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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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So, later in the show, Joe blasts the protesters against Trump for not knowing why they hate Trump. After the rally, the anti Trump protesters stopped cars in Chicago. I have to see a chiropractor. Joe's statements make my head spin.


Despite Mika & Joe's statements today, I predict that if Trump clinches the GOP nomination, Mika & Joe will be "watching the results" in Trump's suites on election night . They are such hypocrites on this issue.

  • Love 9

Am I the only one that remembers Meeka and Joe's visit to Trump University a few years ago?  They both left with certificates signed by Trump himself.  That was when Meeka sold her soul and started to be okay wit Trump's pageants?  Just me?

Cackles gets called out for her conflicting statements on Trump that she made on Morning Joe




I don't care what newsbusters has to say about anyone, transcription service or not.  Will not click.

  • Love 4

I honestly think the GOP deserves to reap what they've sown these last 8 years, and I want Trump to just sweep tomorrow and force them to line up behind him as their nominee. Because he will lose. I'm certain of that after watching how high his negative ratings have climbed these last few weeks. 70% of this country HATES him (yes, that is far worse than Hillary, there's no comparison). And I want to see them go down in epic defeat and have to sit with Donald Trump as the face of the Republican party.

  • Love 12

Joe is wearing navy blue fleece today. Joe thinks the GOP will take away the nomination from Trump even if he has more than 45% of the first ballot delegates. I think that's unlikely. Mika is dressed in black. There was a debate among the panelists as to rallying around John Kasich. Joe likes Kasich.  They briefly discussed the democratic race. Bernie is doing well in some states. They actually split up the super delegates with the elected delegates. Cackles said the establishment GOP will have trouble getting jobs in a Trump or Cruz administration. Mika said Bernie has a positive message.


I honestly think the GOP deserves to reap what they've sown these last 8 years, and I want Trump to just sweep tomorrow and force them to line up behind him as their nominee. Because he will lose. I'm certain of that after watching how high his negative ratings have climbed these last few weeks. 70% of this country HATES him (yes, that is far worse than Hillary, there's no comparison). And I want to see them go down in epic defeat and have to sit with Donald Trump as the face of the Republican party.



That would be perfection. 

  • Love 1

Mika was at it again this morning with the false equivalence saying that both sides are to blame for the current political climate. No, Mika they are not. The worst things Hillary has said about Bernie is that he is a one issue candidate and that he is making promises he can't keep. The worst things Bernie has said about Hillary are that she has too many ties to Wall Street and she voted for the Iraq War. Compare that to the profanity and attacks on each other's anatomy coming from the other side and it is not even close who is to blame. The Republican front runner is inciting violence at his rallies and wouldn't disavow the KKK. The Republicans have been subtly playing to the worst parts of their base for years. Now that Trump is doing it out in the open, they are wringing their hands and despairing about their chances in November. I have absolutely no sympathy for them. They made their bed and now they have to lie in it.


I think the violence at Trump's rallies over the weekend has freaked out Joe and MIka but again, they only have themselves to blame. 


Was Halperin being snarky when he was talking about Sarah Palin staying with Trump because she couldn't find a flight back to Alaska? I would think if she really cared about being with her injured husband, she could have found a flight somehow. I think Trump has enough money that he could have chartered a plane for her. I guess calling protesters "punk-ass thugs" is more important for this party of "family values".

  • Love 16

I honestly think the GOP deserves to reap what they've sown these last 8 years, and I want Trump to just sweep tomorrow and force them to line up behind him as their nominee. Because he will lose. I'm certain of that after watching how high his negative ratings have climbed these last few weeks. 70% of this country HATES him (yes, that is far worse than Hillary, there's no comparison). And I want to see them go down in epic defeat and have to sit with Donald Trump as the face of the Republican party.




