy to see that Amelia has been sober for 60 days and they don't seem (thankfully!) to be going the "Amelia is an addict again" route. I think that she feeling insecure following in Derek's footsteps is finally done now and I was happy with the way they used Katie's case to get there. Amelia & Owen never makes sense to me given the amount of time they've been on and off but I was glad to see them non angst filled and moving ahead. If the pairing is going to exist I'd rather it not be stalled for yet another season.


The Owen/Riggs reveal was a let down. I would have probably found it less lame had it come out right away. After episodes of anger and no information it fell flat. I wish they would have found a different way to reveal it. I hated that it was done with he telling Meredith. I was glad that at least he commented that he doesn't ask about her dead husband after he answered her. She's always behaves like she's so entitled to pry into everyone's lives, even people like Nathan who she has been nothing but confrontational and rude to.


It wasn't subtle but I liked how they used Katie/the flashbacks with Derek vs. Meredith staying with her current patient and Nathan as Meredith being nostalgic yet moving forward and leaving the past in the past. It even worked with Meredith finally accepting that Amelia is the neurosurgeon at SGM now. I was glad to see they didn't have Meredith on Katie's case just because she worked with Derek as her first patient. 


Everything with the treatment of Meredith's patient didn't make sense to me other than setting up Nathan giving into Meredith saying "she's my patient" to mirror the later conversation where he tells Meredith that Meg insisted on going because "she's my patient". They talked about being concerned about her bleeding out so not taking off the pressure until they were in an OR seemed just dumb but maybe I missed something.


April needs to tell Jackson very soon. I don't know how much time has passed between last episode and this one but if its just a day or two I don't think its too awful. April taking a few days to process that she's pregnant after just signing divorce papers isn't all that bad unless it goes on. It fits with how Grey's does every story - there always seems to be someone withholding telling a partner something, lol.

Edited by windsprints
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Alex and Jo are beyond frustrating. Why can't Jo just say to him, "I'm not ready for marriage right now, but I love you and don't want to change anything in our relationship"? As much as I love Alex and as cute as he was saying, "I didn't buy the ring for the drawer," it would be nice to see them talk about things like normal people. All that time with Penny running back and forth between Amelia and Meredith would have been much better spent giving us some exposition on Alex and Jo.


And I'm not sure if I spaced out for a moment (I probably did), but did they say why Anvil the Obviously Doomed Cancer Patient abandoned her son six years earlier?

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Seriously April. How selfish to keep the pregnancy to herself because she's happy. What about Jackson? Bus he not allowed to be happy?


April's attitude about not telling Jackson goes hand in hand with her attitude about Jackson not being entitled to have feelings about her leaving him twice.  It also goes hand in hand with her attitude about her grief over Samuel being the only grief that matters, and Jackson's grief is irrelevant or not as important as hers.  Only April's feelings matter to April.  Jackson's feelings aren't important, as though Samuel and this new baby are just April's not Jackson's too.

Edited by izabella
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Callie being bitter about her divorce the same episode Arizona finally isn't moping around? They don't do subtle on this show.

Callie wasn't actually bitter about it in this ep. She just made a throw away comment about the difference between the divorces.

It actually was played as joking more than anything.

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How was it any different, though? Arizona was completely reasonable, no one was making any scenes, there were no dramatics and hysteria. Callie felt relieved about getting a divorce, not bitter. 

If anything, those two divorces were actually similar. 


I think it was just a case of the writing trying too hard to make everyone interact with each other as much as possible, thus some interactions didn't make too much sense. Like with Alex finding out about April's pregnancy. 

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Loved Arizona and Richard, they are awkwardly cute.

Maluca just isn't clicking for me.

I wished Meredith had listened to Riggs, not sure if it had made any difference.

Blake is still dud, the scene was supposed to be funny but it fell flat.

For once, I loved the flashbacks.

Felt like it was a snub with zero angst from japril.

Jolex are back to square one. Yawn.

Owen and Amelia do realise that they are doing this for more than a year now right?

Callie didn't even blinked an eye in moving on, lmao how was the divorce hard for her?

Am I the only one who finds Martin 's face always tired...?

Loved all the guys hanging out together, more of that please.

Also, the Owen Riggs reveal was so dumb because didn't Owen put a bunch of doctors on a cheap plane that crashed himself once? And he's mad on Riggs for doing the same with his sister? How pathetic.

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April's attitude about not telling Jackson goes hand in hand with her attitude about Jackson not being entitled to have feelings about her leaving him twice. It also goes hand in hand with her attitude about her grief over Samuel being the only grief that matters, and Jackson's grief is irrelevant or not as important as hers. Only April's feelings matter to April. Jackson's feelings aren't important, as though Samuel and this new baby are just April's not Jackson's too.

April is feeling the repercussions of her actions. Jackson left her. If she'll ever see her part in all this, I don't know. But she never said his pain was less, she said her pain was different and it is. I'm sorry.

On the other side of her divorce she is pregnant by her now ex husband. I don't mind her not telling him right away. This is the most complicated, awkward situation to find ones self in. If she wants to be at peace with a baby she's happy about for a little while, I don't see the harm. Now if she keeps this to herself for too long, that I have a problem with. Although I feel no matter when she tells him, Jackson isn't going to have the warm fuzzies to say the least.

I liked this episode a lot and that could be due to my new attitude about this show. After last week, I'm approaching ever episode as is. No crazy speculating, no insane interpretations to every little look, just very casual. I have to say, with that in place, I enjoyed this episode a lot.

Katie Brice was a nice call back. I'm not sure why they brought her back but these call backs are always nice as a marker for the characters...where they were back then be where they are now. I liked her part of the story.

Merediths cancer patient was sad and really felt very "early seasons greys". Which I'm sure wasn't a coincidence.

The Nathan/Owen sister reveal was...huh. Lol. It just makes Owen look a little unhinged. I did like how Nathan told Meredith to back off. Meredith has zero entitlement to this information and her acting like she does is at least in character, but it's nice when the others don't completely cow tow to her. I also liked how Owen backed Amelia up, "who cares what Meredith says? She's not a neurosurgeon!" Boom goes the mic!

