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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Morning Joe's ratings improved. It's ahead of CNN & HLN but behind Fox.




Joe was crowing that he predicted the GOP victory in the Senate . A few days ago, Joe said the race was too close to call.


Brokaw was on & he looks ill, I hope he's OK.

Brokaw has cancer.


Well that was predictable.  Three hours of Joe crowing and bloviating.


How utterly predictable.  However, I can't get too mad at Joe.  Nope!  Most of my disgust is reserved for the Democrats.


Debbie Wasserman-Schultz has been an absolute disaster as DNC Chair! The only time I heard from them was when they bombarded my email with pleas for donations. It's a shame I couldn't reply, "I will when you all grow an EFFING backbone! By the way, does the ACA cover backbone replacement surgery?" Governor Deval Patrick's convention speech should be required reading for every Democratic office holder and candidate. When you're too cowardly and mealy-mouthed to stand for the principles you supposedly believe in, that message resonates with voters. They had no problem riding the president's coattails into office in 2012. But, they turned weak-kneed by some poll numbers.  Really?  How about standing up FOR this president and his considerable accomplishments?  It's offensive that they wanted Black folks' support but chose to distance themselves from this president. Well, how did that strategy work out for you all? Don't even get me started on the Clintons, who threw their own shade at President Obama in a calculated attempt to boost Hillary's hawkish credentials for 2016. 


Howard Dean for DNC Chair, please!

  • Love 12


How utterly predictable.  However, I can't get too mad at Joe.  Nope!  Most of my disgust is reserved for the Democrats.


Mine too!  Especially the ones who couldn't even say if they voted for the president.  Let me give them a little hint -  If a voter is going to be turned off by hearing that you voted for the president then they weren't going to vote for you anyway!  All that did was turn off the base and de-energize them.  


The worst part is that there are so many positives the Democrats could have run on.  Gas prices are low, unemployment rate is going down, Obamacare is working.  The way to win the midterms is the same way they won in 2008 and 2012 - you energize the base and concentrate on turnout.  Why would the Democrats in Kentucky or Georgia or North Carolina want to vote for these candidates who have stabbed their president in the back.



It's a shame I couldn't reply, "I will when you all grow an EFFING backbone! By the way, does the ACA cover backbone replacement surgery?" Governor Deval Patrick's convention speech should be required reading for every Democratic office holder and candidate.



  • Love 5

Brokaw has cancer.


Well that was predictable.  Three hours of Joe crowing and bloviating.


That is very sad news.


Was there any discussion about turnout among traditional Democratic supporters as a reason for the losses?  


It's shocking that the Democrats could lose Illinois & Massachusetts & Florida Governors races.


I agree that Obama should have been allowed to campaign more on his accomplishments. Did the DNC demand that he not campaign or was it individual Democratic candidates? Can't Obama override the DNC? I am a bit confused about US regulations.


In Canada, the PM is the leader of the party , so he can campaign wherever he/she  wants

Oh, he can do whatever he wanted, it's the Democrats who didn't want him there. Of course, you see how great that worked out for them.


I think it was a mistake. The base still likes Obama, and that's who you needed to excite in order for them to vote. Running away from the base and Obama's accomplishments (of which there are a lot) was not a winning strategy and it makes them cowardly.


And yes, turnout was awful. Under 38% and a huge portion of the electorate was white people over 60 years old- these are the only ones who can be bothered to vote in mid-terms. The Democratic coalition only shows up in the presidential years and constantly cedes the Congress to Republicans in the off years. It's a big problem.

Edited by ruby24
  • Love 8

It's sad, realistically?  I didn't need to vote, all my folks won handily but I'm old fashioned I guess?  I believe that voting is not only a right but my civic obligation,it's beyond my understanding really that folks take their right to vote so lightly.


We get the government, that we collectively deserve, sad to say.

  • Love 4

Right, Republicans don't need to energize their base, they already come out in midterms.  The Democrats need to energize their base, not minimize all the President's accomplishments.


