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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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I can't believe I missed Hillary on Morning Joe. I guess subconsciously I didn't really think she'd really do it. How was she?

There really isn't another candidate running who would be nearly as good a President as Hillary. Sanders is new, and people seem to like that.. and that is a phenomenally stupid reason to vote for someone. He doesn't present with any gravitas. He's a self described Socialist ideologue, which will engender less bi-partisan support than Obama is getting. The reason Sanders isn't being steamrolled into a fruit rollup by the right wing media machine is because they hope he's the candidate, and it's not worth their time to go off-message from Benghazi, Bill's weiner, pant suits, and emails to hit him.

I hope the left wing don't let the "money is bad, banks are bad" hippies lead the party by the nose further to the left. Let's keep Trump/Cruz/Rubio out of office.

No kidding! Remember McGovern? I do. Total disaster. And Bernie is another one.

I can't believe I missed Hillary on Morning Joe. I guess subconsciously I didn't really think she'd really do it. How was she?

There really isn't another candidate running who would be nearly as good a President as Hillary. Sanders is new, and people seem to like that.. and that is a phenomenally stupid reason to vote for someone. He doesn't present with any gravitas. He's a self described Socialist ideologue, which will engender less bi-partisan support than Obama is getting. The reason Sanders isn't being steamrolled into a fruit rollup by the right wing media machine is because they hope he's the candidate, and it's not worth their time to go off-message from Benghazi, Bill's weiner, pant suits, and emails to hit him.

I hope the left wing don't let the "money is bad, banks are bad" hippies lead the party by the nose further to the left. Let's keep Trump/Cruz/Rubio out of office.

No kidding! Remember McGovern? I do. Total disaster. And Bernie is another one.

I can't believe I missed Hillary on Morning Joe.  I guess subconsciously I didn't really think she'd really do it.  How was she?


She was very good.  She was asked to answer for what Mika is always calling her lack of vision and she went on a wonky run of any and every subject/policy she supports.  She was challenged about the "healthcare attack" on Bernie and explained, I think very well, that now is the time to draw distinctions and that she doesn't think now is the time to drag the country through another fight to completely revamp the ACA to attempt Bernie's single payer plan.  She also smartly made allusions to the fact that there aren't a lot of fleshed out policies for Bernie's vision.

  • Love 5

She was very good.  She was asked to answer for what Mika is always calling her lack of vision and she went on a wonky run of any and every subject/policy she supports.





I saw her on Rachel Maddow last night and she did the same there, so I was glad I didn't have to tune in to this show to once again shake my head from side to side and just admire how phenomenal she is.  Watching her on Maddow, I was like, damn she's good. It's her staff that needs to calm on down, cause she's got this, she's got it.  

  • Love 3

Got what?

If this story is true, then that's the very thing that is causing her lead to erode: The sense of inevitability at such an early stage in the campaign that, frankly, turns some of us off.


Edited by Ohwell

Got what?


If this story is true, then that's the very thing that is causing her lead to erode: The sense of inevitability at such an early stage in the campaign that, frankly, turns some of us off.



I'm curious why competence and a strong presentation of her policies and stances on issues is referred to as inevitability? I know the press has been calling it a coronation as the linked accounting represents, but I don't know when she's claimed her inevitability. I understand much better other arguments against her, like her actual policy positions and stand on issues, I don't let the media frame my opinion of anything.


I much prefer Bernie's vision, but I can agree that he is an idealist.


Speaking of the media. later in the day on MSNBC, on With All Due Respect, not surprisingly Halperin criticized Clinton's response to Mika as "rambling" and not concise, showing no "theory of the case" whatever the hell that means. 

  • Love 2

It's fun watching Mika brag about the Iran nuclear deal & the hostages being released. She said no one believed that Obama could make a deal with Iran. Joe said Iran is happy with the $100Billion & lifting of sanctions. They shouldn't encourage the revolutionary guards to take hostages. Joe said this deal could blow up like Bush's invasion of Iraq. Richard Engel said the Iranians want to encourage American tourists to visit.

Joe said Hillary used to attack Obama for making deals with Iran. Joe said Obama looked the other way when the Iranians tried to revolt in 2009. Joe said Obama hated the Egyptian govt under Mubarak & said Mubarak must go but never told the Ayatollahs should go.