And, that splish-splash sound you all heard was the sound of the GOP party leaders peeing their pants as Herr Trump continues to knock out their favorites.  You have to love Lyin' Ryan and his profiling and signifying.  As my friends would say, "What's his punk ass gon' do?"  Nothing.  Nada.  Zip.  He, along with Mitch the Turtle and Rancid Preibus will sooner or later "make a deal" and find themselves on their knees bowing to Trump and kissing the blinged-out ring on his fat finger.  Such principled people!  For all their bluster and blather, they've all admitted that they will support this cretin in the general election.  So they all need to go somewhere and take a stadium full of seats with all their bleating.  Too bad they couldn't rely on the Ides of March to change the course of GOP history.  I've said for some time that Lyin' Ryan's elevation to Speaker of the House was no accident.  Nor, is Mitt's aggressive Trump-blocking.  It wouldn't surprise me if there is a brokered convention, with party elders putting up the failed team of Romney/Ryan yet again.  


Of course, Joe and Meeka will feel vindicated by Trump's primary wins this evening.  It will be hilarious--and not in a ha-ha way--to watch them squirm and try their best not to gloat and preen.


Mika was at it again this morning with the false equivalence saying that both sides are to blame for the current political climate. No, Mika they are not. The worst things Hillary has said about Bernie is that he is a one issue candidate and that he is making promises he can't keep. The worst things Bernie has said about Hillary are that she has too many ties to Wall Street and she voted for the Iraq War. Compare that to the profanity and attacks on each other's anatomy coming from the other side and it is not even close who is to blame. The Republican front runner is inciting violence at his rallies and wouldn't disavow the KKK. The Republicans have been subtly playing to the worst parts of their base for years. Now that Trump is doing it out in the open, they are wringing their hands and despairing about their chances in November. I have absolutely no sympathy for them. They made their bed and now they have to lie in it.


I call bullshit on Meeka's false equivalency.  She lives to find a backdoor way to blame Hillary for something, from El Nino to her (Meeka's) bad dye job.  The woman simply can't help herself and sold her soul to the Koch brothers, etc. a long time ago.


Was Halperin being snarky when he was talking about Sarah Palin staying with Trump because she couldn't find a flight back to Alaska? I would think if she really cared about being with her injured husband, she could have found a flight somehow. I think Trump has enough money that he could have chartered a plane for her. I guess calling protesters "punk-ass thugs" is more important for this party of "family values."



Well, now you have to give a grifter some credit.  A grifter's gotta grift and this moron is definitely looking for her next big gig, i.e. Trump picking her as his V.P. pick.  Alas, she will be disappointed when she sees that all her pandering has come to naught.  Like most narcissists, what Palin wants absolutely has to come first even if Todd has to wait for her to come and see about him.


  • Love 10

Do Joe and Mika realize that stating that they'll take a phone call from any candidate does not clear them of the implication that the they're in the bag for Trump. 


And Joe, take your "Smile Hillary" tweet and shove it up your ass.  I don't hear you telling Donald Trump to dial the self tanner back to 10 and to stop acting like an racist asshole, you misogynistic douchebag.  If you want to give a woman advice, tell your girlfriend to stop staring into the monitor while she's on camera.  She looks like an idiot. 

  • Love 17

I don't know if it was on MJ or another show this morning, but when asked about foreign policy, apparently Donald stated that he has conversations with himself.  So I think we can all sleep better knowing that Donald AND Imaginary Donald will BOTH be there to take that 3 AM phone call. 

Edited by teddysmom
  • Love 10

I was watching MSNBC around 2:00 ET yesterday. I wanted to check in to see what the turnout was like in the primary states. I was shocked to see the Morning Joe team on. I think it was referred to as Afternoon Joe. I watched for a few minutes and was struck by how completely unprofessional Joe and Mika seemed. I mean, yeah, that's one of those "Tell me something I don't know" statements, but somehow, their loosey-goosey style seemed even more jarring in mid-day than it does in the morning.


Joe was sitting back in his chair and chatting with someone when the show started. Mika was passing around cupcakes. Joe then said something about how they'd get Heilman on the air if they could find him at whichever bar he was frequenting. I'm not sure how many minutes elapsed before they actually started talking about the primaries. Maybe it was only seconds, but it seemed to go on forever.


