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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Joe has sent out a stream of Tweets this weekend pointing out all the Middle Easterners who expressed horror and sympathy over the 9/11 attacks, in apparent contradiction to Trump's assertions. Could it be that he is starting to regret carrying Trump's water all these months? Did the mocking of the handicapped reporter push him back over the line?


Nah. He's probably just positioning himself for the inevitable pendulum-swing.

  • Love 5

Curious as to whether they will discuss Trump v Todd on MTP and, if they do, how they present it.


They did, and it went predictably. They showed the clip, there was a lot of blathering around the table about how Trump couldn't admit he was "mistaken" (no one comes right out and says he is a fucking liar), and then Joe chimed in with his false equivalency about how "Democratics do it toooo....yada yada yada Hillary's emals..." as if that is somehow EXACTLY THE SAME as inventing a racist story about something that never happened.


By my estimate, they devoted about 99% of the first hour to Donald Trump and barely made a passing mention of the antiabortion terrorist who murdered three people in Colorado Springs. And of course not a word about Carly's hateful lie that fed this sicko's fanaticism.

  • Love 12

They did, and it went predictably. They showed the clip, there was a lot of blathering around the table about how Trump couldn't admit he was "mistaken" (no one comes right out and says he is a fucking liar), and then Joe chimed in with his false equivalency about how "Democratics do it toooo....yada yada yada Hillary's emals..." as if that is somehow EXACTLY THE SAME as inventing a racist story about something that never happened.


By my estimate, they devoted about 99% of the first hour to Donald Trump and barely made a passing mention of the antiabortion terrorist who murdered three people in Colorado Springs. And of course not a word about Carly's hateful lie that fed this sicko's fanaticism.


Trump was on the show today by phone. He is practically a co host now. ! Joe was upset with the articles on him criticizing the disabled reporter in NY.


Joe was wearing his navy blue sweater again.


Willie tried to get Trump to admit that it was the cheering Muslims in the West Bank that ere happy about 9/11. Trump wouldn't back down & said they were in New Jersey.


Trump corrected Mika for underestimating the crowd who saw him speak in Sarasota on the weekend.


Is anyone else tired of Trump's stump speech? He says the same thing over & over again in his interviews with Joe & Mika.


What would happen if he would have to give a State of the Union speech?

  • Love 8


Did Morning Propaganda even touch on the terrorist's shooting of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado?  They did spend a lengthy segment in the final 45 minutes on Rubio and his abortion views, but didn't speak about how inflammatory rhetoric and outright lies have real-world effects.


I watched from 6:30 till the end of the show and all I heard was Mika mentioning it while reading the news. Then they went to commercial and never brought it up again.  I'm so disgusted! They have time to play the Trump interview twice but can't even ask him a question about it. Why weren't they asking Trump why he can't call this domestic Christianist terrorism?  If this was a young Muslim man killing 3 and injuring 9 at a shopping mall instead of a middle aged white guy at Planned Parenthood, they would be broadcasting live from the parking lot of the mall for this whole week!


They also didn't discuss the large protests in Chicago on black Friday over the shooting of an unarmed teenager 16 times by police. The protesters did a pretty good job of disrupting the shopping on Michigan Avenue. I guess this was only another police shooting, not TERRORISM!!!


The most laughable part of this whole thing is that the Republicans will then sit around scratching their heads wondering why women and minorities don't vote for them.

  • Love 9
Joe has sent out a stream of Tweets this weekend pointing out all the Middle Easterners who expressed horror and sympathy over the 9/11 attacks, in apparent contradiction to Trump's assertions. Could it be that he is starting to regret carrying Trump's water all these months? Did the mocking of the handicapped reporter push him back over the line?


Might have been a directive that came down from TPTB at NBC News.  Seeing as how Chuck Todd also lit into Trump on Sunday.


It's one thing to let the crazies have their say voicing their opinions, in order to let people figure out how batshit they are.  It's another to help Trump perpetuate lies to benefit his campaign.


Same with Carly Fiorina, she's still beating the "Planned Parenthood sells baby parts" drum, even after what happened this weekend.  Talk about bitches be cray cray. 


Can someone explain to me why it's Syrian refugees we're supposed to be afraid of? 