Owelia movement, thank goodness.

Jolex sort of movement...maybe more rocking motion movement, lol. They are back to square one. They love each other, are serious and want to be together but jo doesn't want to get married now (her right) and Alex is okay with that. Shelve this storyline for a later time...literally, the ring is in a drawer, lol.

I liked the little boys whining hour but man did Owen stand out like a sore thumb. Lol. It just reminded me of when he did this with Derek and mark about Cristina but he gelled better with those guys then this group. Oh god how sad, his two males besties are dead :/ never mind, Owen can hang with Jackson, Ben, and Alex all he wants.

Confession: when Jackson says, "litocaine", and then said "sailing!"...I thought he said "saline" and I'm thinking, isn't that for hydration? It took a couple of viewings to catch on, I'm not proud of that.

It really felt like Jackson was reaching for a reason to talk to April and get a feel for how she's doing. When she isn't acting like how he expected, he turns on the douche a little bit. But at least this is in character, both April and Jackson acted just like this in season 9. It's comforting at least.

Maluca...I like Andrew a lot really. I like Maggie except when all she freaking talks about is sex. them together is nice enough. I don't ship them but I don't anti ship them, so it's nice to have a non complicated pairing right now. I'm sure it won't last.

I didn't realize how much I missed Alex and April till this episode. As unrealistic it is for Alex to know she's pregnant just by looking at her, it was still a sweet genuine moment. Makes you remember that these two actually have history and even lived together at one point.

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It's been a week at the most, she's not hiding. She's only 9 weeks, she can wait until she past the 1st trimester or until the child is born. She ain't married so it known of his concern and even if she was it her body she can share the news with who she wants and how she please. 

I'm all about women having the right to choose, but Jackson's not just some one night stand. She supposedly loves him, and wants to spend her life with him, and this baby is his too, so yes, it is his concern. April just doesn't care about anyone but herself. She'll tell him when its convenient for her, or when it benefits her somehow.


April's attitude about not telling Jackson goes hand in hand with her attitude about Jackson not being entitled to have feelings about her leaving him twice.  It also goes hand in hand with her attitude about her grief over Samuel being the only grief that matters, and Jackson's grief is irrelevant or not as important as hers.  Only April's feelings matter to April.  Jackson's feelings aren't important, as though Samuel and this new baby are just April's not Jackson's too.

I really hate April now. I don't know why Jackson would ever want to be with her again, but I'm sure he'll go back, and I'm sure he'll apologize for something that was her fault. I guarantee when April finally tells him about the baby, she'll yell at him and blame him for her keeping it from him.

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Loved Arizona and Richard, they are awkwardly cute.

Maluca just isn't clicking for me.

I wished Meredith had listened to Riggs, not sure if it had made any difference.

Blake is still dud, the scene was supposed to be funny but it fell flat.

For once, I loved the flashbacks.

Felt like it was a snub with zero angst from japril.

Jolex are back to square one. Yawn.

Owen and Amelia do realise that they are doing this for more than a year now right?

Callie didn't even blinked an eye in moving on, lmao how was the divorce hard for her?

Am I the only one who finds Martin 's face always tired...?

Loved all the guys hanging out together, more of that please.

Also, the Owen Riggs reveal was so dumb because didn't Owen put a bunch of doctors on a cheap plane that crashed himself once? And he's mad on Riggs for doing the same with his sister? How pathetic.

I thought he same, especially in the final scene on the bench. 


Owen is a loser,just a pathetic hypocritical loser.


Definitely the best storyline for me Meredith,patient and Riggs, hard to figure out why they let the poor woman bleed out but ok.

Is there anyone medically qualified to explain why they let her bleed out? Did the sepsis cause the blood did not clot?


Both Meredith and Nathan seemed not to care so much and seemed more interested in Katie´s aneurysm. I feel sorry for the poor woman.

I am quite unpleasantly stunned as I think both doctors are really top of the game but the way they handled this woman is beyond my understanding.

Edited by Meredithfan
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I think the reveal and reason for Owen and Nathan's riff is so dumb. So so so dumb. Especially because Owen put six of his colleagues and friends, one being the love of his life, on a charter plane that crashed and killed two, and no one has held that against him like he has held this against Nathan.


This is the best that Shonda and her writers could come up with? Really? And this is what they've needed to drag out for however many episodes?


I am beside myself with how dull this all is. This, the emphasis on Penny who has served her purpose and is now a waste of space, and the lack of focus on characters and stories that have been setup but are left to pick up the scraps (Jolex, Bailey as Chief, Arizona, Callie, etc etc etc).


It's fine that there are no behind the scenes shenanigans going on that are muddling up the season's flow, but it doesn't necessarily mean that the stories they are choosing to tell are all that compelling.
Unpopular opinion: Season 12 is boring.

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Does anyone else blame Meredith for her patient dying?!? Riggs explicitly stated that she she should be moved to the ER when he came in for the consult and Meredith refused. These doctors are flagrantly unprofessional all the time, but her dismissing Riggs' opinion because of his relationship to Owen caused that poor woman to bleed all over the hospital and die. Ugh. 


Weber and Maggie were cute together and I really hope we can get scenes where they are trying to have some kind of relationship. For all the back story of her tracking her birth parent to the hospital, you'd think she'd build some relationship with the one she found alive, especially after the angst of the discovery.


I don't know any men who sit around and whinge on their feelings for the women in their lives. Particularly that grouping of men, It's a hospital, not a barbershop, Shonda. The whole Owen's sister mystery was anticlimactic for sure. Kudos for the Jill Scott song playing at the end though.

I agree, I think it is Meredith´s fault she died.

Seriously, I was like, "That's it?" Really, that's why Owen hates Riggs so much, why he blames him? Because Megan got on a helicopter, and it could easily have been either one of them on the helicopter, and he hates Riggs because it could have been him on the helicopter and not Megan? He hates Riggs for being the person who could have died instead of Megan? Is he deranged? The way he's been carrying on, I would expect that Riggs pushed Megan out of a helicopter mid-flight into a river of crocodiles.


And what is this about the helicopter just vanishing without a trace? Fuck me if Megan magically turns up on someone's doorstep on a dark rainy night.