Can you imagine if the hosts of any other show acted this way on one of the most important days of the primary cycle?


I have no idea how long the show ran because I gave up rather quickly.


The ONLY reason I can imagine that the show was given the time slot is that the rest of the MSNBC crew was resting up for the long night ahead.


Did anyone else catch this mess?

  • Love 5

I didn't but I have to wonder to this day what it is that Scarborough has on Phil Griffin. The shit they pull would get anyone else on this network fired.


I turned it on around 5 pm to check primaries and Matthews was talking to Carly Fiorina.  My God that woman makes my skin crawl.  She was trying to convince Chris that Cruz can beat Trump. 

  • Love 8

As much as I dislike Carley, I hope she's right.

The republicans are such geniuses, they stood around watching the bank being robbed.

Carley should be the attack dog.  Demand to see Trump's voter registration card, his voting records.  He's probably not eligible to run as republican because he isn't one.

How far will McConnell and Ryan go?  Will they be willing to loose the Senate and a lot of seats in the House because they have to get behind Trump?

I feel queasy about Hillary running against Trump because it won't be about policy and vision, it'll be about Benghazi, emails and how can they put her in jail.

Edited by stormy
  • Love 4

So at what point does Rachel Maddow get to unload on Bloviatin' Misogyny'n Joe?  His phenomenally sexist tweet insulting Hillary Clinton for not being appropriately feminine should ignite anarchy by the heavy hitters at MSNBC.   Joe was being dismissive, patriarchal, sexist, misogynistic, and bullying.  And INSANELY passive aggressive.  This guy really does have a problem with women.

He loathes Clinton personally, and that is bolstered by a subconscious belief that her gender is a debit against her and is fair game to use to assert her inadequacies and his superiority. 

His tweet got my blood boiling.  How is MSNBC in a position to coddle this fucking shit stain?


Know your value, right?

  • Love 7


You'd be really hard pressed to notice that Clinton ran the table last night (probably MO is still up for debate) by the show this morning.  All tRump all the time.

The entire network does it where Clinton is concerned. They're all full of shit.

Well, let me be specific,  in addition to these two morons, Andrea  Mitchell, that stuttering moron, and her awkward pauses in between follow up questions. Her husband, Alan Greenspan helped fuck up the damn economy seven years ago, yet she talks to Clinton like she wants to spit on her shoes, can't stand the woman. She's bad when I was in elementary through high school and the world news was a must watch in my house and she's still bad. Chuck Todd, Steve Kornacki, Chris Matthews, these idiots never cease to annoy the shit out of me with their one sided reporting. You can see them gritting through their teeth, especially Kornacki and Todd when they interview any liberal and anyone having anything to do with the Clinton campaign especially.  However, I like the reporting of all the reporters on the ground especially Chris Jansing and Joy Reid  and boy do I feel sorry for Katy Tur but she's done a good job in being saddled with Drumpf. Andrea Mitchell is the only one on the ground sometimes and with her own show as well, ugh,  the less I see of her the better. 


The ONLY reason I can imagine that the show was given the time slot is that the rest of the MSNBC crew was resting up for the long night ahead.


Unfortunately, this is not new for this election season. They seem to be giving them afternoon time on super Tuesdays and sometimes giving them a third hour in the mornings at times, like the day after a super Tuesday.

Edited by represent
  • Love 2
So at what point does Rachel Maddow get to unload on Bloviatin' Misogyny'n Joe?  His phenomenally sexist tweet insulting Hillary Clinton for not being appropriately feminine should ignite anarchy by the heavy hitters at MSNBC.   Joe was being dismissive, patriarchal, sexist, misogynistic, and bullying.  And INSANELY passive aggressive.  This guy really does have a problem with women.

He loathes Clinton personally, and that is bolstered by a subconscious belief that her gender is a debit against her and is fair game to use to assert her inadequacies and his superiority.

