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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Was Joe's somber "woe is us" act this morning just that, an act?  He seemed legitimately nonplussed and discouraged about Rubio's bizarre behavior, and even more so about Trump's immature childish act and acceptance of KKK support.  I don't trust this Monday morning demeanor in the face of weeks of scrutiny now from every media outlet of his explicit cheerleading for Trump.  I don't want to be cynical, but I think Joe did the calculus and today he has to be down on Trump for this cycle, and when Trump apologizes for accepting the KKK support, Joe can clamber back aboard the Trump bandwagon.

He also said we're watching the disintegration of the GOP.


Is this all really happening?

Agreed. I noticed that Joe was on twitter yesterday tweeting about soccer all day. He sent one tweet saying he wasn't paying attention to politics. I suppose he was hoping that Trump would come out & clarify his statements about David Duke. During the show Joe kept offering some excuses that Trump could use to explain his behavior. Joe suggested that Trump was tired, couldn't hear the questions etc. Later on in the show , Trump told the Today show that he had a bad earpiece.


I think Joe hopes that Trump gets over this scandal & he can get back to supporting him.

Edited by oakville
  • Love 4

Was Joe's somber "woe is us" act this morning just that, an act?  He seemed legitimately nonplussed and discouraged about Rubio's bizarre behavior, and even more so about Trump's immature childish act and acceptance of KKK support.  I don't trust this Monday morning demeanor in the face of weeks of scrutiny now from every media outlet of his explicit cheerleading for Trump.  I don't want to be cynical, but I think Joe did the calculus and today he has to be down on Trump for this cycle, and when Trump apologizes for accepting the KKK support, Joe can clamber back aboard the Trump bandwagon.

He also said we're watching the disintegration of the GOP.


Is this all really happening?


Nah, it's furious backpedaling (for any credibility) after getting caught on a hot mic (probably network ordered because of the concurrent MHP debacle).

Edited by NextIteration
  • Love 6

I thought it was Opposite Day today. Could not believe my ears, Joe critiquing Trump for once. Too little too late Joe. This is what you have wrought, and now we all have to live with it.

I'm not giving Joe any props for being anti-klan and condemning Trump. Meeting minimum standards of a decent human being isn't cause for praise.

  • Love 12
Yikes, there sure was an awful lot of rewriting of history on the show this morning. Steve Schmidt especially was completely out of his mind about the 2008 presidential campaign and how poor widdle John McCain was blamed because the media would always find the one bigot in his audiences and make a big deal out of it and that Barack Obama ran such a dirty campaign.

Then Joe painted a lovely picture of the south when he was growing up where it was all unicorns and puppies and he went to segregated schools and there wasn't any racism. My eyebrows are still at the back of my head. It's all fine and good that he's upset with Drumpf for the David Duke fooferah but the fact is Drumpf has been attracting racists and white supremacist groups throughout his whole campaign and Bloviatin' Joe and the rest of the media have been ignoring it.



Well, my own relatives--especially the ones born before 1950--can also paint a lovely picture of their beloved South.  They, too, went to segregated schools--and not by choice.  They can recount the story of a great uncle (a sharecropper) who was forced to leave South Carolina because he dared to speak up about being cheated by the man whose land he helped to crop.  They can discuss at length Senator Strom Thurmond's virulent segregationist views and the White Citizens Councils that cropped up in the wake of the ruling in Brown v. Board of Education.  They can also discuss with great "fondness" the irony of fighting for freedom and democracy in WWII only to come home and be denied the most basic of rights or having certain townspeople getting riled up because they were "uppity" for wearing their uniforms.  Yeah, Joe--you keep right on peddling your romantic version of the South that you grew up in--one where there was no racism (because Blacks knew their place, right?) and where the KKK was ostracized.  


I find it fascinating that he is only now turned off by Trump's support by the KKK and other White supremacist groups.  Why now? I only ask because David Duke announced his support of Trump months ago, along with other such vermin.  Or, was Joe (and Meeka) asleep when two self-professed Trump supporters beat a Mexican man in Boston and Trump refused to disavow such acts.  Gee, most of us figured out what Trump was about with the whole birther nonsense.  I don't know how genuine Joe's somber self-reflection is, but I suspect he's only now jumping on the bandwagon after he and Meeka were outed as Trump rump kissers.  Once this blows over (and it will), Joe will be back to giving Trump daily tongue baths while Meeka interviews Trump's mail order bride.  


Don't even get me started on Steve Schmidt's deliberate obtuseness.  No, Steve, it wasn't just one racist.  Your girl, Sarah's campaign rallies were starting to resemble Klan rallies.  It got so bad that several newspapers published strongly worded editorials advising McCain to take authority and to have his surrogates (including his VP pick) knock that shit off.  Words such as "unseemly," "dismaying," "dangerous," and "unpresidential" were used to describe the campaign.  Even McCain was dismayed.  You remember that, Steve?  The moment Palin opened her stupid mouth and claimed that Barack Obama "isn't like us," all bets were off.  And, she's still at it, including inciting a crowd to march to the White House during the government shutdown.  It was very telling that one of these clowns waived a Confederate flag, while another demanded that President Obama come out with his hands up--as if he were some criminal.  Now, nearly 8 years after the fact, Steve and the rest of the party elite want to front as if they don't know how the GOP got to this place.  


  • Love 15

Well, my own relatives--especially the ones born before 1950--can also paint a lovely picture of their beloved South.  They, too, went to segregated schools--and not by choice.  They can recount the story of a great uncle (a sharecropper) who was forced to leave South Carolina because he dared to speak up about being cheated by the man whose land he helped to crop.  They can discuss at length Senator Strom Thurmond's virulent segregationist views and the White Citizens Councils that cropped up in the wake of the ruling in Brown v. Board of Education.  They can also discuss with great "fondness" the irony of fighting for freedom and democracy in WWII only to come home and be denied the most basic of rights or having certain townspeople getting riled up because they were "uppity" for wearing their uniforms.  Yeah, Joe--you keep right on peddling your romantic version of the South that you grew up in--one where there was no racism (because Blacks knew their place, right?) and where the KKK was ostracized. 

