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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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14 minutes ago, meowmommy said:

They're up to 40,000 responses, vs. 1200 retweets and 5300 likes.  Ouch.

Almost every 3rd or 4th tweet I see is the anti Joe stuff. 

Do we think Joe will show up tomorrow?  If Willie is hosting and I hear him say "Joe & Mika are off today"  I will laugh my ass off 

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So when Trump leads a Lock Her Up or Send Them Back chant, it's ok.  But when Americans  boo the POTUS and chant Lock Him Up, it's not ok.  The First Amendment is one of the things that makes America great, Joe.  Americans exercising their rights to boo a POTUS who quid pro quo'd himself into an impeachment is the very definition of what it means to be an American.

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Mika has taken to Instagram to support Joe!!. She is quoting Michelle Obama & Elijah Cummings to defend Joe.

Joe's ego will need some more stroking today. Hopefully Joe's sycophants will send him a message of support. It's time for Mika's minions to let them know that they support her.

Joe should write a song bout being trashed on twitter.


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Must be nice from their throne to be able to slam the president on a daily basis on a show that reaches millions of viewers but god forbid some average paupies dare do it on what might be the only occasion they have to make their voice heard. Know your value, little citizens! Leave your opinions to the man on the TV! 

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14 minutes ago, oakville said:

Mika has taken to Instagram to support Joe!!. She is quoting Michelle Obama & Elijah Cummings to defend Joe.

Ugh.  The woman can't put together a coherent argument to save her life.  No kidding, Joe is still a conservative.  He just plays a 45 hater because their feud got personal.

She doesn't get the difference between a scripted attack on a political opponent and a spontaneous protest from frustrated citizens.  No, it's all about defending her man, no matter what.


Joe and I both feel strongly that our democracy is being challenged and even squandered every day by weak Republicans who cannot put country over party. It’s why Joe left the party. He is still a conservative. He is still a constitutionalist and he is still a man who deeply loves this country. He fears the rise of illiberalism, wherever it comes from. And right now, that is Donald Trump.

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1 hour ago, oakville said:

Mika has taken to Instagram to support Joe!!. She is quoting Michelle Obama & Elijah Cummings to defend Joe.

Joe's ego will need some more stroking today. Hopefully Joe's sycophants will send him a message of support. It's time for Mika's minions to let them know that they support her.

Joe should write a song bout being trashed on twitter.


Ok now it's a party!  I about drown in my tea from laughing when I read her post.  I guess neither grasps the concept of it's not too late to turn back . . . hee!

Thank God they found each other.

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2 hours ago, teddysmom said:

Do we think Joe will show up tomorrow?

Yup. He's probably looking forward to lecturing the uneducated, unwashed masses who dared criticize him.

"You know (Mika gazes at him adoringly), I took a lot of criticism yesterday for what I said about the behavior of people at the Nats' game. And you're all wrong!"

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Well here's a trip down memory lane I know we'll all enjoy.  Retrospective of the Love Affair that Wasn't meant to be.  You'll have to click on this tweet to get the whole thread in Twitter, but it's several examples of the times Joe & Mika praised Trump for avoiding taxes, questioning validity of elections, etc.  

May I also point out that Joe's new book (coming out next month) is called  "This Ends Badly". 

No shit, Sherlock. 

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48 minutes ago, XOQueens said:

It is 5pm and they are still trending on Twitter for the dragging they are receiving. 

Gotta warm the people up for his book release. 😂 

I hope NBC will give him a Prime Time Special for his book launch.

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They started with a clip of the president speaking about the capture of al Bagdahdi in Syria. Joe acted goofy and imitated the president's speech.  He did a weird voice and said Trump is Walter Mitty.   Going high, Joe!

Joe showed a screenshot of his own Twitter feed where he said the Republicans are desperate.  Willie said the Republicans have nowhere to go.

They showed stories about a new informant, Alexander Vintman who is a Purple Heart recipient.

Joe said Fox News attacked Vintman, who is an American hero.  

Mika said damning testimony is expected today.  The New York Times has his opening statement.  Mika said "Wow."

I am sorry, but reading every NY Times and WaPo story about Ukraine with no legal or procedural analysis is lazy.  Editing to add that, while the headlines are relevant each day, they never follow up later on the stories that they read at the start of the show.  The end result is a mishmash of "today's news" that is not integrated in a bigger picture.