  • Love 7

Excuse me?  ::grabs q-tips to clean my ears::


Did Joe just fucking accuse Rachel Maddow of attacking Trump?  Maddow doesn't waste her time talking about Trump except when she's forced to and it's never "vicious like Megyn Kelly".


I keep saying I'm just about done, and then here I am.




Have you seen the ridiculous new ads that make them sound balanced?

  • Love 1

So President Obama addresses the world and the press in Paris, and he fucking KILLS it.  He looks like a master statesman, totally cool and calm and absolutely in charge of all the information, and all the players.  MSNBC cuts into programming to air this impressive speech and Q&A where the President made me very proud to be an American like him, then Morning Joe cuts in in order to discuss the minutiae of Trump vs the GOP without even a nod towards the President's address.

I must like being irritated, because it can be the only explanation for why I watch this facile propaganda.

  • Love 10

Now that the New Hampshire newspaper is endorsing Christie, which is probably a directive from the RNC to give somebody other than Trump some credibility, I see the Morning Joe crew is back to kissing his ass. 


But Joe will continue to play both sides of the fence and go full out Trump on Rachel.  And then he'll get a phone call from Andy Lack telling him to knock it off, and of course he'll tell everyone about it on the next show and defy Lack's orders, because that's just Douche bein' Douche.  


Mika will purse her lips and roll her eyes.


Have I left anything out? 

  • Love 7

Remember how he kissed Christie's ass when he was thought to be the front runner?

Back in full force today after the Manchester Union-Leader endorsement. No one on this show called him out when he said that New Jersey is rebuilt and almost all of its families are restored? That is some straight up bullshit. No one asked him why he thought his approval rating in NJ was so bad, after he bragged about spending time in 26 states other than NJ trying to get Romney elected? He pretty much said that the only reason he had to be in NJ the week before the Obama-Romney election was because of the hurricane. God forbid you do your fucking job, you lying sack.

Great piece by a member of the Star-Ledger editorial board calling out the Union-Leader editorial board for its endorsement here:


Edited by ktwo
  • Love 6

To Joe and the rest of the republican establishment, stop your bellyaching about Trump.

You created him. You let him call in to your cable news network for years and spout his nonsense (remember birtherism?) and no one shut him up or shut him down. You loved it.

When he started his insane campaign, you (MSNBC and CNN) covered every campaign rally live, it was breaking news. And now you're worried he might actually become your nominee?

I can't wait for the Trump coronation at the republican convention. Will Mitt and Ann show up to kiss his ring like they did to get his endorsement in 2012?

  • Love 10

What did Huckabee say?  I saw his gross face and muted it as soon as I turned it on.  Mika was awfully fidgety and face-making as Huckabee spoke.  Then he went off air and I turned the sound on and Mika said something like "We're not discussing this fake Muslim topic.  We're NOT."  And Joe interrupted her with so much condescending, dismissive disrespect I changed to channel, unwilling to rewind to get the context


Mika looked especially well put together this morning.. particularly buxom, and dare I say, attractive.

Even my wife said something like: It's a shame she's so flawed.  If she didn't have her weird reverse charisma, she'd be a major star in her niche and probably TV in general.

I'm on pain meds (yee ha) after minor surgery but this is what I caught. Mika and Huckabee were talking about military costs. Mika said someone said let's increase the federal fuel tax by one cent a gallon. Huckabee snapped that people like her always want to raise taxes, while he wants to get the economy moving again and then there will be all kinds of free money available. Mika said but just one cent, instead of waiting how long to mend the economy? And he said no! People can't afford to put gas in their vehicles as it is! I was thinking hmmm but a 30-gallon fill up would only be 30 cents extra, right?

The fake Muslim thing was was about Trump lying and lying about the tailgate parties while everyone clucks and clucks but nothing gets accomplished except for him sucking up all the available oxygen. Mika's foot stomp over that reminded me of when she refused to talk about Paris Hilton for one more minute. I was expecting her to whip out a Bic and burn her Trump pages.

The look on Mika's face was priceless when Joe said that Trump makes disagreeing with him such a miserable venture that few are willing to go there. (She was thinking about you, Joey.)