I find it fascinating that he is only now turned off by Trump's support by the KKK and other White supremacist groups.  Why now? I only ask because David Duke announced his support of Trump months ago, along with other such vermin.  Or, was Joe (and Meeka) asleep when two self-professed Trump supporters beat a Mexican man in Boston and Trump refused to disavow such acts.  Gee, most of us figured out what Trump was about with the whole birther nonsense.  I don't know how genuine Joe's somber self-reflection is, but I suspect he's only now jumping on the bandwagon after he and Meeka were outed as Trump rump kissers.  Once this blows over (and it will), Joe will be back to giving Trump daily tongue baths while Meeka interviews Trump's mail order bride. 

Don't even get me started on Steve Schmidt's deliberate obtuseness.  No, Steve, it wasn't just one racist.  Your girl, Sarah's campaign rallies were starting to resemble Klan rallies.  It got so bad that several newspapers published strongly worded editorials advising McCain to take authority and to have his surrogates (including his VP pick) knock that shit off.  Words such as "unseemly," "dismaying," "dangerous," and "unpresidential" were used to describe the campaign.  Even McCain was dismayed.  You remember that, Steve?  The moment Palin opened her stupid mouth and claimed that Barack Obama "isn't like us," all bets were off.  And, she's still at it, including inciting a crowd to march to the White House during the government shutdown.  It was very telling that one of these clowns waived a Confederate flag, while another demanded that President Obama come out with his hands up--as if he were some criminal.  Now, nearly 8 years after the fact, Steve and the rest of the party elite want to front as if they don't know how the GOP got to this place.




Seems like he and Paula Dean should be the best of friends, she has the same "tranquil/fond" memories of the south as Joe does. 





Speaking of McCain, he was the only one in that party who flat out said the President Obama was a good man, that he was a citizen, but that he just did not agree with his politics. I'll never forget that scene with him and that old lady at one of his events. Meanwhile all the rest were mum, because folks that's when all this shit started. When Trump and John Sununu with their Birther Movement giving credibility and support to those who had already hated Obama because of his race/name. You can't stop a bigot from his/her beliefs, but you don't have to give them a platform and make them think that there are government officials who will represent their views. It adds fuel to the fire. 


If there is any justice a Democrat or a Democrat/Socialist will win this election. This party doesn't get that pretty much everyone deserves representation, EXCEPT groups that advocate, preach and practice hate/violence against groups of people. Those ideas should not receive representation. 


I have YET to see this any other show on this network piggy back Rachel Maddow's reporting on the "religious" event that Ted Cruz went to  in which the maniac speaking used the Bible to call for the extermination of gay people. NOTHING!  Drumpf?  Ted Cruz going on stage to shake the hand of this Hitler in training was far worse, yet no one on this network ever picked up on this story and Maddow has covered it more than once. She keeps waiting for the Beltway to chime in, but nothing.  Yet Drumpf trying to bullshit that he doesn't know anything about David Duke and KKK....that's shocking to them. 


Get the fuck out of here, ugh.

Again, Rachel has the video tape, she always does. And unless it's a Ted Cruz impersonator....It sure looked like him to me. 


Never mind that he just recently, much like giving up his Canadian citizenship, decided to "rebuke" this "religious leader's" message. Point is she was the only reporter on this network to cover it, WTF?

Edited by represent
  • Love 8

One other thing, this network is still giving Drumpf's rallies more airtime. If you're bored by Clinton, Rubio, and Cruz fine. But I call bullshit on not giving Sander's rallies the same amount of airtime since he's filling stadiums just like Trump. Every time I look up there's fucking Drumpf on MSNBC, where the fuck is Bernie? I want more Hillary, but if it's a rally vibe they're looking for, I'll take Bernie's. There should be no fucking contest on this network as to whose rallies should get more airtime.

Edited by represent
  • Love 5

I wonder if Mika &Joe will mention the cancellation of the Melissa Harris Perry show. I am pretty sure that Joe is not a fan of hers so I expect him to make a snide remark about MHP.


Real talk, who DOES Joe count as a friend among the MSNBC anchors? Rachel loves Lawrence, Chris Hayes, and the soon to be departing MHP, I remember Al Sharpton popping up a lot on Hardball, Jose Diaz Balart seemed well respected by the other anchors, Steve Kornacki is the main sub for all the major anchors, and even Brian Williams seems to be liked (or at the very least tolerated) by Rachel.


Morning Joe is such an island onto itself.

  • Love 4

Rubio said Trump was wetting his pants & had a small penis. Joe said that was not Presidential. I can't believe I just wrote that. 

Aw, thanks Oakville. You're doing God's work. 


I too got the distinct impression that Joe and Mika's outrage over the KKK situation with Trump was for show. Almost everything Joe said about it he reflected back onto himself as the honest broker and truth teller about Trump and how this proves he is not in the bag for Trump.  He is very transparent.  Now that Trump said he 'couldn't hear properly due to the ear mic 'they gave me'' I wonder if Joe will consider this an acceptable excuse and go back to being his cheerleader again. Tomorrow morning should be quite interesting. I also loved the way Mika read Joe's piece in the Washington Post with such a sense of righteous indignation, a real 'see?! we're criticizing Trump! We are not compromised!' manner. She always reads with that nineteenth century schoolmarm 'why I never!' tone of voice too. She never stops sucking no matter what she is doing. It's kinda amazing how terrible she is at her one job. Blegh. Mika. 


I usually don't mind Schmidt but his attitude this morning was ridiculous. I was really startled at how aggressively he was putting forth his nonsensical rewriting of history today.  For the first time I really disliked him, and quite a lot too. I don't think I will view his participation on this show or other panels the same way ever again. He was just so....hostilely wrongheaded. 

