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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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I'm watching Don Lemon on CNN. He's interviewing Hugh Hewitt, who apparently had Joe on his radio program today. Hewitt asked Joe if he'd be open to being Trump's running mate. Joe said he'd do whatever was best for the country.

I didn't think this election could get any crazier. It just did.


Like no one knew that's what he's been gunning for all along.  

  • Love 2

And Joe is trying to own this new virus that is damaging prenatal brains in Central and South America.  He knew about it long before anyone else, and knows that it's the Administration's fault it's spreading.  He yammered something about a doctor mentioning it a long while back, then invented a conspiracy theory where the doctor said all travel south of the United States should stop, and as Joe put it, "the power of the travel industry blocked the doctor's recommendation, and we're just letting the virus spread."  Then held up his phone like he's got a personal message from the doctor "proving" something.

I guess this is how he imagines Rachel Maddow does research and came to "own" contaminated water?

This whole instance wasn't 6 seconds long, but perfectly encapsulates what an idiotic, myopic, opportunistic, waffling, partisan idiot he is.  He's not a journalist or a political insider.  He's an egotistical bully who likes to shout "I'm right, you're wrong!" with varying degrees of charisma.  I think his wives would agree.

  • Love 5
And Joe is trying to own this new virus that is damaging prenatal brains in Central and South America.  He knew about it long before anyone else, and knows that it's the Administration's fault it's spreading.  He yammered something about a doctor mentioning it a long while back, then invented a conspiracy theory where the doctor said all travel south of the United States should stop, and as Joe put it, "the power of the travel industry blocked the doctor's recommendation, and we're just letting the virus spread."  Then held up his phone like he's got a personal message from the doctor "proving" something.

I guess this is how he imagines Rachel Maddow does research and came to "own" contaminated water?

This whole instance wasn't 6 seconds long, but perfectly encapsulates what an idiotic, myopic, opportunistic, waffling, partisan idiot he is.  He's not a journalist or a political insider.  He's an egotistical bully who likes to shout "I'm right, you're wrong!" with varying degrees of charisma.  I think his wives would agree.


Don't worry Joe. Trump's gotta guy who can fix it. It'll be great. 


No wonder Joe and Trump have this love fest going. They are both delusional, egomaniacal idiots. 

  • Love 7

O'donnell, Harris-Perry, and... well, that's about it on MSNBC who are avowed partisans on the network.  The rest seem to be researchers or journalists or news readers with or without obvious biases.  I don't know that they've ever said that they'll do whatever it takes to keep a Republican out of office, though.

So, what is one to make of this, “I will say this, and I’ve said this on the air, and so this is not really any secret at all, I’ll do anything that will get — will stop us from eight more years like the last eight years we’ve had,” Scarborough said.
“I mean, I think I put myself in your category, I would do just about anything to try to get the White House back,” he added.

So, what is one to make of this, “I will say this, and I’ve said this on the air, and so this is not really any secret at all, I’ll do anything that will get — will stop us from eight more years like the last eight years we’ve had,” Scarborough said.

“I mean, I think I put myself in your category, I would do just about anything to try to get the White House back,” he added.


Did he say that on air on MJ or on Hewitt's show? 


Eight years like the eight we just had? Record growth? Housing market back? Employment at 5%? Even my died in the wool Republican boss says things are so much better now than they were under Bush. 


Joe do your lips get chapped with all the metaphorical bj's you're giving Donald Trump? Does he pay you or just promise you a job in the WH when he's elected.  

Edited by teddysmom
  • Love 9

And Joe is trying to own this new virus that is damaging prenatal brains in Central and South America.  He knew about it long before anyone else, and knows that it's the Administration's fault it's spreading.  He yammered something about a doctor mentioning it a long while back, then invented a conspiracy theory where the doctor said all travel south of the United States should stop, and as Joe put it, "the power of the travel industry blocked the doctor's recommendation, and we're just letting the virus spread."  Then held up his phone like he's got a personal message from the doctor "proving" something.

I guess this is how he imagines Rachel Maddow does research and came to "own" contaminated water?