It's fun watching Mika brag about the Iran nuclear deal & the hostages being released. She said no one believed that Obama could make a deal with Iran. Joe said Iran is happy with the $100Billion & lifting of sanctions. They shouldn't encourage the revolutionary guards to take hostages. Joe said this deal could blow up like Bush's invasion of Iraq. Richard Engel said the Iranians want to encourage American tourists to visit.

Joe said Hillary used to attack Obama for making deals with Iran. Joe said Obama looked the other way when the Iranians tried to revolt in 2009. Joe said Obama hated the Egyptian govt under Mubarak & said Mubarak must go but never told the Ayatollahs should go.

Got what?

If this story is true, then that's the very thing that is causing her lead to erode: The sense of inevitability at such an early stage in the campaign that, frankly, turns some of us off.



Winning Iowa doesn't mean you are elected President.

Rick Santorum, Tom Harkin, Richard Gephardt, Mike Huckabee, Bob Dole, all won an Iowa caucus and weren't elected President. 

  • Love 4

Winning Iowa doesn't mean you are elected President.

Rick Santorum, Tom Harkin, Richard Gephardt, Mike Huckabee, Bob Dole, all won an Iowa caucus and weren't elected President. 

Whaa??  Neither that Washington Post story nor I suggested that winning Iowa meant that Sanders or any other candidate would be elected President.  I think the point of it (and my point) is that Clinton might isn't a shoo-in either.

That's exactly what Trump said in his interview with Joe & Mika last week. What was the alternative? Going in there and spreading democracy again, some more?


I don't know what the alternative was but, my memory of the Green Movement is that many, many of Obama's most ardent liberal/progressive supporters felt it was one of the first slaps into reality that he was not all that he persuaded them he was during the primaries.  There was massive disappointment that he didn't do anything, I think it's easy for the right to tweak Obama about that because of the disappointment displayed by his supporters. IMO/YMMV, just imparting what I saw back then.

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Oh really Mika?  You're going to set up a segment tomorrow with Ron Fournier who just wrote an article about Flint in the National Journal yesterday, instead of inviting Rachel Maddow in, who you know, brought national attention to the water in Flint almost single handedly?  Joe is still so scared of Rachel, it's hilarious.   Fournier serves double duty, as Flint way after the fact reporter, and Clinton hater.

  • Love 7

That's exactly what Trump said in his interview with Joe & Mika last week. What was the alternative? Going in there and spreading democracy again, some more?

I think the point Joe was making was that Obama stood up to dictators in Libya, Syria,Egypt & urged them to leave power. Obama did not speak out as much against Iran during the green revolution in 2009. Of course, Assad did not listen to Obama. Egypt has returned to a military government with a new general Sisi in power,

Today's show featured a long tribute to the Eagles Glenn Frey. Joe said he was a big fan of his music which defined the 70's. Joe has agreed to perform a musical tribute to the Eagles at Java Joes in Iowa on the night before the caucuses. Mika was happy about that.

Bob Woodward came on to talk about Hillary's campaign. He said she is weary of the media & doesn't have much of a rationale for running for President. He said the public is weary of her as well & her events aren't as well attended as Bernie's.

Joe said Trump & Sanders have the biggest crowds. Joe said Sanders benefits from small contributions.

Mika said that Hillary will have a tough time defending the $600K in speaking fees from Goldman Sachs.

They showed some more polls. Trump is still ahead.

They interviewed Jason Revzanian 's brother. He thanked Morning Joe for discussing the Iranian hostage issue. His brother is doing better now.

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Lindsay Graham said Trump will lose the general election against Hillary because Dishonest beats Crazy. Lindsay that Romney got 60% of the White vote & 27% of Latinos & lost the election. He can't see Trump doing better with whites & will do vey badly with Latinos. Joe disagreed & said that the Trump will do better with white working class voters & may do better with Latinos. That's bizarre. Why would Latinos vote for Trump?

Lindsay Graham asked Mika & Joe to ask Trump about the Obama birther issue. Lindsay said 50% of Trump's supporters are birthers.