  • Love 8

One other thing, this network is still giving Drumpf's rallies more airtime. If you're bored by Clinton, Rubio, and Cruz fine. But I call bullshit on not giving Sander's rallies the same amount of airtime since he's filling stadiums just like Trump. Every time I look up there's fucking Drumpf on MSNBC, where the fuck is Bernie? I want more Hillary, but if it's a rally vibe they're looking for, I'll take Bernie's. There should be no fucking contest on this network as to whose rallies should get more airtime.

MSNBC is so reprehensible in the amount of time they give to Trump. Bernie, as you say, is getting enormous crowds and the MSM could care less about it. No, it's all Trump, all the time. (We can take a little time to talk about how it's pretty much over for Sanders after Hillary won in Nevada.... But, say! What about Trump's likelihood of sweeping the South!)


The worst...worst!...was that MSNBC showed "Ctitizen Trump" (again before an election) on Saturday instead of showing the enormous rally for Sanders. If they had a Chris Matthews infomercial for Bernie, I have no doubt they'd preempt it for yet another Trump rally and a speech where he says the same things he always says.


I would be happy to never see Steve Schmidt, Nicole Wallace (or Sarah Palin) again--or hear the MJ crew rewriting history. (And let's not forget, Joe, that birtherism was a dog whistle to racists from Trump back in 2011. AND so was the obsession with Obama's Harvard transcripts because, you know, he's black and Harvard Law HAD to be affirmative action admit even if he WAS coming from Columbia!  So demeaning and insulting. And race based.)


The big surprise to me is that Joe actually noticed.  I'm sure in a week or so he will have accepted on of Trump's "excuses" and will just use his own "skepticism" to try to persuade people they were mistaken about him being a racist too.

  • Love 4

Joe is wearing his navy blue fleece again. Joe spent the first segment bragging how prescient his predictions were of Trump sweeping Super Tuesday. Joe said he doesn't support Trump. The panel discussed various ways the GOP establishment could stop Trump at the convention. Heileman & Halperin think it's mathematically impossible for Bernie to catch Hilary. NBC has decided to count the super delegates for Hillary, even though those delegates have switched allegiances in the past. Hillary leads 519-86 overall but 91-65 among delegates that voters have picked. Mika think Elizabeth Warren will help unite the party. Bernie raised over 40M in February.


No one brought up the fat that Hillary winning large victories in states that the GOP will probably win in the fall. It's worrisome that the turnout for the Democratic party have been lower than in 2008.


Mika said that Joe's brother 's kept texting Joe yesterday to defend Trump. They showed clips of Trump's spokeswomen blasting Obama for accepting Senator Byrd's endorsement. Byrd as a member of the KKK before joining the Senate. Joe got mad at that clip.


Heileman said Dan Senor, a friend of the show would not vote for Trump.

  • Love 2

The theme this morning is Insufferable. Because we are stupid, Joe slowly explains how mainstream media were blindsided by Trump because they viewed his campaign with contempt. Joe explains that he knows it is possible to report on and dissect a campaign while remaining apart from it, and without contempt, because that is what MoJo has done with Trump for the past 6-9 months. Meeka chimed in, voice tinkling like a bell: "And we were hard on him, too." Senator Ben Sesse said he will not, and has joined with others who will not, vote for Trump. It appeared that Joe did not care for Sesse's attitude or sentiments. Halperin said that someone has two weeks at most to do this, that and the other to get a third party run in place; Heileman said someone has only to connect with an existing third party because all fifty states have third parties in place. Meeka, mistress of the sneer within a simper, abruptly went to commercial.


Back from commercial, and Joe is hitting it hard that he/MoJo has never supported Trump. Joe reminds us that Steve Schmidt is the only other person who has been as prescient as Holy Joe.




  • Love 9

Speaking of McCain, he was the only one in that party who flat out said the President Obama was a good man, that he was a citizen, but that he just did not agree with his politics. I'll never forget that scene with him and that old lady at one of his events. Meanwhile all the rest were mum, because folks that's when all this shit started. When Trump and John Sununu with their Birther Movement giving credibility and support to those who had already hated Obama because of his race/name. You can't stop a bigot from his/her beliefs, but you don't have to give them a platform and make them think that there are government officials who will represent their views. It adds fuel to the fire. 


I'm so embarrassed that that happened in my state, but it's the land of Michele Bachmann and Al Franken.  I remember very clearly being soooooo afraid that Obama would be assassinated before the election because of those hateful crowds at Sarah Palin appearances.


I just can't with Joe back to all things Trump this morning, he was calling Senator Sasse defensive whilst he was the one sitting there with his arms crossed saying "NO NO NO NO NO NO" pathetic.


I too am pretty shocked that nobody has followed up on that hateful preacher at that conference in Iowa, I remember that Huckabee was there, wasn't Carson and another one of the candidates there as well as Cruz?

  • Love 1

These folks on every political news show, on every network can say whatever the hell they want, but there is no way in hell that the Klan would be so loud and strong after these seven going on eight years if there were NOT a man of African descent with the middle name Hussein in the White House, the electorate turning more brown (immigration) and a candidate to represent their views. These jerkoffs continue to go on and on with their theories on why the electorate is so enraged. And yeah, people are suffering and surely are pissed that fat cats keep getting rich but where the fuck are the jobs for us, the healthcare, the lack of increase in wages......violence/terrorism, drug addiction, mental health, gun laws....


But make no mistake, the Klan and other white supremacist groups would NOT resurface like they have just for these issues folks. Joe and friends and it's not just this show by the way, they can all keep their heads in their asses.  Because apparently they feel they can afford to do just that, but I can't.


History repeats itself and we are revisiting the Civil War in this country. The uniforms aren't the same, except for the Klan, I think they're still wearing their white sheets. The artillery may be different, but this country is once again experiencing a civil war.