This whole instance wasn't 6 seconds long, but perfectly encapsulates what an idiotic, myopic, opportunistic, waffling, partisan idiot he is.  He's not a journalist or a political insider.  He's an egotistical bully who likes to shout "I'm right, you're wrong!" with varying degrees of charisma.  I think his wives would agree.


This really veers into Trumpesque and Palinite type of bombastic delusion.  I know about the virus he is talking about and funny how I knew of it even before I heard about in regards to the Duggars here on this very board.  A t least a week ago if not more.  Some brilliant medical prognosticator he is.  People who find time to mock the Duggars in between all the real aspects of their lives knew about ramifications about the disease and yet suddenly it is an issue only Scarborough knew and talked about.  When though?  How many times has he stated concerns about the virus and its effects and how it might spread?  Or better yet how it might be treated and cured.   You know.  Instead of treating the situation like some old black and white B movie where the fools won't listen and the giant ants we created through our own hubris are now invading the US.  Again I think the batshit is the only virus Scarborough should be interested.  No surprise he caught since he is so far up Trump's ass.



O'donnell, Harris-Perry, and... well, that's about it on MSNBC who are avowed partisans on the network.  The rest seem to be researchers or journalists or news readers with or without obvious biases.  I don't know that they've ever said that they'll do whatever it takes to keep a Republican out of office, though.

So, what is one to make of this, “I will say this, and I’ve said this on the air, and so this is not really any secret at all, I’ll do anything that will get — will stop us from eight more years like the last eight years we’ve had,” Scarborough said.

“I mean, I think I put myself in your category, I would do just about anything to try to get the White House back,” he added.


Someone needs to remind him of this statement on the show and ask him WHAT THE FUCK ABOUT THE EIGHT YEARS BEFORE THAT?!!!!!!!  And do so by pulling up the tapes when it was clear that the voters had enough of Bush and just wanted him out and that most moderates and ironically many conservatives for a different reason saw his administration as one failure after another.   The tapes that had Scaraborough trying to claim how moderate he really was and how he was not about parties but about issues and how he was always on the right side of things and how he was there long before the majority ever got there.  but somehow was always making these statements long after the majority had staked its claim on the issue. 


I think it is insane that Trump is a leader in polls but I also remember when I could not believe the same about most of the Republican candidates four years ago the exact same time period.  I also think it is even more insane that anyone other than Scarborough in his own fantasies truly sees him as a candidate for anything.  Let alone a running mate that would attract non-Whites, women and pretty much anyone with a pulse.  But I actually wish this insane thing would come true.  Scarborough would leave the show.  I'd like a good informative show in the morning that address politics but also added news which Scarborough has stated more than once is a waste and said so conveniently right after Richard Engle had been on.  Pesky worthless news gatherers just get in the way of Scarborough who more than one has called himself a journalist, a lead journalist even, and tells it like it is, and tells you he told it like it is long long ago you just weren't there. Nobody was.  Not even the pretend sources he claims to have who don't and never existed. 


Plus I cannot even imagine the joy on Trevor Noah's face the day such an announcement was made. 

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Mika's attack on O Reilly for not defending Megyn Kelly got covered today.




The show makes me laugh so hard. Joe knows all!. Joe knew about the Mosquito Virus!. Why didn't he tell us this months ago?


Joe as VP? C'mon. That's mind boggling.


Joe was supposed to be a regular panelist on Meet the Press as a concession prize for losing the job to Chuck Todd. Joe was an annoying panelist & started shouting at the other panelists. Chuck Todd was very upset & could barely control Joe.


I suppose NBC stepped in & told Joe to take time off. Todd's show is pretty good.


I enjoy watching parts of the show I missed in the evening with a glass of wine. It's quite comical.

  • Love 5

I'd like to know how many people out there in the real world genuinely believe that the last 8 years of falling unemployment and health care distributed to millions of uninsured people make it worse than the 8 years of Bush failure after failure, disastrous wars and economic collapse. Even the people who just hate Obama personally (what reason could that be, I wonder), do they really think the last 8 years have not been an improvement on where we were? That's just insanity to me. There's objective reality here.