Owen is  a nutcase. He fits with another nutcase Amelia.


I strongly believe they are already casting an actress to play Megan. She will be Adison No2. Shonda is very transparent and easy to read.

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It was certainly played out awkwardly. At first Nathan insisted that they operate on her, until he agreed to just... stand about forever doing nothing. Because the surgery was too risky? But why consider it as the first option, then? And then after waiting around for ages they were suddenly like "OMG, let's get this woman surgery NOW" and it was all so dramatic and all so obviously too late. But then again he didn't blame Meredith for anything, so I dunno.


Thinking about it, didn't Meredith already know about his wife? I thought Owen's mother had told her what had happened. 

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Her chemo port was infected, and she developed sepsis.

Can´t doctors reverse it? Is it always fatal?

It was certainly played out awkwardly. At first Nathan insisted that they operate on her, until he agreed to just... stand about forever doing nothing. Because the surgery was too risky? But why consider it as the first option, then? And then after waiting around for ages they were suddenly like "OMG, let's get this woman surgery NOW" and it was all so dramatic and all so obviously too late. But then again he didn't blame Meredith for anything, so I dunno.


Thinking about it, didn't Meredith already know about his wife? I thought Owen's mother had told her what had happened. 

It really bugs me - the poor woman.

They must have known how serious her case is and they just stood there applying pressure waiting for Godot. And those pools of her blood - horrifying. Were I her son, I would definitely question the treatment she got.


Or was it simply that her blood did not clot at all and after then sepsis caused the failure of organs? Nothing to be done?

But I find it odd they had enough time to inquire about aneurysm back and forth with Penny while the patient was just lying there helpless.

Edited by Meredithfan
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How was it any different, though? Arizona was completely reasonable, no one was making any scenes, there were no dramatics and hysteria. Callie felt relieved about getting a divorce, not bitter.

If anything, those two divorces were actually similar.

I think it was just a case of the writing trying too hard to make everyone interact with each other as much as possible, thus some interactions didn't make too much sense. Like with Alex finding out about April's pregnancy.

I do think the writers are just making stuff up, but in the immediate aftermath, meaning next episode, it wasn't very good between them.

It's a small nothing part in a large episode. I'm not sure that scene between April and Callie was that big a deal.

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Callie wasn't actually bitter about it in this ep. She just made a throw away comment about the difference between the divorces.

It actually was played as joking more than anything.

But that's the thing. She was SHOWN out partying and having fun, and relieved to be "free."

Now, the same episode where Arizona is finally putting herself out there and being "old Arizona" there's a random Callie line about her divorce not being amicable, and fine and what not. Because, she unilaterally made the decision. Yet from what we were shown, she was fine with it.

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Alex and Jo are beyond frustrating. Why can't Jo just say to him, "I'm not ready for marriage right now, but I love you and don't want to change anything in our relationship"? As much as I love Alex and as cute as he was saying, "I didn't buy the ring for the drawer," it would be nice to see them talk about things like normal people. All that time with Penny running back and forth between Amelia and Meredith would have been much better spent giving us some exposition on Alex and Jo.


And I'm not sure if I spaced out for a moment (I probably did), but did they say why Anvil the Obviously Doomed Cancer Patient abandoned her son six years earlier?



They said "bad decisions" (I'm assuming she was a junkie or something). It had to be bad, she was v. ashamed. But she turned her life around, and woila. 



I have to say - the Alex/Jo thing is dumb. I always thought once someone brought up marriage - that's it. That's the bridge of no return. How can you be "I don't want the ring, but keep it until I figure it out?" yes you want to marry him (because it seems like Alex doesn't want a post-it marriage) - or no you don't, and you let Alex be with someone who DOES want to be married. 


maybe it's because i'm old-fashioned ... but these people are slutty. can't y'all get laid at home? and not be all chatty cathys about it? (someone said the O and Roll is old, and it really is).

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Alex and Jo are beyond frustrating. Why can't Jo just say to him, "I'm not ready for marriage right now, but I love you and don't want to change anything in our relationship"? As much as I love Alex and as cute as he was saying, "I didn't buy the ring for the drawer," it would be nice to see them talk about things like normal people. All that time with Penny running back and forth between Amelia and Meredith would have been much better spent giving us some exposition on Alex and Jo.


And I'm not sure if I spaced out for a moment (I probably did), but did they say why Anvil the Obviously Doomed Cancer Patient abandoned her son six years earlier?


I agree.  I have no problem with Jo not being ready for a marriage.  And I question Alex's timing as well.  He did it after Jo had expressed several times (however ineptly) her desire to understand where she stood in his life and then right after a fight.  It makes it seem like Alex was more about making a point and ending the argument than marriage.


But whatever her reasons for wanting to wait, why can't this adult human use her words to say, "I love you and when I'm ready to be married, I will absolutely want that to be with you.  But I'm not ready yet to be married," ?  This "I don't want the ring; but I don't not want the ring" bullshit drives me fucking nuts. I think Shonda and co think it's cute when these highly educated adults can't formulate actual logical sentences about their feelings.... really normal, run of the mill reactions to adult relationship feelings.


April's attitude about not telling Jackson goes hand in hand with her attitude about Jackson not being entitled to have feelings about her leaving him twice.  It also goes hand in hand with her attitude about her grief over Samuel being the only grief that matters, and Jackson's grief is irrelevant or not as important as hers.  Only April's feelings matter to April.  Jackson's feelings aren't important, as though Samuel and this new baby are just April's not Jackson's too.

I agree.  My issue isn't that she hasn't told him as of 9 weeks pregnant and only a week or two divorced, but rather WHY she hasn't told him.  If it was about wanting to have some time with her pregnancy to enjoy it before the drama of telling her recently divorced ex and deciding how to handle it, then I would be all for her.  But it was all about how she doesn't want to tell him so that he comes back to her...  Lady, it's not about your marriage.  You tell him because he's the father.  April made it all about herself and Jackson vis-à-vis herself, instead of Jackson vis-à-vis his child.  