Not to mention that the fools were already licking Hillary's boots barely moments after President Obama's reelection.  Infuriating and downright disrespectful!  They spent the last year and a half gushing about the possibility of a Hillary "inevitable" candidacy and gearing up for 2016!  The whole time, I'm screaming, "Fools!  You all have midterm elections in 2014!"  Again, it's a message that resonates with the base and makes people not bother since it's clear the party put all their eggs in the Clintons' basket.  At the very least, it sends a message that the party's standard bearer--President Obama--isn't worthy of respect or consideration.  It wasn't until approximately 6 months ago that the Democrats got really serious about the midterm elections.  They couldn't tout the president's accomplishments with any force and stand up for their own principles, but, they sure as hell knew how to appeal for and raise money though!   Oh, and they wanted to make full use of the Obama campaign's database, ground game, and donor lists--for Hillary.  I swear you can't make this stuff up!



It's sad, realistically?  I didn't need to vote, all my folks won handily but I'm old fashioned I guess?  I believe that voting is not only a right but my civic obligation,it's beyond my understanding really that folks take their right to vote so lightly.


We get the government, that we collectively deserve, sad to say.


Yep!  Pretty much!  I've been a registered voter ever since I turned 18.  It fascinates me that some of these same people will stand in line for hours in inclement weather--and even sleep on the ground overnight--to get movie and concert tickets, or the latest overpriced Apple phone.  Yet, they can't shake those money makers of theirs to the polls and vote so that they have a say in their own futures.  

  • Love 8

What's the solution to this? How can Democrats be convinced that they HAVE to vote in the mid-terms too, that it's just as important to do that as it is to vote in presidential elections?


I mean, because they didn't turn up, that's the reason we have gridlock, which supposedly people hate. But they're the ones that created it by ceding the Congress to the other party.


To me, the only way to energize that base is to get the President out there in those states that are endangered, telling the people that voted for him (and still like him) that they have to do it again or he won't be able to do what it is that they voted him in to do. People have got to understand that the way for presidents to get what they want done is when they have a Congress of their own party. If you vote for divided government you vote for gridlock.

  • Love 7

Cackles is back today. Red Fleecy Joe Mika green sweater are on the set. I guess Mika is dressing down to make Joe not look so bad.


Joe said he was right about the election. Joe is mad at Harry Reid for complaining about Koch Industries. Koch runs commercials on Morning Joe. Shouldn't Joe disclose that he supports his sponsors? It's a conflict of interest.


Mika agrees with Al Sharpton that Obama was left alone to promote his policies.


Cokie Roberts said Democrats are mad at Obama & Obama is mad at them.

  • Love 2

What's the solution to this? How can Democrats be convinced that they HAVE to vote in the mid-terms too, that it's just as important to do that as it is to vote in presidential elections?


I mean, because they didn't turn up, that's the reason we have gridlock, which supposedly people hate. But they're the ones that created it by ceding the Congress to the other party.


To me, the only way to energize that base is to get the President out there in those states that are endangered, telling the people that voted for him (and still like him) that they have to do it again or he won't be able to do what it is that they voted him in to do. People have got to understand that the way for presidents to get what they want done is when they have a Congress of their own party. If you vote for divided government you vote for gridlock.


Exactly!  And, as quiet as it's kept, former presidents (even Bush and Cheney!) are excellent fundraisers.  Not only would President Obama have energized the base, he would have raised a lot of money for the candidates.  I find it remarkable that even with all of Mendacious Mitt and Governor Christie's negatives, when push came to shove, the GOP had no problem asking these men to openly stump for them.  Meanwhile, the Democrats ran from President Obama and his accomplishments as if the man had cooties or something.


One of the things that made President Clinton's speech at the 2012 convention highly effective was the way he was able to get voters to remember the condition the country was in back in 2008 and how it was important to stay on a steady course to turn things around, which was going to take a long time.  He explained it in the simplest language possible:  "This is the difference between us and them; that's why we can't go back and this is what's at stake if we do!"  Yet, but for a few notable exceptions, I didn't hear that message.  Successful salesmen know how to get the consumer to not only want to purchase their products, but they have a way of convincing the consumer that it was something he wanted and needed all along.  Al Franken didn't run away from his progressive principles and he was handily reelected.  Democratic voters don't want Republican-lite; yet, that's what some of the cowards ran as.  This time, the GOP ran a more disciplined campaign and were able to get away with not telling voters exactly what they would be getting if they were in control of both houses of Congress.