Edited by Ruby25
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Joe is trying his damndest to flame hysteria about Zika virus.  He brought on his pet doctor who told him weeks ago, at the Experts On Everything Club at the secret Manhattan location behind a bookshelf smelling of fine Corinthian leather, scotch, cigars, and smug arrogance, that the US should lock down all travel to anywhere south of the US border.  They commiserated for a while and Joe got ANIMATED.  Leaning forward, using his hands, speaking fast, trying to impart gravitas... using his super-serious, "I'm really serious about this, it's important" persona.

Then another doctor came on.  Head of epidemics at the CDC.  He said that the cases in the US are from women returning from Brazil.  That this isn't a "spreading" of the virus at all.  That there is little chance these equatorial mosquitoes are super nuclear godzilla bugs who are leaving their climate and moving to Baltimore.  He said that instances of Dengue fever and something else in Brazil are HUGELY more common and more dangerous and come from the same vector, yet never have traveled to the US.  He said there's no reason to expect that this virus will either.

Joe said, "Oh...  Oh.  Thank you doctor."  Kicked it to commercial.   He's such a dick.


Love how they just stopped reporting on the armed radicals out in Oregon.  I have to go to other news outlets in the AM to learn about what's going on there.

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I am trying really, really hard not to wish misfortune on Donald Trump so while I'm not deeply religious, I do check myself and ask forgiveness from God for my evil thoughts.  I am not kidding.  However, if he is elected President, then I will have no problem placing some of the blame on the media, including MSNBC and Lawrence O'Donnell and Morning Joe, in particular, for giving him free, ongoing, nonstop media coverage.


As a voter, I've got a big problem, because I don't want to see either Trump or Mrs. Clinton as my choices.  Sanders might have a shot but I'm not counting on it.  As of now, I'm depressed about voting.

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I think Joe has drunk so much of the Trump kool aid, he's just gone off the deep end.  He is seeing how Trump says whatever crazy shit he wants and no one questions him and so Joe is just going to up his own game of "I know people, I know stuff nobody else knows". 

Agreed. Joe said prior to the debate that Trump's veterans event would get more viewers than the Fox debate. The ratings came out and Fox got 12 million viewers. CNN & MSNBC got 2.7 million viewers combined by carrying the Trump show.


I think its hilarious watching Joe go all in for Trump. I am surprised that Mika is going along with that.


On the Democratic side, its nice that Mika will do a special profile on Bernie Sanders's wife next week.


Joe said he will be doing a special musical tribute to David Bowie & all the other dead musicians with Huckabee at Java Joes on Sunday Night. Ratner said that he hoped Mika would bring her tambourine.


Does anyone remember Joe's musical tribute to 9/11 victims with Mika on the tambourine a few years ago?

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I am also looking forward to the first woman president, but I just wish there had been other female candidates running instead of Hillary, and I hate the notion of her being the "chosen female." There must be others out there, and I'm not just talking about Elizabeth Warren. 

Agreed. I think its disappointing that there weren't more candidates for the Democratic nomination. During Friday's show, Halperin & Joe said their top level sources were telling them that Hillary's email investigation by the FBI is advanced. There may be a need for the FBI to question her. Joe & Cokie Roberts got into an argument over Obama's recent gestures of strong support for Hillary. Joe said Obama has the inside scoop that Hillary may be criminally charged, so Obama will defend her against the Justice Dept. Cokie Roberts said the if the FBI told Obama about pending charges, he should distance himself from Hillary. Cokie said if Hillary is indicted, the Democrat party will ask John Kerry, Al Gore or Joe Biden to run. The establishment doesn't like Bernie Sanders.


There was also a good interview during the week with  Republican Senator Sasse from Nebraska. He pushed back against Joe for supporting Trump. He said that Trump should stop saying he will do whatever he wants if he gets elected President. Sasse said that They should ask Trump what he is for & stop letting him get away with easy questions. Joe got mad at Sasse & said that Trump is leading in Nebraska. Sasse said Trump makes for great TV & he is fun to have a beer with. Trump doesn't drink alcohol though.