And I felt like April was all proud of herself for making this sacrifice so that Jackson didn't feel pressure and finally getting that he doesn't want to be married to her.  She still doesn't really think about feelings, she's just learned this one thing by rote.  I did love Arizona's "You don't tell him to get him to come back; you tell him because it's his baby" accompanied by her look of incredulity. You could almost hear her inner voice saying "Gurrrrl. I love you; but damn, you cannot find a point with a compass." 


ETA: I forgot to say, that while I thought the final truth of the Hunt/Riggs thing was ludicrous. I don't necessarily agree that what Hunt did in putting people on the plane is comparable.  Riggs said that the helicopter Hunt's sister was to go on was taking what was known to be an unsafe route though unprotected air space.  I don't fault him for not stopping her from getting on the helicopter because she was a sentiant adult and it was her patient and to suggest he was wrong to "let" her go is sexist and paternalistic.  One of them was going.  But still, it was with the knowledge that it was highly dangerous.


Hunt put colleagues on a plane that he didn't actually know to be unusually unsafe.  He has culpability for other reasons, but they are still not as similar as it sounds at first blush.  He didn't put them on a plane flying over a war zone. 

Edited by RachelKM
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I do think the writers are just making stuff up, but in the immediate aftermath, meaning next episode, it wasn't very good between them.

It's a small nothing part in a large episode. I'm not sure that scene between April and Callie was that big a deal.


For sure, Arizona was hurt and angry, but as far as divorces go, that one was quite civil. 

I don't blame Callie or anything, in fact, I think it's a shame she's being wasted on nonsensical filler stuff. And of course it's not a big deal, it's just annoying how this show has the tendency to make stuff more dramatic after the fact for no particular reason - Lexie being eaten by wild animals, anyone? If there was a bigger meaning to it all, for example, if this was them paving the way for Callie and Arizona to get back together, fine, but I don't think that sort of long-term planning exists on the show anymore.


I have to say - the Alex/Jo thing is dumb. I always thought once someone brought up marriage - that's it. That's the bridge of no return. How can you be "I don't want the ring, but keep it until I figure it out?" yes you want to marry him (because it seems like Alex doesn't want a post-it marriage) - or no you don't, and you let Alex be with someone who DOES want to be married. 


I agree. There are some times you need to have your mind made, or the very least articulate your thoughts on things in question. I don't see how Alex could be fine with it, especially since he's been considering marriage for quite a while. 

Edited by Joana
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But that's the thing. She was SHOWN out partying and having fun, and relieved to be "free."

Now, the same episode where Arizona is finally putting herself out there and being "old Arizona" there's a random Callie line about her divorce not being amicable, and fine and what not. Because, she unilaterally made the decision. Yet from what we were shown, she was fine with it.

Sure she hung out with friends and had fun with them, but Callie didn't put herself back out there until after the sales rep hit on her (which she declined).

Then she started putting herself back together and trying to find happiness.

Also, I'm not sure why it matters that Callie made the comment in an ep Arizona started being her old self. One storyline has nothing to do with the other.

Callie is off doing her thing and Arizona is off doing her's.

I'm not sure why the need to criticize Callie comes up when they haven't even been in a scene together since ep 5.

Callie's story has no bearing on Arizona's and vice versa.

For sure, Arizona was hurt and angry, but as far as divorces go, that one was quite civil.

I don't blame Callie or anything, in fact, I think it's a shame she's being wasted on nonsensical filler stuff. And of course it's not a big deal, it's just annoying how this show has the tendency to make stuff more dramatic after the fact for no particular reason - Lexie being eaten by wild animals, anyone? If there was a bigger meaning to it all, for example, if this was them paving the way for Callie and Arizona to get back together, fine, but I don't think that sort of long-term planning exists on the show anymore.

I think the usage of Callie and Arizona is really irritating this season.

Neither has a real storyline.

Edited by North
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But whatever her reasons for wanting to wait, why can't this adult human use her words to say, "I love you and when I'm ready to be married, I will absolutely want that to be with you.  But I'm not ready yet to be married." ?  This "I don't want the ring; but I don't not want the ring" bullshit drives me fucking nuts. I think Shonda and co think it's cute when these highly educated adults can't formulate actual logical sentences about their feelings.... really normal run of the mill reactions to adult relationship feelings.




One of the most frustrating things about this situation is that, relatively and comparatively speaking, Alex and Jo did communicate pretty well.  One of the reasons they never get a real and lasting storyline is because they communicate at the end of an episode and their problem of the week is solved.  So in this instance, they aren't communicating and they STILL aren't getting a real in depth storyline.  The other thing is, are we as viewers supposed to think that things have changed in their relationship?  Meredith's name has not come up again between them since Meredith graciously "gave" Alex back to Jo.  So is it no longer a problem?  Did Alex ever understand why it was a problem?  Did Jo just come to grip with it enough to get back with Alex but not accept his proposal? Its like it never happened.  

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My favorite thing about this episode was the different characters interacting.  I like seeing the guys interact, I liked April with Alex and Callie and I still like Richard with Arizona. <snip>  One of my biggest wishes for this season is for the writers to give as much thought, attention and screentime to things that happened within the last 15-20 episodes as they do things that happened 5 seasons ago or 11 seasons ago.  Until the writers can successfully and clearly tell the stories that they presently have going on, I don't want to see flashbacks or callbacks to earlier and better seasons.

Total agreement, especially with the bolded part. I get that the callbacks are great for longtime viewers, and it's nice that past characters aren't forgotten (unless they're named Lexie), but enough already. Sometimes I think they assume that everyone who is watching has been watching from the beginning, and it simply isn't true, especially given how strong the ratings are. For newer viewers (like me, I've seen parts of S3-S7, and most everything after that) all the callbacks are a little like going to your spouse's class reunion and sitting around listening to stories about old times you weren't in.



I'm happy to see that Amelia has been sober for 60 days and they don't seem (thankfully!) to be going the "Amelia is an addict again" route. I think that she feeling insecure following in Derek's footsteps is finally done now and I was happy with the way they used Katie's case to get there. Amelia & Owen never makes sense to me given the amount of time they've been on and off but I was glad to see them non angst filled and moving ahead. If the pairing is going to exist I'd rather it not be stalled for yet another season.