Nor, can the roles of the fourth and fifth estates be ignored.  They readily gobble up and repeat GOP talking points until they become "facts" in the minds of readers, listeners and viewers.  They readily use words such as "gate" and "scandal" to describe problems.  Nor, does it help that the Democrats have been quite tepid at pushing back against the blatant smears and outright lies about their policies and them personally.  The Sunday morning talk shows are a good example of this. On what planet should someone like Dick Cheney be listened to?  But, there he is, spouting his opinions and being treated as an elder statesman instead of the draft-dodging cretin who orchestrated the biggest and costliest foreign policy disaster this country has ever faced.  Even Morning Joe is described as Faux News-lite now.  Pundits go on these shows and openly claim that "the American people have spoken and we have a mandate."  Yet, there's virtually little to no push-back on that claim especially since only a fraction of all eligible voters bothered to go to the polls.  Even veritable programs known for thoughtful analysis like 60 Minutes went off the rails with its false Benghazi reporting using a "journalist" who had her own agenda.  It's pitiful when people have to turn to Comedy Central to get the real deal. 

  • Love 6

I really think introducing online voting is the best solution to this problem of low turnout. I just read that the number was even lower than they thought, under 37%. That's pretty awful, and frankly, that is nothing for the Republicans to be bragging about. Sure they won- but they didn't win a mandate from the country, they won because no one except old white people voted.


And they know that, which is why they're going to keep doing what they've been doing for the past four years- drafting voter ID laws that target minorities and poor people, making it as hard as possible for them to vote. They only win when turnout is shit. Yeah, that's really something to be proud of.


Online voting could go a long way to solving this problem. They'll cry bloody murder about it, because the idea will terrify them, but there's no reason why we can't vote online when we do things as important as banking, bill paying, etc. online. It's perfectly feasible to do this.

Edited by ruby24
  • Love 6

I don't think I've ever been this depressed about an election cycle but then I remind myself that I survived Bush 41 and Bush 43. I can't even watch the news or MJ. I feel like I'm sitting Shiva and I'm going to need seven days of mourning to turn on the news shows again.

My solution to fill the time normally set aside to watch news programming is to clean out a drawer or closet. I'm going to have the cleanest house on the block and Goodwill is getting a boatload of donations.

Thanks to everyone for watching and making comments so I don't become part of the uninformed electorate.

  • Love 9

Awe Stafford, I feel you.  It's just depressing all around from the terrible ads, to the resultant low turnout, to the end result.  It confounds me how Americans don't go out and vote their actual pocketbooks or vital interests, every single election.  Even my state, which usually leads the nation in turnout, barely scraped over 50%.  I have to wonder about the ads though, never in history have I seen so many nasty ads for so many different contests.  Sure, the Bachmann ads were nasty as were the Coleman v  Franken ads but for every single contest?  That Citizens United money is a blight.  The Minneapolis market also got flooded with Walker's filth.  Thank gawd for dvrs!


Anyways, Joe is being his same bloviating know it all self, and I'm really not sure if I can bare this anymore.  His ego is stomach turning.

  • Love 3

I don't think I've ever been this depressed about an election cycle but then I remind myself that I survived Bush 41 and Bush 43. I can't even watch the news or MJ. I feel like I'm sitting Shiva and I'm going to need seven days of mourning to turn on the news shows again.



Yep!  That's pretty much the way I feel now.  I watch my local news shows, but the moment they start talking about the "GOP mandate," "the red wave," and "the takeover," I change the channel.  Even my Republican husband interrupted me in the shower this morning to rant about John Boehner and his blatant disrespect of President Obama--whom hubby proudly voted for twice. 


I used to love C-SPAN's Washington Journal, which provided several hours of viewers calling in to voice their opinions.  It was refreshing to hear from real people instead of the usual pundits, professional talking heads and others who tried to tell viewers what to think.  Well, even Washington Journal isn't safe viewing anymore after yesterday's fiasco.  Apparently, a viewer called in on the Republican line and went on an anti-Obama tirade, which ended in him calling the president a racial slur, boldly stating that Republicans hated that "[censored word] Obama."  Shocking, indeed!  Even the moderator was visibly shaken.