Edited by represent
  • Love 8


I too am pretty shocked that nobody has followed up on that hateful preacher at that conference in Iowa, I remember that Huckabee was there, wasn't Carson and another one of the candidates there as well as Cruz?

They were suppose to be...but Rachel never reported that they made it. I think I remember her reporting about this event ahead of time and saying that she was waiting to see which of the candidates actually showed up. I've seen her report on this story at least twice and all she keeps showing is the man ranting on like a lunatic and then Ted Cruz comes up on stage and shakes his hand immediately after that. 


Maybe Huckabee and the rest, slowly backed out of the room once they realized...WTF? Abort, Abort, Abort....LOL.


Not that they don't share this lunatic's views but they just weren't crazy enough to be seen with him.


 Unbeknownst to Ted Cruz when he looked back maybe they were gone and he was the only one left up on stage LOL.

Edited by represent
  • Love 2

How does "faulty earpiece" explain anything? Trump clearly repeated "David Duke", adding "Don't know him" and pretending he'd never heard of him, which was a lie. He also repeated "white supremacist groups" and said he couldn't repudiate anyone until "I look into them". Tapper repeated that he was "just asking about the Ku Klux Klan" but Trump had no response. Even if he didn't hear that (As. If.) shouldn't it be easy to say, "Of course, I repudiate any white supremacists, whether groups or individuals. There's no place for racism in our party or in my campaign."


Of course he didn't say that. Because he IS giving them a home in his campaign and he knows it and is fine with it as long as it means more votes. ("Winning!")


Joe should play Lawrence O'Donnell's outstanding piece about Byrd from last night. Eloquent, honest and made a great point in taking down this spin about him as some kind of "defense" about Duke.  Of course, Joe knows it all already and so no point in acknowledging someone else like LO'D who thinks and reasons better and is also a FAR superior writer.

  • Love 6

Joe mentioned again this morning, that he has many friends in the democratic party who are whispering in his ear about voting for Trump. He has said this before, and he keeps repeating it, so I want names.


Who are these whisperers and why are they whispering in Joe's ear of all people? Where does this whispering take place? Are they coming to Joe's office at NBC to whisper, or are they calling Joe to their offices to whisper? Perhaps he's just walking down the street and these friendly democrats stop him just to whisper about Trump. Who knows, but I'm curious as hell about who these folks are.

  • Love 11

I don't know of one self-described Democrat who is considering changing his/her vote to Trump, personally or anecdotally.  I am aware of many self-described Democrats who are considering purchasing real estate overseas if Trump ascends to power.

Joe's story is funny.  He tells lies of secret whispers by mysterious Democrats pledging their support to Joe and Trump, while his show runs tape of Republican leaders describing their party as broken and pledging to never vote for Trump.

  • Love 5

I don't know of one self-described Democrat who is considering changing his/her vote to Trump, personally or anecdotally.  I am aware of many self-described Democrats who are considering purchasing real estate overseas if Trump ascends to power.

Joe's story is funny.  He tells lies of secret whispers by mysterious Democrats pledging their support to Joe and Trump, while his show runs tape of Republican leaders describing their party as broken and pledging to never vote for Trump.

Actually, in Virginia at least, that's exactly what's happening.  One woman interviewed by the Washington Post said that she was "voting for Hillary by voting for Trump."  Her thinking is that is Trumps gets the nomination, people will be appalled and the Republicans won't vote for him.  Also, Democrats are voting for Rubio to "embarrass" Trump.  So yes, voting today is a hot mess in Virginia.  



Actually, in Virginia at least, that's exactly what's happening.  One woman interviewed by the Washington Post said that she was "voting for Hillary by voting for Trump."  Her thinking is that is Trumps gets the nomination, people will be appalled and the Republicans won't vote for him.  Also, Democrats are voting for Rubio to "embarrass" Trump.  So yes, voting today is a hot mess in Virginia.  



Personally, I like that idea. But I think Joe was going for the Trump line--that he's "going to attract a lot of Independents and Democrats".


I could see voting for him, too, to make it like Rubio said today, "A vote for Trump now is a vote for Hillary in November."  But somehow that's not what I think Joe means. (Also, I'm too chicken to actually do it, just in case "A vote for Trump now is a vote for Trump in November.")

  • Love 2

Personally, I like that idea. But I think Joe was going for the Trump line--that he's "going to attract a lot of Independents and Democrats".


I could see voting for him, too, to make it like Rubio said today, "A vote for Trump now is a vote for Hillary in November."  But somehow that's not what I think Joe means. (Also, I'm too chicken to actually do it, just in case "A vote for Trump now is a vote for Trump in November.")

Well that's the thing.  I believe that a vote for Trump now is a vote for him in November.  Personally, I just don't think people should try to get "cute" with elections because it could come back to bite you in the ass.  Just vote for whom you truly want to vote for, Republican or Democrat.  I did.

  • Love 7

Joe and Mika are raving over Trump's "blowout" victory, declaring him the "big winner" of the night. Totally ignoring the fact that Hillary won the same number of states.

Also, Joe is now ranting about the "stupid people" who accuse him of being a Trump booster. AND they just showed a retrospective of strategically collected clips of the two of them predicting Trump's ascendancy.

Edited by Eliot
  • Love 10

You know this network just hired Rick Tyler right? That guy who had to resign from Ted's campaign.

There's nothing liberal about this network.

When Rachel's gone, they'll never get my viewership again. I might leave before that if they even think about squeezing out Joy Reid. I'll notice if I don't see her for a while.

It would make no sense for me to watch. If I want a network that supports bigotry, I'll watch the best, FOX.

Michelle Wallace and Joe can pretend that it's OK for their family members to support Drumpf while claiming they aren't bigots, but I'm not buying. The "gaf" he made with regard to the Klan and David Duke should give any decent human being chills even if your ancestors weren't victims of the slave trade, Jim Crow, and the struggle for civil rights in this country, period. There's no gray area in 2016.