April needs to tell Jackson very soon. I don't know how much time has passed between last episode and this one but if its just a day or two I don't think its too awful. April taking a few days to process that she's pregnant after just signing divorce papers isn't all that bad unless it goes on. It fits with how Grey's does every story - there always seems to be someone withholding telling a partner something, lol.

I was definitely glad to see some movement with Owen and Amelia, and I liked that he basically told her to get over herself about Derek, and she did. I was also happy that they did the whole "let's start over again" thing, because this way we won't hopefully have to endure a bunch of retconned flashbacks down the road.

As annoying as April has been lately, and as wrong as I think she's been about her marriage (which I hate, because April's my girl), I'm giving her a momentary pass on telling him about the baby. Telling him is going to be awful; he doesn't even want to share a cell phone bill, so he's definitely not going to be excited about a baby. I can understand why she wants to give them both some "normal" time before the drama cranks up again. Besides, at nine weeks, she probably hasn't even had a doctor's appointment yet. If it goes long enough that Jackson starts missing out on "baby stuff", like the sonogram, etc., I might look at it differently.


I didn't realize how much I missed Alex and April till this episode. As unrealistic it is for Alex to know she's pregnant just by looking at her, it was still a sweet genuine moment. Makes you remember that these two actually have history and even lived together at one point.

Yes! This! This episode was so enjoyable to me, because they let different characters interact with each other. April/Alex and April/Callie used to be friends (not close friends, but friends), and she's lived with them both. It was nice seeing some acknowledgement that they actually know each other. Alex finally remembered that he had a friend other than Meredith and had a conversation with Jackson. The show is so much better when they let their characters out of their preset cliques and triangles.

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And I'm not sure if I spaced out for a moment (I probably did), but did they say why Anvil the Obviously Doomed Cancer Patient abandoned her son six years earlier?


I don't think they actually articulated what her "bad choices" were, but I agree to the poster upthread who speculated that they were drug-related.


Also, the Owen Riggs reveal was so dumb because didn't Owen put a bunch of doctors on a cheap plane that crashed himself once? And he's mad on Riggs for doing the same with his sister? How pathetic.


I, too, made the connection between Megan going down in a helicopter and the doctors doing down in that plane. I really, really get irritated at blaming Nathan for "letting" Megan (? I think that was her name) get on the helo. No, he didn't "let" her do anything. It wasn't his choice regarding whether she, as a grown ass woman and a doctor, would accompany her own patient to [alleged] safety.


Confession: when Jackson says, "litocaine", and then said "sailing!"...I thought he said "saline" and I'm thinking, isn't that for hydration? It took a couple of viewings to catch on, I'm not proud of that.


I'm even less proud that I questioned it at the time ("Wha? Lidocaine is an anesthetic and saline is for hydration or cleaning") and didn't catch that he said "sailing" until I saw this post.


[April] supposedly loves [Jackson], and wants to spend her life with him, and this baby is his too, so yes, it is his concern.


And you know he will take responsibility even if he is totally OK with her being the primary custodial parent- he wouldn't even let her pay for his phone bill (she said he didn't need to pay her back this month, and he brought her the money anyway). They were pushing the "he's a stand up guy" angle. [ETA: I think Jackson really is a stand up guy, I just took that part of the scene as one way they are trying to emphasize it- it would be totally reasonable for him to just walk away from the bill at that point, but he wants to make sure he pays his fair share.]

Edited by St. Claire
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And you know he will take responsibility even if he is totally OK with her being the primary custodial parent- he wouldn't even let her pay for his phone bill (she said he didn't need to pay her back this month, and he brought her the money anyway). They were pushing the "he's a stand up guy" angle.

Jackson is a stand up guy but I didn't read that last scene that way. It came off as one last dig on April for not appearing as upset as he expected her to be about the divorce.

Jackson is totally going to be there for his baby and April knows that. Wanting some breathing time between now and then is not a crime. She flippantly said "why?", so what. She knows she has to tell him.

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It was certainly played out awkwardly. At first Nathan insisted that they operate on her, until he agreed to just... stand about forever doing nothing. Because the surgery was too risky? But why consider it as the first option, then? And then after waiting around for ages they were suddenly like "OMG, let's get this woman surgery NOW" and it was all so dramatic and all so obviously too late. But then again he didn't blame Meredith for anything, so I dunno.

I agree, it was a little strange the way it played out, however I really appreciated in all these scenes that both Meredith and Nathan were calmly able to state their cases and see each other's sides.  There wasn't really a pissing contest over who was right. I mean they did argue whether it was cardio or not, but still it was probably one of the most mature disagreements on patient care pretty ever on this show.  


Total agreement, especially with the bolded part. I get that the callbacks are great for longtime viewers, and it's nice that past characters aren't forgotten (unless they're named Lexie), but enough already. Sometimes I think they assume that everyone who is watching has been watching from the beginning, and it simply isn't true, especially given how strong the ratings are. For newer viewers (like me, I've seen parts of S3-S7, and most everything after that) all the callbacks are a little like going to your spouse's class reunion and sitting around listening to stories about old times you weren't in.

thank you for sharing this perspective.  I've been a viewer ever since season 1 and have seen every episode at least 3-4 times and seasons 1-6 even more, so I love the flashbacks.  But, you have an excellent point that there are probably thousands if not millions of viewers who haven't seen all episodes and certainty not multiple times.  

Edited by Greysaddict
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I've seen it from the beginning, and I generally hate the flashbacks.  Tell the current story, and stop trying to make me feel something by showing me flashbacks.  Plenty of characters are getting crap stories or no stories - tell those stories instead of being so freaking lazy or uninterested in today's characters.


I especially hate the kind of story-telling that Shonda pulled with April/Jackson and Callie/Arizona.  Years told in random cuts, flashbacks, and fucking REWIND complete with retcons and bullshit (Arizona was pregnant and miscarried, please!). 


If Shonda and the writers are unable to tell a coherent linear story, then don't tell it, but stop butchering the story with made-up flashbacks.

Edited by izabella
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I had to read this thread through to remember what happened, that's how much I thought of the episode. Utterly forgettable.


