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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Know who the weirdest person is in the whole universe of Morning Joe?  Well... besides Mika?   Harold Ford Jr.  On Cackles (great) show this evening, Ford said, "I'll just let the attorneys figure that out," and Heillemann said, "Hey man, YOU'RE AN ATTORNEY!  Tell us what's up.  Be an attorney."  Joking, ofc.  And Harold Ford Jr's frown got SO frownier, and his ramrod straight back got so so straighter, and his eyes narrowed and he glinted over to Heillmannn and glared at him for an instant.  It was such an uncomfortable moment.   He's only barely human.

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1 hour ago, oakville said:

Yeah but the slogan for Newsbusters is "Exposing and Combatting Liberal Media Bias." They also attacked Jimmy Kimmel for his statements on health care.


Heillemann said, "Hey man, YOU'RE AN ATTORNEY!  Tell us what's up.  Be an attorney." 

Lol, there was an episode a few weeks ago where Ford betrayed a complete ignorance of law - he was wondering if all the cases that had a 4-4 tie last year in the Supreme Court could go back to the Court now that there was 9 judges. Stupid! That law degree he got was just window dressing for his inheriting his father's House seat. He probably never practiced. Just like I seriously doubt he's a real "investment banker" - just a guy who takes clients to lunch and chat about politics.

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48 minutes ago, Mumbles said:

Yeah but the slogan for Newsbusters is "Exposing and Combatting Liberal Media Bias." They also attacked Jimmy Kimmel for his statements on health care.

Lol, there was an episode a few weeks ago where Ford betrayed a complete ignorance of law - he was wondering if all the cases that had a 4-4 tie last year in the Supreme Court could go back to the Court now that there was 9 judges. Stupid! That law degree he got was just window dressing for his inheriting his father's House seat. He probably never practiced. Just like I seriously doubt he's a real "investment banker" - just a guy who takes clients to lunch and chat about politics.

HF Jr failed the Tennessee bar exam. He never practiced law.

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On 5/10/2017 at 9:15 PM, Mumbles said:

She's doomed for Fox like her big dumb father. I don't share Nicolle's political leanings and I still resent her role in unleashing Palin on us, but I don't begrudge that she is intelligent, and has a pleasant demeanor. Huckabee has neither going for her.

I agree about Huckabee. Never could stand her. Heard her speaking on the show and tuned her out though I wanted to hear what she was saying given the topic. 

BTW, I'm not sure Nicole W had all that much time to work with Palin.  The VP announcement was made August 29th (I just looked up the date).  Is that when Nicole started to work with or was it before that date?  I've heard Nicole speak unfavorably a couple of times about her time with Palin and I think it was on this show. If I were given a distasteful assignment, it would take me some time to figure out how to get out of it.  The Katic Couric interview was 9/24.  Sarah's acceptance speech was 9/3. The VP debate was Oct 2 or Oct 3.  It sure seems like it was more like 6 or 8 months but it was half that time.

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On 5/13/2017 at 4:29 PM, Mumbles said:

According to the book "Game Change" and the very good movie adaptation of it, The McCain team, including Nicolle, knew almost immediately how much trouble they were with Palin. That's why you didn't see her on any news shows until Couric's, a few weeks later. As for getting out of the assignment, she could have always just quit.

Cackles should have quit & alerted the media that Palin was unstable. She was too afraid of losing any future work from GOP lobbying firms. She chickened out.

She is much happier now being a former GOP communications Director who provides anti - GOP soundbites for NBC. It's quite amusing. I think my favourite moment of her on Morning Joe a few years ago was when she couldn't even remember why the GOP was against Obamacare. She is hopeless.

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Monday Recap. The Colour Co Ordinated Couple are wearing a navy blue suit & Mika's beautiful Fushia outfit with skirt. Mika looks great!

Within seconds of the show starting, Mika's cellphone went off with an alarm. Mika struggled to fix the cellphone & said it was an alarm to wake her daughter.

Michael Schmidt is the new grizzled panelist.

Mika was happy that only 29% supported firing Comey. They forgot to mention that 32% don't care about it, which means it's not as big a deal that the bubble thinks it is.

Joe trashed Trump's approval at 39% but forgo to mention that this is the same rating as a month ago.

Joe called Tillerson & Nikki Haley sycophants for being devoted to Trump & calling him the CEO of America,

LOL!. Joe & Mika were strong supporters of them when they were nominated. Now they are patsies!