Lindsay was funny. He said that Trump isn't the first thing that comes to mind when it came to being an Evangelical Christian.

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Oh really Mika?  You're going to set up a segment tomorrow with Ron Fournier who just wrote an article about Flint in the National Journal yesterday, instead of inviting Rachel Maddow in, who you know, brought national attention to the water in Flint almost single handedly?  Joe is still so scared of Rachel, it's hilarious.   Fournier serves double duty, as Flint way after the fact reporter, and Clinton hater.


Interesting. Has Rachel not been on Morning Joe ?  Like every network, they bring on hosts from their other shows to cross promote. 

Interesting. Has Rachel not been on Morning Joe ?  Like every network, they bring on hosts from their other shows to cross promote.



I think this goes back a few years. Rachel & Joe were both on MTP and she ate him alive.  It was glorious.  She never even broke a sweat. Everything he said, she countered with actual facts, 

  • Love 4


Oh really Mika?  You're going to set up a segment tomorrow with Ron Fournier who just wrote an article about Flint in the National Journal yesterday, instead of inviting Rachel Maddow in, who you know, brought national attention to the water in Flint almost single handedly?  Joe is still so scared of Rachel, it's hilarious.   Fournier serves double duty, as Flint way after the fact reporter, and Clinton hater.


LOL, he should be, he's a punk and so is his sidekick Mika.


That's OK, the Mayor of Flint thanked Rachel publicly at her press conference. 




Lindsay Graham said Trump will lose the general election against Hillary because Dishonest beats Crazy.

STFU Lindsay, although, this shit is funny, LOL. I gotta give Lindsay credit for some of his one liners which sound all the more funny when delivered with his southern drawl, hilarious. 


But I wish Lindsay wouldn't  talk  as if he's not part of the dishonesty. Every last one of them including Obama are NOT to be trusted, they're all dishonest, they're career politicians. There's no superman nor superwoman in any of them. They are extremely driven and are all about their legacy and making history. I'm not saying that some of them don't start out trying to do some good with their idealism and whatnot, but please....


For me it's a matter of who I feel in my bones is the most EVIL and it sure as hell ain't Hillary, sorry.

Edited by represent
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I think this goes back a few years. Rachel & Joe were both on MTP and she ate him alive.  It was glorious.  She never even broke a sweat. Everything he said, she countered with actual facts, 


You are right about her eating him alive on MTP.  But it goes back even farther.  In 2008 before she got a show, she was a huge contributor in election analysis and coverage.  She and Nate Silver pretty much made Scarborough and Chuck Todd both look like fools. Well when Chuck Todd wasn't simply parroting Rachel and Nate and trying to pretend it came out of his mouth first.  Wasn't there an SNL character that used to do that?  Or he would use Richard Wolff's words if the other two were in the room and had already owned the room with their knowledge and insight.


Rachel got her own show then and over and over again, she got people Scarborough couldn't.  Also when Scarborough got really nonsensical and belligerent over the 2012 election he pretty much got the heave entirely in network coverage and it was given to Rachel to helm the primetime coverage.  He even had said at one point he was going to anchor it.  That might have even been true and maybe why it burnt so badly he didn't.


But there was also the McChrystal bit.  Rachel had been covering the situation in Afghanistan from the start.  She has a deep professional relationship with Richard Engel.  She had ties to more than one former staff member of COlin Powell as well as the military itself.  Afghanistan was her purview.  And everyone went to her first.  Of course Scarborough tried to pretend he was the only talking about the issue.  He said that over and over again. He tried to pretend that when he had the various experts on, it was the first time anyone, let alone anyone on MSNBC, was getting a chance to hear what they had to say.  Unless they tuned into Rachel's show.  Sometimes even weeks prior.  And Rachel went to Afghanistan.  A bit MSNBC week focus.  And even though there were ads during MJ, he never once mentioned it.  In fact Jonathan Capeheart And Richard Wolff joked about how Joe was missing when Mika did a promo mention and then later Willie did.  And each time Scarborough wasn't even as the desk though he had been a commercial break before.