And, there you have it, folks.  Two more years of blatant vitriol, disrespect and ignorance.  And, when those who didn't bother to vote see their parents and grandparents' social security voucherized, I don't want to hear not a word of complaint.  Not one!  I'll snap out of this malaise, I know, but I feel like weeping for my country.

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I'm trying to find a light at the end of the tunnel in this situation and I think I found it.

The republicans won and now hold an historic number of seats in the House that hasn't been done since the Hoover administration.

Oh, good, we all now how that turned out.


MulletorHater:  I'm glad to hear the that the CSPAN moderator seemed visibly shaken by the Obama hater.

Today on CNN's show with Brooke Baldwin, they were discussing the Navy Seal scandal with various guests, one a former Seal.

In one breath he said "Vice President Joe Biden and Barack Hussein Obama" and Brooke didn't flinch she continued interviewing him.

So sad, CNN, the interview should have been over.

  • Love 7


Debbie Wasserman-Schultz has been an absolute disaster as DNC Chair! The only time I heard from them was when they bombarded my email with pleas for donations. It's a shame I couldn't reply, "I will when you all grow an EFFING backbone! By the way, does the ACA cover backbone replacement surgery?"


Heh, I did the same thing once. I responded to one of their emails saying that if they cloned multiple Alan Graysons so that there'd finally be a bunch of Democrats with backbones, THEN I would donate. Can't remember where I heard/read this some years back from some disgruntled Democrat about how we seem to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. It's sadly true.


We have vote by mail in my state but still this was the first time in over 70 years that we had a turnout this low. Truth be told, I miss going to the polling place. It really made me felt like I was doing my duty. I'm 51 now and ever since I turned 18, there's only been two elections I didn't get to vote in, and neither time was by choice. I don't care how freakin' small an election might be, I'm still voting. I realized one of my deal breakers was when I was on a date and the guy announced that he never voted. 

Edited by Scout Finch
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On today's show , Joe defended the Koch brothers again & said the Democrats were foolish to campaign against them. At the next commercial break, there was an ad for all the good work that the Koch Industries does. Doesn't MSNBC have any standards? IShouldn't Joe mention that they sponsor the show?


Jeremy Peters came on & said the Democrats were successful in scaring away potential donors to the GOP who were afraid of being targeted like the Koch Bros. Joe then got upset & said that the GOP had record donations.


Joe was mad at the Boston Globe NFL reporter who said that ratings are great now & everyone forgot about the players who beat up their kids & wives. the reporter said that Goodell knew that the issue about violence in the NFL would die down .Joe said he doesn't watch NFL football.


Joe went on to talk about college football.


Mika was upset that her daughter's track team had a competition in Canton NY which was 7 hours north of new york. Her daughter's team came in second place. Mika brought cookies to the team.


Willie was on &was unshaven. What's with this show? Joe is still wearing his navy blue sweater. Mika is re wearing her green sweater & pajama pants. Dreamy is the only one who dresses properly.


The panel discussed immigration reform. Joe said  President Obama could stop deportations for a year for Dream act applicants & the GOP would be forced to agree with that.

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MulletorHater:  I'm glad to hear the that the CSPAN moderator seemed visibly shaken by the Obama hater.

Today on CNN's show with Brooke Baldwin, they were discussing the Navy Seal scandal with various guests, one a former Seal.

In one breath he said "Vice President Joe Biden and Barack Hussein Obama" and Brooke didn't flinch she continued interviewing him.

So sad, CNN, the interview should have been over.


CNN is terrible, I think it was Saturday morning when they were discussing the President's trip to China, Marty Savage referred to him as Mr. Obama, I find this sort of reference as completely disrespectful towards the office.

  • Love 6

It's the return of Joe's navy blue sweater day. Mika is wearing a black sweater. Mika was upset at the cold weather in the Midwest.

Joe started ranting about ISIS. He said all his friends at various embassies told him that ISIS is a threat. Joe said Obama has to get out of his bubble and stop being so defensive. Joe said Obama should learn from Bush & find a general David Petraus to defeat ISIS.  Joe said Obama was wrong to leave Iraq. Barnicle blamed Bush for invading Iraq. Joe is mad at Turkey for not helping fight ISIS.