Joe called Tillerson sad & pathetic. Joe likes burning bridges.

Heileman said Trump is rational about Comey. Short term pain now but long term gain because Comey could find out about Trump & spill the beans that Trump is a Russian agent.

Joe said Trump is like the movie Billions.

Joe called Trump a thug for threatening Comey. Joe thinks its cool to insult Trump.

They haven't brought up the tapings that Obama did with Journalists in the Oval Office which is standard procedure.

Joe said he read several reports that Trump is alone in the White House being in a paranoid delusional state shouting at TV sets.

Joe forgot to mention that Trump was at Liberty University.

Joe said Jared was behind the Comey firing.

Joe shouted at Mika when she mumbled that its not OK what's happening.

Joe said it was a Constitutional Crisis.

Heileman was upset that Clapper had no clue about any investigations of Trump.

Heileman thinks that Comey protected Trump by not disclosing his investigation before the election.

Joe is upset that Trump only cares about ratings of the press conferences.

Joe said Trump is not sleeping well.

Bannon is not involved in the Comey firing.

They discussed the theory that Trump supporters love it when Trump trolls the media by firing Comey which is what they wanted, & meets with Russians.

Making Liberals mad makes Trump supporters happy.

Angry Joe is back. Joe is busy looking for reasons to attack Trump.

Joe a description of Trump shouting at staff & tv sets reminds me of what Joe is probably like on weekends.

Joe has gone on twitter rants against  Journalists when they complained about his New Year's Eve at Mar A Largo.



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Mika is rhyming "I spy with my little eye that Nancy Pelosi ' will be Speaker of the House in 2018. That's the new theme of Morning Joe.

The best part so far is that Heileman told the panel that the law firm that wrote the certified letter for Trump about no business interests in Russia, won Russia's Top Law Firm of the Year!. LOL!

Joe said that Trump is allowing Russian surveillance equipment into the Oval Office.

Joe said that Trump is doing Putin a Favour.

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The soccer guy is back. Mika said she wants to learn about Soccer.

Thomas Oconnor from the FBI Agents association came on to endorse Mike Rogers. He is an FBI agent. He understands them. Mika & Joe did not fight back & say that he was elected as a GOP Congressmen & appointed by Trump. Very selective questioning by Mika & Joe.

Joe said he was the first to criticize Bush in 2004 about being a big spender & the War in Iraq.

Joe said he was a victim of the GOP elite that called him a RINO & didn't buy any of his books.

Joe said Peggy Noonan lost speaking engagements because she was  complaining about Bush in 2004.

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Joe said Trump is like the movie Billions.

It's a series on Showtime and Trump is nothing like either of the main characters, because altho they are scheming and will go to any length to stop an enemy, they actually think thru their plans and have enough intelligence to know when to pick a fight and when to not.  They also employ people who are very good at their jobs. 

The only thing about Trump and Billions that are similar is that he claims to have "billions". That's still up for debate. 

Edited by teddysmom
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The latest ratings. Morning Joe up to #56 with 1.285M viewers. Fox & Friends #38 with 1.9M . New Day #58 with 779K viewers



Last Interview was with Lisa Millaer from Ford Country. Trump got a deal with Ford to bring 700 jobs to Flat Rock Michigan & cancel a decision to build in Mexico. People are very happy with Trump.

Mika & Heileman were frustrated that those residents were concerned about their own economic well being and not focused on Comey & Russia. They are wondering about healthcare.

Kornacki said Democrats want to win back the rustbelt. Union Leaders agree with  Trump on NAFTA

Kornacki said that Trump should have focused on Infrastructure for the past few months. He would be more popular.

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I was taken aback on Mika's comments about KAC.  She tore back the curtain in the Emerald City by explaining that when KAC was on while Trump was running she actually made comments about she didn't like him but was doing it because he was her client.  Mika said even more that I cannot remember.  I thought it was kinda verbotin to talk about what your guests say off camera. Than again, Mika considers herself a suffragette against Fake News, they have a promo of her tearing up the Paris Hilton story 15 years ago and saying "That's not news!"  And the promo talks about how she was the !first! to do this like she's Amelia Earhart.

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The highlight for me this morning was NYT's Nick Confessore question to Thomas O'Conner about Sarah Huckabee Sander's lies about all the FBI agents she had spoken to that are so happy Comey was fired.  O'Conner wouldn't say one way or the other, but it didn't matter, everyone knows she lied.