Of course Rachel also has a best selling and respected on both sides of the aisle book about the military.  Something several right wing military leaders have given a bit thumbs up to.  She is smart.  She is in prime time.  She has always been polite and almost never gone after Scarborough or the lies and mistruths his show keeps spreading.  But she also serves up truth on issues that in compare show how misinformed both willfully and through arrogance he is.  She is a Rhodes scholar.  And while I do have some issues with her, she is also many times the smartest person in a room, something I think Scarborough wants to pretend to be and knows deep down he is not and it hurts like prison rape.  But her strength is not her own intelligence but that she realizes she never should she is the smartest and that many times she is not and appreciates the knowledge others bring to a matter.  It is why if you go back the situation in Flint in regards to Rachel goes back to her talking about water issues as far back as her look at the pending fiasco that was the whole Governor dictatorship in regards to overturning local elections and the imposition of picked individuals to hold what should have been elected positions.


But yeah, he really hates her.  In fact if I had won the Powerball billion (if I had played) I would have hired a private detective to figure out Scarborough's daily routine.  then hired several dozen Rachel Maddow look alikes and have them do a loiter stalk of him all day long.  Have him spend the day thinking everywhere he goes, there's Rachel.

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What a lily-livered weasel Joe is. The biggest story is, of course, the circus show put on by the shrieking Wasilla wench that he adored just a few years ago and his revered clown Trump and he won't mention it and they won't shut up about Clinton's poll numbers. I'm not watching but have the show on in the background and the hate just drips from Mika's voice whenever she says anything about Clinton. What a pair of yahoos those two are.

  • Love 10
What a lily-livered weasel Joe is. The biggest story is, of course, the circus show put on by the shrieking Wasilla wench that he adored just a few years ago and his revered clown Trump and he won't mention it and they won't shut up about Clinton's poll numbers. I'm not watching but have the show on in the background and the hate just drips from Mika's voice whenever she says anything about Clinton. What a pair of yahoos those two are.


I kept checking in to see what they said and couldn't believe they never even mentioned it.  Can't point out how Trump is now hitching his wagon to this batshittery.  It'll make Joe look even more ridiculous for supporting him.  Like that's possible. 


And now we have Sarah Palin, her jacket by Golden Girls meets Ex Machina, stumbles on stage in a vodka and oxycontin induced psychosis, screeching a Word Scramble which reached an octave only dogs could hear, and beg to be put out of their misery.  And I was right there with them.


All I can say is Wasilla is the meth capital of Alaska, and if I was Trump I'd check her teeth. 

Edited by teddysmom
  • Love 13

I watched the show lead-in from commercial with a video of Seth Myers making fun of Clinton being white and old, and Bernie being the idol of <24 yr olds because he's so cool.  And as they come out of that package, Joe says "And there, GOP, is your next President, Bernie Sanders," and laughs smugly.  Mika just blinked weirdly, like she was a blonde owl in a black turtleneck.  And I changed the channel.  I hate that guy, his boiling disdain for Clinton immediately turns me off.


Nobody mentioned Palin's adult son abusing his spouse while illegally handling a semi-automatic rifle?  Sort of thought Trump's #1 thing is that Bill Clinton hates women and is an abuser.  Nobody observed this? 

Edited by Landsnark
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And I've never said this before, but good for Nicolle Wallace. She gave Rachel Maddow the credit she is justly due for getting this story into the national media.


Rachel has Nicole on occasionally and I think they truly get along. 


But then Rachel really is polite to everyone. She never raises her voice to guests, never tries to embarrass them or shout them down. 

  • Love 4
But her strength is not her own intelligence but that she realizes she never should she is the smartest and that many times she is not and appreciates the knowledge others bring to a matter.  It is why if you go back the situation in Flint in regards to Rachel goes back to her talking about water issues as far back as her look at the pending fiasco that was the whole Governor dictatorship in regards to overturning local elections and the imposition of picked individuals to hold what should have been elected positions.



I like that she always checks with her guest to make sure that the long lead in did for them was factually correct.


It drove me bonkers this morning that Joe seized on the <<<EPA>>>> being the big bad GOVERNMENT agency that was at fault for poisoning Flint's water. I can think of four other groups that had closer interaction with the actual water that I would blame even before the Governor.  