His tweet got my blood boiling.  How is MSNBC in a position to coddle this fucking shit stain?

Know your value, right?



Don't even get me started.  That last sentence alone has me seething.


Unlike his co-host, Secretary Clinton would eviscerate Joe, as would Rachel Maddow.  Come to think of it, so would someone like Ohio's Nina Turner, whom I have been challenging Joe to have on his show since 2012.  It's beyond irritating that Joe's co-host is such a simpering idiot, who worships him as if he's the king of Mount Olympus.  There are times when I could swear that Joe can barely suppress his contempt for Meeka.  Between pointing his finger in her face, repeatedly talking over her, dismissing her opinions and treating her more as an appendage than a co-host, the contempt practically leaps through the television screen. Even worse, Meeka sits there and takes it.


No wonder Joe can relate so well to Trump.  My boss went on a rant yesterday about the way Melania always stands behind Trump (instead of beside him like his partner) and when he exits the stage, he leaves her standing there.  I don't watch them long enough to notice this dynamic, but there was never any doubt in my mind that that is not a relationship between equals.  This, in spite of Melania's self-serving interview with fellow ornament, Meeka, about Trump's attitudes about women.


  • Love 8

No Meeka, there was no quote in the NYT piece about Obama's characterization of the race between Clinton and Sanders, and every.single.one.of.your.colleagues very carefully pointed out that it wasn't a quote last night.


Oh Meeka, you can't manage to hold back the glee you have about the idea of tRump tearing apart Clinton, as you like to say, pathetic.


She's on a damn roll of stupidity this morning, why don't you complain about Mike Lee ( R ) Utah, that is holding up the emergency funds for Flint instead of trying to blame Obama.  Dean and everyone and their "disgust" is pitiful, not a single one of them is bringing up Lee's hold.  At least the Democratic Congressmen managed to help the people from Flint that rode on buses for nine hours to witness the testimony get some small amount of satisfaction, because you know, the money isn't coming.  Neither are the daily deliveries of safe water, because both the MI legislature and the Senate are busy politicking.


Heh, no mention of tRump's voicemail being hacked, I wonder why?


eta again:  Good on You, Senator Stabenow - you tell these idiots what's going on.


and again: Meeka, when you attack sweet Senator Amy, you are barking up the wrong tree.

Edited by NextIteration
  • Love 8
why don't you complain about Mike Lee ( R ) Utah, that is holding up the emergency funds for Flint instead of trying to blame Obama.



Oh Amy Klobuchar, I guess that is what is called "Minnesota nice". When asked why the government wasn't sending money to Flint to fix their water system, she didn't name names. Just said they couldn't do it this time.

Oh Amy Klobuchar, I guess that is what is called "Minnesota nice". When asked why the government wasn't sending money to Flint to fix their water system, she didn't name names. Just said they couldn't do it this time.


Meeka would barely let her speak, and not for nothing?  Senator Klobuchar doesn't control Senate recesses, you could take that up with the turtle.

  • Love 1

I enjoyed today's how. The 5 stages of grief with Senator Miss Lindsay was hilarious. Joe was off the show because his band was playing in Austin Texas. Donny Deutsh said he was a personal friend of Trump. He said Trump should star behaving. Mika wants Hillary to pick Elizabeth Warren for VP. Donnie said that would be  a disaster. Ratner had chars explaining the pros/cons of free trade. Prices of computers, tvs, furniture are down. Job losses in those sectors are staggering.

  • Love 4

Joe is wearing a suit in an undisclosed studio. Mika is off. Cackles & Stein are in the studio. Joe is mad about Obama not meeting with Cuban dissidents. Lots of discussion of Donald Trump. Joe wants him to use a teleprompter. Joe mocked David Brooks for being a snob about Trump. Joe said he was right about Trump all along. Joe was upset that Trump's campaign manager was in the crowd mingling with the protesters.

Did any of these "highly skilled journalist" mention the fucking privacy laws in these European countries that restrict them from sharing information with one another that may help save their and our asses? Instead of repeatedly asking what the US can do to improve intelligence sharing?