Edited by nittanycougar
Explanation of my criticism of news story recitation
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I only saw a few minutes but they were doing everything but spinning plates and magic tricks to distract from yesterday.  I'm surprised they didn't put on a cooking segment

So when you bake an emotional support cake, be sure and add a healthy amount of the tears and embarrassment you suffer with every day as you try to crawl out of the muck which is the life you have made for yourself with your lies and hypocrisy. 

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3 hours ago, nittanycougar said:

Joe showed a screenshot of his own Twitter feed where he said the Republicans are desperate.  Willie said the Republicans have nowhere to go.

I don't think I have been so interested in their opening as I was today and it started the hilarity all over again . . . hmmm, what?  Nothing to see here, just trashing the republicans and the president like we do every day (and for the record HAVE BEEN DOING).  Pathetic.

I literally laughed so much weeding through their Twitter feeds and the comments I gave myself a sinus headache they were so stuffed up from crying laughter . . . yesterday was a good day (especially after they confirmed the doggo that was injured in the raid was ok and back on duty, yay!).

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21 minutes ago, Chloesmom said:

I don't think I have been so interested in their opening as I was today and it started the hilarity all over again . . . hmmm, what?  Nothing to see here, just trashing the republicans and the president like we do every day (and for the record HAVE BEEN DOING).  Pathetic.

I don’t agree with what they said yesterday about the booing, but I don’t think that they were suddenly becoming any more pro trump. They just thought that it was stooping to Trump’s level (I disagree with that, I had no problem with the booing/chants), but I unstand their point. 

BTW, I saw where Senator Chris Coons said something similar on CNN. He sais that he didn’t think that any president should be booed. 

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2 hours ago, cased said:

but I don’t think that they were suddenly becoming any more pro trump.

I don't think they're "pro Trump", I just think Mika's on this "Be Better" kick and she & Joe decided that there was some equivalency (however false) between what their former BFF has done, and a group of Americans exercising their First Amendment right of Free Speech and poking fun at him. 

Have they seen the riots in Hong Kong? The protests in Great Britain recently?  Sunday night was nothing compared to those. 

Mika didn't make it any better with her insipid defense of Joe "Look I love him and he's a conservative but WE ARE WORRIED ABOUT THE COUNTRY". 

Thank God the crowd wasn't yelling Medicare For All!! That would have really sent Joe over the edge. 

Edited by teddysmom
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1 hour ago, teddysmom said:

I'm surprised they didn't put on a cooking segment

A cooking segment with José Andrés, world famous chef/humanitarian/Trump critic/Nats fan (He threw the ceremonial first pitch during game five of the World Series. He got cheers. Later on Trump got booed.) would have been awesome!

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14 minutes ago, xaxat said:

A cooking segment with José Andrés, world famous chef/humanitarian/Trump critic/Nats fan (He threw the ceremonial first pitch during game five of the World Series. He got cheers. Later on Trump got booed.) would have been awesome!

I don't know that JoMika have ever even mentioned him. They usually don't compliment anyone who won't do something for them in return. 

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1 hour ago, teddysmom said:

I don't think they're "pro Trump", I just think Mika's on this "Be Better" kick and she & Joe decided that their was some equivalency (however false) between what their former BFF has done, and a group of Americans exercising their First Amendment right of Free Speech and poking fun at him. 

Have they seen the riots in Hong Kong? The protests in Great Britain recently?  Sunday night was nothing compared to those. 

Mika didn't make it any better with her insipid defense of Joe "Look I love him and he's a conservative but WE ARE WORRIED ABOUT THE COUNTRY". 

Thank God the crowd wasn't yelling Medicare For All!! That would have really sent Joe over the edge. 

I appreciate everyone's feedback and thoughts but for me this is a classic case of THEY CAN'T READ THE ROOM.  How could they, they are not touched by the struggles of the middle class they claim to care about.  Good grief, he's wearing shorts on air.  Make no mistake, I have seen folks that are brought in to speak to a given segment posting shots of themselves in shorts but never a host of their own show.  Please go back to the south of France as I think that is where you are most comfortable.

Seriously, they are just so gross.

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19 minutes ago, Chloesmom said:

Good grief, he's wearing shorts on air. 