Joe's little rant about the pocket constitution was pretty funny.

Edited by stormy
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I was a huge fan of this show from the very first episode, but I quit DVRing/watching back in February because it lost any semblance of balance. It was (and apparently continues to be) nothing but non-stop Trump-bashing.

Their most recent outburst about what KAC allegedly said about Trump off-air is completely beyond the pale and has destroyed any speck of journalistic integrity they may have still had. I can't imagine ANYONE feeling comfortable speaking with them in private going forward! 

Oh, and before anyone makes a snarky comment about how I would know what they said if I don't watch, it's because it was in my trending topics on FB. 

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Here is the transcript from today's show about Heilemann mocking Trump's Law firm for issuing a certified letter about his Russian business interests.


Oh, I like this,” self-proclaimed conservative Joe Scarborough began as political analyst John Heilemann proceeded to read off the incriminating information:

“If you go to their website it will tell you that they not only celebrated their Russian Law Firm of the Year Award, but they talk about their 40 lawyers and staff who are in their Moscow office and have deep ties.”

“Sounds like just the right law firm for the President!” Nicholas Confessore, New York Times political correspondent exclaimed.  But, the verbal onslaught had not yet ended as Heilemann later concluded with the following:

“It's fantastic. The website says they're well known, the law firm. Well known in the Russian market and have a deep familiarity with the legislation, practices and key players, The firm boasts of being quote “particularly adept at advising clients on, quote, sanction matters.”

<<< Please support MRC's NewsBusters team with a tax-deductible contribution today. >>>


“Helpful, helpful,” Mika Brzezinski, the future Mrs. Joe Scarborough, chirped.    

Indeed, it is hard to imagine a more systematic, cunning, and well-devised narrative than the one described by the esteemed intellectuals from above.  It would be completely flawless were it not for a few minor, pesky details strangely omitted from the overarching story.

A quick google search online (capable by even the most inexperienced and untested intern) will reveal a few interesting facts about the Morgan, Lewis, and Bockius Law Firm:

First, the Clinton Campaign made use of the same law firm during the 2016 election! Yes, Hillary Clinton, in fact, hired James Hamilton, a partner at Morgan, Lewis, and Bockius and a well-know DC attorney who also previously worked for Al Gore, John Kerry, and even Barack Obama!

Second,the law firm founded by Howard Dean received the same Russian Law Firm of the Year Award in, get ready, 2013, 2014, and 2016!  

I think the real question here is: What happened in 2015?  Come on, Howard, we all know you can do better than this.

And this, everyone, is why we perform Google searches before carrying on with outlandish, unsubstantiated statements.


JOHN HEILEMANN: All of those things are ugly in terms of numbers, but can I give you like one little data point that you will enjoy. The law firm that Trump uses for his tax matters --

JOE SCARBOROUGH: Oh, I like this!

HEILEMANN: Which wrote the letter-- The certified letter--

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: Very reputable.

JOE SCARBOROUGH: By the way, I understand they got the award for the greatest law firm.

HEILEMANN: Yes. The Russian law firm of the year.


HEILEMANN: Russia law firm of the year awarded in 2016.


HEILEMANN: Yes. Morgan Lewis and Bockius is the name of the firm.

RICHARD HAAS: Can't make it up.

HEILEMANN: If you go to their website it will tell you that they not only celebrated their Russia law firm of the year award, but they talk about their 40 lawyers and staff who are in their Moscow office and have deep ties.


NICHOLAS CONFESSORE: Sounds like just the right law firm for the president.


23 minutes ago, chillenout said:

The last 2 weeks of MJ has been must see TV for me.....I can hardly wait to see how he'll react about the Orange Idiot sharing Highly classified info to his good buddies the Russians. 

Joe is already blowing a gasket on twitter about this.

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54 minutes ago, OccupyMySofa said:

I was a huge fan of this show from the very first episode, but I quit DVRing/watching back in February because it lost any semblance of balance. It was (and apparently continues to be) nothing but non-stop Trump-bashing.

Their most recent outburst about what KAC allegedly said about Trump off-air is completely beyond the pale and has destroyed any speck of journalistic integrity they may have still had. I can't imagine ANYONE feeling comfortable speaking with them in private going forward! 

Oh, and before anyone makes a snarky comment about how I would know what they said if I don't watch, it's because it was in my trending topics on FB. 