Kasich is a decent sounding candidate, but he's boring and isn't a racist sounding bully so...Yeah, sorry Wallace,your parents are full of shit and so is your brother Joe.

There are supporters who are making shout outs to Hitler at his rallies.

You can't help that they support Trump?

No you can't, but you can surely control your support of someone who attracts this type of vermin to his campaign. It should make you want to hurl to be in the same vincinity and breathing the same air.

  • Love 8

Joe just said, "Donald Trump's 'defining moment' was his reaction to Obama's perceived tepid reaction to the attacks in Paris."

Wow.  There is so much wrong in that sentence.  It's stunning.  All facets of it are a lie.  It's wrong on meta-levels and wrong on factual levels.  A perfect example of Joe as a bloviating, cynical, opportunistic, lying salesman.  Joe as bullying propagandist.

Clicked over, caught that sentence, clicked away just as Cackles began to open her mouth.

  • Love 8

Joe and Mika are raving over Trump's "blowout" victory, declaring him the "big winner" of the night. Totally ignoring the fact that Hillary won the same number of states.


Also, Joe is now ranting about the "stupid people" who accuse him of being a Trump booster. AND they just showed a retrospective of strategically collected clips of the two of them predicting Trump's ascendancy.



Of course, they're raving.  These two assholes simply can't help themselves.  They must also be ecstatic that their favorite bully, Chris Christie, has also become a member of the Cult of Trump in the hopes of getting a cabinet appointment.


Their tone deafness is simply breathtaking.  Trump has been on speed dial for months, and they've given him all the free advertisement he could ever possibly want.  Not to mention the agreement to feed him puff questions.  I won't even touch on the decision to give Trump's barely intelligible wife a platform to sing her sponsor's, er, husband's praises.

You know this network just hired Rick Tyler right? That guy who had to resign from Ted's campaign.


There's nothing liberal about this network.


When Rachel's gone, they'll never get my viewership again. I might leave before that if they even think about squeezing out Joy Reid. I'll notice if I don't see her for a while.


It would make no sense for me to watch. If I want a network that supports bigotry, I'll watch the best, FOX.



Say that!  I'm barely holding on as it is.  Rachel is the only show I watch on MSNBC now with any regularity.  Ever since Comcast purchased NBC, this network has gone to shit in a hand basket.  There has been a concerted effort to get rid of all the progressive voices, starting with Ed Schultz, who wouldn't shut up about net neutrality, workers' rights and the TPP.  If I want to watch Fox-lite, I'll watch the real thing, thank you very much.  I won't even comment on their putting up Brian Williams--a shameless and proven liar--as a face of the network.  All I can say is thank goodness that I can get my news and political commentary from other sources and not rely on corporate media.  


If anyone has any doubts as to why this network is stuffing Trump down viewers' throats, CBS chief, Les Moonves, pretty much explains why:  http://www.politico.com/blogs/on-media/2016/02/les-moonves-trump-cbs-220001.   Don't even get me started on Chris Matthews' Citizen Trump informercial.  This will also explain why Bernie Sanders' rallies have been virtually blacked out.  This station's saturation of wall-to-wall Trump coverage is a total turnoff to its core viewers, who seem to be leaving in droves.  One of my older friends admitted last night that she only watches Morning Joe to get her cuss on.  Now, how sad is that?

Edited by MulletorHater
  • Love 4


Kasich is a decent sounding candidate, but he's boring and isn't a racist sounding bully so...Yeah, sorry Wallace,your parents are full of shit and so is your brother Joe.


Kasich is running as big a con game as Trump. Don't let him fool you. He is very very very conservative. As a for instance he just signed a bill to defund Planned Parenthood. The media has pretty much ignored him but if he ever got near to being the consensus candidate at the convention or something like that, his record would be scrutinized and people would see what he really is.

  • Love 5


Kasich is running as big a con game as Trump. Don't let him fool you. He is very very very conservative. As a for instance he just signed a bill to defund Planned Parenthood. The media has pretty much ignored him but if he ever got near to being the consensus candidate at the convention or something like that, his record would be scrutinized and people would see what he really is.

I'm not fooled at all.


My overall point though, was that he doesn't sound like a flat out racist bully, if those so called "decent non-racist" Republicans like Wallace's parents and Joe's brother were interested.  Because those two keep bringing up their family members who support Drumpf, yet they never sound outraged and they should. Sure say you love your parents, and your brother, but don't broadcast this shit and then act like it's a decent thing to be doing in our Democracy in 2016.  They should have kept that info. to themselves.


By the way Joe, you're fooling no one with your "I'm voting for Kasich," please. If you could go to Drumpf's rallies, you'd be there front and center.


Wallace talks as if her parents are supporting some average candidate that has very conservative views, but doesn't host klansmen at his rallies and blinks before rebuking the KKK and David Duke. 


Someone, I forgot who it was, I think it was someone Chuck Todd was interviewing said that clearly Drumpf didn't get the memo that if the Klan enters the room you get up and leave immediately.


It matters, you cannot separate yourself from the messenger, not this messenger, hell no. Everyone supporting him is a bigot to me.  It's no different than trying to support someone who blinks when asked about Hitler/Nazis yet you're still going to support that person because of their other policies? Get the fuck out of here, they should be done. Because the only policy that matters is the one of  HATE.

And unlike Joe, I wish the establishment Republicans all the luck in their efforts to completely crash the party even though  it may cost them the election. Because the alternative is to literally let the Klan take over the party.


And I already posted on Ted Cruz so his bigoted ass should be disqualified as well.


Now has Rubio spouted shit about rounding up Muslims? I know the little bitch walked away from his immigration bill, but the rounding up groups of people puts him in the bigoted category as well IMO.


Which is why I said Kasich is about as decent as it gets in terms of candidate rhetoric on the Republican side.