Europe needs to get there shit together end of story.

This show which is hosted by two low class hacks and their buddies is so ill informed.

Which pisses me off when I end up agreeing with them on the bad optics of Obama at a baseball game smiling, yeah, it just didn't look right.

I know it was Cuba and not some Chicago Cubs game. I know it was diplomacy. But...he's the leader of the free world so even though it didn't happen on our soil, it happened on the soil of our allies who look to us. Not good, he had this shit eating grin on his face juxtaposed to the terrorist attack.

Meh, the cluck clucking about Obama in Cuba failed to incite me.  That was Kasich's talking point yesterday to borrow a word from SFoster21, demonize Obama.


Just proved to me that they failed to understand Obama's more important message, which is failing to be terrorized by them is a lose for Daesh.  If Obama had interrupted his plans and trip, given the historic nature of it - it would have been perceived as a win for Daesh.  ymmv, of course.

  • Love 10

Meh, the cluck clucking about Obama in Cuba failed to incite me.  That was Kasich's talking point yesterday to borrow a word from SFoster21, demonize Obama.


Just proved to me that they failed to understand Obama's more important message, which is failing to be terrorized by them is a lose for Daesh.  If Obama had interrupted his plans and trip, given the historic nature of it - it would have been perceived as a win for Daesh.  ymmv, of course.


If Obama had canceled his Cuba events, Republicans (and the panel, of course) would have castigated him for "running scared from Daesh."

Edited by Eliot
  • Love 12

I actually think he does care, not about what the low life's on this show think, but his approval ratings with the general voters in the middle and on the left, I think he cares.

Because indirectly, he does see this election as running for his third term and he needs Clinton or at the very least, Sanders to win. Could be argued that his approval rating won't affect this outcome, but I'm thinking it does.

At any rate, optics aside, Joe and company can piss off with blaming Obama for the rise of Drumpf, the new grand dragon of the Klan. No Joe, that would be all the racist Republicans except for John McCain who have questioned where this president was born and that fart Guliani, who said multiple times over the years that this president did not love his country.

Sorry, "weak" Obama is just code for mor of the same Obama is an illegitimate president.

  • Love 4

Joe is mad about Obama not meeting with Cuban dissidents. Lots of discussion of Donald Trump.



Joe went on a tirade about Obama's behavior at the baseball game. Joe said Obama is disengaged about ISIS. Joe doesn't want Obama doing the wave with Castro.



I had to chuckle at this.  As is typical of Joe and his ilk, they always jump the gun with their scathing criticisms of President Obama--while sitting on their wealthy asses in the comfort of their studios.  The historic Cuba visit was not some big lovefest, as that awkward joint press conference clearly showed.  One of the things I've always admired about this president is that he's always playing chess while his increasingly shrill detractors are still playing checkers with several missing pieces.  Sometimes, I wonder if they even hear themselves.


It's downright appalling that Joe and his ilk want to blame Obama for the rise of Herr Trump.  Whoever said this show was Fox-lite wasn't kidding.  Never mind the years of outright lies, blatant disrespect, racist dog whistles ("lazy," "the food stamp president," "not like us," etc.); openly embracing nut jobs who proudly announce they "want to take [their] country back" just to hold onto power; announcing that the number one priority is to make Obama a one-term president; and conspiring to obstruct him at every turn on the very night of his first inauguration (Lyin' Ryan was there).  Now, the front runner of their party is openly saying the very things that were said in code for years, and he has no problem opening up the "big tent" to KKK members.  But, all of this is Obama's fault.  Why?  Because he dared to clown that bewigged jackass in a room full of people at the White House Press Dinner--the very night he gave the order to take bin Laden out?  Or, is it the mere fact that his skin color riled up Trump (who simply couldn't believe that Obama got where he is without affirmative action)?  