Agreed. This is a major faux pas by Mika & Joe. It was hilarious that Joe had to correct Mika that Kelly wasn't doing it for the money. Mika seems to have a personal beef with KAC.

I wonder if someone will show up on set & bring up Mika's frantic calls to Roger Ailes in 2013 to get one of his NY Post reporters to drop a story about Mika & Joe's affair. Mika was upset because she had not told her husband of the affair yet & didn't want her kids  to find out about her & Joe through the NY Post. Very Classy!

Mika & Joe are playing with fire because others may start to reveal off the record discussions that they have had with them.

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Tuesday Recap. Mika & Joe are on set in NY. Trump is in trouble again. Mika called it chaos!. Trump bragged to the Russians that he knew the city where a threat from an islamic state.

Joe is mad that Trump did not shake Merkel's hand. Joe said Trump was friendlier with the Russians.

Mika is wearing a navy blue blazer with a flowery top underneath.

Corker said Trump is in a downward spiral.

Joe said he was the first Republican to criticize Trump.

Joe said Trump is isolated & screaming at TV sets.

Joe is mad that Trump forgot his talking points.

Joe is coming close to claiming that Trump has signs of dementia.

Joe forgot about the Goldwater rule that prevented medical professionals from diagnosing people with medical conditions. Goldwater won the libel case against the medical professionals.

They showed clips of Trump blasting Hillary for being reckless with classified info. Trump said he wouldn't send clasified intel by email. Trump doesn't use a computer.

The plot is about putting bombs in laptops.

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This is a very interesting discussion today  if you ignore Joe's cheap shots.

Joe is happy about Charlie Sykes article about anti- anti - Trumpism.

Joe is mad that he & Mika were attacked last night o Tucker Carlson's show for disclosing KAC's comments about needing a shower for dealing with Trump. It's a rule on cable tv that you don't discuss off air conversations on air.

Joe wants Conservatives to put Country before Party. Joe is mad at other broadcasters who do things for cheap ratings points even if its bad for America.


There used to be a TV show in 2015 on in the morning that allowed Trump on every day to call in & make ridiculous statements. The two hosts eneded up getting engaged to each other. I am glad they never did anything for ratings:))

Ratner took a shot at Trump supporter Hugh Hewitt. Joe said he didn't know. Ratner should know better than attack future MSNBC host Hugh Hewitt. Hugh is on his way to Friend of the Show status!.  Joe deflected and went back to discussing Sykes!.


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Chrystia Freeland, a former MJ frequent guest & Canada's current Foreign Affair Minister came on the show. She congratulated Mika & Joe on their engagement . Mika's face froze & said that is so awkward!. Joe didn't say anything. Chrystia said Joe looked younger now that he was with Mika. She also complimented Mika on being a good influence on Joe's wardrobe. Joe used to dress like a slob when Chrystia was on the show.

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Elise Jordan is my absolute favorite.  Her great showing on MJ has led to be a guest on other MSNBC shows.

This morning she had a mini rant about trump taking over the republican party because they were afraid of him running as an independent.  To which she basically said, so what.  Elise is right, he could not have kidnapped the democratic party.

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Both parties are the same Both parties are the same Both parties are the same

Sen.Ben Sasse NE R 

No shit head you can't say that. We are not the same or equal or alike. Democrats lie too is not going to hide the shit storm we are in and you and GOP are covering up. 



So much this!  Sasse was trying to disguise a classic "pox on both of their houses" false equivalency.  It's an old trick.  I'm not fooled by the pretty face.  

Later when Joe went on his little "where is the modern-day Barry Goldwater" rant, I laughed so hard my side started to hurt.  Really, Joe?  You still think such a thing as a Barry-Goldwater Republican still exists?  That rant was fake or, rather, Joe was faking it.  Twitler's followers do not care how much he lies or how harmful his lies are and Joe knows it.  

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I seriously eyerolled their righteous indignation about McMaster, spinning it that he was sent out by Trump to lie, how dare Trump do that to this national hero, blah blah. Children, please. The weaselly precision of McMaster's statement - technically accurate but not complete and thus misleading - means that McMaster knew what had happened and was trying the "nothing to see here" act on the press. He's as dirty as the rest of them. Just because he's some bipartisan Beltway darling doesn't mean he gets a pass.


Elise Jordan is my absolute favorite.  Her great showing on MJ has led to be a guest on other MSNBC shows.