  • Detroit Water (I keep hearing weird things about how more expensive the water was going to be then I hear not)
  • Emergency manager for selling off the connecting pipe.
  • Flint Public Works - the manager, the water supply superintendent, any engineer, the water plant operators, etc.
  • The labs that test the water - they have to do grab samples and the lab technician that read the results of the lady that screamed the loudest about the water quality


But no, to Joe, its all about EPA, like there are no other local City or State people who are afraid of losing their jobs.

  • Love 7

There is a ton of reporting on this, and the EPA was one of the lone opponents of Flint, the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality and other agencies and officials obstructing investigations of the pollution levels.

It was the EPA, who may have broken laws in so doing, who exposed the levels of contamination against the state of Michigan's demands for more research first.  See, the thing is... this is A STATES' RIGHTS ISSUE, Joe.  The EPA's legal authority to compel the state to take action was unclear until the EPA just acted, laws be-damned.  Michigan is in charge of primary responsibility for drinking water quality and safety... it's a state's right issue.

This is a textbook, clinical, laboratory study of what happens when government deregulates public health concerns and rolls back oversight.  The governor of Michigan and the hierarchy in charge of protecting the public and operating government at the merest levels of competence should be jailed.  If you gut governance and staff it down to a level below an ability to operate, this is precisely what happens, Joe, you fucking douche bag.  #TeaBagIdeology  I guess tea bag ideology really is just rhetoric to make stupid people angry.  Who knew?


Also, any word on the Michigan Representative who is crying that the federal government has no Constitutional authority to provide Michigan aid?  Did they discuss this idiot, Justin Amash?  #TeaBagIdeology

Edited by Landsnark
  • Love 8

I watched the show lead-in from commercial with a video of Seth Myers making fun of Clinton being white and old, and Bernie being the idol of <24 yr olds because he's so cool. And as they come out of that package, Joe says "And there, GOP, is your next President, Bernie Sanders," and laughs smugly. Mika just blinked weirdly, like she was a blonde owl in a black turtleneck. And I changed the channel. I hate that guy, his boiling disdain for Clinton immediately turns me off.

Nobody mentioned Palin's adult son abusing his spouse while illegally handling a semi-automatic rifle? Sort of thought Trump's #1 thing is that Bill Clinton hates women and is an abuser. Nobody observed this?

  • Love 1

Couple fun things for lunch...


Palin's a no show at a Trump rally she was schedule to appear at.  So everything is proceeding as predicted.


Batshit rambly speech - check

Crazy outfit - check

Doesn't show up when scheduled, Trump making excuses for her - check check


Also, somebody on another forum has nicknamed her "Bible Spice" and I hereby declare that we call her that forever more.  I'm still chuckling at that one.

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There is nothing that will get the democrats running to the polls to vote for Hillary or Bernie than the sound of Sarah Palin's voice.

She had to endorse Trump or she wouldn't get the media coverage she craves. The "lame stream media" doesn't follow any other candidate (GOP or Dem) around 24/7. Hell, a camera should be attached to Trump's head so we can watch his every move.

Edited by stormy
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The GOP establishment really would prefer Trump to Cruz. Bob Dole said Trump would be better in the NY Times today. WTF? Wouldn't either of those clowns be a complete disaster for the party?


Trump's negatives are SO HIGH. He'd get killed in the latino and the women's vote. I just cannot imagine Republicans seriously wanting him to be the nominee. Unless they're secretly planning some way to take him out before he captures the nomination and they know they wouldn't be able to do that with Cruz?

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Couple fun things for lunch...

Palin's a no show at a Trump rally she was schedule to appear at.  So everything is proceeding as predicted.

Batshit rambly speech - check

Crazy outfit - check

Doesn't show up when scheduled, Trump making excuses for her - check check

Also, somebody on another forum has nicknamed her "Bible Spice" and I hereby declare that we call her that forever more.  I'm still chuckling at that one.

I gotta glimpse at Trump's face while that nut was speaking and he was cringing. I died laughing because he was so tense that his damn shoulders were practically touching his ears.   


Trump knows damn well that she's illiterate, he was side eyeing the whole time like WTF?   I could not stop laughing.


Trump isn't  a nut, he just plays one on tv.