Every time the party's elders had the opportunity to shut that kind of foolery down, they pretended to ignore it or openly welcomed it.  It is somewhat astounding--but not really--that a large percentage of polled Republicans still believe President Obama wasn't born in the U.S., is a Muslim, is some kind of Manchurian candidate, etc., etc.  And, all of these people aren't uneducated yahoos either.  I'm glad that Represent mentioned that adulterous lout, Guliani, who was booked on several talk shows to repeat his "Obama doesn't love this country" mantra and claim that Obama wasn't raised with real American family values.  Never mind the rotten fruit on Guliani's own family tree, including a relative who was mobbed up and his daughter who was arrested for shoplifting in 2010.  The same man who is married to his former mistress, who is reviled by his children and who didn't attend his son's high school graduation.


To Joe and others who want to blame Obama for what ails their party, I have two words:  Fuck and you.


  • Love 17

One other point, IMO, these people are so unpatriotic. You do not call the leader of your country, your democratic, free country "weak." You criticize his/her policies but you do not as a fellow politician, reporter, fellow American use the word "weak" to describe the leader of your country for the enemy to hear.

I remember when Bush Jr went overseas, I can't remember the country, but he was up on stage and someone threw a shoe at him. For as much as I disliked him, that shit pissed me off. Because liked it or not he was the leader of my country and I didn't like that some other country thought it okay to throw a shoe at my president.

But the way Joe and his friends talk about Obama they'd be more than happy to stand him up and invite Putin along to throw shoes at him.

  • Love 7


Joe went on a tirade about Obama's behavior at the baseball game. Joe said Obama is disengaged about ISIS. Joe doesn't want Obama doing the wave with Castro.


Jonathan Capehart argued with Chris Matthews about this very subject last night. Matthews thought Obama should have come home immediately and not gone to the baseball game. Capehart pointed out that no one ever demands the President drop everything when there is a terrorist attack in Mali or Kenya or Cameroon. However, when the attacks are in Brussels or Paris, suddenly everyone is in full panic mode. At least Matthews admitted that Americans can "relate more" to Europeans than Africans. I have already seen Chris Jansing, Chris Hayes and Erica Hill live from Brussels. Again, how many reporters were sent to the African countries after attacks there?



Europe needs to get there shit together end of story.


I think President Obama was subtly signaling this by not coming home from Cuba. Many of the experts on terrorism said yesterday that the European countries don't cooperate with each other on intelligence gathering and Belgium in particular is a mess as far as law enforcement and governing go. The United States can assist Europe in many ways but the European countries need to take the lead when the attacks are on their soil.

Edited by ShuFace88
  • Love 9

Yeah, earlier in the week ISIS bombed a busy downtown intersection in a modern, professional area of Instanbul in front of the Governor's residence.  It was a shopping area.  6 people killed and 36 injured.  It's the sixth such attack in Turkey this calendar year.  Where is Joe's eye-bleeding, neck-vein rage at Obama for conducting other things while the world turns?  Where is his spittle-flecked outrage that Obama hasn't cobbled together a seamless ad hoc intelligence group that ties-in Turkey to the world's intelligence agencies so all information is traded easily in real time? 

Nope.  No outrage.  It's selective, you see, this outrage.  It's contextually convenient right now to attack his own President for trying to build a tie to difficult nation because something else happened in the world, completely outside of the President's control.

  • Love 8

The joke is, that as Americans and American reporters are freaking out and have made Brussels priority number one, I could not help but to crack up laughing as the citizens of Brussels walk gingerly along, on the streets of their city behind Jansing and Matthews.

I don't even think I spotted law enforcement once in the background the entire time I was watching.

  • Love 1

I got so angry at what Hayden, 9/11 (Guiliani) and Douche said about the President I had to turn it off. I literally gasped at Hayden's remarks and my heart started pounding.


Did they think he should go to Brussels and start doing door to door searches for terrorists?


And we’re doing nothing to stop ISIS in the Middle East, except we are, and that’s why they’re now targeting Europe more. Their operations in Syria and Iraq are being disrupted.


George Bush told everyone to go shopping and party like it’s 1999 nine days after September 11, but that’s cool.