The reason for Owen's violent and irrational hate for Martin? Anticlimactic, to say the least. Oh, yeah, and Owen is a lunatic. 

Alex realizing that April is pregnant? Yeah, right; he's about as aware as the desk April was sitting behind. 

Meredith making a bad decision that resulted in a patient's death? Well, yeah, that's never happened before.

I really don't care about Jo and Alex, but now I care even less, since obviously they don't care, either.

Maggie and DeLuca are still having sex. No news there ... 

Callie, Arizona, Richard, Bailey, Stephanie? Has anyone seen them lately?


Does anyone else blame Meredith for her patient dying?!? Riggs explicitly stated that she she should be moved to the ER when he came in for the consult and Meredith refused. These doctors are flagrantly unprofessional all the time, but her dismissing Riggs' opinion because of his relationship to Owen caused that poor woman to bleed all over the hospital and die. Ugh.


Golly, so similar to Penny and her attending physician when they were working on Derek. No doubt the self-involved Meredith will never get the irony. Perhaps the woman's son's co-workers will all gather in the ER to blame Meredith. You know - the way Meredith's co-workers did with Penny. 


And what is this about the helicopter just vanishing without a trace? Fuck me if Megan magically turns up on someone's doorstep on a dark rainy night.


That bump you felt was an anvil whacking you on top of the head.


It's so much better when she is shown as more than just a person who killed Derek and must pay for it. 

Especially since she didn't kill Derek.

Edited by Gladrags
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Was there a reason that they kept the liver cancer patient in the exam room? Why not move her to the OR so they could open her up immediately if need be? (I mean, other than for added drama and the visual of blood trailing down the hallway?)


I was a little confused, too.  It seems Meredith made the wrong call, but no one actually said it.  I liked the actress, and was shocked when I teared up.  That hasn't happened with a case of the week for years.  Riggs' Australian accent kept creeping in, which I thought was kind of hot.  How hard would it have been to write the character as an ex-pat Australian?


I don't buy that Alex of all people would even notice that April was happy or sweaty or spend any time deducing what that meant.


I don't care how unlikely it is, I thought it was sweet.  Alex has always had a weakness for children and women in need. 


April having yet to tell Jackson about the pregnancy is infuriating. 


Why?  April is nine weeks pregnant, and is still digesting the news.  Why can't she be happy about it for a few minutes without having to worry about being away from her newborn 50% of the time, and how that will work if she breastfeeds.  Maybe she's waiting until the iffy period of the first three months pass to tell Jackson.  I can't imagine what would be said if April broke the news at the divorce signing.  Manipulative?  Drama queen?  April works in the same hospital with Jackson, and they seem to share the same work friends.  She knows she can't hide her condition for long. 


I don't understand why people seem to think April is already stealing poor precious Jackson's baby away.  Any attempt she makes to share the pregnancy will be viewed as an attempt to win Jackson back.  It seems to me that she's trying to adjust to two of the most powerful things a person can experience - divorce, and a pregnancy following a loss of a baby.  Two huge adjustments happening at the same time.


Unless we see April attempt to convince Jackson he's not the father, or she skips town to hide her pregnancy, I'm not sure what she's doing wrong.  She is pregnant with a child whose father has made it clear he does not want to be with her.  He deserves to be told - eventually.  But I don't think he needs to accompany April to her OB appointments or be present for ultrasounds.  He's no longer April's partner, and he's really not needed until the baby is born.  And maybe, just maybe, April is self-aware enough to know she needs a little distance from Jackson.  Regardless of the fact that April went to Jordan, etc., the fact is she's still in love with Jackson.  How bittersweet to spend time with Jackson, talking of and planning for the birth of another baby, under completely different circumstances from last time. 


And it's a little funny to me that no one ever faulted Cristina for keeping her pregnancy from Burke, and planning an abortion without his knowledge.  If things had followed the natural course, Cristina would have had that abortion.  People seem to understand autonomy and agency, and Cristina's right to do with her body as she sees fit.  But April withholding knowledge for five minutes of a pregnancy by her ex-husband is horribly wrong.

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I've seen it from the beginning, and I generally hate the flashbacks.  Tell the current story, and stop trying to make me feel something by showing me flashbacks.  Plenty of characters are getting crap stories or no stories - tell those stories instead of being so freaking lazy or uninterested in today's characters.


And if you can't wring enough emotion from your current storylines without flashbacks and/or playing "Chasing Cars" for the 246th time, then you are doing it wrong.


I don't buy that Alex of all people would even notice that April was happy or sweaty or spend any time deducing what that meant.


He figured it out the first time she was pregnant too, or thought she was pregnant.  He mentioned it to Jackson.  Which could be kind of creepy I guess LOL!

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So much word RedHeadZombie! I love everything you said about April and Jackson.

And I've thought about the double standard of April and the other females on this show from the fandom. Cristina has had two abortions, one against the fathers explicit wishes. But it is her body, her right! April just wants to take some time for herself, which she is now entitled to since she is now divorced, say what you will about whose fault the failure of the marriage was and you'll probably be correct for the most part, but it's done and Now April truly does need to think about herself and her well being. She's said she will tell Jackson. I hope she does and he doesn't hear about it from a third party.

I forgot to mention, I liked Arizona in this episode. In absence of a story, it's nice to remember Arizona used to be a bubbly personality and was cutely funny. In what feels like call back central, her demeanor here was a nice call back to simpler times.

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Now April truly does need to think about herself and her well being.


That is my problem with April.  She never stopped thinking about herself and only herself and her feelings.  Just like now - it's all about her. 


Had she given Jackson any consideration and acknowledged he had a right to his feelings, I would be giving her all the benefit of any doubt now.  But the reason her marriage died is because she could not, for one moment, see beyond herself to her husband, who also was and is in pain.

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That is my problem with April. She never stopped thinking about herself and only herself and her feelings. Just like now - it's all about her.

Had she given Jackson any consideration and acknowledged he had a right to his feelings, I would be giving her all the benefit of any doubt now. But the reason her marriage died is because she could not, for one moment, see beyond herself to her husband, who also was and is in pain.

Yes and it has cost her her marriage. Trust me, I love April dearly and her not acknowledging his pain baffles me. This girl could empathize with penny in ep 5 but not Jackson?