He knows how to throw out that red meat to his supporters. But I don't think Palin is Prime Rib anymore, I didn't hear a lot of cheering. Could it be that she's actually crazier than his crowd and they were out there with WTF looks on their faces? For the time that I watched the cameras never panned out to the audience but I know they sure weren't making that much noise while she spoke. I don't think they were feeling her like they use to.

Edited by represent
  • Love 6

re them not mentioning Bible Spice the other morning, that's what "Don't feed the bear" was about. It was said a few times during the opening minutes and I was like "whut?" but then I figured aha, Mama Grizzly. There were a couple instances of crosstalk with Mika saying "No, no, no" quite imperiously, warning them off the topic of Bible Spice. Mika was jealously guarding her territory because only one female is allowed to simper on MJ, and it's not BS. And WTF is up with that lowlife tribe, anyway? Track punched his gf in Bible Spice's own home, so surely he knew his mother was scheduled to appear on national TV. And that's exactly when his PTSD happens to kick in? Alrighty, then.

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Today's show began with little girls dancing for Trump & then Jeb Bush. The DNC is considering allowing more debates now that Hillary's poll numbers are declining. Mika & Harold Ford Jr said DWS should have allowed more debates for the past few months.

Donny Deutshe said more debates will help Hillary look more reasonable than Sanders. Joe said that Bill Clinton looks older than Trump & his scandals from the 90's are hurting Hilary's support with young women. Joe said even Lena Dunham, the star of Girls had concerns about Hillary. Donny said Trump is leading Hillary in Florida. Donny said it wasn't a wacky state, so Trump could win the general election. Joe made fun of Senator Mackaskill for calling Sanders a communist.

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I read this morning that Paul Rieckhoff is publicly telling BS to stop using PTSD as an excuse Track's assault of his girlfriend.  And to stop blaming the President. 


I do not get the balls out hatred for Hillary on MJ.   And yesterday Mika's completely unprofessional sneering at DWS (who I don't care for but that's another topic) handling the debate schedule.  I agree the Dem debates on weekends is ridiculous, but I don't get why they say scheduling them like that is to protect Hillary. She does fine in debates. 


If you guys haven't seen it, check out Colbert from last night and his take on Palin.  It was fantastic. 

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I am so sick of Joe saying that Hillary's private server was "10 times worse" than what David Petraeus did. There is no evidence that Hillary ever sent any information in an email to an individual who was not authorized to have that information. David Petraeus intentionally gave classified information to his mistress who had no security clearance at all. And now Joe and his buddies are boo-hooing that Petraeus could lose one of his stars. The simple fact that he was having an affair is a violation of the Military Code of Conduct and plenty of service members have been demoted one rank for similar behavior. The fact that he gave this woman classified information is clear grounds for demotion. I'm glad that Chuck and Harold at least tried to push back against Joe on this even though Joe wouldn't listen.



That screeching would make even some Republicans vote for the Democrat.


My 82 year old Republican mother has been gradually leaning more and more towards Trump. Yesterday she told me that she will definitely not vote for Trump because she can't stand Sarah Palin and is very disappointed that he is associating with her.

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Some Greatest Hits between Maddow and Scarborough:


I Don't Do Crossfire (pretty obvious that he walked off the set)

McCain Flip Flopping



Thanks for digging those up. I vividly remember that old MSNBC show from the 2008 primaries but was too lazy to go searching for video of it. It's such a perfect example of what a prick Scarborough is and why he won't have a smart woman like Rachel on his show because she makes him look like such an idiot. Boy, the pictures Joe must have of the MSNBC honchos must be real doozies because anybody else who was as insufferable and misogynistic as him would never get (and keep) a tv show.

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I am so sick of Joe saying that Hillary's private server was "10 times worse" than what David Petraeus did. There is no evidence that Hillary ever sent any information in an email to an individual who was not authorized to have that information.


I've actually read statements from people who work at State that it was probably better she did use her personal server, it was more secure and up to date than the antiquated equipment the government uses.


Joe acts like Hillary using her server was basically printing off classified documents and mailing them to our enemies.   