WTF can the President do to help in Brussels? He’s in another fucking hemisphere for Christ’s sake. He has no jurisdiction over anything in Belgium. I didn’t see Cameron or Hollande running to Brussels.  


Do these idiots not think he’s not being briefed on the situation, and isn’t offering any and all help we can to Belgium at this point?   In fact, great article on dailybeast.com about everything we have been doing and how Belgium is really behind the eight ball on their anti terror activities. One analyst said "we have done everything we can to warn them and to help them and they are just clueless". 


 If we cave in and run and hide, it’s the old saying “the terrorists win”. Hell even the citizens of Brussels went back to their daily activities today, to show ISIS they will not cow to terrorism.


And to another poster's point - Where's your outrage, Joe, about the bombings in Turkey?  


These people literally make me sick.  

  • Love 10

Who believes that the administration is just Barrack Obama with a laptop and a phone and a Colt .45?  He tackles all matters as they arise and is as surprised by them as you are.  He doesn't have a council.  He doesn't have networks.  He doesn't have bureaus staffed by the brightest professionals in the world.  He doesn't have on-the-ground experts for every contingency who follow a tried-and-true protocol when situations arise.  Nope.  No.  He handles everything ad hoc and is panicked to sudden action by all phenomena.  The ONLY possible reaction for President Obama was to commandeer a helicopter in Bruges (with a photog in tow, or perhaps while wearing a Go Pro so Fox News can broadcast right-wing masturbatory material) and fly low over neighborhoods while standing on the runner, one hand on the copter and the other hand shooting bad guys.

It's the only possible action by the POTUS, everything else is "bad optics."  The world is simple if you're childish, and apparently America is crammed to bursting with children.

  • Love 12
I remember when Bush Jr went overseas, I can't remember the country, but he was up on stage and someone threw a shoe at him. For as much as I disliked him, that shit pissed me off. Because liked it or not he was the leader of my country and I didn't like that some other country thought it okay to throw a shoe at my president.


I remember his mad reflexes. I was impressed.

  • Love 2

Who believes that the administration is just Barrack Obama with a laptop and a phone and a Colt .45? He tackles all matters as they arise and is as surprised by them as you are. He doesn't have a council. He doesn't have networks. He doesn't have bureaus staffed by the brightest professionals in the world. He doesn't have on-the-ground experts for every contingency who follow a tried-and-true protocol when situations arise. Nope. No. He handles everything ad hoc and is panicked to sudden action by all phenomena. The ONLY possible reaction for President Obama was to commandeer a helicopter in Bruges (with a photog in tow, or perhaps while wearing a Go Pro so Fox News can broadcast right-wing masturbatory material) and fly low over neighborhoods while standing on the runner, one hand on the copter and the other hand shooting bad guys.

It's the only possible action by the POTUS, everything else is "bad optics." The world is simple if you're childish, and apparently America is crammed to bursting with children.

Just like blaming Mrs. Clinton for not personally protecting those killed in the Benghazi incident.

The Iranians have been quoted as saying that Obama is tougher to deal with than the Bushies, because Obama has a clue and the Bushies did not.

And there was a great piece in Daily Kos about how Belgium gets the Repugs all exercised while they shrugged off Sandy Hook.

If white people are doing it, it's not "terrorism."

Seriously, SMH...

Edited by SFoster21
  • Love 10

I remember his mad reflexes. I was impressed.




Wasn't it in Iraq?  And isn't shoe throwing there culturally the worst insult possible?



Yep; it was definitely in Iraq.  During a press conference, President Bush was hailing the war's progress (sort of a victory lap).  A correspondent for al-Baghadia television yelled, "This is the end!" and threw two shoes at Bush.  You're also right that in Iraqi culture, throwing shoes at someone is a sign of contempt and is akin to calling someone a dog (one of the most offensive insults possible).  It was noted that Iraqis whacked a statue of Saddam Hussein with their shoes after U.S. marines toppled it to the ground in 2003.

  • Love 1
Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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