He was especially obnoxious this morning. He told Nicole to shut up because he was talking and she'd get her turn when he was finished. He made some snide remark to Mika about "you've been saying this for two years now, why don't you write a column for The National Review (?, and some other outlet). She said well, I might. Evidently someone pissed AND shat in his cheerios this morning.

I noticed a photo in the we-are-relevant ad. It's so old that Mika has pigment in her hair and Joe's eyeballs are visible because he is 20 pounds lighter. Meow.

ETA: I think Mika also mentioned that the federal fuel tax hasn't been increased since '94.

Edited by suomi
  • Love 6

snide remark to Mika about "you've been saying this for two years now, why don't you write a column for The National Review (?, and some other outlet). She said well, I might. Evidently someone pissed AND shat in his cheerios this morning.


I think he said the NYT and some other relatively editorially "left" outlet but I don't think it was WaPo.

Oh, and what exactly Joe, is panning out on the PP shooter front that isn't what most of us suspected from the start?


P.S. If it weren't such a tragic subject, Mika's "serious topic breathiness" would have made me bust out laughing in the package she taped about the San Bernadino (terrorist?) massacre.

Edited by NextIteration
  • Love 2

I have to give Mika credit this morning, they had some Congressman from Texas on, blathering about how if we ban semi automatic rifles then he'll have to turn in his shotgun, and the standard bs that he knows somebody who was on the watch list and couldn't get a gun and he wasn't a Muslim terrorist yada yada.


The camera goes back to Mika and she is looking like I cannot fucking believe this shit and has her head in her hands.  Even Joe looked shocked at the bullshit.


And then they have Carly"Baby Parts" Fiorina on and she said the exact same fucking thing.  She has a friend who was mistakenly put on the terrorist watch list and couldn't buy a gun.


This must be the memo sent out from the NRA this morning, to push back on any gun control conversations.


Make up some shit about someone you know being on the watch list by mistake.  No background checks. Period.  


After that, they ask Carly about her "campaign", such as it is, and she actually said (I'm paraphrasing) "When it's all over, I'll be the one left standing", as in she thinks she'll get the nomination.


So maybe she doesn't lie on purpose, she's just certifiably batshit insane.  

  • Love 10

Angry Joe is back from an undisclosed studio. He's mad at Obama for saying the terrorist attack could be workplace violence. Ratner & Ignatius tried to defend Obama. Willie said one of Farook's co workers was jewish & may have argued with him at a party. It's scary that they could have so many weapons & bombs in a townhouse.

Watching less than ten minutes and all I can think is the likes of Scarborough and the Republican candidates only regrets

and sadness over these shootings is that the shooting took place during an election cycle. 


I mean over the last few days I have seen so many people on air who are tired and frustrated and have a dismayed sense of "yet another one".  Whereas Scarborough has this snappish frustrated impatient sense of inconvenience of having to defend the same tired noxious hideous illogic as to why "nothing can be done".  He isn't frustrated at the idea that "nothing can be done" simply that he has to re-air that.  Like an adult telling a toddler for the umpteenth time not to pull the dog's tail.  My theory is that the more full of shit he gets the thinner his eye slits become.  'Bout full up I would say.

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Since when have the Republicans gone for 'wise' voters. They appeal to the base elements of fear and victimhood and the NRA credo that the only thing that will stop the bad guys with guns is a good guy with a gun. Amazingly enough no one ever brings up the fact that despite there having having been more mass murders this year than days in the calendar, not one single mass murderer has been stopped by anyone with a gun.

  • Love 9

I really want the Republicans to pursue this notion of a gun carrying culture being a safe one.  Because when you think about, if the terrorists are going to start mass shootings to inflict chaos and fear, what better place than the next NRA convention.  No one would look twice at an open weapon.  If you are a suicidal terrorist simply open fire once and watch the rest of the idiots take each other out.


Imagine it.  "In breaking news, a terrorist shot his weapon twice on a crowded NRA convention floor.  He was shot immediately by the man next to him, however dozens of open carry members starting spraying the crowd around them in panic and delusional bravado.  The terrorist winged one man in the arm..  The death toll is said to be in the low three digits and mounting."