Me too. I'm not always on the same page politically but she's intelligent and articulate and doesn't let herself get bullied, and a bit of an iconoclast. Before M&J fell out of love with the Trump and Jared and Ivanka, she was the most likely to call BS on their fawning.  I can see she and Michael Hastings were a couple, and I'm glad they took some time to talk about the new movie based on his book.

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36 minutes ago, Mumbles said:

I seriously eyerolled their righteous indignation about McMaster, spinning it that he was sent out by Trump to lie, how dare Trump do that to this national hero, blah blah. Children, please. The weaselly precision of McMaster's statement - technically accurate but not complete and thus misleading - means that McMaster knew what had happened and was trying the "nothing to see here" act on the press. He's as dirty as the rest of them. Just because he's some bipartisan Beltway darling doesn't mean he gets a pass.

Me too. I'm not always on the same page politically but she's intelligent and articulate and doesn't let herself get bullied, and a bit of an iconoclast. Before M&J fell out of love with the Trump and Jared and Ivanka, she was the most likely to call BS on their fawning.  I can see she and Michael Hastings were a couple, and I'm glad they took some time to talk about the new movie based on his book.

I am mesmerized by Elise's piercing eyes. She deserves credit for sticking to her views about Trump

“The hosts of MSNBC’s Morning Joe have become virulent critics of the President and those close to him,” Conway said. “Ignoring insults and insinuations is a valuable skill. But when sentiments are attributed to me that are not true, it is necessary to respond.”


This is currently #1 of the Most Viewed headlines on MSN's home page. The most recent Mika headlines were #1 and #2.

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15 minutes ago, suomi said:

“The hosts of MSNBC’s Morning Joe have become virulent critics of the President and those close to him,” Conway said. “Ignoring insults and insinuations is a valuable skill. But when sentiments are attributed to me that are not true, it is necessary to respond.”



Kellyanne you are picking a fight with the wrong people. They have three hours a day to rip you a new one. 

And as awful as Joe & Mika can be, you are a disgusting lying POS who sold out her country for a paycheck. 

Go alternative fact yourself. 

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34 minutes ago, suomi said:

Oakville - Is Kasie! MIA? Where was she last week/where is she this week?

I haven't seen her recently (altho I have missed a few shows) and I always read your recaps but I don't recall you mentioning her.

I have not see Kasie on Morning Joe. She has not sent a tweet since April 30. I wonder if she got married & is on her honeymoon. ? I miss Kasie's smile on MJ.

I remember several years ago when Savannah Guthrie had Kasie's job. Mika used to make fun of her when she was outside the White House in the rain.

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4 hours ago, teddysmom said:

Kellyanne you are picking a fight with the wrong people. They have three hours a day to rip you a new one. 

And as awful as Joe & Mika can be, you are a disgusting lying POS who sold out her country for a paycheck. 

Go alternative fact yourself. 

Mika & Joe should be careful. I am sure that they have said things "off air" that they would regret.

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Wednesday Recap. Joe is stuck in the Bunker with a new suit. Mika is on set with the usual cast of characters including Harold Ford Jr.

The White House is in Chaos! Joe knew it all along. Joe said it was wrong for the GOP to elect a Lifelong Democrat like Trump.

Barnicle is quoting Legal statutes about obstruction of justice.

Everyone now knows that Comey keeps detailed memos. Did anyone say this last week when he was fired?

Mika is overwhelmed and using her breathtaking news voice. She stumbled over her words.

Joe reminded the panel that the GOP Congress has to draft the articles of impeachment. There is a loose definition of high Crimes & Misdemeanours.

Comey has more credibility than Trump. Trump should have kept Sessions & Pence in the room for the meeting with Comey.

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The White House is in Chaos! Joe knew it all along. Joe said it was wrong for the GOP to elect a Lifelong Democrat like Trump.

I really wish Joe would stop throwing out this talking point. First, Trump himself said during the primary debates that he gave money to both Democrats and Republicans. That way whoever won would be indebted to him. It's called hedging your bets. Trump's only party loyalty was to whichever one would make him more money. Second, it wasn't the democrats who nominated him and got him elected president. Nice try shifting the blame, Joe, but he's your responsibility now! 

And third, Trump isn't in trouble because he is proposing Democratic ideas, it's because he is breaking the law and is a crazy megalomaniac!

Edited by ShuFace88
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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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