No Joe, it's not that you we're right about Drumpf's candidacy and taking him seriously. Believe me I take racists with his power very seriously sir. The problem is your lack of alarm that your brother and others are supporting a hateful candidate. Again, sell your bullshit elsewhere. 



Edited by represent
  • Love 4

This article is hilarious.. http://news.yahoo.com/msnbcs-scarborough-strikes-hard-donald-trump-185434576.html

Before the article was edited and approved, Joe had walked back his stance and is again Trump's loudest, most fervent supporter.  His KKK gaffe didn't happen, and "...Trump's 'defining moment' was his reaction to Obama's perceived tepid reaction to the attacks in Paris."  Joe casting Trump as a mythic figure with devastating statesmanship and politesse while still being a man of the people. 


  • Love 4

Joe mentioned again this morning, that he has many friends in the democratic party who are whispering in his ear about voting for Trump. He has said this before, and he keeps repeating it, so I want names.


Who are these whisperers and why are they whispering in Joe's ear of all people? Where does this whispering take place? Are they coming to Joe's office at NBC to whisper, or are they calling Joe to their offices to whisper? Perhaps he's just walking down the street and these friendly democrats stop him just to whisper about Trump. Who knows, but I'm curious as hell about who these folks are.


Joe is one the 100 most influential people in the US according to Time magazine. I think he has a toll free number 1-800-CALL-JOE where you can provide him tips.

  • Love 7

Today's mini recap. Joe is wearing.....a navy blue fleece sweatshirt for what seems to be the last month. Joe bragged that he was right about Trump winning most of the states last night. Joe got mad at Heilemann & Halperin when they told him that Cruz & Rubio ombined piked up more delegates than Trump. Trump got 210 delegates. Cruz got 171 & Rubio got 82 . Joe mocked Rubio for only winning Minnesota.


They showed a montage of Mika & Joe discussing the Trump campaign since last June. The clips made fun of the panelists who didn't think Trump would do well.


Joe said they weren't rooting for outcomes.


Joe said Trump's campaign took off after President Obama's tepid response to the attacks in Paris.


Smirky Kristol came on the show. He admitted he has been wrong on Trump since June. Smirkey said that Mika & Joe were bowing down to Trump.


Joe exploded & said he was a Bush supporter & would vote for Kasich in Conn. Joe does not want to be challenged on his support for Trump.


Halperin said Rubio could win Florida & Kasich could win Ohio. They are winner take all states so that would affect the delegate calculation.


Joe got mad at him & said he knew Northern Florida would vote for Trump. Joe did not discuss central or South Florida.


The panel discussed the GOP turnout was 8.3M last night vs 5M in 2008, whereas the Democratic turnout was down to 5.5M vs 8,2M in 2008.


Willie was worried about Trump bringing some of the women who Clinton allegedly sexually harassed & assaulted onto  the campaign stage to embarrass Hillary. Apparently some women are willing to co operate with Trump.


Joe said Trump scared Hillary with a tweet & instagram in December over Bill's past activities.


Heilemann said that Trump wasn't predictable & could be competitive in the northeast & midwest.


Bill Deblasio said Hillary doesn't have to release the transcripts of her speeches to Goldman Sachs. He was happy that Hillary had a platform to reform Wall Street.


Mika was excited that Barnicle would buy her a  used truck if Trump wins the nomination.


I wonder if Joe will ever change out of his navy blue fleece shirt.

  • Love 5

And so Super Tuesday has passed and a day after the moistness and erections for Trump, the gang turns their attention to the party the majority of America is supporting.  And really, there is only one point to observe from Clinton's destruction of Sanders... she's a criminal who cannot be trusted.

Mika LOATHES Hillary Clinton with an articulate rage that Mika has never - ever - displayed in any of her on air hissy fits, foot stamps, rolling of the eyes, garbled rejoinders, and stuttered mumblings.  She explains, "How can we, as Americans (heh?), trust someone who would speak to "Wall Street" for an hour, for $250,000, and she KNEW she would be running for President?"

I suppose Clinton shouldn't work for money.  I suppose those speeches were pledges to wreck America and warm the paneled libraries of "Wall Street types" by burning stacks of the proletariat as firewood for the gilded rich.  

Mika says this as she supports Donald Trump without a hint of irony.  I do realize that stupids don't necessarily catch on to irony, but you'd think she'd have a smidgen of awareness about herself.  Her job is to speak to millions of people on television.

Hillary Clinton has lucrative skills and thoughts... can't make money off of them as a private citizen.  Seems legit.  Thanks Morning Joe!

I fucking HATE this show.  I only watch to get mad and spur myself to begin my day in a rage.

Edited by Landsnark
  • Love 11

I fucking HATE this show.  I only watch to get mad and spur myself to begin my day in a rage.


Tee hee.  One must endeavor to only hatewatch this show for shits and giggles.  Seriously, try it, it makes it so much better.  I'm an addict and seriously need a 12 step program for this.  I just can't stand any of the other morning shows either.

  • Love 8

And so Super Tuesday has passed and a day after the moistness and erections for Trump, the gang turns their attention to the party the majority of America is supporting.  And really, there is only one point to observe from Clinton's destruction of Sanders... she's a criminal who cannot be trusted.

Mika LOATHES Hillary Clinton with an articulate rage that Mika has never - ever - displayed in any of her on air hissy fits, foot stamps, rolling of the eyes, garbled rejoinders, and stuttered mumblings.  She explains, "How can we, as Americans (heh?), trust someone who would speak to "Wall Street" for an hour, for $250,000, and she KNEW she would be running for President?"

I suppose Clinton shouldn't work for money.  I suppose those speeches were pledges to wreck America and warm the paneled libraries of "Wall Street types" by burning stacks of the proletariat as firewood for the gilded rich.  

Mika says this as she supports Donald Trump without a hint of irony.  I do realize that stupids don't necessarily catch on to irony, but you'd think she'd have a smidgen of awareness about herself.  Her job is to speak to millions of people on television.