  • Love 9

The big news today was that Joe got a new brown sportsjacket with a pink shirt. Joe was upset with Obama's speech. Joe said he was disconnected & said it was like putting leeches on patients. Joe said the GOP should agree to more background checks & stop people on the no fly list from buying guns. Mika made a face when the Farook sister said she didn't know Tashim very well after being married for over a year to her brother. She wore a burqua so they didn't know what she looked like.


The other big news was Heileman & Halperin joining MSNBC at 6 pm for a politics show. Joe was very excited & amazed that Phil Griffin & Andy Lack could negotiate a deal like that with Bloomberg. Mika & Joe didn't mention Al Sharpton or Ed Shultz's show being cancelled.

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It's amazing how all these people tout themselves as foreign policy experts and yet what they suggest in combating ISIS is exactly what ISIS wants. Send 50,000 troops to Syria so they can be slaughtered.  


And do they really think the President is going to lay out specific plans on television?  These idiots do realize that members of ISIS are pretty tech savvy, I think they know how to turn on the tv.  


Why is Mike Huckabee discussing military strategy and foreign policy?  All he ever does is compare the topic to food.  Syrian refugees are like a bag of tainted peanuts.   "If there are ten bad peanuts in a bag you don't let your kids eat the peanuts." You want Huckabee on your show, start a cooking segment. 


Interesting we aren't going to start profiling  radicalized white Christian men, they seem to be as dangerous as some radicalized Muslims.  Or have they forgotten what happened in Colorado the day after Thanksgiving?  But that doesn't count because Planned Parenthood. 

  • Love 13

I've yet to see one these clowns that tout how they know what to do with Syria and ISIL and how wrong Obama is define how they will deal with all the various factions that aren't ISIL and yet hate each, want to kill each other and have before ISIL and likely will after.  Or that in dealing with Syria you are dealing once again with a minority faction put in power over a fake nation that was simply a line on a map.  For all his crowing of knowing, Scarborough doesn't seem to have a clue what is also right over the borders of this region.  How do you keep Turkey happy and still make a strong Syria?  How do you make a strong Syria that doesn't lead to whichever faction has the power committing mass murder on the others.  You know.  What helped cause this mess when we invaded Iraq and did the same damn thing these people are demanding; just sometimes in different words but still the same meaning.


It amazes me how much Scarborough falls back on his fake friends and sources to bolster his own incredibly wrong ideas.  I want someone to just turn to him and say "if none of these so called high placed know it all sources that all always agree with you have the convictions to say it in public, why should I put any faith in them having the conviction to truly understand and make themselves aware of every facet and nuance of the matter to make such a conclusion".  Not once do his friends in State, highly placed Democrats or anyone else he conveniently places in whatever capacity props his ego up ever disagree with him.  Maybe once he should pretend in hindsight that all those in the know actually told him a different opinion when time after time he gets proven wrong.  Of course we never hear about that.  Despite the fact that a baseball player would be the god of his sport if his batting record was inversely proportionate to Scarborough's.  Instead he claims he was right all along and he knew before anyone else. 


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Towards the end of the show today they had a British man on (forgot his name) taking about the stabbing incident in the London subway and how they believe it is related to terrorism. Two people were injured. I can't believe no one on the panel compared that to the carnage in San Bernardino.  Both of these attacks were motivated or inspired by the same thing yet one attacker only had a knife while the other team had guns. No matter what a terrorists motivation is, if we make it harder for them to get guns, we may just save many lives.


Mass shootings in this country have been motivated by many different things - radical Islam, anti-abortion, white supremacy, domestic violence, bullying, mental illness - but the one thing they all have in common is easy access to guns.


I am not opposed to all gun ownership. I come from a family of avid hunters and sport shooters. I understand people who want a gun in their home for protection. However, this is a far cry from stockpiling military style assault weapons and thousands of rounds of ammo for the sole purpose of killing as many people as you can. The Republicans who are blocking any common sense gun safety laws should be ashamed of themselves.

  • Love 12

Of course Joe's unhappy with the President's speech.  He didn't say "we're putting boots on the ground".

That's because Joe and the republicans want boots on the ground as long as they're not their family member's feet in the boots.

But of course if the President said that, they'd still find some way to make him into the ineffective leader they believe he is.

  • Love 5

It bothered me all week that the pundits forced Obama to make a speech to calm a frightened America about how we are going to combat ISIS. It makes me think that we are scared shaking children who needs daddy to reassure them about the scary monsters out there.