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Granted a bit of true insight from this bunch of yuks is asking a bit much I guess.  But I never heard anyone talk about the fact that whether there are enough debates so early in the game on the Democrats side is simply for the voters to decide.  I'm not that old and I can well remember when the election process started in the year of the election.  While I do love a clown car pileup that is the joke of every Republican yahoo trying to brand themselves in every way shape and form; from a delusional hope the White House is an actual goal to simply wanting to line their pockets via Fox contributor and putting out the next non-fiction book sold at Sam's Club and gunshows across the nation.  I don't think it serves the democratic process that has even a Presidential election take on such expanse that delivers nothing more of substance.  If not considerably less. 


I get that this is their business.  These yutzes have tried to start election silliness the day after someone has just been elected.  So have other media outlets.  After all unless something tragic happens or a disaster, what do they have?  Chicken Little-ing the fact it might snow this weekend?  In the Northeast?  In January?  The shock and horror!!!


And pragmatically speaking why should the Democrats take a page from a failed two-elections strategy of the Republican party?  Why let contempt bred through too much familiarity?  Why open the door for more opportunities to let some silly gaffe be blown up by the media and the opposing party?  Without any real hope for a return of increased support. Why let such an array of idiots taint your brand beyond any repair when you finally pick your candidate?     The real question is does this longer and longer election cycle do any good for the American public?  Or does it chew up and spit out some real viable candidates or impose such a circus mentality the true contenders never jump in, in the first place?  Does it turn voters off and does it let dumbasses like these people simply try to make lots of somethings out of nothing until they couldn't tell a something if it crawled up Scarborough's ass and told Wallace and Mika they have to go home. 


Speaking of Wallace.  What else does she do besides MJ?  Where was she the day after the speech breaking down what an idiot Palin is?  Did I miss it?  Seems to me she has no problem trying to blame Palin during the McCain campaign for all of Palin's blunders.  But now she stands next to Trump and speaks in voices in support of him and suddenly it takes more than a day for the show to address it in any way.  What's the point of having Wallace play Scarborough's own Ed McMahon via her position as a campaign adviser for McCain and Palin if she can't be there when Palin breaks out of whatever padded cell they were keeping her in (I'm guessing -- I see more lucid people at the transit authority that go there for warmth that the system doesn't take care of) and does her best impression of Rain man without the math skills or eclectic knowledge?

  • Love 5
Speaking of Wallace.  What else does she do besides MJ?  Where was she the day after the speech breaking down what an idiot Palin is?  Did I miss it?  Seems to me she has no problem trying to blame Palin during the McCain campaign for all of Palin's blunders.  But now she stands next to Trump and speaks in voices in support of him and suddenly it takes more than a day for the show to address it in any way.  What's the point of having Wallace play Scarborough's own Ed McMahon via her position as a campaign adviser for McCain and Palin if she can't be there when Palin breaks out of whatever padded cell they were keeping her in (I'm guessing -- I see more lucid people at the transit authority that go there for warmth that the system doesn't take care of) and does her best impression of Rain man without the math skills or eclectic knowledge?


I could be wrong, due to the fact that listening to Palin speak the other night has given me night terrors and memory loss, but I think Nicole was on Hardball, and they were covering it and she commented on it afterward.  I don't know what she said because my ears were ringing from all the shrieking about clingers and ringers and rollers and main things. 


I get the feeling Nicole addressing it causes her to admit she had a hand in it to begin with, which may not be completely fair.  She didn't choose Palin, Schmidt and McCain's team did. She was just stuck with handling her, and according to Game Change, admitted she didn't vote because she couldn't put Palin that close to the Oval Office. 


In fact I think she actually told Schmidt at one point she had to be removed from Palin's team of handlers and she went back to working directly with McCain.  

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Sorry.  i should have been more clear on Wallace.  What I found interesting in how quiet they all were immediately following was in regards to how they have been all Trump all the time and how great he is and how so many Democrats secretly will vote for him etc.  Wallace as been a big part of that.  Suddenly Trump lets that attention leech of incompetence attach herself to him and this was the time when Wallace should have been able to be pulled out and address it.   But they had to figure out how to tip toe around anything that might show their flabby hair flopping emperor's bare ass and balls are knocking at his knees for all to see. 