Joe said after the election results that Hillary is not inevitable to win in 2016. Joe said his friends in the democrat party want an alternative to Hillary. Joe said Romney is more popular now than in 2012.

Today Mika reported that the NY doctor who was infected with Ebola has been cured and is being released from the hospital. His girlfriend & friends are also Ebola free.


For the first time, there was a noticeable lack of foaming at the mouth from Joe about the fact that the doctor went bowling and rode the subway before he was symptomatic.

It's the return of Joe's navy blue sweater day. Mika is wearing a black sweater. Mika was upset at the cold weather in the Midwest.

Joe started ranting about ISIS. He said all his friends at various embassies told him that ISIS is a threat. Joe said Obama has to get out of his bubble and stop being so defensive. Joe said Obama should learn from Bush & find a general David Petraus to defeat ISIS.  Joe said Obama was wrong to leave Iraq. Barnicle blamed Bush for invading Iraq. Joe is mad at Turkey for not helping fight ISIS.


WOW...Joe in all his bloviating, uninformed glory!  Who in their right, natural mind would consult President Bush about anything beyond how to use a paint-by-numbers set?  It's bad enough that the Today Show has now become the Bush Propaganda/Rewritten History Show.  Joe would have a little more credibility if he challenged GOP candidates to actually take President Bush on the campaign trail with them.  Go on, Joe...I dare you!


I also love it when armchair chickenhawks like Joe start squawking about how wrong it was for us to leave Iraq while blithely ignoring that it was wrong for us to go there in the first place!  I won't even touch on the fact that one of the people who orchestrated this foreign policy fiasco was a 5-time draft dodger who had "other priorities."

  • Love 5

Didn't hear much of MJ this a.m. but what, did Chuck Todd rush out some rehash, political book to cash in on his newly acquired fame as MTP host/mod?  Well, not sure I'd call it fame ...


Sorry, Chuck, but I have a feeling your tome's about to make a quick beeline for the bargain bin.    Not on Amazon??  (I heard about a publishing dispute.)  O.k., good luck!


Yeah, talk to "Mathews", hahahaha ...

Edited by BearCat49
  • Love 1

Didn't hear much of MJ this a.m. but what, did Chuck Todd rush out some rehash, political book to cash in on his newly acquired fame as MTP host/mod?  Well, not sure I'd call it fame ...


Sorry, Chuck, but I have a feeling your tome's about to make a quick beeline for the bargain bin.    Not on Amazon??  (I heard about a publishing dispute.)  O.k., good luck!


Yeah, talk to "Mathews", hahahaha ...


I found it bizarre that Chuck Todd would write a book criticizing President Obama while he is still in office. Mika said that it was unlikely that Chuck would get any more interviews with the President after his negative comments about him.


IMHO its unprofessional for a journalist to write a book about a President until they leave office. Chuck is supposed to be independent.


Mika mentioned she is working on a book as well. She didn't mention the topic. 


Why do they feel the need to write books that very few people buy. Joe's last book didn't do well . Mika's last book on food did a bit better but I can't see her getting a large advance for it.


I also love it when armchair chickenhawks like Joe start squawking about how wrong it was for us to leave Iraq while blithely ignoring that it was wrong for us to go there in the first place!  I won't even touch on the fact that one of the people who orchestrated this foreign policy fiasco was a 5-time draft dodger who had "other priorities."


Not to mention completely ignoring over and over again, the terms for leaving Iraq were set by Bush as well (which means Cheney).  Obama simply implemented the legal agreement Bush hammered out with the Iraqi govt.  Which is another thing.  Why isn't there rage by Beeker and Honeydew's hellish love child about the Iraqi govt Bush and Cheney essentially fostered?  How many times did pallets of cash that just didn't disappear go into the maul of the new regime We helped put in place.  How come the nastiest muppet can't recall when Bush refused to utter the words Civil War?  Or that the surge in Iraq under Petraeus was viewed by many as a poor quick fix for the people of Iraq by the international community?  Or many here in the US. 