I woke up this morning to one Repub candidate after another blathering on about stuff they don't know. I was done and went to catch up on my Warriors.

  • Love 3

I've yet to see one these clowns that tout how they know what to do with Syria and ISIL and how wrong Obama is define how they will deal with all the various factions that aren't ISIL and yet hate each, want to kill each other and have before ISIL and likely will after.


Oh, but the biggest clown of them all crows all the time about what he'd do. This is an exchange he had with a supporter at a recent rally in Raleigh, North Carolina:


Question: I want to know what you would say to President Obama.

    Trump (interrupting): You're fired.


    Question: I was wondering what you would say to President Obama now that we've had a terrorist attack right here in our country, in California that I'm sure they did everything they could to try to cover that up. But it has been stated today that it is and it was a terrorist attack. How would you handle that?

    Trump: I would handle it so tough, you have no idea.


    Trump (cont'd): You don't want to hear, you don't even want to hear. You don't want to hear how I'd handle it.


    Trump (cont'd): I would get myself in so much trouble with them (pointing to the media). We are going to handle it so tough. And you know what we're going to do? We're going to get it stopped.




See?!? It all makes so much sense when he explains it all, no?

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This morning I thought i heard Joe say that 30% of Democrats believe that Bush and Cheney were behind the attacks on 911.  Did I hear Joe correctly?  I've never heard anyone say anything that even comes close to this statement.


I think it was 29% of "liberal Democrats" but yes, you heard it correctly.


And just now, Mika managed to swipe at Clinton while saying that Trump has made her nervous.  Never miss an opportunity, Mika!


eta: I'm on a delay of about 20 minutes on the DVR, Joe just did the only responsible thing he's ever done in his career (for publicity and ratings no doubt) they cut to commercial on Trump's racist bleating.  Oh whoops, he let him back on to bleat for another half hour or something.


Trump terrifies me.

Edited by NextIteration
  • Love 5

I think it was 29% of "liberal Democrats" but yes, you heard it correctly.


And just now, Mika managed to swipe at Clinton while saying that Trump has made her nervous.  Never miss an opportunity, Mika!


eta: I'm on a delay of about 20 minutes on the DVR, Joe just did the only responsible thing he's ever done in his career (for publicity and ratings no doubt) they cut to commercial on Trump's racist bleating.  Oh whoops, he let him back on to bleat for another half hour or something.


Trump terrifies me.


Joe's battle of the blowhards with Trump was epic. Trump told Joe he didn't care about going to break. Joe went to break. !.

Joe wants to go on a tour of muslim centers with Trump to do outreach.


Moyahadin was on & said that the mom should have known what was going in the house. Moyhadin was laughing at Trump's suggestion about banning Muslim visitors to America. Joe said Moyahadin could move in with him. That would be a new odd couple.


The panel agreed that Trump's comments were a game changer. Joe thinks there will be a brokered convention.

  • Love 2
The most laughable part of this whole thing is that the Republicans will then sit around scratching their heads wondering why women and minorities don't vote for them.



I know, right?  I still chuckle about that long-forgotten postmortem report they did after Governor Romney lost his 2012 presidential bid.  It was supposed to be a shoo-in and he was going to win and win big(!) according to that bubble they and many of their voters live in.  Not only did President Obama beat Romney decisively, but quite a few candidates in down races rode his coattails to victory.  I still remember the looks of stunned disbelief on the faces of the faithful in that Boston ballroom as the returns came in from Pennsylvania.  I took inordinate pleasure in Karl Rove's on-air meltdown and the Fox crew's gamely trying to explain to him that Ohio was a wrap.


I almost feel sorry for Rancid Priebus, who must be messing his britches these days at the fuckery that embracing the "tea party" and the rabid right has unleashed.  I'm aware that he spoke to Trump months ago to tone it down, but to no avail.


The panel agreed that Trump's comments were a game changer.