But now we are on the other end of all of it. She about to enter single motherhood, she has the father of her baby's support (I truly will never doubt he'll be there fully) but for all intents and purposes, she is alone. She also knows once Jackson knows they will be jumping back into their angsty back and forth and I can sympathize with wanting to take a breather before that happens.

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I especially hate the kind of story-telling that Shonda pulled with April/Jackson and Callie/Arizona.  Years told in random cuts, flashbacks, and fucking REWIND complete with retcons and bullshit (Arizona was pregnant and miscarried, please!). 


Seriously. I've always liked Callie and Arizona as a couple, but the writing for them has been such a hideous mess. It's not enough they had to endure so much nonsense while they were actually together - Africa, baby drama, Callie's accident, plane crash, leg, cheating, "therapy" BS (living together with someone and talking care of a child while not speaking with each other is something I will never get over) - they continue to mess with them long after they've separated. Pregnancy retcon, Callie making up stuff about how she felt after the divorce, forgetting the timeline and making Arizona seem hung up on Callie ages after their break-up... All of it makes me not want them to get back together because it would surely mean more crap is coming. 

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While I don't enjoy all of the storylines or all of the characters, I thought this episode was particularly well-written and an obvious improvement in terms of motivated dialogue over last week's. 

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Unless we see April attempt to convince Jackson he's not the father, or she skips town to hide her pregnancy, I'm not sure what she's doing wrong.  She is pregnant with a child whose father has made it clear he does not want to be with her.  He deserves to be told - eventually.  But I don't think he needs to accompany April to her OB appointments or be present for ultrasounds.  He's no longer April's partner, and he's really not needed until the baby is born.  And maybe, just maybe, April is self-aware enough to know she needs a little distance from Jackson.  Regardless of the fact that April went to Jordan, etc., the fact is she's still in love with Jackson.  How bittersweet to spend time with Jackson, talking of and planning for the birth of another baby, under completely different circumstances from last time. 


And it's a little funny to me that no one ever faulted Cristina for keeping her pregnancy from Burke, and planning an abortion without his knowledge.  If things had followed the natural course, Cristina would have had that abortion.  People seem to understand autonomy and agency, and Cristina's right to do with her body as she sees fit.  But April withholding knowledge for five minutes of a pregnancy by her ex-husband is horribly wrong.



*raises hand*. I had a huge issue with Cristina not telling Burke about the baby and planned to abort the baby without telling him. He was the father, and I had always firmly believed that he had the right to know.


And for me - again in this situation - I think Jackson should know. it could be very easily like this "Jackson, I just want you to know that  I think I'm pregnant. I'm not telling you this to start anything up, or make you feel that you have to do anything - just, I think I'm pregnant." It doesn't have to be angsty/drama (I mean, it's Shonda, so it will) but a general knowledge. it doesn't have to be twisted into ugly. but.. I'll just leave it there. I just wanted to say that, that I did fault Cristina i this regard.

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*raises hand*. I had a huge issue with Cristina not telling Burke about the baby and planned to abort the baby without telling him. He was the father, and I had always firmly believed that he had the right to know.


And for me - again in this situation - I think Jackson should know. it could be very easily like this "Jackson, I just want you to know that  I think I'm pregnant. I'm not telling you this to start anything up, or make you feel that you have to do anything - just, I think I'm pregnant." It doesn't have to be angsty/drama (I mean, it's Shonda, so it will) but a general knowledge. it doesn't have to be twisted into ugly. but.. I'll just leave it there. I just wanted to say that, that I did fault Cristina i this regard.

Okay I'm totally not disagreeing April should totally telll Jackson.

But Okay, you say it doesn't have to be angsy/drama but what if April didn't want the baby and wanted an abortion, I know, that's totally not likely with April but if it was...wait you faulted Cristna, What?

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Hunt put colleagues on a plane that he didn't actually know to be unusually unsafe.  He has culpability for other reasons, but they are still not as similar as it sounds at first blush.  He didn't put them on a plane flying over a war zone. 

There also wasn't the option of Hunt taking the place of one of the surgeons on the plane as there was with with Martin and Hunt's sister.

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I don't fault him for not stopping her from getting on the helicopter because she was a sentiant adult and it was her patient and to suggest he was wrong to "let" her go is sexist and paternalistic.  One of them was going.  But still, it was with the knowledge that it was highly dangerous.


Thank you for pointing this out. The sexism is ridiculous. It's like Owen doesn't think his sister was capable of making her own decisions or thinks that her husband should have been able to control her. It makes no sense. If Nathan did go and he was the one that "died" (cause I so think the sister is coming back), would that have been the sister's fault for letting him go? Or would that have been Nathan doing the noble thing to do. 


I also thought Meredith was supposed to know what happened. But maybe Owen's mother just said that Owen blamed him without giving details?


Okay I'm totally not disagreeing April should totally telll Jackson.

But Okay, you say it doesn't have to be angsy/drama but what if April didn't want the baby and wanted an abortion, I know, that's totally not likely with April but if it was...wait you faulted Cristna, What?


The thing with Christina and Burke is that she was getting an abortion. And I do think the fair thing to do would have been to tell Burke. But, whether she told him didn't make a difference. She was going to have an abortion no matter what and he couldn't do anything about. So, either he would know and be upset about it, know and be fine with it, or not know.  But there would still be no baby for either of them to parent. But April is having a baby. That means there will be a child who's life is impacted by Jackson knowing about it (although not really until the baby is born).


I don't think a lot of time has passed since last week, so I'll cut April a little slack. But I get Jackson would want to have memories like hearing the baby's heart beat for the first time and seeing the ultrasound and all that, so it does seem like she should tell him sooner than later.

Edited by KaveDweller
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Okay I'm totally not disagreeing April should totally telll Jackson.

But Okay, you say it doesn't have to be angsy/drama but what if April didn't want the baby and wanted an abortion, I know, that's totally not likely with April but if it was...wait you faulted Cristna, What?



I "faulted" Cristina for not telling Burke that she was 

A: pregnant and

B: was going to have an abortion. 