Joe said he loved Sasse & called him a rising star but that he should not support the Nebraska football team. Sasse said heis wife went to the University of Alabama & he refused to wear their clothes. The show is much more fun when guests push back at Joe & then Joe gets all riled up.

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What I think is really interesting about this election year is that both parties are unhappy with the frontrunner of their respective party.  


I wouldn't be surprised if Biden, Kerry or Gore were pressed to run for the Democrats.  I would have said Elizabeth Warren, since I previously said that I'd like to see a female president, but I'm not sure she's the right one to step in if Hillary does get into too much trouble with the emails.  While I haven't seen a lot of EW, I think she comes off as a little too combative for the masses.  Sure, sexism could come into play because Bernie comes off as combative, but I just don't think a woman can get away with it.  Not saying it's fair, but I think it's much more important for a woman running for president to be seen as not only competent but likable.  

Edited by Ohwell
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Yeah, I'm okay with Hillary. She's likeable enough...


Well played. ;) I read that post in Obama's voice.


In other news, I wonder if any of the Morning Joe crew will join what is seemingly all day coverage today and tomorrow. I think Rachel is hosting a panel either today or tomorrow and I wonder if Joe's invitation was lost in the mail. And I've never seen Mika on one of those panels, ever.  To be a fly on the wall when those three pass each other in hall.


I enjoyed Rachel's takedown of Joe on his show in 2008 when she was like, "Let me make my point and then you can dismiss me" and he actually did shut up.

Edited by EarlGreyTea
  • Love 9

Here is the classic clip of Joe blowing up at David Shuster in 2008. At the time Joe supported the immediate withdrawal of all troops from Iraq even though the plan was to withdraw them in 2011. Lately, Joe has been blaming Obama for withdrawing the troops in 2011 & that ISIS would not be in Iraq if they had kept US troops there.


  • Love 2

I wonder if any of the Morning Joe crew will join what is seemingly all day coverage today and tomorrow. I think Rachel is hosting a panel either today or tomorrow and I wonder if Joe's invitation was lost in the mail.


Rachel, Brian Williams, Eugene Robinson and O'Donnell, were on last night for two hours with Iowa input from Matthews, Mitchell and Steve Schmidt from Java Joes.  No Joe or Meeka in sight, even though it was around the time you'd think that Joe would be taking the stage with his garage band..  Joe won't be asked to join the coverage that starts 6 est this evening most likely because it's been proven time and again that he can't behave at the adult's table and once again Rachel will be leading the coverage.


What a great clip you grabbed oakville:

1. Evidence that it was Iraq insisting that we leave Iraq - counter to the bullshit that the GOP lays out daily, blaming that on Obama.

2. Look how much more attractive "Me"eka's hair looks with a color that actually occurs in nature.

Edited by NextIteration
  • Love 6

MSNBC is literally just showing caucus votes being counted out loud by someone. It's been going on for several minutes now. And yet it's somehow more riveting than Joe bloviating about what he would do if he was running for president. Newsflash: you weren't even invited to the panels that are discussing who's running for president.

  • Love 5
MSNBC is literally just showing caucus votes being counted out loud by someone. It's been going on for several minutes now. And yet it's somehow more riveting than Joe bloviating about what he would do if he was running for president. Newsflash: you weren't even invited to the panels that are discussing who's running for president.


It has been extremely riveting, I can't stop watching it. MSNBC has done a great job, I can almost forgive them for Joe and Mika being on my screen. But I'm pretty sure that feeling won't last. 

But this Caucus coverage has been great.


I was paying so close attention that on the Republican side, I pretty much memorized which pile of votes belonged to which candidate. Well Rubio's was easy, he had the largest pile. But I knew where Paul's, Bush's, Trumps and Christie's piles were on that table. Though the only other person who actually had what you could describe as a pile in that precinct was Trump. I died laughing when the guy dropped a paper or two from time to time. 


Go Ted Cruz, I need him to go all the way so the Democrats can file suit.


And I guess Rubio can pat himself on the back, looks like the establishment wing of the party might not be completely dead after all.


Interesting to hear that Iowa Democrats love Obama, they just seem to want to go in an even more liberal direction, hence the Bernie "Bern."