But I guess I should also point out that I don't buy Wallace's attempt to stay employable after Palin.  Maybe Palin wasn't her fault but I still have issue with someone that wants me to listen to her on substantive issues as if she has credibility and yet never said boy over Palin until she has lost.  If this was the eighth year of thge McCain presidency, Wallace would be getting a nice check and access to privilege and helping drive policy that I strongly suspect would have ruined the nation almost as much as Trump tries to claim it is now.  For me she cannot have it both ways.  She can't shrug off Palin because she was simply a gun for hire and yet then tell me what is wrong with the opposition that won and take her seriously.  She is a lickspittler for hire and bathing someone's ass, whether it was Whoopi Goldberg on the View or back now trying to convince Scaroborough he is the end all to be all in hindsight and revisionist history. 


Throw in the attempts that seem incredibly passive aggressive in her 'fictional' forays that seem more mean girl than accepting any real role in areas of the McCain campaign she did have input into (halting the campaign but refusing to sit down and take a bi-partisan assessment of the housing bubble bursting and economy collapsing?  Her working with Aronson and Armitage to brush off a continuing and mounting Iraqi death toll of civilians in sectarian violence to claim that the Iraq war was a good thing and there were no real problems there anymore?  She was one of many but she has tried to use the Palin issue solely to her own benefit in a way I find distasteful to say the least. 


But again my issue was that Wallace has trashed Palin on MJ   She has lauded Trump.  But when the two come up together smack dab in the middle of a major media attention moment she wasn't around.  For me the show itself seemed to not be around immediately or even now completely on the matter.  I get that Conservative fall in line, even with Trump and Palin.  But as Scarborough always tells us, he is the only one with the courage to say it like ti is.  He is the only one to see things no one else does.  He is the only one with the knowledge and sly little whispers in his ears to know better than anyone else.  Plus this one time, at Congress, where he served as a Congressman?  Well you get my drift (likely ten sentences ago).

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But again my issue was that Wallace has trashed Palin on MJ   She has lauded Trump.  But when the two come up together smack dab in the middle of a major media attention moment she wasn't around.  For me the show itself seemed to not be around immediately or even now completely on the matter.  I get that Conservative fall in line, even with Trump and Palin.  But as Scarborough always tells us, he is the only one with the courage to say it like ti is.  He is the only one to see things no one else does.  He is the only one with the knowledge and sly little whispers in his ears to know better than anyone else.  Plus this one time, at Congress, where he served as a Congressman?  Well you get my drift (likely ten sentences ago).



Oh I see where you were going.  She may have trashed her on Hardball, I am pretty sure she was on it after the Palin debacle with Trump, I just didn't hear what she said. 


I didn't mean to sound like a Wallace apologist, I think she's an idiot. I just don't hold her completely responsible for Palin. She wasn't active in choosing her, just had to deal with her.  But has anyone in that camp had the balls to say "we fucked up, big time". Even McCain, to this day, defends Palin.  Why are they so afraid of her? She's a fucking lunatic.   Maybe I just answered my own question.


Joe is kissing Trump's ass so hard these days, if Trump had the leader of ISIS on a stage touting how great he'd be as President, Joe wouldn't say a fucking word.  I really think he & Mika are trying to hitch their wagons to a GOP Presidential nominee, either as campaign consultants or something.  Joe wants to work in the WH so bad he can't stand it. I really think he thinks Trump would choose him as Chief of Staff or Special Counsel to POTUS.  


Remember how they were dry humping Christie til Bridgegate?  Now it's Trump.  They haven't said one bad thing about him. 

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I can't work up the energy to get that excited about Wallace.  She's a proven two-faced "pundit" so when I see her trying to be sneaky I just write it off as being her true nature.  She joined the Whoopi gang of bullies during her tenure on The View.  That said, there  can be the somewhat charming and funny Wallace that shows up on Maddow's show or Real Time this past week.


When I think of McCain mouth pieces that actually bother me and insult my intelligence I think of Nancy Pfotenhauer, what cliff did she fall off?  I haven't seen her since McCain's 2008 campaign or the equally hateful Carly Fiorina, unfortunately, we are stuck with her as a candidate in this campaign.

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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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