I always felt that Burke should have been made aware of that. I don't fault Cristina for having the abortion though. (or, in this case -would have had, if she didn't have her fallopian tube explode). 

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There also wasn't the option of Hunt taking the place of one of the surgeons on the plane as there was with with Martin and Hunt's sister.

He was chief so I think he should have known the risks not just sign shit willy nilly, and Riggs didn't let Hunt's sister do anything, Hunts sister was a grown ass woman who went with HER patient, Owen has been totally over the top with this storyline. If Riggs is responsible for Owen's sister death(maybe she's prob still alive) then Owen is responsible for Lexie and Marks deaths but of course no one thinks he is because of course not!!

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I also think the two stories are fundamentally different even though they might appear similar. But it also shows how ridiculous it was that Meredith sided with Owen even though she knew what happened. She should have been all like "You know, I could easily blame you for putting me on that plane like you blame Nathan, but I don't because it would be ridiculous". If she knew, of course, as it now appears to be dubious, but the way she talked to Amelia made it seem like she did.


It's not even as if Nathan was supposed to be on that helicopter but couldn't go for whatever reason and then his wife took his place. This is literally nothing. I can't believe they made all this hoopla about such a non-issue. 

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I don't think Owen's reason for being mad at Riggs is supposed to make sense, it's grief, it's not always rational. I don't think it's being written like Owen is right that Riggs should've taken his sister's place, but it's just the way he feels.

I think if the audience was suppose to side with Owen they would've had his mother feel the same and she doesn't.

I do think it's sexist and paternalistic of Owen, and I don't think he's right. But I don't mind that they've written him like that.

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But Owen punched him in the face, at his workplace, in front of bunch of other people. That's how angry he was. And then had another bout of PTSD. 

People were wondering if Nathan had abused or perhaps even killed his sister, as only something that extreme would justify such a reaction.

It turned he didn't really do anything and that kind of misplaced anger warrants psychiatric treatment, in all seriousness. I hate that the show will most likely act like it's nothing.

Edited by Joana
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I have no problem of April not telling Jackson right now that she is pregnant.  She is only at 9 weeks and she is still in a window of miscarriage.  That is why most people do not tell others that they are pregnant until after the first trimester.  And she has gone through having a previous traumatic pregnancy where things did not go well.


So why does she want to re-invite into her life right now a man who, to her point of view, has walked out of her life?  One who would bring back memories of a failed marriage and a dead child?  


Let her have her peace for just a few more weeks before she has to go back into the minefield of having a relationship with Jackson and his mother (because you know mama Avery will be involved with a grand baby!) that is not purely professional.


As far as Meredith's patient- M was clearly at fault.  The moment the blood started gushing out of the chest after the port was pulled, it should have signified to M that a great vessel, the subclavian vein, was probably torn.  The patient should have been stabilized and they should have tried to repair the vessel, either operatively or via angiography.  You can't hold enough pressure from the outside to stop a tear in a vessel like the subclavian vein which is on the inside of the chest.  It is just not possible to hold enough pressure.  Furthermore, they should have been hanging antibiotics almost immediately, along with the FFP, blood, and other fluids because they knew it was an infected port.


Christina Yang would have been all over that port and vein, and fixed things up immediately.  Because Meredith had a stick up her ass about Riggs, and not wanting to listen to his advice, the patient died.


Meredith is lucky that this patient is estranged from her family and therefore it is unlikely anyone will sue for malpractice.

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I liked this episode, especially compared to last week's episode, which I more or less hated.

Amelia and Owen deserve each other. I like Amelia a lot more than most others here but she is far more irritating this season that she has been previously. As for Owen, STFU and/or apologise to Nathan, you sexist, hypocritical asshat. I knew I would hate the Riggs/Hunt plot from the start but it is so much worse than I thought. Megan made the choice to be on that chopper, Riggs had nothing to do with it.

I've quite enjoyed the Richard and Arizona plot over the last few episodes and I continued to enjoy it here.

I'm hoping the Katie Bryce plot which I enjoyed will allow Mer and Amelia to move on.

Both Jackson and April are in the wrong in relation to everything that has happened since Samuel's death. April needs to tell Jackson ASAP though.

As for Mer's patient, she was more than likely dead before anyone even touched her. I don't think she had a tear in the subclavian, I think she had DIC related to the sepsis and the surgical cut alone was enough to cause a haemorrhage. and probably some fairly severe end organ damage to boot. Immune-compromised patients including those who have had recent cancer treatments are more likely to have atypical symptoms than the general populations do oftend don't develop a fever. The signs of end organ damage may also not develop until very late or be mistaken for a simple infection or adverse effects of the cancer therapiee they have been receiving.

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As far as Meredith's patient- M was clearly at fault.  The moment the blood started gushing out of the chest after the port was pulled, it should have signified to M that a great vessel, the subclavian vein, was probably torn.  The patient should have been stabilized and they should have tried to repair the vessel, either operatively or via angiography.  You can't hold enough pressure from the outside to stop a tear in a vessel like the subclavian vein which is on the inside of the chest.  It is just not possible to hold enough pressure.  Furthermore, they should have been hanging antibiotics almost immediately, along with the FFP, blood, and other fluids because they knew it was an infected port.


Christina Yang would have been all over that port and vein, and fixed things up immediately.  Because Meredith had a stick up her ass about Riggs, and not wanting to listen to his advice, the patient died.


Meredith is lucky that this patient is estranged from her family and therefore it is unlikely anyone will sue for malpractice.

Thank you for this explanation. I as a laic thought how could she appply enough pressure on the vessel for such a long time,even Riggs would have more physical power as a man to hold it, She should have been taken to the OR immediately,no one said anything about antibiotics either. I think Riggs was right. Meredith basically made a huge mistake out of spite. What an unprofessional thing to do.

But she seemed to have no remorse, like she seemed a bit sad but that was it. Riggs seemed more distraught they lost Daphne sitting on the bench than Meredith.


I feel sick because a patient died just because a doctor did not listen to advice from a colleague just out of spite. It is not a pile of files you can reprint after making a mistake. And nobody made a fuss that Meredith killed  a patient due to lack of proper care.

Edited by Meredithfan
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