Hillary Clinton has lucrative skills and thoughts... can't make money off of them as a private citizen.  Seems legit.  Thanks Morning Joe!

I fucking HATE this show.  I only watch to get mad and spur myself to begin my day in a rage.


Someone needs to simply turn to Mika and say "listen you dumbass frazzle-head harpy, why should we trust you and your outrage when you have gone, apparently as a simple scrotum cradle-er for Scarborough to a Koch Brothers paid symposium with all expenses paid while claiming to be a journalist.  In fact since that disgusting attempt to sell whatever remains of your soul to those two, you have made sure to get that 9/11 image of you with debris I now sadly suspect you rolled in moments before jumping on camera as a means of establishing your bona fides.  What's more you bragged about it as a sign of your status and prestige and then lied about it when pushed on the matter as a question to your journalistic integrity.  You are only slightly less a trollope for special interests than the squinty eyed bloviating liar who sits next to you who somehow thinks the rhetoric and logic a child still breast feeding at the age of five and has a full diaper all the time makes for an in-the-loop political pundit.  Who also claims to be a journalist.  Until it is suddenly inconvenient to be, like when he continually tries to see if he can make an echo deep up Drumpf's ass. "


This from a person who does not like Hillary, hates that she and a man older than my grandfather wanting to sit in the Oval Office i.e. the Cryptkeeper Maker are my only choices.  But remember this you peroxided bobblehead and chief Scarborough ball handler and ego stroker, when I press that button for Clinton, no matter how disappointed I am that that is my option as I see it?  I will do so in part to you.  Consider that vote a huge fuck you Mika.  No.  A YUUUUUGGGGGE one. 

  • Love 7

And so Super Tuesday has passed and a day after the moistness and erections for Trump, the gang turns their attention to the party the majority of America is supporting.  And really, there is only one point to observe from Clinton's destruction of Sanders... she's a criminal who cannot be trusted.

Mika LOATHES Hillary Clinton with an articulate rage that Mika has never - ever - displayed in any of her on air hissy fits, foot stamps, rolling of the eyes, garbled rejoinders, and stuttered mumblings.  She explains, "How can we, as Americans (heh?), trust someone who would speak to "Wall Street" for an hour, for $250,000, and she KNEW she would be running for President?"

I suppose Clinton shouldn't work for money.  I suppose those speeches were pledges to wreck America and warm the paneled libraries of "Wall Street types" by burning stacks of the proletariat as firewood for the gilded rich.  

Mika says this as she supports Donald Trump without a hint of irony.  I do realize that stupids don't necessarily catch on to irony, but you'd think she'd have a smidgen of awareness about herself.  Her job is to speak to millions of people on television.

Hillary Clinton has lucrative skills and thoughts... can't make money off of them as a private citizen.  Seems legit.  Thanks Morning Joe!

I fucking HATE this show.  I only watch to get mad and spur myself to begin my day in a rage.

Bwaah, I love it.


I hate to compare myself to a Trump supporter, but their loyalty to him is matched by my loyalty to Hillary. 


She too could go out and shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and I'd still wish that I could cast a 1000 plus votes for her. 


The Democratic Party, I don't know WTF they are doing, but Pelosi and company need to run a ton of Klan/Neo Nazi infested Drumpf rallies on loop. They need to run an ad. with that 70 year old man at a Drumpf rally who says, "I'm the same age as him, I grew up in the sixties, I don't care, I'm for him...." when a reporter ask him if he's at all bothered about KKK/David Duke support and Drumpf's lack of response to it.  They need to start running that shit on loop. The black girl getting pushed around back and forth by screaming loud, angry, Neo/Nazi white men at one rally. The Neo/Nazi guy standing near the Jewish Holocaust Museum taunting, "We're back..."


I ask, WTF are Pelosi and Reid doing? Get this shit out there and on loop because I'm pretty sure not enough black folk in rural Carolina are seeing it. Call up Clyburn and all the rest and get the word out there. Cause they need to be scared, this shit is real, it's not made up. Get it out there and start now, play it on every them on every station and don't forget the Latino and Black news networks. They been trying to play up the positives for Democrats, but they need to run with a bit of fear to get Democrats off their asses. Stop playing games.

Edited by represent
  • Love 10


Mika LOATHES Hillary Clinton with an articulate rage that Mika has never - ever - displayed in any of her on air hissy fits, foot stamps, rolling of the eyes, garbled rejoinders, and stuttered mumblings.  She explains, "How can we, as Americans (heh?), trust someone who would speak to "Wall Street" for an hour, for $250,000, and she KNEW she would be running for President?"

I'll tell you how this American can trust her you bleached, blonde buffoon. I don't trust your ass Mika. You and Joe annoy the shit out of me as an American.  Because when I look at you and most of your colleagues, who have turned into hacks just like your peers over on FoxNews,  I'd bet my farm if I had one, that MSNBC is paying you six if not more figures. 


I can think of far worse things in life but since you asked, your no talent ass getting paid annoys the shit out of me. People like you and Joe on the air makes me side eye MSNBC, not Hillary Clinton.


Hillary has a brain, skill, ambition/drive that is worth every damn penny IMO. So yeah, when she gets paid I'm NOT at all bothered by it. 


But I am enraged and do not trust anyone who supports the Republican senator of Utah who is getting paid, yet holding up government funding for the citizens of Flint, MI.


Hillary in handcuffs?


FUCK YOU. Why isn't the governor of MI in handcuffs?

Edited by represent
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Just finished watching the GOP debate.  I wonder what Mika & Joe will say tomorrow about this.  I couldn't believe that Trump told the audience that there was no problem with the size of his penis. This is not appropriate terms of discussion for a Presidential debate. If Trump wins, we have plenty of room in Oakville Ontario for those that don't want to live under President Trump. We have universal healthcare & the Ontario government has just promised free college to students who come from families with income under 50K. 