I really wish someone would take on this asshole's grandiose claims.  i really wish someone would ask him how he supposedly has all these friends in embassies and foreign governments (I'm not going to touch on how he claims to have the majority of high level placements in every single element of government  on the domestic front).  How and when did he meet them?  He has always claimed he was a man of his 'people', has made a point of distancing not just from the Obama administration but also the Bush Cheney when not that long after Bush was "re-elected" his approval took a tanking dive.  How can he sit there and pretend he is linked in to high level appointees that either relied on quid-pro-quo or from the ranks of academia that clearly hold him in barely veiled scorn and only have patience with him if the show is willing to tout their latest publication.


Speaking of which, I suspect Todd burnt plenty of bridges with Obama after his disastrous run as White House Correspondent.  He rose to success on MSNBC by basically cribbing from (then) guest commentators Rachel Maddow and Nate Silver (plus others I suspect).  He essentially thought Ed Henry (then with CNN) was someone to emulate in how he approached the new administration under Obama.  Henry got heaved to Fox but Todd got his own show and then moved "up" to MTP.  I suspect Todd is cunning at least enough to realize that taking over a sinking ship in a dwindling market niche probably means that book had to be now no matter how long term foolish it is.  I would not be surprised if Todd is someone we "where are they now" five years out.  Then again it is NBC.  He could be the place holder for the news anchor seat between Williams and when little lord Luke finally remembers to zip his fly after every whizz.

  • Love 8

The latest ratings show that Morning Joe is ahead of CNN by 1,000 viewers. The morning joe marketing campaign is working!




Mika was away today. Joe took over with Cackles & Katty Kay. Is Katty sick? She looked strange today. She looked yellow & her face was frozen on my tv.

Equality for women and how to find you power as the daughter of a well respected foreign policy leader from the Carter administration while taking ambien, preening in front of a camera, being submissive to a blowhard on 800 calories a day after running five miles around Manhattan.


Hey!  You just described her first three books in ONE SENTENCE, good job.  ...I guess that's why I can't see what else she has to write about ;)

Edited by jenkait
  • Love 4

Bread and Lettuce: Fawning Hypocrisy as a Success Tool for the Modern Woman by Mika Brzezinski




Conversations to be Had by Mika Brzezinski

(publishers note, this book is intended to have all blank pages and is not a publishing error)


The Devil is Fat and He Drinks Soda: My Friendship with Chris Christie by Mika Brzezinski

  • Love 10

Bread and Lettuce: Fawning Hypocrisy as a Success Tool for the Modern Woman by Mika Brzezinski




Conversations to be Had by Mika Brzezinski

(publishers note, this book is intended to have all blank pages and is not a publishing error)


The Devil is Fat and He Drinks Soda: My Friendship with Chris Christie by Mika Brzezinski


I wonder if anyone read her books?

  • Love 1

Her books have had some moderate success:

Obsessed: America's Food Addiction--and My Own

Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #66,449 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

    #48 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Diets & Weight Loss


Knowing Your Value: Women, Money, and Getting What You're Worth Paperback – April 3, 2012

Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #45,246 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

    #32 in Books > Business & Money > Women & Business


All Things at Once by Mika Brzezinski (Nov 30, 2010)

Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #1,325,549 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

  • Love 1

There was a segment on today's show about a news anchor who wore the same suit on air for 1 year & nobody noticed. Joe made fun of people who complain about him wearing the same navy blue sweater.

Joe admitted to sleeping in the navy blue sweater.

I think Joe secretly reads this forum!

Mika has been re wearing her plaid pajama pants frequently . Mika had a new outfit today.

Its true that viewers pay more attention to what female newscasters wear than their male co hosts.

  • Love 1

Claire McCaskill makes a comment about driving while black and Joe goes on an epic rager to have Claire say out loud that the cop shouldn't be threatened. Way to distract Joe.


Is that what set him off? I clicked on to the show just as she said that and saw Joe lose his mind but didn't know if something had gone on before. I was SO pissed off at Joe with him bellowing can Darren Wilson get his life back after the grand jury verdict because the privileged white guy has had nasty things written about him on social media. So pissed off I almost felt ill. Hey asshole, Michael Brown will NEVER get his life back because of your hard-done-by racist cop. You and Wilson and all your ilk deserve all the anger you're getting from the black community and from many of us white people who have a conscience.

  • Love 12
Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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