I'll believe it when I see it.  There is nothing too outrageous that this cretin has said or done that has changed the game as of yet.  His poll numbers rise, and his followers are becoming more--dare I say it?--radicalized.  Hell, he even has a few Black ministers extolling his Christian virtues, including Oh-Norosa, all in exchange for 15 minutes of face time and 30 pieces of silver to add to their churches' building funds.  I thought I had seen it all when Sarah Palin's rallies devolved into Klan rallies.  Now, we're watching Trump's campaign rallies incorporate the elements of rallies that occurred in the 1930's in Germany, including thuggish followers (i.e., brown shirts) who beat up protesters while others enthusiastically cheer them on.  Oh, and as an added bonus, a Neo-Nazi organization, as well as David Duke, support Trump.


I find it fascinating that Joe didn't try to distance himself from this buffoon a lot sooner based on the other incidents and his lies.

Edited by MulletorHater
  • Love 8

I still don't see the problem.  The republicans have been feeding this vile rhetoric since President Obama ran for president in 2008 and Palin ran around declaring that he was "pallin' around with terrorists".

It was ok with them when Trump became birther in chief.

It's not ok now only because it's screwing them and their party.

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What's interesting is that some people think his poll numbers go up due to the amount of media coverage- but if he was running as a Democrat, every insane thing he's said would have tanked him immediately with the base.


No one wants to blame the Republican voters, but they're the ones who LIKE this stuff. They're the racists. Honestly, I'm not even sure if Trump is genuinely racist himself- he just knows who the hell he's playing to.

  • Love 8

I find it fascinating that Joe didn't try to distance himself from this buffoon a lot sooner based on the other incidents and his lies.

I was surprised that Joe fought back against Trump today & went to commercial break without Trump's approval. Joe tried to calm Trump down & offered to do visit Mosques with Trump to do out reach. That was surreal. Joe has never offered to do outreach with other candidates.


Trump justified his policy on Muslims by talking about FDR's internment camps for Japanese Americans during World War 2.  That was an interesting history lesson.

Yeah if the internment camp argument doesn't work he can dig back a little further. Ya know.  Simply committing to a confine or kill pogrom liked carried out on Native Americans.  Or heck,  Let's just bring back slavery Donnie Dumptruck. 


I suspect this will be a history lesson for generations after. How one man tried to use the candidacy for self-glory and promotion and the silly media was so bored and desperate for a story, they played into.  Creating a perfect storm of idiocy and hubris.  Trump never meant to President, he knew going into the whole mess he couldn't.  Heck I doubt other than the ego aspect he would hate the job or simply not do it.  But he is caught up in this maelstrom that has boilded out of control and he simply cannot help himself.  The final gasp will take down lots of people who simply cannot back away from the flames. Sadly I don't think Trump himself will suffer much.  It might mean his hair goes a little gray and he has to go rub his head against John Boehner to keep that camel raped an orangutan color that otherwise never and will never exist in nature.  It might mean his being to exercise his racist bigoted and misogynistic tendencies fully out in open lets his sphincter of a mouth collapse even more in on itself in bitterness and flailing overall failure.  Segue.  Why do so many narrow minded bigots have upper lip issues?  Bush II and Ralph Reed almost have none.  I'm not saying a too thinkk upper lip means you are as asshole,  but assholes do tend to have little of an upper lip. I'm saying this as someone who doesn't exactly have the most full ripe inviting lips mind you.  But I have an upper lip.


Anyway.  I think this whole nekkid emperor bit is much like a Duggar waiting days to 'reveal' the name of their offspring.  All in the name of the Lord of course.  Or caring about the fact that Kim Kardashian is still a "porn star" when it comes to her resume no matter how much mainstream press she gets. 


I think at some point the Republicans are going to gather behind closed doors with the likes of the Koch brothers and figure this out.   I would not be surprised if Rubio is eased out with a promise of VP or simply told he has to wait his turn.  I expect Carson is going to be brushed aside as quick as Herman Cain was when his "poll" numbers dropped.  The fact that Scarborough cannot see the trees for the forest is once again amusing since he claims to be so in the know.  Donald Trump is not a Republican.  No matter what he has checked off on his candidate's form.  And Scarborough simply does not hear the reactionary noise.  If you get a chance there is a brief bit by Christopher Hitchens being a guest on Scarborough country in his newly released collections And Yet... and it is downright eerie and pathetic how Scraborough hasn't changed a bit in terms of trying to bully screech and sulk over facts.

  • Love 4
Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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