Edited by represent
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Tomorrow will be a great show!. Joe was wrong about Trump. Mika & Joe bragged about Rubio being a schoolboy & now he nearly tied Trump.

Joe should apologize to viewers for being wrong .


I have some experience in local politics & laughed when Joe said that Trump was refusing to open his offices to media scrutiny to surprise the opposition. That is stupid. The only reason Trump kept quiet was that his ground game was very weak.  

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So, Joe and "Me"ka were afraid of a little snow and flew out early?


I slept in a a bit, missed the first half hour, it's 6:03 cst and not a peep about the Democrats, lol.


I see the chyron has Clinton as the "apparent" winner, not the projected winner.  The Des Moines Register has her "eeking" out a win and most sites have her winning a number of delegates more than Sanders.  I think that still needs to be sorted.


I wonder though, the media has been amping up Sanders so much, but they rarely (even last night only once or twice) mention the superdelegates.  Hillary is already ahead by close to 400 superdelegates.

Edited by NextIteration
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Hillary is already ahead by close to 400 superdelegates.


I don't think Sanders has any. The fact that after 25+ years in Congress he's only gotten two Reps to endorse him I think speaks a lot to what his colleagues actually think about him.


I only have the show on as background noise so haven't really listened to it but are Joe and Mika actually trying to make it sound like Trump didn't lose? That the results are actually very good for him? Unbelievable.

  • Love 4

I don't think Sanders has any. The fact that after 25+ years in Congress he's only gotten two Reps to endorse him I think speaks a lot to what his colleagues actually think about him.


I only have the show on as background noise so haven't really listened to it but are Joe and Mika actually trying to make it sound like Trump didn't lose? That the results are actually very good for him? Unbelievable.


One of Sanders' two superdelegates is my congresscritter Keith Ellison - which makes sense, he's one of the leaders of the Progressive Caucus (I adore him).


They are spinning wildly for Trump, it never ends apparently - Nate Silver/FiveThirtyEight is calling Trump the next Pat Buchanan.

Clinton claims victory in Iowa.

Joe says, "Don't you think, given her trust issues.  Her total lack of trustworthiness.  Given the emails and ALLLLL the other things.  Given that she doesn't want to appear like a liar, again.. why would she come out ahead and claim victory?  Doesn't this feed the public perception that she cannot be trusted?  She is going to get smoked in New Hampshire, she won't pull African Americans in South Carolina. She's in real, serious trouble.  Chuck?"

Chuck Todd looked at him like, "gulp... what the hell do I do with this incredible load of garbage this moron is trying to feed me."  His face was awesome.  And when he answered Joe tried to steer Chuck's response. 


See, the fact is, SHE DID WIN!  She didn't lie, you fuckface, SHE WAS RIGHT.  Joe spins confidence and competence into hubris because he hates her more than I hate Joe.  And that right there is a perfect example of his constant, constant, constant attack on Hillary Clinton.  NOTHING is granted, even when earned.  She won, and in the win it's a total loss and disaster that showcases her weakness.

Edited by Landsnark
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Hillary wins, it's a loss.  Trump loses, it's a HUGE win.   Joe Logic!  Seems legit.


This is nauseating.

With her fake eyelashes,  well-applied (if a little heavy) makeup, expensive TV haircut, nice smile and posture, and of course the TV on mute... Cackles is passably human-seeming.

This is TRULY nauseating.

Mika just parroted my point that if Clinton declares herself the winner, she's a loser in Joe's eyes, but if she were a man, Joe would laud her confidence. 

I need some time to re-center!! I just found Cackles sort of attractive and I agree with Mika!  What is haappppenninnnngggg???

Edited by Landsnark
  • Love 6

There there Landsnark, it happens.  Nicolle does a very good job looking attractive, when she was on The View many women coveted her look, especially her hair.  About "Me"ka, she can't afford to appear to be trading in the anti-Clinton misogyny too much, but here comes good old Clinton-hating Halperin to bash her.  That's why it was so remarkable a few weeks ago when Halperin was the one defending Clinton.  All we need is Ron Founier.... ha!