  • Love 10
Someone needs to simply turn to Mika and say "listen you dumbass frazzle-head harpy, why should we trust you and your outrage when you have gone, apparently as a simple scrotum cradle-er for Scarborough to a Koch Brothers paid symposium with all expenses paid while claiming to be a journalist.  In fact since that disgusting attempt to sell whatever remains of your soul to those two, you have made sure to get that 9/11 image of you with debris I now sadly suspect you rolled in moments before jumping on camera as a means of establishing your bona fides.  What's more you bragged about it as a sign of your status and prestige and then lied about it when pushed on the matter as a question to your journalistic integrity.  You are only slightly less a trollope for special interests than the squinty eyed bloviating liar who sits next to you who somehow thinks the rhetoric and logic a child still breast feeding at the age of five and has a full diaper all the time makes for an in-the-loop political pundit.  Who also claims to be a journalist.  Until it is suddenly inconvenient to be, like when he continually tries to see if he can make an echo deep up Drumpf's ass. "

This from a person who does not like Hillary, hates that she and a man older than my grandfather wanting to sit in the Oval Office i.e. the Cryptkeeper Maker are my only choices.  But remember this you peroxided bobblehead and chief Scarborough ball handler and ego stroker, when I press that button for Clinton, no matter how disappointed I am that that is my option as I see it?  I will do so in part to you.  Consider that vote a huge fuck you Mika.  No.  A YUUUUUGGGGGE one.



What an epic smackdown of this bleached blonde twit, Tentativelyyours!  Simply epic!


Whatever credibility Miss Galore had went out the window the moment she allowed her bullying, mysogynistic co-host to point his finger in her face and yell at her on air.  Yet, she's on this "Know Your Worth" kick.  Bitch, please.  It astounds me that any woman with two brain cells to rub together took that mess seriously; just goes to show you that there are suckers born every minute.


As if that wasn't bad enough, Meeka had to be called on her lavish praise and sucking up to Governor Christie.  This, while blithely ignoring the swirling scandal around his administration and the volumes it spoke about the character of his minions, along with his.  But, a bitch hung in there like she was Christie's "ride or die" chick and was personally invested in him.  So did Joe and it wasn't until Meeka was called out in the strongest language possible that she tried to walk it back.  Which leads me to ask: Did Hillary Rodham steal Meeka's bicycle in another life or something?  Is she pissed off because she didn't get to spend the night in the Lincoln Bedroom while the Clintons resided in the White House?  The hard-on she has for the woman is palpable and she doesn't even attempt to hide it under the cover of journalistic integrity or impartiality.  I would expect it of Joe given his history in Congress and his party affiliation.  I would expect it from the Faux News crowd as well or a walking disease like Ann Coulter.  But, Meeka's sense of outrage is grossly out of proportion and is clearly personal in nature.  Hillary should go to jail, but where's the outrage, Meeka, that Governor Snyder has yet to resign, much less be arrested, for willfully poisoning the citizens of Flint, Michigan?


And, speaking of getting personal.  At least Hillary's daughter has a healthy relationship with her mother and respects her.  Meeka's daughters apparently can't even stand to be in the same city as her.


  • Love 7

Friday recap : Joe is wearing blue fleece. Mika was off. Katty Kay was shocked about the GOP debate. She said she had to take a shower after watching it.


The panel was shocked by the level of discussion. They liked the Fox moderators that showed the facts about spending & tried to get Trump to explain his policies.

Joe said Mario is too young to run for President & should not be retiring as Senator. Joe said Marco has very low approval in Florida.


Ratner liked the charts on the debate. Ratner got into a fight with the evil Mary Kissel from WSJ. She liked Cruz's flat tax& VAT policy. Ratner said that was regressive. She disagreed.


Halperin said Kasich got a B+. Trump & Cruz got a B & Rubio got a B-.

Barnicle said that people who eat in diners in Manhattan talk like Trump.


Joe said it was bad that Romney gave the speech. Joe said people don't trust politicians who attack Trump but say they will still support Trump in the election.


Evil Mary said that Trump makes things up as he goes along.


The highlight of the first segment was Joe impersonating Keith Olbermann. Joe said MSNBC was in the tank for Obama in 2008 & were mean to Hillary.

  • Love 4

When M & J start in on Hillary and Wall Street (the Koch Brother-loving hypocrites that they are), I wish someone would mention that Wall Street is not -completely- the enemy of Main Street. After all, millions of Americans' pension funds are invested in the stock market. Destroy that (as GWB nearly did in 2008) and you destroy a lot of people's lives and any dream of retirement. 

  • Love 5

When M & J start in on Hillary and Wall Street (the Koch Brother-loving hypocrites that they are), I wish someone would mention that Wall Street is not -completely- the enemy of Main Street. After all, millions of Americans' pension funds are invested in the stock market. Destroy that (as GWB nearly did in 2008) and you destroy a lot of people's lives and any dream of retirement. 

I know mine are...


Bernie's are too, because like I've said before, no way in hell is his retirement money under his mattress.


That being said, it is fucking infuriating for the American who is suffering to deal with bailing out the criminals on Wall Street, who never went to jail, yet they have to decide whether to buy milk or put gas in their cars.  Or worse, they live in communities that don't even have supermarkets. Yeah, that's got to be beyond infuriating, because those people, don't have the funds of even your average middle class worker, on Wall Street. They've never had a penny to put away for a rainy day.


It is definitely a crime.  But people like Mika and Joe can just STFU, please. 


I just don't know what they are going to do about the job situation. I've been listening and for at least three decades, economists, financial experts/reports have warned that we have long become a nation of consumption.  They were reporting on our levels of consumption vs. production for decades now and how it wouldn't bode well for our economy. And I remember hearing this on the news when I was in high school and living in a different state, so I don't know what's to happen. 

Edited by represent
  • Love 3
Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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