Joe imagines himself as one of those Nantucket Douche Bros wearing a blazer and shorts as they drink Manhattans and yacht around the Cape. 

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The top story is Trump attacking war heroes including yesterday's impeachment witness. They showed video of his remarks about John McCain.  Mika said that attacking heroes does not work for anyone affiliated with Trump.

Joe said they debase themselves with attacks.  Joe knows something about debasing oneself.

Joe brought up Zbig Brzezenski.  Dr. Z was a patriot who served the country every moment and appreciated it.  That's great, but how is it relevant to anything?

Got news for you, Joe and Mika.  Most Americans under 50 are unfamiliar with Zbig B. and don't care what he thought.  They act like he was a two-term president.  I was a small child when Dr. Z was In the White House and have no memory of the man.  

Edited by nittanycougar
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Secret Agent Clint is back.

Baseball talk. Joe said he was right about the Nationals winning game 6. Joe likes Strasburg.

Joe said the umpire botched the call at 1B. Barnicle said America needs baseball.

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Joe was upset about Katie Hill having to resign over "Revenge Porn".  Her ex husband released x rated photos of her.

Joe said he didn't want to discuss the ethics probes against her if she had stayed in Congress.

The rules now prohibit members of Congress from having sexual relationships with their staff.

Mika thought her video was very moving. She might join KYV as a contributor, 

Joe recommended a NDA. Joe is opposed to revenge porn.

Joe & Mika were excited that Obama was taking on people that get worked up over Twitter rage.

Joe pounded the table a few times in agreement with Obama. Joe hates it when people complain about his tweets.

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4 hours ago, nittanycougar said:

Got news for you, Joe and Mika.  Most Americans under 50 are unfamiliar with Zbig B. and don't care what he thought.  They act like he was a two-term president.  I was a small child when Dr. Z was In the White House and have no memory of the man.  

Did I catch Mika saying that she too was the child of immigrants, during the convo on Lt Col Vindman? Can't not make it about yourself, can you Meeks?  

We're all descendants of immigrants.  And while we're tossing around ancestry,  I'm a Daughter of the American Revolution, so stick that in your pipe and smoke it.  My 3rd great grandfather served in the Revolutionary War.  

I notice we're jumping on the "don't look up old tweets  or comments trying to bring people down" trope this morning. I can't imagine where this is coming from. 

BTW Joe, your Poindexter glasses don't make you look smarter, you just look douchier than you did yesterday wearing shorts with a sports coat. 

Why do I feel like I'm watching Jaws 3D when it comes to Mika's boobs?  I keep thinking they're going to come thru the screen & bite me. 

Edited by teddysmom
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41 minutes ago, oakville said:

Joe & Mika were excited that Obama was taking on people that get worked up over Twitter rage.

Joe pounded the table a few times in agreement with Obama. Joe hates it when people complain about his tweets.

I think President Obama is getting worked up about purity tests for political candidates, and people trying to "out woke" each other, not about assholes who say stupid shit and then have hissy fits on Twitter, Joe. 

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6 hours ago, nittanycougar said:

Most Americans under 50 are unfamiliar with Zbig B. and don't care what he thought.  They act like he was a two-term president.  I was a small child when Dr. Z was In the White House and have no memory of the man.  

I am not an American under 50, and in fact, I was an Air Force intelligence officer when Dr. Z was serving in the White House.  I do remember who he was, and thought he was good at his job, but he didn't ever give me reason to think his name would ever be uttered in hushed, worshipful tones for all eternity.

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11 minutes ago, meowmommy said:

I do remember who he was, and thought he was good at his job, but he didn't ever give me reason to think his name would ever be uttered in hushed, worshipful tones for all eternity.

Because at the time you didn't know his daughter would use him as her claim to fame.  And that his daughter's  ne'er do well husband would latch onto that. 

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I just wanted to clarify that I am not trying to insult anyone's age.  I myself will be 50 in a few years.  I just don't understand this idea of Joe and Meeks bringing up her father's history to illustrate anything about the current government. There have been six presidential administrations since Zbig Brzezinski was in the WH. Time marches on.

Edited by nittanycougar
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6 minutes ago, nittanycougar said:

I just wanted to clarify that I am not trying to insult anyone's age.  I myself will be 50 in a few years.

If you're referring to me, I wasn't insulted at all.  Can't be insulted by a fellow Nittany Cougar, after all!

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