  • Love 1


See, the fact is, SHE DID WIN!  She didn't lie, you fuckface, SHE WAS RIGHT.  Joe spins confidence and competence into hubris because he hates her more than I hate Joe.  And that right there is a perfect example of his constant, constant, constant attack on Hillary Clinton.  NOTHING is granted, even when earned.  She won, and in the win it's a total loss and disaster that showcases her weakness.


I also noticed that Nicole praised Ted Cruz's team for their predictions of every precinct they were going to do well in. She said they knew ahead of time exactly where each vote was coming from and what percentage of evangelicals they needed to turn out. On the other hand, Hillary's team was bashed for daring to predict that the few outstanding precincts late last night would go their way. The double standards on this show are mind-boggling.

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I don't think Sanders has any. The fact that after 25+ years in Congress he's only gotten two Reps to endorse him I think speaks a lot to what his colleagues actually think about him.


I only have the show on as background noise so haven't really listened to it but are Joe and Mika actually trying to make it sound like Trump didn't lose? That the results are actually very good for him? Unbelievable.

Joe bragged that Trump got the second most votes ever for a GOP candidate for President. Willie reminded Joe that Ted Cruz got more votes than Trump.


Joe is so hilarious!. Joe said Trump can come back from being $9 billion in debt so he can come back & win the nomination.


I think Hillary's super delegates can switch their support before the convention. I remember this happening in 2008. Super Delegates started switching their support to Obama.

  • Love 1
I think Hillary's super delegates can switch their support before the convention. I remember this happening in 2008. Super Delegates started switching their support to Obama.


Exactly.  Back in 2008 they called it a "prison break" when the super delegates abandoned Clinton for Obama.  Not saying it will happen this year, but it could.

  • Love 1
I don't think Sanders has any. The fact that after 25+ years in Congress he's only gotten two Reps to endorse him I think speaks a lot to what his colleagues actually think about him.



I recently read an article that looked at Bernie Sanders' potential support, or lack of it, by elected Democrats and how that might factor into his future as the nominee. (I was trying to find out if you needed to be an official member of the party in order to get the nomination and came across it.)




Mika just parroted my point that if Clinton declares herself the winner, she's a loser in Joe's eyes, but if she were a man, Joe would laud her confidence.

I couldn't believe she said this, that she didn't let her Hillary hate get in the way of the absolute truth. 


Hate Hillary, call her a liar, I'll bite, because she is...point is, she's no more of a liar, nor politician than the rest IMO.


So when these blowhards come off as sexist Ms. Know Your Worth, needs to step up and call them out.

Glad she did that today.



I died laughing and thought to myself "You go Hillary," when she busted out on that stage to "declare victory" before Bernie. 


That was a drop the mike move IMO. 


Politics is a nasty business, she's just playing her game. We the public are tired of their games but I'm not singling her out for playing it just because her first name is Hillary and her last name is Clinton, (eye roll).

Edited by represent
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I was catching up with yesterday's show today. It's amazing how wrong Joe & all the pundits were. Morning Joe should stop focusing on every poll that comes out. Joe was bragging about Trump getting 31%, ( He got 24). Cruz was supposed to get 24% (He got 28) & Rubio's poll numbers were supposed to be 17%. He got 23%. It's very shallow analysis.

I was happy that Bernie did so well. Caucusing for the Democrats with coin tosses deciding the race in 5 precints is strange. Hillary won all the coin tosses!.

Hillary ran up on that stage like her pants were on fire, and it made her look kind of desperate.  

That was awkward.Andrea Mitchell said she forgot to do the rope line & thank her supporters.

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Caucusing for the Democrats with coin tosses deciding the race in 5 precints is strange.


That's not what happened.  Only one of the coin tosses was for a pledged delegate (which Hillary did win) the rest were for county delegates, and Bernie won some as well.  Iowa is soo weird with the delegate equivalents and blah blah blah, but the pledged delegates are the 44 theoretical delegates to the national convention - but that gets sorted at the county and then state conventions.  I think the official final count of pledged delegates is 23-21, Clinton over Sanders and Clinton has seven of eight of IA's superdelegates.

  • Love 1
Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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